Saturday, January 14, 2012


Afternoon thread.


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JudyEddy said...

two threads someone will have to make a decison which to pick I will call others over thansk steve

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

we should pick this one guys being it is listed first


JudyEddy said...

LORI so sorry that the lady isn't taking the Leroy :^(

Great news about TORI

AW RED we thought you were talented and now you tell us your not but you still are in our eyes

Most of our tail cams are on clearance right now

I see someone else get paranoid also that people disappear after they post JO I also get that feeling sometimes LOL

JudyEddy said...

Scott on FB his wife and him found a injured HAWK took it to Wildlife Center of Va

Scott Turnmeyer
My wife and I just rescued an injured Cooper's Hawk near our house in the road...talked with WCV and we'll be taking it down there first thing in the morning. :)
LikeUnlike · · 17 hours

hedgie said...

Linda, Robyn said it was the vv ecmo.

hedgie said...

Good on Scott!!

Linda said...

Yeah, Lynn, I saw that this morning, but the link she told us about was the other one. I was wishfully hoping it was the modified ECMO since they were at UMMC.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, found ya'll.

Been working on updating things here at work, and on my phone. Things would be sooo much easier if they included ALL the instructions for the update! Geesh!

paula eagleholic said...

Yeah, wonder how Scott's trip went?

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm we have a really puffed up bird at BWE....

paula eagleholic said...

Keep yer eye on BWE...heading home.

Lynne2 said...

Found you!

Hey that is awesome that Mr and Mrs T saved the hawk!!

Lynne2 said...

HEY! LORI....I think RED may be on to something even though he didn't draw that picture. You could do the same thing for a quilt pattern! Find an eagle picture you like, do the pencil outline thing, and probably take it to Kinko's or someplace to get it enlarged to the size you need!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for both new threads, Steve. Don't get to write that very often!

Guess we're using this one since there's only 3 comments on the other.

Good idea Lynne2, but if there's a hint of "I didn't do it" or copyright, they won't do it without permission from the artist. Hassle. Thanks for thinking of me!

hedgie said...

Loretta, too bad you couldn't go on that trip and see the eagles with your own eyes! But great to hear that one was in your nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Saturday!

Heading for Mass!


DanaMo said...

Me too Jo, it will be nice to sleep (HA HA) in the morning.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the call over Judy!

Feels like a bummer day...don't know if it's the gray skies we had here earlier or the lady turning down LeRoy after all that time.

Have to perk up now. Going to dinner with Kate and two other neighbors to Ruby Tuesday. Love their salad bar.

hedgie said...

It's made it up to all of 28° here today. Thankfully, wind is not as strong as it was.

paula eagleholic said...

Home, but headed outside for "yard dog dooty", LOL

Sandi said...

Headed home with Bandit's brand new Thundershirt on! he looks so handsome but he's kinda reluctant to even move in it! Will let you all know about the ride home with it. BTW, you Southern ladies don't know what you're missing by never having eaten sour beef & dumplings!!

Lynne2 said...

anxious to hear how it goes for Bandit! Have a safe trip home!

Linda said...

Yes, me too! Riley is so bad, when he hears the word "rain" he heads for the basement. Too darn smart for his own good. That's a border collie for you.

We get a kick of him getting nervous when he hears the weather guy on the news say "rain." Sometimes we don't even realize it until we hear him heading down the stairs!!

Linda said...


Linda said...


Linda said...


hedgie said...

I am done for the day. Tree will come down tomorrow, and ceramic lighted trees will have to wait, too. Too tired to risk any damage.
Have a path in the bedroom to the bed, LOL!!!! Hope I don't stumble during the night.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo, in just in time to catch the show

hedgie said...

I even have a quiche in the oven.

paula eagleholic said...

Rats, Shep off to the right

Linda said...


Linda said...


paula eagleholic said...

She's molding the bowl and moving flugg

Linda said...

Bell is doing things the way SHE likes them!

hedgie said...

Belle still has remnants of the smear on her neck.

paula eagleholic said...

Was that Shep going down the left side and under?

Linda said...

Saw Shep land on a branch to the right. Belle is looking up at him!

Linda said...

Yes, I have my left and right opposite!!

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, then he went under and to the right...didn't see him come back.

hedgie said...

Did you know....that we are waiting for the "eggs to start laying?" Per OC poster.....

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Linda said...

I just sort of saw his wings.

Poof Belle!

paula eagleholic said...

Off she floats to the right...pretty exit

Hoda said...


paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite on

Linda said...

Hmmmm that is interesting. Wonder how they know that, other than everyone is waiting for mating and eggs. Tis the season, right?

Good Afternoon, Hoda!

Hoda said...

Night light is on and yoiu are right PAULA it was a pretty exit...

Now to go back and catch up...


Linda said...

I see also, Lynn where they are referring to Shep as Ben again.

hedgie said...

I noticed that, too, Linda! Grrrrr.

Linda said...

That poor eagle would certainly have an identity crisis if he could read the posts over there.

Shep wouldn't know if he was Liberty reincarnated, Truder, Intruder, or Ben. Talk about confusing!! LOL

hedgie said...

That is really a shame that Riley gets upset just over the word rain....poor pup. :(

magpie said...

YOU are not the one that referred to Swinging Bridge as SB....I am the my notes last night as I was reading so I could remember to say some things about what I read..
You are Innocent ! ☺

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
I saw the nest visit, and the Eagle which I assume was Shep, sort of buzz underneath the nest twice, once in each direction...

magpie said...

kind of thought Belle would take more advantage of having the nest all to herself, she almost wiggled onto the "developing nest cup" but that didn't last but a second or two

Yay on you, Lynn, for getting most of the unChristmasing done...

magpie said...

Quite a Victory with Tori...hoping and praying that all leads to lung transplant and real on-her-own good breathing soon for her...

Linda said...

It is a shame, but it is kind of funny, too, when he hears the word.

He responds to other words whether they actually mean what he thinks they are or not. If you say the word "here" he gets all excited and runs to the door thinking we have company!! He thinks someone is "here." That came from us saying so and so is here!

He knows our routine on Tuesday nights as we set up the additional table for our small group meeting. When he sees us do that, he goes to the door and watches for "his friends" to come visit him!

I could tell you plenty more the word bread!! His favorite food.

magpie said...

Love the doggy and cat stories here

Linda said...

Margy, I am just happy there is a possibility of seeing one of your favorite places to go!! It looks beautiful!

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda...don't forget Spot and Spothead!!

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, don't forget spot or spothead

magpie said...

It is a very nice place, Linda... I have been there many many times mostly during the warmer seasons, but I like to check things out in the winter too...this cold weather keeps up, there will be some ice on the water...already forming in some places.....
I find a lot of solace there, and see lots of good wildlife and wildflowers

paula eagleholic said...


Linda said...

Oh, My!! How could I forget Spot and Spothead!!!

Thanks for the reminder!

magpie said...

interesting noises in the background at the nest, almost sounds like a donkey !
Sometimes late at night we hear foxes....

magpie said...

one of my favorite sounds from there, besides Eagle sounds of course...
are the Spring Peepers in the early Spring ☺

hedgie said...

Well, dang me....I forgot to put the cheese in the quiche!!!!!! Still good, but......dumb, dumb!

Linda said...

I have to chuckle, Lynn!!

Dennis gets so mad at himself when he does that and a few times in recent months he has done that. He forgot the sugar in something (I can't recall what it was he was baking) and it was horrible!! Whatever that was, it was a throw away!!

You can always melt some cheese on your slice of quiche, too! Glad it wasn't a total loss!

Linda said...

The wind almost sounds like thunder to the nest. Maybe my speakers are too loud.

magpie said...

Going to try to catch some of the Prairie Home Companion.....

hope Kay and Seth are too !

Thanks again for the tip, Paula..

I might fall asleep for some of it though...

xoxox Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Precious Pals

(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

BWE EAgle changed its positions and I didn't get a peek on what's underneath

ttfn xo

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I haven't been able to see either, Margy

hedgie said...

Linda, tell Dennis I forgot sugar in my first-ever pumpkin pie!!! GROSS!!! That was 40 yrs. ago!

hedgie said...

Me, either....she is being very secretive!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I have now come back to "play the game called choose a thread to post on" lol

So this is the one.

Boy I can tell you from being outside. It is bitter cold out there. I had long coat, toboggan, and good gloves. Till that wind just bit right through. Burr

Linda said...

I bet that was GROSS, Lynn!

I just asked Dennis what it was he forgot the sugar in. It was Date Bars. Funny thing was, he threw the whole thing out and made another batch......and forgot the sugar AGAIN!!

Needless to say we didn't have date bars that go round!

Now I know why it was such a BIG DEAL. By then he was furious!! I am glad he didn't throw the who glass pan out the window in a rage!!


hedgie said...

Margy.....can you get your lights fixed tomorrow???

hedgie said...

Sofa time for me and Liesl. I fear that I am getting a cold....don't know what that will mean for treatment. Dosed up on meds....hoping that it's just a false alarm. C U later.

Linda said...

Oh Geeze, Lynn. I surely hope not. Lots of rest and fluids for you this weekend and stay inside.......

We want you healthy!!!

Hoda said...

LINDA are the dates not sweet enough on their own that not adding sugar would not be an issue?Maybe no, obviously not is what I should write...two batches...Poor Dennis...I respect a man who knows his way to baking and cooking...Good on you DENNIS.

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Loretta they had a nice trip seeing that many eagles. What I think is great they seen the one in the nest you have been watching.

Glad for the rescue of the Hawk. Wonderful of Scott and his wife. Thumbs up!

Linda love your stories about your dog lol

Hoping the "thunder shirt" works for Bandits ride home. Can't wait to hear?

Lynn/Hedgie take and slow down.

wvgal_dana said...

Starting a prayer in case Lynn is trying to get a cold. ^j^

Hoda said...

Not good on the cold department LYNN!!! OH MY!!! I am sure you are concerned...♥

wvgal_dana said...

I don't like this one...READ THIS ARTICLE Cardinal Ship's Captain and first mate could be charged with multiple homicide and having abandoned ship before all passengers were rescued

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, REST REST REST!! Hope you are not getting a cold!

Linda, poor Daisy, she knows what that sound is they play on the radio or TV for severe weather, and even if there is no sign of a storm here but the alert comes on for a nearby area, she runs and hides. I really do want to save up and get her a T'shirt soon before storm season.

Oh Margy, a field trip to the Swinging Bridge sounds heavenly! I'd love to see in person what I look at every day on my frig!

Lolly said...

I am already bathed and in my comfy pjs. Working with dry leaves and grass is a dirty job. Yuck! We got a lot accomplished in the north garden. That only leaves about half of the acre to go. Groan.............

Talk about leaving sugar out...When we were dating we made home made ice cream. Jack and Dave were doing the hand churning, I mixed it up and left out the sugar. Did not know until finished churning and it was frozen. Jack does not let me forget, and that was 47 years ago!!!

Lynne2 said...

on Lily's FB page it says Lynn will be on Prairie Home soon!

Linda said...

Hoda - I guess not on the date bars. I don't know how much sugar his recipe calls for, but it must have been enough to make a difference because he was NOT a happy camper!!

Just finished some home made pizza....another of Dennis' things he likes to make. It was yummy!

Oh Lolly - I am sure ice cream without sugar wasn't too good, either!! More like ice milk??

I am headed for an early shower before the game as well.....


JudyEddy said...

Home from work and while I was gone the puter did its thing and finish up loading the video and with music on FB and youtube both last night visit and this am visit Now I need to start reading Hey only 84 to read not bad slow day on the blog guys LOL I will be back

Hoda said...

LINDA I think maybe the sugar, brown I rather imagine would go to the oatmeal section of the that is probably what made Dennis upset...My mind tells me I would have sprinkled it on top and returned it to the oven for it to melt in...I am sorry he forgot and my solution is probably not all that good an idea as it would leave the bottom portion without brown sugar. There is a part of me that hates throwing out food and so here I am coming up with solutions, sorry it is a character flow I have...

Let's all not toalk of sweet things tonight as my sweet tooth is acting up and I ate a yam and I still want something sweet...I had an apple too and neither one hit the spot...tomorrow is Sunday however and I will go to the Health Food Store and you all know what they have!!! YUM YUM YUM I can not wait...

wvgal_dana said...

Cell Phone ring tone stops NY Philharmonic performance SAD :(

JudyEddy said...

LYNN 28 wow was it a heat wave BRRR that is cold and I am complaining about our cold weather

SANDI is the sour beef Like the German sour broughton my MOM use to make the best in the hole world She was such a good cook

Thanks for reporting the short sunset visit 515-528 they sure don't stick around much any more

I still have some stuff in the yard to put in Jordyn helped me Fri take some stuff to the porch we did 6 trips and she wanted to go in so didn't finish I had her carry the small tiny trees she had a smile on her face with each one I guess felt she was helping and made her smile
LINDA your dog sound like a real hoot funny that he know the word rain You ought to let the weather man know that sure would get a kick out of it

I LOVE SWING BRIDGE I have some beautiful pictures on my blog when I went up there the water reflection is sooooo pretty one of the pictures I turned upside down and looks so cool almost like snow in the sky with the reflection of the leaves in the water here is the link in case you want to check it out The SB is after the nest visit down the page

My visit in Oct to SB and nest

Still have some reading to do but gonna step away for a few Neck says so BBL I wish I had news to watch it always relaxes me LOL working till 7 I get no news

wvgal_dana said...

Going to head in and get my feet up. Left leg is not happy.

Lynn I am so glad you have stopped!!! And on the counch. Thank you Lord.

wvgal_dana said...

Linda how much does Riley weigh?

JudyEddy said...

I am once again caught up Yeah Me LOL
forgetting things in recipe are quite common I guess Well my first apple pie for my x was a dud I have never made one any my mother never measured anything so I didn't either Well Tom my x said there was enough cinnamon of choke a horse It was inedible and Tom didn't tell about until years later Funny huh Ok I am going to to see what is on TV or the DVR I need to catch up on I will listen for the email to chime in

JudyEddy said...

Last nite the still cam was blue and tonight also Does anyone else have a blue cam the still is ok just the still again Odd later on last nite it came back I wonder what is up with it I get an occasional rainbow line it it also

Judie said...

Good grief, now we have a multiple personality blog. I wonder if one thread knows about the other?

Van der Sloot: extortion for U.S. Strategy is to increase time of incarceration. Something about found guilty here and serves time here then returned to Peru to serve out that sentence. Not sure how the legal maneuvering works but if it does, well that would be good. He is a killer and will always be a killer.

Hoda, not to worry. No one will toalk sweet things tonight.

Lynn, cold virus is allowed NOT! Rest, please. Putting Christmas decorations away can wait.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to last nite and this morning visit if anyone wants to see and they all have eagle music
Two days visit

magpie said...

JudyE- Hi, yes great outing it was, glad that SB has better connotations than the six-legged ummentionable

I have all blue on the Still Cam also, not sure when it started

So now I'm blue, about that.

If Lynn was on Prairie Home Companion, I sure missed how could that happen? When I dozed off ??
Lots of great music and some funny skits, but, well....dozed off and might have missed it

Hi Judie

Hoda said...

FUNNNNNYYY JUDIE...Inventing a new word!!!Cheers!!!

Lolly said...

I think Judie's sandman has come and hit me over the head. Here is it only 7:30 and I am soo sleepy. Maybe aleady in pjs has done it!

hedgie said...

Hi--I'm back. Had a nice nap and have had my bath. Feeling better, and hope it's not just the meds!

Judie, interesting.....hmmmmm. Wonder how they will pull off a sentence swap?? WOnder if he's admitted to the extortion, or if there will be a trial? I would hesitate to take that risk considering the way juries have been here of late. Perhaps he's admitted it and knows he would have better accommodations in our prisons than down there?? MTBR, I'm sure.....frankly, I'd just as soon see other inmates take care of him!

JUDYE: you could always DVR the news!! I do!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY did you shake the sandman dust out of the pj before you put them on LOL

All FB peeps go and check out Glo fantastic family tree wall Its stunning sooooo pretty I love it I sent it to my daughter to look at also what a great idea Back to watching Bones I dvrd

hedgie said...

Lynne and Linda---I think you BOTH should let your local weathercasters know about your dog's reactions!!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN great idea I will do that on the days I work till 7 which isn't often and sometimes there is no news on because of games etc OK back to Bones

JudyEddy said...

Hey does your weather man have FB like MY PAUL does if so then put it on the page of theirs or the page for the news itself I think that is a great conversation peice also

hedgie said...

OMG---it's bear cub time!
Jewel appears to be in labor!

magpie said...

well you had a busy day rooting and tooting at the basketball game earlier, and all the yard work and other stuff you are ALWAYS doing

Lynn, glad you are feeling better.
Not sure if I can get the license tag lights fixed Sunday or not, looks like it probably is the two bulbs blown out and not a fuse, more to be determined, shame it's so cold to work on all that though.

Janet said...

Good Saturday evening my friends.

CarolAnne* thanks for the thundershirts info. i may have to get one for beano. thinking about taking him on our vacation with us this year and mr. half chihuahua is mr. anxiety himself! also, when we go out on the boat, he will likely need some calming. reiki works, but i can't give reiki an entire vacation time......and anything to help....thanks!

been a busy day. been crunching tax numbers for my business. have to wait on W-2's now, but then off to the CPA.

been cold still, but warmer than we have been. mid 40's today.

okay, off to read some more....

hedgie said...

JudyE---it's not Glo's wall....she was just sharing!

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

My delete the first try the link did not take...sorry

Hoda said...

My second delete!!! It brought up the wrong video, Queen margaretha of Denmark celebrates forty years on the throne!!!It is not what I posted...OK I give Up...
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Weekend everyone...

Janet said...

Linda, love reading about your dog! I"m so glad ours don't listen to the tv!!!! But both the dogs and cats are so routine oriented! Our dogs' favorite word is cookie: as in dog treat. Luke does this doggie dance that involves bobbing his head, jumping up and down with his front legs, rather stiffly, and if you don't move fast enough he will say "aaahhhhooooooo", lol. he's a character!

hedgie said...

Well...Jewel appears to be calmly sleeping....maybe it was a false alarm.

Margy, make sure you're home before dark if you go to see James tomorrow.

Christine said...

Good evening ladies and gents. Thought I'd pop in for a quick visit :). Hope you are all well! Lynn2 and Lynn. My dog is horrible in storms, but I don't think the thundershirt would work for her. It's a terrible feeling seeing them so scared.

Does anyone follow Decorah? I saw this video from yesterday and wonder if there's trouble brewing...

Also, I assume from the nest forum that they're calling Shep Ben? I don't read the whole forum anymore, just saw a comment.

Cheers! :)

Sandi said...

Home from Balto.! Had a great visit w/ my mom. She seemed so sad at Christmas - I think she's still missing her dog. She went to the doctor recently and mentioned something about being so sad and the Dr. put her on an antidepressant. This visit, she was like her old self!
Red, since you were the first on the blog to mention the Thundershirt, you get the BIG, FAT, SLOPPY DOG-KISS from Bandit! What an AMAZING invention!! I put it on him a few hours before we left Baltimore and didn't expect miracles,heeding CarolAnne's warning that it might not work right away. We were hoping to see a slight improvement on the ride home. What we witnessed was a completely different dog! No pacing, no panting, and no whining for 2 and a half hours - Bandit even went to sleep for part of the ride and he has never done that in a car in 14 years! When we got into the town of Bethany and slowed down to 35mph, he shot up and then whined for the last 8-10 minutes of the trip, til we pulled into the driveway! WOW!! What a miracle product!!
Judy, loved your pics of last year's visit to the nest! I can't wait to see it and meet everyone! Yes, sour beef and dumplings is sauerbrauten (sp?)
Lynne2 and Linda, another funny dog story to go along with yours. If we say, "Bandit, would you like to take a w-a-l-k," (we spell it), Bandit runs to the door. If we say, "Bandit, would you like to take a b-a-t-h," (again, we spell it and say it in EXACTLY the same tone of voice), he puts his tail between his legs, hangs his head, and makes a beeline up the stairs and into his bed!! =)
OK, off to watch Bluebloods that I was too tired to watch at Mom's last night! Goodnight all - see you in the morning! Prayers for all who need them, both 2-legged and 4-legged!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
If you saw my comment after Noon on last thread, I mentioned a birdwatch group saw 7 eagles at Park.
When I was leaving, thought I saw one flying up river.When I drove just a little past the office TWO were perched in tree above river bank!!!Both shortly dropped like they were going to River.
Drove down to MT nest & parked. Shortly a couple wingtips dropped into nest!!!Wasn't a crow. Maybe the perched pair are from that nest!? They made my day, but did not have good camera w/me, so have some horrible fuzzy pics. Perhaps can salvage something w/major editing!
Will try to be back---watching football. Too bad for Saints ;>(

Lolly said...

Jewel does appear to be sleeping. Would love to see another cub born but I will not be able to stay awake.

Hoda said...

Yes CHRISTINE we know about the Decorah intruder yesterday. The video is rather heart wrenching...powerful screeching...a fending off wing flapping.We will just wait and see...

Hoda said...

The link toDECORAH eagle Intruder in case anyone here has not seen it. CHRISITNE'S link did not take...
Intruder in Decorah 01/13/12

Christine said...

Thanks Hoda. I just read the forum on Raptor Resource and they seem to be a very sensible bunch. They saw it pretty much like I did and also made a comment that maybe the snow cover made the nest look "unoccupied". Maybe he'll continue searching elsewhere. Looks like Mom and Dad were there today bonding as close as ever :).

Still, watching it kinda tugged at the heart-strings. I so hope we have a peaceful and healthy nesting season this year. Last year was dramatic enough for a while.

Carolina Raptor Center has a new camera. Derek and Savannah are busy busy building. One of them keeps going up to the fence and peaking under the tarp. Well, the other day something happened that scared them and it was comical watching them take off running, wings flapping like crazy!!

hedgie said...

WOW, Christine. First an owl, and now this?? Too much drama.
I think the thunder shirt would be worth a try if your dog is that bad.....too many success stories to dismiss it out of hand.

Here is Christine's link in easy mode:

Hoda said...

The Raptor Resources bunch are a very sensible bunch indeed CHRISTINE...The eagle web cam world has expanded and we learn more and see more and at the same time being sensible and reasonable adds to the pleasure of the learning process...

hedgie said...

Sandi, so great that Bandit had a nice trip home. Sorry if you missed mention of it before....we've been talking about them here since last summer.

See that Hoda beat me to Christine's link!

magpie said...

Sounds wonderful, Sandi, glad you had a good visit....

Also sounds wonderful, Loretta, glad you got a little glimpse of glory at the Park

Hi Janet, Christine....Lolly, Hoda, Lynn and anyone I'm missing...and those to follow

Headed for the pillows here, Sandman is not politely knocking, he is BANGING on the door.

Still Cam still Blue, and sometimes rainbowy, Live feed up and running for NCTC nest

BIG Prayers for Wellness, and Sweet Sleep

Things holding steady with my brother Fred...he's got a good sense of humor going, that's part of the recovery for sure...Thanks for the continued concern and your prayers, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Liesl is ready for her bedtime routine! BBL.

Hoda said...

LYNN so glad you are feeling better and I hope the cold goes away...I laugh when ever two or more of us have the same idea to make it easier on the others on our blog...It is like a prayer whenever two or more sing Praises to HIS name...

Lolly said...

Please send Liesl to me. I need a lap warmer. Would love to cuddle with a pup.

Jewel just stirred, like she was uncomfortable.

Lolly said...

So, Hoda, your new bed did the trick and you slept 10 hours Wow!

Jewel is stirring, scratching and licking.

Hoda said...

LOLLY not only did the new bed do the trick I am already thinking of going to bed and it is only 6:42 PM PST!!! Way too early, but it is inviting...

Linda said...

WVDana - Riley is 62-65lbs.

Another word we cannot say in the house is "squirrel." We got upset about a squirrel on the feeders on the deck one to many times and if we mention that word, he goes crazy barking and wanting to go out and chase it. We then switched to saying the setters SQ, but he figured that out, too.

I also can't get upset about anything without him reacting by getting up and excited. If I sigh or make that noise we all do when we realize something went wrong (tch), he is on his feet and ready to go. Too funny. He is so in tune with us.

Linda said...

....that would be the letters SQ.

Those darn typos........

Hoda said...

Jewel seems to be resting by the time I got there LOLLY...what are the dots on the lense do you suppose...can not be flies? Can it?

Janet said...

well folks, calling it a night. watching FRINGE and then think we'll catch up on an episode of PERSON OF INTREST. nice quiet night....hope everyone sleeps well!

*smiles* good night.

Christine said...

Hedgie, Sadie was under a tree when it was struck by lightening. It took about 15 feet of the tree and threw it into another tree. They had to cut both of them down. She was never afraid before that. I saw the thundershirt at Petco. Maybe I'll give it a try. I can't even take pictures with flash anymore. She sees the camera and ducks under the table. Really sad :(.

Hoda I don't get involved with the chat on the Decorah Ustream channel either. Bob and the RR crew are great for learning about eagles though. They also work hard to keep everyone honest on their forums.

Seeing the eagles a few weeks ago was cool too. It was funny to see the juvie wanting to come back into the nest and the way they interacted with him/her. It is a scene I'll never forget.

Christine said...

Can I ask who Jewel is?

Lolly said...

Jewel is a young bear in hibernation. She is in labor.

JudyEddy said...

She is a bear

JudyEddy said...

Ten news is about to start Bones was good I love Fringe also Janet

I am really tired tonight
Funny three of replyed on Jewel gonna check out the snowman cam then the new signing off for the evening
Just may rebot puter Just because RED said so I leave it up 24 - 7 with nest up all the time and email open all the time Just easier that way don't like waiting LOL
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Linda said...

Lolly, where is Jewel's Den? I couldn't see on the site what state the den was in.

Hoda said...

LINDA Jewel I do believe is in Minnesota. She is part of LILLY'S family if I am not mistaken. Several branches of this family are under observation and are being studied...this is why I say Minnesota.

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

The North America Bear Center is in Ely, MN

North America Bear Center

Look on the tab in the center of the page for the cams.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lolly. That is what I thought. Jewels is Lily's youngest sister. I just wasn't sure if that den was also in MN.

Lolly said...

Very interesting article on that page about the behaviors that they have seen Jewel display today. If she is in labor, they think the cub would be born tomorrow afternoon. 22 hours of labor for Lily. No thank you!!! LOL

Red said...

Sandi, so glad the thunder shirt worked for bandit.

My bedtime now. Later folks!!!

Linda said...

Well, dear ones, I think we are going to turn in for the night.

Prayers continue for Tori to heal and strengthen further in anticipation of her transplant and fervent prayers for news of a transplant for her very soon. Singing Praises to Our Lord for a joyous successful transfer and surgery for Tori over the last day! May she rest and heal tonight and may Robyn, Bobbi and the rest of the family get some rest tonight, too.

It was a wonderful day today, but there is still so much for Tori to face. Will keep her in prayer with the renewed hope of a new chance at breathing freely.

It sure makes you appreciate every breath you take, doesn't it?

Praying for healing for Fred, too. He has a lot on his plate as well. We are thankful for his progress so far and pray for continued progress in the days to come.

Prayers of wellness and for all needs tonight for all of you, dear friends.

May your sleep be restful and sweet....

Love to all ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Good night, Sweet Dreams and God Bless...

Lolly said...

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Good night to all turning in.

JudyE---you have been extremely fortunate that you have never lost your computer to a bad storm (surge protectors do NOT always work), and that you haven't been hacked. I would never leave my puters online in an inactive state, or overnight or when I am gone......very dangerous on many levels.

hedgie said...

And from a frugality standpoint, it costs 15 cents a day to run a computer----that is for an average workday! 24 hrs. is probably 45 cents!

Christine, what a horrible experience for poor Sadie. Did the lightening strike just come out of the blue, or was it already storming?

hedgie said...

Loretta, sure hope your pics show you WHO was in your nest!

stronghunter said...


Don't know if I will ever catch up on here.

Kathryn picks the strangest movies.

First, we watched Cowboys and Aliens. That was something else.

Then she put on some John Candy movie and went to bed. I had never seen the movie before, so I kept watching.

Bingo was a total loss tonight. We did not win anything. As Kathryn posted on FB, one man kept winning and winning. I think he won at least 4 times.

stronghunter said...

My brain has worn completely out. I must go get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow.

Prayers for all in need, especially Fred and Tori.

Good night and God bless.

stronghunter said...

Received a very nice package from Margy. Thank you so much dear friend. Hunter will love the book, and the basset calendar is precious.

hedgie said...

More sadness from WCV:
Lead claims another eagle

hedgie said...

Shirley, too bad about bingo. :(

I'm right behind you, gal. Loading up the stove and heading upstairs.

Prayers for all, and thankfulness for those answered. Fight, Tori!!You've got a lot to do ahead!!

Mema Jo said...

I watched a family movie this evening 8-10 and then Law & Order. Now I need to quickly read over your posts.
Forgot I need to fill my weekly pill
containers or I would already be in bed.
I am chuckling about new mattresses and that Hoda has already said good night.

Costume Lady said...

We had a super Saturday Supper at GG's. Karla looks really great and says she feels better every day.
I am so sleepy, I'm doing face plants and it isn't even midnight!


Mema Jo said...

Robyn just told us on FB:
Robyn Ann Schonhans
Found out tonight Tori is number one on the transplant list in our region which consists of 5 states


Costume Lady said...

Sorry, LOL!
Sleep well
prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Having said that Tori is #1 - It is time for me to get some rest.

Good night friends and God Bless You & those you love
Prayers for our #1 gal, Tori and for
Margy's brother and for all others in need
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Goodnight and prayers for all ☺
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hallelujah! SO glad to hear of Tori's #1 status! Prayers continue!

Have sort of skimmed through the blog, but don't know whether I'll ever truly catch up!

Kubby and I went to the movies today, and saw "Joyful Noise" with Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton. The music in it is FANTASTIC!!! So nice to see a movie that praises the Lord.

Have tons of work to finish, so will be in lurk mode the rest of the weekend. Monday we are going to spend a large portion of the day with Sis-in-law--definite plans to go to lunch.

Was really enjoying the dog stories! Amazing how smart they are. We almost have to write notes to each other about the dog park!
Emma is almost psychic about that place!

Well, getting very tired, and eyes don't want to focus. Prayers said for everyone, and all new situations. Porch light is on, and both security systems enabled. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!

stronghunter said...

Having trouble getting to sleep, so just passing through. Ready to head upstairs again now.

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Tori is #1.

stronghunter said...

One more dog story. Sometimes when we were upstairs in our room at night, Snoopy (our beagle) would come to us and ask out.

We would call downstairs to Will to let him out. Snoopy would go to the stairs and listen for Will to call him. He knew exactly what was going on. If Will did not respond in a reasonable amount of time, Snoopy would come back to us--"Call Will again, folks."

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Smart dogs that Bandit, Riley, Emma and Snoopy! Dalai runs up to the TV whenever there's a dog on and gets in it's face/screen!

So great about the Thundershirt, Sandi! Great endorsement.

Thanks to Puala, Linda, Hoda and Lynn for the great nest reporting last night.

Lynn, I am praying you don't have a cold and that there is only healing happening in your body!

Lori O. said...

HODA gets a brownie today from the Health Food Store!!! Good on you, Hoda! You held out a whole week!

Lori O. said...

Loved the Swinging Bridge pics, JUDYE! Can't wait to get my camera and go there. It'll be beautiful in the spring! And, MARGY knows all the hot spots! :)

KAY, I know you had a wonderful time, as usual, with Seth, your caring, intelligent grandson. So glad he cherishes his Grandmother!

Lori O. said...

The miniature elephants (cats) are playing on the stairs now. They could wake the neighbors they are so loud!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. So glad to hear Tori is #1 on the list.

We had a nice evening with our parish priest playing Monopoly after mass. Great times. Fr. didn't stay til the end nor did I so I don't know yet who won. Adam was the first one out. I don't think he really likes to play all that much. Then Fr. left because, well he has mass this morning. Then I was out of money. So I can only imagine how late the game went.
I have to take Aric to the airport today :((

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo. Glad you had a good time with the Father. Very nice of you to include him in your family. Sorry Aric has to go back today. Bet you're bummed about that. You look so young to have two kids in college!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori. Some days I don't feel so young! Andrew will be 21 this year and I will be 49! Hard to believe. Yet, I don't feel like I'm getting older...weird how life is. I will miss Aric, but the semester will be over before I blink and his freshman year will be behind him. He only has 2 short breaks this semester (actually, long weekends) and he will be home the first week of May.

Lori O. said...

We had so many smart dog stories on here last night, I didn't see one from you since you were playing Monopoly. How are the Flying Labs?

DanaMo said...

I saw those stories. Very cute. I was trying to think of a good one, but I guess my brain isn't ready to work that hard this morning. LOL

Lori O. said...

Best news of the day - Tori is #1 on the transplant list! What a blessing that things just keep moving forward toward her ultimate transplant!

Lori O. said...

DMo, I couldn't think of one for FBear, so don't feel bad, and he's my kid! Well, you know. :)

Sandi said...

Morning Lori & DMo. Gotta feed the dogs and then read back thru last night's posts.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi! I'm so happy about your glowing endorsement of the Thundershirt. Nice to know something works!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, DanaMo and Sandi.

Lori O. said...

YAY! We have two Danas here this morning!

Lori O. said...

Ooooopps, forgot to post this:


Sunny, with a high near 32. North wind to 11 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 18.



magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Great Monopoly story, DanaMo, now that sounds like fun...been years since I played...James has a Peanuts and also a Simpsons Monopoly game...

Headed to work at 8 for a six hour shift, someone else has a very ill brother and is with him in Baltimore, UMD hospital....
so it's for a good cause....

Wonderful, beyond Wonderful about Tori being #1 on the Transplant List !

Morning Lori, and Sandi, DanaMo and anyone lurking behind the computer screens....

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

tghis gal's brother is on a heart transplant waiting list, but he also has to be well enough for it....

magpie said...

Oh, Good Morning to all the Cats and Dogs amongst us as well!!

magpie said...

Still Can still Blue, Live up and Running and:


JudyEddy said...

G☺☺d M☼rning Eagle Buds

DanaMo said...

Good morning DanaWV!

JudyEddy said...

Boy my heat I think has been running all nite Today is the coldest then will start warming up

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Margy. Had dinner with a neighbor lady named Margy, Mar-G last night and had a hard time not called her Marg-ee. lol

magpie said...

Hi There DanaWV, you snuck in while I was making typos! Hope I can type better at work...

Great Super Saturday Report from Wanda....

time for me to get dressed....

Best Wishes for a Super Sunday for All
xoxox ♥
and (( Hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

boy I messed up that post! Calling her Marg-ee.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what happend to our still cam it was blue the night before but did come back now did the same thing last nite and didn't recover Its a pretty shade of blue

magpie said...

every time I turn around there is another Morning Momster on here !
Hi JudyE

understand the name thing, Lori ☺

okay, to all who follow: HELLO!

magpie said...


JudyEddy said...

One of the gals or guys not forsure on my youtube thinks that Belle will lay a egg anyday now She may be from the oc or the WOW link when WVADANA posted it I have 7 peeps following me

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...