Thursday, January 05, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

The video of this evening visit is also on you tube and I am getting ready to put on the blog had to wait for the music to finish I did the Youtube page with a picture from EM the sunset and the barn and the eagles I circled in pink to see them I had another picture up but I just love the barn and the sunset picture Check it out if you want
My new pic on Youtube gonna to put on blog and just did FB on tonight visit

JudyEddy said...

OK now the sunset visit by our pair is on the blog FB and Youtube
☼set vist by out beakering pair Was shutting down and saw new thread so I thought I would just go ahead a post the video while I saw the new thread Night all see you in the am ☼

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread and thanks JUDYE for the call over.

Lynne2 said...

Hi I am checking in on the very last night of my 40Somethings. Had this portrait done at work today....

paula eagleholic said...

LOL JudyE, coudn't miss that call over :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, it's not as bad as you fact it's nothing at all! Trust me!
And I think your pic is about 50 years too old!!

Hoda said...

The following is from Robyn about TORI...I took the text number out from the was sent this evening as an update...

Last night I heard was rough for Tori, she kept desatting and the nurses had to keep coming in the room to check on her. Today after a few days of breathing getting tighter Tori was sent to PICU. They put the bipap up higher but it just wasn't making her comfortable and the blood gas was a little high of CO2.

The nurse's ended up going to the CPAP since I mentioned it helped her in children's when she had resp failure in June. It worked they even put an NG tube down her nose to help keep the air out. Matt her nurse said she is doing much better then when she was brought in and to keep texting her as she needs the moral.
I am still sick and since she is in icu it is best I stay home another day, if I go all night without a fever I am going to spend a few days with her Saturday.

The pulm transplant doctor called and mentioned with Tori listed how would I feel about also possible using a higher risk lung. I asked like what a drug addict or the like she said yes. They make sure the lungs are non-diseased, clean and very healthy it just comes from a person who leads or led a risky lifestyle. Some religions or people with a strong belief in something may not choose to use them, I feel that as long as they are tested as all the lungs that are used in transplant and meet the same criteria I have no issues with Tori receiving them, as long as I am promised they are not infected and can't become infected down the road. This will open the door even wider for Tori.

paula eagleholic said...

Got my living room rearranged while I had to vacuum!

Hoda said...

What a beauty you will be LYNNE when you are 101 years old...fiesty old bag you will be!!! EXCUSE me!!! I could not help will be fine for the next 51 years at the rate you are going...LOL

stronghunter said...

Sabiane--don't recognize that name, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Lynne, you have aged!!

You make me feel young. Actually, I am old enough to be your mother.

NatureNut said...

Happy Early B'Day, Lynne if I don't get on in AM!!!!!
Your pic is WAY exaggerated!!! LOL

Just saw JudyE's new vids---Great!!

Hoda, TY for the Tori update. Megaprayers for her and Robyn.

Only 9PM, but feels like 11! Put all Xmas stuff away, I think. If I konk out and don't return, have Pleasant Feather Dreams & prayers for all illnesses to vanish ;>) ♥

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Prayers of strength for Tori and Robyn. Both are amazing towers of strength and determination.

Lowreeda, please be so extra careful. I think falling is no longer allowed. You could get a serious citation.

The sandperson is about to begin rounds. The night light is set to turn on at 11:00pm for anyone headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, or who may wander in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am praying, praying, praying for Tori! I can only imagine what they are going through!

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur! Love you all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Loretta, have you considered using an eagle cane to get around?

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Tori, what an awful lot she's going though...HAS gone through.

Well, Steve is channel surfing and has found on Animal Planet a show called American Stuffers, about a taxidermy shop. In Redneckville. Where people take their deceased pets to be preserved. UGH.

Lynne2 said...

I'm pretty sure I now need an eagle cane. My precious bad knee has now decided to lock up on me several times a day, and without warning. It's making for interesting ambulation.

Sandi said...

Judy, thanks for the call over. Goodnight all!

Lynne2 said...

well, I'm heading to be now. For the last time as 40Something. Hmmm. Hard to believe that in a few hours, I will have completed 5 whole decades of life!

Good night, and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Went back to Mason's CB page photos and saw a pic of SYlvia...yep, it was them I saw at the Wellness Center. I thought the therapists were coming to the house.

New CB post from Robyn about Tori, too.

Candy, there are two eggs in the Jordan Lake, NC nest!! Due to hatch early next week!!!

The excuse the transport folks gave today is that it's a substitute running the office and she got swamped and just forgot me.

hedgie said...

Lynne, that's a very unattractive avatar!!!! Doesn't look a thing like you!

No, Lynne, you have NOT completed 5 decades. Only 4. The 5th is just beginning!!!!!

Janet said...

Well folks, almost bedtime. I could stay up tonight (I have taken tomorrow off! :) but as per the usual, not a blasted thing that I like on the idiot box aka tv. :( so just thought i'd pop thru here, check on everyone and say good night. its been a good day; work, of course. always busy there. weather was in the 50's .... odd for january. wonder if mr. winter will catch us soon enough? anyway, sending healing thoughts and energies to those in need.....and lots of smiles and hugs to everyone! til tomorrow ya'll. nite.

Costume Lady said...

I got lost on the old on earth did I miss Judy's STAR STUDDED announcement, that there was a new thread!
Bringing my comments over.......

Costume Lady said...
I didn't know Greys was coming back tonight (it was good), saw a commercial announcing it!
Now, PP is on...looks promising!

Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:19:00 PM

Costume Lady said...
2 Soup Kitchen guests helped load and unload our supplies today, thank goodness for them...we had over 2 tons of food and meat!
They said they wanted to 'pay back'...they are trying to get that message to all the homeless folks in the city, who are being helped by others. It's their time to help someone when they can...good idea and attitude:)

Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:22:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Good night. Rest well, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

magpie said...

Wanda is over on the old thread...I just gave her the heads up

Good Evening Eagle Pals

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I SEE You over here now Wanda ☺

Extensive post from Hoda...about Tori and Robyn...thanks Hoda...
what an ordeal....and definitely a Prayer Need...
I'm IN on that.

Much backtracking since I last was peeking at the blog

Lynne2 - 50 ain't so bad, 60 was not too bad either but now I'm starting to FEEL it and LOOK it

Love your Eagle Avatar, Paula...!!

magpie said...

Glad the temperatures have warmed up for the Homeless folks around here, with a pretty nice week-end on the horizon

Nice MoonShadows on the Royal Palace tonight
that's only going to get better in the next few days

magpie said...

My brother Fred, age 72 - is getting a new knee Friday...he is in Naples, Florida
He wanted BOTH done at the same time, that isn't going to happen...
but he will surely want that second one soon as possible

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for bringing over Tori's update. CB was down when I tried to check the update.

Been a phone call night, plus trying to prepack for the beach.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, thanks for that Margy, I forgot to mention how pretty it is outside with the moon. It will be almost full over the weekend, should look pretty on the water.

magpie said...

Yesindeedy Paula....
You will see Venus in the South/Southwest if you get there early enough, might see it while driving!
And Jupiter is ablazing most of the early evening into the later part of it...
and yes that Moon, will be the Full Wolf Moon on January 9 early in the morning ☺

Love your comment about Nick...when he realizes tomorrow night that He is Going to the Paradise !

magpie said...

Don't see a report from Wanda on her hospital trip today.....
hoping that All Systems are Go !

Lynn: Woof !!! That transportation system needs to get its act together ! Wonderful comments your doctor made....You ARE A Wonder Woman !!

magpie said...

My gosh it's gotten late in a hurry !!

So sorry to read of Loretta's two falls...OUCH...!
Wish I could come to YOUR Roost and help out with those decorations...

magpie said...

very few outdoor Christmas lights still lit but the ones that ARE, are very pretty....

Missed telling Andrea how good it was to read that Emma is bouncing back, and that the two lumps were not serious....

Hoda..glad that the Mammo is over...
know you will be glad to get the results three long weeks from now
Prayers that you get A +++

magpie said...

time to batten down the hatches...
I hear Judie's Sandperson banging around outside the door....

Prayers for Wellness, Pals... for all of us, our families, friends, and pets...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxox ♥

Hoda said...

I will sign off and say good night.

May we all stay vertical tomorrow and not do the falling routines...Eagle cans sound like a good idea if we are going to take a tumble.



magpie said...

Whooops !

Tomorrow: RED FRIDAY
God Bless Our Military xo ♥

Hoda said...

Make that Eagle Canes...not cans...sorry.

Costume Lady said...

Hospital pre-op went well, but took a looong time, 4 hours to be exact. More time than the actual surgery! First, Gene and I had to watch a film (1 hr.) on what to do before and after the surgery. Various kinds of rehabilitation therapy and occupational therapy, etc. Then, blood work, chest x ray, EKG and a meeting with the anesthesiologist. I opted for the Spinal instead of the General...less nausea!
Ready, set, goooo!

hedgie said...

Started snoozing during the, guess that's a hint, huh??

Costume Lady said...

I guess LORETTA didn't get the memo about NO FALLS ALLOWED!

Got up at 5:30 this morning with only 4 hours sleep, so I'm going to try and make up for the lack of enough sleep...RIGHT NOW:)
Goodnight, sleep tight and let's
pray for each other♥

Lolly said...

Hi all, we are home! Had a great evening. Jack installed towel rods, repaired a bank he had made for Jacob and helped Laurel put away Christmas boxes. I took dinner, helped Jacob with homework, and helped Laurel plant tulip bulbs. Pup the boys to bed, but 45 minutes later, when we were leaving, here came Jacob down the stairs to give me a hug. Stinker!! He will be hard to get up in the morning.

Lolly said...

Need to read back on the blog.

hedgie said...

Wonderful, Wanda.....but that is a long time to spend there SO early in the morning! Glad you are going with the epidural!

Margy, good to see you. good luck to bro Fred on his replacement. Prayers for a swift recovery for him, too.

Hoda, I think all we clumsy momsters need to be using our canes!!! You are probably the most stable of us all due to your yoga!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good news, Wanda. Yes, you have to stick with the therapy if you want the new knee to work!

Sounds like a very nice day, LOlly!

hedgie said...

A chuckle to end/start your day-depending on when you watch!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Hope that Lolly and Loretta are feeling better, and not too sore. Healing prayers for both of you!

It's almost tomorrow back east, so:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LYNNE2!!! Just remember, you're only 1 day older than you were yesterday, so it's not as bad as it sounds! Hope your day is REALLY special!

I've got to go watch Grey's, so calling it a day here. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all our favorite critters. Sleep tight, everybody. God bless, and goodnight. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

♫♪Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday, Dear Lynne,
Happy Birthday to You!!♪♫

Hope your day is g-r-e-a-t!!!!

And on that note, goodnight to one and all!! Prayers and peace.

Mema Jo said...

Off to bed I go - Stayed calm all day
Felt well but sure did sleep soundly in my afternoon nap.

Good Night Friends
Hugs for all
Prayers for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Peanut butter gets stuck on the roof of your mouth at times

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Lynne! Enjoy your
special day and celebrate YOU

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn! Enjoyed that!

♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy 50th Birthday dear Lynne
Happy Birthday to you....and many more!♪♫♪

wvgal_dana said...

Margy good luck to your brother Fred on his total knee replaement Friday and for a full recovery.

Lynn great dogie video. lol peanut butter

I too Wanda am glad you are going with the epidural.
Yes you will have those therapys afterwards. I pray they start them as soon as possible after the surgery. So the knee does not before stiff. You can do it lady. I am sure you can take pain pills so that will help during the therapy.

I could not take any pain pills. I did not use a cane due to throwing my back out. I used a walker.

On a thought put the seat back and put the leg in first then the rest of you. At least that helped me.

Lynne2 Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you and many more

wvgal_dana said...

Really thinking a lot about Tori and Robyn. Glad they have her breathing better. Lord please get her ready and bring that new lung in for Tori. Let her body accept it so she can breath normally. Letting her have her young life to grow and fullfill things she wants to to in life. Keep her strong and fighting Lord. Prayers for Robyn since she is sick and can't be with Tori at this time. Lord just please bring that lung as fast as you can. God Bless Tori, Robyn, Bobbi and Tori's friend. Amen.

Lolly said...

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lori O. said...

I almost made it to chat with Lolly and DanaWV! That would have been a treat. Sorry I missed you guys.

Kay, so sorry you hip is getting worse, but very happy about your PT consultation today. Can't wait to hear what you find out!

Wanda, you're set to go for your surgery! YAY!!! I know you are so excited about it.

Loretta, both feet firmly planted on the ground today, okay???!!!

Lori O. said...

Lynne2, it's your BIG DAY!

I hope you celebrate loudly & make it a great day!

♪♫♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You ♪♫♪
Happy Birthday, Dear Lynne ♫♪♫♪♫♪,
Happy Birthday to You!!! ♪♫♪♫

Kay said...

Up for a while, hoping Tylenol and Hylands's RLS pills will take effect an allow for some more zzz's.

Lynne2, age is only a state of mind and life just keeps getting better if you latch on to the right attitude ! Jus' sayin'......

♫♫♪Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you ! May God's richest blessings abide upon you !♪♪♫ ☺♥☼

Kay said...

LYNN, the PB dogs are a kick ! Malcolm loves the PB fixes he gets at my house. When he sees me get one of his "fill er' up" toys and a knife he stands in front of the pantry, salivating and doing a little dance. Pretty cute !

LORI, Wednesday he picked your tug for his toy of the day again. He really loves it !!!!

Grey's was soooo good last night ! Since The Mentalist was a rerun and my least favorite---I'm tired of the Red John theme---I watched PP. Okay, but a bit too soap opera-ish for me. I hadn't watched it for months and caught up within that hour.

WANDA, smart to take the epidural option ! BFF in Tucson had the go to sleep stuff for her 1st knee Oct. 31 and nausea was horrible. Had the next done Dec. 27, but opted for epidural. No such problems and she's doing well!

MARGY, special prayers for your brother, Fred today. Special prayers for Tori and Robyn as well. ♥♥♥

Kay said...

Here's a good Red Friday tribute, but do have the tissues close by !

Special Truck

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Kay! I'm here at work now, but wanted to let you know you're not the only one awake! {{{BIG HUG}}}

Kay said...

Good Morning, gLORI ! I'm not going to stay up for long, but here's a big hug ! {{{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}}} You mentioned it would be a busy day for you. Hope it's also a very good one ! Did you fix those special cupcakes for FloBear yesterday ?

Kay said...

Heading back to bed. Some time ago LYNN gave LYNNE2 advice on taking Tylenol in between Ibuprofen doses for pain. I did just that and think it's going to allow me to sleep a bit more ! I do love having our Blog Nurse on duty daily !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

DanaMo said...

I'm here and reading back...takes a while to do. Going to get my second cup of coffee.

Lori O. said...


Today: Partly sunny, with a high near 58. Southwest wind between 3 and 9 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 33.

Saturday: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 55. West wind between 3 and 10 mph.




DanaMo said...

OMGosh I hope Tori gets a lung and quick. I found all the information very interesting. If the lung comes from a source like a drug addict who cares as long as it's clean and clear of any disease and still a good working lung. Medicine amazes me!

Lynne2 that picture looks like a shriveled up pumpkin, and I don't think you look like that at all!!! Happy Birthday to you! And many more...

I hope Fred's knee surgery goes well and WANDA too-Good luck.Is the surgery today?

What am I missing...I guess I better go back again.

Oh Lynn that is terrible about Transport, how can they forget someone. I can't believe you are having so much trouble when they are suppose to be making this easier. That stinks for sure!

DanaMo said...

Didn't get to see Grey's and I don't have a DVR. Not sure if I will bother with watching it on the computer. I love the show, but I'm not big on tV anyway so I doubt if I will watch it. I did some reading and then boom I was out like a light. At least I am not sneezing this morning. It has something to do with the change in barometric pressure.

DanaMo said...

Looks like I'm talking to myself. I'm going to get my coffee and wait for Lori to check in, and maybe someone else will be up as well. JudyE??? Where are you? Lori must be chatting on the radio.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori & DMo & Kay if she's still up! HAPPY 50TH TO LYNNE2!!!

DanaMo said...

Here's to Lynne!
• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
……………… ....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi, glad you are here this morning. It's Friday!! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, DanMo and Sandi!

Lori O. said...

DanAmo...sorry for the name typo.

FloBear WOOF's many thanks for his kind birthday wishes. His Mommy didn't any muffin tins for turkey cupcakes, so we shared an organic turkey and brown rice dinner with Peanut Butter for dessert for FloBear!

Lori O. said...

Just read this, re: Blackwater

Controlled burns are planned this winter and spring at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Blackwater fire crews along with the Maryland Department of
Natural Resources plan to conduct the burns, which are expected to
last five months beginning in January. The burns will be conducted
in marshlands, woodlands, and agricultural fields on the refuge as well as the Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area and small
privately held properties within and adjacent to the two areas.

The burns are used to reduce the risk of wildlife as well as
improve wildlife habitat and control invasive species. Refuge
officials told The Star Democrat of Easton that priority areas are
those adjacent to private homes and highways and areas near eagle
nests and Delmarva fox squirrel habitat.

Lori O. said...

Think they mean the risk of WILDfire NOT wildLIFE in the last paragraph!

magpie said...

While you are waiting for OUR Eagles, there are two in the nest at Blackwater

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

Weather for these parts this week-end sounds dreamy !

Happy Birthday Lynne...Hope it is your BEST Half-Century Birthday EVER !!! xoxox ♥

magpie said...

First egg at Blackwater was laid on January 13 last year....

magpie said...

Now only the "Tail Enc" of one eagle at Blackwater

Happy Red Friday....and especially
Happy Friday for our Teachers and Monday through Friday workers...


magpie said...

Groovy Report from Wanda last night late about the Pre-Planning for the New Knee....

magpie said...

I know I missed you

Hope YOUR hip pain problems get fixed, Pronto !

(( Hugs♥ )) to Everyone today

magpie said...

Blackwater all empty now
so it's time for OUR Eagles to arrive...

Saw that Paula reported there was duck chow at Blackwater...still a few feathers left...not much for breakfast

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Sure is...
See Eagle, See Eagle's Spot,
See Eagle looking all ghostly

magpie said...

Wonder if he has IT on his mind again this morning...

magpie said...

Eagle is back at Blackwater also

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

<a href=">Happy Birthday Lynne</a>

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

magpie said...

was...past tense, at BWE

Shep COULD be working on the nest...maybe he's still sleepy

Sandi said...

Eagle on the nest and I've gotta go! If I miss the morning event, just give me the blow-by-blow! Morning Judy and Margy!! I'll check in from school!

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA the music you asked about on last night video is a you tube choice I keyed in Eagle and it gave me a choice of songs that were related to eagles I am learning as I go along on it I guess so now I know I can find thing that way also I was just clicking on the ones that showed up when I went in to the audioswap feature until I saw a search bar I though eagle music would be appropriate for our eagles

I thought about the picture I put on my youtube and being it was with Liberty I thought it should be with Shep So DANAMO I have used one of your pictures that you took when I was up there if that is ok with you , boy was it a PIA trying to get them both in the frame on the sides you can see Belle on top and Shep on the bottom on the right side he can be seen better where as she is on left

DanaMo said...

No problem JudyE

DanaMo said...

Pants are tight this morning. That does not make for a good day!

I see our eagle, but I need make-up on and food in the belly. Gotta go!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Momsters!

Good morning, Shep!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

Good Morning More Eagle Pals...
DanaMo, my pants, same thing...
Woof !!!

Belle is playing hard to get this morning !

JudyEddy said...

LYNN the pb video was cute

Great choice Wanda with the epi

and Danamo did you put your pants on hangers after the warning on here LOL

JudyEddy said...

Looks like Shep is sleeping LOL just sitting there doing nothing seems to be getting better at that lOL

magpie said...

Well good, you're here Sharon....Maybe Belle will hear your chattering with us !!
And "Come on Down...."

xo ♥

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle just arrived with flugg I think.

JudyEddy said...

now he gets busy when she arrives maybe he needs instructions lol

JudyEddy said...

picking and beaking

JudyEddy said...

both digging in cuparea side by side beaking

magpie said...

That's just beyond beautiful.....

JudyEddy said...

theyhave their back to us digging all you see is tail feather sticking up on occasion looks funny

JudyEddy said...

turned now and looking at each other beakering

JudyEddy said...

come on back we can't have hp with out you

JudyEddy said...

he went to get more flugg or stick he will be back boomerrang

JudyEddy said...

she is looking around looking for him

JudyEddy said...

here is is with more a stick

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

he landed and got busy right away wow is spot is really good to see today

magpie said...

Nest looks like it is zoomed IN...
everything looks larger to me

DanaMo said...

I'm glad I'm not alone with the pants dilemma.

Be nice if these 2 stuck around until I got to school. We will see.

JudyEddy said...

both on opposite end of the nest 12 is shep and belle is at 6 just stitting

JudyEddy said...

poof belle

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And both are now gone.

JudyEddy said...

poof shep

DanaMo said...

WOW right when I said that they left. Guess that's a jinx won't say it anymore.

Sandi said...

Both in the nest when I logged on at school but, based on the comments, no "action." Now MT - gotta get ready for the kids. TTFN!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning to all eagle momsters and dadsters out there. Just got a good glimpse of our two eagles in their nest. That is a good start for me to Friday. Hope all are doing well. I see we have a new breakfast bunch; glad to see it. Kids will be coming in soon, so have to run. You all have a wonderful eagle watching day.

JudyEddy said...

may sure that the ZOOM is l00% if it looks bigger to you I had that happen to me somehow on tool bar VIEW zoom should be under there

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I still are trying to catch this cold I keep running fast but boy its is almost catching me need to run faster and learn how to hide from it LOL

JudyEddy said...

Going to the rocker to watch news before I have to go get Jordyn they were earler this am HMM although sunrise gets later everyday they came earlier silly eagles LM LM LM

DanaMo said...

Hi Candy. Nice to meet you. I started coming last year. Been here about a year as part of the early birds. I see you assist in Kindergarten. I am a kindergarten teacher at a Catholic School in Maryland. I love my assistant and couldn't do without her. I'm sure yours does too. Have a great day with those little ones!

Sandi said...

Good morning Candy! Another teacher! =) And kindergarten like DMo!! I'm an 8th grade special ed. resource teacher and have only been on the blog since Thanksgiving. Have agreat day with your munchkins!

JudyEddy said...

HI CANDY I have been on since March of last year also same as Danamo when all the drama was at our nest I see you have been a momster for a while since 2007 one of the origianl from the year HUH Welcome back

JudyEddy said...

Danamo how is your sneezing did it go away I did lots of that last night and thought of you as I was sneezing I hope you are feeling better and the sneezing was allergy and not a cold comin like me

JudyEddy said...

I just may stay home today instead of park still chilly out and my eyes are killing me with this stinkin cold It still hasn't hit me hard yet trying to hold it back with that nasty stuff OK now to really LM LM LM

magpie said...

Well, it was probably my imagination..nest looks larger,
pants shrinking...everything all akimbo in my world...

Time for work
As T-Bird used to say..."Time to go make dough."

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone, and (( Hugs ♥ ))

xoxox ♥

grannyblt said...

Morning to all. Caught a glimpse of our couple about an hour ago. Then computer wouldn't let me reload cam.
Anyway a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lynne2.
DanaMo, you are very lucky to have an aide in your classroom. How many students do you have? I worked at a public school in TX for over 20 years and even the pre-K teacher didn't have an aide. Can you imagine having 18-20 four year olds to corral every day. The program was only 1/2 day, so the teacher had two classes.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in the Eagle World.

Margy love your expression "Going to Make Dough".

Thank all of you that commented on the eagles visit to our nest. I could see it as you comments I read.


hedgie said...

Morning, eagle dudettes and dudes. Slept until 8 and have been tending to little chores, but caught up with you!
So glad that Candy is back with us!! For you newer Momsters, Candy lives in OBX and we hook up when I go down there!!

Kay, very moving tribute video.....and what a gorgeous Chevy!

T-Bird said...

Have missed the early morning time. My wake up time has changed recently. It probably will go back to about 7 but who knows when. That is what I like best but I let my body do what it wants. That sounds funny. I guess that is the right thing to do for me right now in my life. : )

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn you problem is not with "transport" is it? Isn't it that when you get to the waiting room they are not calling you when they should and taking others before you which makes you have to wait longer?

hedgie said...

Hi, T-bird! Yep, let your body dictate what you need!!!

DanaWV...the problem IS with transport getting me there late and then I was forgotten in the waiting room, too. I know that my being late throws them off schedule and I'm stuck having to wait, but to not see me sitting there and miss me is what irked me there. And it's ALL transport's fault for being late!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn for answering me. Now I know exactly what to put in prayer.

wvgal_dana said...

For those thinking Wanda has her knee replacement surgery today----it is tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

I was just trying to play catch-up and see that CANDY has joined us, once again. Some of you may meet CANDY if she journeys up here for OPEN HOUSE in April. She's is a very sweet person!
She spoke of a NEW BREAKFAST BUNCH. She was part of the old breakfast bunch, also including NORMA BYRD, SUSAN HALL AND ME. We were as full of stuff and craziness and FUN as you NEW BREAKFAST BUNCH...all of us waiting on the same thing, camaraderie and eagles. I loved that time in my life so much...early morning hours, while most were asleep and watching the world come awake. And oh, the joy that it was to meet those ladies when our first OPEN HOUSE occured! Such a magical time in my life. Oh, I still LOVE meeting our newbies for the first time (JudyE's visit was sooo much fun!)
But there is something so very special about you FIRST OPEN HOUSE!
I'm afraid I am rattling on too much...better switch to another subject.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

DANAWV, my dear, my surgery was scheduled for next Wednesday the 11th. But, I got a call from my surgeon's office and was told I had an abnormal EKG and have been rescheduled for the 25th of this month:(
They want my primary physican to give me a work up of some sort (I pray it is not nuclear stress test!) I also have leukocytes in my urine...I knew I was falling apart! Need to call my doctor and see what he wants to do.

stronghunter said...

The first open house . . . I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Wanda, keep us posted. Sorry about the complications. No fun.

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda, that stinks! Hope that it's not anything serious. Who is your regular Dr.? Not to worry if it's just a FEW white cells in the urine! And hopefully the EKG abnormality is minor---since you are having an epidural, makes it less of a problem.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wanda, so sorry about the complications and the delay. That is certainly a bummer!
Keep us informed.

It is nice to see Candy popping in!

I taught Kindergarten for many years. All but the last year was 1/2 kindergarten, so I had an AM class of 22 and a morning class of 22. Never had an aide! That means I had 44 parent conferences to schedule as well as 44 report cards to fill out. When we had art projects that meant 44 scattered around the room. I did have a wonderful large room and I did manage. However, my last year was all day kindergarten. It was wonderful!!! My very best year!!! I could give them more individual attention. It was a great way to make my exit!!!☺

Lolly said...

Nothing on my schedule for today. That is nice. Will do a little more house clean up. Then tomorrow we have a one night trip to Austin for a wedding, so I need to pack. I will be gone all day Saturday and half day Sunday. No need for an alert and search!

Lolly said...

Presently 57 and headed up into the low 70's. I think we are having Spring. This weather is wild!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh WAnda I had it marked on my calendar for the 11th of Januray. Don't know why up there in comments I said tomorrow. CRS

Wanda I am so sorry for the delay. I know how much you wanted this taken care of and over with.

Prayers in seeing your physician that he doesn't feel there is any reason to delay and that you are ok.

wvgal_dana said...

I have to share with you all the email Jim sent around that has Maxine statements and pictures. When I seen the one of Maxine doing yoga. I thought of our Hoda lol

Costume Lady said...

Oh, how I long for days in the low 70s...perfect weather for me:)

I was fortunate to get a quick appointment with Dr. DeBord...Monday! So glad I don't have a looong wait to worry myself to death over!

Costume Lady said...

LOL, DANA, I too, thought of Hoda, when I saw that cartoon. I think that might be my fave of all the ones that Jim sent!

Lolly said...

Hi Wanda! We have bright sunshine and I hear someone mowing. It really does seem like a spring day.

I am now off to start my day. Need to go dry and "fix" my hair.

Have a good one! I do see you have sunshine, too. She the sun on the nest.

Lolly said...

"See" the sun on the nest!!!!

hedgie said...

It is 55° here!!!!! Yippee!!!

I sent the Maxine yoga pic to Hoda!

Glad you can see Dr. DeBord right away, Wanda. DID YOU KNOW??? that they have security guards at that office now in the afternoons????? Scary.

hedgie said...

Finishing getting ready.....maybe they'll be early today! LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Heard somethng fly in at the tree and hear something up there now.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I pray they will be early!!!!

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...

My delete

Lynn why do they have Security Guard at DeBord office in afternoons?

hedgie said...

Oh, no...FB post from Robyn:

Please pray like you never did before Tori took a turn for the worse I am heading to Hopkins .... She is stable but heavily sedated I will cheerleader her to use her strength we need lungs for her ASAP.

hedgie said...

PRAY, PRAY, hard as we can, folks......

hedgie said...

Don't know, assumption is that there are unstable drug-seekers causing trouble.

wvgal_dana said...


DanaMo said...

Margy Bummer, Nest is getting bigger, pants are getting smaller, sure wish that was reversed.
Granny I have only 16 in my class.We are full day here, our pre-k is half day, just mornings. I thank God for my aide everyday always knowing that as enrollment goes down because of financial situations, I have a good chance of not having her the next year.
JudyE The sneezing is allergies. It happens about once a month or so and seems to have something to do with the air pressure. Once I stop though it doesn't stop.
WandaI can't wait for open house. I so enjoyed meeting everyone and it really has helped me to keep track of people. Even though we have pictures it's just different to meet people face to face.

Hey Judy, are you going to fly into Hagerstown in April.
My class is so quiet today you would think that something was in their cereal this morning! VERY weird. They are working and you could hear a pin drop in this room right now. Lunch time and I have duty :(

DanaMo said...

OH Lynn so sorry for Tori, will pray right carefully!!!

Lolly said...

Praying for Tori!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Tori and Robyn. May God protect them and help them find what Tori needs.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, thanks for the heads up on Tori. I have gone immediately into prayer for her to be able to hang on long enough for her transplant. The fact that Robyn has given the OK to accept a High Risk Lung (which isn't risky at all) had given me hope that her transplant time was very near.

Lord, be with her and let her be strong enough for the surgery and let it be soon~

CarolAnne said...

Morning/Afternoon all -
See we've had some visits of the last 24-48 hours - YEA!

Happy Birthday Lynne2

Hedgie/Lynn - start calling that transport company every morning and remind them (though you shouldn't have to do that it might lessen the frustration)


Prayers also for those with upcoming doctor appts & surgeries. How lucky we are to be of a time that has so many medical miracles.

CarolAnne said...

Have been terribly busy with an in-law project. They have given me a box of OLD records (51) that they want me to sell on eBay. First I must research each one to see if it has any value, emailing inquiries etc. These records date back to 1908 and are one sided Victor Talking Machine recordings.

Its fasicinating but quite time consuming.

Costume Lady said...

I used to buy and sell old collectible records and had many very exciting ones that brought a good deal of money. My favorites were the 'picture' records...very hard to find. Go to your library and get a book of listing prices for collectible records. Some are quite costly to buy. Good luck!

Hoda said...

PRAYERS FOR TORI, Please God sustain her and help her know THY WILL BE DONE

JudyEddy said...

TORI healing thoughts going to her and her family I hope they can get over this hurdle as she has so many in the past she is such a strong gal

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO I am still not sure if I can swing the $$ in April I am going to do my best to come up, but with my house insurance going sky high it may be hard to do I will see how much income tax I get I usually get 800 of a little better back now this year I did change my exemptions for just a month so it should be about the same I think and if it is I can hold that money for it so just keep fingers, legs, and toes crossed also maybe eyes LOL

Hoda said...

It is hard to read the blog this morning because of Tori's news.

WANDA I am worried about you keep us posted and I have you on the calendar now for the 25th of January. God keep you and bless you.

LYNN I hope the transport does not mess up today and that all be on time...I keep cheering for the rad doctor's comments/report...heart feels gratitude to GOD.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA so sorry to hear there is delay with your new knee

Hoda said...

I will go get ready for yoga...I still have to check my email. I got lost in the NY Times story of the mother who just buried her three daughters from the Christmas day fire. Heart wrenching...

See you all later...{{{{{♥H♥U♥G♥S♥}}}}}

JudyEddy said...

Just got Jordyn down for a nap Wow is she a control freak and I mean it Had a arguments with a 3 1/2 yr old after we pulled in the driveway I won by the way She was mad because when we get out of the car she always does her own belt buckle and the door well I was waiting and waiting for her and she didn't' get out of the car so I opened the door and did her seat belt well she was upset because she didn't' do it Well after waiting 5 min I didn't want to wait any longer standing in the driveway so she had to just get over not doing it and after about 15 min of whining she got over it and is down for a nap and I think I will do the same I know she is just showing her independence but its a little more than that she want to be in control all the time and I told her she was the kid and I am the adult as if she understood well its all over for now anyway till the next battle LOL

JudyEddy said...

We have a record store here that buys old records I can't think of the name at the moment but it may come to me eventually

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon
My heart is saddened as I pray for the
good Lord to take care of Tori - His healing hands placed on her - to awaken her. Bless her Mother, Robyn as she
tries to reach Tori Love ♥

Hoda said...

The plough pose cartoon, halunasana, is HILARIOUS LYNN. I can not stop laughing. I do it after the shoulder pose, salamba sarvangasana, and now will think of the cartoon and laugh in class too I am sure!!! THANKS.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Family!

Prayers and thoughts for Tori to receive whatever it takes to get her through this. Thank you, God. Thy will be done.

Wanda, bummer about your knee surgery delay. I'm sure it's all for the best and will work out just the way it's supposed to.

JudyE, glad you won that argument with Missy Jordyn! Wish I had been a fly on your garage door to see that one!

I feel like I missed all the Early Birds this morning. I was in and out, but such a busy day at work. Didn't get home until after noon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I find it really hard sometimes to pray for God's will to be done. Scary.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, did you look on Facebook? I sang to Flobear for her birthday! :)

Hoda said...

I hear you SHARON. HUGS

Lori O. said...

Sharon, I don't go on FB very much, but my FB (FloBear) and I thank you for the singing! ♥♥
You would love this big, special boy...he's so sweet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tell him I am so sorry I said he was a she! :)

Lori O. said...

I understand about God's "will." Sometimes, I pray asking for this and that...then I realize how selfish I can sound with all these wants, that I remember He is in control. (Thank God!) It's the surrender that's difficult to get to for me, too.

Lori O. said...

Sharon, FloBear doesn't care...he's that mellow, except when it comes to food.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Buddy bit my arm the other day over food, my rice cakes. I was going to bend over to get them from him and he jumped up and bit my forearm. TURD!!!

DanaMo said...

I always pray "Thy will be done" and hope I get what I want!!! LOL!!!

Costume Lady said...

My grandmother used to tell me that it really didn't matter how we pray or what we pray for, because it will always be God's will, but, God loves it when we pray because it is like MUSIC TO HIS EARS:)

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I love the way you PRAYED^j^

Lord I ask too that you get Tori over this hump. Bring her through this and stable so she can get her new lung. Lord I watched the smile on her face the year Robyn brought her Bob Quinn's "Bunny Rabbit Picture". I will never forget that smile. Lord bring that smile back to all of us. Lord I want to see her again coming to the Dinners. I ask in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Amen

T-Bird said...

Well said Mema Jo.

Lori O. said...

Can't wait to hear from Kay about what she learned at Physical Therapy consultation today.

T-Bird said...

Tori, Robyn and family love, prayers, and hugs.

Lori O. said...

Thelma, I can't tell you how much I love seeing your Buddy avatar. Gone are the Redsinks!

Lori O. said...

I don't like that we can't go back to the previous page and tell everyone that we SPLIT!

Mema Jo said...

AGREED! It is just something that has to happen ! You just look up and it's
a done deal...

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...