Wednesday, December 21, 2011


New thread.


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Jewels said...


Jewels said...

If Christie is still sick, Mom, I will be over after work to help you make the rolls!

magpie said...

Thanks Steve for the New Thread !!! ☺

and ain't you something Jewels...I was wondering that that litle chuckle was you just made, it was the giggle of discovery !!

Thanks for the Alert !

magpie said...

wonder how long it will be before anyone finds us over here ☺

Hello More Morning Eagle Pals !!


paula eagleholic said...

Found ya!

hedgie said...

Aha---Caro gets a poop-shoot facial!! Right?

Caro, that won't takes too long. And now MORE screw up----Drs. office never called yesterday to verify today's apptmt. So I called them just now.....and they don't have me on the schedule. ARGH!!!!! So now it's tomorrow afternoon at 1:10. GEESH. Nothing like messing everything up. So rad in the morning, ortho in the afternoon.

hedgie said...

WANDA------I WON'T be coming to visit today, after all!!!! Sorry.... :(

wvgal_dana said...

I just caught up on all the comments from last night and this morning.

Great news about the negative lung biopsy for Carol's BFF's Dad.

Praying for Becky. It happens so often out he goes and back in she lets him.
Praying for the kids, Sahron and all
the family.

I see Granny Riffe is in hospital and Tom's oldest brother Bilton. Added to prayer list. More prayers for Tom, Sissy,
Sharon and family.

So very glad to hear about the new med for COPD Red said it was "Deliresp". So if anyone has COPD maybe talk with your doctor about it. Honestly Red was really bad off. This is a miracle. Praizes to GOD.

Lynn you have ^j^ Angles with you for every pill and every treatment and they will be with you all the time now. Luv you♥

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Oh good Lord how can they keep messing a person up Lynn ... so sorry :(

Hope Carolyn can help with the baking.

Thank you neat to see Mom Eagle lay her 2nd egg at Vain. I remember how a certain eagle would fly in after the egg was laid. And just call like he was telling the world. This guy just chomped away on his food. lol

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo I am so happy you got to do everything you wanted to do in New York New York. (:

hedgie said...

Caro---ol' Mona called at 8:30....she thought she was supposed to get me today---NOT---and was going to be here at 9! Told her tomorrow, but not til 9:30!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Red !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I don't think any of us have your new email addy. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn is Mona you ride for the treatments?

Red said...

I thought I informed everyone. Have had this one since moving into the new home over a year ago.
Blame it on old age. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I got a picture of a BlueJay in the nest this morning. Will send it out.

hedgie said...

Called Wanda. She and I will pass each other at the ortho's office tomorrow!!

Judie called. ALl is well. Darth has a chemical/nuclear stress test scheduled for Fri. She's tired, but she's slowly catching up with us here!

CarolAnne said...

All the confusion with Lynn's appts/treatment schedules amazes me. Makes me wonder where is the compassion/empathy for the "individual"? For something as serious as this don't they realize there is a "person" who is dealing with the whole situation.
Hope things go more smoothly once they get the ball rolling.(My vent for the day)

Jewels said...

ugh Mom, are you sure? I could just stay the night there and tehn come to work...
so which office didn't have you scheduled? I am a bit confused. Either way, both appts are tomorrow??
Sorry that she is driving you.
Ohhh a facial....should I be blessed?
Margy, I did chuckle out loud,LOL

hedgie said...

Ceil and Jim and MM are currently winging their way to Oregon. Left at 9:05....they have a lay-over or change in Denver.

paula eagleholic said...

Bill, I sent you an email

hedgie said...

I have Red's addy!
Red, I suspect that Paula only put it on Momster mail. Don't think she sent it individually.

Yes, Mona is Charlie's sister-in-law and drives for the Patient Transport Service.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and Bill, I would suggest deleting that post with your email address and reposting it without it.

hedgie said...

Thanks, CarolAnne. They don't make anything "convenient" for the patients when it comes to consideration of the greater picture. I still have a LIFE, people.

Ortho is what screwed up---it is now tomorrow.
Rad is on today for 3:45.....then 10:15 starting tomorrow for a week, and then 1pm after that for the duration.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Cold here this morning and presently 38. Going to finish wrapping presents, do a little house cleaning and make a grocery list. Might even bake cornbread today for dressing. Yes, we have turkey and dressing at Christmas, too. It is Jack's favorite meal.

Lynn, keeping you in prayers. Sorry about the confusion with your appointment today.

hedgie said...

Raw here, Lolly, at 44° with rain!

stronghunter said...

Well, Hunter finally got up and is playing his video games for the time being. I am okay with that for now. It smells like rain here.

Susan has offered to do some last-minute shopping for me. She spends a lot of time at the mall and has been doing this for me for several years. I love it. She is also a good source for very nice boxes, though I probably have that covered this year.

hedgie said...

Thought I just heard music at the cam......anyone else??? Maybe I'm losing it!

Lolly said...

I thought I heard the kids, but no music.

Lolly said...

Lynn, you are taking chemo pills, right? You just take them at home?

magpie said...

I brought Decorah up and it switched to an ad with music Lynn

Surprised me...'Cause I usually don't have sound at this work station

magpie said...

Glad tht everyone is moving over to this new thread.....
just kiddin' earlier... knew you would find us

Lolly said...

Well, Margy, sometimes we do get lost on the old thread!☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good girl Jewels!

Hello Red. Welcome back home. We have missed you! :)

Lolly said...

There is no definite egg cup in the nest. Lots and lots of flugg!

Lolly said...

Going to start my day now. Coffee is almost finished.

Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Shirley, great that Susan can finish up for you!

Hmmm...guess I was imagining things.

Yep, Lolly...two pills in the morning and two in the evening.

Margy, hope your day goes smoothly...and easily. For both you and Caro!
Rain might make it otherwise....:(

I am all at sixes and sevens after getting the schedule so turned around. Don't know what to try to do today.....too soon for the last vacuuming; maybe tackle the sewing machine again??? Don't need that frustration, do I?

Think I'll power up PC and get the bluebird pic on---only one good enough to post.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I love it when Susan offers to finish up for me. I have so much to do here, and, of course, Hunter is here now.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll wait till you have your bluebird on then I'll put the BlueJay on Lynn. ((Hugs))

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I have heard music and announcements from a Maryland radio station when viewing the nest. Either someone was nearby with a radio or there was some kind of interference.

wvgal_dana said...

@Red I had your new email addy. You need to look at Eagle Momster mailings when they come in. That is how the poll was put out Red.

stronghunter said...

Not today, though. I heard the music some time ago, but it is entirely possible it is happening to you, I should think.

hedgie said...

Signing in on PC so I can post the pics. One is decent, the other a it blurred.

hedgie said...

Okay, pics are up on my Lair, Lori! Such as they are!

Lori O. said...

Wow, Lynn! Can't imagine what it must have looked like with 12 of them there! Very cool.

hedgie said...

a Bit blurred that should say.

Dana, bluebirds pics were taken here, not at nest. The one I saw there was gone before I could snip it.

hedgie said...

Couldn't get a good angle of the pyrancantha---had to lean too far over railing and couldn't hold camera straight. So I just had to get them when they flew up into the tree, Lori.

hedgie said...

I am hungry! Guess that's a good sign, right??!!

stronghunter said...

Nice pictures, Lynn. I would love to see bluebirds.

stronghunter said...

I would say it is a very good sign, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

What is it with thieves of baby Jesus statues around here?

Susan said that the only baby Jesus figure thief we have had in our family was a ferret.

T-Bird said...

I am back!!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon dear buds !


Your bluebirds are bee-yoo-ti-full ! CAROLANNE's vent over your appt. snafu's is spot on and I thank her for voicing the same opinion I have !

Hint re:mineral deposits. I cleaned some pretty bad ones off a shower track and sliding door out in AZ with Vodka. Per some hint site, I soaked paper towels with very cheap Vodka and let them sit quite a while. Once removed the deposits were soft and easy to wipe away. You might have to drain a toilet to make this work. I keep a bottle under my kitchen sink and use it to clean around faucets there and in the bathroom. Makes fixtures sparkle !

Happy you'll have a safe and restful haven at GG's when needed. Your company will be soooo good for her, too !

Great news re:Caro's BFF dad !!!!

Kay said...

Hi, THELMA ! Please tell SHARON and BEV I'm praying for the entire family. It's a shame for so many things to go awry during this blessed season ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I lovd your Bluebird pictures. They give me a feeling of happiness.

Hum Kay who would have thought cheap Vodka for cleaning mineral deposits in bathroom.

Hi Thelma (:

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon all.

I think you have the GREATEST daughters LYNN...sorry about the mix up with the knee doctor.
Good on you for starting the chemo pills...healing prayers to you friend.

I did not know that!!! SHARON likes the name SHEP???? I would never have guessed it!!! LOL SHARON funny post earlier.

So good that WANDA reports on the clothes donated...heart warming that James the WIse's clothes have already found a new owner all in time for Christmas. GOOD ON YOU MARGY, WANDA AND JAMES. ALSO THE NEW OWNER AND HIS MOM.

Thanks for the nest reports this morning.

Welcome home DANAMO.

LORI is off for a week...MERRY CHRISTMAS LORI and I hoope you enjoy every minute of it.

Thanks for the pictures of the Blue Jay LYNN.

Happy Solstice happens in ten minutes...then the days get longer. HURRAH!!!

Kay said...

RED ! Grreeeaaaaat news from your neck of the woods ! Looking forward to more frequent posts from you. May you and Diane have holly, jolly holidays !

PAULA, thanks for the video showing Mother VIAN, not Vain, laying her 2nd egg ! I've learned that all eagles are not created equal. Father VIAN seems detached, but he does a good job as time goes on. Daddy NBG sets a high standard ! Remember when he stood close in empathy when Mom had a difficult time with the 2nd egg last year ? He also brought her a fresh fish which she devoured in short order after a brief rest. He rocks !

wvgal_dana said...

I sent out Eagle mailing BlueJay in nest and also put in album. He was so pretty.

Sandi said...

Hi all! WVDana - when you commented about a male eagle that would fly into the nest and "announce" when a new egg was laid, were you referring to Liberty? I LOVE seeing the eagles looking at an egg they've produced - it's just like new parents looking at their brand new baby. The look says, "Can you believe we made this???" Lynn, sorry about your doctor appt. screw up and thanks for posting the bluebird pics. I have berry bushes but never see bluebirds. BTW, Bella slept in her bed on the floor on my side of the bed last night, covered with my robe - don't worry, I would never leave her downstairs by herself at night!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I knew that would be shocking news for everybody! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, how is Bella? I may have missed news yesterday.

Kay said...

HODA, do you think there might be a FedEx guy in the unemployment line today ? People need to think twice before doing anything in this world now filled with cameras in every direction !!!

DIANN, renewed prayers for you !

SANDI, hope Bella responds well to your TLC and the meds !

Kay said...

LOLLY, in my first 28 years of marriage to the children's father we often had "Thanksgiving Dinner" all over again for Christmas. In the second segment of my life, Stan and I had that delicious meal for T'Day and for Easter. My son's family has the whole shebang once during the summer while Lauren is home from college because it is her favorite meal. Reminds me, we talked to her from NJ this past T'Day. Her college group was taken from the Beijing campus to a Holiday Inn for a feast. They had turkey (no dressing :(), mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie---otherwise the fare consisted of sushi and the usual Chinese noodle/rice dishes. Well, at least they tried !

Kay said...

Aha, hear that train whistle, loud and clear ? Wind is just right, huh, MARGY ? Oh, I doubt you can have the sound up at work.

Kay said...

Also hear some clickety clacking near the cam. Eagle, blue jay or woodpecker ????

hedgie said...

Hi, Kay and Hoda and T-bird! On your OWN puter now???!!!!

Kay, thanks for vodka tip! Will try that for sure!

Hoda, my pics are bluebird. Dana had the jay in our nest pic.

hedgie said...

Kay, did your granddaughter get home okay?

Sandi, how did Bella seem this morning? Did you "go" okay whe you put her out?

OOPS----completely forgot to say HI to DanaMo this AM. Welcome home, sightseer! A very full 2 days!

Ceil, et al, should be landing in Denver now; then about 2 hrs. before proceeding to Portland.

Hoda said...

Got it LYNN I was turned around...this is what I meant to say...yours blue bird on your blog...the jay for WVDANA is on the Momster email.I got it!!!LOL

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!
I have about an hour to rid the house of Essence of Starbucks! Warming coffee cup in micro, supposedly for 20, sec., but came back to kitchen & there was a strange odor. Wasn't Pine spray or Apple Cinnamon that is plugged in, but burnt coffee. Must have hit too many zeros!Wonder if micros have an automatic shut off at a high temp? They should.
Fubby went to airport, so I gotta jump to it!
Hope everyone gets to feeling better---like Christie and any others. At least it's not freezing today.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta----awful smell! Hope you get it aired out!
So kids are flying in now????!!!! Great! Please relax and enjoy your time together!!!!

Hoda said...

Getting ready to head out to yoga...Talk to you all when I come back.

LYNN thinking of you as you also head out for your appointment...

wvgal_dana said...

Oh the excitement I would have if Daughter was flying in. So I know you are so excited. Enjoy this special time with your family ((((HUGS))) MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THEM ALL!!!

Hoda said...

LORETTA enjoy the gathering of family around you and the coffee smell is minor, I am sure they will not even notice it they will be so happy to be home...don't sweat the small stuff!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS...

Hoda said...

Raining the nest is soaked...freezing here, 25 degrees...OK I will bundle up and take my ice grippers...

hedgie said...

Be careful, Hoda!!

Kay, how was last evening? What did you have for yummy dinner?

I, too, do the TG dinner for Christmas, but I also add a ham. Yikes, Christie has the turkey, too! Hope she remembers to take it out of the freezer today!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andrew earned 8 - As this semester. So proud of him!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon you certainly should be (((hugs)))♥

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Andrew!

hedgie said...

Hooray!!!! Congrats, Andrew and Momma!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hanukkah started yesterday for Geula....HAPPY HANNUKKAH !

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I seen where you put it up for Geula on the other thread Dec 20th the 1st day of Hanukkah. I just thought I would bring to this thread.

hedgie said...

Christie is feeling better. The bug hit her a couple of hours after she partook of left-over department party had all been in the fridge, but who knows for how long? She suspects that it was something she ate. She slept for 12 hours, and her fever has broken. Afraid to eat, but I encouraged some chicken noodle soup and saltines.

Kay said...

Happy Holiday to Guela !

LYNN, I'm assuming no news is good news on Lauren's homecoming, but will call them tomorrow evening. I'll have the two doc appts. to report on. Dil flies out to Minneapolis tomorrow to get an early start on helping her dad and brothers with Christmas. The first one without dear Judy who was the holiday queen. It's going to be a tough one. Lee and the kids will follow Saturday. Julie went from "we're having Tamale Pie to we're having a Risotto & White Beans dish" to Tacos ! I love tacos and she served them with all the trimmings, including roasted red and yellow peppers. Very good ! The tree is pretty and so far Malcolm has left it alone. They'll be using the baby gates that keep him out of the area when all leaving, however.

Kay said...

SHARON, good for Andrew ! The family needed some really good news !

hedgie said...

She plans on being here tomorrow for our baking work. I sure hope she is all better by morning.
In fact, since I am worried about the transport not getting me home in time to make it back out to the ortho, she is going to pick me up from rad and we'll come home and get started....then I'll run in to ortho apptmt. while she keeps on working on the rolls.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn just called to tell me that there has been a shoot-out in front of her building. Police are in the parking lot. Route 1 is closed. She wanted me to know that she is okay. She says that she is quite sure someone has been killed.

Have not seen anything on the news yet.

Kay said...

LYNN, glad Christie is feeling better ! Chicken noodle soup and saltines---an age old Mom remedy that never fails !

hedgie said...

I'm ready to go.....guess I'll go ahead and put Liesl in her crate. Gotta leave at 3. Need to put a bag of trash in the can, get the mail, and stop at the PO to drop off sis's anniversary card.
So shutting down for now. See you all later!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, so glad Kathryn is okay. Keep us posted on the whys and wherefores. Very distressing news !

Kay said...

I'm following LYNN out the door, as I also have some errands prior to my 3:34 doc appt.. BBL and hope to give you a good report on the kidney infection--another thank you for all the Momster prayers since this thing took hold !!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

3:34 ? LOL, just like airline arr. & departures. Nope, 3:45 it is !

Lolly said...

Prayers for all going to the doctors today!

Have finished my wrapping. Hip Hip Hooray!

Not coughing anymore, but still have a light headed/sleepy feeling. Think I am going to take a quick nap.

stronghunter said...

so it's not a good sign when there are police everywhere and they told us to lock all the doors and stay inside....

apparently there was an armed robbery nearby and they searching for him... got the dogs out, they think he/she is headed this way

there are at least 7 cars out front, just watched the police start pulling out automatic rifles.... HOLY CRAP!!

shots have been fired!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Above--the comments on Kathryn's FB page.

Lolly said...

Oh, that is scary, Shirley!!

stronghunter said...

I appreciate the phone call she made before I heard from somewhere else.

Lori O. said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Still on the run today.

Lynn, prayers for you big-time today!

Sharon, CONGRATULATIONS to Andrew, and to you! WOW!!

Shirley, SO glad that Kathryn is OK. Glad she called you, too. YIKES! Scary!!!

Well, gotta run--last minute shopping, and gotta pick up Kubby's gift if there's time. It's already purchased online; picking up at store.

Emma says "Hi," but it sounds more like, "WOOF!!!"

Will BBL tonight. :o]

Lori O. said...

Sure sounds like there is someone up there.

wvgal_dana said...

I hope they keep the school bus away from Shirley's. Oh Lord prayers!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Dana, it is not at my house. It happened at Kathryn's work.

stronghunter said...

I think all of the danger is past now. Investigations are taking place.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, have you heard anything more from Kathryn? How freaky!

wvgal_dana said...

Is Kathryn ok Shirley?

Does Kathryn have a facebook page?

stronghunter said...


Kathryn is pretty sure the suspect is deceased. Police are investigating. They interviewed Kathryn.

Sandi said...

Home! One more day to go. To all who have asked about Bella, she doesn't seem much better but also no worse. She DID eat this AM b/c I put her bowl IN her bed so she didn't even have to stand. Kay, thanks for the vodka tip - I LOVE to houseclean so am always looking for ways to make things sparkle. Plus, if I happen to get thirsty while I'm cleaning ... =) Rainy here but in the 60s - strange weather for December!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Dana, she has a FB page. The comments I posted were from her FB page.

Sandi said...

I heard a clunk.

Sandi said...

An eagle calling!!!!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Sandi, you are not getting much of a winter break.

wvgal_dana said...

Come on down

wvgal_dana said...

Just saw the 2 eggs at Oklahama got picture.

Sandi said...

WVDana, confirmed your friend request on FB!

wvgal_dana said...

Kay prayers go with you to your appointment.

wvgal_dana said...

Can people post pictures onto your facebook page under photos?

wvgal_dana said...

There are all these videos of Shep and Belle on my facebook page under photos and video's that I didn't put there??????

paula eagleholic said...

Dana you can post them on your own page, but not on others. But you can "tag" people in pictures.


paula eagleholic said...

Or shakeroo...

Sandi said...

Dana, If you want to put a photo on someone's wall, just click on "Add photo/video" where the Status Update is. By clicking on Photos under a person's profile picture, you can see all the photos they have added to their FB.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sandi (:♥

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, maybe someone tagged you in the photos....or are they from the fan page?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, those were videos from JudyE...she tagged you in it.

paula eagleholic said...

And yes, you can put pics on people's wall, but it doesn't go into "their" album per se

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andrew finally got an MRI scheduled except it is for this Friday, so they won't be coming here for Christmas but will be coming next Thursday and staying until Monday, so I will take that.

JudyEddy said...

Hey Honey I'm home and couldn't find a camera to go witht he four 38.99 rechargeable batteries I own Darn it I may have to go to another store

I returned my camera and no problem getting money back Yeah that is where I was at lunch not here

Sandi said...

WVDana, Just checked out your wall and your favorite athletes are both Steelers. As a Ravens fan, I should unfriend you but b/c you love eagles (that's eagles with a lower case E), I'll forgive you for being a Steelers fan. =D Now, if you were and Eagles fan and liked Michael Vick ...

JudyEddy said...

I will never get caught up 127 comments on this page and 230 in my email I will just do a skimming of it I think otherwise my neck will disown me

wvgal_dana said...

Can you remove the video's after you have looked at them?

JudyEddy said...

Good LYnn that you got the transportation takin care of Yep I am reading 308 yesterday I am only a little ober a day behind

Sandi said...

Shirley, Confirmed your friend request on FB!

wvgal_dana said...

Mom or Dad while the other eagle watched just rolled the two eggs at Vain.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, now you have a friend request! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I have you has a friend but when I was going through there was another place on facebook that showed so I did a requewt.((((Hugs))) Sorry Andrew will not make Christmas but WILL be home later.♥

Sandi said...

Sharon, I confirmed your friend request and see that you've switched to the new timeline format. My timeline is started but I haven't "launched" it yet. All these FB friend requests - I feel so popular!! =)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That is because you are popular Sandi! We love it when newbies stick around with us and we want you to keep coming back!

Sandi said...

I know I heard eagles ... calling, clunking on the cam ... now nothing! =(

wvgal_dana said...

Earlier I put come down but they did not...probably sitting in top of tree saying, "Wonder how much longer we can keep them waiting?" lol

Light on.

stronghunter said...

Time to fix dinner. Will return later.

hedgie said...

I'm home! They had to completely reposition things and now I have 5---count 'em---5 new tattoo marks. UGH! Got my Rx. for nausea and picked it up...a just-in-case preventative; take it one hour before treatment.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is trying to find her way homeward through all of the closed roads. They were within the area of Route 1 closed off. She said she has been interviewed twice by the police.

Channel 7 is on the way to the scene.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, you can "untag" yourself from the videos if you want.

stronghunter said...

I guess you can consider the tattoo marks your battle scars, Lynn. I did not get any tattoos as I ended up not getting radiation, but I do have my share of battle scars.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, do the tattoos fade after a period of time?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So did you get treatment today or just the simulation today?

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi thank you dear you are a very kind person to keep me. (((hugs))) lol

wvgal_dana said...

Paula can you tell me how to do that?

hedgie said...

Shirley, how scary for Kathryn! Thank good ness it all ended well. Had no idea she worked THAT far from home.

wvgal_dana said...

I liked the pictures I had on there and now two have replaced two I had across the top of my facebook page.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, if you go to your profile page and click on photos, then click on one of those videos, it should list the option on the right under the video to remove tag.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok thank you Paula..hugs

I did get my pictures back on that I wanted.

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Jordyn on their way over I have got to go do the videos I am having issues with YouTube and some of the videos I deleted them from your tube and gonna do one at a time to see if it will resolve it
so I won't be on any probably Have a great evening I will try in check in later after she leaves

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

When I was visiting Andrew a couple of weeks ago, there were rescue squads and a couple of fire trucks 3 houses down from them on that Friday night. They were there for a while and I found out today that a woman and her alleged drug dealer were found dead by her mother, apparently accidental overdoses or bad drugs. She was 30-some years old and had 2 kids. Her husband had kicked her out because of her drug use. I feel so bad for her poor momma!

hedgie said...

No, Shar---they are permanent black dots. Yuck!
And yes, they did do the first treatment.

hedgie said...

Oops, Paula asked about the tats.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Too bad they couldn't tattoo little eagles on you instead of dots. Are you tired? How do you feel?

hedgie said...

Shar---so sorry that Andrew won't be home for Christmas. :( Better later than not at all, but still.....I would hate not seeing my kids for the real thing!

hedgie said...

When was he originally planning on coming home? What time is his MRI?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He was coming Thursday evening and then heading back about 3:30 p.m. Christmas Eve. He has to pay $50 to get the MRI done and says he really can't afford it but also he wouldn't be able to stay long. When he comes next week, they will be here for a few days.

Lolly said...

Thought I had possibly missed an eagle visit, but I see that there has not been one.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, Kathryn has s hefty commute.

Yay, my Amazon delivery came. Kindles for my two sons. I do hope they like them.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Lolly, they stood us up for our evening date today.

hedgie said...

Thank you, Sandi, for being a staunch advocate AGAINST Vick and the Eagles!!! You are a girl after my own heart!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We originally got Andrew and Kelsey a Kindle Fire but Sissy saw this on QVC and we got it instead.

Lolly said...

Oh lovely! Prediction of rain and snow mix Friday night and Saturday morn. Going to Dallas Friday night.

Kay said...

♫♫♪ Celebrate,celebrate, dance to the music ! ♪♪♫ The "Infection Specialist" has turned me loose ! Last weeks cat scan was "98%" clear and he feels sure it's all clear by today. I still have a week of antibiotic left and will take it, but won't need a refill. Thank you prayer partners extraordinaire ! You did it again ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I was so excited I had to call all 3kids ! In doing so I learned that Lauren did indeed arrive home from China yesterday afternoon and her "little" bro passed his driving test. All is well with my NJites !

LYNN, sorry your time at the doc's was not as exciting as mine, but your day will come. Those tatoo's aren't where they can be seen by the general public, are they ?

SHARON, glad Andrew's MRI has been scheduled and hope he gets help and relief soon. So, you'll see the New Year in with him---that's special, too ! Any updates on Bev's mil and bil ?

hedgie said...

Okay, Shar.....well, enjoy the big day as best you can, and then enjoy having Andrew for a longer time!!

I am feeling okay, so far!! Next chemo dose due after dinner.

hedgie said...

Carolyn left work only to find she had a dead battery. Luckily, Charlie was in town. Tried to jump it---no luck. So $110 later for a new battery, it started. It had the original 3-yr. batt from 2004 in it! While he put in the new one, she took Margy to her garage in his truck.

Red said...

What a surprise I got in the mail today. Got Christmas cards from Bev and Judy. Put a great big grin on my face. Thanks y'all!!

Kay said...

LYNN, so far so good on the chemo dose ! Praying you won't need that nausea med.

SHIRLEY, can't imagine "the boys" not loving their Kindles ! Was Kathryn an eye witness to the horrible shooting ? Will she be very late getting home tonight ? So glad she wasn't harmed.

LOLLY, the weather is crazy ! Our temp reached 61° today, with scattered showers. Will not have a White Christmas, yeah !!!!!

hedgie said...

JudyE, sorry they didn't have your camera in stock.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn did not see the shooting, but she heard it.

Red said...

Does anyone know why I don't have a trash can so I can delete a post I put up? I used to have one. Maybe I'm missing something.

Kay said...

Wow, JEWELS got great service out of that battery ! I had good luck with the original in my 2006 Envoy. Just replaced it early this year. Nice to live in a place without the extreme the cold or heat that is so hard on batteries.

stronghunter said...

Very dark and noisy at the nest. Wind?

hedgie said...

Yippee, Kay!!! Wonderful news!! You go, girl! Now no more of that kind of stuff!
GOod that things are going well for the NJites!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, do you know if there were eye witnesses as well as "ear witnesses" like Kathryn ? Does she know any of the principles in the case ? How scary just to think ot it all !

Red said...

Never mind. It finally showed up.

hedgie said...

My mail had a nice surprise, too----an adorable dxie tree ornament from Lolly!!! Thanks again, dear lady.

Kay said...

Thanks, LYNN ! The credit goes to God for answering the prayers of you and others, and for guiding and directing the docs and nurses. I'm one lucky gal.

Kay said...

Time for dinner, news n' Jeopardy. Will probably be back---I'm so keyed up !

Hoda said...

Back and caught up with the blog.
no eagle visits and we have a tatoo lady that would rather have eagles than dots...You seem well with the start of the treatment LYNN and that is good you got the nausea tablets just in case...baking is under control and healing is happening. Sorry about the case of possible bad food.

Wonderful yoga class and we saw the sun today...wonderful blue skies and bright bright sun...a blessing.

LOLLY I hope you have a safe journey on Friday and that the weather does not become a factor.

I need to get some protein and vegetables in me so I will be back later...

hedgie said...

Red, some others have had the disappearing trash can thing, too! Weird. Blogger cop!

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope the bad weather doesn't happen!

Ski resorts around here are hurting! Too warm to make snow.

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynn! Hope it arrived okay! I just thought of you when I saw it.

Kay, you have every right to be excited tonight. So happy for you that you have "mended" so well.

hedgie said...

Very windy at nest---glad that it isn't here. It's always worse in Jefferson Co., and "more worse" close to the river!

hedgie said...

Lolly, it arrived perfectly fine!!

Sandi said...

Kay, What great news from the doctor - hooray! Hmmm ... baking cookies or wrapping packages? Neither sound appealing to me but both have to be done. I'd take cleaning a bathroom any day, esp. with a bottle of vodka added to the cleaning supplies! ;) OK, packages it is! Have a great evening all! BTW, I am still waiting to hear from Brian (older son) if he and DIL plan to visit their pig and donkey at P.I.G.S. while they're in the states. If they do and if we go with them, I'll let you know.

Hoda said...

Very good news from the doctors KAY...Blessings and Joy...

Hoda said...

The only time I can see my delete button is on the "post a comment page". It is tricky because I have to search where the post went and it is not always on the last page...I click backwards till I find it...I am glad RED found it...

Hoda said...

8 posts away from the SPLIT. Don't get lost

Lolly said...

Thanks for the warning, Hoda! I do get lost sometimes.☺

hedgie said...

Sandi, sure hope that the kids do decide to visit their critters!!!
Let us know!!!

hedgie said...

Heading for the sofa for awhile. Hope I get a second wind after Jeopardy. Want to clean the stove and the ovens.

JudyEddy said...

Wow I see we had a mid afternnon visit yesterday as I was reading a little after 3 cool
LYNN the one winged eagle was beautiful

Hey Red I see checked in also HI RED glad health is improving
LYNN Thanks for the update on TORI

JudyEddy said...

I saw we had a late visit this am at 744 and another a bit later so glad Sandi class got to see

wvgal_dana said...

Kay GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Angie has left to take Jordyn to see the Chipmunk movie with a friend from her school I bet Angies she would fall asleep

wvgal_dana said...

Heading with soup to counch.

Lynn prayers you won't need that nausea meds. ♥

JudyEddy said...

I am moving right along witht he comments

JudyEddy said...

I have 50 cmment to read in the email and them about 134 on todays blog I am on a roll trouble is I red the ones that I got since I got home I hate reading backwards

Kay great news I love the celebrate you put on I can hear you singing it LOL SOOOOOO happy for ya

I mailed cards to all but one back forgot the postage I guess so it went back in the mail today and my sisters I left of the city and state what a ding bat I am LOL

I think I told you all but I went and deleted the 12 video that got posted because there were 22 total and I didn't number them so off course I couldn't tell which didn't get posted due to Youtube being cornfused this is the message I got in email
Your video, SunrisePerformingArts12-20-11 may have content that is owned or licensed by Warner Chappell.
Your video, SunrisePerforming Arts (8, may have content that is owned or licensed by WMG.

So now I am downloading one at a time to see if it works better

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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