Tuesday, January 03, 2012


New thread.  Vacation's over...


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

WOW! Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Thank you, JudyE, for the call over.

KAY, loved your earlier "pistil" comment about that beautiful hibiscus avatar! :)

Kay said...

Thanks for the New Thread, STEVE ! Thanks for the call over, JUDY ! Good morning to you both !

Janet said...

Good morning everyone. 27 degrees here at my house: on the Cumberland Plateau,they had snow. :( We didn't get any. But they are on a higher elevation! Judy, watched your vids last nite and shared with Livvy (youngest daughter age 10 for those who don't know) and she liked them too. Hope everyone has a warm and toasty day!

Kay said...

Good Tuesday morning to you, Janet !

Janet said...

Good morning Kay. Hope you have a great day!

Janet said...

Good morning Kay. Hope you have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Our high for the day was at 1 am this morning the rest of the day suppose to be colder gust up to 40 mphs NW wind making the water in bay go bonkers LOL We do have a freeze waring for tonight and tommorow

Kay said...

JANET, I read your Thankfulness message on your blog. Profound, beautiful and inspirational ! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Janet don't know if any one told you but we all have little garbage can right under our names in case you want to delete any post Just thought I would pass that along to you

Janet said...

Kay, thank you. :)

Judy: thanks for the delete icon. And you'd best get out your winter woolies....lol. Not getting out of the 30's again here today. Glad to be at work. NIce warm quiet room, people happy to see me....love the work I do AND, they PAY me to do this. imagine that, lol! :)

JudyEddy said...

Last night I looked at White Rock and wow that tree was swaying really bad must be bad weather up there tooo And yeah to the sound at the NBG nest this year

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...


JudyEddy said...

I thing flew in from 9

JudyEddy said...

looks like shep sitting in cup

JudyEddy said...

no may be belle I see a V I didnloke the morning light

JudyEddy said...

I just won;t call till I know for sure lol poof already

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if they will come back that was to short come back and I forgot to grap a picture

JudyEddy said...

KAY Who do you think it was???

Kay said...

I think it was Shep, saw the black spot. He did a quick "brooding position" exercise and away he went.

JudyEddy said...

Nest looks calm today not as windy I love all the branches all along the side around the nest looks erie wasn't that all the greenery last year????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. Lying back down now.

JudyEddy said...

So they do yoga in the morning like HODA LOL Brooding position

JudyEddy said...

beautiful colors on nest

Janet said...

All right, must scat for now. Starting lentils for dinner tonight and get ready for work. Last day of winter break for Livvy and Tom....hope they will sleep late and enjoy themselves. :) Have a fabulous day to one and to all. See ya'll later.

JudyEddy said...

Morning Sharon

JudyEddy said...

WOW White Rock is still Rockin

JudyEddy said...

I love all the lights on the horizon on it also pretty ODD that there is a LIGHT on that nest it GLOWS

Kay said...

JUDY, JANET, what is the birth order of you two and your other sister ? Not asking you to reveal age if you don't want to, just "oldest", "middle" and "youngest", please. Any chance of you getting the third to join us, too ?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Janet & Sharon.

I hope DanaMo is okay - or did I miss her?

Kay said...

Good morning, dear SHARON. Hope you're lying back down just because and not due to feeling ill ??? ♥

Kay said...

LORI, I've been missing DANAMO, too. I may have missed a post or two yesterday, but am wondering how the 1st day back went.

SANDI, isn't this back to school day for you ?

JudyEddy said...



Kay said...

We got Color at the nest about 5 minutes ago, by the way.

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO hasn't been on yet

JudyEddy said...

Hope she didnt' sleep in may be just running late like we all do on occasion

JudyEddy said...

Colors on nest would look nice with eagle in it Come on eagles come on back and visit with us

Kay said...

Thanks, JUDY ! Your parents spread their family out a bit in years and I see JANET has done the same thing. I miss my sister sooo much and think you three are very lucky to have each other !

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Checking in from school. Took forever to get my computer up and running. Looks like I missed some eagle action on my way to work.

JudyEddy said...

Janet has a different father that Connie and I off course Connie and I choose him as our DAD WE SAW HIM FIRST LOL the other was just a sperm doner and not a father at all

Mom fell in love with Dad and wanted to give him his own child late in life or not and she did hence JANET

T-Bird said...

Good morning everyone.

Lori O. said...

Interesting, JudyE! Thanks for the background. It's always helpful to building a mental picture. :)

Kay said...

Hello there, THELMA ! Is SHARON feeling okay ?

Ah so, good for you and Connie ! I'm sure Janet is pleased with your choice for her dad.

Kay said...

Thinking ahead of fingers--last comment, of course, to JUDY.

JudyEddy said...

JANET the video that you all watch did you go to my YOUTUBE channel or on the blog ??? reason is did you see all of Jordyn Dance School video?? they aren't on blog they are on YT and FB fan page of the school

JudyEddy said...

perfect raditional cooling conditions

is what the weather man said sounds bad huh I dislike the cold weather as you all know I wonder if that is what is making my neck worse I bet it is

Kay said...

Proceeding on to my usual morning routine. HAGD all and I'll BBL.

stronghunter said...

Wow! New thread and 50 comments already.

Lori O. said...

{{{{Big Hug}}}} Kay! Have fun in LM. Will see you this afternoon.

How is your morning going, Shirley?

Sharon, you feeling okay?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I think I mentioned this before but didn't put up the names of the company any help will be appreciated

KAYAK, Expedia, Priceline, Cheap air,and OneTrax are the choice for air fair odd how the Kayak is 186-222 and the others are in the 300's-400
Has anyone had experience with the Kayak one here is a link to the different ones with price
Air travel for me .

the 186 would be great but the 330 to high
I have heard of all the ones above except for the Kayak and not hearing of something makes me leary about it

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm okay. Just cold and lazy.

JudyEddy said...

Well its that time of the day again

Costume Lady said...

What a cooold morning we are having, here at the NEST area...26° and trying to snow, and a little windy.
I see DANAMO has not checked in...hope she is not SM (sick mode). And SHARON jumping back in bed is NOT a good thing, unless she has now work, due to doctors being closed yesterday. Need to go to Facebook to see how my Karla is doing...

paula eagleholic said...

Kayak is a great site JudyE

Costume Lady said...

Have a nice day, Judy:)

hedgie said...

Good morning. Caught up on the old thread!
It is 22° here and woke up to a light skiff of the white stuff.

Sent Diann email on doing the bold, blue, italics!

As for my avatar---it is my own screen capture of sweet NBG Mommma not too long before she died....the fly was bugging the absolute you-know-what out of her.

stronghunter said...

Bowling today. I did practice yesterday evening. Only one practice. My arm was stiff, so I did stop at three games.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE...Kayak just gathers all the flight info, then you go to the airline to purchase...

Nick was outside licking up the snow, LOL. We had a dusting here.

stronghunter said...

30 degrees here, Ch. 7 says a flurry headed this way.

stronghunter said...

Couple of school systems are closed. Did they get snow?

hedgie said...

Slowly shaking a leg here....want to be ready by 10:30 in case those transport people arrive too early!

Snow has already evaporated off driveway---too cold to melt!!
Liesl did not step out into the open yard, so no reaction from her as to "what in the world is this stuff?"

hedgie said...

Nails on one hand are DULL.....heat from the fire through my gloves?? Hope I have time for a touch-up. Looks dumb!

hedgie said...

Sharon is the lucky one this morning, getting to lay in!! What's the Bluefield temp?

I think Margy must have been running late this AM---no check in from her before work.....

hedgie said...

Gonna fix some oatmeal....counts for fiber, right??!!

Costume Lady said...

Good source of fiber, Lynn...love warm oatmeal with raisins and walnuts:)

Costume Lady said...

Went to facebook and found Karla browsing through the net. Glad she feels well enough to be sitting up and browsing. Yesterday, she said she could finally sit up straight:)

wvgal_dana said...

Good cold and snow on the road morning.

Steve thank you for the new thread. Your internest must be working better - happy it is.

Wanda so happy Karla is feeling better and able to sit up straight.

Diann enjoy your Nook and reading "The Help". Good book and good movie. My Daughter has a Nook and she truly enjoys it. One of the clinic through the hospital that she goes to is slow. When she get all her work done and their are no patients to draw. They let her read her Nook.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is a balmy 16° in Bluefield and snowing! :) I am so grateful my water didn't freeze last night and my house was warm.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Hedgie is right, I was running late this morning, there's something about that snooze button....

Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy Day - bundle up good around these parts here...

Wanda, and Gene...
best wishes with Soup Kitchen...
can't wait to see what's on the menu...

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

aah, an ice and snow licking pooch, Paula....

sounds like great fun, but, Brrrrrrr

bet the snow tickles Nick's Nose

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I also started sewing in High School. Home make class were of course we learn't cooking, sewing, and other things. My Dad had already taught me how to sew though. My teacher told me what things I had sewed and cooked to enter into the Youth Fair. I won blue ribbons. I remember I was never so excited as a kid in all my life. Made cloths and many things. There was a certain material I really liked. I believe it was called "Dan River".

magpie said...


You are correct, lots of WV Counties closed due to weather !!

Sharon, looks like it includes Mercer County....eh ??

magpie said...

18 WV counties closed and many more with delays....
Wow !

All west and south of here in the Eastern Panhandle, of course

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yep, school is closed here and Mattie is a happy camper.

hedgie said...

There's Margy! Hope the work day is running smoothly.

I am basically ready to go.....even touched up the manicure.

Will wait about 20 mins. to put Liesl in her crate and throw another few logs on the fire.

I,too, started sewing VERY young. Grams had me making aprons, including cross-stitch/embroidery borders when I was about 8!
Couldn't catch on to knitting or crochetting, but could sew!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the 'Vacation is Over'
new thread. It is just freezing cold out there with the low temps and
the wind. Bad morning to send the kids back to school - Yay! for Mattie! Bet she thinks that she is the lucky duck!

Sharon you are so right that running water and warmth are 2 things to be thankful to have.

I am planning on staying in - wish all of you could do so.

Sandi said...

Sneaking on from school. I wasn't able to do any chatting yesterday b/c Brian and Lynnis are here visiting. CarolAnne, sounds like you and your husband have a great eagle-watching trip lined up for February. Jo, hope you're feeling better today. Lynn, hope you're feeling better as well and I'm glad you got your sewing machine up and running before you took a sledge hammer to it!! =) Thanks for posting the link to Bob's pic of the Blackwater eagles - what a magnificent picture!! Somehow, I can't picture our clumsy Shep doing anything so acrobatic with Miss Belle! But who knows, there's a lot that goes on that we don't see. Paula, I did a mapquest search and Blackwater Refuge would be a 2-hour drive for us from Bethany. But, we just may have to take a road trip there on a Saturday or Sunday. It's great that it's on your way to Paradise! Shirley, is Hunter back in school today? Was he ready to go back? My students' bodies are awake but their brains are still asleep!! Margy, loved the pictures of your grandson and Pringles (cute name) and of the church you visited. Lori, any name yet for the new kitty? I LOVED the 80s music on your station yesterday; I just sang my way through the morning!! Wanda, glad to hear that Karla is doing better. Your surgery is this week, right? Is it a knee replacement?? Lolly, you astound me with the amount of yard work that you've been doing! Not sure how you find time to sleep but I bet that, when your head hits the pillow, you are OUT! I know there are other posts that I wanted to comment about but just can't remember them right now. Gotta go before my principal catches me sitting here! Stay warm!! TTFN!

hedgie said...

Tori's update on Caring Bridge: having a heart cath this morning...apparently the final step before the team makes THE decision as to her candidacy!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Forgot to put a heater in the laundry room. The spigot just snapped right off in my hand. Arrgghh!!!

Mema Jo said...

Tori's Update

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - we really should stop doing all this double talk Ha Ha

magpie said...

Dagnabbit, Sharon!!!

sorry to haer that about the spigot

Hello More Eagle Pals.....
includes Jo and Sandi !

hedgie said...

Ha, Jo---we are twins!!

Feeling a lot better, Sandi, thanks!
Wanda's knee replacement is next Monday, the 9th.

Logging off. Chris will pick me up after treatment and we are going to visit Frank and Irene. SO....much later, dudettes a nd dudes.
Stay warm. ARGH Sharon....not good! Hope you can get that fixed fast.

JO---new episodes for our Tues. night CBS line-up!

Mema Jo said...

That has been long awaited, Lynn.
Something to look forward to for this
Enjoy your visit with your friends.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn have a nice visit with Irene and Frank. I know you enjoy them.

Kay I have been thinking the same thing about NBG. That site is so colorful and I love how they move the camera around. Now to have sound!!! Things just are getting better and better at some of the webcams.

Prayers for Tori that she is on the list near the top ASAP for a new lung.

Lynn I too lovem to embroidery and cross stitch when younger. I just could not catch onto crochetting and knitting either. Wonder why that is? I've heard a lot of people say that.

Mema Jo Mother needs to go out. Just got off the phone with her and did get her talked into waiting until tomorrow. The wind chill temps are not as low.

Mema Jo said...

Our FloralGirl, Megan said over on FB that there are 77 days until SPRING!

wvgal_dana said...

I gave the girl up the street my book "The Help" to read. She said she got her Mom the movie. So she is going to read the book first. After she finishes I have another person that I told them they would borrow it. That book is getting around!!! lol Good read.

Now I can't find anything to read.

Mema Jo I am NOT going out in this wind with these low wind chill temps. I breath that cold air in I'll have bronchitis then pneumonia.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Mema Jo I'll start the count down lol

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - just a few more Christmas items to be packed..


Lolly said...

Good morning! 44 and bright sunshine. Another windy day at the nest. Got to thinking about Shep's clumsiness in the nest when it comes to HP. Can you imagine HP on a tree limb? LOL

Need to really get with it today. More un-decorating to do. Have done most around the house and then there is the tree, but I like looking at it.

Also, have two wedding presents I need to go shopping to find. One wedding we are going to attend, think we will not go to the other. Both are out of town. One is family, one is the neighbor's son. Going to the family one this weekend in Austin. We will have to spend the night.

Lolly said...

Lynn, you sound like you are feeling better today. Did you sleep well? Hope so!

Also, you said Wanda's knee surgery was the 9th. I thought it was the 11th? Now I am confused. Wanda?????????

Lolly said...

Eagle! Shep!

magpie said...

Just sat that Lolly !

windy !!

Lolly said...

Take that back, I am not sure who it is. Calling out!

magpie said...

Curious about something for sure

wvgal_dana said...


magpie said...

I meant to say just SAW that...

I can't have sound on here at work

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! I guess it is Shep, the wind was blowing his feathers and I thought I saw Belle's smudges.

magpie said...

Lolly that is exac tly what I thought at first also..
it's that windblown look !

Lolly said...

Trying out the egg cup.

magpie said...

Real Comfy looking nest....
Eagle looks might comfy also

Lolly said...

The spot is very clear on the top of the head and I thought Belle's spot was going away.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I tried to tell everyone Belle was in nest. Now moved to egg cup laying there.

The old blue circle just went round and round.

wvgal_dana said...

I was on another page and heard her calling out.

Lolly said...


wvgal_dana said...

I thought it was Belle because on her left side of head is that smudge.

wvgal_dana said...

@LollyI also thought Wanda's surgery was the 11th. So I emailed Wanda asking her the 9th or the 11th?

Lolly said...

I thought I saw a smudge, too, but then decided it was just the wind blowing the feathers. The spot on the top of the head was too prominent to be Belle.

Lolly said...

Or, so I "think". LOL

magpie said...

bye bye to Shep - I think it was he....

I have yet to be near the computer when the Eagles are calling out and making lots of noises

Snowing like crazy in Martinsburg town here right now.....
Neat !!

Lolly said...

Going to start my day now!

Have a good one!

wvgal_dana said...

Got me a pretty Eagle Calendar at Wally world yesterday when I picked up my perscription. Got home NOT IN BAG. I looked at receipt yep they charged me for it. Called pharmacy and they said they forgot to put in bag. So they are holding it for me. Was $4.95 nice too.

CarolAnne said...

Morning/afternoon all,
Playing catch-up here.
Sending extra prayers for those pesky health issues; the family & friends of those gone on to the greatest reward; and for those dealing with weather issues. Enjoyed blow by blow of eagle visits.

A quick scan of blog:
JUDYE - camera was an early Christmas gift-still learning its features, but this is what I have: Nikon D3100 14.2MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR Nikkor Zoom Lens (lol-not even sure what that all means).

RE: keeping track of passwords -- I use a small address book (from Dollar store) and just ignore the address, phone lines. A- Amazon pw/ E - ebay pw, etc. There's enough space to add any other pertinent info for that particular log-in. Real handy & organized.

Hope everyone is out enjoying their day to the best of their ability!

wvgal_dana said...

CarolAnne that is one of the best ways to keep track of passwords and ID's. You are definately on the right track. It will become very helpful.

magpie said...

Dana: Eagle Calendar, sounds great !!

glad they will hold it for you....

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.

Glad there were two eagle visits.

Thinking of you LYNN as you head out today. Let us know how it goes.

Snowing here. Snowed overnight and the snow removal trucks have been very busy. SHARON I am sorry that you forgot to put the heater on in the laundry room...the water is not frozen and that is good news...

magpie said...

Check out the snowing at the Nest !!

Costume Lady said...

LOL Looks like a blizzard...no a drop of snow here at my nest:) Very windy, though.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY AND DANA...my surgery is the 11th (next Thursday)...won't know the time til, perhaps, the day before. I go to hospital this Thursday for my pre-op, at 7:30am...oh no!

magpie said...

Love those stars on your avatar, Wanda....

Kay said...

WANDA, I have my calendar marked with your surgery as: Wednesday, Jan. 11th. The day or the date is wrong ????

Hoda said...

WANDA the 11th is a WEDNESDAY

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, no Soup Kitchen today, because we had two back to back. We do have a truck of supplies coming in Thursday with over 2 tons of canned foods and meat...oohh, aching backs for our men! Gene got a phone call from the man who is in charge of Tent City and told him that there are volunteers wanting to help us! Is that COOL or what?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory so far today:

Carolina wren, dark-eyed juncos, white-throated sparrows, house sparrows, mourning doves, cardinals, blue jays, titmice, chickadees, nuthatch, downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker but not a partridge in a pear tree unless you count the one on my cup from Magpie! :-)

Costume Lady said...

HODA, my dear lady...you are absolutely right! Wow, if you hadn't straightened me out, I might have missed my chance to get a new knee! LOL
I don't know what is happening to me...I have been getting all sorts of days and times mixed up. What with Gene and GG having appointments, in addition to mine...I'm just flipping out.
I even have all those dates and days on my "sticky notes" on this 'puter. Just forget to look at them:)

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda so glad the men of Tent City will help Gene unload. God Bless them for giving back.

That is what I had marked on my calendar for your surgery Wed. the 11th. PLEASE DO NOT TRY BEING HOME ALONE FOR AWHILE WANDA!!

When are you planning on starting rehab? I found the sooner the better. I got out on Friday and started Monday. If I could have started the next day I would have. Things got stiff just in those few days between surgery and rehab even though I was excrcising it.

DanaMo said...

I feel so loved!! Sorry I was not on this morning. We did not have internet at the house. I guess it got knocked out by the wind or something. The cable company was reporting spotty outages. I'm at school now, with no time, but wanted to let everyone know that everything is fine.

DanaMo said...

CarolAnne love that password keeper idea! You are a genius!

Kay said...

Big sigh of relief, DANAMO ! Thanks for checking in !

Costume Lady said...

Thank you, KAY and HODA for keeping me straight. I am such a mess, I didn't even get my Christmas cards sent out...thought I would send New Years cards, but don't know if I can walk far enough into the mall to find them.

I'm thinking that I will rest my mind while I am recuperation from my surgery and my brain will start working again when my new knee does;)

Gene and I didn't celebrate our anniversary, yesterday...doing that today...if the wind doesn't blow our car off the interstate! We plan to go to Red Lobster...this has been a long time coming. We went there for my birthday and it was so crowded that we were told it would be a two hour wait! We went to the Golden Corral, instead.

Costume Lady said...

So glad you checked in DANAMO...it's not like you to not at leat say hello!
It never occured to any of us that you may have an internet problem...DUH!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, you are loved...and you were missed. Glad everything is okay. ♥

Costume Lady said...

DANAWV, I will, also, try rehab as soon as possible. I want so badly to heal well and walk straight. If my knee doesn't heal right, I may be walking sideways;)

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, my stars are supposed to sparkle...the original avatar is so beautiful...wish it would do that on here. But, then again, it may be annoying to others.

Costume Lady said...

PAULA told me once, how to work it so that your avatar would be animated, but, for some reason, that doesn't work anymore.

Now, JUDYE managed to get her Halloween avatars to move...she knows a lot of cool things!

Hoda said...

DANAMO checked in and that is good...all is well.

WANDA you have a lot happening right now so be patient with yourself and compassionate towards yourself also...Prayers for you as you go towards the surgery date. HUGS and ♥♥♥

I am off to yoga nd errands. Talk to you all later.

Awesome bird count SHARON...

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch Steve Chase put a picture of FB of the snow looks like the bridge that is on campus the one we saw from eating lunch

JudyEddy said...

Eric told me today he got my 3G of Ram for my puter he is off tommorrow so I will wait to take it in to him nest week if I take it today I will be without till I see him next week and I don't want that again more than a day sucks and only 42.95 for 3G and the guy at the computer store wanted that for each 1G what a difference in price huh

Kay said...

WANDA, I can' imagine anyone stewing over not receiveing a Christmas or New Year's card from you this year. You're going to have some take it easy, off your feet, time soon. For those who don't know about your surgery why not use blank cards and drop a brief line or two to catch them up and wish them well ?

JudyEddy said...

PAULA and DANAWV thanks for the feed back on the sites I will check out the cheapest off course and will see if I can swing it

LYNN I just love that picture each time you put it up I LOVE IT Θ♥♥♥

Kay said...

I don't know that I made sense with my suggestion, WANDA. I meant, why not take care of notes to folks later this month, post-surgery.

JudyEddy said...

Hey got a silly question I have lots of hibiscus plants in my back yard I have a white one red double red one and a double orange one But I never had a pink one but NOW I do have a pink one My red one last year was affected by the cold and died all the way out but when it came back it is now pink I have pictures somewhere in the past to show the red Does that make sense to you all Could they have cross bread or what would make it now pink Told you is was a silly question

JudyEddy said...

seeing the yellow one reminded me of that

Costume Lady said...

KAY, you are so wise. Thanks for that 'good' suggestion♥

Costume Lady said...

Not a silly question, JUDYE. Most likly, the red one came back from it's original 'root stock' which may have been pink. I have never grown Hibiscus, but do know roses will do that.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Praying for TORI and crossing fingers and toes she is chosen

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I hope you will be able to run rings around everyone after you get your new knee

JudyEddy said...

WOW I got caught up just in time to head back to work I punched out at 1;12 I always forget what time I punch wrote it down on my palm polit I never go anywhere with out it LOL MY HAND

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda prayers for safe travels to Hagerstown.

Hoping you both get into Reb Lobster to celebrate a Happy Anniversary♥♥

CarolAnne said...

Here's something to keep in mind for travelers next year (a bit late this year to plan):(the eagle part)

Okay, back to things here.

CarolAnne said...

One more thing:

My link is blue when I preview before publishing, but not when I actaully publish it. How come?


wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

Taking a break. Christmas is slowly going away around here. Wanda, the girls I know around here that had their knees replaced had the therapy done at home. Do you get that?

DanaMo said...

Home from school and brrr...is it cold! I'm going to put my pajamas on, get my book and 3 labs to warm me on the couch!

Wanda were you in town today??? I wish I would have known, I could have met you for lunch.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I forgot to tell you all. I got a nice surprise when I went to pick up my perscription yesterday.


I told her to run it through my insurance. She came back and said the card is out of date.

Today I called and they said they no longer provide perscription insurance to me. I called the Union Hall they gave me a phone number. The lady said it is really the same but she thinks this other company is buying out the one I had. She said some people got their new cards and some did not. I told her, "I did not even get a letter". She said a letter was sent out around the 1st week in December. I guess since the mailing system has changed; I might get that letter in the year 2013 or 2014. I told her they better get my card here and fast because I only have so much left of another perscription. I did ask how much the medications was going to cost me now. She said, "You'll have to wait until you get the card and show it to the pharmacies you use and they will tell you.

I don't even know now if they will cover the medications I am on.

NICE grrrrrrrrrrrrr

I will take this as I need to pray about it instead of getting upset.

DanaMo said...

Now I can't find that post, but perhaps Wanda was at the Red Lobster in Hagerstown for her Anniversary lunch. I hope you and Gene enjoyed your lunch.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi DanaMo yes get warm burr it is cold.

wvgal_dana said...

Daughter in Colorado has 59° today and tomorrow 57°. Now I thought they are suppose to be cold!!!!

hedgie said...

I'm back! Had a nice afternoon....and Irene gave me a ligthhouse puzzle with two eagles on it!! Once I finish it, we'll mount it for the beach house!

MY BAD---Yes, Wanda's surgery IS the 11th!!!!! Couldnt read my own writing----duh!!!!!

DanaWV...are you left-handed? THAT'S why I couldn't learn knitting and crocheting---everything was backwards!

wvgal_dana said...

Glad you are back and didn't blow away Lynn. That puzzle sounds beautiful. Will really be nice when you get it together.

No I am right handed.

It might have been my teacher (sister) lol She was always better at everything. At least she said so.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, I use an address book, too, for my passwords!!

It is down to 22°....wind chill is 12°....and it feels worse! Stoked fire up hard......

hedgie said...

WANDA----you can do call-ahead seating at Red Lobster!!

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Get inside and Stay inside...

getting colder by the minute !

It's EAGLE Time !

Lori O. said...


paula eagleholic said...

Belle in the nest

Lori O. said...


paula eagleholic said...

Shep in from the 10 spot

Lori O. said...


wvgal_dana said...

some beaking

Lori O. said...


Mema Jo said...

Happy to have tuned in right now...
Love those eagles!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


paula eagleholic said...

Shep off to the right...and Belle follows

Lori O. said...


wvgal_dana said...

Are they really a happy couple ???

wvgal_dana said...

I can only hope that feather on Belle's back. Is from Shep doing HP.

magpie said...

cam makes a funny little noise when the color goes off....

also when it goes on

Blackwater Eagle Cam is up and runnning - 15 second refresh....Osprey cam will be next !

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Just saw both Eagles iun nest,m some beaking & PooFf!
No one in Park nest when I drove by. I'm starting to wonder. Gonna check old pics as to last years early visits.
We had one short "sandstorm" of snowflakes around 2 PM, then some sun! DUH

magpie said...

Blackwater Wildlife Refuge, Eagle Cam

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Margy about Blackwater eagle refresh cam being up.

Lori O. said...

DanaWV, we can always hope about that feather on Belle's back! LOL
Good thinking!

magpie said...

It looks like a big ball of yarn right about now !!

wvgal_dana said...

Why does our night light come on. Then when it gets dark it doesn't seem like it is on??? Does anyone else have that problem?

magpie said...

We don't have a night light, at NCTC Dana...

magpie said...

Just some residual "light" for a little while then it goes dark and pretty much stays that way....I know someone else can explain that better

magpie said...

Glad you are home Lynn... sounds like a Lovely Puzzle....can't wait to see pictures of it when it is completed !!
Don't let anyone hide a piece on you like my brother used to do...so he could put in the last piece !

NatureNut said...


magpie said...

Hey there Jo...I saw you here, arriving in the Nick of Time...
hope you are feeling better each day..

ttfn things to do....XOXO


NatureNut said...

Was thinking on way home that should check BW. They're timing seems to be similar to PAX Park.

I noticed, too, while watching our nest, that it got very bright at 5:19. Thought it was night light.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it does Margy look like a big ball of yarn. Who wants to unravel that ball of yarn at Blackwater lol

Mema Jo said...

You need a large wall calendar - Sticky
Notes can get unstuck - If you use the
stickies - color code them for the 3 of you.

wvgal_dana said...

EAgle at Blackwater

Mema Jo said...

Judy - the bridge at NCTC does lead
from the commons area down to the
educational buildings and the day care.
The pic looked peaceful.. Didn't look as though anyone walked over to lunch!

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...