Ah, and now Basketball is the possible TV goofer upper ! You can tell I've not had the TV on today. I think I'll head in there and watch news or sumthin' while I eat dinner. So nice chatting with you beautiful people ! Later or tomorrow.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
OK, going to geed the dogs and then scrounge up something for the people in the house to eat! CarolAnne, please don't hold your breath waiting for recipes from me for that cookbook! =) I DID ask Mom yesterday if she had a recipe for her sour beef and dumplings but she doesn't - she's one of those "little bit of this, taste, little bit of that, taste" cooks. I told her she had to make sure to write the recipe down and give it to my sister (she's the cook) so the recipe doesn't die when she does! Prayers will continue for Tori and Margy's brother Fred. Have a good evening all!
I can't even think about them walking down the isle. I'm having trouble with the fact that Annemarie is going to hs next year. Oh by the way, she scored well enough on the entrance exam to go to the next step. It sure would be nice if she got some kind of scholarship for Goretti. After paying 3 full tuition's it would be nice to get a break. They didn't have these scholarships when Andrew and Aric went and poor Adam doesn't do as well in school, he has always struggled, but Annemarie does well and it seems to come easy. The scholarships are 1/4 tuition, 1/2 tuition or 3/4 tuition. For all 4 years if she gets one. Next she has to have an interview with the hs principal, current principal recommendation, teacher recommendations, and a writing same.
Yep, I sure did fall asleep for Dr. Rodgers last night! Jumped in the car after work and caught the very tail end of his interview when the show was rebroadcast today... Darn it !!! Saw Kay's report on it, maybe I can find it on-line...hope so.
Hope all are well tonight I have some backtracking to do.
titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, juncoes, one Kingfisher, One woodpecker, either Downy or Hairy...cardinals...and heard a wren and a hawk. Yep, you guessed it, Swinging Bridge...I just had to go...! ☺
I know you miss your Aric.... years ago, when the youngest of my eight siblings....me being the youngest...had to say good-bye to our older brothers and sisters when they headed back to college....was....very sad... We had the Sunday Night Blue for sure! (( Hugs ♥ )
HONEY I'm home from work and how was your day???????
I didn't leave work for lunch today so now I have over 200 comments to read will have to do in spurts because of the neck So off I go to reading at least tomorrow is a 830-530 day I don't like the 10-7 get home and seems like its bed time right around the corner no time to unwind
SB, sounds like you had a nice time, Margy...lots of birdies!
Glad everyone will be able to watch their CBS shows tonight! Congrats to the Ravens and their fans!
Off to bed for this Early Bird! I've been watching the Red Carpet arrivals at the Golden Globes - so girls are just too skinny! Can't keep my eyes open...Night all!
Bomb threat causes evacuation at Burger King on Dual Highway Hagerstown Police Department officers are at the Burger King at 503 Dual Highway after a note was found in the men's bathroom saying a bomb might be present, a 911 supervisor said. The restaurant has been evacuated, the supervisor said.
Hope you find yourself a coat you like, this is a good time to shop, prices will be coming down rapidly. I got two or three wonderful coats like that....well, maybe even three or four, and a few from my favorite place, Goodwill, and have an ever-increasing collection of neck scarves
I am in totally agreement with donating organs I wanted to donate it to science for studying but found out that you have to pay them for that storage fee so they can just piece me out LOL
Recipes, I will have to think on that one I have one of my favs that Carl introduced me to I wish I had some of my Moms recipes but she never wrote anything down and remember guys I really don't cook but I will try to come up with something besides a Marie Colander or Boston Market of other frozen dinners LOL or restaurant dinners LOL
Fantastic news HODA has turned in to sleeping beauty great news that why I can sleep long too because of my bed I also have a odd looking body pillow its is 5ft long and only about 6"wide helps sleeping of side and knees apart not like the big body pillow in the stores A friend of mine worked at a hotel and got me one really nice she had worked at BW and said they have then in most hotels now I need to sew a case for it I have it rigged with cases way toooo big just got to sit down and make one ONE DAY
.....。☆。*。☆。 ....★。\|/。★ .....TORI is #ONE ....★。/|\。★ ....。☆。*。☆
I love watch Jewels cam also and the snowman is neat I definitely need to consider anther screen or hook to TV or bigger screen so many decision LOL
Woodpecker there has been a couple of times I and other have heard what we thought were woodpeckers Our pair has neighbors
Hoda shame on Lynn for making you get that brownie Should we have a talk with he or not LOL and I would not be able to restraint my self from eating the whole thing you have some good will power I have none that why I don't buy snacks They keep talking to me to eat them all gone LOL and what if someone's had is small then the brownies not that big
WOW we need to rename the eagles minute men LOL short visit I say
Farting bear, quickie eagles, dogs that fear words this blog has it all
Danamo is having growing pains ( thinking of kids growing up) It is hard but it is worth it in the end when you get a little Jordyn
Hey email address anyone can get them if the click on our names
MARGY did you get pic at SB just read you did maybe I should finish reading I am getting caught up Yeah me
I am now hungry and need to go figure out what I want to eat see all that reading has made me hungry I did eat at lunch today with Susan at the park we went to see the eagles and only one was there she is so impressed with them I now have created another eagle momster she says she want to go the the nest all the time
Checked on the Red-shouldered Hawk's nest in a Mighty Sycamore, have seen the babies the last two springtimes...it looks good for another nesting year !
AND JO it was a female downy woodpecker -thought of you of course ☺
and the nuthatch, was a white-breasted one...
there was some ice forming in the areas where the water was not flowing fast
Looking forward to your pictures MARGY.Glad your bro is better and that your sister is still advocating for him...
JO Someone needs a life if they leave a note for a bomb scare in the bathroom...we had an idiot of a kid who phoned in a bomb scare using the student phone infront of the office. The hallway camera monitors got him and the call was easily traced. I shook my head and wondered where that kid was when they were handing out brains!!!
The Liberal Party of Canada, traditionally the governing party or the opposition party except for this time parliament, had their party convention. They voted in as part of their platform the legalisation of marijuana!!! Yes I am wondering where these folks were when they were handing out brains too!!! It will be good for the BC treasury as the underground economy here thrives on the sale of this stuff...I'd like to see that economy go bust!!!Maybe we will be like Holland where I enetered a tobacco store infront of the Royal Palace and they were legally selling marijuana and hash!!! I had heard of it and went in the store to see for myself and yep sure enough they were...they also sold tobacco and coffee and dark chocolate. I bought a dark chocolate and a coffee and left!!!I am however sitting here shaking my head tonight at the Liberal Party of Canada...
OH WELL...better go get my yam...I had a terrific cup of lentil soup and now it is time for my yam and a new tea I got today from the health food store...a spicey tea...I will let you know...
JEWEL is not settled lots of heavy breathing and scratching and licking and curling in only to repeat it all again...been going on for half an hour now I would say...
Good evening all my eagle budlets. I hope this has been a great day for everybody. I have been really lazy. It is a good thing that breathing is involuntary or I don't know that I would have even done that! :)
EE-SHARON, do you also have a really comfortable bed? Is this why you were really lazy today because you wanted to stay in bed all day? My new bed has lots of sleep in it and I have made it a rule to not go to bed before eight in the evening my time!!!LOL!!! Is it the same at your place?
In between other things, have been popping in here to check Jewel! It's so exciting!!! ☺
BTW, when I saw the Decorah Intruder video last night, there was also a new "Buddy" video on same UTube page. I captured a still and put it in Nook w/the websiter. Didn't make a bluey thing, but can do it here if anyone wants it.
Back to Jewel. Every time I here a Huff, gotta check!
Spectacular photos and narratives, and there is an extensive preview of a Birding Festival this year at the New River Bridge in Fayette County, WV, and also about the Cranberry Glades also in WV....
Thanks Kay! I'll spend a lot f time at that site !!!
time for me to go spend some time watching Jewel at the Bear Cam !
Well I like my new herbal tea very much. It is called Bengal Spice: Roasted cinnamon, chicory,roasted carob,ginger, cardomomblack pepper, cloves and nutmeg...YUM a warming tea...
Well I created a problem this evening. We had corned beef and cabbage for dinner and I stuffed too many cabbage leaves into the garbage disposal at once and now the drain is plugged. Gotta get a plumber out tomorrow. Leave it to a man to destroy the kitchen. lol
Hmmmm...that episode of GOod Wife seemed rather far-fatched and irrelevant in some ways......wonder is Kalinda parsed that file before handing it over??
Lynn - What the heck is Kalinda doing. Guess we will watch next week for sure. She had to have cleaned up that file before handing it over.... ya think?
Hey Margy the link I have for Jewel I don't see a viewer counter Do you have another link??am I just not seeing it LOL I do wear glasses
This is the one I have is it the same as yours Jewel
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe God Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Tomorrow I go for my six months blood work check. No problems at all doctor's office phoned to remind me...It is a fasting blood work for sugar and cholestoral and thyroid...and so on test...if I do not log on before I go to the hospital I will do so when I come back. It is not too far from here...everything in Nelson is within ten minutes to get to...
My sister Samia's daughter in Egypt is having the official contract for her wedding signed this Saturday and the wedding is on the 10th of February. She let me know today...
BTW, I love CarolAnne's idea about a cookbook with Momster's recipes. Might submit 'GENE'S BEANS', for the Capt. Don't know what the 'First Mate' will decide upon. Are we all just submitting our recipes to CarolAnne?
Yes JUDY it is the link all of us have for JEWEL. Right under the date and time is the information of the number of people watching...in orange writing to the bottom right side of the frame.
Hey, Jo. I thought that was funny w/duck decoy! Bet he doesn't know he might have wanted to catch one someday! He's so famous, he'll be a wonderful educational bird. I would want to know where he's visiting!
Jewel may be getting more sleep than we are. If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all and prayers for Tori, Lynn, Fred & all in need ;>)
Yes PAULA a contract between the families, it makes expectations clearer in terms of legal work and inheritance and, heaven forbids, divorce procedure...
WANDA, I have a twelve hour fast so I presume I will try to get there for eight in the morning so from eight tonight no eating only water to drink...the quarter brownie was at five, it should be out of my system by then I hope...LOL
01/15/12: Technical Note: We see the static -- we think there might be a loose connector on the ground, so we're checking our equipment to improve the signal as soon as possible.
Hoda, good luck on your bloodwork tomorrow! I hope that brownie keeps you satisfied all night! I will be going in couple weeks to endocrinologist who does all that blood testing. If I want cholesterol test, have to fast also. Take my coffee mug w/me!
Red, sorry about the disposal problem. They say not to put down anything fibrous. My Mom has clogged hers up many times with greens, and I did it once with potato peels.
I think someone said 22 hrs. with Lily......Jewel is already past 24....suppose it will happen while we are sleeping.
Hoda, great news about your niece!
Gals....Good Wife won't be on next week. We have to wait two!
Margy, I, too, saved that cite of Kay's for future intense gandering!
I wonder if the decoy duck in Buddy's pond is to help keep it from freezing.
HODA* the only thing i can spread out over that amount of time, or maybe more, is green and black organic chocolate. its my favorite chocolate. i put it in the freezer and snap off a piece here and there......i COULD eat the whole thing...but its so good I actually want to savor it for a few days...
I just realized that I did not put the sheets back on my bed today. I stripped it and turned the mattress, but I need to go put the sheets back on it now.
I'm going to head upstairs now. I will see you tomorrow. Good night. No school for Hunter tomorrow, so we can sleep in, but Kathryn has to go to work.
I asked Robyn how difficult it would be to match a donor with TORI'S blood type and she said that Tori is A+, but can accept the lungs of: A+, A-, O+, 0-, so that sounds exciting and hopeful that she has that many chances to be a match!
Wow, what a wonderful evening we had in Dallas. First thing we did was take turns taking the golf cart out for a spin around their neighborhood. I like that as I love looking at the beautiful houses. That was Michael's gift from Ash. Then we went out to eat. It was wonderful, delicious!!I came hope with a new orchid plant and two new framed pictures. One picture is one of my three boys...so cute and the other is the three of them. Now it is time for me to bathe.
I would love to try my luck at growing an orchid, but just don't know where to put it. They are so beautiful...my favorite is the purple and white dendrobium.
I don't talk to myself for very long, either, Lolly:) So I am turning in also.
I hear Jewel making some noises...will check her out before climbing into bed.
Robyn Ann Schonhans Tori looked so much better today. Her color she looked pink skin soft warm. they lowered the Heparin.Her numbers are evening out about an hour ago · Like.
Robyn Ann Schonhans Still a way to go about an hour ago · Like.
Yes, time does fly, but it still feels weird. His first break is Feb. 29 that's spring break. So early and only a long weekend. Then Easter break is the same, only a long weekend. He will be finished by May 4th! Crazy. I'd like to find him an internship of some kind in Engineering...for the summer. I guess we need to start putting feelers out for that!
WOW HODA I do need glasses YES I now see the orange writing why I didn't see it must have been a somertimers, Hey did you click on the Data rate orange on top of screen near date show how long you been on it. RED I have done that also and a plunger always worked but I have a double sink and if its a single won't work I have a snake wanna borrow it???
Maybe 6, I don't know. When we first got married I only wanted 2, then after the second one I knew I wanted 3 and after Adam I knew I wanted another. Maybe because they were all boys and I wanted to try for the girl. I don't think so, but that's what most people think. After Annemarie I was pretty content for a while, but then I thought about another, but there was no way Monte was going to agree to that! I think if the financial burden wasn't so much we would have had more, but sending them all to Catholic school is expensive, but yet I wouldn't have it any other way. We I see people with 6 or more kids I think wow, they are so lucky to have that big family. I have a friend with 10 and there is a lady at church with 8.
OK I'm back I got the video uploading on facebook now so should be done before I go to work NoONE announced color on nest while I was gone She acts like she is waiting for him to come back
Red, seems like Shep has gotten the sex thing - good on you! Now, can you climb back up and talk to him about food? Not that he needs to cook like you do (though you might want to suggest that he not put cabbage leaves down the disposal if they have one), but just remind him that he needs to fetch it and bring it to Belle! Seriously, mating is instinctive - what about the rest? Does a young male eagle automatically know that his job is to bring food to the nest for the female? incubate eggs? feed babies? There's a lot more to a successful nesting season than sex.
First off: HODA: thanks for the concern regarding the email, and initially i did remove it, but JUDYE is right, you can get it by clicking on my name. it is my business email and its pretty much out there for the world to see. thank you however, for your concern. whomever would like to can email me at that addy. i don't give my private email out ...but i'm on linkedin, facebook, have a webpage, etc....so i'm out there all over the internet as it is....i figure if they want me, i'll hide in plain sight....its how i build my reiki business.
work day straight ahead. tom and livvy are sleeping : no school. roads will be quiet. it is fairly warm, 50, and slighty rainy. might equal folks wanting massage! usually does. hoping for a busy day.
bowlign went pretty well last night. my goal is to have all 3 scores over 100. i got two out of the. the third was like a 98....so close, but no cookie. we won won game, lost 2. tha's okay. we are in 10th place.
yes, JUDY, i noticed much is discussed on this blog, critters, eagles, people, all sorts of intersting things! :)
was a great weekend. i like being productive, i went into the weekend with a to do list and now i can call it my to-done list. :) love that. that's rather how i rate things, how much i accomplish.
my youngest, livvy, is growing up so fast. she has this tv show she likes/ complete with a pre teen level boy band. her report card was good, so i bought her their dvd last week of their thirty min tv shows. she wanted some "girl " time..so we closed the bed room door, told tom no boys allowed, lol, painted our toenails and watched an episode of this show ..... NOT appealing to me, but the time with my daughter was. nice memories.
in two weeks, the oldest will be staying with us for a few days with the grandkids as they make their move (Permantaly!!!) to Nashville from Fort Campbell!!!! :D so excited! hope the weather holds up for them!
other than that, got to get ready for work so signing off now...catch ya later htis afternoon!
Me too, Janet! I was using the BioFreeze on my shoulder all weekend. Think it's leaning my elbow on the desk when I'm on the computer! Plain poor ergonomics!
Neck and shoulders for me - lots of time spent on a computer - in school and at home. Plus, I sleep with one of those specially shaped pillows for side sleepers and I left it at my Mom's on Saturday!! She's mailing it back to me tomorrow but I won't get it til Thurs or Fri!
Had a power surge so have to start video over I did trim it to just have the HP at end instead of a almost 4 min its just seconds long so I am going to upload now had tobring puter up again Funny probably too many people using heat brought power down LOL
I have a neck pillow from my doctor years ago I need to find another like it without going back for a prescr its like a contour pilliow but skinner not so fat I did buy a couple of other but no comparsion to the one I got from teh doctor
Morning all. I missed the visit by seconds--too busy feeding animals and making coffee. Hoda--good luck on the fast. The Dr.'s in this town want a 14 hour fast. That hospital lab has a long line at 8 am. I think my time is coming very soon for that. I recently got one of those donut shapped pillows with the microbeads. It is very comfy for reading in bed. I saw one used at the nursing home that really helped Mom's roomate who had multiple problems position herself.
Oh grannyblt: I got one of the donut shaped neck pillows with the thermal gel=beads....It's Super ! Special thoughts and Hugs on your lager fther-in-law's birthday (( Hugs ♥ ))
from a very special friend ☺ !
And I have the other kinds of herb packs and things...
I remember Sandi talking about encouraging her students to do something for someone, as a tribute to Martin Luther King on his birthday.... beautiful thought, and I hope they do some of that....
Open a door, smile, say something nice and encouraging.... doesn't take much effort....
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 586 Newer› Newest»Ah, and now Basketball is the possible TV goofer upper ! You can tell I've not had the TV on today. I think I'll head in there and watch news or sumthin' while I eat dinner. So nice chatting with you beautiful people ! Later or tomorrow.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Loretta glad you got to see eagles yesterday (:
DanaMo you get to see Aric more than I get to see my daughter.
Seen two eagles this pm in nest.
OK, going to geed the dogs and then scrounge up something for the people in the house to eat! CarolAnne, please don't hold your breath waiting for recipes from me for that cookbook! =) I DID ask Mom yesterday if she had a recipe for her sour beef and dumplings but she doesn't - she's one of those "little bit of this, taste, little bit of that, taste" cooks. I told her she had to make sure to write the recipe down and give it to my sister (she's the cook) so the recipe doesn't die when she does! Prayers will continue for Tori and Margy's brother Fred. Have a good evening all!
Good Wife and Desperate Housewife is on tonight.
My delete posted twice
Kay congratulations on Julie and Hugh tomorrow being married 19 years.
Dinner time - chili smells good!
Guess we've been stood up again.
Bad eagles!
Oh, okay....so they DID appear...briefly! Missed it!!!
LOL, Hoda.....it's okay! I have broad shoulders! Enjoy that special brownie...you've been good for a whole week!!
SANDI - not a problem, will use your dog food recipe in the Animal section. Remember there will also be the following sections:
Favorite snack food (healthy or otherwise)I think mention of Hoda's brownies will be here. lol
Favorite restaurant food (& the restaurant where you get it)
Or even just a favorite food memory (family gatherings, grandma's specialty, etc)
JEWEL is moving about had a huge yawn and curls in and then uncurls...PARDON ME another fart!!!
I can't even think about them walking down the isle. I'm having trouble with the fact that Annemarie is going to hs next year.
Oh by the way, she scored well enough on the entrance exam to go to the next step. It sure would be nice if she got some kind of scholarship for Goretti. After paying 3 full tuition's it would be nice to get a break. They didn't have these scholarships when Andrew and Aric went and poor Adam doesn't do as well in school, he has always struggled, but Annemarie does well and it seems to come easy. The scholarships are 1/4 tuition, 1/2 tuition or 3/4 tuition. For all 4 years if she gets one. Next she has to have an interview with the hs principal, current principal recommendation, teacher recommendations, and a writing same.
JANET you might want to remove your email address off of the blog...safety factor...
CBS TV night will be ON SCHEDULE!!
Oh-oh....Jewel cam got funky.....don't go down now!!!
Okay, seems ok again. Yep---sound goes in and out for me, too.
Maybe the eagle cam needs to get a bear cam - lights up real nice at night.
Blackwater has an update on the static that Paula mentioned earlier...might not see those birds tonight or the eggs:(
Probably someone mentioned this
STILL cam is not BLUE anymore at NCTC
Good Evening Eagle Pals xoxo
I'm heading for the sofa for a little while. Liesl wants some cuddling, and so do I!
Yep, I sure did fall asleep for Dr. Rodgers last night!
Jumped in the car after work and caught the very tail end of his interview when the show was rebroadcast today...
Darn it !!!
Saw Kay's report on it, maybe I can find it on-line...hope so.
Hope all are well tonight
I have some backtracking to do.
titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, juncoes, one Kingfisher, One woodpecker, either Downy or Hairy...cardinals...and heard a wren and a hawk.
Yep, you guessed it, Swinging Bridge...I just had to go...!
DanaMo, not sure if you'll be back on:
I know you miss your Aric....
years ago, when the youngest of my eight siblings....me being the youngest...had to say good-bye to our older brothers and sisters when they headed back to college....was....very sad...
We had the Sunday Night Blue for sure! (( Hugs ♥ )
HONEY I'm home from work and how was your day???????
I didn't leave work for lunch today so now I have over 200 comments to read will have to do in spurts because of the neck So off I go to reading at least tomorrow is a 830-530 day I don't like the 10-7 get home and seems like its bed time right around the corner no time to unwind
SB, sounds like you had a nice time, Margy...lots of birdies!
Glad everyone will be able to watch their CBS shows tonight! Congrats to the Ravens and their fans!
Off to bed for this Early Bird! I've been watching the Red Carpet arrivals at the Golden Globes - so girls are just too skinny! Can't keep my eyes open...Night all!
Prayers for LYNN, Tori, Fred and all in need. :)
'Night Lori...oh, you will love the Sycamores out there !!!
JudyE....I took some more reflection pictures at Swinging Bridge today....will get them posted sometime or another...
and thanks for the prayers, Lori.... .. and ALL...
Fred is making some improvements, not out of the woods yet...
My sister Mary, is like God's Co-Pilot down there....
An Angel Amongst us
Kay I know you heard this but just in
case - Hubby and my friend Lynn said
our Shows will on schedule. 9:00 that is for me............
DMo - Doesn't your teaching at St Mary's
give you any discount for Annemarie at
Goretti's...... Bummer if it doesn't!
Someone out tonight stirring things up:
Bomb threat causes evacuation at Burger King on Dual Highway
Hagerstown Police Department officers are at the Burger King at 503 Dual Highway after a note was found in the men's bathroom saying a bomb might be present, a 911 supervisor said. The restaurant has been evacuated, the supervisor said.
Wish everyone could be normal law abiding citizens.
Me too Jo !
Crazy world out there !!!
Hope you find yourself a coat you like, this is a good time to shop, prices will be coming down rapidly.
I got two or three wonderful coats like that....well, maybe even three or four, and a few from my favorite place, Goodwill, and have an ever-increasing collection of neck scarves
OH what a beautiful Wedding Album that Kay made before, and has presented to Julie and Hugh.. ♥♥
Happy 19th Anniversary to Julie and Hugh !
I don't think CarolAnne will be getting any recipes from me, but Tom Sweetie might pass along a few to me to send ☺
some simply amazing stories about the dogs amongst us...well, not me because I don't have one, but it is mighty fun reading about them....
Nice to get you some memories going of Boo and Nugz, Paula
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Thinking of you xoxo ♥
Hey! It's tomorrow, across the Pond !!
Happy Birthday to our Dear, Dear Chrissy....Hope this is the Best Birthday, EVER ! xoxox ♥
I see we have the still cam back and not blue
I am in totally agreement with donating organs I wanted to donate it to science for studying but found out that you have to pay them for that storage fee so they can just piece me out LOL
Recipes, I will have to think on that one I have one of my favs that Carl introduced me to I wish I had some of my Moms recipes but she never wrote anything down and remember guys I really don't cook but I will try to come up with something besides a Marie Colander or Boston Market of other frozen dinners LOL or restaurant dinners LOL
Fantastic news HODA has turned in to sleeping beauty great news that why I can sleep long too because of my bed I also have a odd looking body pillow its is 5ft long and only about 6"wide helps sleeping of side and knees apart not like the big body pillow in the stores A friend of mine worked at a hotel and got me one really nice she had worked at BW and said they have then in most hotels now I need to sew a case for it I have it rigged with cases way toooo big just got to sit down and make one ONE DAY
.....TORI is #ONE
I love watch Jewels cam also and the snowman is neat I definitely need to consider anther screen or hook to TV or bigger screen so many decision LOL
Woodpecker there has been a couple of times I and other have heard what we thought were woodpeckers Our pair has neighbors
Hoda shame on Lynn for making you get that brownie Should we have a talk with he or not LOL and I would not be able to restraint my self from eating the whole thing you have some good will power I have none that why I don't buy snacks They keep talking to me to eat them all gone LOL and what if someone's had is small then the brownies not that big
WOW we need to rename the eagles minute men LOL short visit I say
Farting bear, quickie eagles, dogs that fear words this blog has it all
Danamo is having growing pains ( thinking of kids growing up) It is hard but it is worth it in the end when you get a little Jordyn
Hey email address anyone can get them if the click on our names
MARGY did you get pic at SB just read you did maybe I should finish reading I am getting caught up Yeah me
Oh, I got lots of pictures, JudyE - will work on them a little later....and post in a day or two, I'll let you know...
I am now hungry and need to go figure out what I want to eat see all that reading has made me hungry I did eat at lunch today with Susan at the park we went to see the eagles and only one was there she is so impressed with them I now have created another eagle momster she says she want to go the the nest all the time
I can't wait to see them Waiting with baited breath ok BBL I am sooo hungry
Checked on the Red-shouldered Hawk's nest in a Mighty Sycamore, have seen the babies the last two springtimes...it looks good for another nesting year !
it was a female downy woodpecker -thought of you of course ☺
and the nuthatch, was a white-breasted one...
there was some ice forming in the areas where the water was not flowing fast
Going in to the TV for the 9:00 show
BTY FB people: Chrissy has her page and I just left a greeting for her.
Looking forward to your pictures MARGY.Glad your bro is better and that your sister is still advocating for him...
JO Someone needs a life if they leave a note for a bomb scare in the bathroom...we had an idiot of a kid who phoned in a bomb scare using the student phone infront of the office. The hallway camera monitors got him and the call was easily traced. I shook my head and wondered where that kid was when they were handing out brains!!!
The Liberal Party of Canada, traditionally the governing party or the opposition party except for this time parliament, had their party convention. They voted in as part of their platform the legalisation of marijuana!!! Yes I am wondering where these folks were when they were handing out brains too!!! It will be good for the BC treasury as the underground economy here thrives on the sale of this stuff...I'd like to see that economy go bust!!!Maybe we will be like Holland where I enetered a tobacco store infront of the Royal Palace and they were legally selling marijuana and hash!!! I had heard of it and went in the store to see for myself and yep sure enough they were...they also sold tobacco and coffee and dark chocolate. I bought a dark chocolate and a coffee and left!!!I am however sitting here shaking my head tonight at the Liberal Party of Canada...
OH WELL...better go get my yam...I had a terrific cup of lentil soup and now it is time for my yam and a new tea I got today from the health food store...a spicey tea...I will let you know...
JEWEL is not settled lots of heavy breathing and scratching and licking and curling in only to repeat it all again...been going on for half an hour now I would say...
Good evening all my eagle budlets. I hope this has been a great day for everybody. I have been really lazy. It is a good thing that breathing is involuntary or I don't know that I would have even done that! :)
EE-SHARON, do you also have a really comfortable bed? Is this why you were really lazy today because you wanted to stay in bed all day?
My new bed has lots of sleep in it and I have made it a rule to not go to bed before eight in the evening my time!!!LOL!!! Is it the same at your place?
In between other things, have been popping in here to check Jewel!
It's so exciting!!! ☺
BTW, when I saw the Decorah Intruder video last night, there was also a new "Buddy" video on same UTube page. I captured a still and put it in Nook w/the websiter. Didn't make a bluey thing, but can do it here if anyone wants it.
Back to Jewel. Every time I here a Huff, gotta check!
LORETTA, YES put the link please.
Yes exciting about Jewel and her labour. Maybe she is waiting for LOLLY to come home to see it all happen.
Jewel just moved and looked right at the camera and the curled up in a ball
gonna go full screen with her and keep up while I watch DH
Kay's post before the split on Bird Guy's Blog bears repeating, oh bears, good choice of words right now...
Her post was at 5:43 but I'm bringing it back over here:
Bird Guy's Blog
Spectacular photos and narratives, and there is an extensive preview of a Birding Festival this year at the New River Bridge in Fayette County, WV, and also about the Cranberry Glades also in WV....
Thanks Kay! I'll spend a lot f time at that site !!!
time for me to go spend some time watching Jewel at the Bear Cam !
WHITEROCK eagle web cam is still down...
Well I like my new herbal tea very much. It is called Bengal Spice: Roasted cinnamon, chicory,roasted carob,ginger, cardomomblack pepper, cloves and nutmeg...YUM a warming tea...
Well I created a problem this evening. We had corned beef and cabbage for dinner and I stuffed too many cabbage leaves into the garbage disposal at once and now the drain is plugged. Gotta get a plumber out tomorrow. Leave it to a man to destroy the kitchen. lol
Hmmmm...that episode of GOod Wife seemed rather far-fatched and irrelevant in some ways......wonder is Kalinda parsed that file before handing it over??
Bath time for me. BBIALW.
Awwww Too bad, Red... but I think your credit is pretty good at your homestead!!
Mayabe they will magically disappear overnight, the cabbage leaves
that tea sounds awesome, Hoda !!!
Would love to try that, and will look for it...
I finally got Jewel's Cam open...think the system overloaded with viewers
Lynn - What the heck is Kalinda doing.
Guess we will watch next week for sure.
She had to have cleaned up that file
before handing it over.... ya think?
I am off to do some small things
3,577 viewers, I guess it could be overloaded !!
I am sorry to hear that about the garborrator RED...I am sure you tried any one of the liquid pour in sink to disolve products...
MARGY at one point there were 5 thousand at Jewel's Den.
Hey Margy the link I have for Jewel I don't see a viewer counter Do you have another link??am I just not seeing it LOL I do wear glasses
This is the one I have is it the same as yours Jewel
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Will try to do Buddy link;
Buddy's Pond
Hope that works!
JO, I also, think Calinda cleaned up those files, or, the show is going to take a different turn!
Sure do like that show!
Tomorrow I go for my six months blood work check. No problems at all doctor's office phoned to remind me...It is a fasting blood work for sugar and cholestoral and thyroid...and so on test...if I do not log on before I go to the hospital I will do so when I come back. It is not too far from here...everything in Nelson is within ten minutes to get to...
My sister Samia's daughter in Egypt is having the official contract for her wedding signed this Saturday and the wedding is on the 10th of February. She let me know today...
BWE was up earlier but is now down again. Wanted to see those 2 eggs.
Moosewatch: Pook posted a pic of the 2nd antler that the bull dropped.
I remember when we used to see a bear on the Snowman cam. Not that much snow but the wind is howling
BTW, I love CarolAnne's idea about a cookbook with Momster's recipes.
Might submit 'GENE'S BEANS', for the Capt. Don't know what the 'First Mate' will decide upon.
Are we all just submitting our recipes to CarolAnne?
Why do you think, Loretta that they have that duck decoy in Buddy's pond?
Yes JUDY it is the link all of us have for JEWEL. Right under the date and time is the information of the number of people watching...in orange writing to the bottom right side of the frame.
Judy - # is in red next to the volume control
HODA, LOL...are they going to find an OVERLOAD of sugar from your BROWNIE in your bloodwork?
same answer I was going to give to JudyE, Hoda..
signing off now, Precious Pals
Prayers for Wellness, and Comfort of the Mind, Heart, Soul and Body
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
A contract for a wedding Hoda? Is that between the families? Glad you got your brownie! Good on you for splitting it up!
Good Wife was interesting...I kinda missed the beginning so was a little lost on the bit2 thingy...I am wondering about Kalinda too!
You can also get Jewel's cam at wildearthtv.com...and at pixcontroller too, I think
Has anyone figured out what part of her body (Jewel) we are looking at?
Nite nite y'all See ya tomorrow.
Nite, RED... sleep well:)
Hey, Jo. I thought that was funny w/duck decoy! Bet he doesn't know he might have wanted to catch one someday! He's so famous, he'll be a wonderful educational bird. I would want to know where he's visiting!
Jewel may be getting more sleep than we are.
If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all and prayers for Tori, Lynn, Fred & all in need ;>)
Yes PAULA a contract between the families, it makes expectations clearer in terms of legal work and inheritance and, heaven forbids, divorce procedure...
WANDA, I have a twelve hour fast so I presume I will try to get there for eight in the morning so from eight tonight no eating only water to drink...the quarter brownie was at five, it should be out of my system by then I hope...LOL
Can't see Jewel...BWE is a mess again...
From BWE
Technical Note: We see the static -- we think there might be a loose connector on the ground, so we're checking our equipment to improve the signal as soon as possible.
Oh Red, forgot to mention...try bleach in the sink.
Thanks LORETTA for the link to BUDDY.
WANDA her head is slightly right of centre, nose tucked in so we see the crown of her head. she was just scratching a little while ago.
Wanda, Jewel is slumped down between her legs. Her nose is under in front & in middle we are seeing top of her head and one ear.
Finally got on thru bear.org...looks curled up, with her head in the middle of the pic
I'm watching on PixController--no commercials and small chat panel so you can check what you missed.Also has counts of viewers under cam.
Oh, I see her head now...this could take awhile. Can't remember how long Lily labored~
Thanks, Loretta and Hoda♥♥
Hoda, good luck on your bloodwork tomorrow! I hope that brownie keeps you satisfied all night!
I will be going in couple weeks to endocrinologist who does all that blood testing. If I want cholesterol test, have to fast also. Take my coffee mug w/me!
Red, sorry about the disposal problem. They say not to put down anything fibrous. My Mom has clogged hers up many times with greens, and I did it once with potato peels.
I think someone said 22 hrs. with Lily......Jewel is already past 24....suppose it will happen while we are sleeping.
Hoda, great news about your niece!
Gals....Good Wife won't be on next week. We have to wait two!
Margy, I, too, saved that cite of Kay's for future intense gandering!
I wonder if the decoy duck in Buddy's pond is to help keep it from freezing.
It is now 19° here....ridiculous.
Wanda, yes...just email recipes to CarolAnne.
Good heavens LYNN it is colder your way than it is here...we are sitting at 25 degrees F.
QUick note before bedtime:
SANDI* thanks for the article. it was great!!!!
HODA* the only thing i can spread out over that amount of time, or maybe more, is green and black organic chocolate. its my favorite chocolate. i put it in the freezer and snap off a piece here and there......i COULD eat the whole thing...but its so good I actually want to savor it for a few days...
good night to one and to all....
Didn't mean for all caps
My arthritic fingers do strange things when I am not looking..
18° now, Hoda. Ridiculous.
Good night Janet - I'm following you
Good night friends and God bless you & all your loved ones.
Praying for lungs to be donated to Tori.
Prayers for all our needs
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
I just realized that I did not put the sheets back on my bed today. I stripped it and turned the mattress, but I need to go put the sheets back on it now.
I'm going to head upstairs now. I will see you tomorrow. Good night. No school for Hunter tomorrow, so we can sleep in, but Kathryn has to go to work.
Calling it a day here, dear ones.
Hope everyone has a peaceful sleep.
Prayers for all, but especially for Tori and Fred.
Your right Lynn, it's cold tonight. 20° here...
Nite all
(((Hugs for all)))♥
Bundle up and stay warm everyone...
I am going to try to stay up for another half an hour...it will make it nine my time...
I asked Robyn how difficult it would be to match a donor with TORI'S blood type and she said that Tori is A+, but can accept the lungs of: A+, A-, O+, 0-, so that sounds exciting and hopeful that she has that many chances to be a match!
Again gratitude and prayers for the soul and family of the donor to TORI'S surgery. God Bless TORI also...
Well I will set the night light on for JUDIE and the security system on for ANDY...
Good night and sweet dreams all.
Wow, what a wonderful evening we had in Dallas. First thing we did was take turns taking the golf cart out for a spin around their neighborhood. I like that as I love looking at the beautiful houses. That was Michael's gift from Ash. Then we went out to eat. It was wonderful, delicious!!I came hope with a new orchid plant and two new framed pictures. One picture is one of my three boys...so cute and the other is the three of them. Now it is time for me to bathe.
I see no mention of a birth, so Jewel has apparently not delivered. First thing I did was turn on that cam.
Not one to talk to myself for long, so I am heading to the shower and then to bed.
Night all! Sweet dreams!
I would love to try my luck at growing an orchid, but just don't know where to put it. They are so beautiful...my favorite is the purple and white dendrobium.
I don't talk to myself for very long, either, Lolly:) So I am turning in also.
I hear Jewel making some noises...will check her out before climbing into bed.
Robyn Ann Schonhans Tori looked so much better today. Her color she looked pink skin soft warm. they lowered the Heparin.Her numbers are evening out
about an hour ago · Like.
Robyn Ann Schonhans Still a way to go
about an hour ago · Like.
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M.L.King Day: Increasing clouds, with a high near 39. Wind between 5- 14 mph.
Tonight: Rain & sleet likely before 1am, then rain. Low around 33. Chance of precipitation 80%. Little or no snow accumulation expected.
YAY, the office is closed for the Martin Luther King Jr Holiday, so it's a super casual sweats day for me!
I hope your day holds all the wishes and dreams you deserve!
Margy, your comment on the Sycamores at SB has me even more excited to go. I loved your Sycamore pics on your blog, too!
HODA, best of luck on your blood work today. That next quarter of the brownie will be a good reward!
I haven't seen Good Wife in a while, but always found the character Kalinda interesting. Great writing on that show!
Early Birds, DanaMo and Sandi, enjoy your day off!
I'm up Lori, but I don't know if I will stay up.
Seems weird knowing that Aric is not in his room. :( I should have had more kids....LOL!
At work in sweats...Nice, Lori.
Boomer is staring at my for some unknown reason and Frisbee is at the door to go down to Aric's empty room.
Ah, DanaMo, sad how one kid minus the normal seems so odd. You'll see him see as time will fly by!
Yes, time does fly, but it still feels weird. His first break is Feb. 29 that's spring break. So early and only a long weekend. Then Easter break is the same, only a long weekend. He will be finished by May 4th! Crazy. I'd like to find him an internship of some kind in Engineering...for the summer. I guess we need to start putting feelers out for that!
Wow, he'll be done on May 4th. That will really fly by, DMo!
Morning Lori & DMo! Checkin in!
Just checked flight cost for Aric for spring break and it is NOT good. Way high now.
Good morning Sandi
Good Morning EAgle buds LORI and DANAMO
WOW HODA I do need glasses YES I now see the orange writing why I didn't see it must have been a somertimers, Hey did you click on the Data rate orange on top of screen near date show how long you been on it.
RED I have done that also and a plunger always worked but I have a double sink and if its a single won't work I have a snake wanna borrow it???
Good Morning, Sandi! You're up early on your day off. :)
DanaMo, I loved earlier that you said you should have had more kids! Really? How many total?
Did you see Jewel she has her little face right on top of the cam now sooooo cute
Maybe 6, I don't know. When we first got married I only wanted 2, then after the second one I knew I wanted 3 and after Adam I knew I wanted another. Maybe because they were all boys and I wanted to try for the girl. I don't think so, but that's what most people think. After Annemarie I was pretty content for a while, but then I thought about another, but there was no way Monte was going to agree to that! I think if the financial burden wasn't so much we would have had more, but sending them all to Catholic school is expensive, but yet I wouldn't have it any other way. We I see people with 6 or more kids I think wow, they are so lucky to have that big family. I have a friend with 10 and there is a lady at church with 8.
I just jumped as he flew in. I love being able to hear them come in!
started picking at flugg right away came in fro the Y branch and it is Shep
I know you hear them befroe you see them thoses big wings lol
sitting at 6 spot just looking not on rail just before it
waiting for Belle I guess
I'm going full screen. BBIALW
beakering as soon as she landed like How do you do lol
both picking at cup no bekering HP HP HE HP
two morning in a row wow they do want eggs
Shep arrived while I was fixing the dogs' food, but I saw Belle's arrival. Morning Judy!
sitting in egg cup AWWW
she looks snug as a bug in a rug in teh cup
both calm after HP
poof shep
Glad I made it back in time to see the action!! If you blink, you miss it!! Fortunately, Shep announces his intentions!
beautiful fly off out away from the tree
I did get it on video naturally and uploading the SD card right now will put on youtube naturally and blog and fb
ok will boomerrang be back
she looks so comfy in the egg cup she still hasn't moved
OK I'm back I got the video uploading on facebook now so should be done before I go to work NoONE announced color on nest while I was gone She acts like she is waiting for him to come back
he just came flying in I could see him fly to the tree so cool I wihs I would have had the cam on to see it
Ok Shep you are in the tree come on down I saw you fly Belle in picking at cup
Red, seems like Shep has gotten the sex thing - good on you! Now, can you climb back up and talk to him about food? Not that he needs to cook like you do (though you might want to suggest that he not put cabbage leaves down the disposal if they have one), but just remind him that he needs to fetch it and bring it to Belle! Seriously, mating is instinctive - what about the rest? Does a young male eagle automatically know that his job is to bring food to the nest for the female? incubate eggs? feed babies? There's a lot more to a successful nesting season than sex.
she just started picking at rain at 6 after sitting for a while had to get her composure I guess lol still picking and looking on occasion
just sitting on rail with an occasion picing at sitcks
DMo, you're amazing. You'll notice that all my kids have four legs and are very hairy! LOL
i love it when she goes to the cup sooo sweet
she looks so comfy in the cup again
shep is back
Nice fly in from Shep! Very graceful!
I didn't hear him fly in he was quite HMMM she is picking at cup he is at 6 rail doing sticks
he is still at 6 and she in cup
he is struggling with one branch it is getting the best of him lol tou can hear him on the cam with it too
belle is coming over to where he is
poof belle
shep alone picking at stick behind the branch area at 6
he is sitting at 6 just sitting now no picking paning around
hops to middle of nest pick at cup carring flugg
moving to 10 now picking at sticks
good morning! ;D
First off: HODA: thanks for the concern regarding the email, and initially i did remove it, but JUDYE is right, you can get it by clicking on my name. it is my business email and its pretty much out there for the world to see. thank you however, for your concern. whomever would like to can email me at that addy. i don't give my private email out ...but i'm on linkedin, facebook, have a webpage, etc....so i'm out there all over the internet as it is....i figure if they want me, i'll hide in plain sight....its how i build my reiki business.
work day straight ahead. tom and livvy are sleeping : no school. roads will be quiet. it is fairly warm, 50, and slighty rainy. might equal folks wanting massage! usually does. hoping for a busy day.
bowlign went pretty well last night. my goal is to have all 3 scores over 100. i got two out of the. the third was like a 98....so close, but no cookie. we won won game, lost 2. tha's okay. we are in 10th place.
yes, JUDY, i noticed much is discussed on this blog, critters, eagles, people, all sorts of intersting things! :)
was a great weekend. i like being productive, i went into the weekend with a to do list and now i can call it my to-done list. :) love that. that's rather how i rate things, how much i accomplish.
my youngest, livvy, is growing up so fast. she has this tv show she likes/ complete with a pre teen level boy band. her report card was good, so i bought her their dvd last week of their thirty min tv shows. she wanted some "girl " time..so we closed the bed room door, told tom no boys allowed, lol, painted our toenails and watched an episode of this show ..... NOT appealing to me, but the time with my daughter was. nice memories.
in two weeks, the oldest will be staying with us for a few days with the grandkids as they make their move (Permantaly!!!) to Nashville from Fort Campbell!!!! :D so excited! hope the weather holds up for them!
other than that, got to get ready for work so signing off now...catch ya later htis afternoon!
*smiles to all* have a great day!
I want a massage, Janet!
Me too, Janet! I was using the BioFreeze on my shoulder all weekend. Think it's leaning my elbow on the desk when I'm on the computer! Plain poor ergonomics!
For me it's my neck. Warming up my "beans" and going to wrap it on while I sit here on the computer.
Neck and shoulders for me - lots of time spent on a computer - in school and at home. Plus, I sleep with one of those specially shaped pillows for side sleepers and I left it at my Mom's on Saturday!! She's mailing it back to me tomorrow but I won't get it til Thurs or Fri!
I have my own version of one of those pillows, Sandi. It's 2 pillows stuffed inside a king size pillow sham. Can't sleep without it.
Had a power surge so have to start video over I did trim it to just have the HP at end instead of a almost 4 min its just seconds long so I am going to upload now had tobring puter up again Funny probably too many people using heat brought power down LOL
Morning Thelma, how are you feeling?
I have a neck pillow from my doctor years ago I need to find another like it without going back for a prescr its like a contour pilliow but skinner not so fat I did buy a couple of other but no comparsion to the one I got from teh doctor
I'm feeling good thank Sandi. How are you feeling?
Morning THELMA and JANET
Thelma, I don't have to be at school today thanks to Dr. King, so I feel GREAT!! =)
Morning JudyE.
Morning all. I missed the visit by seconds--too busy feeding animals and making coffee.
Hoda--good luck on the fast. The Dr.'s in this town want a 14 hour fast. That hospital lab has a long line at 8 am. I think my time is coming very soon for that.
I recently got one of those donut shapped pillows with the microbeads. It is very comfy for reading in bed. I saw one used at the nursing home that really helped Mom's roomate who had multiple problems position herself.
Hello, Eagle buds. I saw Belle and Shep, but no "action." Thanks for play by play.
12° here this morning.....insane. Brrrrr.
Cutting it close got to leave HP video on blog and FB
HP two days iin a row
Jewel is very quiet this AM. No mention on FB of any birth, so guess we just have to wait.......
Happy Birthday to Chrissy.
I just realized that it is the anniversary of my late father-in-law's birth as well. He was a very nice man and is missed.
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Looks kinda like the Deer Leg has moved to the "front of the nest" at the "7 o'clock" spot
xoxo ♥
Oh grannyblt: I got one of the donut shaped neck pillows with the thermal gel=beads....It's Super !
Special thoughts and Hugs on your lager fther-in-law's birthday (( Hugs ♥ ))
from a very special friend ☺ !
And I have the other kinds of herb packs and things...
great comfort-providers !!
Morning all,
Good eagle reporting.
Happy Birthday to the blog's Chrissy!
Thanks to Jewell(Genie616),for the email note & recipes.
Hedgie/Lynn - appt today? or off because of MLK Day?
Hoda - believe you will have good fasting results. You are so very health-wise.
Prayers continue for those in need (Fred, Tori especially)
Just how many cams can one computer support at the same time - LOL . . . eagles, birthing bears, moose, snowman, cottage
Another snow storm heading this way for overnight and into tomorrow.
Lynne1, sorry I messed up some words on my post
Your Late father-in-law's birthday is what I meant to type...
I remember Sandi talking about encouraging her students to do something for someone, as a tribute to Martin Luther King on his birthday....
beautiful thought, and I hope they do some of that....
Open a door, smile, say something nice and encouraging....
doesn't take much effort....
LYNN, what time is your
appointment(s) today? Thinking healing thoughts for you.
how beautiful a vision also, reference Wanda's late night post:
" Tori looked so much better today. Her color she looked pink skin soft warm. "
(I think that referred to Sunday...)
Thanks Wanda...these are good things to read !
I just heard the red-shouldered hawk in the background at NCTC...I think he is a presence, often there....
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