Monday, January 30, 2012


New thread.


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magpie said...

5 weeks instead if 6 - that's Awesome...
Wonderful !!!

Sweet Pea said...

Good question Margy, maybe we need to go visit ~ Mother when is your next session??

magpie said...

Oh we split...
what a surprise...

Hope the weather is very nice this week-end for that Plunge...

JudyEddy said...

Well I am going to see if I can find something on the boob tube to watch BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, the GHO sounds pretty cool, doesn't it. Have one down at paradise.

Lynn, sorry you have not been feeling well. Hope it goes away soon!

DanaMO, I was wondering where your other pics were, didn't think of FB

magpie said...

If he in any way resembles Q...well, you know what I mean

Q or NU either one, pretty okay in my book !!

Hi Sweet Pea, always a TREAT...


Sweet Pea said...

I check in every now and the to try and catch up. I get lost sometimes with all the comments =)

magpie said...

So I therefore missed Jewel's comment Pre-Split...
Oh there anything we can do ???
How is Liesl handling this ?

Let me now, call if you need me to run out there.....okay ??

magpie said...

So Do We, Karla...
we are quite the gabby group
so I will put the brakes on now, observe the speed limit
and End With Prayers, for your Mother, Lynn...and All in Need of Wellness, Strength and Comfort....and (( Hugs ♥ ))

Sandi: I see you found it is Great Horned Owl, I have that call on my Audubon the 12o'clock chime

ttfn xo ♥

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

This message from BOBBIE just came through e-mail:


Hallelujah ! Pray, pray, pray !!!!!

Kay said...


Lynne2 said...

owl calls

more owls

Lynne2 said...

OMG!!! Lungs for TORI!! WOO HOOO! Many prayers for a successful transplant!!!

JudyEddy said...

OH MY OH MY can you hear me yelling from Fl she has a LUNG Fantastic news Prayers have been answered

Kay said...

Sorry about those nonsensical posts--the only way I know to get here and if I try to delete them blogger takes me completely out and I have to do the same thing to get back here. ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH.

Happy with your news and prognosis, WANDA !

Tell me, someone, did Belle and Shep make an appearance this evening ?

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

I got lost!!!

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the heads up Kay!

Kay said...

I know. I wrote back to BOBBI immediately even though I could hardly see through my tears ! I'm going to be on pins and needles all night----must try to put it in God's hands and leave all to him !

DanaMo said...

Paula-They are now on my picture blog as well.

DanaMo said...

Yes, I think we can all agree that Cancer Sucks. There doesn't seem to be anyone who isn't affected by it!

So excited for Tori! Will pray a rosary before I go to sleep tonight. Well I will try to get it finished otherwise the angels will finish it for me!

DanaMo said...

I've got House on too!

Sweet Pea said...

KAY ~ I'll catch up on the story....BUT YAY FOR TORI!!! Good thoughts and prayers and fingers crossed for success and comfort =)

Kay said...

I almost feel silly reporting on my own trivial health matters when we have such a prayer mission to take care of. However, returned from PT very tired and hungry, but so glad I opted to get on line rather than turning to TV after my dinner. Thank you, God ! I see the doc on Thursday, but the therapist will consult with him ahead of my appt.. Seems she's decided my right leg is almost an inch longer than the left and that my back shows signs of scoliosis (sp?). She built an insert for my left shoe and told me to wear these athletic shoes all day, all week. Looks like this isn't going to be as easy as fix as I'd hoped. Grrrr.

magpie said...

That is stunning, wonderful, blessed news, Kay....
Thank You !!

I know how much this would mean to Lynn to know of this....
I hope she is able to see your post tonight.....I'm going to slip Carolyn a message.....maybe she can pass it on...

Very definitely, Prayers....
this is HUGE...God Bless the Donor....and prayers for his or her family as well....

Lynne2 said...

It's kind of weird, but I have to wonder if the bad accident on 81 resulted in Tori getting lungs. I guess that's kind of a long shot...but somewhere, just a little while ago, someone has lost a loved one. And as a result, Tori will get a chance to live. SO prayers for the donor's family. For ALL donor's and their families.

JudyEddy said...

KAY I posted the video on the blog just now and on youtube

This eveing visit fly out of both

Kay said...

Amen, LYNNE1 ! I just lit a candle for Tori, the medical team and family. Should have thought to praise the Lord for the donor and his or her family, too !

Kay said...

Oops, meant LYNNE2 ! I'm so excited I can hardly think straight !

Thank you for the great video of the Sunset Visit, JUDYE. I do so appreciate the way you keep us up to date with vids and pics ! Was that horn honking at your house or at the nest ? ☺

Jewels said...

Ohmy oh my LUNGS LUNGS!!!!!! Oh I am so happy, relieved, excited!!!! I pray for guidance in the doctors hands during the surgery!!!! Congrats to Tori and Robyn and family!!!!!

magpie said...

Jewels...sent you a message, you would know how to get this Bright News to your Momma....
It might lift her spirits...
thank you.....

CarolAnne said...

We Thank you Lord for this gift Tori is to receive. Please continue to hold her in your hands tonight and always.

Receive the donor into your light and bless their family too.

Take care of our Lynn tonight and always, as well as Wanda, Kay, Jim and all others who gather here.

hedgie said...

What wonderful news. Praying as hard as possible for an excellent outcome!!!!!!!

Jewels said...

Have the news to mom, made sure she was siting down...she is in tears. Happy tears. I am sure she will be on to express her joys... She has had her bath. Whooooohooooooo!!!!! I am so happy!!!

Jewels said...

Lynne I thought the same thing... That accident today... Now the bood news... Never know

JudyEddy said...

Nothing on TV but reruns but I do haave a Lifetime movie I dvrd

FIVE has anyone watched it I am going to in a few

And there should be music with the video I wonder if it took willhave to go see the horn could have been horn on the song I will check later after the movie KAY or are you pulling my leg LOL Later to the movie FIVE

hedgie said...

Sure wish we could all be there holding and hugging Robyn!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

CAROLYN, has your mom had a hard day ? My prayers are with her as always ! You are such a sweet daughter.

SWEET PEA, you are, too. So many of us are blessed with lovely, caring, thoughtful daughters. We are truly blessed !

Kay said...

Oh, big sigh of relief, LYNN. Happy to "see" you and so glad you got the Tori news ! My heart is pounding a mile a minute !

JUDYE, I'm not pulling your leg, I'm pretty sure the horn I heard while watching the video was not here at my house ! ☺

JudyEddy said...

did you hear music KAY I had a song on it then I changed my mind and put another on it A Barry White song DID YOU hear the music???? it is a song with Eagle in the title was tooo mellow so I did change it Ok I am going to start my movie now

JudyEddy said...

just check and the mellow song is on the video still hasn't changed to the Barry White song May be that is what you heard the horn in the song otherwise I am not sure just had to see if it was still working on the song and it still is odd how sometime it is quick and sometime it is soooo slo

JudyEddy said...

FIVE sounds like a sad show

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

well, I need to get to bed. I pray for wonderful news in the AM about Tori! I cannot imaging what they all must be feeling right now...

Lynne2 said...

well said Kay...and so many daughters are blessed with such amazing mothers...I envy that!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh wow, that is excellent news! Lungs for Tori!!! Yay!

Praying for the donors family, and that everything goes well for Tori.

Lynne2 said...

good night and prayers for all....extra for Tori and family, them medical team, and the donor's family.

margy, hope you and JAmes had a great time this weekend!

Kay said...

This evening I learned I'll get an extra Malcolm/Seth day tomorrow ! Yeah ! Our temp is supposed to get to 57°---unheard of for Jan. 31st ! Going to have to try to get some rest. I'm sure it will be many hours before we hear from BOBBIE or ROBYN. Will still be praying during every waking moment !

May God bless you all, prayer listee's of course, but each and every one of our Momster's and Dadster's, too !


P.S. JUDY, what I heard was a horn honk and your clickety clacking on the keyboard. Will check back to see if there is music now. "See" you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

If I take a chance, I know I will find you

grannyblt said...

Great news about the pending transplant. Prayers for all involved

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Praying hard. I cannot even imagine!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tears won't stop.

paula eagleholic said...

Imagine how Robyn is feeling...

Mema Jo said...

Robyn said she was in shook!
I knew this day would come - now that it
is here I just can't believe how
wonderful the news is for Tori & her family and for all of us who have been
praying so diligently.
Thank you Lord
God is Good ♥

Mema Jo said...

Dr. Garcia called at 7:43 to inform me tori will be heading down to the OR around 12:30 or so, she has been given the gift of life, lets pray, send good thoughts, and all positive energies towards to for a successful surgery and to the donor. I am heading itno the hospital with Mark to meet up with Dame. Mary is on her way and possibly with Caylee. We love all of you, thank you all for the love you sent to Tori and I and my family. I am sure Tori will post in a few days if not sooner

paula eagleholic said...

And grateful and scared as well.

Janet said...

good evening folks. just popping in for a few min..its almost nine here and i'm about to turn into a pumpkin. tired tonight. was such a busy weekend and today was busy as well.

JUDYE: i plan to call connie in the next couple of days, meant to tonight....but stuff came up. will let you know what she says with regards to the house...EVERYONE PLEASE CROSS FINGERS!

its been really busy...and the weather has been wonderful 63 today...sure doesn't seem like the end of january!

gonna post this so i can read the 2nd half of the commets..

sending all in need light and healing....

*smiles* :)

Janet said...

thrilled for tori...havne't been here that long, not all that connected in (as to who goes to whom), but thrilled that this young woman has a chance at life; and that someone in their wisdom signed a donor card...or that some family member very unselfishly in their moment of pain gave to much to be thankful for....sending healing, comfort, blessings and light to the donor family and to tori and her family...

good night, ya'll. so much to smile about.

Judie said...


Jewels said...

Kay, yes, mom has had apretty rough day, but thankfully no blockage was seen!! Didn't get out of hospital till 5pm or later.. Hoping she is resting comfy.

Judie said...

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness. The sandperson is about to begin rounds to sprinkle dream dust in the eyes of the blog family members.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

I am also hoping that Wanda knows about this news regarding Tori.......

something came up here I had to take care of and now it is way to late to call...

And so glad to see Lynn back with us....and to know she knows also...
God Bless You, Jewels....

Prayers for Brave Young Tori, the entire family, and this medical team going to work at Midnight-30.

magpie said...

am sorry to read of the further possible complications with your forward progress...but glad that you have a Boys Date Tuesday...
Joy helps with Healing....

magpie said...

Thanks again, Kay for the original news, and to Jo, for the update...
it is so helpful to know these things...

Love it, the Angels will finish DanaMo's Rosary if sleep happens first

Lolly said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Here is one for you! Joe Kessler, Chris' dad and Mattie and Justin's grandfather, is on his way to UVA. He is getting a new heart! Do you reckon these are from the same person?

magpie said...

It could be...Sharon, we may or not ever know...

Best Wishes for Mattie and Justin's grandfather, and THAT medical team doing the work...

Interstate accident near Hagerstown, earlier, tractor trailer crossed median and went into opposite direction lane,struck another vehicle, the driver in that other vehicle did not male

stronghunter said...


Very sleepy and ready to head upstairs tonight.

Lynn, prayers continue that you have better days ahead.

Wanda, so glad that you are home. I haven't read back too much, but I am hoping you have had a good day.

See you tomorrow, everyone.

hedgie said...

Oh, Sharon, wonderful for Joe, too!!! Wouldn't it be amazing if the two lives saved could both be from the same donor? Six degrees of they say.

Been snoozing....just ate a pice of toast....wish me luck.

HATE to go to bed with so much excitement but I must. Sorry to leave such loving company.....will put puter into sleep mode so I can take a look whenever I get up.

MAJOR PRAYERS for Tori and Joe and the medical teams attending them! May God guide their skilled hands.

Thanks for all you love, gang.


Lolly said...

OMG! What wonderful wonderful news. Every time I have prayed for Tori to get lungs I have felt dispair for the donor and donor family. Blessings on that family and God guide the doctors tonight.

We had a very late dinner and we have been working on the puzzle. It is a doozie!!

Lynn, I do hope you are feeling better this evening. (((hugs)))What a day for Momsters!!

Mema Jo said...

There are so many good will messages to Robyn and family over on FB.
I think for Robyn and family that this will be the longest night in their lives
Praying for the medical teams and that
their skilled hands will be supervised by the Lord.

Lolly said...

And, certainly prayers for Joe, too. Wow, a new heart! That is just awesome!!

Mema Jo said...

Sleep well Lynn = See you in the morning's light!

Hoda said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Prayers for TORI and her Medical Team.
Prayers for her family as they wait.
Prayers for the Donor's soul that he/she be guided into God'sLight and Grace.
Prayers for the Donor's family that they may know that in their loss the treasured Gift of Life...God bless them and help them cope with their loss...GGod Guide them to know HIS Comfort and Solace.

paula eagleholic said...

It's very possible, Sharon. Wonderful news. Prayers for Joe and the donors family.

JudyEddy said...

Read the new of the heart to wow this is just amazing What a nite this will be to remember for all on the blog

JudyEddy said...

Just got through watching FIVE wow that was a emotional movie I don't know if anyone has seen it but it was really good Well I think I should say good night to all

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Putting my Prayers on Automatic Pilot, so they will continue while I sleep and Tori's Medical Team works

Also Praying for all our other needs of the heart, soul, mind, and body

Good Night, Precious Pals
(( Hugs ♥ ))

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

and also, for Joe and his Medical Team

prayers of comfort for the family or families in their precious loss tonight

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening Eagle Friends!

What a busy day on here. So much news.

WVDana, I was almost going to disagree with you about the Oklahoma third egg hatching. Thought it was too long but you were right! So happy to see a third hatchling!

Kay, Super Happy Birthday!! You deserved a day just for you.

And Tori. Success all the way around from Tori herself to medical staff and family and friends. Going to be a long night for them all.

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, I think you should be the new poster child for successful Knee replacements! Glad you are doing so well.

Hoda said...

LYNN I am so gladyou had toast and I hope it stayed down to provide you with some nourishment.

Prayers for JO and his Medical Team. Prayers for his Donor and their family.

Mema Jo said...

I did check the still cam and cannot
see any image with a white head & tail

Costume Lady said...

Everything is still YELLOW on BLACK....and still am at the 200 comment. Has that problem been fixed or are we all still afflicted with it?

Off to bed I go...Sandman has left YELLOW fairy dust everywhere!


Costume Lady said...

***************************************Had to come back, something happening with TORI?****

Hoda said...

WANDA, TORI is having her lung transplant tonight goes into surgery at 12:30 EST. ROBYN posted on Facebook.

Robyn said...

Hello momsters and dadsters good news, Tori was blessed with new lungs they hope to bring her to OR around 1:30. I will update caring bridge and back here. This is a delicate operation but we have faith.

paula eagleholic said...

No Wanda, the problem hasn't been fixed! Sorry, can't help you with the yellow on black...are you talking bright yellow? If you click on the name Monday on this blog, you can get the older and newer to click on...

NatureNut said...

Blogger ate my comments, as when I hit Publish, the stoopid new Google page w/sign-in popped up & NO comment page!

So many prayers for Tori, both families.
Hope Lynn is feeling better! Not fair--hang in there. Prayers for all our other friends--Lynn,Nila, Fred, Wanda's knee & all others in need.
Gotta hit the hay, so Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Robyn for coming on....we have been relaying your comments from FB...blessings to you, Tori, the medical team and the donors family.

Mema Jo said...

As Helen commented on FB - God has been working overtime!
Joe - success to you and your new heart
Tori - success to you and your new lungs

GOD - Praises to You

With those thought I will say
Good Night & God Bless all of you & to those you love.
Prayers do create miracles!
Thank You God
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Costume Lady said...

oh, Dear Lord...Thank You! Please be with all who will be attending to TORI, tonight. Put your arms around Robyn and the whole family, including the family that lost a loved one. Amen~

NatureNut said...

Thank you Robyn for telling us more news!!! Blessings for Tori, you & family and all the doctors!
Prayers for Joe!

Linda said...

Is our God an Awesome God or what??.

All Honor and Praise and Glory to You, Dear Father for this blessing you have bestowed on young Tori, who has suffered so long. You know the plans You have for her, and this is a true testament to Your Hand working in her life.

Thank you, for allowing us to be a small part of this miracle in her life and that of her family. We pray for comfort for the family who has lost a loved one and thank that person for caring enough about life to give his/her organs for someone else to live.

We pray for the whole surgical team, the nursing staff and anyone who has anything to do with Tori's surgery and recovery, as we understand how critical and delicate her condition is.

We lift up Robyn, Father, and ask you surround her, Damien, and the whole family with your strong arms filled with healing love. May their faith be strong. May they not grow weary.

My heart just overflows with joy!!

We ask these things in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.........Amen!!!

Linda said...

Wow, Sharon..... Praying for Joe, too!!

Lynn, praying that you do good through the night tonight. You poor thing.

Beautiful sentiments and prayers from so many tonight! We are all rejoicing in this happy news. I knew God was listening.......

I can hardly sleep, but am working on another headache, so I should try. I feel guilty sleeping while Robyn is up waiting through this very delicate and life threatening surgery for her baby. What an amazing Mom. She deserves to see Tori live a normal life.

I am sure many of you have hit the pillows and my day was very long at my desk. Sorry I keep missing everyone!! Have a client with a lot of work that needs to be done right now!

I better not take up too much real estate! I just can't stop thinking about Tori!

Wishing you all peaceful rest. I know we all will be praying through the night and checking in. This is one of those times I don't mind that I have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Prayers for Tori, for all in this roost and beyond.....


Hoda said...

I can not help but continue with the count down for Dear LYNN...2...1...Complete Cure Please God for Dear LYNN.

NCSuzan said...

I am with you on that, Hoda.

Lori O. said...

Lolly said...

Heading to bed.

Robyn...bless you for taking the time to come on here. We are all praying for Tori, for the doctors, for your family, and for the family of the donor.

Prayers for Mattie's grandfather and prayers for Lynn.

Night all! God bless and keep you all!

hedgie said...

Caring Bridge post said that 1:30 was THE hopefully it is all beginning right now!!

Hoda said...

Well it is time for me to sign off.
Prayers Continue.
I will set the security system for ANDY and JUDIE was here with the porch light...

Be well everyone.
God Bless Us All.

Goodnight. Sweet Dreams.

TORI is now in surgery God Keep her and guide her medical team...

LYNN I hope you are sleeping well. Prayers.

And for the gentleman who is having the heart surgery God's Blessings to him also. I am having a CRS moment...Sorry

Prayers to all.

Hoda said...

Oh I see LYNN is up...bless you for your caring and loving heart dear LYNN. Always thinking of others and their well are a true FRIEND you are LYNN...

Make sure you get some sleep too please.

Hoda said...

Good morning LORI. ♥ right back at you.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, HODA! Guess everyone is popping in and out trying to check in on Tori. I'll jump on FB and see if there's anything new. Get some rest. Big hug!

LYNN, glad you are able to sleep tonight and recuperate from your long day. Prayers for healing sleep. ♥

Lori O. said...

Nothing new on Robyn's FB page yet.

Ms Bookworm said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Wow, there's a lot happening here tonight!

Lynn, so glad you're back home tonight, with no blockage. Prayers that your toast stays put, and that you feel 100% in the morning!
Hope your sleep is sweet.

Hooray, and Praise God! Prayers galore for Tori, Robyn, Bobbi, and the rest of the family; also for the surgeons and the donor's family.

Prayers too, for Joe, for his surgeons, his family, and the donor's family!

Thanks to Judie and Hoda for the night light and the security systems being set. I'm making double sure the porch light is on.
Prayers and more prayers for everyone, and for all creatures.
Hope everyone is able to sleep, with all this excitement! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you so much! :o]

hedgie said...

One hour ago: FB post: tori is heading down to the OR now, going to be a long night

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

Good morning!

Sandi said...

Good morning! Not sure who all is on this AM but I see that Tori is getting new lungs! Wow - got some reading to do! What a miracle!!

DanaMo said...

Lynn-I hope you are resting well and feeling better. You asked over on my picture blog if Monte ever wanted to teach. The answer is yes. He actually planned to go to school for education, but his uncle told him about a degree in Dairy Manufacturing and he decided to go in that direction. I think I'm glad he did. Living on 2 teacher salaries would have been tough. Actually, he probably would never have moved to MD if he had gone into education!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi!

I hope Tori's surgery is well underway or over. I pray that it is successful and like the others I pray for the person and their family who lost his/her life to give Tori life. ♥

Sandi said...

I'll add my prayers that Tori's and Joe's surgeries are successful and also prayers for the family of the donor. Lynn, hope you have a better day today!

Sandi said...

DMo, Today you are a star! Enjoy parent visitation day! Off to get ready for my day - hearing for one of my boys who is currently incarcerated in a juvenile detention center. Won't be able to check in from school most of the day. Have a good one all!

Lori O. said...

Yes, Praise God for the blessings of new health for Tori and Joe, and for watching over the donor's family. We are grateful.

Good Morning DanaMo and Sandi!

DanaMo said...

Yeah...Sandi I guess you could say that! I don't feel like a star I feel like a fish in a tank being watched! LOL! I'm certainly not as keyed up about it as I was 5 years ago, but it's still not a totally comfortable feeling either.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Joe goes for his surgery at 7:30 this morning.

Kay said...


JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING and I see eagle

JudyEddy said...

HP was that HP

DanaMo said...

okay...I'm on my third outfit of the morning! LOL!

Janet said...

good morning to one and to all

DanaMo said...

WOW they seem early...

DanaMo said...

I'm done with HP I want to see eggs!!

Kay said...


Janet said...

must i post again to see the 2nd split? :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sorry, 6:30 is when Joe was going to surgery. 6-7 hour surgery.

Janet said...

huh, guess that was it. wish these things were numbered by the side sometimes, especially with the silly thing have having to post to see the newer comments!

sending everyone, joe, tori, EVERYONE light and love...

hope today is a fabulous day. time for me to rock on into today... gonna be in the mid 60's today.... again i ask, where did winter go to?

*smiles* for everyone cuz everyone needs a smile: it brightens your face and makes everyone wonder what you've been doing! :D

Lori O. said...

DMO - in all your pictures of you in the classroom you have looked perfect in each of them! Be your wonderful, stylish self! :)

JudyEddy said...

Wow were they early in the nest this am I walked in and they were in the nest right when I got up Don't tell me I have to set my clock up earlier and I did get the HP on video I am down loading it now just go up and caught it Belle looks like she is rady

Kay said...

G☺☺d M☺rning Early Birds ! So good to see Belle working on the nest cup and Shep in attendance, too ! Surely we'll see some eggs soon.

Sleep alluded me most of the night as I prayed for Tori and family. Many hours to go as LYNN's post indicates they didn't begin the srgery until about 3:30. Also thinking of Joe who will be going into surgery in about 30 minutes. May God bless both patients, their medical teams, families and the families of dear donors as well !

Belle, now sitting comfortably in the cup is a beautiful sight !

Lori O. said...

The eagles will likely enjoy today's perfect Nest Weather:

Mostly sunny, light breeze, with a high near 66. NICE!

JudyEddy said...

WOW great weather perfect day for egg laying LORI our weather gal

JudyEddy said...

Boomerrang is back started on rail brought in a stick a big one

Kay said...

SHARON, I see the time change for Joe. It will be a long, tense wait for all who love him and Tori. Hard to concentrate on anything else right now.

LORI, I'm finding your sweet voice soothing this morning.

Shep returns and seems to feel the need for some feverish work on the nest---a good sign !

JudyEddy said...

Belle just moved on and said ok now get to work while I rest LOL

JudyEddy said...

still fiddling with the big stick

stronghunter said...

Good morning! I see two in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

moving the sick tug of war Belle takes it and moves it

DanaMo said...

The naturalist that was with us from Rocky Gap was telling us that they hae an eagle there too that I think was shot and lost half of one of it's wings. They have only had it for a year so she doesn't bring it out places yet, and because of the huge wing span. She said that the eagle was being held and flapped it's wings and hit the handler in the face with a wing and she has a huge bruise. Just shows how powerful these eagles are.

JudyEddy said...

Belle on rail at 11 and Shep is picking at Flugg

JudyEddy said...

Belle feather blowing on head in the wind

Sandi said...

Good sign - 2 eagles in the nest!! I'm off! I'll be checking emails from my cell while riding to my hearing to get updates on Tori.

JudyEddy said...

Belle is at top of nest Sehp is missing with cup

magpie said...

Prayers for Joe, starting around 0630, so it's in progrss now,

Prayers continue for Tori and her entire family also

Good Morning Eagle Pals

JudyEddy said...

Shep moves to 6 rail and Belle is at cup now

JudyEddy said...

looks like he want to poof again maybe go get more sticks no not poofing but just loks that way

JudyEddy said...

he turns around and looks around

JudyEddy said...

he poof

JudyEddy said...

and when he did he called out looks to be after something maybe

magpie said...

Best wishes being a FISH today, DanaMo, sure you will do just FINE

Thinking of you and best wishes also on your journey to the Detention enter to see your former student

(( Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

Belle just sitting looking around

magpie said...

H-P is also good bonding...
Glad to see that....

JudyEddy said...

wind is bloiwing her colors on nest

stronghunter said...

Yay. glorious color at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

blowing her feather on back of her head

Kay said...

LYNN, I think you've had a restless night, too, but hope you are feeling much better physically. I was clueless about your being in the hospital for a while yesterday, but am so glad no blockage was detected !

Color arrives at the nest ! Beautiful !

JudyEddy said...

she moves to cup and picks a little and he is back

JudyEddy said...

beaking as soon as he lands and the nest is a odd color

stronghunter said...

Trying to read back . . . I see the good news about Tori; now trying to learn about Joe.

JudyEddy said...

really pink or red is it the sun??????

JudyEddy said...

lovely shade of pink on the hest odd i should say

magpie said...

When an eagle lays an egg, sometimes there is a little chirping, not always, but we have "seen" and heard and at other nests.

then soon after the Eagle will stand over the egg and let it "set" for a short while...
then start roosting

Hope to see that soon at the Royal Palace

JudyEddy said...

poof shep again

JudyEddy said...

is anyone else nest a odd colot

JudyEddy said...

color not colot

magpie said...

That's mighty pink

sky looks like it is on fire in the East here...

maybe that first egg baby would be a Girl if she lays right now

JudyEddy said...

Thanks DANA I was hoping it wasn't just my camera Pink sunrise HUH

JudyEddy said...

not a good feather day Belle says

JudyEddy said...

the wind is so loud I had to turn down the cam

JudyEddy said...

pink is going away on the nest now

JudyEddy said...

looks almost normal now

JudyEddy said...

pink is coming back a tad

Kay said...

Hmmmm, "Heard it Through the Grapevine", love it ! Must be break time for LORI and Loo ! ☺

POOF. MT nest !

JudyEddy said...

HP video on on the blog and facebook

HP at the begining lucky I got it

JudyEddy said...

and she POOFED as i was doing it

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if they will be back for a encore

magpie said...

Two pictures added to E-M album
"Bonding" and Baby Pink Color

Time for work for me

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...

Special emphasis for Joe with his Heart Transplant, Tori with Lung Transplant, and their families,

Lynn for Feeling Better today,
Wanda for continued healing

and ALL our Needs

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ((Hugs ♥ )) ♥

magpie said...

Keep you eyes on the SPLIT
coming up soon

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Kay! ((Big Hug!))

JudyEddy said...

We must have been putting the picture in at the same time MARGY

stronghunter said...

Read back and learned about Joe and his heart transplant in addition to the good news about Tori. Also learned about Lynn's hospital trip. Hoping and praying that today is a good day for everyone.

Feeling a little behind. Much has happened.

Kay said...

Well said, MARGY ! I second all those sentiments as I leave for news and e-mail. Have to get set for the boys, too. Hope Malcolm is in a cuddly, napping mood today. I have a feeling I'll be ready to crash again about 10 o'clock this morning. HAGD all. BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Big {{{{{{{Group Hug}}}}}}} as we unite in prayer for Tori and Joe !

stronghunter said...

Also see that Kay has had some medical complications. Prayers for you, too, Kay.

JudyEddy said...

I think I will upload one with the pretty pink read sunrise on the nest uploading it to puter now

wvgal_dana said...

OK I have tried the red thingy and it doesn't show all the comment.

So Good Morning Friends (:

stronghunter said...

Heard on the news that some around here did feel the aftershock yesterday. Kathryn also said that some of her friends posted on FB that they felt it.

We did not feel anything this time.

JudyEddy said...

has anyone mentioned to "STEVE" the issue of the 200 thing He need to see if it happens to him JUST A thought!!

Kay said...


JudyEddy said...

My computer need to do a update so I am going to let it do it Odd It usually does it on it on in the evening not unless it will do it tonight so I think I will go do it now

Kay said...

Thanks, SHIRLEY ! My medical problems are quite trivial compared to those of so many others, but I do appreciate prayers and positive thoughts on my behalf !

Came back to report that the new female at NBG spent the night on the nest---perhaps she'll lay an egg very soon. Fingers crossed.

JudyEddy said...

oops can't do the updates yet Pictures are still downloading for some reason really slow this am with the pictures I get a message that it came perform faster if I do something but haven't figured out what it wants me to do Never came up with that message till recently ODD

JudyEddy said...

Great news Kay on the NBG eagle

hedgie said...

JudyE----this is a GOOGLE problem. Steve has no control over it.

Morning all. Up for good this AM....Liesl was adamant---very unusual!

Lovely sunrise, but now cloudy.

No new news...must be good news, right????

JudyEddy said...

I deleted my one HP pic in the album since it was a duplicate but left the other pink one up different than your Margy

JudyEddy said...

still waiting for the pic to upload slow slow

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 514   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...