Wednesday, December 28, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Bird Girl said...

Thanks for the new thread :)

I need to get going, try to do something useful today.

Have a great day everyone :)

Lolly said...

Thanks for the call over, Wanda and thanks Steve for the new thread.

I was just leaving but thought I better say thanks!

Wanda, I do hope Karla is feeling better fast!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Lolly, she is better this morning:)
Karla Wright Adams All the posts are appreciated. I got green again after Denise Bran & Kate left and was throwing up right ad Dr Davis walked thru the door. Apparently the pharmacy and nurses dropped the ball on some nausea meds.... she was very angry. Rough night but so much better now. Had coffe and a little eggs and toast. Still on iv demerol meclizine and something else. May go home late this evening or tomorrow. =) xoxo
57 minutes ago · Like · 1

Costume Lady said...

Did I lose everyone? Sending out a Silver and Blonde Alert!:)

stronghunter said...

Hi Wanda!

I am here.

Costume Lady said...

Oh well, lunch time here, too~

Sandi said...

DanaWV, I was told that the NCTC open house is on 4/21/12, which IS a Saturday. Hope that helps - if I'm incorrect, someone please correct me.

magpie said...

Oh dear, some have not noticed there is a new thread...
I went back and made TWO announcements

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals....

Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Margy...maybe I wasn't LOUD ENOUGH:)

magpie said...

Thanks Steve for this Fresh Thread,
Hope things are not blowing away where you are !!

Thanks Wanda for the alerts....

Sharon, prayers for your friend Nyla... I seem to remember you have asked us for prayers for her before...
and God Bless Kris, and his family...hope there are peaceful and joyful moments to these days for them

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I was probably one of the ones who added to the Open House/Earth Day confusion....

around here, Earth Day things happen on matter what day Earth Day actually is, so that is what I was thinking...

sorry about any confusion, I see that the dates and events have been clarified....

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread stay warm!!!

Thanks for the call over I did do a link over there before I knew there was a new thread.

Bring it over
Mall of America on Monday brawls break out

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sandi for posting the Open House date...very much appreciated.

magpie said...

Oh you were pleasingly loud, Wanda ☺

I noticed it when you put it up, but I had already said my ta ta for nows then....

Good to hear that Karla is making some upbeat improvements today
(( Hugs ♥ ))

The question is: How long before she can cuddle with that precious Jayden ???

wvgal_dana said...

Can anyone tell me how did Lori come up with a new kitten named Brandy?

magpie said...

I'm about to tackle sending out late Christmas cards

always say I am going to do it, this year I AM !!

so once again, ta ta for now, but I'll be watching what you fine folks are up to, and waiting to hear how Lynn's day has gone

And, another round of
Happy Anniversary Wishes to Steve and Lynne... xoxo ♥
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

a wet bedgraggled kitten showed up at her parents' house, was brought in and initially cared for by a newphew, Brandon...(I think, he is a nephew)...
hence, her name Brandy

she is keeping it, the Vet is making a house call to check her out

Lolly said...

Well, I have dressed, fixed my hair, and moped floors. Is that enough for today...I think so!☺

Lolly said...

Actually, I mopped the floors. LOL

Costume Lady said...

We should all keep in mind (especially those who are making reservations) that, even though Open House is on a Saturday, that we Momsters & Dadsters have a Meet and Greet night on Friday, along with a dinner, usually in the Rumsey Tavern inside the Clarion Inn. We have ALWAYS had a really fun time there...try to make it if you can. Complete plans will be announced later~

hedgie said...

Hi, gang. Back all in the same day. Just finished eating a Pizza Hut personal pan for lunch---tasted yummy! Needed a change from holiday leftovers.

Lab tests were all fine. No new tumor marker test, Lori. Just regular counts. Got another week's worth of chemo pills from Dr.s office.

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad that Karla has turned the corner. Shame on them messing up on the meds......and yes, having an advocate present IS vital!

It WAS precipitating when I left this morning.....not snow, not sleet, not frozen rain: just round, white stinging ice balls! Short lived, thankfully!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I think I will take DANA to the hospital with me as my advocate;)
Can't you just see her standing at the nurse's station telling them to get their butts in my room because I'm throwing up all over everything and everyone!? LMBO

magpie said...

Welcome Home Lynn...sounds good, now get comfy and stay that way!

(( Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D aftern☼☼n one and all home for lunch and find a new thread Thanks for the new THREAD STEVE the other was about to pop I see it is still windy big time at the nest I am getting seasick by looking at the nest ok ladies busy day I see I have 225 comments to read so I need to begin BBL

hedgie said...

Oh...I think it was only a week or 10 days ago that KAy witnessed the HP.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!
Just saw a first here in Forestville!Was out on deck with peanuts for squirrels. Had seen crows flying up, then a hawk went by and after that 2 large birds circling up high. They were dark and light like vultures we see. But NO! The sun hit them and they had white heads and tails!!!Never seen eagles here before! Guess it's gonna be a great day!

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

OK I see why so many comment yeah we had a visit Cool Beans I emailed my sis last nite she had to go get Tom in the terrible weather said she will pop in again and she is on another blog or sort but will try us out and she does has a busy life with kids grandkids as we all do but I hope she does find some time to say Hey once in a while I may send her my cheat sheet but its not up to date with any newbie after me anyone have a up to date one since March of this year

Costume Lady said...

Report on Capt. Gene:
He has been having protein in his urine and after a multitude of tests and sonograms, nothing has been found to explain why. The doctor wants to do a biopsy on his Kidney, but will not be able to lift anything heavy or be unduly active for 2 weeks, also, he will be admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay. Which means, the biopsy will have to be worked around my surgery. I'm thinking that if I'm well enough to go home from the hospital, I will be alright by myself. I want this mystery solved ASAP!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread and the announcement of it Wanda!

JudyEddy said...

this morning visit is on the blog now if anyone want to see it

Am visit

JudyEddy said...

I just got to my sister comment Cool Beans Janet

Costume Lady said...


Loretta, I think I would pass out at the sight of eagles here...would be so full of excitement! Good on you:)

Costume Lady said...

Glad you found us SHARON:)

magpie said...

If you go home by yourself, I am taking time off work to be WITH you....

I hope all things work out well with the Captain....

Let me know when and if I can help out with these things...

(( Hugs ♥ ))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynn, did you get some nausea medication? I went to Little Caesar's the other day and got some Italian Cheese Bread because I am hammed out! It was wonderful.

magpie said...

I'll Say wonderful, Loretta !!

You so deserve to have that glorious sight from your very own Roost !!!

Costume Lady said...

YAH, Judy, we were happy to have JANET join in with us. She is a lovely lady, very similar in looks to you:)

Costume Lady said...

You are soo sweet, Margy...THANK YOU♥

Costume Lady said...

Time for a GG visit~

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

Hey guess what I just did Judy the dork here LOL I sent my sister I copies and pasted you all welcome comments to her just in case she didn't read them She had to leave last night
here is her email """"

lol. i wil be back. was tired after yesterday with chelsea. whew!!!!! chris called me @ 8:40 and in less than ten min i was out the door at work and heading to fort campbell. from work, it is a 90 min drive...and it was raining/mix of moments, mostly rain. but nasty driving. so last night, i stuck my toe in and here i am. i will go ahead an opt for email, but i am on one group already....and i delete much of those. just dont' have time to read everything....but i will opt in.

hugs sis. :)"""

JudyEddy said...

They really spent some time at the nest I see as I am reading got to keep an eye on the clock don't want to be late back to work

JudyEddy said...

It was on the 19the Kay saw HP

JudyEddy said...

I had posted it on the Shepherdstown fan page

JudyEddy said...

I still think we should call Shep Boomerang LOL he sure can pop in and out of the nest all the time

JudyEddy said...

Doing pretty good I have now 107 comments to read in my email plus 24 that are on the page that didn't get emailed to me so I have been going at a pretty good clip andI still can't believe they stayed in the nest a long time I still haven't come to the part where Belle POOFED only Shep in and out

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, what a wonderful sighting for you!!!! Now you'll be spending all of your deck time with eyes to the skies!!!! Don't brek your neck!!! Hope you can get some photos!!

Wanda, sometimes protein in the urine can NEVER be explained!! Always a possibility that it is just muscle breakdown from agig......don't tell Gene I said it that way!!!!! I would strongly recommend a 2nd opinion with Dr. Recht before undergoing that biopsy.

hedgie said...

Shar---the only Little Caesars we have left is IN K-Mart. Always liked their stuff----after Fazoli's shut down.

JudyEddy said...

WOW that was a over two hour visit I just got to where she poofed and now I must POOF also to work I go

hedgie said...

I did get a script for Zofran!!! I KNOW it works better than Ativan!

hedgie said...

I feel a nap coming on.....BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

Nap away our Sweet Lady Lynn♥

Oh Loretta so grand you got to see eagles soaring in the skies!!!!!!

@WANDA you must have someone there with you when you come home from hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

magpie said...


Kay said...

Just tuned back in and SEE AN EAGLE IN THE NEST.


Kay said...


magpie said...

I didn't see it come in, just happened by and saw it ON the nest

I think it is Belle, not quite sure

Lolly said...

I see our visitor.

magpie said...

Spectacularly WHITE head...

beak kind of looks like it has been in some CHOW

Lolly said...

The wind is causing a bad feather day!

magpie said...

attractive toes, rule out SHEP LOL

magpie said...

Amazing how an Eagle can make us all come running and abandon whatever it is we were doing !!

Lolly said...

I was sitting here doing a word game on my Kindle when I looked up and there she was in the nest.

Kay said...


magpie said...

I actually saw her on the gnarly fuzzy Still Cam view and punched up live feed pronto!

wvgal_dana said...

I see an eagle THANKS (:

magpie said...

Still Cam holding up pretty well, gets a little fuzzy at times...

Live Feed holding up wonderfully !

wvgal_dana said...

If she would do like some of you ladies do. Paint your toenails then there would be no doubt on windy days who is who LOL It is Belle.

magpie said...

I volunteer to go to the Nest with Nu and paint Belle's talons ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Margy you get do that since you was the first to ask. Do you want it on Santa's next list or sooner??? lol

magpie said...

Sooner !

Winds die down, winds pick up, just as predicted....

Lolly said...

Just read back that Loweeda saw a pair of eagles! Wow...wish that would happen for me!

Wanda, sorry about the problem for
Gene. Dana is correct. You will need someone with you when you come home from the hospital.

Lynn, makes me feel good to read that you ate pizza and enjoyed it. Yea!

wvgal_dana said...

It is not suppose to be windy tomorrow. Is it?

Sandi said...

Hi all, just heard a bunch of new emails coming into my inbox in quick succession, so i figured there must be some nest action. Sure enough ...

Sandi said...

How wonderful for Loretta to see eagles from her deck!! Lynn, Pizza Hut pizza is my absolute favorite. In Balto., we had a Pizza Hut 3 blocks from our house. There are none in Bethany - Grottos is the big chain here. I'd have to drive to ocean City to find a Pizza Hut! Glad your stomach wasn't feeling oogy-pie (sp?) and you felt good enough to enjoy it!

wvgal_dana said...

Belle sure has been watching something out there

magpie said...

lighter winds, maybe some rain in afternoon, Dana
temperatures mild

Lori O. said...

HOORAY for LYNN! Zofran prescription for you is the best news of the week! Relief from the nausea will be wonnderful for you.

Loretta, I would be freaking for days if I was standing on my deck as saw eagles flying over! Awesome!

Sandi said...

Hey, I don't see the deer bone on th rails around noon anymore. Either they pitched it out, it blew out, or it has been incorporated into the nest rails!

magpie said...

She is Sunbathing!
And windbathing, if there is such a thing

Hi Lori!
Hope Brandy is doing well...
lucky cat! What a wonderful new home she has found

stronghunter said...

I see Belle is back. Wonder what she is thinking?

Lori O. said...

Hi Margy! Vet is here now.

stronghunter said...

Might that be the bone at 6:00?

magpie said...

I think someone saw where it went Sandi...
part of the infrastructure I hope, it has been a fun bone to watch !

Kay said...

Others have said the bone is missing, but then the lighting changes and it can be see. I believe it is part of the inner rail at the 11 spot.

Kay said...

"can be seen", that is.

magpie said...

you might be right, Shirley!

Belle might be here awhile, surveying her Queendom

hedgie said...


magpie said...

Happy Wednesday Evening Funtime Kay..that is tonight, isn't it ??

hedgie said...

DUH! See you already knew that!!!

magpie said...

Welcome back sleepyhead !

magpie said...

We'd rather know about it more than once than not at all, Lynn!!!

Sandi said...


Kay said...

Did ja have nice nap, LYNN ? Belle has been in the nest since at least 2:54. When she was at the 12 spot her signature V was quite obvious.

magpie said...

Bet the Vet just loves to go to Lori's, and see all those loved and well-cared for pets...

and their loving owners !!

DanaMo said...

I don't know about Lynn but I sure had a wonderful nap. It's going to kill me to go back to school on Monday!

Kay said...

MARGY, the Wednesday evening fun time starts a week from today. Right now Julie's college and Seth's H.S. are both off for the holidays. I am looking forward to having Malcolm here for about 5 hours, Sunday, the 1st while his family has a New Year's Day Open House. He would be too disruptive as people come and go we fear.

DanaMo said...

Boy is that wind blowing!!

magpie said...

Okay Kay - so you have US for Wednesday evening fun time !

Hi DanaMo

My naptime is nearing !

Belle is one one sharp cookie, soaking up the Vitamin D - good for calcium uptake for making good strong eggshells !!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'm going to change the whole idea of things. As to why Belle has been in the nest this long!!

She is waiting on Shep to come in so she can have some babies!!!!!!!

Sandi said...

Does anyone remember what time it was when the first person saw belle on the nest this afternoon (too lazy to read back)? Just wondering how long she's been here this visit?

stronghunter said...

Nice thought, Dana. At least if Shep cooperates.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy put it on Eagle in Nest 2:54 she said.

Sandi said...

So, over an hour this time. And no appearance by the boomerang!

hedgie said...

Nap wasn't long enough!!! Y-A-W-N!! Heard noises....turned out that Charlie was here putting corn in feeder and moving some more wood over under cover.

Hey, gang, we HAVE seen worse winds at the nest thatn this, believe me!!! Remember the 70 mph+ summer winds??? Think they knocked the cam out!!

More prayers needed for Shar's Nyla, and for Kris and family. He sure is fighting the good fight.

Sandi--I love pizza, but have to agree that Pizza Hut is , always has, and always will be my favorite! I even bought a second one to have for tomorrow!!!

Kay said...

SANDI, MARGY and I both posted sighting her at 2:54. No way to know how long she'd been there before that.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn one day on blog you said you picked up Barb. Ribs. Where did you get them at?

Sandi said...

When we take the boat out in the summer, the wind really dies down in the evening as the sun sets. Is that true in any season/ Maybe something about the way the sun heats up the air and creates more wind? A science teacher I'm not!

Sandi said...


Lolly said...


magpie said...

A soundless departure

Glad that Belle felt comfortable taking a little break from Housekeeping today

Sandi said...

Margy, she must be on Christmas break like me! =)

wvgal_dana said...

I am making my list of things I have to do tomorrow.

One main thing is I have to go to Mothers and peel her at least 2 oranges.

Sandi said...

DanaWV, Does your mom live close by? What a thoughtful thing for you to do for her!

magpie said...

So while I'm watching the nest I
just re-wound yards and yards of Christmas ribbons back onto their spool.....
might be my big accomplishment of the day ☺

Sandi said...

Margy, I folded 2 huge laundry baskets of towels!

magpie said...

Think so, Sandi!

Okay everyone, feel better....I am STILL in my pajamas....

that's pretty ridiculous

hedgie said...

DanaWV, I get ribs at the little place across from Murphy's Shell in Hedgesville. Winter hours are supposed to be F-S-S 11am-5pm, but they haven't been open the last couple of weeks. Must be on vacay.

The winds here are very strange because of the mountains, Sandi. They can be fierce both day and night. Often, they will calm at sunset, but it doesn't always last. And it seems like they blow more by the river than they do back here closer to the foot of the mtns. I see some damage here from last night---tops of two trees out in the front of the lot....just can never keep things cleaned up the way I would like. Alos see some of the trashy neighbor's trash on my property. :(

Lolly said...

I got some more words in my word game. lol

hedgie said...

The near-constancy of breeze here in the valley creates excellent thermals for avian soaring....and can be a problem for light-aircraft pilots who don't know how to work with thermals!!!

Sandi said...

Lynn, I do recall Brian and Lynnis commenting that they had to adjust to the constant wind in Ranson. When they built the donkey barn, which only had 3 sides, they had to think about which way the open side should face so Sir Bryan would be protected from the wind. Also, they almost set their house on fire once b/c they had made a huge brush pile without thinking about how the wind blows, and, when they set it on fire, the wind picked up and blew the flames toward the house! It got out of control very quickly and Lynnis ended up calling 911! They were JUST talking about that on Christmas day - of course it's funny now, but it wasn't then!

magpie said...

You are brilliant about so many things !! Glad you share with us...

Nice going Lolly, we are a wealth of accomplishment here today !!

On Christmas Day, down in Shepherdstown at a place on the river across from the Canal in Maryland.....(James's maternal grandmother's we were)
I heard gunshots at noontime, first thought someone was sighting in a new Christmas gun, then with more, thought it is some kind of Christmas tradition...but then someone said, hunting, guess I'll never know

magpie said...

towels, ribbons, words....
we rock

also spoke with a man who lives near Snyder's Landing near Sharpsburg MD, who reports three active bald eagle nests near him....all about a mile South of NCTC -
figures the eagles could be some of the NCTC offspring from prior years.....

could be ☺

Sandi said...

Clunking on the cam!

magpie said...

Skies should be clear enough around here to see how Venus and Moonie have changed their respective positions at sundown

Lolly said...

Here's a holiday you probably haven't heard about: Today is Good Riddance Day - a day people are supposed to say good riddance to anything that made them sad in 2011. What do you want to say good riddance to as we move into 2012?

Judie said...

I arrive to find that Karla is improving which is very good news and Margy is getting a twelve-month head start on 2012 Christmas cards. Lori got jealous of our panthers and is consoling herself with Brandy, Lynn had a personal pizza and Lowreeda saw two eagles, and Margy has come up with a ploy to get in the nest with Nu, the latest mystery involves the case of the disappearing (maybe) bone, Lynn is also enjoying personal pizza, Wanda is in need of a "knee sitter", Capt. Father Gene is p__ing proteins, and As The Nest Turns there was the episode of the long-lasting visit by Belle.

Lynn, glad you got the anti-nausea meds, Wanda you really should have someone with you at least for the first day/night, and ask Gene to get a second opinion.

Happy Anniversary to our Lynne2 and Steve.

Lolly said...

Just saw that on facebook and thought it interesting.

Judie said...

I am taking the night off from the kitchen and the home-front. As students are on Winter break and very few will be attending, I am headed to the basketball game to cheer on our players.

Will return in time to set the night light.

Only Belle could still look beauteous with a wind-blown feather "do."

magpie said...

oh man, Lolly, there might not be enough blog space for it !!!

Thanks for the heads up, though...I can do some of that...and have been already !!

Yep, Sandi, Eagle/s seem to be close !! I hear noises

magpie said...

Bundle up and look ridiculous, Judie, but stay warm and have fun !!!!

Sandi said...

Judie, what do you teach?

hedgie said...

Sandi, I always groan when I go to my daughter's in Ranson.....always have to fight with the storm door because of the wind!!!! For some reason, Ranson is seriously affected!

hedgie said...

Sandi, Judie is a criminal psychology prof at George Washington U.!!!!!!

Enjoy the game, Judie. Go Colonials!!! AND stay out of the wind!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, lots of things to toss out amongst us, I'm sure. But the good has always outweighed the, can't have one without the other...

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


magpie said...

You are perfectly right, Lynn

I see, Sandi -
I think Shep this time

Sandi said...


Lolly said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


hedgie said...

WHOO HOO---Tori walked 140 ft. today!!! She's showing them what she's made of!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

I think they both hopped out to a branch.

Lolly said...

Yea, for Tori!!

magpie said...

Good News Lynn......Thank you for that, about Tori

Bye Bye Eagle Birdies..., Good to see you Both even though you were fussing with each other....

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi Mother lives about 20 minutes away from me.

I pray to God HE will allow me to keep my word. I told her I will never allow anyone to put her in a nursing home. I will have to close here and come back and check. I will go in with her and have someone help me. I couldn't do any lifting at all.

Sandi said...

Lynn, Does Tori have to reach certain milestones to show that she is a good candidate for a transplant?

wvgal_dana said...

I AM SHOUTING WONDERFUL, TERRIFIC, ASTOUNDING, FABACLOUS, GREAT, PRAISING AND MORE SPECTULAR NEWS ABOUT TORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I know I spelt some words wrong but spell check is not showing them)

hedgie said...

Margy, let's hope the OC people don't get wind of the other active nests nearby: they will use it as fuel to their fire, if you get my drift!!!!

stronghunter said...

Good evening. Good to see Judie's visit.

Time to get some dinner ready.

stronghunter said...

Good evening. Good to see Judie's visit.

Time to get some dinner ready.

stronghunter said...

Yay for Tori!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I forgot to tell you all. About my doctors visit Tuesday.

In September I ask him if I could try going off one of my diabetic medications. He said yes and we would watch to see.

At my appointment Tuesday he said, I can stay off that one medication. I don't need it anymore that I was doing good.

hedgie said...

Sandi, Tori has to prove that she isn't bedridden. She wasn't, of ocurse, but the pre-transplant chemo has knocked her down to a very weakened state.

hedgie said...

That's good news, DanaWV.
On the other hand, DanaMo apparently was read the riot act by her dr.! Tsk, tsk.....she's been a non-compliant gal.

JudyEddy said...


It looks so dark at the nest and out sun is just now goind down odd huh looks like lightening at nest??? or flashes of lights on and off or headlights I guess

Prayers for Gene and Nila Sharons friend

JudyEddy said...

Wow when I left the blog was 53 comments now is 163 gonna start reading to catch up with you first need to go get out of these cloths turn on the news also I just walked in and said HI see who is more important U all

JudyEddy said...

DANAwv my computer has a calendar at the bottom where the time is doesn't your???? and I'm sure its been answered by now 21 is a Sat

JudyEddy said...

Danamo what do you put in your meatloaf???

Lori O. said...

Great news, Shirley! That's a big accomplishment! You got rid of one prescription and LYNN got a new one, all for the better.

Hooray for Tori!

Wanda, Karla sure looks like you, doesn't she?

Lori O. said...

Now we know that Brandy is a BOY! Small, but around 3 months old...being treated for ear mites, fleas and a respiratory infection but got medication for all. So, HE is adorable and the name will probably change...have to think on that one. Judie, if you want an orange, fuzzy panther I know where you can adopt one! :)

wvgal_dana said...

It was me Lori lol

Lori O. said...

DUH! Well congratulations to you, DANAWV! You should be proud of yourself. Keep up the great work.

JudyEddy said...

Sorry for the car issues DanaWV Cool website also with the eggs

Our temps is 54° freeze warning for the northern city and counties but not us tonight getting in lo 40 upper 30's
YEAH LORETTA got to see eagles today That is always a nice I love seeing mine at the cell phone towers

JudyEddy said...

Wanda I forgot to say I do love you avatar I really haven't seen it because the way I minimize the blog and all the window I have up but she is right next to me Stunning photo I love the way the light is in the pic Is it professional?? Prayers and healing thoughts to you and Gene both having medical issues How long does it take to do a knee replacement and recovery??

Wow they are still talking about the leg on the news They are looking for other parts or body

someone has to no something!

JudyEddy said...

I am at 1:25 this afternoon comments moving right along Lots of traffic at the tree tonight I keep seeing headlights I love it cause I know exactly where it is Ok back to reading I will catch up soon 120 to read

JudyEddy said...

Just got to the part where we had the eagles in the nest again at 2:55 I hope they show up tomorrow when I'm home that much like they did today We could say Belle is in the nesting mood LOL

magpie said...

OC-Shome Cee...
they can travel around and have a look-see, Lynn
but I do catch your drift...

Wheee doggy, naturalist friend in NY has 5 inches of snow, and the Swans are STILL on the move

Hi Judy - you are very important to us ALSO ♥

JudyEddy said...

NO NO I want to go paint the nails with NU tooooooo I will come up just name the day and time LOL

JudyEddy said...

My MOM always told me to share so we will share NU

magpie said...

Well how about that little Brandy-Boy...

guess you could just call him Brandon after all, Lori ☺

wish I could have one...
someday, I WILL, and a favorite doggy pal

magpie said...

Or, Brando !!!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I also have the blog emailed to me so when someone make a comment it chimes in and I can stay on top of the comments when I am not sooooo far behind Ok back to reading

magpie said...

Ok Brave the cold and go see Moon and Venus, they are sailing towards the horizon quickly though

magpie said...

I'll share, Judy...but he is already taken and spoken for in real life.....

JudyEddy said...

I sit here and read and just laugh out loud at some of you all banter I love it ♥

DanaMo I can't wait to here some of the kids storys if they tell any

So glad MARGY got something done today the ribbon LOL ☺♥♂ you sound like me I don't get dressed unless I have some where to go

JudyEddy said...

I'm up to 4:22 now gonna take a quickie for my neck 63 left and probably most of those are mine LOL BBL LM gonna go absorb some news

JudyEddy said...

MARGY you ought to see if you can get a general idea where the nest are and if I come up I may take a few days and venture around Is SnydersLanding a gated community? some of the eagle nest down here are in them and you can't get near them.

TORI walked some today That is such good news

A total of 4 visits today WOW and like I told you all I am writing them down in a journal Why I no not but I am LOL

JUDIE good to see you pop in to say hey to us We Miss you ♥♂♥

Great news DanaWV and Lynn with one going on med and the other comin off both are great news

Hey in our cyber world we can have it all remember Margy Just like our security lites etc LOL

I am caught up and never did go sit down I just wanted to get caught up Ok now I will step away from this boob tube to go sit in my nice comfy rocker BBL LM

wvgal_dana said...

Lori you can call him Brady

Hoda said...

Thanks for the reports. Three visits since the morning visit and how GRAND is that. I think the old Chap will know how to get it done...he has had enough awkward practice time with some almost success so what I want to know is he going to be aa good provider...We have helped him all we could when we called him SHEP...

I had a GREAT day and very enjoyable...terrific yoga practice and a wonderful visit over tea...

We are all rather sad as someone broke six store windows downtown Nelson. So peculiar. I have not heard if they stole anything or if it was simply vandalism...sad to see though...

LYNN I am glad your appointment went well and that you have new anti nausea medication.

Good to hear KARLA is hungry and I hope it goes well for her.

THANK YOU FOR THE REPORTS on the eagles visits.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Thank you for the anniversary wishes!

Hope everyone is doing well. One of these days I'll get time to catch up and chat, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading in to watch Wheel of Fortune with some soup.

magpie said...

Sounds like a GOOD day, Hoda...

we have some ridiculous vandalism things going on around here, often, sad to say....
folks with too much time on their hands with no good purpose to focus on :(

JudyE - Snyder's Landing is more an area than a community, it is a boat landing to get into the Potomac, our Mighty Potomac !

magpie said...

From ribbons to ALL my gift wrappings and bags and ribbons...wowser, I could have a heck of a flea market, think I can use half of this stuff for gifts !!

But I have some neat things, it's kinda fun....

Sandi said...

DanaWV, Good for you managing your diabetes without one of your medications! Do you have siblings nearby who can help you out with caring for your mom? That's a lot of responsibility for one child.

Lori, can you post a pic of your new kitten on your blog for everyone to see?

Judy, you asked last night if my mom has a bedroom on the first floor. She does not, which is why my sister and I wanted her to have the medic alert system. She DOES have a bathroom on the 1st floor so, once she comes downstairs in the morning, she can stay down for the day.

Margy, I did go outside to see the moon and Venus. Boy, is it cold!

Did anyone ever find out what Lynne is doing in that pic she posted on FB??

OK, I'm signing off for the evening to watch TV; will see everyone in the morning!

magpie said...

people give practical gifts like socks, gloves, dish towels...
why not gift wrapping, ribbon and gift bags !!

Get a lot of bargains at Goodwill, of course...sometimes a BAG of BAGS for 4 bucks or less

hedgie said...

Last of my share of the turkey is gone. Good sandwich!
Heading for the sofa for Jeopardy.

Hoda said...

The abundance of this time of year is evident on our blog. So much gratitude in knowing you all. I have Christmas cards and decided to open two at a time and I am still opening cards and will spend January doing so...The kindness the reminders of the message of Christmas extends through the cards...Thank you all ever so very much...

JudyEddy said...

Hoda is that a tradition that you do with Christmas Cards I like that idea something every day to look forward to Love it

JudyEddy said...

Have you all tired the new THIN Bagels I bought the everything one and they are really good not doughy like a traditional bagel That was dinner BTW and mini MM's candy I was bad and bought some on clearance today and also gingerbread marshmallow Do you think they would be good on sweet potatoes

OH No my spell check is acting up get a big bong and a mssg box with red X in corner and says The server reported a problem with spell check You may wish to try later Just all of a sudden HMMMM what up

JudyEddy said...

as a matter of fact the marshmallow make a good room refreshner I can smell them from the kitchen counter LOL

Hoda said...

It is something I try to do over the past three or four years JUDYE. How to appreciate things over a period of time. It started the same time I switched from thinking going for groceries is a chore to saying going for groceries is a treat and an exercise of choice. I find I spen less with this new way of looking at food...Around this time of year there is always a high and then I crash and things can not maintian with the excitement and the activities around the Christmas season so I make it longer...that is all...

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if it a rerun nite or not will go find out

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...

HODA that is so cool I thank you for explaining it What a good out look on life you are the bomb as they say Cool Beans we are so honored to know you I just your zest for life in general I love how you speak Ok I gonna stop before it goes to your head LOL Ok now I am signing off I just had to say thanks for explaining it More people including myself need to think about this outlook Could start a trend and could change and enhance a lot of lives. (((hugs)))

magpie said...

Ditto what Judy speaks to you,

Your thoughts are so very uplifting, comforting, inspirational, encouraging...and Creative !

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...