Thursday, January 19, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new Thread STEVE I will gather the others

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon and Thank you for the Fresh thread, Steve.

I will call for the others to come over

Mema Jo said...

I'll leave it to JudyE to get them all over here.

The temps have risen or else the winds
have died down. Not so bad out right now.

Not sure this was mentioned
Nesting bald eagle lays first egg at Carolina Raptor Center
Savannah the eagle cleverly announced via her Twitter account she laid her first egg at the Carolina Raptor Center on Wednesday.

JudyEddy said...

HI JO did you hear the eagles are up in the attic talking to us

Judie said...

Red, you probably are not aware that Shirley has a scrabble cheat sheet -- that's her secret! Besides, she really is very, very clever and smart.

Shirley, congratulations to Susan. I hope this will be a terrific opportunity for her.

Sharon, so sorry about Nila and do hope the pain will be under control very soon.

Hoda, maybe you can goad a layer into action to help JudyE. Sorry about all the snow but if you don't mind, please keep it over your way. Don't need snow at the nest. Have fun with the yoga class.

Jo, enjoy your lunch today.

JudyE, very sad about your brother's dog. Never ever easy. Just enjoy lunch with Jordyn.

Congratulations, Lolly. Also glad Jack is better.

Okay, will be off to get grosseries soon. Back later tonight.

Oh, Lynn, the panthers do not go out and any time we would take them it would be on leashes in the back yard. Never left alone.

Judie said...

Finally, was blocked from posting my comments for about 30 minutes. Blog owner did not recognize me.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

JudyEddy said...

I LOVE HOSPICE As a matter of fact I am leaving one third of my death benefit to them they were such a help with my BFF when she passed away and with my MOM and DAD also didn't have to much dealing with them up north but down here I did

hedgie said...

For all you scrabble Mom is also the queen! Can't be beat!!

LOL, Red is a skinny dude!! All a matter of genes!

Disposed of the old bedding before I let Liesl out of the downstairs crate. Now to fold up the playpen and pack it away.

Sharon, morphine is so vital for the intractable pain, but does have it's downside. Does she have COPD? Careful titration needed for sure, but if she is terminal, then it is of less concern if it depresses respiration. Keeping her comfortable is primary. Have they called in Hospice?

Kay---always loved Willa Cather!!! Read ALL her books!

Shirley, give Susan my congrats! Onward and upward!!! Should be a fun environment!!

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I love your avatar my picture on the calendar I have has a Northern Cardinal on it in flight coming at ya so cool I also have a eagle one from Walmart

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LYNN you had me scratching my head I read your email twice and I thought deja vu but realize you had it on both days I get them emailed to me and didn't notice the date just thought it was deja vu

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why they don't come down up there making all that noise and I wonder if they are two or just one

stronghunter said...

Maybe they are exchanging sweet talk up there in the top of the tree.

JudyEddy said...

Going in to LM again gonna get some stuff done around the house while she is still out like a light Boy can that kid sleep She loves her naps

hedgie said...

JudyE....FL hospices are very advanced compared to here, but we are finally getting an in-patient facility built this coming spring summer that will have private rooms.

I was totally awed by the one we had my uncle in in Stewart, FL. Wonderful place.

Sorry about your son's dog.....always a sad thing. But the Rainbow Bridge is so beautiful....can't help but picture him running wild and free amongst the trees and flowers and fields with all the other sweet animals.

JudyEddy said...

I like that thought Shirley

Mema Jo said...

Feet up for a few -------

Kay said...

Thanks for the nice new thread, STEVE !

We have about a half inch of something that looks like powdered sugar on the ground. Started sifting out of the sky about noon. Not suppose to get much more. We're probably sending it toward some of you to the East.

Kay said...

Belle and Shep, well Belle at least, knows they'll be spending a lot of time on the nest soon. Enjoying freedom and the view from up above while she can, I'm thinking !

stronghunter said...

I can remember seeing it flurry all day in Columbus without any particular accumulation. I would think there might be snow on the ground, but it would just blow around and evaporate.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, you're right. That's what it does here unless we get a real hard freeze that goes deep into the ground. Okay by me !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I found you!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, you were lost, Sharon?

JudyEddy said...

I just recorded the chirps tooo cool

stronghunter said...

Distress calls now?

Sounds like an eaglet calling a parent.

Kay said...

Sounds like Belle used to sound when calling for Lib to give her a break and take care of the eggs or kids to me.

stronghunter said...

Distress calls.

Sandi said...

Thanks for the call over folks! Just got home and caught up on the blog - sorry I missed hearing the eagles - I love the sound they make!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like children playing now.

JudyEddy said...

I put the chirping distress call on the blog a few seconds of it
HP and distress call I put on the same blog as the HP this am

hedgie said...

Had a nice talk with Suz. All is well. She is just very busy cleaning out junk! She's burned up two shredders and is on the third. She sends her love. And she marked her calendar for April!!! She can't get the internet connection in until she finishes the big clean-up. Her living room was FULL of files boxes full of work papers.....needs to get all of that cleared out and rearrange the room.

Sandi said...

Am I hearing a chainsaw? That would certainly explain the distress calls from the eagles!

Sandi said...

Clunking on the cam.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Busy, busy morning here--had someone come out and replace our cracked windshield. Looks great now! Had a rock ding that had cracked due to temperature changes.


Shirley, bet George LOVES exploring the back yard!...Prayers that Susan's new job will be a great opportunity for her!

Yahoo!! Praise God! Another encouraging Tori report! Prayers continue, with gusto!

Sharon, lots of prayers for Nila!
Hope they can get everything--especially the pain--under control!

JudyE, so sorry to hear that your son's dog has passed. (((HUGS))) & PRAYERS!!

Lolly, great Dr. appt. report!

Well, TONS of work to do, so gotta run. Will BBL tonight! HAGD! :o]

grannyblt said...

Afternoon all.
Kay, thanks but no thanks for that white stuff you sent east. I did my afternoon errands this morning to avoid it. We are to have 3-5 inches. I promised a neighbor I would go with her while she has a CAT scan tomorrow. We have a perfectly fine facility here in town, but she only trusts out of town Dr'.s so off we'll go early tomorrw. The s### should be over by then. Can I get the cam on my Kindle Fire? I'll take it along in any case.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't know that the eagle calls were distress calls. I think they were just eagle calls.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, sounds like Suz is a paper hoarder! LOL!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Just got a email from LORI Leanne will be there tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

Jewel is up and cleaning her self

JudyEddy said...

JEWEL is doing lots of digging in the back of the cave and lots of licking MAYBE????

JudyEddy said...

I added picture to the EM album of this am visit

JudyEddy said...

she sure is digging a big hole

JudyEddy said...

she is breathing hard also she is so full of straw stuff looks funny

JudyEddy said...

she sure does need a flea collar itch itch

Sandi said...

Again, I hear noise in the tree.

JudyEddy said...

well since I seem to be alone I am leaving no sense in staying almost time to go to Angie and to JOrdyn dance class on Thru nite

wvgal_dana said...

I see no eagles visted the nest yet this evening. Although they were up in the tree.

JudyE sad news about your son's dog. Rainbow Bridge is a beautiful place. Tommy can now run free of any pain or discomfort.

Thanks for the link to NX or it says the hawk could be on that cam.
Which ever is nice to see being taken good care of.

wvgal_dana said...

Ha Ha that is funny Lynn. I have having for Dinner cheese burger with Bacon and fruit. I will be making mine though. Sure was nice of the driver to go through the Burger King Drive Thru for you.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Jewel is completely settled down now.

Yucky forecast for here starting w/ scattered s--w showers this evening and night. Sleet and freeing rain tomorrow evening into Sat. morning. Possible 1.4" ice accumulation. Guess I'll leave the water in the tub tonight (for flushing) and make some extra tea ahead tomorrow. YUCKO!

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening! I did get my 'do'
and then ran another errand or two - then my feet week up for a few.
Jewel is sleeping quietly and our nest
is MT right now.

Hope all is well with all my friends.

Sandi said...

Interesting article on CCB eagle nest blog about the 2 dead eagles recemtly found at NBG:
Eagle Mortality

stronghunter said...

Time to fix dinner. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, thanks so much for contact Suz.
Coming home from my haircut I mentioned to Hubby that I was missing hearing from Suz! You are always one step ahead of me, Trooper!

wvgal_dana said...

@Loretta Margy did get the lights fixed at her tag on vehicle.

Kay said...

LORETTA, MARGY did report the tag light as fixed and at a very reasonable price. I can't remember the price, but she was pleased. We have broad shoulders, feel free to use them any time ! We'll cross everything right along with you !

Darkness descends so hope of seeing our eagles dimishes. :(

Time to think about what's for dinner--uninspired at this point.

Thinking of all on our prayer list with love and concern. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Thx Dana! I'm gonna delete my comment.

hedgie said...

Lily cam work postponed til tomorrow due to extreme cold......

wvgal_dana said...

Saw the 2 eggs at BWE did not see any pip hole. They looked intact. Since to Lisa.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaWV, we have quite a few days before we should have pip holes at BWE....or did you mean OK???

Sandi said...

Guess I'll give up on Belle and Shep for the evening and focus on feeding dogs and peeps.
LYNN, any recent updates on FB about Tori?

hedgie said...

NBG Deaths Interview

wvgal_dana said...

No I was thinking BWE and sent pic to Lisa ... ha ha on me. There won't be a hatch there until around Feb15th or after lol

Mema Jo said...

Be back in a little - dinner time........

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne must have really been putting those papers through those 2 shredders. I have two big bags. Shredding some when I am watching cams. Let them rest awhile and also use WD-40 spray on piece of paper to send through. Keeps the teeth sharp and gears working well.

I got all winter to finish this shredding.

hedgie said...

Oops--I see Sandi already posted the NBG info.

No new word on Tori.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Loretta you did not need to delete your comment. It had some intereting stuff in there. Besides about Margy's vehicle.

Get back on here gal!!!! ♥

Hoda said...

I have not been able to bring up the live feed today...tried and I give up!!! Error message keeps popping up!!!

Good yoga class, streets are a mess, they are doing their best to remove the snow. Lots of it...OK JUDIE the skiers and snow boarders don't want to send you any snow either they want to keep it all to themselves. They are in seventh heaven right now...

Speaks of more snow on the weekend.

Thanks for the eagle reports and for the video also JUDYE.

I need to go get to you later...

Lolly said...

Back inside. Jack and I ended up doing quite a bit of leaf raking, hauling and burning. Yea! This time worked in the flowerbed that surrounds my herb garden. I also watered the green house and filled birdbaths. I groan when I see all that we have left to do. It was really beautiful out....almost too warm, I sweated!!! Yes, I sweat!

NatureNut said...

OK~read back a little and want to send prayers also for Sharon's friend, Nila.
Read that Tori's test was OK. Hope & prayer she gets her surgery soon.

I understand Red made a Comment on OC. I try not to go there. ☺
Some of the Jewel sites, WildEarth, PixController and Ustream have SS (chat) columns and sometimes it's HARD not to want to respond when you see misinformation. They don't have mods, but if things do get out of line, WildEarth admin will pop on. If you want to stay away from seeing chats, the regular is the cam to watch.

NatureNut said...

Thank you for your patience, WVDana. I shouldn't whine about tooth problems which should really seem minor in the scope of health troubles.
Had just mentioned that I asked Fubby about Margy's tag wires & he said was a pretty simple fix & he hoped now one overcharged her.He even told me how to fix with a double-bypass from both lights to main wire!!! Wish she lived closer!! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta you was NOT whining!!! This is the best place to come and talk to others about things. I remember Norma use to tell everyone. If your going to the dentist while in the chair "pinch your arm" lol So I am glad you are here lady♥

hedgie said...

DanaWV----here is an article about little Ava and there is a FB link in it:

hedgie said...

If you watch American Idol for Christian Lopez. Carolyn is friends with his parents and has known him since he was alittle kid!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Lynn I will be watching American Idol and will look for him.

Sandi said...

LYNN, thanks for the link to the article on Ava. I had heard nothing about the accident! True, I rarely listen to the local news, as I read most of my news online. Still, this area is such an "everybody knows everybody" small town that I'm surprised no one at school mentioned it.

NatureNut said...

Wanted to mention sympathy for JudyE's son on loss of dog. It is sad.
And I wonder if Hoda w/all her good health classes will start using a snow board to get around? Might work better than getting stuck w/a car! LOL
Thx for American Idol reminder. That's what I watched last night & konked out--never got on here!
(Dana, not afraid of the dentist at all---just what he might end up having to do!)

Hoda said...

YUM YUM YUM!!! I just had aged cheddar GOAT CHEESE...I found it at the store today and it is delicious. I have more of it to last till the weekend too...I love it when I find good food.
Still snowing and people are still shovelling and the snow removal people are still out there, I would feel better if I heard the sand trucks, but I am not hearing them...I do not need to go anywhere tonight so this is good...

I finished putting announcements for the Grans to Grans in the Print news papers and the online news papers also. We are having a Children's Crafts and Tea Party for the little people aged 3 to 10 year many wonderful and cute activities.

Here is the announcement:

"On Saturday Feb 11th The Nelson Grans are once again hosting the Children's Craft and Tea Party At Nelson United Church from nine till noon. Cost $10:00 per child aged 3-10 years old
Activities include new crafts as well as favourites from previous craft parties. Many of the crafts are geared for Valentine's Day.Back by popular Demand The Cup Cake Walk.A story Teller will tell exciting tales and snacks will be available.
So let every little person you know come and have a fun filled morning.
Tickets can be purchased from Sensation Clothes Shoppe at 534 Josephine St., behind BCAA... tickets are also available from the Grans."
So cute we will bake cookies so the little ones can decorate them for St.Valentine.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, sorry to hear about your son's dog.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, that sounds like fun! How much snow do you have on the ground?

paula eagleholic said...

Tonight is housecleaning nite. Michael and Laura are coming down tomorrow nite, late. Brensin's BD party is on Sat afternoon, then a friend of Michael's is having a party at the Ott House (local bar) on Saturday night. Should be a fun weekend!

Hoda said...

I would stay at least three feet PAULA!!! It is important to have the roads clear other wise my little car scrapes bottom!!!
So you are not travelling to Paradise tomorrow then PAULA?

Mema Jo said...

Being called into TV by hubby
Be back if it isn't any good.......

stronghunter said...

Christian Lopez--I will look for him.

Hoda said...

Sarah Burke died at 29 years old. Free Style Canadian skier, the best in her field. Her organs will be donated said her family as per her wishes...I feel sad she is gone. God Bless and receive her soul...

Sandi said...

HODA, the children's craft & tea party sounds like a wonderful event for the children and the Grans! What is the "cupcake walk?" It's been a LONG time since I've seen 3 feet of snow - Baltimore had a blizzard 2 years ago but we had already moved to Bethany by then. The only close-to-significant snow event that we've had in the 5 and a half years we've lived here was the 26th of December 2010 - we got about 14 inches. I really hate cold weather - if the decision was strictly up to me, I'd be Judy's next door neighbor in FL! But, if I have to live somewhere that has cold weather, I do love to see snow. It's one of the few things I dislike about living in Bethany Beach - winters are cold, windy, and damp, but the proximity to the ocean prevents it from snowing (usually just a dusting is all we get).

Hoda said...

SANDI This is to answer your question: What is a Cup Cake Walk?
Cupckae Walk for 3 to 10 Year Olds

Hoda said...

SANDI The reason we are so excited by the Children Crafts and Tea Party is the fact it is mostly run by the Grand Kids. This group spun out from the Grans to Grans and we are the first City in Canada to bring it it is not only The Grans who will"not rest till they rest" referring to the African Grandmothers who are supporting their Grand kids whose parents died of is also the Canadian Grandkids who extend a helping hand to African Grand Kids...I love watching them and seeing their energy and enthusiasm...It is to the point with the Crafts and Tea Party where we as Grandmothers just help out the older Grandkids...they are in their early teens...

paula eagleholic said...

No Hoda, Paradise is still shut down for the winter. Went to friends house in Rehobeth, then just visited Paradise.

Cup Cake walk sounds like fun, are they going to be decorating them first?

paula eagleholic said...

Might go to Rehobeth next weekend though!

stronghunter said...

Didn't see your guy, Lynn, but they did not give all of the names.

hedgie said...

Oh, my......just found out that Christian MADE it through!!!!!
I missed it....was on the phone. But I've got it recorded!

Hoda, that is way too much snow....ugh!! Well done announcement!! Activities sound like fun!
So sad about sarah Burke.
Someone mentioned you should use a snowboard, Hoda....please don't. Only child of a former work pal died in a snowboard accident in CO today. So very sad.........he was living out there. :( Needless to say, she is absolutely inconsolable.

hedgie said...

Loretta---everything okay with you???

Gonna go take my bath and then start watching taped stuff! BBL.

Hoda said...

Yes PAULA the little people decorate the cupcakes and when they choose they can not choose the one they cute to see them all excited and earnest while they are decorating...they want to make a gift to someone else with the most amazing toppings...we make sure that there are lots of choices and plenty of them...LOL a fun day

No LYNN I do not think I will snow board this life time. When I was a school teacher a few students taught me how to skate board and every once in a while when the principle was out of the office I would skate board in the hallway and they all thought they would keep my secret...they laughed so much because they were not allowed to skate board in the hallways...LOL I only did it a few times and then told them I do not want to get caught...Snow boarding is waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy over my head!!!

Jewels said...

Am bummed that they did not show Christian singing!!!!

Hoda said...

Your MOM has it recorded JEWELS.Go visit her you can see it there...

Jewels said...

Hoda I watched it, they just showed him getting the ticket that he made it.... didn't air his performance.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa Hoda, thatsa lotsa snow!

paula eagleholic said...

Wax ☺

paula eagleholic said...

OK, glad I didn't miss Christian, was cleaning. Glad he made it thru, Jewels!

Hoda said...

Oh I read it again and maybe you watched it JEWELS but the program did not show CHRISTIAN singing...OH I said...sorry about that.

Hoda said...

I see your post you DID watch it...thanks for the clarification JEWELS.

paula eagleholic said...


We've opened the 2012 Eagle Cam Web Log. Please read the first entry to get an update on the cam, as well as our eagle family and their two-egg clutch

NatureNut said...

Did not see Christian on Idol, but thx, Jewels that you saw him & he will go to Hollywood!!!Will be rooting for him. I thought the 19 yr. old coal miner boy was very good singing at the mine. I didn't think audition song was a good choice. Oh, well.

Fixing leftovers for tomorrow's work lunch plate--need to call TX, etc.
Hope to BBL~~☺

Jewels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels said...

my delete, sorry....was trying to post link of Christian... I have the link on my facebook.

Red said...

Goodnight folks. My bedtime is close.

See ya tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds just got back from Angies She did good in tonight class is starting to listen better to the instructor She was so tired after then got a second wind I sure wish that would happen to me They were watching Tangled when I left she watched it two times today she knows it back ward and forward by now its such a cute Disney movie

JudyEddy said...

Its been a long day so I am heading to bed I am so tired
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all ♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace

Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

Funny, Jewels mentioned at work today that "tonight was going to be busy."
Then she started talking about the television shows...

Howdy Everyone....
Guess what, I haven't read a post since I left for work this morning, except the last about feeling way out of touch, might have to burn the midnight oil to see what's been goin' on

Thank for the BWE note, Paula.


magpie said...

So, Hello, Good Night, and
(( Hugs ♥ ))

and Prayers for Wellness

in case I don't make it back to say anything else....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

MARGY I hope you pull a MARGY and come back and say a lot!!! I like your posts...

magpie said...

Thanks Hoda... and, I, yours...
by the way, I did get some Swinging Bridge pictures up on a picture blog of the same name, I need to backtrack one of these days and add some from previous visits there

must disappear for awhile, there's a shower calling my name


Mema Jo said...

I did watch TV for 2 hrs - enjoyed the programs I saw. I see a lot of hubbies
have birthdays in Jan. My guy's is
coming up on Mon the 23 - Cake and Ice
cream party in the evening.
I am finding out that I tire very easily
One outing a day is enough ! I did go out to IHops and ate 3 buttermilk
pancakes. Just got a graving for them.
Now I am getting sleepy

paula eagleholic said...

Mmmm sounds good, Jo!

Judie said...

Mmmmm Jo, buttermilk pancakes. Yummy. Glad you had the opportunity.

Hoda, the Nelson Grans hosting a Children's Craft and Tea Party and your description is so sweet. What a lovely group of people you all are. Very sorry about Sarah Burke. I'm sure many others in addition to Canadians are saddened by her death.

Paula, enjoy Brensin's birthday.

Congratulations to Christian.

hedgie said...

That really stinks that they didn't show Christian's audition. :( Hopefully he will get a clip of it to share with his family and friends!

Liesl went right to sleep tonight!

Hope everyone turning in sleeps well. Seems like it's been a very long day, doesn't it?

Oh, boy, Jo---another Lennox party!!!! The advantage of having a large family!

Judie said...

The sandperson has begun the stealthy tip toeing down the hallway and so I know the time is near.

The night light is on for anyone who is headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, into a new sleeping crate, or just tumbles in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

hedgie said...

Baby Ava is having an unexpected brain surgery in the morning. Please pray for her.

hedgie said...

Night, Judie. I feel the are up a little late, gal!!!! See you tomorrow!!

Mema Jo said...

Tippy tippy toeing - I hear you Mr
Sandman -- ♥

Good Night to all my friends
God Bless you! Prayers for you to watch
over little Ava and keep her safe. Prayers for the transplant to come soon
to Tori. Prayers for Robyn and the family. Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Missing DMo - hope to see her in the morning.........

hedgie said...

Saying my buenos noches, too. Sweet dreams. MANY prayers for many needs......taking my list to bed with me. Peace.

paula eagleholic said...

Sleep well, my friends.

(((Hugs for all))♥

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Christian. Shared the photo on my FB.

Prayers for Baby Ava.

Prayers for Sarah Burke and her family.

Rest well, my friends. I will see you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

OK You all must excuse my ignorance...Is Christian related to any one here? I thought maybe to LYNN...I am not sure because now SHIRLY posted his picture on FB so is he related to SHIRLEY not LYNN???

stronghunter said...

Lynn's daughter Carolyn knows him well. No relation to me. I just got a thrill out of posting it on FB, even though I have not met the young man.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY. I saw the picture and he seems like a fine lad.

Lolly said...

Hi all, pulled a disappearing act tonight. Jack reloaded the slide program on my laptop and it now works! I spent the night scanning a carousel of slides from 1978. Fun to look at them.

I was also watching Grey's and PP.

Jewel was just awake. Her head was right by the cam and every once in a while her ears would quiver. Then she started scratching. Wonder if Cortisone would help?

Hoda said...

I am glad Jack was able to fix the slide upload to your computer LOLLY. I was wondering where you sounds like a good evening.

I am about to log off.
Goodnight sweet dreams and God Bless one and all...

NatureNut said...

Sandman has definitely tiptoed thru here! Funny how you can get real tired after Loooong phone calls. Sherry explained the whole new preliminary floor plan for their house to be.Sounds great!Jim must be getting antsy for his outdoor cooking. He bought something called a Green Egg which is all the rage in the south! I have to look it up online.

Prayers for little Ava added to the group & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Very exciting to hear about the house plan, Loretta. You will have to tell us about it. Never heard of the Green Egg.

My turn to say good night. Time to head to the shower and then to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Sooo sleepy, here...doin face
plants, one after another

God Bless us all and prayers~

Lori O. said...

Sleepy here, too, Wanda. Wish I could go back to bed!

Good Night (morning) and sleep well.

Lori O. said...

Still no name for the kitten. I told Kate about Opie and she doesn't like it...UGH. I suggested Mac, like Mac 'n Cheese it's either going to be that or Lolly's suggestion of Cognac. I like both of them.

It's going to be a yucky weather weekend around here...better get the forecast.

Lori O. said...

Be careful, we have some yucky, bad ice moving in tonight and tomorrow:


Partly sunny, with a high near 35.

TONIGHT: Freezing rain & sleet, mainly after 1am. Low around 27. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New ice accumulation of 0.1 to 0.2 of an inch possible. Little or no snow accumulation expected.

TOMORROW: Freezing rain before 10am, then rain likely. High near 40. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New precipitation amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch possible.



Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo, Sandi and JudyE!

Kay said...

Hey, gLORI, what about me ? I still like to think of myself as part of the Early Bird crowd, though I know I've not been showing up regularly ! {{{{Hugs}}}}

Kay said...

If it's between Mac and Cognac, I vote for Mac. ☺ Are you gals planning to keep him or are you getting him ready for adoption ?

Kay said...

RED FRIDAY, y'all ! Don't forget to don the red duds.

LYNN, sounds like Liesl is snug and comfy in her new digs. Probably comforting to have a bed just the right size ! Sorry to hear such serious surgery was necessary for dear little Ava. Keep us posted and you can count on our prayers !

Got more snow than predicted. Ugh. Tapered off now, but by the time I'll be heading home from PT this afternoon it may be snowing and/or freezing rain. Temp at this moment only 11°. Brrrrrr.

Sandi said...

Morning to Lori and DMo who will be checking in soon! Also to early bird Kay this morning!! =)

Kay said...

Hi SANDI ! Thought of you last night when 2 hr. school delays began to scroll across the TV screen. All is outlying areas. I feel sure there are a bunch of teachers and students who are pleased, just as you've been.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Bird Kay!


{{{{Big 1st of the morning Hug}}}

Kay said...

Just checked on da bear and found Jewell curled up and snoring. She's certainly proving to be a mystery woman !

Kay said...

Thanks, LORI ! I love those hugs and do miss them when I fail to join you at our Cyber Cafe !

Kay said...

Oops, just gave Jewel and extra "l".

SHIRLEY, do you FB Scrabblers go by your "real" names ? Both of my in-law kids, Beth and Hugh play. I'm not sure Hugh plays with anyone but Beth, but she always has games going. She's very good, even goes to some tournaments in Philly.

DanaMo said...

Good morning! Just got up!
Dreamed of eagles! Seriously. I woke up remembering my dream of being high in the tree tops and taking close up pictures of Belle and Shep. I was taking pictures of them fishing in the river! Wow what a dream.

DanaMo said...

I play Words with Friends and it goes by your real name. You invite someone to play that is already on your "friend" list.Paula kicked my butt and hasn't played me since. Maybe I should start a new game with her and try to keep up! LOL

Kay said...

Hey, DANAMO ! Maybe that's a prophetic dream. Do you like to climb trees ? ☺

Sandi said...

Kay, no snow predicted here. Just cold rain, which is what we usually get. OK, off to get ready for PURPLE FRIDAY at school! Sorry Kay (and the military), but the Ravens are playing on Sunday!! Will check in from school - state testing AGAIN!! TTFN!

Kay said...

Ah, I see how it works, thanks DANA. So Beth is playing with people she's friended or been friended by. Is that sentence an example of poor grammar ?

Kay said...

No problem SANDI ! I'll be rooting for the Ravens. Hoping they can triumph over Brady and his teammates !!!!

DanaMo said...

Tag day for us Sandi. I get to go to school in jeans. I'm sure we will have alot of people wearing purple, but it will not be me. Not that I have anything against the Ravens, I just don't do football! ☺

Kay said...

LORETTA, mentioned that her sil bought a Green Egg for outdoor cooking. It's described as "the ultimate" for outdoor chefs.

Green Egg

DanaMo said...

I have had trouble getting the cam every day! I'm getting so frustrated. It took 5-6 tries this morning. Finally got it up!

Kay said...

G☺☺d M☺rning, THELMA ! Happy to "see" you ! I really should make myself get up early every day--I've been missing my Early Bird Eagle Buds !

Kay said...

DANAMO, I had that trouble Wed./Thur., but got right on today. Wonder what the heck that's all about ????

T-Bird said...

Me too Kay.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Thelma and Buddy!

grannyblt said...

GM eagles buddies. Nest dark and empty at my last check. I am off to be a good neighbor wearing the snow boots and long johns! I'll play words with friends with anyone if they want to be a winner. My daughter and I always have a game going and she skunks me every time.BBL

T-Bird said...

Good morning Lori.

Kay said...

I've lost the cam. :( Will keep refreshing in hopes of getting it back.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Kay said...

Hi JUDYE, I see you're on and hope you have the cam. I'm shut out right now.

JudyEddy said...

boy did I get up just in time to see eagle

JudyEddy said...

two now

JudyEddy said...

I had no issue getting on this am I had ran Norton last nite and must of forgot so when I got up my ;puter was off and then I remembered that I did run norton and just poswereed HP HPH HP

Kay said...

Watching on still cam.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

That happened to me months ago that I couldn't get the cam and up in the search bar something said like engine failure or something like that and it is frustration I keep trying and got on

DanaMo said...

and I lost the cam and I am getting P%%%^$

JudyEddy said...

poof one belle

JudyEddy said...

poof two

JudyEddy said...

going to go upload the HP video to you tube I did trim it just for the hp

DanaMo said...

I'm going to scream. Not in the mood this morning for this cam!

DanaMo said...

Boy I hope that isn't a sign of the kind of day I'm going to have. So I totally missed them! grrrr....

Kay said...

Glad you were able to report for us, JUDY !

Heading for newspapers, etc. BBL

HAGD all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Dang, I missed them, too, Kay!

Lori O. said...

That's, DMo, I missed 'em, too. This internet connection and I have both had enough already today. But, it's FRIDAY!!!

JudyEddy said...

HP video is once again on the blog youtube and facebook fan page for thoese who missed it

HP AM visit Going to the get ready to get Jordyn

Sandi said...

Am at school. When I got back downstairs from getting dressed, the cam had frozen and I couldn't get back on either. So I missed the action as well - glad Judy caught it!! Hey JUDY, good luck today with work! Know that we are all sending positive energy your way!!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I don't work today Tomorrow and I will not say a word to anyone till MON and what I will have to do is just accept the only job that they have offered and fight it with a lawyer I will just have to lay low and fight behind the scenes so to say I guess

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
-2.0 °F
Mostly Cloudy
Snow in the late morning and afternoon. Snow accumulation of 2 to 4 inches. Highs around 12°.
... roads conditions will deteriorate in the snowfall.
Reduced visibilities to one half mile is expected.


stronghunter said...

Good morning

FB Scrabble--I think it was Kay who asked. I do go by my real name. I think most people I play do as well. I have never been to a tournament. Probably would not qualify for such a thing. Still need to memorize all of the three-letter words and goodness knows what else.

From what I read, you need to average thirty-something points per word to be considered a real expert. I am not there.

Guess the weather is bad in Garret County, MD. Schools on a 2-hour delay.

Maybe snow/sleet then rain here tonight, they say.

JudyEddy said...

right now its 54° high will be 74° but the funny thing is north of us is in 30s and souths of us in 40s YEAH for the water for keeping us warmer and I am still cold 54 or not LOL

JudyEddy said...

this was just on the new

Squirrel that paints

JudyEddy said...

I say the squirrel was not painting but eating the paint brush LOL

JudyEddy said...

time to get Jordyn BBL

stronghunter said...

Lunch-packing time here.

hedgie said...

Morning gang! How's everyone doing?

LORI----someone suggested Marmalade---I think that;s cute. Marm or Marmie for short---as what the Little Women called their mother!

No problem with our cam, but can't get Jewel's cam to open. :( Any word on how she's doing?

CarolAnne----I KNOW I shouldn't complain after your weather report.....but I will be before moeing, I'm sure. Lousy report for tonight and tomorrow morning.

Red said...

Good morninng ladies. Y'all are all looking good this morning. Darn, I got here too late to see our royal couple.
Now I'm off to breakfast. I'll be lurking around today.
Gotta run to the grocery store while I'm out too. Need to buy a party tray of meat and cheese for our neice's 18th birthday party tonight.

Costume Lady said...


LORI....Are you still here?

magpie said...

I'll say Good Morning, with a look at that avatar of Jayden, Wanda..

Lori O. said...

Hi Wanda! Present and accounted for.

magpie said...

Oh, I see....the

SPLIT is just about upon us !!

magpie said...



and Purple for the Ravens fans I see

magpie said...

hmmm... Red mentions Breakfast, boy that sounds good...
am reminded of Jo's Three Buttermilk pancakes last night !!

Happy 18th Birthdy to your niece, Red...

wvgal_dana said...

Am I going to be doing the SPLIT.

Good Morning Lori, Kay, Sandi, DanaMo, Thelma, Lynne1, JudyE, CarolAnne, Shirley, Lynn, Red, Wanda and Margy (:

I see there was already an AM Eagle visit at the nest this morning.

magpie said...

new word


Can't stay long...just long enough to say

Best Wishes to Everyone for a Good Day xoxo ♥

and HI to my co-worker Jewels ☺

(( Hugs ♥ ))

DanaMo said...

ah Red you are so sweet.
Enjoy your breakfast. I just tried one of those egg white flatbread sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts and it was delicious!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...