Friday, January 13, 2012


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

My bad news for the week is that the woman who wanted LeRoy the kitty, called last night to say that she wouldn't be taking him afterall. Heartbreaking.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Msrgy!!! Guess I missed Diann's post because I was typing and posting my own in quick succession!!! Don't know why the CtrlF didn't find it!!
Well, anyway, so relieved that Patrick does NOT have a cardiac problem!

Good, JudyE---not as many eagles in that tree this AM as there were yesterday!

magpie said...

awwww Lori, I'm so sorry that it didn't work out :(

Costume Lady said...


I just spoke with Capt. Gene about the Field Trip to Swinging Bridge and he agrees that we could take all who want to go in the Eagle Express...and have a picnic, like we used to, over there, as teenagers:) Sound like a plan?

movin said...


GooD Morning tO yoU aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

Good morning, this the year that you plan to come to our Open House?

Lori O. said...

Wanda & Gene, sounds like an awesome plan! Thanks for volunteering! I'll look forward to it.

Good Morning, Jim!

movin said...

I haven't been following the blog much for a while, so be understanding if I tell you stuff you already know.

I tried to bring up the "Finny" nest just now, but it is closed permanently, camera removed and the rest.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

I was just remembering that MOREL MUSHROOMS will be poping up in the mountains and orchards in April. They are wonderful and sell for $20.00 lb. So much to do in April and so little time:)

Costume Lady said...

I didn't know that, Jim! Do you mean the LAND FINNY?

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I think that is just the wind and the view making it look like the eagle at BWE has dark on it's head...I noticed that the other day.

magpie said...

okey dokey there Paula...
always appreciate ALL THINGS EAGLE that you have always brought here.... is reassuring, and informative...

Thanks! And Gooooood Morning to you and Nick !


paula eagleholic said...

Jim, I did not know that...did they take off the English button? Finny land nest?

hedgie said...

LOL---what next? Today is National Dress Up Your Pet Day!! I think NOT here!!!

magpie said...

will the Captain take Parks Gap Road up and down the EE??

naaaah, the bridge won't allow it...
but that ride is such a thrill ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, did they just switch at BWE?

Judie said...

Good morning all.

Diann, so glad Patrick is better and the symptoms were not from something more serious.

Jo, gotta let me know the mattress type as I will be looking in the near future. So glad you are sleeping comfortably.

Red, how nice of you to stop by AND to solve a computer problem.

Sorry Carolyn is not all better but that Harley seems to be improving. Wellness wishes for both.

Margy, sounds as if Fred is in good spirits. Prayers for complete healing.

Wanda, we all know Jayden will remember GG. Have lots of family fun.

Prayers continue for Tori. She is in good care.

Sure hope Delphia continues to get benefits. She deserves.

Lori, so sorry about LeRoy but I think it is better he stay with you than go to someone who will not be the best and loving furever mom.

Decorah had an intruder. A YouTube video is available.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

magpie said...

I meant WITH the EE....

sounds fun, a picnic there anytime

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, never dress up my pets either, Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for posting the update on Tori...good news.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta finish getting ready for work...then going out tonight. Later!

hedgie said...

Wanda.....I'm not sure that there's room at Swinging Bridge for the EE!

Jim, too bad about Finny.....which one??? Land or water? Gotta go check!

movin said...

The "English" button is still on there (Finny's land nest), but it very politely states the cam is gone and thanks the viewers they had for the 5 years it was running.

Just tried the nest near the ferry, and it's running and not running... power failure caused it to drop the live picture temporarily.. But the big news is that all the notes on that page are in English now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Looks like Phoebe has already raised a pair of young hummers this season...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Jewels said...

Margy, so sorry to hear of your pull over... One of my best friends got pulled over last night too by 157 I think. He pulled her over for a tail light being out, then her battery died. She had her 17yr old son, his gf and her mentally challenged aunt in the veh. He did not have any jumper cables.. My friend said she could call someone to come help. So the officer left and it took a bit to get someone to help her. It was almost 10:19 when her helped arrived. I heard her 27 go across at like qter till 10. She didn't get a ticket so that was good.

Costume Lady said...

Just in case you don't have face book...message from ROBYN:

Robyn Ann Schonhans

Tori is in surgery getting the vv ecmo her dad is keeping me up to date as I drive in. Will update all. Please pray for a safe and successful surgery

Costume Lady said...

JEWELS, I thought an officer was supposed to stay with a vehicle til it was operable again. Am I mistaken...only certain states?

Lori O. said...

Prayers have been answered! I know it's not the transplant she needs, but will help get her there. Thank you Father!

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Wanda for that wonderful Tori update!

CarolAnne said...


Another step taken on Tori's long journey.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jim, Phoebe has been a busy Mom already!

I'm getting Fin Ferry fine....but will be too dark there soon to see anything....even in their long days. I'm glad it's still on air cause it definitely affords the most lovely of views!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the update, Wanda....I haven't made it to FB yet. Praying that it goes well.

hedgie said...

I see that there are transmission problems with the FIn Ferry cam due to a cut maybe I am seeing an old still shot....but timer is correct on it....and it wavers now between full screen and staticky 1/4 image!

hedgie said...

There's my kid! How are you feeling this morning, Caro? Did you sleep well?

Jewels said...

Wanda I sure hope to find out he stayed there. Hope Margy lets me know. She told me she was freezing cold and her hands were shaking as she text me. Idk.... She didn't cal me when she got home.

DanaMo said...

Okay...still reading, but I want to ask for opinions. I have always tried to use positive reinforcement in the classroom (bribing)to obtain desired results. This years class has been challenging me in the handwriting department. Each year I start the year with the "fat" typical kindergarten crayons. When the coloring is at kindergarten level (coloring in the lines, natural colors etc..) I give "Crayola twist up crayons". This has had AMAZING results. So now onto handwriting. It stinks this year. On Thursday I told the kids they need to start doing a better job that it is January and I would like to see better results. Therefore when I "spot" awesome handwriting (and I already have a couple to really hit the issue home right away) they will get an awesome prize. Soooo the questions begs...what is an awesome prize?
I'm thinking "Slinky's"...I know they have them at 5 below and have the offical "made in America" seal. Not sure though if it's enough incentive. Ideas appreciated.

Jewels said...

Hello Mom. No, I still woke up several times coughing and sweating. Because my throat has that constant tickle, I have increased my liquids so I think I used the bathroom 4x!!

hedgie said...

LORI----so very sorry that LeRoy's adoption fell through.....:( Guess better to know it now than AFTER the fact.

hedgie said...

DanaMo---not sure what woul dbe considered special with kids anymore....seems they already have EVERYTHING!!!!! Slinky is probably a good idea....I guess try it with a couple and see what the reaction is. If they all act envious, then go with it!

Red said...

Good morning folks. Beautiful day here in North Alabama.

Lynn2, I'm so glad the reboot fixed your problem. Everyone should reboot their PC every few days if it's left up all the time. I power mine off every night and it runs smooth as silk.

Lori, I didn't really draw that picture. I found a photo of eagles mating and used Photoshop to make a pencil drawing of it. Sorry but I have no drawing talent. lol

I'm glad to hear Tori is getting some help now. Keep praying.

Lori O. said...

In the old days...LOL...just the attention and recognition from the teacher, no matter what the prize, would be great. :)

Lori O. said...

Darn, Red! So you're clever!

hedgie said...

Totally dark now at Fin Ferry---but full image with light reflecting off chains/cables on tower. So maybe they've fixed it!

Costume Lady said...

D-MO... I used to LOVE getting a gold star stuck to my forehead...felt like a princess:)
Ask the tots what they think would be special.

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Another day to be joyful and full of thanksgiving for the work of the Lord in Tori's life!! Major milestones have happened and are happening. Thank you dear Jesus!! This is truly amazing to hear she is actually in surgery for the vv ECMO at this moment!!

Continuing in prayer that in her weakness, our Divine Healer takes over and controls every aspect of what is going on in her body, and every hand and instrument that touches her. Bring her through for your Glory, Father!! We thank you so very much for the gift of Tori's life and the hope of her renewed life to come.

I am filled with joy!!

Linda said...

Looking forward to that Swinging Bridge trip.......and a picnic in the Eagle Express, too? Yippee!!

I don't think I referred to the swinging bridge as SB. I did ask Margy about the possibility of going there, but it wasn't me that referred to it as SB!! Oh well.....

Lori, sorry LeRoy's possibility of a forever home went south yesterday. I am glad you found out before he was traumatized with a move and adjustment.

Mema Jo said...

From Roberta aka Bobbi

Roberta Schonhans Tori came out of surgery. Doctors are very pleased with her and have already put her back on the transplant list. Thank you all for your prayers please keep them going to Tori. God directed Tori to this hospital and the doctors.

Whoo Hoo

Mema Jo said...

I knew that Red - just glad you didn't get it upside down on here to Shep..

Good Good Morning!

Praise the Lord for Tori getting back on the List......... Amen

Linda said...

Thanks Jo. What a blessing. Praise God, for He is good!!

Mema Jo said...

Where is everyone - ??
All of sudden when I post - you all

paula eagleholic said...

Wonderful news about Tori!

Linda said...

I a here, Jo, if I count!

I am so thankful for Tori's news!!

Sandi said...

Hi all! Checking in from Baltimore (using Mom's computer, but since it's in the room that she sleeps in and she doesn't get up til about 9AM, I missed the morning visit)!
Good news on Tori and Margy's brother!
Lori, so sorry LeRoy's adoption didn't work out.
Wanda, would love to squeeze in a trip to the Swinging Bridge if I can! But I also want to get to PIGS while I'm in Shepherdstown to see my grandpig and granddonkey!
Lynn, I'm dressing Bandit up today - in his new Thunder shirt - headed to the pet store as soon as I get off the computer. You are right that sour beef and dumplings is very labor intensive, which is why my mom no longer makes her own. But I DO love it - glad that Kay has heard of it, guess there aren't too many Germans in WV!! =)
Janet, read an interesting article in the Baltimore Sun this morning about how many folks are becoming interested in raising/keeping chickens! Amazing to read that free range chickens produce eggs that are much healthier for us to eat - didn't know that!
OK, I'm off. The main reason we came is to install Mom's new security system. The one we got at Christmastime was crap, so we returned it and bought another one. Gotta get started on the installation!
Thanks for the description of the nest visit this AM. like someone said last night, I feel certain that Shep is getting it right some of the time - after all, it IS instinctual! I'm optimistic that we'll have eggs and that my trip to Shepherdstown will be to see Shep and Belle flying back and forth to and from the nest feeding eaglets! I probably won't check in when we get back to Bethany late tonight so I'll "see" the early birds tomorrow morning! Have a great day all!
Oh yeah, Hoda, how was the first night in the new bed? I always get an AWFUL night's sleep in my mom's bed - too hard for me (do I sound like Goldilocks?) Later!!

Linda said...

I guess that means Tori is no linger hooked up to any kind of respirator/ventilator/ oscillator, right?

It works through an IV line, correct? Amazing.....

hedgie said...

Good article shared by WCV

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning friends. I actually thought it was afternoon.

I just read something that but a BIG SMILE on my face.

NOT A LINK HALLELUJAH!!!!! Praises to God!!! Just read Tori is back on transplant list. God is Good!!! Continueing prayers ^j^

hedgie said...

Praise the Lord! Great report on Tori!!! Onward, Christian Soldiers.....!!!! Transplant next---and soon, please Lord.

Judie said...

I'm here Jo but about to head down the stairs with a dust cloth and a laundry basket.

Wonderful news about Tori. Her courage and the skill of her physicians are truly amazing.


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn for posting that article. It seems to be hard getting through to these hunters. They don't mean to kill say an eagle. They just want to deer hunt. I keep sending article like you posted to the hunters I know. Praying they will change ammunition or bury remains. The problem still arises when they shot. Then track and can't find the deer.

hedgie said...

Linda, here is how the ECMO works:

ECMO stands for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. ECMO is used only after medicine and a breathing machine (ventilator) have failed to make your loved one better. During ECMO, patients appear to be better, but you need to know that the person is still very sick. Your loved one needs the ECMO machine for life support.

The ECMO machine works for the heart and lungs. It is the same heart/lung machine used for open-heart surgery. When your loved one is placed on ECMO, blood will flow through the ECMO tubing where it receives oxygen from the machine’s lung. This happens until the heart and/or lungs are able to work on their own.

•In VV ECMO, one or more tubes are placed in a vein. VV is used when there are lung problems only. (this is the one that TOri has now)

hedgie said...

Here's a link that explains it all:


Linda said...

Thanks Lynn. What I meant to say was she no longer has that vent tube down her throat and into her lungs. It is now in a vein ( probably in her chest, as I don't think thy have to go in through the groin), which will hopefully allow her to come out of some of the heavier sedation and strengthen.

I wonder, will she be able to talk and eat, or is this still so critical that she will be heavily sedated until the transplant t can take place. I will go back and read that article more carefully again. I am so thrilled at this gift!!

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

No, she'll be on IV nutrition and will be sedated, Linda.

Hoda said...

Good Morning/ Good afternoon everyone.

EXCELLENT news about TORI. Prayers continue...God Bless this young lady...I hope it all turns out OK.

As we used to say in Québec: There is a LOT of sleep in my new bed...I slept for 10.5 hours and very rested!!!

Thanks for the links and the explanations LYNN.

We have snow this morning and so I will be needing to clear off my car to go to yoga...first my Yorkshire Tea!!!

LORI, I am sorry LEROY did not get adopted but glad he is still with BOBBY...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, thanks for the ECMO information...looks like Tori is still on the vent, but the ECMO cleans the blood of CO2

paula eagleholic said...

The ECMO also puts 02 into the blood...

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, sorry about Bobby's adoption falling thru

Margy, still praying for Fred, he has been through a lot, and still more to come.

paula eagleholic said...

Rolling egg at BWE...look for another egg today or tomorrow...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for that info Lynn. Looks as
though family & friends play an
important part during this time.

My feet are going up for a while before I get ready for church.....


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for all the information and comments I am reading about Tori now at UMMC. Continued prayers for Tori's transplants. Prayers continue for Robyn and the family.
May God direct these drs. and I ask our Father to soon allow this transplant and a fully recovered Tori. Bringing PRAISES AND GLORY TO THE LORD!!!

Mema Jo said...

Amen, DanaWV

wvgal_dana said...

Lori I am sorry the woman called and is not taking LeRoy. I am very glad he did not go and she bring him back. He is happy right where
he is until a permanent home is given. You are the best thing that
has happened to those kitten!!!

Diann thankful that Patrick did not have any heart problems. I pray that his dr. can help him with the indigestion and stress.

Jo and Hoda I am happy both of your new beds. Is given you both a good nights sleep.

Margy guess you'll have to find the problem with that tag light. Glad the 2nd time around the Muppet Movie was even better.

Still praying for Fred. I see improvement but still needs more improvement. So HAPPY they are using that knee machine I spoke on the blog about. It will keep his knee from stiffening or locking up. Until he can get back to rehab.
That machine is a DREAM for after knee surgery!!!

Well I don't think Joran Van der Sloot got enough. Should be life without parole!!!

Costume Lady said...

LINDA...regarding the Trail Cam, I thought for sure you had a trail else could you get such a great photo of a Bobcat? Well, Dennis is quick and good with a camera!
Trail Cams are inexpensive (we got one for $150.00 and then, a while later, same one went on sale for $100.00. Got one for Lynn and bought another for when we go see what goes on at night in the wilds. Anyway, you strap the cam to a tree, where you think animals travel and set it...voila, your done. Leave it on the tree for a few days (after putting corn or some kind of feed) and allow the animals to discover where they can find a snack. Take the card out, just like your camera and slip it into your 'puter tower. And there you have it. Not complicated at all! Love it!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I am praying thay use the knee machine on you after the surgery. While you are in the hospital. After I was able to get up. I learn't how to turn the machine on/off take my leg out. So I could use my bathroom. Get back in bed put leg back in for "knee" and turn machine back on.

I was realeased on a Friday and did my exercises at home. Started rehab on Monday. I wished they would have allowed me to take that machine home with me. Due to the stiffing up of knee until you get to rehab. That machine is a "dream come true"!!!!!!

Hoda said...

Off to yoga and the library today...I have a book notification for a book I had reserved come in...


wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I love Comcast b/c of the "On Demand button" it has. I figured out which tv shows it has on there and which it does not. So if I need to I use my DVR. It is great for tv shows that I fall asleep on. Ones I missed an want to catch up on.

Daughter told me yesterday about a show she watchs. Called "New Girl" I checked it was "On Demand". So I woke early this morning and caught up on the show. Now I am ready for when it starts on Jan. 18th.

wvgal_dana said...

I just have the regular channel package. The smallest you can get.
There are free movies "On Demand" too to watch.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just a quick check in. We have been to Joseph's game. When we got their they were already behind by about 6 points, but they won! They stayed with that team and did not let up. Proud of them.

We are now home and heading outside. I see that Tori has had her surgery. Other than that I scanned the blog reaally quickly.

Will be back in a few hours. 58 and sunshiney!☺ Off to rake leaves!

hedgie said...

Hoda, WOW----what a sleeping beauty you are!!!! Good on you!
Hope you feel refreshed and rarin' to go for your day's activities.

wvgal_dana said...

I have been watch BW and have not seen eagle move off egg. Is there still just one egg?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I have to share this one with you all. I won a free vacation for two on the new flagship to the Bahamas. 6 nights between Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando and Bahamas. If I take the extended 3 days 2 night Las Vegas and 4 days and 3 nights in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico they will give me a voucher for $1,300.00 spending money. By the time we were almost finish talking they had me flying to get to flagship leaving Palm Beach, Fl for free both parties to and from. Plus more spending money this time for on the ship vacation. They even extended the time for me to use this till April 2014. So all I had to do was let them charge now onto my credit card $491.00. They were very unhappy when I said NO Charge On My Credit Card Until A Few Days Before I Take The Vacation. Well very unhappy where these people. No go!!!

wvgal_dana said...

If I am going to take a vacation. The next one will be back to Colorado. So I can see my daughter and have more fun with her. I don't need to see the Bahamas.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a switch at BWE, Dad is out, Mom is in

paula eagleholic said...

Couldn't see the egg, Dana. Should still be just one.

hedgie said...

DanaWV, you're right that van der Sloot SHOULD have gotten life or worse....but in Peru the max sentence is 30 yrs. from what they've said on the news.

hedgie said...

Tree is halfway box filled. Christmas pillows bagged. A few boxes dragged out of closet/crawl space....slowly but surely...........back up the steps I go. I guess I'll get done eventually!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!
My big adventure today was seeing Harry Heron snuggled down among the weeds along the "beach"1 At 1 PM he awoke to go to shore & look for luinch. He is now wading a few inches from shore.
Meanwhile, there was a 3 hour birding van tour that returned at lunchtime.(if there had been one more staff member here, I could have gone) They saw SEVEN eagles and ONE was in our nest!!!

To the serious stuff--read back a little and see that Tori had surgery for the ECMO system. Thank you, Lynn, for your info!
Many prayers for all! And hoping Margy's Fred is improving lots.

Good to see Jim on here. Hope you are Seeing better, or is there one eye to go? Glad Lynn & Steve are better.
Sorry Lori that Leroy didn't get his furever home. He's better off w/you until then. ☺

Red said...

I don't know how this can happen but The Halloway girls father said this morning on our local TV that he expects van der Sloot to be exterdited to Alabama after his prison stay in Peru for a trial here for the murder of his daughter. He talked like that had already been arranged. MTBR

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

Red, the pundits say it will never happen. Can't prosecute here for something done in a foreign country, even if there is evidence....which so far is all only circumstantial. If he survives to leave prison, he WILL be extradicted here for trial on the extortion charges, tho', which I think he perpetrated in NY.

hedgie said...

War crimes, of course, and terrorism is another whole ball of wax.....but this doesn't fit that criteria.

Red said...

Maybe I misunderstood and he was talking about the extortion.

Linda said...

Lynn - That original link you put on the blog a couple days ago, which is the same one on Robyn's FB page talks about that portable lung machine that Mr. Forsyth had. It was some sort of modified ECMO like Robyn said initially.

I can't get the link to work, but the website was

Then this morning Robyn mentioned Tori was in surgery for the vv ECMO, which I believe is more invasive. I wonder which one she has.

With the modified ECMO, according to that article and seeing the video to the right, the man could sit up, walk, exercise and talk. He could probably even eat. He looked great walking around with the machine and walker.

I hope we find out that Tori received the modified ECMO to get stronger while she waits for the transplant. That guy looked so healthy waiting for his transplant!!

Prayers continue for Tori....

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all!

GREAT news about Tori and Patrick too! And glad to hear better news for Fred! JOY!!!

OK, you poets are a riot!

We are having Honey Do day here. Got some things done, lots of laundry, oil change on the car, tire plugged (there was a nail in it), cleaned ceiling fans, trip to Wally World, dog ears cleaned, cat and dog nails trimmed. Getting ready to take down the Christmas stuff except for the snowmen...they get a couple more weeks!

Lori, sorry for LeRoy that his home fell through but as mentioned, at least it happend BEFORE he went.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...





JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Linda, Robyn said it was the vv ecmo.

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6/10/23 update

 Camera 1 came up, but as a close up camera about 6 o'clock. Or something like that, but at 950 something it froze. So they're still...