Tuesday, December 13, 2011


New thread.


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magpie said...

Like Right Now

JudyEddy said...

OTWIG If they show up then I will be late don't want that

magpie said...

Sounds like some powerfully exciting things going on amongst us

Best wishes to Lynne's Steve on his first day of the new job !!

Kay said...

Columbus Falcons

Kay said...

Eureka ! 1st time I left out the href=.

magpie said...

Wonderful and touching report from Wanda on the Soup Kitchen...and another big day today coming up....

I saw the Spread, and Smelled the Chow cooking yesterday, and had a wee but wonderful visit with Wanda and Gene....Gene's "Goatee" and moustache, is very handsome-y

magpie said...

Yay on Aric coming home, wowser, one entire month!
Enjoy the day off and the reunion, DanaMo

CarolAnne's tip on enlarging avatars, Right On ! I tried it with Hoda's "painting" and it was perfect
Thanks CarolAnne !!!

magpie said...

I really really tried to get the SPLIT alert out....hope we see everyone over here pretty soon....

Hey there Kay.... hope the sonofagun pain eases up, Enjoy your Day with Daughter today !

Nice report from Lynn also, on the grocery shopping, and tree-stablizing projects, with Jewels!

I have to disappear before eagles show up - hope they do - but I have to get ready for work....

Best Wishes to Everyone, on all your activities and projects...
Hope today is a Good One !

xoxoxox ♥

Kay said...

Hello dere MARGY ! What's on your agenda for today ?

Kay said...

Beautiful avatar, MARGY !!!!!

Kay said...

For some reason I thought this was a day off for you, MARGY. Check in with us from work when you can !

magpie said...

Kay -
I have to work...our Office Party was for today, but our boss is in the hospital, so we are postponed on that

from my Naturalist Friend in New York :
"Saturday was
snowy and windy and the swans were really flying, hundreds of them.
Maybe you were able to hear or see some. I looked at the flyway for
them and they pass somewhere near you on the way to the coast. "

so maybe still, we might see or hear them

Here Eagles, Eagles Eagles...

ttfn ♥

magpie said...

Kay - thanks!
I think we lost some pals in the SPLIT
My avatar is from a Christmas card from my dear 94-year old shopping pal gal ☺

I'll "See You " fine folks as I can....trying to keep up with the blog posts at least

Sandi said...

Later! HAGD!

Kay said...

LORI, good report on the governmental view on texting and talking on the phone while driving. It's become such a hazard. It occurs to me that had the government been more concerned about what is done is cars we'd have fewer people in this world.;o) Did I say that ???

Kay said...

MARGY, too bad and sad about the boss being hospitalized. What is the problem ? Prayers for a quick recovery and his/her being able to enjoy a holiday party !

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Eagles !

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Both interested in nest cup at first. Now Belle moves to do rail work, moving that deer leg from 6 to 7 and back toward 6. She can't decide where she wants it !

Kay said...

He moves to 12 and she gets to nest cup. She looks much cleaner today. They must have been at the Spa !

Kay said...

Poof Shep as color arrives

Kay said...

Belle sitting on nest cup and looking all around as if watching Shep in flight ???

Kay said...

Her identifying tail feathers on display--wish we had a photographer on duty this morning !

Lori O. said...

Kay, couldn't agree with you more than something needs to be done about people talking on phones and texting while driving. People drive like they're drunk - weaving all over the roads 24 hours a day. I used to just see that on my way to work at 2:45am.

Kay said...

The smudge is still on the left side of her head, but washed out by sunlight perhaps.

Kay said...

Belle moves to 3 and Poof !

Lori O. said...

Standing on rail looking like she's about to POOF...SHE DOES AND BELLE IS GONE...OUT AT 3.

Kay said...

She circled around to the east and away.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

A 12 minute visit, nice !

Kay said...

My delete for double posting.

Lori O. said...

THEY could come back!

Lori O. said...

So glad you were here this morning, Kay. I'd have been all alone. :(

Kay said...

Yes, they could come back and will, but how soon ? Funny how often I just happen to get up early when my help is going to be needed, huh ?

Keep expecting the Bluefield threesome to check in or SHIRLEY or CAROLANNE. What's up today ?

Kay said...

Tee-hee, Loo takes the part of Lucy talking to Linus (our LORI) ! Reminds me of the ditty:

Said the Llama from Botswana to the Hippo of Peru, "Shouldn't you be in Botswana ? Shouldn't I be in Peru ?"

Lori O. said...

You are amazing...I think you know when you're going to be needed...a little angel (?) in Fred. whispers she needs the angel in Columbus!

Kay said...

LOL, you an angel, me angel ? Okay, if you say so ! {{{{{LORI}}}}}}

Lori O. said...

Oh yeah, I would be the llama, right?!?!!! Never wanted to be a hippo. lol

Kay said...

You are definitely the Llama ! We'll assign the hippo role to Loo, but we won't tell him because we're too angelic !

Kay said...

Our Eagle Buds should never leave the two of us alone. We so silly !

Kay said...

12 Days of Christmas. 95 Sunny FM here has a version by an Acapella group--the Nylons maybe--done in parody for a live audience you can hear laughing. Are you familiar with it ?

CarolAnne said...

Oh no - there are talking llamas & hippos on the blog - and singing nylons (stockings?) where are Kay & Lori???

Lori O. said...

Here I am....over here!

Good Morning, CarolAnne!

Lori O. said...

Are you glad to be staying home for Christmas, Kay?

CarolAnne, did you wrap the Gift Card yet?

CarolAnne said...

LORI - not yet, but will share whatever method I do use.

Kay said...

Hi CAROLANNE ! We needed you to ground us. You know how these girlish spaz attacks are ! Do you have another busy day planned ?

LORI, yes, I've been very happy with spending Christmas with Julie, Hugh and Seth each year since 2007. Seth loves the season and makes it such a joy. He's a unique 17 year old !

CarolAnne said...

Morning KAY, Spaz away - I don't want to be the downer in the group!

Several things on the agenda today - though its to be a dark & rainy day, so will be hard to be motivated.

Got Bubby off to work so the day is mine for the next 12 hours. Will try to be productive.

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, you could never be a downer ! Dark and rainy here, too. Thank goodness my daughter will be here for lunch--a real bright spot in the day !

Kay said...

Guess I'll give up on a return visit with our beauties. Time to read some newspapers and e-mail.

BBL. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...


A slight chance of showers between 1pm and 4pm. Cloudy, with a high near 47. Light south wind. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

Thursday: Showers likely, mainly after 1pm. Cloudy, with a high near 56.



CarolAnne said...

Kay - lucky you. My lunch companions will be the 2 dogs & one of the cats (the other cat is too NOBLE to eat with us).

Will not see family until the 26th - first time in 3 years that Christmas will be celebrated here instead of one of their houses. Can't wait!

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, KAY. Thanks for rising and shining with the Early Birds!

CarolAnne said...

Lori - Kay
Wishing you the best day possible.

Off to get mine started - really!

Kay said...

I'm pulling a brief MARGY.

Thanks for the weather and sun up n' down times, LORI !

CAROLANNE, do you alternate Christmas hosting in your family ?

I'll be with the kids for dinner and tree decorating on the 21st. We'll have dinner and gift exchange on the 24th. All at Julie's house. Christmas Day afternoon I'll return to see what Santa brought and later in the day we'll order Chinese food. Second year in a row for that. Julie and I decided no one should have to spend the day cooking, especially since we'll have had a great homemade dinner the night before. I'm so enjoying being the ol' granny who lives in a small condo ! ☺

Lori O. said...

That makes my day, Kay.

Kay said...

Will stay tuned in to you n' Loo til' 9, LORI. Have a great day !

Kay said...

Back to marvel at the Time Magazine person of the year--The Protester--interesting choice. Seems appropriate when thinking back over all the protests around the world, including our country, in 2011.

Okay, this is it---BBL !

DanaMo said...

Treating myself this morning to a manicure and pedicure! Waiting for the nail place to open. Just put on a pot of decaf. Don't want to bounce off the walls! Or drive too fast down to Balt. LOL!

CarolAnne said...

Boomeranging here - where & when we have Christmas is sort of flexible for us. Both Bubby & I have been married/divorced, and my children are both married, so there are lots of different places the kids have to go to celebrate Christmas. Usually we travel to one of their homes (easier for us to do the traveling as we have no little ones at home). This year it works out that they are able/willing to come here. Yeah!

hedgie said...

Good hump-day morning, gang!
Cloudy here, but temp is 36°---not too bad! Had to let the fire go out yesterday cause the stove is too full of ashes! Will clean it out this afternoon and be prepared for the next cold spell. Feeling better since I haven't toted any wood for 24 hrs.!

Okay...so which one of you bought Liz Taylor's jewelry? $150M was what it went for!!!! WOW!

Wanda, God bless you and Gene, your church family, the momsters who donated so much, and the landowners who dedicated space for the tent city. Is the county going to allow it, for sure???

hedgie said...

Kay, any idea how soon the cam will be back up on the falcons?
Thanks for the link!

MO---what time does Aric's flight get in?

LOL----police call on the scanner: Carolyn telling officer about a juvenile refusing to go to school! Parent's don't speak English.....hmmmmmm: what's a cop to do??

DanaMo said...

Aric gets in at 1:45 so I don't have to leave here until shortly after noon. I have the morning free.

hedgie said...

Don't recall who asked....Liesl doesn't mind having her nails clipped at all----it just takes someone holding her properly and distracting her!!!!! Guess if I had 4 hands I could manage alone, but she can be a squirm worm!!!

DanaMo said...

I could have worked a half day, but, why??? ☺

hedgie said...

Oh, Kay---I love it: Hello dere!!! Brings back lots of memories of my Dad and one of his good friends (a bachelor who was SO cool and had a bit of beatnick attraction for us kids!!!)!

hedgie said...

Kay, MArgy & Caro's Boss had a kidney stone a few days ago. Was released, but then developed infection. So IMHO they released her too soon from hospital. My Bill almost died from septicemia after his kidney stone---if I had not been there screaming at the staff he well may have. It was terrible!

LOL---you DID say that about cars!!!! Too funny!!

hedgie said...

I have a sneaking suspicion that GM, at least, will fight the NTSB idea tooth and nail for the hands-free part of that idea. OnStar is a big money-maker for them. I NEVER use my cell if I'm driving....but I DO use OnStar! Just push a button----and the rest is all verbal.

Lori O. said...

Lynn, the recommendation excludes all manufacturer installed devices, so ONSTAR would be okay.

DanaMo said...

I LOVE my Onstar. Now I do also have a hands free headset Monte bought me, but if I don't have it on I do use the Onstar and Monte will call me on that at times. I always make sure I have minutes.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne and Kay....our family "rule" was that once there were kids, Christmas always remained at home. Of course, that changed with the present generation. Probably because this Grandma's feast is too good for them to even try doing it!!!
I can remember being SO anxious for my grands to arrive by bus cause we couldn't open any presents until they got there! We could see the bus stop from the porch and would be hanging out the door watching!!!

DanaMo said...

Now that you are off the air Lori, what duties do you have at the station? Just curious cause your show is 6-9? or 5-9?

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, it's 5 - 9...but I get here around 3:30. Now I have to work on commercials and anything we need to do for tomorrow. Sometimes there's a lot to do; sometimes, not much at all.

CarolAnne said...

hi ho -- its a new thread

hedgie said...

Oh, good, Lori---thanks for that info. It wasn't mentioned in the TV or newspaper report!

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...