Monday, January 30, 2012


New thread.


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CarolAnne said...


Have called them over.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks CA,,,

Thanks Steve for the new thread

I have sound...just heard some wind

DanaMo said...

Thanks Steve and many thanks for the cam being back up and working! Yipee! Now if we could please order up some eggs.

DanaMo said...

I have sound. Lots of wind!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and the Live cam working (:

Thank you CarolAnne for the call over.

Yes I have sound on the live feed.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

hedgie said...

Hello late-comers!
Thanks for call-over, C/A!

Congrats, Lolly, on Michael Day!!!

I'm ready to will shut down in case they show up early.
Later, gators.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, Sharon. Hope you can get your car fixed soon.

Lolly said...

Thanks, all! No sound here. Will go watch on the computer. Have sound turned up on this laptop and on the cam, but no sound.

Hoda said...

Good morning/Good afternoon all.

Happy MICHAEL Day LOLLY.You are a great MOM.

Happy Birthday MEGAN.

Thanks MARGY for posting STEVE'S answer to you. Also thanks PAULA for your statement that we should not expect every intruder visit to have the same effect on the nest as last year...they will happen because of the increased population.

Hoda said...

Sound here LOLLY. It is blowing a gale it sounds like!!!

Lolly said...

I know what I should do. I'll go to the Jewel cam. If I do not get sound there, I'll know for sure it is this laptop. LOL

Lolly said...

Oh, my!!! LOL Plenty of sound at Jewel's site. I nearly jumped! Do not know why I can not get sound at our cam. Hmmmm?????

Lolly said...

Howdy Hoda! I love saying that. LOL 57 here and sunshiney! Plan to work in the yard. I am raring to go! Jack is running errands. I do hope we are able to burn today.

Lolly said...

I closed the cam and brought it back. Still no sound. Oh, well!

Off to get beautiful. Have a great day!

magpie said...

Lolly...ref live feed sound...something needing to be reset? You'll get some help here...
it's happened to others....

Happy Michael Day, and I'll throw in
Happy Mother's Day ! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

OH we're going to be teasing Wanda something Fierce - oh fierce, that reminds me of Tigers !

NatureNut said...

Happy Monday Thread! Thx, Steve!
(I have to read back)
Got email this AM from naturalist, Sthephanie, at Park. She saw eagle in nest when she arrived!!!!Looks like they're in business this season!

Lolly, Happy Michael Day!!
Wear your sunscreen out there!

I got a message about Google's renewed system and they say No Privacy Policies are changing! TY
Gotta check nest!
Have a great day ☺

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - congratulations on day #3

Lolly - Congratulations on the Michael Day

Hello Hoda! We have sunshine today!
Hope you do also.

Thanks C/A for the call over!

Steve, thank you for today's new thread.

magpie said...

Thank you Steve, for the New Thread...
We get chattier and chattier every day !

Thanks CarolAnne... for letting us gabby folks know....we caught on right away I see ☺

magpie said...

Thanks to Paula on her wise and comforting post on the end of the old thread....

Let's Keep Hoping for the Natural Best this year at the Sycamore Palace

Good Afernoon Eagle Pals, Morning still to anyone West of EST


magpie said...

another round of

Happy Birthday to Megan...
Hope you see lots of birds, things sprouting and some green grass...
(and maybe have some fabulous birthday cake )
Lovin's to you...xoxo ☺ ♥

while I'm thinking of it, a laid Eagle Egg would be a nice birthday treat also !

magpie said...

eggs in view at BWE

magpie said...

The Help racked up some awards at the Screen Actors Guild presentations...
can't wait for the Academy Awards !

ttfn going out to collect some sunshine, Vitamins D and K

(( Hugs ♥ ) xoxo

magpie said...

Oh, Excuse me


car problems, WOOF, I can definitely relate ! Hope it is an easy fix....

paula eagleholic said...

Any guesses at what the whitish looking thingy in the nest bowl, at about the 12 position is?

Sandi said...

Thanks C/A for the call over! Lolly, I have sound on the live cam. As the eagle population has rebounded in recent years, their habitat has decreased. More and more houses = fewer and fewer trees in areas that eagle's would want to nest in. Plus, it takes several years for a new eagle pair to build a nest from scratch; it's far easier to take over an existing nest. So it's not surprising at all that areas are seeing more eagles competing for nests. That said, the folks on this blog don't want anybody messing with "our eagles" and "our nest."
Back to work for me - later!

Kay said...

PAULA, it looks kinda like a bone, huh ?

Oh, pardon moi ! Good afternoon dear friends ! Signing in with a grateful heart upon seeing a live cam and a new thread ! Yippee !

Have done only a brief skim of the old thread, but thrilled to see WANDA, bruised, but doing well ! So nice PT can take place at home. I'm going to ask my ortho when I see him on Feb. 2, if I can just continue at home on my own once my prescribed PT is over on Feb. 3rd. 80 bucks a week in co-pays is killing me. I have the same exercise straps and do the same things daily here that I do twice a week with the PT.

JudyEddy said...

HOME for lunch and I see cam is working

JudyEddy said...

I love the sound of the humm of the camera I have missed it so


Kay said...

Wonderful to get the Yahoo mail pics of this morning's HP ! There is certainly hope ! Yes this would be a great day for an egg in honor of LOLLY's Michael and our dear MEGAN. Happy birthday to both !!

I'm getting sound loud and clear at the nest. Hearing wind and some kind of machinery off in the distance.

JudyEddy said...

.♥♥happy dance ♥♥

.♥♥happy dance ♥♥


Kay said...

Interesting avatar, JUDYE !

Time to run some errands before PT. Wishing all a good day and I'll BBL. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WVDana did you mean Sun pile up or the one from 2008

JudyEddy said...

all the people greeters are being called in the office and told about the position changes to My I help you Person Some of the people are unable to walk that is why they are a people greeter SAM WALTON is rolling over in the grave what these people are doing to his company That was a program he made for the elderly I say that he is on a rotisserie Don't mean to offend anyone JMHO

JudyEddy said...

1242 is when I punched out so I need to head back I have 19 clicks over also mustin get any ot LOL I will see you good people after work HAGD and I love our camera is up YEAH YEAH so so happy

JudyEddy said...

KAY doesn't it look like a EAGLE it was on facebook by Paul you remember Paul my weather man Ok now I must leave

Mema Jo said...


Geula said...

Good Afternoon, everybody! Glad the cam's up again.

Hoda said...

Jo, No sun here today...over cast skies but it is mild...I am busy clearing cupboards and will do some cooking and cleaning today. I need to pay bills and reconcile my cheque book and simply do lots of organizational tasks. It is a good day for it. I go to yoga in the evening so I will have plenty of time to do all what I want to do.

PAULA I saw this white object in the nest and it seems soft and curly to me...I do not know what it is.

I like the shade of blue on the tree trunk below the nest on the left hand side...pretty.


paula eagleholic said...

BWE off the eggs a lot today.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, yes I see the blue is still there...I was thinking it might be a small patch of ice.

paula eagleholic said...

Although, now the branch at 3ish looks blue too!

Red said...

Good afternoon everyone. Yeaaaaaaaaa the cam is back up. Thanks Steve for getting it fixed.

Found an interesting video of a bird who likes Bluegrass music. Notice the singer nevers misses a word.

Music loving bird

CarolAnne said...

That was cute RED.
Guy was definitely a bird lover.

NatureNut said...

Hope spring comes and your roost overflows w/flowers, birds, & maybe a few bees!!

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Megan.

Red said...

Happy Birthday Megan!!

Geula said...

been lurking, but now I'm going to sleep!

keep warm and don't let it snow in the nest....otherwise I'll send somebody up there with...with...with a snow blower or heater or something!

Good night!

Lori O. said...

Good Night, Geula!

Good afternoon, all.

Lynn, I've been thinking
about you today as you wind down your treatments - only
two more to go!

Kay, I hope PT renders you pain free today, and the doc agrees to a little more cash in your pocket
when you go this week.

Sharon, is the van fixed yet?

THANK YOU STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD and the return of the live cam!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The van is at the service station as we speak. They towed it over today. I was really grateful it was still there, not stolen or broken into.

Hoda said...

SHARON, you are an inspiration on how you cope with things. I would have worried too about my car/van left on the side of a highway...God's Grace always protect you, please God.

Goodnight Geula...send the heater, and snow blower to Nelson BC Canada please!!! LOL

Sandi said...

One day down - hope everyone else's day was productive! As Judy said earlier, nice to hear that hum from the cam. No visits since this morning I see? That would seem to be a step backward! Lynn, hoping you're feeling better and have gotten things moving in the right direction!

Hoda said...

It is all good SANDI I am glad you managed your day well also... My day is going very well and I just accepted an invitation to go listen to a singer called Sparrow, from Nelson, who is going to bring Sacred World Music/Song/Chants to Nelson this Thursday night...I look forward to it...

Hoda said...

I love cooking simple foods...I had an excellent protien, salmon steak and vegetables for my meal today. I might have yogurt and engevita yeast later on the after noon before yoga class. I feel blessed.
Now to paying bills balancing cheque book and sorting out papers. I just finished reading the last of my Christmas Cards and they helped me a great deal to cope with the weather in January. Thank you all and Love you all so very much...

Ms Bookworm said...


magpie said...

there WAS a visit this morning, pretty early, just before color came on I think

magpie said...

I hear Brewers Yeast is also good for warding off Big Black Flies, such as there in Maine and Canada...
supposedly they don't like the "smell" than can be present on the skin, but I don't think People can smell it. Also loaded with B Vitamins I think

magpie said...

Hoping to see Lynn return and post soon...hope she is go, go, going GONE in that other department she was working on

down to 2, count' em 2 days, Lynn

(( Hugs ♥ ))

Hello Eagle Pals...missed Geula, Good Night Geula....

magpie said...

and BWE eggs are uncovered again...
Paula mentioned birds are off the eggs often today

magpie said...

can't say I have a good guess on the white thingy, Paula...

looks a little like seed pods with hollow openings in them

magpie said...

Guess What, I am still planning on getting some cards out, found some last night that look like Christmas cards, but they have a year-long message on them...

I think it is so neat you extend your Christmas season they way you open cards ♥

magpie said...

I betcha Andy is trying to catch up on the Old Thread....

Hi Andy!
I know you are about to show up soon...
Hope all is well, and Hello to Emma

magpie said...

sorry, I missed reading the word "since" in your last post...I was speedreading...
No, I don't THINK there were any other visits...but I haven't been watching too much yet today

Jewels said...

Hey there everyone. I am posting from the hospital. Mom had her radiation treatment. Dr put her in for a xray... Found something to make them do a barium swallow of the small bowel. Things progressed slowly. Before the last xray she did get sick. Last xray showed the barium in her large bowel. Waiting in the results from the dr now.

Sandi said...

MARGY & PAULA, Temps haven't gotten out of the 40s today here and Blackwater would have similar temps. Even with the sunny day we had, that's pretty chilly to leave eggs uncovered for very long. I know Lisa has said these are experienced parents, but ...

Lori O. said...

I keep wanting to refresh the cam -just a still cam reflex.

Sandi said...

Jewels, Thanks for the update on your mom. We've all been asking about her! Let her know she's in our thoughts and prayers and keep us posted!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jewels, as soon as I saw a post from you, I knew what it was going to be. Hugs to you all.

Lori O. said...

Thank you Jewels for the update. We were wondering where she was - she's usually back by now. Tell her prayers are going up now! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Jewel - saddened to hear your news but so thankful that you are here to keep us
posted. Your mom mentioned that she was
going to request an x-ray!
I will be holding my breath and praying
that all goes well.

magpie said...

Okay Jewels, we are riveted here, waiting on next report.
Thank you for being there for our Sweet Hedgie....
Call if you need addition the prayers going up now...
(( Hugs ♥ )

magpie said...

I don't think the time uncovered at BWE has been too bad yet....
Lisa addresses that situation on the Web Cam Daily report from Jan 28..."trusing that the Eagle Parents know how long the eggs can be safely left uncovered..."
(that's the gist of it, not word for word)


magpie said...

Jewels, if you need a ride relay back....if you driver your Momma home...let me know....
Okay ? Okay !

Hoda said...

Was that eagle chirrping?

magpie said...

hmm birdy sounds at the nest, not eagles, maybe starling ?

magpie said...

no, something more interesting than Starling...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Mighty glad the live cam is up and working!


Have been busy cleaning up the house today.

Forgot to mention that Kubby and I went and saw "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" yesterday. Wow, what a movie! It was just fantastic, and I highly recommend it. Take some kleenex with you!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for your bird calls/sounds expertise, Margy. I'm clueless.

paula eagleholic said...

I saw the BWE eggs uncovered for 15 minutes today

Sandi said...

Cam just shook! EAGLE

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just flew in from the right

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Hoda said...


magpie said...

Voila! Eagle Belle in from the 3 or so ??
and another eagle ? sounding on the branch

Hoda said...


magpie said...

maybe Shep cleaning his beak after lunch time chow

paula eagleholic said...

Now the white thing looks like a wad of paper or a dead bird.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle molding the bowl.

Jewels said...

Actually got a call from christie as soon as I got off work. Mom called her to come to the hospital, not me... So christie called me and told me. I came. The transport service brought mom. So we are ok vehicle wise, thanks margy for the offer. Thanks for the prayers!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wiggle, wiggle into the egg cup.

Hoda said...


paula eagleholic said...

Yup, think it's a wad of paper

magpie said...

15 mins,pretty long time, Paula....on BWE...Thanks

might be time for an Oatmeal Creme Pie here

magpie said...

Okay Jewels, I see that.....

(( Hugs for all of you ♥ ))

Hoda said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Margy!

Miss Emma says "Woof!"

I see that Lynn had an x-ray because of her tummy troubles. Prayers going up, and hoping all will be OK with her! Jewels, thanks for the report! Waiting with bated breath for the next one.

Sandi said...

MARGY, Do you think that if we ALL ate a Lil Debbie oatmeal cream pie, Belle would lay an egg? =)

Ms Bookworm said...

Have a couple of things to do before Kubby gets home from work. Will BBL... :o]

Hoda said...

JEWELS...Thank you for the update on your MOM. Prayers going strong. SHe was uncomfortable. Please God make it something we can all manage.
KEEP US POSTED Jewels Please.

paula eagleholic said...

Turned in the bowl, facing six now

Hoda said...


paula eagleholic said...

Seems very quiet around the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, my sound was gone, refreshed and got it back

Belle glancing up into tree

Hoda said...


Jewels said...

No blockage.... Dr will give her a prescrip tomorrow. Running mom home. Can't text and type. Be on later. Prayers work!!!

Sandi said...

Wohoo - great news on Lynn! Thanks, Jewels!!

Hoda said...

Best news ever JEWELS thank you very much for letting us know. Drive safely.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa's remarks concerning being off the eggs is that there could be an intruder
....We can’t be sure, but from our point of view, it appeared that there might have been another bird (likely an eagle) bothering them by flying too close to the nest.

Good youtube video..........go to BWE site.

Also someone at BWE spotted 2 golden
eagles..... I would LOVE to see them

Hoda said...


paula eagleholic said...

MOving back to the bowl, doing some digging, back towards cam

JudyEddy said...

just home to find beautiful Eagle in nest

Mema Jo said...

Glory Be! Thank you Lord!
Jewels you're the best!
Liesl will be worried too...

Whoo Hoo!

Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Sandi said...


Mema Jo said...

So thankful that the live cam is up!

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

Play nice Shep and Belle no beaking allowed

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

feather hanging off beak funny

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

geese must be startling her

Hoda said...


Mema Jo said...

Got a feather on your beak!

They try to make the egg cup quite deep
for the egg(s) just in case of nasty weather.

JudyEddy said...

I recorded the last almost 6 min got both fly aways and Shep fly in Damn I have missed the live cam so glad to have it back

Sandi said...

Color gone.

magpie said...

could have been a piece of paper (as Paula mentioned, maybe paper )) from the mysterious object...
looked so funny!
Shep does not seem to be vain

JudyEddy said...

MARGY thanks for asking Steve he did leave a comment on the FB feed the other day that the population up there is high and not enough nest and she was looking for a easy ride so to speak I have just started to read the blog I will be back

Mema Jo said...

I remember that Lib would always be fixing the egg cup. Maybe it's the male's responsibility

Sandi said...

Off to feed the pups and the peeps! BBL!

magpie said...

Hallelujah Jewels, Lynn, and the doctor...
know you are driving...
we'll SEE you later...
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Yes, Jo, that youtube is a good one.....on BWE, great narrative by Lisa...

Hoda said...

I put photos in the album.

magpie said...

I was thinking, that Belle seemed calm, almost reassured that Shep was up on the branch, pulling Guard Duty

not too much nestorating going on, they must feel pretty comfortable that the Crib is Ready

magpie said...

Could be, Sandi...
I have ten left - the Oatmeal Creme Pies..

magpie said...

Moon is at 48% full and getting bigger all the time,
that's good for our Night-Watching

Jupiter and the Moon traded places

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lillian just jumped about 4 feet off the ground trying to pick a cardinal off the bird feeder! Really grateful for her bell around her neck.

paula eagleholic said...

Seemed like a very quiet visit.

Lolly said...

Just got in from working in the yard. We cleaned out the herb garden and then when I continued with that job (on my knees) Jack did a little in the garden around the roses. However, the wind came up and we decided to stop with the leaves. He then worked on the stream and lower pond and I did more raking....of acorns. I have never seen so many acorns in my life. The ground is paved with acorns. It is awful. So, I raked acorns. Then I sat down and pulled some by hand as they are already sending down roots. Groan!

Lori O. said...

Lolly, I get a bumper crop of acorns like that every 4 years or's like acorn asphalt!

magpie said...

sure did...Paula, calm and peaceful too I thought

my NY Naturalist friend sent this:

"Last weekend a friend saw 40 Tundra Swans heading south just before a big storm hit so some have been staying north longer than usual this year.In about three weeks they will begin returning north again."

Wonder if that post Lynne made about Tundras in Adams Co Pa (near Gettysburg maybe?) were going North or South ?

magpie said...

The cardinal...saved by the Bell, Sharon !

Lolly said...

I see that Lynn had an issure today. Lynn, I do hope this particular problem is resolved muy pronto! Hope the doctor has a way to help!

magpie said...

We'da been dozing off if we saw that long nearly motionless visit on the Still Cam only
Yes, YAY double YAY for the Return of The Live Feed !

Lolly said...

It is called a "mast" year when you have acorns like we have had. It is awful! We have had other years with many acorns but nothing like this year!

magpie said...

Found this on the Puleson Site...
a BBC Documentary on Earth Flight

truly amazing, many many short clips

BBC Earth Flight Documentaries

check out the choices on the Right of the page

Sandi said...

Two days without the live cam served as reminder to me that we're often remiss in appreciating what we have until we lose it. So, I'd like to say that I really appreciate the new group of friends I have acquired through this blog! Now, back to work on dinner!

Hoda said...

SANDI since you appreciate us so much are you inviting us for dinner??? Kiddin'!!! I am very grateful to call you a friend also.

Lolly said...

We appreciate having you here, too, Sandi! We love having new Monsters that become regulars. And, we would definitely miss you if you were not here!

Lori O. said...

Fabulous sentiment, Sandi.
I don't know what I'd do without ALL of you guys!

I was hoping to be able
to wait up until Lynn
got home, but the Wanda Face Plant is not too far off.
Good night, great friends!
I'll see you in the morning. ((HUGS)) ♥

Lolly said...

LOL Just called Sandi a monster instead of Momster. Whoops! So sorry!

DanaMo said...

Had some beautiful visitors today for career day. Posting pictures on my picture blog.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - tonight is Alcatraz

Mema Jo said...

DMo - looks like hubby had good attention from the kids during his

hedgie said...

I'm home. Sick 4 times since test ended......going to sofa for awhile. BBL. Thanks for love and concern.

Mema Jo said...

Rest yourself!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There's our girl! You rest!!! Love and prayers.

magpie said...

That's our Lynn, checking in...

GodSpeed on the relief, Lynn

Red, enjoyed that Bluegrass Bird video clip....great

DanaMo, glad to hear it !!! Sounds like a nice day, going to check pictures pretty soon

Sandi...thanks for your kind words to glad you decided to take the plunge and start hitting the Publish Button !

ttfn xo

DanaMo said...

Here's the story on the two owls in the pictures on my blog.
The barred owl was taken out of the wood by a woman hiker when he was very young. At some point she decided that he could no longer live in her apartment in BALTIMORE CITY DUH! and turned him in to the National Park.
The Horned owl was stealing chickens from a farmer every night until the farmer got PO"d and shot him. He no longer has one of his wings. Both are residents at Rocky Gap State Park. The young lady who brought the owls in for us to see is the daughter of our middle school science teacher and is a naturalist at the park.

magpie said...

oh dear Danamo...
glad these two wild birds, made it to a good home...what a shame, the one being shot, and the first, being innocently kidnaped out its habitat..
Exciting Career for the Naturalist !
Thank You !

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I am thanking God for the help HE is going to give you to help you feel better. May HE bring you comfort and help ease any pain you may be in. Please Lord Lynn as been such a positive example of being one of your children during all of this. Lynn easy (((((((hugs)))))))) may God give to you through HIS LOVE FOR YOU. Sending love your way♥♥

Lynne2 said...

Virginia Earthquake

Lynne2 said...

and good evening all!

Mema Jo said...

Wow Lynne - Think Shirley felt it?

JudyEddy said...

HI WANDA good to see you on the blog this am How are you doing or maybe I should just read on
laughing at the bumble bee color knee comment and i love the tiger comment

Mema Jo said...

I just need to sign in on google's page and then I had to read and check off that I had read about the new privacy policies....... SO HERE I AM

JudyEddy said...

Just fot off the phone with June in NC for almost two hours Both of us having a B---H session over walmart

JudyEddy said...

LYNN so sad you are sick after your treatment Hang in there almost over the finish line is just ahead I sure wish as all of us do wish there was something we could do to help the battle is almost over

JudyEddy said...

just got my email from Google on the privacy thing I don't have google email either Will have to go read it

JudyEddy said...

DanaMo loved the picture of the owl munch was my work now to go much on my chili and crackers BBL

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - where do you see a comment from
Wanda........ I missed it.

JudyEddy said...

I will go look for it

JudyEddy said...

9:5o on Sun blog
feel as if I'm in the twilight zone...everything is BLACK and YELLOW.

My therapist is coming shortly. Will be coming for the next 5 weeks. My insurance pays 100% YAHOO!

Mema Jo said...

My Bad JudyE - you said this a.m.
I skipped right over that.....

Lynne2 said...

hard to say Jo, hope she check in!

Lynn, so very sorry to read of your misadventures today. Hope you will feel better very soon!

JudyEddy said...

I know how it is sometime speed reading we have all been there I am sure

JudyEddy said...

I bought Wendys chili last nite and didn't eat it I love there chili

Sandi said...

MARGY, you mentioned me "plunging in and publishing on the blog" which reminded me of a question you asked yesterday. I emailed my tennis pal about the polar bear plunge on Saturday. Turns out, she is plunging this Sunday in Lewes for Special Olympics. When she wasn't at tennis last Saturday, I assumed that was the day of her plunge, but you know what often happens when you assume ...

Hoda said...

Glad you are home LYNN...Sorry you are still feeling sick, but very relieved that they did not find a blockage so to speak...Hugs to you and LIESL.

Sandi said...

MARGY, wish you were here to hear the owl in the woods next to my house!! Never heard one sound like that, and so loud I could hear it at my desk with the windows closed! Would LOVE to know what kind it is - can you suggest a site that would have different owl calls that I could listen to??

Costume Lady said...

So, I gather that none of you are having the color issues that I am? In addition to the colors being messed up, email is giving me a fit, also.

I loved my Therapist today...he's very pleased with my progress. He thinks I will be done in 5 weeks instead of the 6, that is the normal amount of time for therapy:)

Pain is minimal and I sleep well.

Think I will watch House tonight, if it isn't a re-run.

JudyEddy said...

Oh boy am I full that was good chili ate half of it will have the other half tomorrow for dinner

JudyEddy said...

did you run a scan with your security to see if it will fix your issue WANDA

DanaMo said...

Okay for the folks who don't have Facebook, I added more pictures to my picture blog of the other speakers today.

JudyEddy said...

I run Norton when I have issue It is odd still to this date I will have issue with the icon or symbols of the different site I have in my fav bar above will change like the Blogger the B will be gone and the other day the dolphin symbol was there odd I just run Norton and it fixes it I don't know what does it It happens when the little blue circle goes nuts and then sometimes the pages goes ghost white then that is when the symbols go bonkers

JudyEddy said...

I have got to put in for my two weeks of vacation that I have before May 18 or loose it and I will not loose it I just won't go anywhere I plan on going to the Social Security office on one day I am off just to see what I would get with mine now and possible Toms wouldn't hurt I say

DanaMo said...

Wanda-so glad you liked your therapist and sounds like you will make quick progress!

Terrible accident on 81 South in Hagerstown. One fatality. Then going North on 81 there was a police chase also ending in an accident. Traffic on the highway and through town was awful.

Hoda said...

Off to Yoga

DanaMo said...

Lynn-so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope it gets better for you soon. rest up!

JudyEddy said...

If only Connie would sell the house that would be so nice but we have till the end of the year

Sandi said...

Googled "owl calls" and listened to several. It was a great horned owl that I heard. We have an owl nearby that I hear frequently throughout the winter, but this call was so different from the one I'm used to hearing. Very cool! Wish I could have seen him as well! DMO, what a coincidence that you just had one in your classroom today!

OFf to the sofa for some TV. LYNN, hope you feel better, girl! Two more days!!
WANDA, glad to hear that you are in the accelerated therapy group! We would expect nothing less! =)
JO, thanks for the reminder about Alcatraz!
Goodnight all!

Jewels said...

Good Evening, I am home, dinner is done. Did the easy route, stopped at our local convenience store and bought subs!
Mom is home.She called as soon as I walked in the door and told me I wasn't even out the driveway and she got sick again. Oh how I wish I could take all this away from her, So she could live carefree and pain free!!
Cancer sucks and I hate it!!

JudyEddy said...

I was talking to June on the phone and I may have peaked her interest in a vacation next year this time I told her about Fulton Dam area and she said that could possible be a plan That would be sooooo cool if we could do that I would love to be able to see that many eagles at once I probably would pee my pants Oh well depends to the rescue LOL

Sweet Pea said...

@ Wanda ~ my Mother , so glad you like your therapist and that it went well today. Go ahead and watch House tonight, you deserve the treat. Maybe Daddy will fix you a bowl of ice cream too. <3

JudyEddy said...

They have a eagle that goes up and down the river where they live and a couple of hawks also

magpie said...

Wanda, is he Handsome ???

Sandi...I know Lynne2 will post you a site for Owl Calls...I might have it saved in my favorites, will check...

I heard a Barn Owl up near where my grandson lives, thought it was a Loon! Knew it couldn't be, it was an Eastern Screech Owl....exotic !

JudyEddy said...

Jewels we all wish we could take your moms pain and sickness away And yes CANCER SUCKS big time We all pray for a cure

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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