Sunday, January 08, 2012


New thread.


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Hoda said...


wvgal_dana said...

Steve thanks for the new thread.

Hoda thank you for the call over.

Prayers for Russ, Rebecca, Shirley, Kathryn, Susan, Will and Justin. I hope the doctors find out what Russ's prblem is so it can be treated.

Lynn that video of the skin cell being spray on the burn patient is an awesome and terrific medical break through!!!!!!!!!

Hoda said...

So strange when I came over here there was a comment from Grannybelt and now it is gone not even deleted...???!!! What is up with that...I will go get a cup of tea...

grannyblt said...

I noticed it was gone too. I just said good morning all and thanked Steve for the new thread...then I headed to the old one to alert everyone---oh well. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.....

hedgie said...

Reposting from old thread:

Late night post from Robyn---I misunderstood about the comment of Tori crying when she heard her dad's voice: he isn't there yet.

"Ok going to get some sleep she is already telling the nurses no by shaking her head lol. I am 1 floor down from tori. On Monday her dad will be here and Tuesday my mom and dad will be arriving... Night"

Glad to hear that Bobbi and Ted are coming up.....locals, we must try to get with them while they are here and treat them to a lunch.

Robyn also posted this last night:
"I can't say this enough, thank you all for your support, blessings, prayers and all the positive energy you are all sending our way. Tori is strong but recovery will be slow unless Tori decides otherwise..."

hedgie said...

So blogger cop struck again, huh? Well, good morning Lynne1--we want you even if he doesn't!!!!

hedgie said...

What did I miss? What's wrong with Justin????

Margy, I DO know that Elvis liked the grilled PB&J! Didn't influence my taste at all, LOL!!!!! Not that I have anything against him.....just he was good at what he did with SOME songs!! I don't think of him as a king, tho'!

hedgie said...

Jordan Lake cam is back up---just saw an egg roll! Hatch dates estimated as early as tomorrow or Tues!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn if your going by my comment. Nothing is wrong with Justin. He is close to Russ so I was adding the whole family in prayer.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

Just got back from breakfast at IHOP and some picture taking on the way home. Think I'm going to start a new blog with all my Sycamore tree pictures - got some this morning, and cows, too!

Hoda said...

LYNN exciting about Jordan Lake...

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

HODA, thank you for the call over.

Shirley, prayers for Russ and your family, that all turns out well, very soon.

Hoda said...

LYNNE1 Glad you came back on again...I was sipping my tea thinking it odd and hoping I was not seeing thingsLOL and here you are confirming that you had indeed posted...Enjoy your day...

Hoda said...

LORI are you at Shepeherdstown???you have new pictures of the Sycamour Tree? Did you get pictures of the eagles? I am sure I could not have missed that you were going to go to Shepherdstown...others from the gorup would have been there with you I am sure...what sycamour tree are you talking of?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Still at home, waiting to find out what is going on and thinking that we need to head north to Alexandria. I fell asleep and slept later than I meant to.

Rebecca promised to call this morning.

Hoda said...

We are waiting with you SHIRLEY...Prayers for your family and your RUSS.

wvgal_dana said...

So glad you seen Lynne1 that blogger cop ate you post on here. Glad you re-posted.

Continued prayers for Tori that God brings her through this hump. Giving her the new lung for there we will give as doing now for her improvement. PRAISES GOING TO GOD!!!! Thank you Lord.
Prayers for Robyn as a Mom this has to be so hard. Prayers also for Bobbi and husband.

Hoda said...


wvgal_dana said...

Can't eat cereal this morning. I feel like I ate something bad yesterday. Trying a light cup of hot tea.

hedgie said...

Sure wish our cam was zoomed in the way Jordan's is.

hedgie said...

But glad we don't have the ad interruptions!

stronghunter said...

Called the hospital, and talked to Rus's nurse. She said that he has gone to have an MRI and that he has been doing fine today. I guess we just wait for the results now.

hedgie said...

DanaWV....still feel like I am missing something.....Justin and Russ? Do you mean HUNTER?

Hoda said...

Sorry you are not feeling well WVDANA...

Yes LYNN glad there are no ads on the cam.

stronghunter said...

I was able to get his room number, so I can talk to him when he is back from the MRI.

Hoda said...

That is good news SHIRLEY...glad you spoke to RUSS' nurse and now you have his room number...Hope the resutls are encouraging.

hedgie said...

Shirley, you might as well sit tight for now....good that Rus is doing okay this AM....I wonder if it could have been a TIA? Is he overweight, or does he have high blood pressure? Any history of migraine?

Lori O. said...

HODA, I have always just loved Sycamore trees - their branch structure and majestic stature. A few months ago I decided to start taking pictures of them because I couldn't find a picture, or any kind of artwork of a Sycamore online. I took some last weekend, too, but again the skies are kind of cloudy and not the best photo weather.

stronghunter said...

Rus has been posting on FB this morning. He said that he feels fine, just sleepy. He also had posted that he thought his brain had had a BSOD yesterday. I looked that one up and found that it isn't a medical term, but a computer one: Blue Screen of Death. I think his brain is okay.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry that should have been HUNTER not Justin. For prayers for Russ.

stronghunter said...

I hope to know more when I talk to Rus, Dana. I hope that it will not be long before he is back at his room.

Didn't know until this morning whether he had been admitted or was just in a room in the
ER awaiting the testing. Since he has a room number, he has been admitted, at least I should think so.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the clarification, Dana. I was wondering who Justin might be.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Hoda the hot tea is much better than the cereal. Still feel like I ate something yesterday that wasn't good.

Hoda said...

Always good to read nurse LYNN's questions and know that she is there to help us understand the medical issues...way to go LYNN...

I hope LOLLY sees eagles this morning. She was excited about her went well she said in her post.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends
Thank you Steve for the new fresh thread

Tori is still fighting and she is so
strong willed

Prayers that Russ will find the cause of
his problem - Shirley stay calm and use your eagle's patience ♥

Going back to previous page

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley...his sense of humor is fine! BSOD is a good term for a BAD puter experience!

grannyblt said...

Shirley, is Russ your son? I seriously need to make some family trees cheet sheets because I have CRS. Hope the tests show nothing of importance.

Hoda said...

I just opened the blinds...we have fresh snow...

WVDANA, with your tea try to have some toast too...

Sandi said...

Wanda commented about a change in the weather from the past few days. Still sunny and bright blue skies here but a lot cooler today than yesterday. Shirley, BSD - I love it! As Lynn said, at least Rus's sense of humor is in tact and that's a good thing! OK, so I played yesterday and today I pay the price - 3 bathrooms to clean, laundry to do and the grocery store! Later!!

stronghunter said...

Rus called and sounds perfectly normal. He is awaiting the results of the MRI.

wvgal_dana said...

I am headed back to bed. Feeling very poorly.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Dana. Feel better.

DanaMo said...

Adam just came back from camping with the scouts and has a tick on his arm. Thing is it's embedded, but it appears to be dead. You would think I could easily pull it out but it's not coming out. I'm afraid to pull it out and have the head left behind!!

DanaMo said...

Oh Shirley I am sure you are relieved. I hope they have some answers for you.

stronghunter said...

Hope you feel better soon, Dana. DanaMo, I'll bet Lynn has answers for tick removal.

DanaMo said...

Sandi said...

DMo, here's what works for me (they appear dead but they're not). Coat the little sucker and the skin around it with Vaseline and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes. The tick will let loose and you should be able to pull it off with tweezers. You'll still have to tug but just keep a gentle, constant pressure on it til it releases. Is it a deer tick (very small) or a regular tick?? If it's a deer tick, might want to call the family doc tomorrow - about 10% are infected with lyme. I've had lyme and you don't wanna go down that road. Now, whenever I'm bitten by a deer tick, I take 14 days of doxycycline just as a preventative!

stronghunter said...

Some good information online, DanaMo. They do say not to coat the tick with anything. Use tweezers or tick pliers if you have them. Never heard of them myself.

stronghunter said...

It might be a good idea to save the tick if you are concerned about it.

hedgie said...

From Robyn:

Scott, Li, Kyle and Jason are here to visit with Tori, it will be nice Saturday when my brother, Li the boys, mom and dad and toris dad Damien are all together giving her even more love and support. Took tori to pull us all together in one place.

DanaMo said...

Well if it only appeared dead I am surprised because it didn't move at all!! Nothing was moving legs or anything. Monte finally got it with the tweezers. I was pulling it and it was stuck pretty good. Thanks Sandi and Shirley. It was a regular tick not a deer tick.

Hoda said...

Glad you got the tick out DANAMO...Are you going to take it in to be identified?Glad MONTE was able to pull it out with tweezers...

hedgie said...

DanaMo, I still think that alcohol is the best thing to use to get them to release. Just be sure to get as close to the head as you can with the tweezers, and pull gently straight back. Then cleanse with soap and water. MARK the calendar.....of course, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is the biggest concern with dog ticks. Yeah, can't hurt to stick him in the freezer just in case symptoms develop.

DanaMo said...

I had put alcohol on it and it didn't move. No we didn't save it. I will watch the spot, just to be sure.

hedgie said...

Need to also watch for rash on the torso, low-grade fever, etc. DanaMo!

hedgie said...

RMSF symptoms

Lolly said...

Hi! Heading home! Saw 2 eagles. Got a short look at one flying away, low and through the trees! The other was in the nest. A photographer there told us there are two chicks that you can see occasionally. I took pics with my little camera. Jack guessed the nest is about 150 yds from the road. The old nest is still there. I am happy, I saw an eagle!!!

hedgie said...

Here's a great quote Glo has on FB:

"A camera is a 'save' button for the mind's eye." - Roger Kingston

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch to find a new thread WOW Crap at work today Looks like I will have to jump through hoops if I want to keep my job I was given a sheet of paper of stuff they wanted me to do First time that has happened also and on it is to Throw freight which with my 20lb limit makes it hard to do and other limitations so I was called in the office and said that my job entail me to do fright up to 50 lb and that job is no longer for me well WHY all at once now its a issue I know that they want us to quite the old timers and I have to talk with the boss ERIC tomorrow lucky me I will just tell him like i did other manager that they need to find something that doesn't hurt my neck I hope that works I doubt it this guy is a PIA big time no heart at all Each time we have a new manager I have to go through this and so does everyone else well I just have a feeling he is a AX man also they way he has been talking to others do it or out the door attitude

Thanks for letting me vent now I have to think about it all night long until tomorrow when I get to see what happens I am so upset about it my neck is killing me and I know it tension

JudyEddy said...

I dislike it when you get friend reaquest from people you don't know I mssg this person How do I know you before I accept your request lets see what they say the person is from Seattle Wash born in Ark and looks young name is Lou Clayson rings no bell to me I have gotten several comments on youtube in my mail also on my video Here are the two I got today notice they call Shep Smitty

"yalitldevl has made a comment on NCTC nest 1-8-12 HP HP again:

terrific!! great to see Smitty (as he was smitten, that's what we call him) has the right end this time! thanks EddyJudy! "
deewerms has made a comment on NCTC nest 1-8-12 HP HP again:

great catch, thank you for sharing with us.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Judy! Fifty pounds. Good grief. I could not do that.

Keep us posted.

Hoda said...

JUDYE sorry about the troubles at work. Do you have a medical person that can say you do not do the fifty pound...I do not think they can move you from your job simply by putting new requirements on you.The job description is what you have been doing for the past umpteen years...Whatever happens keep your cool when you are talking to this chap.

Shep has been called Smitty since the summer...I do not like it as it reminds me of a restaurant we have up here...its a chain restaurant and they serve "p;astic type food" not very good. I have seen him called Smitty on the Hancock forum and the one in California also.JUDYB the administrator on WOW said she was going to let them know we call him SHEP.

Hoda said...

HI LOLLY!!! Glad you saw two eagles. Drive safely you and JACK.

Lolly said...

Going to make a Pecan Praline Pumpkin Cheesecake when we get home. It's a new recipe I want to try. :)

JudyEddy said...

Back to work I go

Hoda said...

I am off to go to yoga...see you all later...I will also go to the the health food store for my groceries...stay well.

Lolly said...

Fefl asleep for a short while. What happened to Russ?

hedgie said...

Lolly, here is what Shirley posted last night:

he became dizzy and confused at work this afternoon.

They did a CT scan to see if he has had a stroke. It did not show any problems, but he is being sent To Alexandria Hospital for an MRI, as they do not have that equipment at the other facility.

Rebecca said that he did not lose consciousness and his vision and speech are okay. They are also considering the possibility of diabetes. Of course, there is a strong family history of diabetes.

hedgie said...

Glad you saw a couple of eagles, Lolly!
Hope your cheesecake is good. I like punkin' cheesecake, but sure wouldn't like the praline/pecan part!

hedgie said...

JudyE---your injury occurred at work, right? They have to honor your light duty. Get your worker's comp paperwork out to show this new jerk.

The ORIGINAL "Parent Trap" is on Hallmark! I missed the first 45 mins. Love Maureen O'Hara and Brian Keith and Hayley Mills!

Sandi said...

Lolly, so happy that you saw eagles today!! Pecan praline pumpkin cheesecake sounds to-die-for to me!! Of course, I would NEVER attempt it!
Judy, sorry to hear about the crap at work - new management is always a PIA!
Shirley, any new news on Rus?
Glad to hear that Tori is staying strong. Organ transplants are such a complicated thing b/c, as someone recently commented, someone dies so someone else can live. Denny's brother had a liver transplant about 4 years ago. It was a miracle for our family but a 19-year old college freshmen, who was hit by a car, was the donor. As we rejoiced that a liver arrived in time, another family was devastated.
Off to the grocery store so I can be back in time to hopefully watch Pittsburgh lose (sorry Steelers fans)!

hedgie said...

Hey, as for Shep's name....after all their previous stuff about "Ben", OC chatters are calling him Spot or Spothead! Wonder what happened to Ben?? LOL!

stronghunter said...


Talked with Rus again. He said that the doctor mentioned transient global amnesia as a possibility. I have never heard of it before, but both Rus and Will had.

If that is what it is, it is rare and not likely to happen again. I did a quick search.

He is still in the hospital, but likely to get out this afternoon, he thinks.

hedgie said...

I haven't seen any mention from Robyn about them trying to do a living donor match test......but I guess it's still a possibility...with all of the family coming in, they just might be planning that. My friends grandson with the cystic fibrosis got both lungs from two different donors, and one wasn't even related.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hello eagle momsters and dadsters out there. Just got home and tried to get into our live cam at Shepherdstown and it doesn't come up. Is anyone else having problems with it.

Sorry Shirley to hear about your husband. Hope that they find what is causing his problems

Lollyl, so you got to see eagles. There were a pic of two eagles in Kitty Hawk, NC the other day, but didn't say where. Probably afraid they would be bombarded with eagle watchers:) I'd love to know where it is.

WVDana Sure hope you are feeling better sooner than later. It is horrible not to feel well. They have the stomach virus and below virus going around here like wildfir, also colds, allergies or whatever this wierd weather we are having brings.

Still hopein and praying that thiings will go well with Tori. I can't get her or Robyn off my mind. Hopefully more good news on her will be forwarded today.

Glad to hear that someone is going to let them know that our new eagle is Shep and not Smitty. Thanks.

Well have to get the lights off the tree and then decorations will be down. I think I have finally found out how to work this computer and get different cams up and blog at the same time. Time will tell. If I can get back on, I hope to see you later. I miss you all so much; all the time I have been off. Prayers being said for all in need. Hugs.

hedgie said...

From the Bear Center:

Lily's den cam has been taken down temporarily because work is being done on the den shed equipment. Should be back up soon. -- Sue M

hedgie said...

Hi, Candy! God to see you.
No trouble here with cam. Keep trying!
Was the Kitty Hawk eagle pic in your newspaper?
It is Shirley's eldest son who is in the hospital.

Shirley, the TGA is usually self-limiting. I'm not sure if they know why it happens. Maybe just a brain overload!

Lori O. said...

Shirley, sounds like you're less worried now that you've talked to Russ. Glad it sounds like he's going to be okay!!! YAY! I'm sure that was pretty scary.

How are you feeling today Miss Lynn? No Sinks game!

Lolly, just call when the cheesecake is done and I'll be right over to test it. :) Sounds so yummy!

Lazy day now, after my busy morning. Got a few good shots of Sycamores and another of a cow...cute!

Linda said...

Good Sunday Afternoon Eagle Fans!

Am still working on getting my life back in order. Unfortunately life still happens while you're trying to catch up! Hmmmm

Still praying and deeply concerned for Tori. As so many of you, she remains on my mind throughout the days.....

Robyn mentioned on FB that as long as Tori is on the ventilator, she is considered INACTIVE in the system for a transplant.

Tori remains in the system, but won't be reactivated until she is off the ventilator. At that time she will go to the top of the list.

I surely hope she can get off that ventilator very soon. Too bad it has to be that way. I don't understand that. He lungs need replacing, so find a new one and get it done! I am sure it is much more complicated than that, but I can't imagine the emotions poor Robyn is experiencing.

Praying for strength for both Robyn and Tori.

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunny Sunday PM! Not as cold as I thought~~50° & lots of robins. One likes cat food crunchies Fubbhy put out for critters!
Watching football, but don't like either team. The Good Guys will be playing later.

Linda said...

Lori - Your basket is beautiful. Such talent......and patience, I am sure. FloBear did a great job assisting! LOL

Shirley - Glad Russ is doing better and you are relieved. Will pray things go smoothly from here on out.

Lynn - Hope you're feeling well today.

So HODA is at Yoga and LOLLY is baking her a Cheesecake for when she returns. HaHa!! just kiddin!!

Eagles, LOLLY! How wonderful. Maybe that is what inspired you to go home and bake!!

Lori - I'll be happy to drive you to Lolly's when the cheesecake is ready!!

Linda said...

Hi Lorweeda!! Nice to see you. I've been so out of touch, I rarely see anyone!

I'll be heading out in less than an hour again..........

Seems like I'll never catch up.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hedgie, the eagle pic was in our local newspaper. No mention of where it was taken tho. Well I am right in the middle of taking the tree down and hope to get back on later. Two eagles in nest at BW

Mema Jo said...

Headed down to CVS and then to Dinner...

NatureNut said...

Back after searching for late last night news. Yikes!
Prayers for Shirley's Rus and family. Late Happy Birthday to Susan and Will! 32 is YOUNG!! ☺ ♥

Hi Linda, I don't seem to get on here as much as I used to, perhaps because I'm trying to do some of the stuff I've been ignoring! LOL
Cleaning up for Xmas made me realize what has been neglected. (Fubby said no one else would notice)

Lori O. said...

Thanks Linda! I'll give you a call when Lolly says the cheescake is done!

DanaMo, I can mail you the instructions on how to make the basket. It's really great if you have a lot of scrap fabrics.

Linda said...

Sounds like a plan, LORI!! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all

Heading back home...not going to stop at BW today...maybe next trip

Linda said...

LYNN - Can you explain to me why Tori has to be off the ventilator before she can have a transplant and to get back on the list for a transplant??

You would think they would have to put her on a ventilator during surgery anyway, right?

And does anyone know if she is having a single or bilateral lung transplant?

She is so close....... I just pray she gets there and gets the chance at life with healthy lungs. What an amazing miracle that would be!!

Linda said...

We have to go out for the evening. Will try to check in tonight after we get home.

Wishing you all a good evening.....

hedgie said...

This is totally unbelievable......wonder if the Yankton incident happened before Deb passed---don't think she ever mentioned it.......
Gov't killing birds

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley..sounds like good news for Russ

Lolly did you get to see the llano eagles

Still praying for Tori

Kay said...

LYNN, that new "gun" for treating burns with a patients own skin cells is amazing. Hope it gets off the experimental list and into widespead use SOON ! It's going to make a difference for a lot of people. Thanks for the grilled PB&J advice--have only Rye bread and Multi-grain Deli Thins on hand, so will wait til' I have good grilling bread on hand.

Hope being surrounded by her loving family and friends will make the difference for Tori. She may improve rapidly and get off the ventilator when that adrenaline begins to flow !

paula eagleholic said...

I think Tori needs 2 new lungs

stronghunter said...

Rus called. He is being discharged this evening. They are saying transient global amnesia and that it is related to migraines.

Kay said...

LYNN, the bird kill sickens me. Here is a place to sign a petition against this practice. You don't have to have your name published and you can opt to share it on Facebook.

Petition/Say No to Bird Kills

Lori O. said...

Linda, I had a friend in Calif who had a heart transplant, but before he got it, his liver and kidneys failed and he was then taken off the list. Once he recovered from that, which is amazing, he got a new heart. They just want to make sure they're making the best use of the organs with those who have the best chance to survive, according to interviews I've done with transplant organizations.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, it is a relief to know what Russ's problem was and to know he's heading home !

Safe travel wishes for Russ and wife, PAULA, LOLLY and JACK and any others heading home this evening.

Lori O. said...

Hi Kay!

Shirley, good news that they found the cause of Russ' problem. YAY for a fast diagnosis. Don't seem to get them too often.

Hoping we get a visit this evening and aren't shunned again tonight!

hedgie said...

Lily cam update: Bad news. A piece of equipment in the Lily den shed has failed. The Lily-Faith Den Cam will be offline until a replacement arrives from PixController. -- Sue M

Lori O. said...

CLUNK - Someone just landed on the cam

Kay said...

Should have gotten this out a few days ago so you Elvis fans could whomp up a feast of his favs. Seems he ate bacon on or with just about everything. No wonder he got so fat !
Elvis Recipes

Wow, someone shook the tree big time !

hedgie said...

Yes, Tori is supposed to get two lungs as far as I know. Lori is right about being on the list. Candidates in the direst need must still be able to have the best outcome possible.....being on the vent can cause so many other problems. I think that during the transplant itself, they are on heart bypass machine so no respirator is in use until they restart the heart.

Kay said...

This business of running live animal/bird cams is no small feat is it ? Fraught with problems it seems.:(

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


hedgie said...

Thanks for the petition link, Kay.

Shirley, great that Rus will be home this evening. Does he have a migraine history? Asked that before but don't recall seeing an answer. Wasn't sure if TGA was linked to them or not. Interesting.

Hi, Loretta! Don't work too hard.

Kay said...

Belle ? I don't see the spot.

Lori O. said...


hedgie said...

Hello, Miss Belle!

hedgie said...

Kay, I sometimes put bacon on PB&J's!

Kay said...

Guess it's well known that this is Elvis's birthday, thus the reason those recipes are a little late !

Kay said...

I love bacon, too, but would rival Elvis's poundage if I ate it on everything !

hedgie said...

Some of those recipes sound very yummy, Kay!

Kay said...

Hi LORI, didn't mean to be rude ! {{{{{gLORI}}}}} Are you about ready to head for the crib ? You don't need beauty sleep, but a little rest for the bones might be good. I hope to be with you in the morning, but don't ever make promises anymore !

Lori O. said...

Hi Kay, I was just watching Belle and had a big yawn, and thought, that time, already? Where is Shep?

You know our favorite mornings are when you can join us!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

YUCK, SB just landed on my lamp here. CRUNCH!

Kay said...

I don't remember Belle and Liberty doing as much beaking as she and Shep do. That does not look friendly, she's p.o.'d !

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...





Kay said...

LYNN, I'd like his meatloaf and the caviar, I think. May give em' a try.

Aw shucks, LORI ! I do so love the Early Birders, but I can't think of a time of day when I don't enjoy the chat, the company and the bird watching here !!!

Poof for both, but so glad they graced us with their combative presence for an evening farewell !

Kay said...

Do SB's stink when "crunched" ? Knock on wood, I've never seen one, except in pictures.

Lori O. said...

It's always nice to turn the sound down on the nest... it has such a loud hummmmmm to it.

Kay said...

LYNN, is Good Wife a new episode tonight ?

Lori O. said...

Yes, Kay. It's crunch and stunk!

Lori O. said...

Or should I say, stink, stank, stunk!!! lol

hedgie said...

YUCK---I never crunch them! I gently gather them in TP and flush! Smell is too awful!

I guess that is probably the finale for the day. Silly birds.

Yes, Kay, Good Wife is new! Wonder how delayed the schedule will be due to football?

Kay said...

Thanks, LYNN ! Will try to stay awake for it--will watch 60Min. and that just might put me to sleep.

"You're a mean one Mrs. Grinch", making that SB stink, stank, stunk ! LOL

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home and see I missed the eagles.

Have not started on the cheese cake yet, but about to get started! Will let you know when it is ready. Lynn, the pecan praline part is the best part!!

Yes, Paula, we saw the Llano eagles. Saw one very briefly as it flew away. The other was sitting in the nest. Understand there are two chicks in the nest. Did not see them. We waited around for a while hoping the one who flew away, but it did not. There were several cars parked there and two photographers set up. I got some pic, but I do not have a great camera/

Kay said...

LOLLY, good to know you're safely home after what sounds like a lovely weekend of celebration and eagle watching to top it off ! Enjoy your cheesecake !

hedgie said...

Dana Grey saw an eagle today while she was on a trail walk.....she's near Morgantown! On FB, check Greyspace Studios!

Mema Jo said...

I had to restart my small can of soapy water for all the SB's coming out recently.

I just had some Cheddar Baked Potato soup but did bring home 2 slices of
Bob Evans Cherry bread. It is to die for!

Look out at the MOON
It will dazzle your eyes!

Lolly said...

Forgot to tell you, when we drove in the driveway upon arriving home, we were greeted with a rs hawk on the lawn. He flew up in a pecan tree. Jack got out to get the mail and the paper and I got out and started walking up to the hawk. He flew off really low...just beautiful! Our home is named appropriately!

Kay said...

JO, your soapy water reminds me. My immediate neighbors and I are still battling gnats with soapy apple cider vinegar. An exterminator was here last Tuesday and they have decreased significantly since the basement main drain was treated. There is one resident in the fourplex, a renter who does his wash down there, keeping the area damp. It stays warm down there year round, so there is no way for a freeze to kill them off. Ugh, I'm so sick of em' ! The rest of us are owners and live in nicely restored condo's that have washer/dryer in them. Wish he'd move so the apt. could be converted, doing away with use of the basement for anything but storage. It may take several doses to do away with the entire gnat population.

Sandi said...

Looks like our eagles were back to their bickering/beakering antics this evening! I watched but couldn't post b/c I was in the kitchen making the dogs' food and had Dennis's laptop on the counter.
DanaWV, haven't heard from you since this morning - hope you're feeling better!
Lolly, it's nice to go out and about but also to get back to home sweet home, isn't it?
Don't think I've heard from CarolAnne since the doggie door incident. Am I just forgetting?
Paula, glad you got to Paradise even if you didn't get to Blackwater.
Lynne2, did you get to Loch Raven today? A former student of mine, who was a huge birdwatcher even as a 5th grader, goes there to look for eagles. Did you see anything interesting there?
PB&J with bacon - seriously?? Does nothing for me!!

Hoda said...

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! NO ONE told me that after yoga I was supposed to head to TEXAS for a cheese cake gathering at LOLLY'S...LOL I wished I was headed there to get some of that cake...

Glad RUSS is being dismissed and that they know what caused the problem.

Very good yoga class and I feel energized...I managed balance really well today and also several twists...I felt like a pretzel though, some of the yogurt and cereal I had in the morning was still in my stomach!!!

Still snowing and now it speaks for more rain...good slush coming up I am sure...

The health food co-op had a sale on Brownies to die for!!! I know because I indulged over the Christmas Holidays...I know you would think it is a Health food store and they should not tempt people... it was SOOOOOOOO hard to not buy any and now I wished I had.Mocha chocolate brownie oh yum!!!this is the only thought I will allow myself otheriwse I will find myself driving back there to get some...they stay open till six tonight!!! I must stay busy...

Thanks for the report on the eagles.

hedgie said...

Sandi, don't knock it til you try it!!!!
Another sandwich fav of mine is PB and tuna! Delicious! The PB completely removes any fishiness, and the only person I know who hasn't liked it is someone who hates PB!!!!

Sandi said...

Jo, you're right about the moon - it's gorgeous! Do you ever go to your place in Fenwick during the winter, or do you close it up in the off-season and only use it in the summer?
Shirley, glad to hear that Rus is coming home but have never heard of his diagnosis. Has he had migraines in the past? Did the doctors say what triggered it?

hedgie said...

I just gave new meaning to the 5-second rule! Dropped my single piece of garlic bread on the floor----right out of the oven. Prevented Liesl from grabbing it...debated for a few seconds, and decided to wipe it off good with a towel and ate it anyway! Didn't see any dog hairs, so....!!!!! REALLY didn't want spaghetti without garlic bread!

Hoda said...

LYNN you have email.

Sandi said...

Lynn, I can PROMISE you I will never try a PB&J with either bacon OR tuna so I guess I'll have to take your word for it! Then again, you like stewed tomatoes and don't like pecan pralines, so our taste buds really aren't on the same wavelength! =)

Kay said...

LOLLY, what a good omen ! The hawk was watching your place while you were away. Yesterday, about midday, Julie and Seth saw a Redtail Hawk being mobbed by a flock of Blackbirds. They were directly over the main north-south street running through Columbus when spotted and soon disappeared over the tree tops.

Mema Jo said...

I don't think I like mixing my PB with
anything except jelly/jam/preserves!

Lynn - it was ok to eat that piece of
bread. I once read that as long as it
wasn't on the floor over 5 seconds, it was ok!

5 sec rule

Kay said...

You know what is good on that PB and tuna sandwich ? A nice layer of salty potato chips ! Hmmmmm.

Mema Jo said...

I think we all should go for a plate of
Fried Pickles!

Sandi - We close up the house Nov - Apr

Kay said...

Mix big dollop of PB into a little dish of Maple Syrup or Honey for a tasty toast topping ! PB makes a delightful topping for ice cream, too. I have a friend who eats Cheerios every morning. She puts a big dollop of PB on the edge of the bowl and takes a nibble of it in with every spoonful of cereal and milk. Golly whiz, there is no end to what can be done with the stuff ! ☺

Kay said...

Oh, yeh, JO ! Buffalo Wild Wings here we come !

Sandi said...

PB and maple syrup, PB and honey, PB and Cheerios - yup, yup, and yup! FRIED PICKLES - tell me you're making that up, Jo!!

Lolly said...

LOL Sandi! My taste bud's are not on the same wave length with Lynn, either. I could not live without pecans, and pecan praline is my favorite candy, along with burnt sugar candy. Never eat either, do not endulge except Christmas.

Cheesecake crust is now cooling.

Hoda, I will let you know when it is ready, you can come down too!!☺

Kay said...

All this talk is making me hungry so off to the kitchen I go. Next stop after that, recliner and TV. May BBL. Prayers for all on our list and all Momster's/Dadster's in general. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Back for a sec. LYNN introduced me to Buffalo Wild Wings and their coated and deep fried dill pickle chips. I made a meal on a basket of them with a nice side salad. The pickles come with a tasty sauce and if you like pickles, you'll love em !

hedgie said...

Jo, I love fried pickles, too...and I DO like BWW's the best!!
NO KIDDING, SANDI! They are delicious!

Whenever I go to DQ, I always get the PB sundae. Only way I can eat vanilla IC/custard/soft-serve. And if I get a banana split, I get ONLY PB sauce on it---no choco or strawberry stuff!

hedgie said...

Good to see you, Jo!!!! Never had BE's cherry bread....will try to remember that the next time I go there!

The Moon truly is beautiful!!

Hoda, I give you permission to go get some of those brownies!
Thanks for email.

Lolly, glad the Hawkwood hawk welcomed you home.

Wow, Kay---downtown Columbus....neat!

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay---had forgotten that I "taught" you about fried pickles!
I'm betting they got their start at a State Fair somewhere---maybe down south!

JudyEddy said...

Been home for a bit was on facebook posted Will I have a job tomorrow got some good comments going

Cheesecake mm mm I want a piece please Speaking of cheesecake does anyone have a recipe for turtle cheesecake I love it I use to get at a restaurant that closed down and have never been able to find it I think it may be easy chocolate , caramel and pecans ok but what combination a recipe is needed

I am not sitting at the puter tonight my neck is really bother me I think just nerves and I have no prescp to take I had been bragging that its been years since I hurt bad shouldn't have bragged I guess all come back to bite you in the butt LOL

Hoda said...

OH LYNN and all your food comments on the blog....I Am SOOOOO TRYING TO NOT GO get a brownie...Maybe I should start walking towards TEXAS and this way by the time I get there the cheese cake will be ready and I will have burnt a few calories so I could have some...The brownies are very addictive so I must keep them as a treat on rare occasions.Thanks LYNN for the permission if I haead out there during the week I will laugh and say LYNN said I could have some...LOL

hedgie said...

Heading to the sofa for the first time today! BBL.

Charlie was here off and on all afternoon fixing the corn feeder and moving wood. The stupid battery died when he hooked up the new timer, so he had to run to the store to get a new one. HAd him get me a bunch of celery so I had some with PB for my afternoon snack! Roughage!

JudyEddy said...

JO NO union at walmart I wonder if I should delete what I have on it I fb will it get me in to trouble I wonder I do have lots of Walmart people and a few asst. mgrs. the cool one on my page I got a personal mssge from one of my x bosses to call her store and maybe transfer

Costume Lady said...

Transient Global Amnesia...
I have had 2 or 3 episodes of that during my adult years. Let me describe how I felt during an episode:
It was when Karla was expecting her first child (Jillian). She had recently been divorced and had moved back home. My thoughts, at that time, were that everyone should have their own place to live when they bring their first baby home. At that time, Gene had been working in a grocerery store which, then closed unexpectedly. So, there we were...Gene unemployed, Karla pregnant and me going bonkers! We, along with Karla, decided to buy a used mobile home and fix it up for the new 'family-about-to-be'. I worked my butt off fixing that old trailer up to look like a cozy home. Bought a used electric fireplace for the livingroom (looked cozy and heated that space very well) and put a rocking chair nearby for Karla to feed her baby.
Fixed the nursery up with rainbows and blue clouds (wallpaper and curtains). Bought a bedset for the crib with rainbows all around. It was adorable. Bought carpet at auction...Gene layed that. Papered all the walls so it looked more like a house instead of a trailer.
So...I was all done except for papering the hallway. About half way through, I became extremely tired, sat on the floor to rest and for a few moments, I had no recollection of where I was or even who I was.
So, in my case TGA was caused by extreme fatigue and anxiety.
I know this is TMI, but thought some of you may want to know how a person is affected by that condition.

Costume Lady said...

Hey LYNN, good girl...celery=roughage! Celery is really good when it has been marinated in a Bloody Mary;)

Lynne2 said...

Glad to hear Rus is going home and wow, so glad nothing serious although, what a weird thing to happen. Thanks for the example Wanda...whew!

Lynne2 said...

My face has a little sun on it! I was outside all day...what a gorgeous day it was! Over on FB I have posted quite a few other things that are coming up!

Hoda said...

JUDYE...How much can you trust the people from your store who have access to your FB page? Be smart and do not add fuel to the fire...this is a public blog also so do be is not a good situation that you find yorself in and wait and see what tomorrow seniority affected by in store transfers? This is a question you must find the answer to before you act. Lots of emotions right now and they have an obligation to offer you a comporable position with your health issues not compromised. They also have the right to restructure their departments and make room for you in another section.Stay cool.

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, yes I'd get that post and comments off of Facebook. Never can be to careful.

Lynne2 said...

and BTW, what they are trying to pull really stinks!

Costume Lady said...

HODA, lol...can you buy just 1 or 2 brownies? I used to bake brownies, from scratch when my girls were still at home and I only weighed 120 lbs. I had a recipe that was very light and put black walnuts in them from our tree. Believe it or not, I was very domesticated in my younger years. I baked bread, pies, loved to bake un-iced cakes and made lots of potato candy:)

Costume Lady said...

When I was still living at home, GG and I used to make taffy. I thought that was the coolest thing on earth, to have a 'taffy pull' with my mother. Did any of you ever make fun!

Hoda said...

YOU have my respect JUDYE...Good call...We are with you and email works to a number of us that always want to hear what you have to say on this topic...♥HUGS♥...don't isolate...we are here for you.

JudyEddy said...

I got caught up on the blog now heading to the rocker and some advil

SHIRLEY super that Russ is home

Thanks for the reporting of the sunset visit by our dueling eagle

KAY I thought that just me and my kids did the PB with syrup I love it on pancakes

Hey speaking of pecans have you all ever done the pecan with a rolo and a mini twist pretzel its called a turtle I think I love them don't make too often just a holidays

I haven't had a thing to eat at all today just not hungry must be nerves huh!

OH yest fried pickles are the bomb I like the spear cut instead of the slice have had both ways most places are slices

Hoda said...

Thanks for your story WANDA on how stress affected you. It touched my heart.

In the health food store it is possible to buy one is about the size of your palm fingers included. My problem is that I bought four, yes sorry to report four and I ate them over four days...remember I also had fruit cake over the Christmas holidays...OH it a wonder that when I get into a pretzel I wonder if I will ever be able to unwind...or how surprised I get when my chest, my boobies as LYNN'S joke called them!!!. meet(s)my shoulders really fast in the shoulder stand or the stomach pushes things up side down so fast because I am so full of sweets!!!I am sure you were and are a GREAT baker and home maker...I see it in the detail you give to the soup kitchen and the love and caring you have for your family...

Sandi said...

Wanda, when I taught 5th grade, my kids read one of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. In the novel, the children have a taffy pull. I thought it would be a fun experience for my students - NOT!!! What a mess - never tried it again!!

Costume Lady said...

AWW, HODA, what a sweet thing to say. That made me feel good:)

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, I still watch Little House!

The STEELERS just tied the game! OMG I cant' take the pressure....

Costume Lady said...

LMBO, SANDI...I can just picture those little ones with that sticky mixture. I can still remember how messy it could be:)

Hoda said...

SANDI...CABANES AUX SUCRES is what we did in Québec during winter carnival week...Maple syrup candy comes out as you do the same thing as taffy pull...the seniors used to love to guide the younger ones in the practice...It is a French Canadian thing...still happens in French Immersion schools not so much anymore in French as a second language classes.

Costume Lady said...

Hey Lynne, I'm rooting for the Steelers, also...Capt. Gene is rooting for Broncos:( We are usually rooting for the same team, but, not this time!

Costume Lady said...

My cousin/best friend and I made caramel apples one year for a Halloween about a mess, but they were so good:)

Hoda said...

An hour and five minutes to go and the health food store is going to close for the day...I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it???

hedgie said...

HODA---you can always say "Lynn made me do it!" But honestly, I firmly believe that we should eat whatever we enjoy---in moderation---as long as a medical condition (i.e.diabetes) doesn't prohibit us from doing so.

JUDYE---hope you saw my comment about worker's comp!

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN I am now practicing the moderation part...I will keep posting on the blog and it is all good...

JudyEddy said...

OK I got a question I am reading the job description for a grocery sales associate which I have been probably for three years now and the second page requires a signature and dated HMMM I have never signed this paper or seen it so it must be new- not for sure Well being I have been doing the job without it does that matter Can I say well I have been doing it all these years and now just because of a new boss it changes the others were aware of my limitation and didn't require me to sign it I guess and no one would ever stumble on this from work I am pretty sure of that

hedgie said...

Wanda, I can well-imagine the stress you were under during that time. No wonder you had a TGA episode.
Why did you stop baking???

JudyEddy said...

Yes I saw it I will have a job I just don't know what and what hours Cashier I think would be out of the question because of the repetition Deli or Bakery may not have lifting not sure Will have to see what I am offered

Costume Lady said...

I stopped baking when the girls left home. Just didn't have them begging me to make something, so I didn't.

JudyEddy said...

I have the copy of the three page report from the third party rehab that evulated me and gave the 8% disablitly and the limitation of 29lbs push,pull. and lift and no overhead will take it to work I have one in my file I just want to keep what I am doing I don't want to change jobs or hours

hedgie said...

Lynne.....yikes. OT! Yep, the Good Wife will be delayed. :(

Going to take my bath now.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll take a piece of Lolly's cheesecake, some fried pickles, peanut butter and chips, some wings and Lynn's 5 second piece of garlic bread :)

JudyEddy said...

that was suppose to be 20 lbs not 29 I am getting hungry darn it I hate it when its this time of the nite and I get hungry BBL

Lynne2 said...


Costume Lady said...

Hey JudyE...I think you would make an excellent Security Guard...put in a request.

Oh no...Broncos win:(

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, sorry about the work troubles...I wouldn't post anything on FB.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the post about the Good Wife being a new show...any idea how late things are running?

Costume Lady said...

The Good Wife will be delayed for soooo long, that she will probably be
The Bad Wife! Tee Hee

Hoda said...

JUDYE you have email.

Costume Lady said...

I think, about an hour, Paula :(

Hoda said...

JUDYE you have email.

Hoda said...

S P L I T is happening in two posts don't get lost.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...