Tuesday, January 24, 2012


New thread.


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DanaMo said...

I didn't think it would go so fast at the lab. I was number 5, but I got out of there is less than 30 minutes. I will hear the results on Friday...that's when I will need some luck. LOL!

Kay said...

I think you'll find JANET checking in if you go back over yesterday's posts, JUDY.

magpie said...

Shirley - How's Hunter today ?

JudyEddy said...

showing the damange in Jefferson co in Al OMG is is awful town destroyed poor people

wvgal_dana said...

Well my good morning post is on the other thread. I would list name but have not had my coffee yet. Don't want to miss anyone So Good Morning. Nice to see both eagles in the nest.

Happy Birthday to Linda and Kay Happy Birthday to you both and may you each have a very special day

Prayers for our Sweet Wanda as she goes into surgery for her knee replacement. Prayers that she in PT can get the leg straight. That is important.God Bless her and Lord give her family nothing to worry them about. Prayers for Karla, Gene, Denise, GG, Jillian and rest of Family

Kay said...

HAGD Eagle Buds ! Will be back later, looking for a "Sweet Pea KARLA" update on her dear Mom, WANDA.

magpie said...

Hope SANDI can check in from work..
or at least SEE that we say HI and YOU are not ALONE, Sandi -
hope the electronic things ease up

and for LORI ---hope your days are not always so busy...We Miss You...

JudyEddy said...

I love all the pictures the Hanncock people put up lots and lots of pictures I am saving them in my fav

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I hope you feel better today and can you ask your dr for a couple of other presc to help when you go today????

JudyEddy said...

almost caught up now WAS THERE HP this am???? didn't see it yet and I did read backwards in the beginning

JudyEddy said...

just talking about the solar thing on the news 2013 it will be again and worse he said

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday KAY and LINDA,
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!

SO glad to have both of you with us!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Amen to that post Kay ♥♥

magpie said...

There you are Sweetness...
How are you this morning, Lynn ?

magpie said...

I didn't see HP JudyE
heard noises like there IS, but Shep was on the nest edge

JudyEddy said...

KAY NOPE she didn't check in on the blog I have all the message in my deleted file havn't emptied it in days and she is not listed when I look in alpa order she has been on facebook I put a mssge on it where she comment on the video about the issue we are having with the blog PIA 100%

Sandi said...

Morning all! Checking in from school where I have a keyboard that actually works!!! MT nest right now - hope today is peaceful for our eagles, happy for our birthday gals - LINDA and KAY, and smooth and successful for WANDA and JIM. Later!

JudyEddy said...

Thats what I saw also asking for it on the edge of the nest His approach is funny

JudyEddy said...

maybe they flew off to do it in private knowing we are watching LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Jim's other eye surgery today for cataract.

JudyEddy said...

the person that made video also thinks she is female I made a comment thanking them for the capture of the video and she responded with this

deewerms has replied to your comment on NCTC visit 1-24-2012:

@EddyJudy yeah, ty for comments. hope she doesn't come back, hope she builds her own new home

I also subscribed to her channel and she or he has subscribed to mine awhile ago

JudyEddy said...

I got the conflict thing but my post did post odd huh

JudyEddy said...

Headin to the rocker for a bit watch the news

Sandi said...

Great, now the blog posts are not showing up in my email!! The overnight posts were there when I got on this AM but, when I got to school, there were no emails about this morning's visit, and the post I just made also has not shown up in my inbox. So, another glitch! Geomagnetic storms, ya think????

JudyEddy said...

LEGO land is expanding They just opened gonna make a water park Build your own raft out of lego wow
also trying to pass a new city law 500.00 if you leave cit butts on ground

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I had to recheck the box yesterday to get mine to show in my eamil also

JudyEddy said...

DANAwv is having HI issues LOL I know you are only doing it to get to the next page LOL hey you can send it blank just use the HTML tag of the b and it will be blank the next post I will do is with them LOL

JudyEddy said...

see nothing shows up on the post just put the HTML tag up and no words

JudyEddy said...

so they call him SMITTY HUH

Sandi said...

Checked my spam folder and that's where all of this morning's posts went! Moved them to my inbox and hope that will send future posts to my inbox again. This is all very strange. OK, kids comin' down the hall - gotta go!! Judy, I don't have the option to check the box again.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI mine always go to my Junk file because I don't have the address of the blog in my address book I just go to the junk file to read it I have Window mail

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

she is looking around sitting at 11ish

JudyEddy said...

looking around as if she see somethng

JudyEddy said...

still sitting pretty

JudyEddy said...

back to the cam

JudyEddy said...

looking in a 360 waiting is it shep I see sort of a spot so hard to tell I think it is shep

JudyEddy said...

looks like it is him

JudyEddy said...

still in same postion back to cam at 10ish looking back and forth panning right to left

JudyEddy said...

picked at stick just once and back to looking back and forth

JudyEddy said...

wind is blowing his wing on his back looks funny

JudyEddy said...

he turned around now sideways sitting on rail with his butt

wvgal_dana said...

posted at 8:02am Wednesday-My LIVE CAM IS DOWN ID ANYONE ELSE'S?????

JudyEddy said...

poof he goes

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

Live cam went off. I have rebooted and now I still can't get the live cam.

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

Good morning. Am still alive. lol. didn't fall off the face of the earth. been busy with work and don't have time right now to catch up,,,,today should be better to do that!

JUDYE: watched that neat video of Shep kicking that intruder out of the nest! how waaaaayyyy cool.

been peeking in at the bears too (see what you started, JUDYE, lmao)
soooo sweet and i love listening to them.

gotta get moving, for now, will try to touch base, read and catch up this after noon! have a great day to one and all...

*smiles for everyone!*

CarolAnne said...

Prayers that the Lord guides the hands of the surgeons today as they work on Wanda & Jim. May the outcomes be even better than they anticipated.

Happy Birthday wishes to our birthday people......
.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

May the eagle drama be just enough to make us sit up & take notice, and not adversely affect the outcome we are all here for.

Good thoughts for all others, whatever their needs may be, as they journey thru their day

Janet said...

BTW, when i figure out how to get this site on my phone i will start using it at work, facebook is a direct link (app) already on my phone....so easy to cathc up with...i am trying to figure out how to book mark this site on my phone....

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome back in Janet. I had been going back over post trying to find your last post. It was driving me crazy. So I am so HAPPY you have checked in.♥

I have the LIVE CAM BACK UP!!!

Red said...

Darn, having to post to read all everyone else's posts.

Going out for biscuits and gravy soon. Another warm day here.

hedgie said...

Still playing catch-up......
Margy, not sure how I feel yet. Empty----not sure if hunger or rebellious pains. Afraid to eat. Took my anti-emetic.....guess I'll try to eat something soon.

I imagine that Wanda is la-la anesthetic world now and that surgery is underway. Not sure how long a procedure it is......

Jim never said what time his surgery was scheduled for, but probably not for a while yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn my knee replacement surgery was 3 hours. Don't know if Wanda's will be less time than that or not.

hedgie said...

Red, please eat some biscuits and sausage gravy for me. Sounds so appealing!!! Ha---not going to push it here.

Liesl is seeing the squirrels playing on the tree outside the sunroom and they are driving her crazy!!! Woof-woof!

hedgie said...

My DVR did some updating during the night, and now appearances of all screens is SO different......Black background, smaller font.....very frustrating....they are always messing things up. :(

hedgie said...

Did anyone see any of the Northern Lights display???? HODA?????

stronghunter said...

I had to refresh the cam, Dana, but it is okay now.

stronghunter said...

We were kind of busy last night, Lynn, but didn't see any Northern Lights here. We were outdoors unloading firewood into the back yard, so we might have noticed it if there had been any.

Kathryn came home with a load of firewood in the back of her truck. She has a friend who has been offering to give her some, and says she can have more. It is all cut and split. Not a bad deal at all.

And I have the screen pulled in front of the fire this morning. My children kind of like to skip that part, and I think the expensive fire logs we have been buying from the grocery store probably don't make sparks. However . . .

grannyblt said...

GM eagle buds. To read comments after 815 ish last night I guess I have to comment.I'll delete this if I can in a while...

stronghunter said...

Oh my, a heavy thunderstorm at Lolly's right now, and a flood advisory.

grannyblt said...

Sorry, no trash can to delete. I'll go back and read the second 200 posts.
I want to wish Kay and Linda a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It is also my sister in law's BD. Also prayers for successful surgeries for Wanda and Jim. And no more oogy=pie days for our Hedgie.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Kay and Linda!!

Judie said...

Good morning!

Hoda, thank you for the email but when I open the blog I still do not get the option to move forward to the most recent posts. So, I am typing this and will publish and hope it shows up somewhere.

Need to check the nest and the bears next.

Imagine Wanda is in surgery or almost nearly done. Sending a whole bunch of healing prayers for her.

Also, wishing Jim a successful cataract removal today.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Wanted to chime in and wish KAY a very Happy Birthday!!!

magpie said...

I think the farmers or someone doing work at NCTC must be making all that noise,
which almost sometimes sounds like shots...but I seriously don't think it's gunshots
maybe lumber work

magpie said...

Good Morning to you on your Birthday, Linda...

Hope it is a really wonderful day that makes you feel special from start to finish, and then some

'Morning More Eagle Pals...
Best Wishes for a Good Day to All of You...

ttfn xoxo ♥

Linda said...

One more.....


Thank you Kay for your kind loving words. I am honored to share my day with such an amazing lady!! I do agree.....rebellious, stubborn.......not us??

Thank you for so many Happy Birthday wishes. My heart overflows!

Praying for Wanda as she is getting that new knee. Anxious to hear from Karla.

Prayers for Jim's surgery as well.

I have to go to work now, but will check back in later......

Love you all......

Sweet Pea said...

Good Morning everyone, sitting here in the waiting room for mother (Wanda). She is in surgery now probably for another 15 minutes or so. Then she will be in recovery for 2 hours after that. We will not be able to see her until they take her to her room after that. I will let you know when she is out of surgery.

Red said...

Ok I'm back from breakfast. Will be lurking today

Happy Birthday Kay and Linda

Wishing Wanda and Jim the very best.

wvgal_dana said...

Sweet Pea "Karla" thank you for the update on your Mother. Our Sweet Beautiful Wanda. Is Dad walking the floor?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
Where are you - I have to comment to
find you!

magpie said...

Thank you Karla!

It means so much for us to have your presence here while you are at the Hospital....

Sweet Pea said...

Daddy is sitiing here talking away. You know he can be quite chatty =)

wvgal_dana said...

lol Gene you always was a good kidder (:

magpie said...

and oh, he has the most wonderful voice, Karla...
we sure love you, all...
xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Thanks for that update, Karla!!!

Sandi said...

Thought I'd check in to see if Karla had updated on Wanda's surgery and, sure enough, she just did! Karla, thanks for the update!

Bird Girl said...

Good morning folks!

Sweet Pea said...

Just spoke with the doctor. Everything went very well. She will be here for 3-4 days. Daddy and I are going to GG's and then can see Mother. I'll post again after that.

Bird Girl said...

Glad it went well, Sweet Pea

wvgal_dana said...

Great news Karla thank you for the update. Give Wanda a (((HUGS)) when you see her for me Dana

magpie said...

something about the shadows on the nest,
looks like a big wedge of some kind of shoo fly or peacn Pie !

stronghunter said...


Waiting for my mammogram. Must post to read messages.

Sandi said...

MARGY, Leave it to you to see the nest as slice of shoofly pie! =D Karla, so happy to hear that your mom's surgery went smoothly - thanks for letting us know!

stronghunter said...

Oh good. Wanda out of surgery.

stronghunter said...

Oh good. Wanda out of surgery.

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Great that it's over, Karla. Hugs to all! Hope you find GG okay, and not too concerned or confused.
So handy to have her so close to the hospital!

Red said...

My delete. Was just finding y'all

Glad Wanda's surgery was ok.

stronghunter said...

Sorry. Double posted. They called me as I was posting. Now in inner waiting room.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday to two very
special Momsters today ♥
Kay and Linda -
Enjoy your special day
& Celebrate yourselves

Mema Jo said...

THANK YOU, Karla for the update on your mom!

Doubt we will hear from Jim for a few days about his day today. Maybe over on

DanaMo said...

hello, have to post to get the next page of comments

hedgie said...

Just a note from me to you: I have sent snail mail thank you notes to all who sent or gave me the sweet gifties......but my memory is not foolproof and I fear missing someone. So if you sent me something and didn't get a note, please email me and let me know! Thanks,

paula eagleholic said...

Morning :)

paula eagleholic said...

Great news on Wanda, thank you so much, Karla!

Bird Girl said...

I'm not having any issues with the blog...just lucky I guess!

Mema Jo said...

?? Is Wanda at City hospital to mail cards to her ??♥

Red said...

Good luck with your tests Shirley.

I do believe the blog has grimlins.

hedgie said...

Google NON-privacy changes coming in March

Not sure exactly what this will mean, but.......be cautious!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Thank you for your thank you!

I am heading out to lunch today with co-workers of the past. Canceled last one due to weather.

Then dinner is at Pizza Hut for 7 yr old


hedgie said...

Yes, Jo. City Hospital! 2500 Hospital Drive
Martinsburg, WV 25401

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, I see we are still at 200 so I will post before reading. Actually can NOT read until I post. LOL So here I am!

hedgie said...

Enjoy your lunch! No weather concerns today!
And Happy Birthday to Alexis!!!!!

Lolly's rain will be here tonight and tomorrow---lots expected.

Charlie is coming to move wood this afternoon, and Carolyn is coming, too, to bring their tax stuff. I still haven't even downloaded the program!

stronghunter said...

Thanks Red. Waiting for results. Do not like this part.

Red said...

I got on Blogger.com and looked for comments regarding our problem. They have been making changes and I believe there's something Steve needs to do to fix it. It's Steve's blog which means there's nothing we can do.

NatureNut said...

Good Grief! Still on the 200 page & clicked everything!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA & KAY--Special Momsters!!

Thx Karla for Wanda update! Prayers for her and Lynn's tummy!♥♥

I'm late--hastling w/drug store for RX--phoned in for refill a week ago & they NEVER called the Dr!I called the Dr. & it is being filled now--Fubby went to supervise!
Something has made our day here---a pileated woodpecker came to tree close to our house and started excavation!!!!That stumpy branch is dead---the wood was flying.Was here for an hour.Maybe he knew Wanda and Lolly are big fans!!☺ Got lots of hazy pics thru window.Sorry I won't be able to do anything w/them til tonight!

Prayers for all others--Jim, Tori,Nila, Katherine's son


Judie said...


NatureNut said...

Shirley, prayers for GOOD report!♥
Know exactly what you're feeling.

Bird Girl said...

Do you mean the 200-series number of comments? I'm seeing 401-515 comments, nothing seems amiss for me. I wonder why it would be working for me and not others?

wvgal_dana said...

Just remember the MAIL IS NOW CLOSER since they moved things from Martinsburg to Baltimore.

Hoda said...

Good morning one and all...

Good news WANDA is out of surgery.
Good luck JIM.

Happy Birthday to LINDA and KAY in case they can not go back and see my singing at midnight.

JUDIE and everyone sorry the email information does not work for you. It still works for me here. however I now get a delete button and was not getting it earlier, I get red links not blue, I have changed font on my screen and very small type. It is not my computer as other sites seem to be normal...

Sleet ice mixed with snow...it is a mess out there.

Thanks for eagle visit reports.

JUDYE, Hancock site has nicknamed SHEP Smitty since the summer...it is because he was SMITTEN with BELLE.

Good to see SANDI on here.

DANAMO was it a blood sugar test you had? Good luck with the results.

My Mammogram results came back and it is all normal. Don't have to go there for another two years...

LYNN I am glad you are slightly better and that you took the medication...what did you decide to have for breakfast...I saw where you told RED NOT sausage and gravey even though you think it is appealing. LOL

Bird Girl said...

I am having issues with FB though, when I refresh my custom list, posts disappear...some reappear later...it's weird...

stronghunter said...

Got results. All is well. Thank goodness.

Hoda said...

Thanks for the google info LYNN. I sometime wonder how much longer I will keep my google email address...I do not like the ads. I already get them for yoga sites just because I get yoga mentioned in an email.They however have not figured out Momsters yet, very funny.

Lolly said...

I am now back as I have read the blog.

First things first...♪♫♪ Happy Happy Birthday to our blogsy twins!♪♫♪ So very blessed to have you both here with us. Have a great day!♥♥

Bird Girl said...

Well, I'd best be off. Have to run to the post office and then going to visit a friend. It's super windy here today, I'm pretty sure I saw a cow go by...

Have a good day everyone!

Hoda said...

I have now lost my garbage bin...no deletes possible for me!!!

Lolly said...

So very happy that Wanda's surgery went well. Glad they were getting to GG's fast. Know she was worried. Now prayers for Wanda's recovery and therapy.

Loweeda, really look forward to your pictures. I do hope the Piliated sticks around. How fantastic if you are able to watch him there regularly.

YES!!!! It rained all night. We even left the window open a crack so we could listen. We are over 4 inches now and it is still coming down. This is such a wonderful blessing.

Lolly said...

Shirley, so happy for you that you got a good report. It is such a wonderful relief when that report is good.

Lynn, hoping you have a better day today.

Have been listening to bear cubs. Could hear a woodpecker on that cam.

Judie said...

Happy Birthday wishes to Linda and Kay. May the day be special for each.

Thank you Karla for the update on your mom. Very much appreciated. Thank you for helping out Dad with GG and mom.

Jo, have a good lunch and an even better dinner with Alexis. Please give her birthday wishes for a great day.

Google is going to consolidate information from users from each account accessed. In other words, there will,in effect, be no privacy. Similar topics will be tracked from Google search and GMail, etc. I suppose if I Google a serial killer and then order a book on serial killers Google will assume I plan on learning how to become a serial killer. No privacy and making assumptions about links among accounts is scary.

Shirley, hope you treat yourself to lunch after your appointment.


Judie said...

As long as I can still access this page:

Good news, Shirley. Am sure you are relieved as we are also.

Lynn, hope you've been able to eat something and not have nausea. Glad wood is being delivered.

Lolly, enjoy the rain. Won't be so very long before you will be dealing with heat and watering all the plants and flowers.

Oh, Hoda gave a good example with the yoga connection being made by Google. If you think of all the topics we cover in emails and searches, etc. the impact on privacy is enormous.

Bye again

Sweet Pea said...

We are heading back to hospital to see Mother in room 401A. GG is worried about her and wants to see he today. We have convinced her to wait until tomorrow. I'll post again once we've seen her. I'll let her know about all your prayers and well wishes.

Lori O. said...

Still at 200, I see.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the update, Karla! Give your Mother our love!

Hoda said...


My live feed keeps freezing!!! UGH!!!

hedgie said...

The mail move has NOT happened yet....it may be May before it's done......they are trying to overturn the whole thing, Dana.

Lolly said...

Time for me to start my day. Certainly not going outside! Jack did go down to get the paper. The ditches were full and running over the road. ☺ It will be on the news later today how the lakes are doing. No severe weather in our area, but east Texas has severe weather forcast. Gave Jack a weather radio for Christmas. It went off yesterday warning about flash floods.

Yes, Judie, certainly wish I could bottle this water as we will soon be very hot and dry. Oh, to have a warm but not extreme hot summer!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Red, on the blogger issue...I think the changes are in regards to threads, but from what I read it is not mandatory, but may affect all the blogs...you know Blogger, it takes them forever to fix something...

Hoda said...

WAY TO GO SEALS. Awesome rescue.

God Bless you Gabby Giffords.

hedgie said...

shirley, glad you got your report so quickly! Relief!!!

I ate a toaster strudel...so far so good.....as long as I keep my mouth shut, if you know what I mean!!

I'm taking myself in today. Onc apptmt. after rad, need to stop at PO, vet's and drugstore. So will see you LATER this afternoon.

No wood delivery---just relocating from the tarp-covered pile on pallets in the open to under the sunroom where totally protected and easy to get to!

Thanks for another update, Karla. Give your Mom MOMSTER (((HUGSS)))!!!!

hedgie said...

Shutting down. Later, gators. Have a good afternoon.

Red said...

Here's what Hoda is talking about.

U.S. troops, including Navy SEALs from the same unit that killed Osama Bin Laden, shot it out with Somali kidnappers and rescued two aid workers who had been held since October.

Sweet Pea said...

Geesh, finally able to log on..... Mother is awake and pretty perky. Pain medicine is wearing off and she quickly went from level 3 to 5 for pain. They just gave her a shot of Dilaudid and she is liking it!! She just said "Guess what? I have a new knee" CORRECTION ON ROOM# 405A

stronghunter said...

Good news about Wanda! Yay!!

stronghunter said...

Good news about Wanda! Yay!!

Hoda said...

Thanks Red for your research on what might be the matter with the blog. I hope STEVE catches it when he posts a new thread.

Hoda said...

LYNN I am having a senior moment...you asked me a question and I want to answer it but can not remember the question and am afraid to go back to search for it and then get stuck not able to find the current page...sorry. If you still remember it let me know and I will answer it..LOL

magpie said...

That's just Super, Karla...except pain from 3 to 5 but sounds like there has been a solution to that...
Paint our Mom's nails, feet and hands soon as they'll let you !!

(( Hugs ♥ )) all around !!

including for the entire Health Care Team !!

magpie said...

Well, I said "our Mom,", I guess I meant, YOUR Mom, Karla...☺
Or did I ????

Thankful Prayers, and all the other prayers are on the wing, 24-7

Hoda said...

OK I will log off and go get ready to go to yoga, dig the car out hope I am not spinning my wheels, call for help if need be...wish me luck.

See you all in the afternoon...I hope no incidents today at the nest...


magpie said...

Hallelujah, Shirley....
a blessed report ♥

magpie said...

The Blogsy Twins...

Lolly, you have cracked me up big time, that's so cute and clever !!!

magpie said...

Wishing You Luck, Hoda !!!


wvgal_dana said...

Karla thank you for Wanda's update. Yes need to keep that "pain down" so she will heal. Plus "pain" sucks the strength out of a person. She doesn't need to be in pain. Glad to hear they gave her a shot. We are praying and give Mom an easy ((HUG)))♥

Shirley happy about your report.

Lynn hope you are right and they can overturn the postal mail going to Baltimore instead of staying HERE. I pray it stays here!!!

wvgal_dana said...

U.S. troops, including Navy SEALS
did the extraction of 1 women
and 1 man that were aid workers.
That had been held since October.
Took place while President was
giving this message last night.

Mema Jo said...

February Birth dates

1st Gloria Keeslar
6th Sandra Osbourn
13th Mattie Jane Kessler

Advise me by email if your not on the
list for Feb Don't want to miss anyone

Also Feb anniversaries !

Judie said...


Mema Jo said...

Lily and Faith are back online!

Karla - thanks for giving us your mom's up-to-date info. Praying she has a good rest of the day and night!
She is a real trooper! Take care of Dad, too ♥

Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

So glad Wanda is alert and has some relief from the pain. Thank you Karla for the update. I'm sure your mom and GG will be happy to see each other tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch punched at 111 got to keep eye on time can't be late Yeah just read that Wanda made it through surgery will go back to reading BBL

Lolly said...

Just finished our walking. It was rather boring, no birds on the feeders and no eagles on the nests. The rain has stopped wish it would continue. Lots of roads flooding.

Karla, thanks so much for the report on your mom. Yes, as soon as you can give her a pedicure. AND, tell her Lolly insisted on it. That will bring on a big smile. I do love Wanda's positive attitude. She is going to be skipping in no time!!

Lolly said...

If I was not so far away, I would be there right now painting those tootsies. I owe her! LOL

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if we have to do something since BirdGirl when she signs on doesn't get the 200 I wonder if its our google accts ??? there are settings there also Just a thought But she is the only one that has no issue when she first signs on Right!! just thinking out loud on the blog LOL

JudyEddy said...

sure is noisy at the cam lots of construction and I hear either a cricket or frog

JudyEddy said...

KARLA give your mom and hug and kiss from me Please

JudyEddy said...

wow all caught up on the blog and still have some time before I go back to work No other eagle visit I see since the two visit this am I bet the noise of the machinery is keeping them away and there has to be a cricket on the cam

Lolly said...

I do not understand people who drive into water crossing roads.??? Lots of submerged cars and rescues of people. Good grief!

Rain has stopped for now, but more this evening.

JudyEddy said...

this was on facebook from Paul the weather man Aurora over Iceland this am

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY It happens here all the time They can't judge the water If there is water on the roads I just don't go on the road and I have a truck also I try to avoid when possible some peeps are just IDIOTS I know not a nice word but it the truth

Kay said...

A Good Afternoon post so I can get to the "newest" posts !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everybody.

I went to see Nila this morning and she is still about the same. She did sleep good last night. So grateful she is at her sister's. She was in a little pain and hopefully it won't get much worse that that.

Lynne2 said...

Hello all! Today is my day off BOO HISS!!

SO glad to read that Wanda is doing well, and thank you Karla for keeping us posted on her!!!

Lolly, I'm GLAD the rain has stopped for a while!I'll give the first round time to seep in to the ground! That's a good thing!

Praying hard for Tori!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Sharon....God surely blessed your friend with a friend like you to be there for her! I hope her transition WILL be as pain free as possible. Hospice is a wondferdul thing, and PRAYERS for her and for you to stay strong!

Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Lynne2 said...

I'm sorry so many of you are having blog issues. I have had no trouble at all.

Kay said...

So very happy with the good news from KARLA and from SHIRLEY !

SHARON, glad Nila is at her sisters place. Between sis, hospice and good friends like you, she'll be getting the kind of TLC she needs. Prayers !

Thanks again to all who've wished we "blogsy twins" a happy day ! Very cute, LOLLY ! Yes, HODA, I saw your birthday post---you are a talented singer !!! ♥ I've decided to pay no attention to Bursitis today--instead I'm enjoying Happy Birthdayitis !

Malcolm and I are having a good day ! He wants to go on another walk now. BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

My poor neighbor Kelly.....she and her hubby and 3 daughters have rescued several horses and ponies. The quarry that owns the land behind them graciously leased them a big area, about a 1/2 acre they have fenced so far. SO helpful to have the extra room for the critters! But last night, some jerk tore it all down and destroyed it. All that hard work and money....GGRRRRRRRR. They suspect that it is the poacher guy that they ran off earlier this winter.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Something was knocking the camera around just now.

Lori O. said...

I saw that, too, Sharon!

PA Nana said...

Hi again. Need to post to join the split.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Steve just posted the video of the intruder on his Facebook page.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


grannyblt said...


Judie said...


hedgie said...

Posting here so as to see newer posts before going to new thread.

Kay said...

posting to see newest....

magpie said...


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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...