Tuesday, January 10, 2012


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

One of those eggs at Jordan looks a little funny....hard to tell, parent not affording very long looks!

Lori O. said...

Before my nap, just wanted to say how nice it is to have you here again, RED!

Sandi said...

Red, "thunder shirt?" Never heard of it - where do you get one? My Jack Russell is petrified by thunder & fireworks! What a concept!!
Would one of you retired WV ladies please drive over to the nest and tell our eagles to make an appearance? =)

Mema Jo said...

Megan had a great pic of one of the
hummers in her yard. I love it that
they are still there for her to keep
track of them.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - this retired lady doesn't even
have her shoes on yet! lol

Mema Jo said...

Hoping that Lynn's transport is on time
for her.

hedgie said...

Red, I've heard many good reports about the thunder shirt. Wish they had had them in the old days. Lost one dog to a heart attack because she was so scared of thunder, one who hid behind the furnace, and one who just plain went crazy and emitted that awful odor of fear.

Gee, Shirley should get someone to video her approach for you! You are a man of many talents!! My ex and my special friend both could have been pros, too.....but young men make choices that are less dubious for the right reasons when they are married and have families, huh??

hedgie said...

Sandi, PetSmart now carries the Thunder Shirt, or you can order online.

Paula, I think Red said both hips.

Yep, the one egg definitely has a strange look to one end---has all morning, but she doesn't let us get a good look. DanaWV did send a momster mail pic that shows it but hard to tell what it is!

Red said...

Thanks Lori.

Sandi, I bought the Thundershirt on the Internet but I think some pet stores have them too. Not cheap though, $35 but if it works, its worth it.

Paula, I'm thinking both hips are shot. Too much abuse years ago.

Thelma, you should just go ahead and have your gallbladder removed, stones and all. It's just an outpatient surgery now. I had mine removed a couple of years ago and I was back home that evening.
All my parts are worn out. haha

hedgie said...

Ready to head out. So far predicted rain has held off. Hoping it continues to cause I need to get a few groceries after the apptmts.

See y'all later this afternoon.

hedgie said...

Driving myself today, Jo!

wvgal_dana said...

Praying you have help with the groceries Lynn.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Lake Jordan wants to relieve the one laying on the eggs. It isn't moving again. Wonder if it will go get a stick again. lol This is a great pair to watch. (:

Lolly said...

Red, wish you well with the hip replacement. Brother in law has done great with his. Also, lady friend at church has had both replaced and she is doing fantastic. She recovered quickly and does not even use a cane.

Time to start my day. LOL No shoes here either, Jo. But, I do dress first thing....jeans and sweatshirt!

wvgal_dana said...

Dang I incresed the magification so we could see the eggs better. The one stepped on some tail feathers and that got the other eagle off the eggs. It didn't move so the eagle went under it and wiggled down on the eggs..no pic

wvgal_dana said...

Wouldn't you know the live cam on my end is working just fine. Not timing out. With no eagles to watch. If I had the gas to spare and felt better I would drive down just to have a look. That's not going to happen. Waiting till tomorrow to not be in rain to go down and get my mail even.

stronghunter said...

Hi Red,

You would probably be amused at my bowling approach. I do not slide or do anything like that. I have tried several approaches, but the one that is working best is to walk up and lean down and place the ball where I want it before releasing it. It does not go fast; my friends say accuracy is more important than speed. My best score is 113. I have a long way to go.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok eagles

I feel a nap coming on and I am serious.


wvgal_dana said...

Ok eagles

I feel a nap coming on and I am serious.


stronghunter said...

I will add my prayers for
Robyn and Tori.

Mema Jo said...

Getting a little rain here - off and on

Take care Lynn - Have a good day and
report in as soon as you get home..♥

CarolAnne said...

RE: THUNDER SHIRT - have one for our one dog that doesn't do well on car rides (and its a 3 hour ride to the cottage). Has made a tremendous difference in his behavior in the car. When they see us loading the car, he waits patiently by his Thunder shirt to have it put on. Expensive but good.

Mema Jo said...

Comments on FB from Roberta aka Bobbi, Robyn's Mom who came up from FL with her hubby, Ted

Roberta Schonhans
Thank you all. We arrived safely in the cold. No matter what we knew about Tori being on the machines you are never prepared for seeing her on them. She knows we are there even squeezed Ted's fingers. Her color is good and now they are trying to get her on the ventilator while we wait. Tori is one strong girl and will pull through this. How can she not with all the prayers going out for her.

Mema Jo said...

Breaking for Lunch BBILW

Hoda said...

Good morning good afternoon all.

Prayers continue.

No fresh snow this morning but overcast for now...we were supposed to have a sunny day today...

Costume Lady said...

Fell asleep last night before I remembered I hadn't checked in for the night:)
Soup Kitchen was fun, once again and we had a lot of kitchen he

Taking GG to get her "do, done" and an eye examine.

Sandi said...

CarolAnne, if this Thunder Shirt settles dogs down in cars as well, I have to get one for Bandit. He is just one high strung dog - awful in the car, awful in storms. Bella is not bothered by/afraid of anything! No Pet Smart in Bethany but we're headed to my mom's this weekend and she has a Pet Smart close by. Think I'll have to spring for one of these for my old buddy! Makes sense, like swaddling cranky newborns settles them down.

OK, WV folks, you just keep watching those eagles at that other nest and don't even think about your local eagles who are MIA! Fine by me! =)

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼d aftern☼☼n eagle buds home for lunch and see no new thread so I will go and read the emails now

JudyEddy said...

I was hoping to talk to the boss today but no luck

JudyEddy said...

Didn't want to drag this out over my two days off

JudyEddy said...

the visit is going on now and its just what I thought looking at the out of stock etc

JudyEddy said...

BUT I do have some news

JudyEddy said...

do I have your attention yet LOL

JudyEddy said...

But I do have some good news Nancy my dept mgr came to me this am when I got to work with a smile from ear to ear on her face say I GET TO KEEP YOU so looks like all the drama is over for now I guess he looked at my papers and took it from there If anyone of you read the papers I posted on the blog last nite on my limitations that is what he read so YEAH I still have the same JOB I want to tell you all right away but couldn't

JudyEddy said...

Have the eagle showed up I will find out when I read I guess I still wish someone would drive over to see if they are at the nest area in the am of sunset

JudyEddy said...

I do have the Jordan link up left it up when I went to work and its still up the nest looks so small compared to ours when the eagles are in it don't you think??

JudyEddy said...

I guess everyone is out doing something else I keep looking and no one else his here ;^( and no one on the map but me either NO ONE TO TELL MY GOOD NEWS TOO

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, good news, JudyE

JudyEddy said...

I see the egg on Jordan cam now she is moving flugg around it awww

JudyEddy said...

PAULA map doesn't show you I don't like it when it doesn't do what is suppose to do LOL

JudyEddy said...

Now I came breath and stop worrying ok back to reading

Hoda said...

I am headed out now...Hope you all have a terrific day.

JudyEddy said...

I am truley worried about our pair its not like them two days now and not even a peep on the camera I hope nothing has happened to the WVdana do you have the people phone number to call? or would that be rude? may be they have seen them in the area

JudyEddy said...

WVdana no I will not being doing Yoga don't think I can do those either Miss Jordan eagle will not let us see her egg her back is to us while she is up and hovering over it now

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, please don't worry about our pair... it's not long enough without seeing them to do so. They have been heard this morning.

JudyEddy said...

OH I just read the WvDana heard something in the tree I hope they are just being lazy and not workin gon the nest

JudyEddy said...

My yard got a inch of rain in with this morning showers Miss Jordan seems to be antsy alawys adjusting her self HMM I wonder if something is going on under her

JudyEddy said...

she keeps wiggling her belly on the eggs so sweet I am rally happy to hear that you all atleast heard maybe our eagles earlier

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for posting update on Tori this has to be so hard on the entire family

JudyEddy said...

WOW WANDA baked chicken and beef stew great menu

JudyEddy said...

I have caught up on the blog again in time for me to head back to work my live cam just started getting the little spinning circle so i had to refresh I wonder why it does that at times

Sandi said...

Judy, I'm really just jealous of the retired folks who have lots of free time and could actually drive to the nest if they wanted to! I'm not worried about our eagles, though I miss seeing them. I'm sure they are just out and about being eagles! GREAT news about your job!! =)

JudyEddy said...

too funny the map only shows two Shepherdstown entries and I am on the blog and not showing on the map toooo funny silly map

JudyEddy said...

Maybe I am not really here just my imagination
a figment of the imagination LOL

JudyEddy said...

Now I show up odd huh I opened another browser for the map and it showed up

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWE

Lori O. said...






paula eagleholic said...

BWE eagle look
ing very interesting! All puffed up...

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...


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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...