Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Fresh thread.  Another 60 degree day...


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 830   Newer›   Newest»
magpie said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandson Zachary, Lolly...sorry I missed seeing the post earlier....

me old eyebals aint'w what they used to be

hedgie said...

Sissy had this on FB 2 hrs. ago:
From Robyn: Tori had a fever last night and her white count dropped real low but it is slowly rising back up. She said if she does not detect worry from the medical staff, she will not overly freak out (just a little). Laura her nurse informed her that Tori had an uneventful night.

I guess I haven't gotten far enough back on FB yet to see that post.

Mema Jo said...

Interesting about the puzzle!
I have your hic cups Lolly...Going to hold my breath!

Lynn you best take GG no more that a 300 piece and hope they are large pcs.

magpie said...

You're One Very Special Grandmommy, Lolly...
and Jack the same, no doubt, as Granddaddy

(( Hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

I need to go back and read the blog. I know I have missed a lot. Did I tell you, it go up to 74 yesterday. Wild! And, it is already 62 and going up again today. We do have rain in the forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow. Wahooooo!

Also, an interesting article in the paper this morning. A restaurant in DC held a benefit for Bastrop. Hill Country BBQ in DC raised several thousand dollars. Cool!

hedgie said...

Hurray for the DC restaurant....wonder if Loretta knew about that??

Sounds like a good b-day plan for Zach, Lolly. Enjoy!

Jo--didn't have any smaller puzzles. I chose 2--both 1000 pieces....but they are large pictures....hope they don't overly-challenge GG!

CarolAnne said...

Just remind GG to sort the pieces -- find all the edge pieces, same color, etc and go from there. I'm betting she can do it!!

hedgie said...

Getting close to that time for me....feeling decent enough that I even put on make-up!! Haven't tried to eat----except for a couple of Christmas cookies. Who knows...maybe I'll even feel like a burger with my Frosty!

CarolAnne said...

Lynn, remember to get some SALTY fries too.

Lolly said...

Wish I lived closer to GG. We have many puzzles as well.

Lynn, sure hope you can go for the burger and salty fries!! Had to laugh about your hat comment. I would be right there with you. OMG I wake up with bad bed head every day! No, electrity....yikes!!

Lolly said...

Wish we had an eagle in the nest. No eagle...no egg. Come on Belle!!

CarolAnne said...

Are you all still having problems with the 200 thingy? I wonder if its an East coast transmission problem.

I always get a tan background, with a list of the blogs Steve has created, most current on top. Once I click on that I get the blog with a 1-200 count. If there are more than 200 I get the "newer, newest" links. At the bottom of the chat I have in red "Oldest, Older". Even if I post a comment, it still all comes back.

Cannot imagine how it affects some and not others - weird.

Mema Jo said...


Faster to ground than a speeding fox. Able to dig a burrow in a single day. It’s a woodchuck, it’s a whistle pig — it’s a GROUNDHOG! Though the groundhog may seem an unlikely object of attention, all eyes will be on these super rodents on February 2, popularly known as Groundhog Day.

hedgie said...

Logging off. See you all later this afternoon! Hopefully with bells on!!!

CarolAnne said...

Bye Lynn!

Mema Jo said...

Mostly all of my puzzles are down at
the Beach House. If I don't have a good
book we hit the puzzles especially if
grandkids are there. My parents and I
always had a puzzle going.

Lolly, it sound like Sat is going to be
a party day! Zach will love having Jacob and Joseph there.

Well it is lunch time!

CarolAnne said...

Guess I need to go in search of a groundhog avatar for tomorrow.

hedgie said...

I may forego the burger and just get the fries!! Still think they have the best!!

C/A--it apparently all depends on how we view....clicking on the DAY brings up everything okay....then when we comment, it takes us to the white page with the text block on the right.


Lori O. said...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks C/A - just tried that & see the
1-200 . When I get the Home page I had
always clicked on the count - but now it still bring me to 1st page which is ok if the 200 hasn't been reached. But if it is over 200 I just go in blind to where everyone is.
Thanks for the info - now I can see

Lori O. said...

Just got home from work...hear noises on the cam! Wanted to check in a see that all is okay in blogland, and indeed, you are!

Nap time. BBL.

CarolAnne said...

I have/had no idea if I was going about it right or wrong. Just wanted to share what has worked all along for me.

CarolAnne said...

Have to go find my puffy paint tubes. They appear to have walked off. Or . . . . did I use them up and just forgot.

paula eagleholic said...

Dip those fries in that Frosty, Lynn...yummm

I will be totally shocked if that Groundhog says there will be 6 more weeks of winter...

Lolly said...

CA..not an east coast problem, as I have it too. I get do not get the "oldest newest" on the first page, just the 1- 200. I have to post to get beyond the 200. After I get beyond the first page I do have the "oldest newest", but if I go back to the first page of the thread it is always 1 - 200.

Lolly said...

Okay, now see where we can read the comments without having to put in a "?" or post. I am like Jo, always have clicked on the number and that does not work anymore to see the posts.

Lolly said...

Time to start my day. Really the day is half gone and here I sit. Not good!

Hoda said...



Good morning good afternoon all.

Another 13 hour sleep...I am so rested!!! I think I am fighting a bug of sorts as my face was all poofed up when I woke up...I am having my tea now and then get ready to go to yoga.

Thank you for the eagle report.

SANDI a Special Ed's students actions are always connected to their condition. It is a no brainer to me...I feel sad about your student.

I was on National Radio 6 o'clock news hour last night. My friend in Pakistan heard me!!! I missed it. I had phoned to say my opinion on the reports that the prime minister is going to change the rules for Old Age Security cheques.

Off to yoga I go...see you all later. HUGS...

LADY LYNN a considerate and gracious...what esle would you expect really...You are awesome that you told transport you did not need a ride and thanked them to boot...Lots of class there LYNN WAY TO GO LADY LYNN.

wvgal_dana said...

I wish they would fix this so you didn't have to post a post just to get to the right place.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, try clicking on the word "Tuesday" here at the top of the page...will give you the tan background, but has the older, newer links as well

Mema Jo said...


If anyone would wish to contribute to medical expenses of Tori's this is the
site where to go.

There is on Caring Bridge a donation and that goes to the Caring Bridge maintenance.

Best thing you can do is spread the word
to all to Be a DONOR

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and what is the red or pink at 530 in nest is that blood?????????????EWWW

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, that was yesterday's nestovers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Update from Bobbi:

just talked to Robyn. Tori is coming along great and they hope to have all tubes out of her by this weekend at which time Robyn was told Tori would be flying solo. Tears of joy are flowing at this end. Thank you God

JudyEddy said...

Had a meeting with store manager this am and thought I had one with District mgr at one but wrong on the day I emailed him yesterday am and didn't know he answered me right back was suppose to be one yesterday not today so I will have to do that Mon and off course this man the new boss is by the book if you are in a position you must perform that job no matter what so right now I will keep doing what I am doing until I get re evaluated by Workman's Comp and I email Ken Ellis and asked him to expedite it so I can get this over I know what the answer is ahead of time that they will not give in they go by the rules and will not bend them for anyone even if it has been in the past New boss is a stickler Now just to wait to hear I did make a copy of the emails and have them here with me and I hope HO reads them also I know the look at all we do

So just have to keep smiling and gritting my teeth and wait but for now I still get my pay

JudyEddy said...

When I am on vacation like I said last nite I am goint to the Social Sec office and see what I can get now I can't find the papers that they send out the I have all up to 2009 and can't find the recent ones Miss filed I guess

JudyEddy said...

LYNN so glad you felt human this am Just started reading the blog Wow lots of noise at the nest huh

Sandi said...

Hi all, checking in from school to see an MT nest - NOT what I was hoping for. But the blog tells me that she's been eating in the nest again and I can see the blood, so that's a good sign.
C/A - did you know that horseshoe crab blood is used by the pharmaceutical and medical industries to insure that IV drugs & vaccines have no bacterial contamination? When I was reading the info. about vultures and the enzymes in their digestive system, it made me think of that. Horseshoe crabs are an important creature here in DE! Just trivia - who knows, it may be the Final jeopardy question one night!
HODA, not true that a special ed. student's actions are always a manifestation of his/her disability. If a student is emotionally disturbed, you could argue that s/he may have done something criminally wrong for lack of being able to distinguish between right and wrong. If a student has severe ADHD, you could argue that the impulsivity associated with ADHD could contribute to the child's actions. But if a kid is learning disabled in math or reading, that would, in know way, affect the child's ability to know right from wrong. Complicated, but that's the purpose of the hearing. In this student's case, he is currently identified as having a learning disability. But the psychologist at the detention center argued that he also has attention issues and emotional issues from being abandoned and abused. We NEVER saw emotional or attentional issues when he was at Selbyville Middle. So, the group was not in agreement about whether his disability affected his decision making.
LOLLY, love Zach's book party idea! For the past 2 years, my sister's daughter Madeline, who has a February birthday, asked her party guests to bring something to donate to the local animal shelter instead of a gift for her. Then Madeline got to deliver everything to the shelter. The first year she did it, she also got to pick out a dog to take home!! Now THAT was a great gift! I'm so proud of Madeline (she'll be 10 this year) for her unselfishness!
OK, back to work! Happy to hear that things are progressing for Tori and Joe. Later friends!

JudyEddy said...

Great news about JOE eating Still reading BBL

JudyEddy said...

and I see we had a long visit by Belle again

JudyEddy said...

Sharon you have earned your wings by being such a good dear friend to NILA

JudyEddy said...

oops Ice chips is not food but being hungry is a good sign MY BAD

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

We are in the lo 80° right now had to turn on AC in truck on the way home

JudyEddy said...

Today when I was talking to the store manger I said so in other words I will be a people greeter and have to take a pay cut HE SAID NO I didn't say that BUT it is implied because of my limitations I am so sick of the game playing they are doing Why can't they just make an exception like in the past PIA PIA PIA and I want to say more just sick of it I just wish they would open up my WC and get it over with that way I can get my lawyer involved They want a fight I will give them a fight ok I should keep dwelling on it but its part of my life now enough said I guess

JudyEddy said...

CA I am in Fl and have the same issue I think that Jim in CA said he wasn't having issue I wonder about ANDY we need to take a pole on it LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY in TX do you have the 200 issue also?????????

JudyEddy said...

Did I chase everyone away??????????????

JudyEddy said...

time to head back to work see you after work HAGD

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Did quickly get to see Belle this morning. Seemed to be enjoying some sunshine.

Lynn, you are done with treatments and, of course, you were your usual sweet and gracious self. Enjoy whatever you are able to eat.

Glad the news about Joe continues to be positive and that Tori had no serious complications overnight.

Hoda, hope you feel better and also wishing Jo would send that cough to the secret hiding place near a bear den.

Have been trying to organize papers, lectures today. Darth has meetings so I'm headed for a basketball game tonight. Need some time away from computer and crime.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie how there is no "crime" at the basketball game tonight. So that you can enjoy it.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula when I first come onto the Shepherdstown Blog page and I click on the red day on the tan page. It only takes me to the first comments. It won't take me to all of them or have newest or older on it.

I did try it on here but see we have already split and it will show here but not when you first come in.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you can take your pom poms with you but stay off the playing floor! lol

Mema Jo said...

Remember this - Whether you see numbers or not sure to where your comment will
go - Just say
Here I come, I know not where
Just hoping it's with all of you

CarolAnne said...

WVDana, that is so strange. If I click on the day, no problems. If I instead just click on the comment count then I get the "200" problem. But not if I click on the day, though it does take a few moments for the "newer, newest" to show up.

Hope everyone finds an easy, non-frustrating way onto the blog.

CarolAnne said...

Just looking at my Feb. calendar and I wondered: How many know someone born on Feb. 29th?

Wonder what the advantages & disadvantages are.

Mema Jo said...

Feet Up

Company for dinner BBILW

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, I don't have any problems if I click on the word, Tuesday in either place. Try it again...

wvgal_dana said...

@Judie that was suppose to be "hope"

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I just went back to the Shepherdstown Blog tan page. Click on the Day in red. It came up showing comments
last one Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:26:00 PM

Then the words in red
Post a Comment
It does not show all the comments.

Mema Jo said...

C/A - one advantage is that your age
doesn't increase each year. But your
body does...... BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my friends!

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, that's weird, Dana. Does it do the same thing when you click on the red Tuesday on this page?

wvgal_dana said...

YES Paula does the same thing. Takes me to only comments on other side of this thread.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry it doesn't work for you Dana...I am using Firefox.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Jumping on here really quickly to post what I didn't have time to type in last night. Here goes:


Hoda, very happy no root canal was needed! Thank God!

Loretta, prayers for your dentist appt. on Thursday! Hoping no cave will be necessary!

DanaMo, glad you got thru the parent visitation day OK. Prayers for Frisbee! How is he doing?

Shirley, really happy for Susan. So glad she likes her new job!

Lynn, it's your last day of treatment! Hope those fries taste really good to you, and stay where they belong!

Lynne2, disturbing article about the NBG nest. Makes me feel very uneasy. If they insist on removing the nest, hope they wait until AFTER the nesting season!

Jo, glad you have some meds for the cough! Prayers that you will improve rapidly with each new day!
Thanks for the post about Sandra.
Prayers for the family!

Still praising God and giving thanks for Tori and Joe!
Margy, you got it right: "One breath, and one heartbeat at a time."

JudyE, prayers for Lissa's 8-week-old GD, for sure!

Margy, congratulations to the dispatcher & her Deputy husband on their new daughter.

Prayers, JudyE, for Angie's dog Sabari's ears. Also definitely praying about your work situation! Hang in there! (((Hugs)))!

Well, have LOTS of work to do again, so gotta run. HAGD, everyone! :o]

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

Home from school and getting ready to make some chicken so Andrew can eat before class.

Student appreciation was a hit. At the end of the talent show there was a flash mob by the 8th graders. I cried like a baby. My baby, my last student at St. Mary's. I've had someone there for the past 12 years and I won't have anyone coming to ask for money or to sign papers anymore. My kinders will no longer get to know my kids. :( They got their special t-shirts today and they will now get to wear them every Friday with their uniforms until graduation.

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, you always have such fun things, excluding parent visitation day, going on in your classroom...and you get to wear such fun clothes!

Sandi said...

Hi all! No afternoon visits? Hmmm, maybe Belle hasn't flipped her calendar to February yet? Mine says, 2/1 - Faculty meeting, Heartgard Day, Time for an egg at the NCTC nest!
Someone expressed concerns over the viability of eggs b/c of Shep's age. My understanding is that young females will sometimes lay eggs that aren't viable or have problems with knowing how to brood the eggs properly. That happened last spring at the Columbus peregrine falcon nest I followed. But I have never read anything about possible problems with a young, inexperienced male - not to say that there couldn't be some. Lots of noise at NCTC this afternoon!

Lori O. said...

Hi Sandi!
I was so busy at work this morning I didn't get to see that visit so I'm really looking forward to seeing them this evening. I also wanted to say thank for your hug for your former student yesterday. We all need that. ♥

hedgie said...

Hello. I'm home!

First, CarolAnne---my Carolyn's 2nd-BFF is a 2/29 baby. Even though she celebrates on the 28th in normal years, I think the party is enhanced in Leap Year!

My Bill just missed it!! He was born on the 28th....and his mother never remembered the time!!

Okay, radiation is done! Even got a Certificate of Completion. Will scan it and post on my blog!!! Onc told me to go ahead and use the Citrate of Magnesia as the big bomb tonight.....since I don't have to go anywhere for a few days! He said okay to mix it with Gin for a G&T if that makes it more palatable! Electrolytes are down...he gave me a script for potassium. And I forgot to drop it at the pharmacy!! DUH! Pain patch is making me a little loopy---driving was a little disconcerting. :(

Fries were a bust---they now leave skin on parts of them...did not make me habby. Frosty was yummy!!

Sandi said...

YAY LYNN!! I suggest that we ALL raise a glass of something this evening in a toast to Lynn for finishing her treatments!!

Lori O. said...

YAY LYNN! You must be smiling ear to ear! Congratulations on finishing your treatment, or is it just the radiation? Big Hugs and celebratory cyber balloons everywhere! ♥

magpie said...

I'm watching Osprey up close and personal on the Perch at Dunedin,
cars whizzing past in the background

Hello Eagle Pals...
I've missed you guys today !
xo ♥

magpie said...

Well, Loop away, Lynn...we'll be loopy with Habbiness with You;
Congratulations, Bravo, Clap Clap Clap
(( Hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Logging on to PC to post my pic.

hedgie said...

Sandi, I knew that trivia about the horseshoe crabs!! Isn't nature amazing???

Judie said...


hedgie said...

OK, it's on my Lair.

magpie said...

Sometimes I click on the day and read first, sometiems
I just post and go
hello hello
will it show

and go to the newer part of the thread
I see we are all making some clever accommodations

Have Fun Tonight Judie!

DanaMo said...

A toast to Lynn! I raise my Amstel (or I will when I have one later) to you!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


Judie said...

Good early evening.

Lynn, congratulations lady. Sorry about the fries but habby about the Frosty. Hope you sleep quietly tonight and wake up to a day of sunshine.

Dana, you may have tried this but: click on the day, scroll to the bottom, see if you get an option of clicking on newest, click to get to most recent posts (read only, of course).

Happy Birthday wishes for Glo and Zack.

MT nest a couple of minutes ago.

Will be heading out to the big school house. Hope GDub wins.


magpie said...

That's Beyond Awesome, Lynn

Well Done, The Words fit you to a "T" - -
as in Terrific

xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Added a few pics of the 8th grade class.

magpie said...

my brother Fred's wife is Feb 29 birthday

she is going to be
so I think she is going to be "15" this year LOL

in non-leap-years years they celebrate on March 1

magpie said...

L♥ve the report of your day, DanaMo...

Sandi said...

DMo, what song did the 8th graders do? What a fun thing for them! I never had my boys in the school where I taught. Both were "square peg in a round hole" kids - very unique! I didn't want to be eating lunch in the faculty room and have a teacher come in and say, "You will never guess what Brian/Kevin did today!" It was a good decision for the other teachers, for the boys, and for me!

magpie said...

GREAT Update regarding Tori

and those ice chips for Joe will probably taste like a fine steak !
Hope real food comes along soon for him

My sister went for nearly 12 days withough food, before and after after appendicitis surgery, ice chips, like
ChateauBriand she said

Lynne2 said...

YAY LYNN!!!!!! ((((HUGS)))

Lori O. said...

Someone is shaking the cam!

Sandi said...


Lori O. said...

EAGLE in from LEFT.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...

I see an EAGLE!

hedgie said...

Think it's Belle.....

Sandi said...

WOW - talk about moving some flugg!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My heavens, she has a whole field of flugg!

Sandi said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just came in!

Lori O. said...



Sandi said...

Guess Belle decided that cup wasn't deep enough for eggs?

hedgie said...

LOL, Paula....tried a beer yesterday with my chunk of sub....it did taste good!! But wondered if it caused the acidic after-effect!?!

Lori O. said...

Think SHEP forgot the take out order at the restaurant. :)

hedgie said...

And one of my glasses of V-8 last week was a real bloody mary!

Lori O. said...

POOF BELLE = out over 3.

hedgie said...

Go, Colonials!!! Be careful, Judie!!! Enjoy the game.

My Wendy's snack is history. DAMN!

Lori O. said...

Very elegant BELLE flyaway

Sandi said...

C'mon guys, I've waited all day for a visit - is that it??!! REALLY??!!

Lori O. said...

LYNN, enjoy your special evening. Have a drink for me.

Headed to bed in a few. Going in to work even earlier tomorrow!

Goodnight all. Prayers for all in need...I'll be saying them soon. ♥

hedgie said...

Short visit....but in the current light, bowl does look bigger and deeper!

Going to sofa for a little R&R. Eyes are heavy. AND Liesl is demanding it!

DanaMo----how are the dog ears responding??

DanaMo said...

They did "The Evolution of Dance"
If someone took a video I will post it tomorrow. I didn't, I was busy crying. And I can't take still pictures and video at the same time.

JudyEddy said...

no new thread and still the 200 issue and NO EAGLE IN THE NEST MAYBE THERE IS STILL TIME

Kay said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I think they went for dessert..
Oatmeal Creme Pies

Rest well Lynn

and Good Night Lori !
Geeze, what a schedule you have these days.....

magpie said...

Gibbous, Waxing Moon at 67%...
trying to see what kind of cloud cover we're in for

DanaMo said...

Sad that it was such a short visit. When is she going to lay and egg??? Patience is not one of my virtues.

CarolAnne said...

Yea Lynn/Poor Lynn
Certificate of Completion - Yea!
Stomach upset - Boo
Rest well.

Lynn, have you tried sticking with a bland menu for a few days - chicken soup, pudding, jello, crackers and of course ice cream in small amounts.

Dad use to eat 6 - 8 times a day while doing chemo & rad. Little servings of jello & pudding, cup of soup, etc.

Other than losing his hair & fingernails, he never lost weight.

Take care lady, we want you ALL BETTER!

magpie said...

Increasing clouds, 60% chance of rain tonight
party cloudy, then afternoon sun,
highs upper 50's

magpie said...

I loved the story about your niece Madeline's Birthday party....with the gifts for the shelter, and then her coming home with a dog !

DanaMo said...

Frisbee is pouting right now because I just put the drops in both ears. They still look pretty tough. I think it will be a few days of medication before I see improvement.

paula eagleholic said...

flugg is good!

Heading home, catch ya later...

Sandi said...

MARGY, the nicest part of the story with Madeline is that my sister and brother in-law didn't promise her a dog if she agreed to give up gifts for herself. Madeline agreed with her parents that it would be a nice thing to do since her birthday is just a month and a half after Christmas! Then, when she took this huge box of stuff to the shelter, she found out that she could adopt one of the dogs there. They now have a wonderful yellow lab mix named Daisy!

JudyEddy said...

I found me a ground hog pictures there are sooooo many to choose from Could change every hour and never run out of them

JudyEddy said...

OK I am a little slo ya know I figured it out that you can read all the comments before commenting just click on the day instead of the work comment there is the newer and older thing to click on I just hope this isn't a permanent thing but you can read them all before you comment OF course you may have know that I just figured it out myself Like I said I am a little slo LOL

magpie said...

Perfect sounding dog, and wonderful name for a Yellow Lab...
Thanks, Sandi, for "the rest of the story."
That's really dear......

JudyEddy said...

I am goning to watch news before I finish reading todays comments BBL

Kay said...

Good Evening ! Just completed two wonderful days with Seth and Malcolm. Happy to tune in to see some facts.

LYNN, so glad the treatments are history and hope all systems are go and running well in a very short time !

Grand news about both Joe and Tori ! Hallelujah !

♫♫ Happy Birthday ♪♫ to Glo and to Zach !!!!

Glad Belle and Shep visited today, but have to hope we'll see an egg and a lot more of them very soon !

Prayers for all in need !


Hoda said...


Rainy day here and I am feeling well with my day...some changes in my yoga classes. Sunday Yoga is now out for me as it is a Level II ANUSARA yoga and I am not ready for that...I am a bit sad over that one and I will see what other form of exercise I can bring into my life...

Thanks SANDI for your views on Special Ed and Learning Disabilities. Not everyone who is learning disabled has problems with the law, but I do honestly believe that when they have problems with the law somewhere along the path there is a connection to learning disability. I hear what you said though and respect it and appreciate the time you took to write about it.
I checked with the Pharmacy here and we do not carry Pro-enamel Iso Active tooth paste. I already use Pro enamel Senseodyne tooth paste it is what we have here.I have not had my orange for today and my teeth are fine...I am experimenting...Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for the report on the evening visit...it was short.

Mema Jo said...

Latest on FB: Robyn Ann Schonhans Tori is well, saw Dr. Garcia and he said hopefully this weekend we can close tori up and remove the tubes. Her chest cavity has expanded a bit and if it doesn't open anymore they will have the plastic surgeon come in and adjust a bracket to accommodate her lungs. Hopefully tori's body will expand
2 hours ago

Mema Jo said...

bbl Company is here

Hoda said...

PAULA I can not vote for the Animal Rescue site because it is not allowing me. I have been trying both IE and Firefox and it is a no go...Maybe later on the day it will be on...are you having trouble with it?

wvgal_dana said...

Nope no newer older nothing just the list of comments that don't go all the way to all the comments either.

No go for me. I still have to go to blog and click and on the last comment shown (which is really not last comment) if have to put something in the comment and hit publish.grrrrrr

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I might just celebrate with you tonight and add some Bacardi Rum to my diet pepsi tonight. Oh my just checked getting low in that bottle. Still plenty for a celebration drink to Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I can't get into vote either.

I'll have a beer with my tacos in a toast to the end of Lynn's treatment!

JudyEddy said...

I wish I had some milk I would have a toasted almond to celebrate with you all Ice tea will just have to do Or I could drive up and get milk

JudyEddy said...

so happy LYNN today is your last day of treatment

wvgal_dana said...

I ask Steve what all the beeping and construction was. Here is what he said:The noise is from the Wild Goose Subdivision Project down the street across from the corner of Shepherd Grade and Terrapin Neck Road. They are doing road work. This work is being done far far beyond the nest boundary.

I also ask him could Shep be sterile? His ansswer: On the eagle, anything is possible, we have no way to tell.

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA. I will keep trying and eventually I am sure it will come up again. It has been working like a charm since you first posted the animal rescue site.

Lolly said...

Wahooo, Lynn! And a certificate to boot! Wahoo!! Read your certificate to Jack and he added..."and the ability to glow in the dark!" LOL Are you glowing, except for the thrill of being through? Raising my glass of wine to you! Love you!!!!

Worked in the yard all afternoon. Jack decided to burn so rake we did and sweat was pouring from me. When we decided to stop I went to the front yard and pulled weeds that were coming up with my larkspur. Then I got on the mower and mowed the far front. It is still so wet. Wow!

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I got the picture on the Norfolk site There are three different ones and that is the only one that lets you put pictures

Lolly said...

Jack thinks he wants to eat. Guess I should go prepare some dinner. Have already showered and in my pj's. I am comfy for the evening.

JudyEddy said...

OK WVDana its up to you to get a specimen of Shep LOL Just kidding

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go see what I can rustle up to eat I hate foraging for food LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know if this has been told about Tori yet or not. From Bobbi:
Robyn just told me this afternoon that when tori opened her eyes and the nurse told her she had her new lungs Tori cried. Robyn said her and tori's dad started crying hearing it. love all"

magpie said...

there's still some pretty good Moonshine on the nest...

JudyEddy said...

No WVDana I don't recall reading that at all That is so neat and really great that she opened her eyes and is aware of it

Lolly said...

Just checked again the alternate way to get to the blog. LOL Live and learn! This works just fine. Dana I find it hard to believe that yours is different. When you first click on the blog click on the big TUESDAY. After that, mine said in big letters 560 comments and to the right of that you could go to to the newest comments.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks you DanaWV...so happy that Tori knows!

JudyEddy said...

Now why did you spill your moonshine on the nest Margy you were suppose to drink a toast to Lynn with it LOL

magpie said...

As Lynn would say, Lolly

You are a Whirling Dervish

Glad your workday (except for making dinner) is ending...

nice post, Dana, thanks...
that's beautiful

Clear Skies predicted for Thursday Night, and bigger Moon

magpie said...

I'm having a Milk Toast to Lynn, JudyE ☺
That's about my speed

JudyEddy said...

and the newest and oldest is really little compared to here

JudyEddy said...

me with Ice tea and if I had milk I have Kaula and Amaretto in the refri it is about 5 years old I wonder if its still good LOL

JudyEddy said...

I hear a helicopter

CarolAnne said...

Evening all = just wanted to share some medical advice:

I am passing this on because it worked for me today. A Dr. on TV said to have inner peace we should always finish things we start & we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around my house to find things I'd started & hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum.

magpie said...

I'll tell yuou in about 2 mins if that chopper makes it to Martinsburg

wvgal_dana said...

Well I be dang!!!! Lolly it took you to come on here and I guess 7:33 may be lucky numbers for me. I should play them. IT WORKED!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...


magpie said...

No it did not...
but I did see Moon, Jupiter, Venus in a straight light...in that order, Westward
and Orion

JudyEddy said...

ODD did anyone this year get a income tax book in the mail I didn't I guess I will have to go to they library tomorrow to pick up my form

Mema Jo said...

So very happy for your completion of the rad treatments. The certificate
surely stated your beautiful character!

Family came to dinner and we just hanged out for a while afterwards.

Hubby says it is movie time 8-10...
These TV repeats are getting old hat!

Sandi said...

When I went to check out the moonshine on the nest, I scrolled down below the picture and noticed that someone on the OC forum recently went to the nest, took a picture of the nest tree, and posted it. The photo is sideways though. I did a little bit of cutting, pasting, and editing to rotate it and then put it on my blog. I DID give Anni credit in the label under the photo. You can see the cam mounted in the tree above the nest - all in all, it's a nice photo, especially for people like me who have never seen the nest in person!

I had McDonalds fruit and walnut oatmeal for dinner and a beer just didn't seem like the right drink to accompany oatmeal. So LYNN, I toasted you with a glass of milk!

magpie said...

Thanks, Sandi.....
but you WILL see the Palace in April !
And just gaze upon Jo's avatar in the meantime...
and I like YOUR avatar also...
hope that's the ONLY snow we snow we see in the nest this season !

magpie said...

It's a very nice picture...
you fixed it up just right !

hedgie said...

Thanks for all the toasts. I am drinking the junk now....it's not too bad at all......But 10 oz. seems a lot!

Had a nice snooze---awakend by a phone call from a fellow retiree who told me that her borther was told by a dr. at the VA to take Omega 3 every day to fix constipation problems. She was having the same situation when she went through chemo...she said it works like a charm, so guess I'll get that on my next trip to the store.

CarolAnne----love your little "story." Have seen it before....ROFL!

JudyE, I KNOW your Amaretto will be good....can't say about Kaluah. I do know Bailey's, even fridged, doesn't keep forever!!

College championship started on Jeopardy...smart kids, but I thought the questions were a little easy.

magpie said...

and kudos to Anni from OC, Sandi,
wonder what date she was there....
and if she saw any Eagles...guess she would have mentioned that...

hedgie said...

Oh, well.....good try.....no go. Only got half of it down.....and it didn't stay there. :(

wvgal_dana said...

not a link Please pray I am working with a man. About helping with monies for Tori's transplant. I just made the first phone call. I don't know what all steps will be included with working with him. He did a raising of monies for the 2 girls that were burnt in the fire here. They set around jars but he feels this needs more than that. Possible bands to raise money for Tori's charity. We are sharing some other ideas.

hedgie said...

I am SO glad that Tori is aware of her miracle!! I haven't been back to FB yet since I got home. Just knowing---even if still in a sedated fog---can surely only make her stronger in spirit!!!

JudyEddy said...

This was just on the news tooo cute
Rappin Seniors

magpie said...

Omega 3 is good for lots of things, Lynn, I take some daily and I hope it helps you too...

Funny, you know Willie thought you were one of Jewels' daughters when you called today......I was going to wait until she mentioned it but I didn't wait, did I? Was great that you called, you must do that more often.....just remember our Operator Numbers are going to be changing with the changes in staffing

magpie said...

sorry about the no-go and no stay down

NatureNut said...

Uh Oh! Another 200 page!Hope this works.
I know most are watching Idol, but I posted some new SURPRISE pictures from Chelsea farm office today.
Gotta read back, eat something during rest of Idol. BBL ☺

Hoda said...

So sorry LYNN that it did not all stay in...HUGS.

Are you going to take the rest of it?
No treatment for you tomorrow or ever again Please God.

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that the Capt. was at GG's this afternoon, so spent a few minutes with them. He has the nicest goatee and mustache!!!

Hoda said...

OK PAULA, now I was able to vote...the site is back on.
Prince William and Catherine Middleton adopted a little black Cocker Spaniel.Looks so very cute

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I have some pic on my nest visit blog of the barn and the tree and the nest and the camera postion above the nest the pic are of Danamo that she took when I was there my camera isn't like hers I have cam envy

My nest vist with pic of barn tree nest and camera position

JudyEddy said...

I had someone comment on the pic I put on Norfork airport page

stronghunter said...


Wanted to say happy birthday to Zachary and congratulations to Lynn on finishing the radiation treatments.

stronghunter said...

We are about to split.

JudyEddy said...

Conflict of comments again this is the picture I put on the facebook page of Norfolk Airport some one from Wildlife Rebab had posted it and I just followed suit I love it

JudyEddy said...

Most of the pic on that blog are from my camera but some are from Danamo camera the close up of the eagles are hers just to claify that ok dokey

JudyEddy said...

Revolver map will be down on Thrusday it says above the map in red 0:00-6:00 for network maintance

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess I am going to go get a shower and find something to watch on TV I am listening to AI will search for something after it is over or just go to bed we will see

JudyEddy said...

Ok changed to another ground hog I like this one because of the space shuttle The writing says have you tried switching it off and on yet Just in case its tooo small to read Reminds me of Fl

hedgie said...

I don't understand why the monies raised bar isn't showing anything on the contribution link, Jo. We know there have been donations made.

DanaWV, a very nice gesture on your part, but I hope you cleared it with Robyn first. I know that she was being very selective with the avenues she chose to go with for fundraising.

wvgal_dana said...

Boulder Co. snow accumulations late Thursday afternoon into Thursday also Firday gradually decreasing into Saturday could see more than 12 inches. Where my drive has a 2 hr drive to work at.

Sandi said...

Judy, Thanks for the link to the photos on your blog. Once I saw them, I recalled having seen them before. They're much nicer ones than the one Anni took.
OK, bedtime for me. LYNN, sorry that stuff didn't stay down - sounds pretty yucky! Good luck finding something that works! Continued prayers for Tori, Joe, and Nila.

hedgie said...

LORI---granddog Harley LOVES his tug!!! He doesn't take toys to bed, but anything special he leaves right outside the bedroom door so he can keep an eye on it, and that's where Christie found it this morning!! He's having a ball with it, either by himself or with her or Shannon!! Thanks again!

magpie said...

Thanks for the SPLIT alert, Shirley.
Good to SEE you.

Glad you got to see Gene, Lynn,it's always a treat !

Headed to bed early here...

Prayers that Thursday is a good Healing and Recovery day coming up, and that Sleep is Sweet for all

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥ ((Hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Margy, Caro's girls both sound like her, but I don't think I do!! I was calling on the Onstar, so maybe I was distorted!! Funny on Willie!

BTW--she got an apptmt. with Kerry B. for next Weds. AM....at 8:45. Maybe she could crash on your sofa for an hour or two!!!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN when will your tummy start to feel better did they tell you that I feel so bad for you and hope you bounce back soon

hedgie said...

Thanks, Sandi. I'll save the other half of the bottle and try in the morning. Maybe I still had some of the Frosty in there---and acid doesn't mix too well with milk product.

Gene said he would get things set up on the dining room table for GG to get busy with her puzzle! I hope she doesn't stay up half the night!!!

JudyEddy said...

The Great Bay Distrubtitor is the beer distributor that has Bud, Busch, Mich, corna did you know that it was run by women the grandmother is 97 years young she is something else and the whole family works there her daughter and then her daughter She says says when she gets a upset stomach she drinks a beer the 97 yrs old That was on the news I think that is tooo cool run by women I talked with the bud rep at work today about it being on the news and he says she is such a delightful lady

hedgie said...

No, Judy, they really couldn't say. I think once I get going, it will improve. I asked for a dynamite pill, but they wouldn't give it to me, LOL!!!

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...