Wednesday, December 21, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I have to give my neck quick break before I drive on BBL

Red said...

I discovered you have to be signed in on Google for the trash can to appear. Duh!!!!!

Hoda said...

RED I am always signed in on google and the trash can no longer appears on the page where we read the posts. It only appeaars for me on the page where I post...I am glad it is working for you.

JudyEddy said...

DANAvw you asked about removing video YES on youtube and on Facebook just click on the icon to the right at the end of the comment and it says delete etc and on youtube I just figured it out

Red said...

Thanks for the Christmas card Judy.
It put a smile on my face. ☺

Red said...

Hoda, I think if you back up beyond the split of another date you have to sign in again. Does that for me anyway.

JudyEddy said...

If you are talking about the YOUTUBE you can unscribe I tried to get another channel but only one per email address HEY does anyone think that I could use my Yahoo email acct to set up a second I goggled it but couldn't find out any thing first time Google couldn't help me Wasn't for sure what you meant

JudyEddy said...

gonna go watch some tv almost caught up

JudyEddy said...

I hope Kathryn is ok

Mema Jo said...

I never ever click on Sign Out....
I always click on the 'x' up on my program to close out.

Hi Red - Hi Judy

Hi Hoda

Hi everyone...

I am running to TV where hubby is turning on a taped movie........


JudyEddy said...

Hey you could get another tattoo over the dot LOL make a smiley face out of it
RED had a DUH moment he must be getting better LOL Odd that it let you comment and not be signed in When I am at my daughters I have to sign in if I want to comment Glad I made you smile that's my job you know I do it all day at work with my customers

I am caught up with the email comments now I have to do the ones until I got home at 4 but like I said earlier TV calls I love my DVR rewind I love waiting for a show to start and the FF through commercials

Lolly said...

Watching TCU in the Poisettia Bowl in San Diego.


I never sign out either, Jo. Just click on the x up in the top right corner.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals....
Wishing all an enjoyable evening...
Comfortable, restful...warmed by the friendship and encourgement shared by us all here

I have Christian Christmas Music going, and Christmas cards spread out all over the place trying to get some in the mail...and laying out some that will be going out even later than Thursday ☺

Love to all....back to the project
xoxo ♥ (( Hugs ♥ )) to all

Happy Christmas Season time OFF Lori...

I met a new friend today:
Carolyn's Charlie ☺

hedgie said...

Wondering if I should try VODKA on the oven spills???!!!! Burner pans are so much easier----dishwasher does the work!

JudyEddy said...

Jewel I caught up I hope you did sometimes its a breeze and others not but I always make it through

I do the same thing never sign out and I try to leave my self signed in at Angies also only have to sign in if loose power and everything seems to need signed in to then but that doesn't happen to often

Angie offered me her camera but it is so big and bulky but nice I will have to see if I can find a camera to go with my batteries Silly huh If I can't find one I will have to settle no other choice but I am going to look around

Just had to get up and download another video on #19 now 18to go putting in order of the evening or I am trying I did that last nite and youtube didn't corporate and so far no red flags on the videos like last nite ok bye again BBL to do another one in about 18min it says on the thing

stronghunter said...

Correction on my post about what Kathryn witnessed. She did see the cop shooting. The bad guy was down in a ravine, so she did not see him.

She had to talk to two different officers about what she saw and heard.

Hoda said...

it must be very stressful for KATHRYN SHIRLEY. I hope she is able to rest well tonight.

VODKA and cleaning ovens...well I suppose if one drinks enough vodka the oven stains will not be an issue...that is one way of coping with oven stains...On the other hand it seems like a waste of vodka to pour it on the stain...I do not have any clear thoughts on the issue but I would lean more towards drinking the vodka!!! LOL !!!

magpie said...

oh dear, Shirley.....
I am sorry for Kathryn,
have not read of all the details...
it is comforting to know she has YOU to help her through the difficult moments

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, thanks ! Keep us informed as you learn more. Inquiring minds want to know. Hope Kathryn doesn't have nightmares over this traumatic experience.

LYNN and SANDI, when in doubt, try vodka ! If applying it to the surface to be cleaned doesn't work. Put ice in a glass, squirt in some lime juice, pour generous amount of Vodka over all and sip slowly. Twill' do wonders for your innerds and your mind !

stronghunter said...

The ravine is behind Kathryn's car. I asked her if she had locked the car. She said that she locked it remotely from the door of the building after things started happening. Hmm, maybe she needs to lock her car every day.

JudyEddy said...

Doing another video
but for some reason it picks on certain video and doesn't want to do so I will have to do the old fashion way on facebook upload on their page

HODA that was funny the the oven stains

Hoda said...

KAY has the PERFECT recipe for the VODKA ISSUE. It is settled so far as I am concerned...

hedgie said...

LOL, Hoda.....I'm VERY tempted to drink the vodka! That would definitely soothe all my mental angst over what I'm NOT getting accomplished!

Oven is as good as it's going to get for now. The cinnamon rolls usually boil over some brown sugar, anyway!!

Stove is dome except to replace burner pans after D/W runs.

I even vacuumed out the inside of the sewing machine. Christie is going to try to see if she can get it back together right tomorrow. If not, I have a friend who works on her it will go next week! I thought she only worked on Husqvarna's--but noticed small print on her sign today that said ALL MAKES!

hedgie said...

And the darned lightbulb in the upper oven (sealed) burned out. NO idea how that can be replaced.....if it even can. That's the self-cleaning oven.

Kay said...

LYNN, look on line for your oven's owner manual. Sil, Hugh, has taught me that most appliances, fixtures, etc. we have in our homes are listed somewhere on line, along with all kinds of instructions. There has to be a way to change the bulb in that oven !

Hoda said...

As to replacing the burnt light bulb in the oven LYNN...this is what I found Replacing Sealed light bulbs in an oven
Personaly I think the Recipe for a VODKA is less complicated solution!!!

Kay said...

LYNN and SANDI, I just sent you an e-mail with tips for using Vodka and Borax for cleaning agents and more. I love household hints unusual ways to use common ordinary products we have around the house. I have several books full, but also have 10 or 12 saved in a puter folder. I'll be happy to send out one a day, if you want them. Anyone, else ? Just ask and ye shall receive. Undoubtedly some have made the rounds, but you can always delete if you've already seen them.

stronghunter said...

Hope the light bulb can be replaced easily, Lynn.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Thanks, Kay! Got it!

Thanks, Hoda....will check it out further....oould not get hold of anything to unscrew!!! Maybe a job for Bill or Frank!

My ovens are SO old......they are Tappan's.....I'e had them 19 yrs., and heaven only knows how long they had been in my uncle's FL house! Probably at least 20 yrs.!

Kay said...

Right on, HODA ! LYNN, see if you can use the instructions she found--if it works, follow with the Vodka & Lime solution--if it doesn't work, follow with the Vodka & Lime solution ! Perhaps you should have 2 grades of Vodka at the ready, one cheap and one expensive n' tasty !

stronghunter said...

My deletes. I stuttered.

stronghunter said...

My deletes. I stuttered.

Hoda said...

Oh My!!! Changing Light Bulbs is a real issue!!! Look at this page!!! HA HA HA CHANGING LIGHT BULBS
It is a UK you suppose this is a problem over there only??? How many BRITS does it take to unscrew a light bulb??? I won't even venture a guess!!! LOL I will leave the computer for a while I am getting very silly...BBL

stronghunter said...

Don't know what is going on. I only clicked "publish" one time.

Wanted to say that I did post one picture from the events at Kathryn's workplace on my blog. The man who was shot was in a ravine behind Kathryn's SUV,

hedgie said...

Sure, Kay, if you have time! Cool!

stronghunter said...

I had a light bulb burn out in a microwave oven once. We could not replace it, so I called a repair shop. They would have kept it for a long time and charged, I don't remember, maybe over $100.

I dealt with it for awhile, and eventually Susan bought me a new microwave.

hedgie said...

LOL, Hoda---everything one needs to know, huh???!!!! SOunds like it would drive me to drink!

hedgie said...

Liesl wants her bedtime routine. Spoiled rotten little girl! BBL.

Kay said...

It is so cute that Liesl has a bedtime routine ! She's so smart. But, of course, she's well educated, even has a college degree ! ☺

Lolly said...

I think there are a few on here who have been nipping at the vodka. LOL

grannyblt said...

Evening folks. I am happy to report I will be going to the state store tomorrow for some cleaning supplies!!!
You all have sure been busy today with appointments, baking, cleaning and worrying. Hoping for a visit from our feathered friends in the am.

Sandi said...

Kay, I hate to cook and bake (hope it's OK to admit it on here with all the baking that I've read about in the past week). But I LOVE to clean - I was so excited when I read your email and can't wait to try some of the things out! I'd love whatever cleaning tips you may want to send my way - just don't send me any recipes!! =) Taking Bella up to bed; it was a real struggle to get her to eat her dinner and I had mixed the anti inflammatory in her food so I really needed her to eat it. Guess I should just squirt it into her mouth from now on - it's not like she can bite me! Good night all! Winter officially starts at 12:30am!

grannyblt said...

When I sold my ouse in Houston, it still had the builders model GE oven. It was over 30 yrs. old.
Got a new car battery last week as the other one was 5 yrs. old. the old one still worked, but in this cold climate and my truck being outside all the time, I didn't want to take a chance.

Kay said...

LOL, GRANNYBLT and LOLLY ! The last time I bought Vodka the clerk asked, "Is this stuff any good ?" I told him, "I don't know, I just use it for cleaning." I wish you could have seen the skeptical look on his face ! Priceless !

SANDI, I will send you and LYNN my hint collection, one per day, until I run out. I used to have a lot of fun sharing them and my books with co-workers. Don't worry about my sending recipes. I've retired from cooking and baking !

grannyblt said...

Sandi,it is perfectly OK.. You can come and clean for me and I'll cook for you. Give Bella a gentle hug from me. We had a doxie when I was a teen that had back problems. She recovered and even had a litter of pups a year or two later.

Kay said...

SANDI, have been wondering if Bandit interacts with Bella and what he seems to think about the attention she receives ?

stronghunter said...

Saying good night. I am suddenly very sleepy. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for health and happiness tonight for the people and critters on this blog.

Kay said...

Goodnight, SHIRLEY ! You've given me a great idea. I'm going to close up shop, too.

As usual, will be remembering the many prayer needs we Momsters/Dadsters have. And, will be thanking God for the blessings of the day as well !


NCSuzan said...

It really is not fair to be funny, Hoda and Kay. I do not have a voice and cannot laugh out loud! You guys are killing me today!

Lynn, what a crazy mixed up day you had. Hope the drugs do not make you sick.

Shirley, will our children ever grow up? Was Kathryn hanging out the window watching the shoot up? She could have been injured by a stray bullet. Thank goodness she is ok. Remember when we felt invincible?

Kay, so glad you are doing better.

Made rum balls today. Maybe I will take one and scrub the swtove and see if it works! LOL!

grannyblt said...

Nite all. We should be tuning in so we can be ready for the early morning VISITS.

Lolly said...

Suzan, you just made me laugh outloud!

Kay, I think you should put your hint a day on here.

Lolly said...

Oh, I hear ice falling into glasses in the kitchen. I think Jack is fixing G&T's and I guarantee I am not cleaning anything this time of night!

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, I am happy that you laughed. I have chuckled all day at the humor on here and then while ago Hoda put the icing on the cake so to speak!

hedgie said...

ROFL. You all are too funny. you have a frog in your throat? :( Hope he leaves quickly.

Going to have to set the alarm for much too early going to go ahead and say goodnight now. It's been a long day. Gotta admit I'm kind of afraid to go up to bed and lie down. May just bunk on the sofa.

Temp has risen to 56°! But breezy out there, so doesn't feel like it.

Sandi, hope Bella feels better by morning. Poor pup.

Prayers for all, and hope everyone sleeps well. Thanks for all your support.

NCSuzan said...

Got to go sit with the nebulizer. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening and prayers for all ills.

What can we make tomorrow that we do not need to eat?


paula eagleholic said...

Aha, found something to do with Bro's vodka! LOL!

Hoda said...

LYNN, Find a place to sleep where you can rest...If you wake up and come back to the blog one of us will be here...usually after I log off LORI logs on...

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) Lynn! Yes, we are here for you!

Nite! Love you!

Lolly said...

Lite a candle and say a prayer for Lynn

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, no. When I was on the vent there was some damage. They call it something dysphonia? Just one more thing wrong. I sound like I have really bad laryngitis!

Mema Jo said...

Time for this old gal to rest her head on the pillows...
I was at a toy store today - FUN
Everyone take care & keep the Faith...

Good night friends
Love you one and all
Prayers for everyone
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Wahooo! Frogs won! Hard fought game...I was worried.

Hoda said...

Congratulaions LOLLY on the frogs winning.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Hoda! Think I am heading to the shower and then to bed. Getting very hard to keep the peepers open!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Took GG shopping today...first time in a looong while. She said, at the house before we left, "I feel like a kid, I'm so excited!:)

I'm to sleepy to tell of our adventure. Tomorrow , maybe:)


Hoda said...

WANDA it will be good to hear your story of shopping with GG.

It is now officialy winter.

A little girl in Canada who had a rare form of cancer and who met Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge when she was in Canada this summer, is in remission.
The little girl had watched the Royal wedding and wanted to meet a princess. They arranged it for her and she met Prince WIlliam and the Duchess...It is a Christmas Miracle our papers are saying We Are Calling This A Miracle

Hoda said...

officially, not officialy...sorry

Lori O. said...

Lynn, I'm here if you're not feeling okay.

Lori O. said...

HODA, the Christmas Miracle is so sweet. AMEN! God is good...and I like Sharon's God is good all the time!

Hoda said...

YES GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME LORI. I am still up and hoping that LYNN is sleeping soundly and that she is comforted by knowing of our prayers and love for her.

Are you at work already?

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Lynn, glad you're doing well. Praying that there will be NO nausea! How big are the tattoo dots?

Kay, that's FANTASTIC news from your doctor! Thank God!

Shirley, mighty glad that Kathryn is OK after the crazy situation with the shooting today. Doesn't she always lock her car? Sure can't get away with leaving a car unlocked out here! Not for a minute!

Gosh, with all this talk of vodka, I think I will try it on my oven tomorrow...maybe it would remove the umpteen million coats of Mop & Glo I've been trying to get off my kitchen floor, too! MTBR....

Well, think I'll call it a day. It's been busy! Went & got one of Kubby's prescriptions today (The other one won't be ready until tomorrow after noon.) Drove to Kohl's to make a return. Went and picked up a ham at the HoneyBaked Ham store. Called and found out there was NO line out the door! Ran right over there immediately. There usually is a line of people a block long this time of year.
Will go pick up Kubby's Christmas gift tomorrow. Just not enough time today. Worked some more on the kitchen floor. (It's improving gradually!)

Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Have said prayers for everyone, especially those in need of healing. Prayers said for every creature, too. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

Thank you ANDY for setting the light and the security system...I hope no one wakes up in the middle of the night and if they do may they not stumble...I am still not sleepy so I will go to my book for a while.

Lori O. said...

No, Hoda. I am off until Wednesday when I go back to work! Glad you told Lynn that I would be up so she knows someone will be here.

I was thinking about the Princess Miracle story. How wonderful that she is so genuine and took the time to see someone less fortunate.

Hoda said...

Of course LORI I knew you were off for a week...Happy for you...You also said several times that you do not know how to sleep in...I was confused that today is Wednesday, but it is of course...I think the Duchess of Cambridge is a real genuine person and she is a very good mate for The Prince. They were at a homelss shelter today and she baked cookies with them and visited with around eighty people...Prince William invented a "swag dance" and the street people are all very excited with it all...They cancelled their ski trip to Switzerland because many others can not afford to go on holidays, they will spend Christmas with HER MAJESTY and Prince Phillip in Sandringham.

magpie said...

And if Hedgie wakes up and needs to talk....Ring me up, Sweetness....

Good Night Precious Pals....

nice to see a few smiling faces at this late/early hour..but I need to disappear...phones are by the bedside...

Happy Winter!

Prayers for Wellness, Courage, Strength and Comfort...

God Bless This Nest, and

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

LORI if you click on the first photo you will see a series of photos of Prince WIlliam and Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge at the shelter today.
The Royals at the Shelter Today

Hoda said...

...and there is MARGY, see LYNN so many of us are here for you in case you wake up...I hope you are resting and with sweet dreams...Phoning as MARGY says is also a very good option...

Lori O. said...

Gosh, The Princess is just beautiful and so elegant. She really reminds me of Diana, which is probably the mold she wants to break, though it was such a good one.

Hoda said...

LORI, I find Catherine attractive and very fashionable. This is what I see similar to DAINA PRINCESS OF WALES. Catherine thankfully is not competing with her husband and they seem to co-ordinate their activities in such a way that no conflicts least so far. Diana had a different office than Prince CHarles and the two offices did not work well together...Both Prince William and Catherine function from one office and therefore they are co-ordinated nicely...

Hoda said...

OK I am calling it a night. LYNN if you wake up do phone and don't put too much energy in worrying. It will go well tomorrow and you are strong and resilient and you will come through it all...OK EVERY ONE get ready for a group hug...{{{{{♥H♥U♥G♥}}}}}

Good night and continued sweet dreams. God Bless...
LORI if you go back to bed I hope you are able to also settle in, LYNN phoning is a good idea...
See you all in the morning...

Lori O. said...

Good observation, Hoda...I didn't realize William and Catherine worked out of the same office. Interesting. Well, get some rest and we'll see you in the morning! Love and light to you, Hoda. Big hug.

Lori O. said...

Wish I could go back to bed...maybe I'll get sleepy in a little while. Cats are all up with me and having a WILD time!

Kay said...

Good Morning Early Birds ! Guess LORI was able to get more zzzz's. The "wild"cats must have settled down. It just took about 4 minutes for the cam to come up ??? :(

Kay said...

NCSuzan, who's making who laugh ? LOL ! I'm betting Rum Balls, if of the right potency can solve many a problem.

LOLLY, the hints are compiled by the page and too long to post here. Will e-mail them to you, too. If you run across something that works let us all know, please.

ANDY, thank you so much for lighting a candle of thanks for me !What a sweet gesture !

Kay said...

LYNN, here's hoping you had an easy night and feel rested this morning ! Also hoping Christie is 100% today.

Lori O. said...

Good Mornig and a ((((BIG HUG)))) KAY!

Lori O. said...

That's Morning... ANYWAY, I'm so happy that you've been cleared of infection by the doctor! I could tell by your posts that you were jumping for joy!

Lori O. said...

Yay, LYNN, must have slept through the night. I was up earlier and had a nice chat with Hoda. I have today off, but got up at the old time anyway.

Kay said...

Hi dear gLORI ! Thanks for the good morning hug ! Right back at cha' {{{{{LORI}}}}}} ! You're right, I was/am jumping for joy ! What a relief. The doctor even hugged me and wished me a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Lori O. said...

Perry's father, Mickey, called me last night. He is the dearest man. He'll be 88 on Dec. 30th. He's a retired pastor and as sweet as can be. I always love it when he checks in - usually several times a year.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Have been up for awhile looking through different sites. It is very dark at the nest.

I am hearing Kathryn and Hunter upstairs. But I am thinking that I really want to go back to sleep.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Shirley. So glad all the craziness of yesterday has passed for your family!

Kay said...

The experts say we should keep the same sked every day for good health. I guess I could do that if I were disciplined enough to go to bed at the same time every night and used an alarm clock for wake ups. Just can't reconcile doing that in retirement !

stronghunter said...

Kay, so happy you have gotten a clean bill of health from your doctor.

Lori O. said...

Clunking around on the camera!

Kay said...

Hello SHIRLEY ! Hope this a far more laid back day for Kathryn and for you !

Yes, the nest is still very dark, but I hear clunking near the cam. Someone is a bit restless !

Lori O. said...

Headed to the kitchen for some fresh coffee...anyone else need a fill-up?

stronghunter said...

Kathryn may have a busy day at work. They had to tell customers they could not pick up their cars yesterday afternoon.

Kay said...

Thank you gals--I'm so pleased the infection is history and hope that never happens again ! Now if the orthopedist gives me a pain relieving injection for this painful bursitis in the hip, I'll be one completely happy camper ! I see him/her at 3 this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

I hear clunking too.

Kay said...

I just helped myself to a second cup o' java, it's a wonder we didn't run into each other, LORI ☺.

Surely all those car owners understood why they were to stay away yesterday evening. I read it was an ATF chase and shooting and that the "bad guy" is expected to live. Fortunately no officers were hurt !

Lori O. said...

Well, Kay, I bet you get your wish and get the shot today. It'll be so exciting to wait for you to come home and see what the doctor says and if you got the injection.

You must be in a lot of pain - can't imagine wishing for a shot. I used to pass out at the doctor's office when I was young because shots terrified me!

Kay said...

We're expecting a thunderstorm before noon today, rain later in the day and possible snow flurries tomorrow, but temps ranging from 42° to 58°. Get ready nest area folks--we usually send it your way when we're through with it !

stronghunter said...

You found the wrong article, Kay. The bad guy is dead.

I saw the ATF article, but that is not the right story.

Lori O. said...

Kay, you saying thunderstorm reminds me I need to get the weather up...BRB

Kay said...

I have a high tolerance for pain and am not usually anxious about shots, but have to admit this one has me quaking a bit. I think this will be a big needle shot and that the stuff may ball up and cause even more pain for a while. LYNN says I may not get immediate relief. I've been having bad days and good days. On the bad I can barely walk and can't stand straight, so I am looking forward to a solution !

Sandi said...

Morning Kay, Shirley, and Lori! Guess I've been a very good girl this year - Santa gave me a 2-hour fog delay on the last school day before Christmas break!! =)

Lori O. said...

Hazardous Weather Outlook for the NEST & surrounding areas from Shirley to Paula:




stronghunter said...

Dumfries, VA, Shooting

Kay said...

Wow, SHIRLEY ! You mean there have were two shootings in the same general area yesterday ? Horrible ! Can you give us a link to the right story for "Kathryn's incident" ?

Kay said...

Thanks, SHIRLEY, you read my mind ! I'll take a look at the link !

Hi, SANDI, you're the only one I know who revels in fog days ! LOL Glad it gives you some extra home time and a shorter day at school.

Whoa, LORI, that is one scary weather report ! We didn't send that mess your way.

Lori O. said...


Today: A slight chance of showers after 3pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 58. Chance of precip is 20%.

Tonight: Showers. Low around 42. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New rainfall amounts between three quarters and 1" possible!!!

Friday: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 52.




stronghunter said...

I am not sure, but I don't think the other one was yesterday.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...☺ ♥

I'm "clunking around" here at my roost, are you sure that's not what you are hearing LOL

Tee tiny sliver of a waning moon in the will be "all gone" in a day or two and then start all over again

magpie said...

Thanks for the Weather forecast, Lori,
sounds rather ominous, and it is WARM outside now...

Kay - so happy to read of your Good Girl Report from the Doctor's - -
Bravo, Clap Clap Clap !!

Lori, how dear, that Perry's father called you last night
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Margy, you shoulda been a celestial scientist! Your heaven!

Kay said...

I thought the ATF report was dated yesterday, but guess not. Wow, quite the story, glad the outcome was one that only took care of the fleeing burgler and no harm to others !

Lori O. said...

What a great group we have here this morning and it'll just keep getting better. :)

magpie said...

Sandi -
Enjoy this last day before Christmas Break....well-deserved time coming up for you...

and Shirley - there is so much going on in your area, lots of times...glad Kat is okay, bet those customers were a wee bit rankled yesterday also...
not being able to get their cars at the busiest time of the year !

Sandi said...

When I lived in Balto. and would hear about fog delays on the Eastern Shore, I would laugh. But the first fog delay we had when I moved here, I decided to go into school early to grade papers (I was a long term sub for an English teacher that year, not in my special ed. job where I have no papers to grade). I missed seeing a stop sign until I was right on the intersection, slammed on my brakes, skidded into the intersection, and narrowly escaped being plowed on the driver's side by an F-150 pick-up! Now, I don't take them lightly and stay HOME when there is a fog delay!!

magpie said...

Thanks Lori,
between ALL of us here on the Blog, we have all the knowledge bases covered !!

Sandi said...

Morning Margie!

magpie said...

whoo, scary Sandi....I think your Guardian Angels were out with you on that foggy morning...

magpie said...

I have tried to skim and speed read the posts but am not very successful at it these days....hope to catch up and be more polite "one of these days" as there is so much going on with so many of us...

Know that I Care, Precious Pals...
it's a perpetual thought...

Kay said...

Good Morning, MARGY ! Maybe it is you we hear clunking ! LOL

Goodness gracious, I googled "shooting in Dumfries" again and see that the article I zeroed in on was dated in April. Aren't I the observant one ?

LORI, where does Mickey live ? It's so wonderful that you and he have a good relationship, a blessing for both !

magpie said...

I have a few more things to try to at least get INTO the mail today, though I think most of what I send out will be late....

So I am going into lurk mode....
and then on to work...

will bring the nest up, and scurry around...

for Wanda
I read what you posted about the lady who found James's clothes to be just what she was looking for:
Hallelujah! Thanks for providing the means for her to get these things ♥

magpie said...

So...on that note:
BIG (( HUGS ♥ ))
and Best Wishes for all good things of the day to all of you....

ttfn...Hope the Eagles Come to the Nest in the Fog !

xoxoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning all!

Lori-I had a smile when I read what Loo posted on WASH Facebook about you not being there. Very cute.

Sandi-Do you have the momsters cheat sheet? I could forward it to you if you don't. It has all the screen names and our real names on it. I didn't think about it til this morning. Let me know.

Kay said...

Fog is treacherous ! Years ago, my parents, sister and I ran into fog in the mountains near San Diego. When we arrived at my great aunt's home there was a cow tail embedded in the grill of the car. Whew, that was a close call, for us and the cow !

magpie said...

actually, it's NOT foggy here in Martinsburg....
so probably not at NCTC either...☺

DanaMo said...

Sandi-Do you still have school today? WOW if you don't that is really cutting it close! I'm really surprised. When do you go back?

DanaMo said...

Good morning Kay, Margy, Lori and Sandi! Is that everyone who is up and moving this morning?

Kay said...

Hi DANAMO ! It seems the FB crowd knows all about your NYC trip and activities. Any chance you can post some of it on your blog so we who refuse to open up our lives on FB can enjoy, too ? If it's too much trouble, I understand and am just happy to hear you had a super duper time !!!!

Kay said...

It doesn't look foggy at the nest, but still rather dark so who knows ?

DANAMO, SHIRLEY is here this morning, too. Did you read about the harrowing afternoon/evening her Kathryn had yesterday ?

DanaMo said...

I saw the pictures on Facebook.
Good morning Shirley.
I'll post some of the pictures to my picture blog Kay. Give me 5 and it will be done. ☺

Sandi said...

OK, have read back thru last night/early AM posts.

GrannyBLT - I assume the state store is a liquor store? I've had many friends suggest the "I'll cook for you if you'll clean for me" idea.

Kay, Bandit was 7 when we got Bella and he has NEVER liked her. At 14, he sleeps upstairs in our room most of the time and he's very hard of hearing, so I'm sure he's oblivious to all the attention Bella is currently getting. If he gets his 3 walks a day, his food, and his treats, and some scratches behind the ears, he's content. Thanks for the WD-40 tips - keep em coming!

Lori, enjoy your week off. I know what you mean about still getting up at the same time each morning. I'm here when I could still be in bed but, as I've told you before, I'm an early morning person.

DMo, I'd LOVE the cheat sheet!! Today is our last school dat and we go back on 1/3.

Margy, sorry I misspelled your name.

Nest is getting lighter and I've heard some clunking off and on, so ...

Kay said...

You are a dear, DANAMO ! Thanks for catering to me. ♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

I'm happy DanaMo is putting the pics on her blog here, too. I accidentally slipped onto FB from work yesterday ... was on the work page, then got sidetracked on my page. I must say FB is a time-sucker. You click on thing and from there I can never get back to my page...I just keep going and going.

Lori O. said...

Did that look like an eagle wing in the upper right that just flapped in front of the cam? lol

DanaMo said...

okay Sandi I sent it.
Kay-pictures are uploading.
Lori-I don't find myself getting sucked in to FB. I get on, and get off pretty easily but I know lots of people say that. Now if I bring my kindle to school, the kids would be coloring all day! LOL! I know better than to do that!

DanaMo said...

Sandi, I don't know if you have multiple emails so just to let you know I sent it to your gmail address.

Sandi said...


Kay said...

I missed it LORI. Heard a clunk that might have been a take off though. EAGLE

Lori O. said...


Kay said...


Lori O. said...



Kay said...

Still hear clunking so guess it's Belle up there and NOW HERE SHE IS !!!

Sandi said...

2!! Does the cam look like it's on a time delay to anyone else?

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

Yes Sandi I noticed it when he/she flew in.

Sandi said...

DMO, got the cheat sheet. Thx!

hedgie said...


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Both very busy ! Oh,oh, she does not want his help with the nest cup. Get outta my face, says she !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning LYNN! How did you sleep?

Kay said...

Hi LYNN, how was your night ?

hedgie said...

Cam often looks like that Sandi----herky-jerky---when it's still not light.

Sandi said...

Morning Lynn! I'm kinda hoping Belle keeps that smudge - makes it easier for me to identify her.

hedgie said...


Kay said...

There is some blurring with rapid movement as in the fly ins and the beaking.

Sandi said...

Kay, now that I'm on this blog, I find myself spending less time on FB and, like DMO, I'm not addicted to it. I AM addicted to this group already!! Seriously!! =)

Lori O. said...

Sandi, and your addiction to the blog only gets worse...which is actually better!

Sandi said...

Lori, Not sure my husband likes my new addiction. May have to kick him to the curb!

Kay said...

SANDI, happy to see you have your priorities right ! LOL

Sandi said...


T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

LOST TRACK... Is that Belle in the egg cup, and Shep with the Deer leg?

T-Bird said...

It is nice to have a visit this morning.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sweet Thelma!

T-Bird said...

It is also very nice to have my computer back. : ))

Sandi said...

Morning Thelma!

Kay said...

Good to see you, THELMA !

Lori O. said...

POOF, Belle?

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

LORI, I believe it was Belle with the deer leg and Shep who just POOFED.

Kay said...

Who knew it would ever be so hard to tell the birds apart ? Especially in this early morning light.

Lori O. said...

I'm sure you are right, KAY...MAKE THAT SHEP POOF.

Kay said...

THELMA, is there any update on the Riffe family hospitalizations ?

Kay said...

I'm not so sure I'm right, LORI !

Sandi said...


DanaMo said...

Good morning Thelma.

Sandi said...


stronghunter said...

Shep back.

DanaMo said...

Having trouble with Blog loading pictures. Not sure what's happening.

I see we are back to two. Yipee.

Kay said...

They really are the Bickersons today !

DanaMo said...

Had trouble loading them another day too, that's why I didn't do it from NY. Hopefully I will get them on at some point.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagles and eagle buds

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

♫♫♪ I can do anything better than you can. I can do anything better than you. No, you can't. Yes, I can. No you can't. Yes, I can, yes I can, yes I can ! ♫♪♪

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

DANAMO, thanks for trying !

Sandi said...

Morning Judy!

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

I was just outside and can hear the Piliated Woodpecker, but I can't find him.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 521   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...