Thursday, January 26, 2012


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning!

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread
I'm sure it will be filled by the end of

I will go to previous thread and invite
all others over.

Red said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Thank you Jo for the call over.

Steady rain here now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody.

Talked with Nila's sister this morning. She walked from the bed to the bathroom to get in the shower and then back to her chair, with help of course but still. She is one tough lady.

Lolly said...

I posted a ? on the old thread to see the comments, but there were no comments....something is very strange.

Good morning!

Lolly said...

We had another half inch of rain over night and the sun is out now. Close to 5 inches total. This has been a blessing to the area lakes which went up quite a bit. Hurrah!!!!

Red said...

I'm glad you are finally getting some rain Lolly. Been pretty dry out there.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread and the call over.

Sent out a Momster email of Sequoyah Ok having a crack in 3rd egg.

Good Morning Mema Jo (:

Hello again Sharon. Nila is really a strong woman in the poor health that she is in. What a GREAT LADY!!

It is raining here but temp is 40°.
So it won't be freezing on the roads.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn was on the other thread. Fingers are brusied but feel ok. She was thinking about trying some food I think.

DanaMo said...

All clear on the lip! Improved even :)

Lolly said...

Thanks, Red! Yes, we have needed the rain. It does not erase the drought, so they say on the news but it is a tremendous help. We need more rain like we have had.

I finally found the old thread. Had to do the ? twice but it finally came up.

See that there is no new word on Wanda.

Lynn, I do hope you are able to eat and to keep it down. I worry about you loosing too much weight. You need nourishment!

Lolly said...

I see that several told Dana that Judy does not live in the FL panhandle. She is down the gulf coast line. Also, FL like TX does not have basements. I do wish we had a tornado shelter, though!!

Lolly said...

FB is really peculiar to me today. None of the profile pictures are showing up. Oh, there are a few, but not many. I hear that we are all going to the timeline in the next few weeks. I just do not want to spend time doing that. Grrrrr!

Sandi said...

Thanks for the call over, Jo! This AM, since our nest was MT, I had the NBG nest up on the Smartboard when my kids came into the room. They were so excited to see both eagles, side by side, on a branch with the cam zoomed in close. I had my back to the Smartboard telling the kids the story about Mom Norfolk being killed by a plane last spring when the kids all started laughing and pointing at the Smartboard. When I turned around, the eagles were mating - and it was "up close and personal!" Of course, the kids asked what was happening and, let's face it, I'm not teaching kindergarten. So I told them what they saw - it was ending as I turned around but the kids said, "One eagle jumped on the other eagles back and started flapping its wings!!! =) Wonder if I'll get any parent phone calls when Mom or dad asks at dinner tonight, "What did you learn in school today??" =)

DANAMO, I have a dermatologist appt. today as well. I've probably had 20-25 basal cell carcinomas removed and even had one very small melanoma on my hip (too many younger years of frying in the back yard/at the beach with baby oil and iodine) and countless precancers removed. So I go every 6 months for a full body check just to catch things early.

Hoping WANDA is having a good day and happy to hear that JIM'S eye surgery went well.

Lolly said...

Went back to FB and every thing is working now. Posted another old picture of Laurel.

Going to start my day now. Need to get out and going shopping for Zacharooski. His birthday is next week. Going to get him some books.

Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

Too funny on the NBG eagles Sandi!

Sweet Pea said...

Sorry for slacking on the updates....I nodded off last night and woke up too late to call Daddy. Mother got up and walked about 40 ft this morning. It is painful but her attitude is awesome so her recovery will go well. We have GG here with her and they are both enjoying the visit.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the Wanda update! Tell her we love her, would ya?

stronghunter said...

Lynn says on the old thread that she is not feeling well and has canceled her treatment for today.


Sweet Pea said...

We are hooking her up with Daddy's laptop....she'll be on soon. She is still groggy from meds and pain so she may not be able to post much. But she will enjoy reading.

JudyEddy said...

Home in time for new thread almost Thanks for new thread Steve

JudyEddy said...

gonna but Jordyn down for a nap BBL if I don't fall asleep myself Was so nice out I even got a little sun burn on my nose went to freedom park Both eagles were in the tower when we got there got a short video of them

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Karla for the update on Wanda. Give her a hug for me please. Prayers are going up for her^j^

Red said...

Ok I had lunch, It's raining which will make for a good nap.


Hoda said...

OK PRAYERS BIG TIME FOR LYNN Thank you for letting us know you cancelled treatment today LYNN and if you need anything make sure those who are close to you know so you would not be alone. I am very sorry you are not feeling well and I respect your decision to cancel treatment this morning...

I slept almost 13 hours and feel better this morning. Deep sound sleep and the headache is gone and there is energy. Thank God.

Thanks for the information on JIM DANAWV and LYNN. Glad he is doing alright.

I read WANDA was being hooked up to the lap top so we should hear soon how she is...PRAISES and GRATITUDE.

Stay safe RED...

magpie said...

That's wonderful, Karla...
you are definitely a SWEET PEA

tell you mother, we don't mind if she does faceplants....

(( Hugs ♥ )) all around

Thanks for the New Thread, and to Jo for the Alert about it...
xo ♥

Putting some more prayers on the fire so to speak for our Dear Lynn...that the oogy-pie feelings fade away quickly

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - your lesson plan for the day got
a quick rewrite! I'm sure you were
superb with a Reality Lesson about the Birds! Hope all parents will be impressed with their child's learning.

Spoke with Lynn few min. ago - She thinks it is a flu bug and not her
treatment. Feb 1 is a good date to
finalize and then celebrate.

Wanda - 40 ft today - Wow! you are one
determined lady! So happy GG got to visit with you today. Looking forward to any comments from you today. Don't be typing if you are loopy!

magpie said...

GREAT News for you DanaMo ☺

too funny, Sandi ...your classroom events this morning.
reminds me of the movie
"School of Rock" in a way....
oh, the things that went on in THAT classroom

Lori O. said...

Sandi, you'll have to find a bee cam so tomorrow the kids can watch bees mating and then they'll know everything. LOL

Prayers for LYNN to get over this bug, heal quickly and feel better pronto!

WANDA, you go girl! I'm very impressed with you walking 40' on a brand new knee!

HODA, I'm so glad the bug didn't get you. The sleep was great for you! Lovin' your new bed.

Lori O. said...

I wish my avatar of Hidey looking in the cam was clearer. He was so funny doing that.

Good news on the lip, DANAMO. Now put on your sunscreen. :)

LOLLY, you should go buy yourself a pretty new umbrella to celebrate your rain!

SHARON, Nila is amazing being up and around - even with help. God bless her.

Lori O. said...

Sorry. Bad manners today.

Thank you STEVE for the fresh thread!

Mema Jo, thank you for the lovely invite over here.

Mema Jo said...

I love seeing Hidey! Very special

Mema Jo said...

Break away for a few


Lolly said...

OK, feel better that Lynn thinks it's a flu bug and not treatments. Prayers, Lynn, that you feel better fast! Muy pronto!!!

Wanda, so proud of you! Keep that great attitude! Now, get Karla to paint those tootsies NOW! Muy pronto!!!

Waiting for my nails to dry and then heading out myself....muy pronto! LOL

Hoda said...


I am off to get ready for yoga and will see you all when I come back.

LORI I love the picture of Hidey it is so cute.

Stay well and warm everyone.
Did someone type in airconditioning could not have been the lady from Florida could it? For my airconditioning I just open the door and this way I save on electricity!!!LOL!!! It looked so funny to me to read airconditioning turned on in the middle of January!!!

JudyEddy said...

I want get the Washington cam to come up only the still cam works for me It worked yesterday till last nite now all I get is a white area where the cam suppose to be

DANAwvI saw the woodpecker cutie he is

LYNN so sorry you are feeling poorly I sure wish there was something we could do to help

JIM glad surgery went well

WANDA will be running circles around all off us soon

Hoda said...

Glad to hear it is the flu bug not the are strong and will chase this thing off...

JudyEddy said...

There are a few homes with basements in the in St Pete they are on higher sea level and run subpumps also I am not working today WVDana my day off with Jordyn is Th and Fr right now

JudyEddy said...

I think I am all caught up I was reading the email and then rememberd the 24 comments I didn't read on the blog page itself

just reading about the kids SANDI too funny let us know if you get any calls and we will back you up and I love the comment about finding a bee cam also to funny

JudyEddy said...

YEP ME the airconditioner is running and I got a sunburn on my forehead odd little on the nose HODA also it is so nice out at the park we went to Freedom park to get rid of the stinky bread I had boy did it stink big time the birds didn't mind and neither did the squirrels got some cool pic of the seagulls

JudyEddy said...

still can't get the WASHINGTON cam up Error on page on bottom of screen where done should be darn it

grannyblt said...

good afternoon, no eagles for me yet today at our nest.

Glad Wanda and Jim had successful surgeries yesterday. My nephew's appendectomy was uneventful, thank goodness.

Hope our Hedgie feels better real soon, I can only imagine what she is experiencing these days.

Ice and now rain here today--and my feeders are empty. Now will I be a good bird watcher/feeder person and get out there to refill???

magpie said...

you can check for the 10-second image update on Lake Washington:
and it says something about technical difficulties on that link..
Lake Washington 10-second update

no eagles in the nest right now

grannyblt, great news regarding your nephew

Also, Hoda, Very glad that your headache took a hike !

40-foot walk on new knee, that is HUGE !! Way to go, Wanda !

JudyEddy said...

Yep Margy I saw the still link on the side but didn't see any message thanks for the update I am waiting for Miss Jordyn to wake up I am uploading todays eagle visit on youtube where Shep asked Miss BELLE twice for HP and she said no I love the second one he acted so cute asking her like a teenage boy looked like he went up to her a was whispering something to her LOL OK I have a good imagination LOL

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn has dance on thur so I will be going there with them to watch she asked me to come and off course I said yes

JudyEddy said...

Hey guys you all can do what I do just check the email box and the comments come in your junk email box Sandi also does it Its a thought till they fix it I am uploading the cell phone tower eagle to FB now also

JudyEddy said...

We went to two parks today Freedom where the eagles are and also to DAvis Field after we went to McDonalds We went there right before 1030 I wanted a eggcheesebacon biscuit Jordyn said she was hungry also so a early lunch brunch sort of I will have to make her a snack when she wakes up other wise she will be starving before dinner which will be after dance I think

JudyEddy said...

We are going to have a rainy day tomorrow so no park going I guess will just wait and see what the weather does Even going to see Winter the Dolphin is sort of outside

stronghunter said...

I am sure Lynn is more vulnerable to picking up viruses and other kinds of bugs right now.

Kay said...

Good afternoon ! Happy to see the new thread, thanks to you, STEVE !

KARLA, pleased with your good report on your precious mom and glad GG is paying a visit ! Will look forward to WANDA's joining us again.

SANDI, glad you are seeing the dermatologist---a good reminder for the rest of us ! Your students are fortunate to have you. I suspect you'll never fully realize what a positive impact you're having on many of their lives !

LYNN, it's a bummer you're having a bad day. Hope it is only a flu or a 24 hr. bug and that you're back in the pink soon. Prayers.

Thanks to those posting good reports on Nila and JIM !

Happy birthday to your sweet Alexis, JO ! Hope she's having an apple dumpling dandy day !

PAULA, loved your birthday greetings for we blogsy twins ! Hope you're having a better day today.

LORETTA, beautiful pic of the pileated, the blue birds and raccoon tracks ! It must be a busy time for pileateds in MD and WV. I haven't seen one or heard one here since last Autumn.

LORI, yes, thank you, the b.d. celebration was marvelous. I am so blessed. Love that little Hidey, too and thank you for the picture reminder.

MARGY, LINDA is the one with migraines and I hope she's much better by now ! I suffered with those blasted things for years, but haven't had one since leaving my 1st husband in 1981 ! Not to say that would work for anyone else, of course. ☺ You are a talented poet--enjoyed your rhyme soooo much !!!!!

JudyEddy said...

I was just editing the video to adjust the color on youtube and got this message FUNNY

500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, show them this information:

along with a bunch of letters and numver a 8x10 page full didn't copy and paste it funny huh

JudyEddy said...

so if the monkeys show up I copied and pasted it LOL

JudyEddy said...

I put this am visit on the blog and the cell phone tower eagle a real quickone one the blog

Todays visit and cell phone tower eagle

JudyEddy said...

we have a smiley face in the nest see the two eyes and the nose I put a pic in the album and put arrows to the eyes and mouth Ok so I am bored waiting for Jordyn to wake up she has been asleep two hours now any time now she should be rising

JudyEddy said...

we have a smiley face in the nest see the two eyes and the nose I put a pic in the album and put arrows to the eyes and mouth Ok so I am bored waiting for Jordyn to wake up she has been asleep two hours now any time now she should be rising

JudyEddy said...

we have a smiley face in the nest see the two eyes and the nose I put a pic in the album and put arrows to the eyes and mouth Ok so I am bored waiting for Jordyn to wake up she has been asleep two hours now any time now she should be rising

JudyEddy said...

I can't believe how quite the blog is today

Red said...

Nap is over and the rain has stopped temporarily. Diane is headed to Nashville tomorrow for a weekend company meeting, so we are going out to dinner this evening. Gotta have my reward for being such a good boy all week.
Got used to seeing eagles most of the day, now I'm missing them.

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello! Thx for new thread!Old one still didn't have over 200 Had to click on the Day & read all the little tan comments.At least that shows the "older, newer" command. We'll have to do a trest on this one! ☺
BTW, Jo. How did you get to the previous thread! LOL
Been out all day---Dr., some shopping. Didn't find what I wanted of course.
Have to try and read back to check on everyone's health.
Was sent a pic of a Pileated in the nest! Fantastic. Must be their season, too!!!How cool if we got a duplex!☺ (I know, fat chance!)

JudyEddy said...

someone is in the attic either we got rats of eagles

JudyEddy said...

lots of noise on the cam

magpie said...

that's kind of how it started this morning, with the woodpecker...
see the chips hitting the nest?
once in awhile...

magpie said...

sorry I got mixed up who had headaches and migraines and things, in my mind I think I have it straight...
Thanks Kay...☺

just wish NO one had them, EVER...

JudyEddy said...

appear eagle I also hear rain and see fog

Sandi said...

Home from school and from the dermatologist. He biopsied 5 spots that looked suspicious for basal cells; I'll know in a week if I have to go back - chances are that at least 1 will have to be removed. Some people don't like my dermatologist b/c they think he does too many biopsies. I say do all you want - I'd rather he biopsy something and find out it's nothing or catch a skin cancer early!

Sounds like rain at the nest. We haven't had any rain yet but it's coming!

LYNN, sorry you are under the weather; I'd assume that your immune system is pretty compromised and it would be easy for you to pick up a virus. Hope it's short-lived.

WANDA - YOU GO GIRL!!! KARLA, thanks for the update on your mom!

HODA, glad you're feeling better today and DMO, glad your lip was OK.

MARGY, loved your poetry! =)

magpie said...

good to be safe, Sandi...
hope you get A + on your test results,
and..thanks... ☺

magpie said...

I see the "face" in the nest, rather reminds me of a little doggy...
with his tongue sticking out

magpie said...

like, Benji

JudyEddy said...

I was hoping the eagles would show up before I had to leave for the evening a no show day

JudyEddy said...

I now MARGY it looks a little different right now in the light as it did earlier and there is a stick sticking it the one eye OUCH LOL

JudyEddy said...

that just may be a beard instead of a tongue boy do we have good imaginations LOL

JudyEddy said...

watching the jordan cam and the eaglets were alone for a long time odd not unless the parents are close I guess

JudyEddy said...

remember oh no MR BILL that is what the face reminds me of in the nest

JudyEddy said...

you gotta watch this spelling bee was on the news

I think he was pulling their leg LOL what do you think

Lori O. said...

Hope we get a visit tonight, but I just checked the forecast and the rain will get worse... 1/2" to
3/4" between now and early morning.

Lori O. said...

Hourly chart shows heaviest rain overnight, so maybe we'll be blessed with their arrival soon.

JudyEddy said...

all together on the count of three YELL HERE EAGLE HERE EAGLE

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Was just on FB, there's a post from NBG about mating @ 8:08AM with a caption that says "up close and personal." I posted a comment about my students watching and learning!

We have some versatile nest here - yesterday it looked like a slice of shoofly pie, today it looks like Benji! Personally, I'd like it to look like it's occupied by Miss Belle sittin' on some eggs! Surely Shep has gotten it right at least once with all the practice he's had??!!

DanaMo said...

Hey Sandi, I went to the dermatologist today too!Pre-cancerous cells on my lip, but got the all good today!

DanaMo said...

oops ignore that last comment, I see that you responded to my earlier post. That's what I get for speaking before reading back!

Lori O. said...

I was just thinking about eggs, Sandi! Guess we could start seeing them anytime...or do we only count Shep's best attempts of late?

Sandi said...

I've been hearing something off and on near the cam so I think we have an eagle up there!

Lori O. said...

Someone is up on the cam!

Lori O. said...

See the deer up at the top left?

Lori O. said...

top middle now for the deer.

Kay said...

LORI, I do see the deer ! Thanks for pointing it out ! As for the nest, I see a bobcat design in the flugg.

Sad news from Jack Hanna Land today:

Barbara,Columbus Eagle Dies

Sandi said...

Couldn't see the deer til I went to full screen. C'mon down, eagle!!

hedgie said...

Hello again. Caught up with you all. Have slept most of the afternoon. Just risked eating something....MTBD!!! Back to sofa to digest.

SO very glad to hear the great news of WANDA'S little trek! 40' is a good "first step."!!!!! She'll be running in those halls soon!!! Thanks, Karla!

Sandi said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is in the nest.

hedgie said...

Glad that Hoda feels well, and glad that DanaMo got a good report. Sandi, as fair as you are, I'm sure it's a constant concern for stay on top of it!!

Loretta, hope your Drs. apptmt. was just routine and that all is well.

Pileateds live here year-round!

Kay said...

SHEP!!! He's going to smuch my bobcat and the little owl sitting on it's head, but that's okay. COME ON BELLE, WE WANT TO SEE YOU, TOO !!!!

Sandi said...


Lori O. said...

Belle must have landed on the cam!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Belle is up near the camera.

Kay said...

I don't even know what smuch is ! He's going to schmoosh my imaginary friends.


Kay said...

LYNN, hope you keep that nourishment down and begin to feel better soon !

magpie said...

It was good to see that eagle, and
wonderful to see our Hedgie !!

Kay said...

RED, glad you're getting VIP treatment this evening. Safe travel and Godspeed to Diane !

Kay said...

Night light already ? I'm hanging on to hope our lovlies will visit once more today.

Sandi said...

LYNN, glad you're feeling a little better. My dermatologist would tell you I'm not nearly concerned enough about being in the sun. I spend all summer playing tennis, gardening, bike riding, and going to the beach and I'm not careful about wearing sunscreen. I LIKE being tan! I tell him I'm keeping him in business!!

magpie said...

I've been watching for the deer, but my head was down writing something an I missed them again, maybe I'll keep watching

Yes, forget the faces and the pie, we want eggs !!!

Lori O. said...

LYNN, glad you're feeling well enough to type a few words. Please keep us posted when you feel up to it. Big Hugs!

Kay said...

It's also wonderful to "see" you, MARGY. What's the latest from your roost ?

Mema Jo said...

Call that visit a 'quickie'

Maybe they will both come back

magpie said...

they just might surprise us Jo ☺

Kay, all's well here, thanks..
have to straighten my pictures on the wall, from time to time, from the "bowling ball" action upstairs...
but I've learned to get along with it, could be much much worse

Kay said...

MARGY, you are such a good and patient neighbor ! Speaking of good neighbors, any culinary pleasures from Tom Sweetie lately ?

Kay said...

JO, is there a birthday dinner or party for Alexis this evening ?

magpie said...

pics on the wall,
from the rollling bowling ball,
go that way and this,
'cuz of the lil' "Blessed" Miss

it's not really a bowling ball, just sounds like it sometimes,
her name is in the last sentence,
she's 4 years old and calls me "Lady" ☺

Kay said...

Still hearing some clickety clack near the cam.

Sandi said...

Sounds like it may be raining at the nest again.

Kay said...

Such a cute name, Blessed. She's lucky to have you "Lady" !

magpie said...

it might be raindrops a'falling on its head
(the cam head that is...)

magpie said...

thanks Kay...she is pretty darn cute.....
she has a cousin named Miracle
and another one named Precious I think...

Kay said...

Yup, I think you've identified that sound, SANDI. Guess I'll give up on our regal eagles and see what's in the pantry.

Prayers and more prayers for all in need, just in case I don't make it back here tonight and even if I do !


Sandi said...

I'm off to feed the pups and fix some dinner. Watched Criminal Minds last night and recorded Touch, so I may try to watch that before Grey's comes on tonight. Later all!

Kay said...

Pretty cute, MARGY ! I HOPE all those little girls live up to their names with FRANK and EARNEST GRACE ! ☺

Hoda said...

I am caught up on the blog...
BEST news: LYNN ate something.
LYNN had a good nap
LYNN wrote on the blog...
THANK YOU LYNN!!! Keep healing Gal!!!

WANDA walked Good on you WANDA...WAY TO GO!!! Keep us posted KARLA and thank you for the reports.

On my way to get anti macular degeneration vitamins I had to stop in the candy store...I got a $1.50 flute of assorted candy and felt like a little kid walking and eating my candy...It is really a good sign when a town has a candy store...LOL

magpie said...

Howdy Hoda....are you IN for the night? It's right cold, dreary and damp here...

I have a picture of you walking with your candy....

Hoda said...

Part of the BEST news entry is the report from DANAMO with a clean bill of heealth...glad you checked it and caught it early DANAMO...are you a smoker? have you ever smoked?

SANDI maybe it is not your responsibility to keep your dermatoligist in business!!!LOL!!! as LYNN says you are so fair, make sure you use sun screen...

I need a cup of tea...BBL

Lolly said...

I am home. Went to Fort Worth to Barnes and Noble. Had to go up there since Borders is gone here in our town. Grrr! Jack met me there as he had gone up to eat lunch with a friend and give blood. Anyway, bought several books for Zacharooski, then Jack said get books for J and J. So....I did!

Then I did some grossery shopping.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - Alexis birthday is today officially. Family party was last evening. This weekend I think her dad
will be taking her to Chuckie Cheese with a friend or two.

Dinner is a finished deal in this home.

Hoda - Very happy for you having a Candy Store you have to pass in your travels. We all deserve a threat every once in a while. I have an Oatmeal Pie at times! Hoda - you reward yourself well!

Sandi said...

JO, we all deserve a treat once in a while, but I don't believe that ANY of us deserve a threat! =)

Lolly said...

LOL Yes, no threats for me, thank you! A treat? Sure!!!!!

magpie said...

Oh this is the Joyful place...
nice to "spend" the evening with friends....
funny, Sandi!

AAAh Jo, thanks for the reminder, Oatmeal Pies...that's the "egg-laying time" treat for sure !!!

I'm fixing mashed potatoes, and French Toast, with Maple Syrup...
maybe leftover mashes will go for potato pancakes tomorrow....

magpie said...

okay Lolly, did you get any books for YOURSELF??

books are always nice gifts...
hope you had fun ☺

paula eagleholic said...

That's quite a combo there Margy...but I'm not laughing at you...someone was laughing at me recently for having mashed taters with my steamed shrimp!

Having a nice hot cup of tea, then going to go for some scrambled eggs.

Red said...

I can't decide if I want Chinese or Mexican tonight. Either one will be good.

Hoda said...

Yes MARGY I am in for the night and it is much warmer here than it was most of the is 41 degrees right now...amazing rather...I LOVED my candy...the flute is now empty!!!LOL an assortment of surprises I felt like a little kid...

Hoda said...

SANDI NO threat, as for TREAT well YES of course we all create the circumstances where we deserve a treat...compassion and loving kindness are what I try to treat myself to each and every day...No one owes me a living but I deserve a treat and I create the circumstances for its abundance in my life...its all good.

Lolly said...

No, no books for myself. I have my kindle and will download what I want there. Actually, not doing a whole lot of reading right now. Waiting to get my eye surgery completed. My present glasses are not helping me see very well.

Hoda said...

Chinese RED!!! Did you knwoit was the YEAR of The Dragon? Happy New Year as of Monday. Listen to this Chinese Proverb:

Happy Chinese New Year! Water dragon wisdom~
"If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you. If you try to confront the dragon it will overpower you. If you ride the dragon, you will take advantage of its might and power." ~ A Chinese Proverb

So RED eat a Chinese meal tonight!! Where ver you go you two have a GREAT time.

magpie said...

if I could be there, I would read to you ☺

Mex or Chinese oh go ahead and have both, Red...

Paula, funny how something just hits us, what to eat, I was all set to start the French Toast, then thought, oh why not mashed potatoes too....
might even try some syrup on them !

it's all almost done, guess I better not burn the toast

Hoda said...

Quick quick quick...I feel deprived!!! I do not know what are oatmeal pies...someone to the rescue please...I hope JO is still here...Recipe please...what is in it? I hope raisins and cinnamon honey and nutmeg with some walnuts I even close? Any seeds in there?HELP QUick QUick QUick...

Mema Jo said...

Lordy, Lordy - don't know how that "h" got into treat! So sorry but thankful
for all of you 'teachers' to see that error and correct me! lol Love Ya! ♥

Mema Jo said...

FYI: I am anxiously awaiting to see
Belle spending the night in the nest.
That is the sign that Eggs are on their way! With our miserable night light I
am not sure but hope the moon shines so
we can see her white head and tail.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, I am glad you are keeping in touch with Nila - She is one strong
determined gal. Thankful you are there
for her. ♥

Mema Jo said...

May I repeat Wanda Wright - Room 401-A
City Hospital - 2500 Hospital Drive
Martinsburg, WV 25401


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - Margy and I always celebrate the egg laying, egg hatching and eaglet fledging with an Oatmeal Creme Pie.
Similar to Baltimore Burger Cookies.

Made by Little Debbie - Now they have
the Big Pak of 12 (much larger ones)
1 cookie is 75g 330 calories
Not something you would eat daily!!!

Double Oatmeal cookie with creme inside

Mema Jo said...

That is Baltimore Berger.....

Mema Jo said...

Oatmeal Creme pies - YUMMY

Hoda said...

Oh sounds divine!!! I think I would like the oatmeal time have one for me...I think food cn be better in the east coast...Berger cookies and now oatmeal pie...YUM YUM YUM!!! Time for me to look for some food. I forgot lunch again!!!

Hoda said...

I ate candy instead LOL!!!

DanaMo said...

I do wear sunscreen on my lips and face. Otherwise, like Sandi, I like my tan!

hedgie said...

Back again! So far, so good. Just wish I could walk straight! My abs are so sore!!

Raining steadily here now.

hedgie said...

Sandi, Grey's is a repeat, as is PP, and everything else on network!
:( Hiatus time!

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Good effort on Nila's part. So nice she has help to keep doing things that tend to make us put one foot in front of the other.

Sandi, hope the results are of a benign nature. Speaking of difficult student questions, had a student from a Middle Eastern country some years ago (human development course) and she wanted to know where sperm come from. That was a challenge to say the least.

Glad DanaMo got good results.

Lynn, sorry you are really not feeling well. Hope it is just a tummy bug and will disappear soon.

JudyE, there was a report on the national news about Walmart not using greeters anymore, I think for the late hours. Do hope this is not something else to affect you.

Red, I see others were pushing for Chinese. I like Chinese but would likely go for Mexican. Whichever, I hope it was a nice dinner out with Diane.

Speaking of food, well, shrimp and smashed taters or smashed taters and French toast -- interesting combinations.

Long day for me. School then grossery shopping. Headed to put my feet up and read the newspaper. Back to turn the night light on before the sandperson slinks down the hall.

Judie said...

Oh my, must be way too tired.

Wanda, congratulations on walking 40 feet. You rock girl. Thank you Karla for the update.

hedgie said...

Margy, that's a strange cooombo----mashed taters and french tast??!!! If you were younger, I 'd be asking "are you PG???" Please tell me you don't put syrup on the taters!!
I LOVE potato cakes!! Yummm!!

hedgie said...

A flute of candy, Hoda, sounds so neat! An old-fashioned kind of treat!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I forgot to thank Sweet Pea for her update on Wanda! Thank you! 40 feet is good. I have no doubt that Wanda will do good in her recovery!

hedgie said...

Margy and Jo---it's time for you to stock up on the Oatmeal Pies!!!!!

Red, I vote MEXICAN!!!

Time for Jeopardy! bb.

Hoda said...

NO FAIR JUDIE!!! You must say how you answered the middle east student...was she wearing a hijab?what a challenge that would be!!! Somehow I presume it is a odd question to come from a man I would say...LOL

Hoda said...

LYNN I am glad so far so good...will the hot bath later on improve the sore abs? I hope you have a heating pad? You have not twisted yourself now did you? I hope not...

Mema Jo said...


Hoda said...

I was not presuming JUDIE said she for the middle eastern student...!!

Hoda said...

Twice when I clicked on The Huffington Post my computer detected a is now scanning...warning leave that site alone for now...I will let you know what comes up if my anti virus scan wear can delete quaranteened it OK

Sandi said...

LYNN, Thanks for the heads-up on Grey's! To coin a common middle school phrase, that really sucks! Guess that means I'll have plenty of time to watch Touch!

JO and MARGY, I stay away from the Lil Debbie oatmeal pies, but there's an 8-pack of pecan spinwheels in my pantry right now. =) When I eat one, I try not to think about the fact that they have something like a 5-year shelf life due to all the preservatives!

OK, off to watch TV! Easy school day for me tomorrow - no kids so teachers can work on report card grades. Goodnight all!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi I'm home it is late I had to work at Mom's. She had not even felt like doing her dishes for 2 days. My Aunt and Uncle came to see her today. I was not there then and they did not lift a hand to help the woman. Oh well.....I will she is my Mother.♥

I have not read comments. Going to the couch for awhile.

Check back in later.

magpie said...

Glad you could be there for your Mom, DanaWV, hope the relatives provided some good company for your Mother, at least

oh pecan pinwheels, Sandi...
I like them ALSO.

magpie said...

DID not put syrup on the smashed taters...put things on separate plates after all, now if I make the potato pancakes, I love them with warmed cinnamon applesauce

Lynn, I was thinking the same thing when I posted what I was having, will they think I'm pregnant ?? LOL

hope RED ends up happy with his restaurant choice...

magpie said...

I like your philosophy on treats...
I just re-read your post of 6:47 -

magpie said...

hear sirens at the nest, sounds like a a firehouse siren going off

Hoda said...

Computer jsut finished scanning and deleted a virus that I am sure I picked up from The Huffington Post...I like this site but won't go there again today till they can clear their issues...they have added France to the list of countries...Canada, USA, UK and France...

magpie said...

past tense now, did hear siren sounds

magpie said...

I think your acquaintance the Sandman made an early trip to Martinsburg....

so, I'm off to search for the warm bed

Hoping that things are in the Plus Column for Tori these days....

Missing CarolAnne today, Lynne, and other smiling faces; I'll jump when I see Costume Lady check in, but sure hope she doesn't rush it;

I know Karla will check in when she can....

Prayers for Wellness and Healing for all our Loved Ones, Family, Friends....

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥ ((Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

************************************************ Room 405-A ************

For Wanda's address........♥

hedgie said...

What a shame about Barbara the eagle. She did a fine job over her tenure at the zoo. But I still feel that it was wrong to "cage" her because she attacked someone. ???

magpie said...

Thank you JO... !!

Oh, can't forget:

God Bless Our Military

hedgie said...

Oh, Sandi, I love the little spinwheel pastries, too. I can even tolerate the pecans in them...tho' I don't pick up the ones that fall on the plate!!

Hoda, abs are sore from retching, I guess. Hot bath WILL help, and then my lovely electric blanket!

Lolly said...

Well beans!!! Just found out that Grey's is a repeat.

Just finished dinner. Went for Mexican food. Guess the blog influenced me. Tried a new recipe tonight, three cheese chicken enchiladas. It is a definite repeat.

Janet said...

good evening all! wow the food comments!!!!! lol, right up my alley! although the oatmeal pies are good, i think my favorite in that genre would be the nutty bars!

have had a great day.....another good and busy day at rained off and on...poured this evening...daffodils are popping up...and i saw a tree budding out ...

by the way...just an fyi: my favorite dessert would have to be an ugly duckling: take a marjool date, take out the pit, stuff with almond paste and dip the whole thing in dark chocolate....yuuuuummmmm.....followed up only by tirimisu

on that calorie rich note: calling it a night....:)

grannyblt said...

Yoda, don't consider those oatmeal pies, they are full of preservatives and leave that greasy aftertaste, at least IMHO.

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

GRANNYBLT....I like YODA TOO...nice ears!!!LOL
I am afraid to try them as they sounded delicious in the recipe JO posted. No chance of finding the packaged deal here...I would have to make them...

LYNN sorry about the abs...I will pray that this goes away nolater than tonight so you would be strong and able to go to radiation...we will celebrate with you on the first of February we all have marked our calendars and we are cheering you on...LOVE YOU LYNN...

Red said...

Dinner was Chinese. Found some spicy stuff too. Chung King Pork.

Now its bedtime. See ya tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

From Sissy over on FB
We need prayers for Granny Riffe tonight. Taking her to the ER. They think she may have had a heart attack.

Hoda said...

This is for GRANNYBLT Yoda Wisdom
Would that I be as wise as Yoda...

Hoda said...

PRAYERS FOR GRANNY RIFFE JO. May she be looked after by a team of knowlegeable and compassionate team. May she survive her ordeal.

Mema Jo said...

Janet, I love dates stuffed with PB and
then rolled in confectioners sugar! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from Angies Wow looks at the time and look at all the comments HMMM I was home all day to read and only a handfull of comments all day I leave and you all chat up a storm HMMM is it me I did take a shower LOL Had a great time and time just flew by

JudyEddy said...

Got to see the eagles in the cell phone tower at Jordyn dance school at the plaza got a short video that is a shorter tower and I think they may have eggs not forsure the eagle was on the edge and hopped in the nest at dark didn't fly off I guess we will never know till we see them

JudyEddy said...

Ok I am going to start to do some reading got 97 to read may not make it back till the am

Hoda said...

Does anyone here know someone called Jinavee Cox? I just got a friends request on Facebook...I have no idea who she is...I have not heard of her in our group...I will wait for a few hours and if no one identifies her I will block her from friends request.
Facebook is strange that way.

JudyEddy said...

where Angie lives is a palm tree that has the oddest thing wrapped around it I took a picture of it and put on the blog I see something in the picture after I took it see if you see it also Won't say what I see to see if you see if I put on facebook also

What do you see in the picture

JudyEddy said...

the top picture of the group is where you can see it the best Odd looking entity on the tree I just wonder if it is another tree or growth of sort Every time I go there and we go to the dance school I see it and I finally got a picture of it Let me know if you see anything in the top picture I need to go take my Tylenol PM

JudyEddy said...

The rumor of the people greeter is just the over nite shift has gone away

JudyEddy said...

I see we had just a short visit also

Mema Jo said...

BWE appears to be tenting - I assume
it is raining some down there.

NBG - good night light - Tree is
swaying MT nest

Jordan Lake - There is no night cam but we will be back at first light and hope you will join us; good night everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE left you a comment on FB!

Hoda, I don't know that person!

Hitting the hay again early, catch ya tomorrow.

Sleep well, my friends.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

JudyEddy said...

right now my availability at work is 7am to 7pm I may have to open it up from 7am to 11pm which I would rather not but in order to get more hours I may just have to

I still haven't talked to them the co mgr is working nights and the Human Resource officer hasn't been in the office so I am not pushing the issue if they want to talk to me they can page me or find me I figure the longer I wait the longer I keep my money

JudyEddy said...

Paula you got it right on face book odd huh

JudyEddy said...

HODA when I get request from people I don't know what I do is go on to their page to see if there is anyone that we have in common and then I message them and ask them How do I know you before I accept your request maybe someone from the past I may not remember the name and I have had responses that they were people from my past Doesn't hurt to mssge them

JudyEddy said...

took my pills now just to wait and read for a while and listening to the news

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I would block that person. I don't even see she has an account on FB..??

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA and JUDYE.

200 S P L I T coming up in three.
Don't get lost

Mema Jo said...

Judy, my imagination isn't working to
well this late in the evening. I can't
see anything special so I'll look again in the morning.

Hoda said...

JO You are so right I tried to search her page on FB and it did not show scared me even more so I blocked her...if you and PAULA do not know her that is good enough for me...

Mema Jo said...



Should be 200

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...