Tuesday, December 06, 2011


New thread.


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T-Bird said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. I will holler for the others. : )

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread! We love it!

Hello Thelma and thank YOU for the call over. I just love seeing that avatar of Buddy. :)

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the new thread, now here's what I just posted on the other! LOL!
hmm...I was referring to the radio giveaway of a $50 gift card this morning on Lori's show. I was asking Lori was it was for, because I missed in when they said it.

Loads of fun in kindergarten and not getting much accomplished academically today. We have had all kinds of things going on including our Pixie Shop. The children get to shop for their family and friends in a set up little store with all kinds of inexpensive treasures. This afternoon we get to see the dress rehearsal of the Christmas program and in between I've got a couple of crafts that need to be completed including the slippers for St. Nicholas Day. Hoping to finish those before lunch and hang them on the kids lockers to be filled while we are at the play. Busy, busy...

What kinds of toys Wanda? Maybe I can bring some stuff over on Sunday. I plan to meet Lori and Jo at the market. Of course I also plan to go see the nest again.

T-Bird said...

Buddy says, "thank you Lori." : ))

magpie said...

O boy..
chance to see new faces on this NEW THREAD !

Thanks Steve, and
Thanks T-Bird for the callover

Now, someone tell the EAGLES we are over here now waiting on them

Ooops, DanaMo, sorry, I took your comment about gift card out of context....
NOW I understand
Your Day sounds Wonderful !
Very Christmas-y!

Hi Lori, back home now, eh ??
and today was your..."Thursday??"
with two word days off at the end of the week....??? ☺

magpie said...

WORK days not Word Days....sorry

magpie said...

T-Bird...are you going to be holding down the "critter" fort while Sharon goes traveling ?

T-Bird said...

You all need to look up a Time magazine article on a man made built hummingbird meant to mimic a hummingbird's flight. It is the Nano Air Vehicle (NAV). It was built by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. KWL stuff.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello from the new thread!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Website for the live cam is down.

magpie said...

Sharon, you mean live feed? Or the website.....
I have live feed going... but nothing's going on...the clock is advancing....

others reported having problems earlier with it...
might want to re-try..?

magpie said...

As Lynn has said, that brown branch with white "bottom" at 5-6 pm sure looks like an eagle haunched over !!

Now I hear raindrops...

wvgal_dana said...

I'll try this computer again. This morning wrote a message and it all disappeared.

Rebotted and still wasn't working right so I just closer her down for awhile.

Hope this comes through. Hello to everyone. (:

magpie said...

"Hear" you loud and clear, DanaWV ☺
Good Afternoon.....
with you traveling a good bit at night from your Mom's and back, aren't you seeing some beautiful Holiday Lights !!

magpie said...

figured out yesterday once I get OUT of my pajamas, and INTO real cloathes aka bib overalls...I get a lot more done...
mission accomplished...
disappearing into the projects now...
xo ♥ ttfn

magpie said...

I'm looking for Jo...
Hi Jo in Advance....

I hear mail now might be going to Baltimore before heading to Frederick....no more of those "overnight mail" deliveries from here to there, possibly :(
mail gets to Annandale in a day, and also to Massachusetts! But it takes several days to get to Fredericksburg...

'okay bye now

movin said...






C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Hey there Jim!
I mighta chased everyone else away....
and I just chased the Live feed away too :(
hit refresh on THAT instead of refresh on THIS.
Good to see you, and to have an Official Dadster on Board....

Take care now, enjoy your day...

xo ☺ ♥

Lori O. said...

Just got a call that the computer tech picked up the part for my computer and is on his way to replace the mother board. Hope it's quick!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just jumped up on the branch at 9-10 o'clock.

wvgal_dana said...


magpie said...

Well I missed all that Eagle Action, short as it was...

Good for You, Sharon, true to your Moniker !!!

and Yay Lori, hope Mother in the Mother Board cooperates...

xox ttfn just passing through...xoxo

Lori O. said...

TA-DUH! My computer will now read the card from my camera! Yeah. I'll be able to take and post pics all by myself again! I'm very habby!

Lori O. said...

Sharon, you think Shep is still up on the branch?

magpie said...

Hallelujah Lori!
Quick work of it....
We are glad you can post pictures all by yourself now too!

I do have live feed back up, the site is koooky today for sure, hear raindrops and it IS raining hereabouts...

have to run to the post office
bbl xo

Kay said...

Lori, Wahoo ! Good service on the puter !

Sharon, thanks for the Shep report !

Jim, sorry I missed you, but glad you checked in !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think he took off Lori.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon Everyone! Kristen just
left and then I was on a long phone call.

I will need to go to previous thread


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Heading up the road to Institute and then Scott Depot. Will check in later. Love you all!

paula eagleholic said...

Is the deer leg on the right side of the nest now?

Mema Jo said...

I think that is it, Paula. Guess it is going to be a permanent fixture! lol

hedgie said...

I'm home and getting caught up, slowly but surely! TIRED!!!! May need a nap before I get far! Had a great time! Good fellowship and food.....everything turned out perfectly! 66 showed up!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Caught up just a bit on the blog. Lolly,
Prayers for your friend Harriet, for her surgery, and for strength during the chemo treatments. God bless her health!
Thanks for the St. Nick's Day info!
No WAY you starved your Daddy to death! I'm glad you know that's not true! (((HUGS)))!! Enjoy Andrew's concert (I know you will)!! LOVE the Train "Shake Up Christmas"!
WV Dana, I'm CERTAIN that Ed is smiling down on you for donating his clothes to the Clothes Closet!

Prayers continue for Linda, her Mom, and the entire family, as Mom's Promotion Day draws nearer. Love you, Linda! (((HUGS)))!!!

Well, Miss Emma is begging for some lap time, so guess I'd better go for now. Will check back in later! :o]

hedgie said...

Safe travels, Shar......roads wet down your way, too??? Tell Andrew the Momsters say HI and break a leg!

Okay, caught up on this thread!

Margy, I think the local processing center closes come March.....then everything will go to Baltimore. :(

A friend brought me what I THINK is a Christmas Cactus......you all know my brown thumb. Any tips???? Guess I'll have to look it up on the 'net.....but figure so many of you are plant experts, that I'll start with you!

hedgie said...

saying prayers for Looly's friend, Harriet. Sounds like she has the right attitude!!! And it's okay to be a little fearful of the unknown---as in chemo! TG I know what to expect! I remember that fear!

hedgie said...

Caught up.....gee, you all were quiet while I was gone!

magpie said...

hearing the happy sounds of children,
AND some knocking around near the cam....

Sounds great, Lynn....Bravo !

magpie said...

Prayers for your friend,Harriet, Lolly...I had jumped to the new thread after T-Birds's New Thread alert and never went backwards...

see a couple of Eagle and poof messages back there from early afternoon

Hello Eagle Pals !

Lynn - Journal Junction comment from a 30-year veteran mail carrier, that's what I saw....
I agree, I thought it would not be until Springtime at least

How is Charlie ??? and Carolyn

magpie said...

Glad to read Andy is getting her computer things figured out also~ Big month for all that kind of stuff..
Now to wait on JudyE

magpie said...

Yeo, I'd say the old "deer leg" has found its most comfortable spot at the edge of the nest cup area, in about the 2 o'clock spot

Shep moved it the other day, and Belle moved it right on back to where it is now.

DanaMo said...

I'm still on cloud 9 since this mornings shout out by Loo and Lori! ☺

Home at last, the day went really fast! 2 down 8 to go!

hedgie said...

SIL is home from the hospital. Only thing Carolyn knows so far is that his red blood count is elevated----probably from a new pain med Dr. gave him last week. Thanks for prayers!!!

hedgie said...

Yeah, Margy...the Frederick processing center went to Baltimore on Nov. 19th. Article in the Herald about the changes.

DanaMo said...

Thank God I had the sound up I heard Shep fly into the nest.

DanaMo said...

And out they go! One and then the other.

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

I only knew they were there because I heard the flapping of Shep's wings as he flew into the nest.

hedgie said...

Giving in to the nap urge. BBL.

magpie said...

I saw them both come in at what looked like the same time so I might have missed the first in and out, DanaMo
was perched on a stepstool washing windows so I did't climb down

Glad you Saw them !

DanaMo said...

Me too Lynne

magpie said...

I wish I had heard the Call out from Loo and Lori !
but, I didn't....
How Exciting, though, for you Dana, and any other school personnel and friends listening !!

magpie said...

I WAS fixin' to take a nap but then pushed on to do the windows...
still have several more to do, but not now that it's too dark outside to see if I'm getting them right

magpie said...

Glad Charlie is home, Lynn, and hope that he feels better soon...if not already

magpie said...

Your bowling ball is running amok upstairs here....

magpie said...

back to doing, some of many things laid out all around...

bbl Have a Nice Evening !
xo ♥

DanaMo said...

I started dinner, so no nap for me yet. Maybe after we eat.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon/ Good evening.

LINDA PRAYERS continue fo ryou and your MOM.

Three short visits by one or the other of the eagles and then by both...I am glad you saw them this afternoon.

Good Christmas Luncheon. Conversations were good and the food also. Nice decorations and we were all in cheer and a sense of gratitude.

Next one tomorrow after Yoga...
Another Choral Recital now on Friday as a Fund Raiser for the Grans.

LYNN, Did you enjoy your luncheon and was everyoone being sociable?

hedgie said...

Yes, Hoda, I did enjoy it very much, and yes, we were a socaible bunch!!!! My glasses kept getting messed up from all the hugs!!!

DanaMo said...

okay so I'm ready to go to the couch but the Flying Labs are all on the same couch leaving no room for me! Someone is going to have to move!

wvgal_dana said...

Home again Home again that's me.

Lolly prayers for your friend Harriet.

Lynn glad the dinner went well.

Prayers continue for Linda and Mother and family, Kris, Charlie and Carolyn and family.

I seen where someone told Sharon "to break a leg"....No No please don't say that not even in kidding with that gal lol

wvgal_dana said...

Interstate 81 was ok but Rt 901 was foggy.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I use to be in a bowling league years back. There wasn't nothing said about standing there watching your ball go down the alley to hit the pins then leaving the area. I don't think things have changed over the years that much. Plus when I gone and watched them bowl they still stand there until the ball hits the pins.

Focus on the "eye winker" lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking in from Scott Depot. Heading to the concert now.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I finally got to see the Bragg Bunch. Very nice picture of them. I tried this morning but for some reason it wouldn't let me see them.

Mema Jo said...

DanaWV oh FB there is a whole album of them - just click on the album name
All of them are photographic.

Chili and cornbread for dinner. Yummy

I am going to watch Hallmark movie 8-10
Then Flashpoint has a new show on at 10

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - don't pop too many buttons!
I know you are going to be sooooooo
proud of your son! Maybe a pic or two

wvgal_dana said...

Andy I see you got a laptop I have windows 7 and I like it. Don't update to windows 9. Someone in blog did and it was a mess. They went back to windows 7. Enjoy the speeding lol

Mema Jo said...

Bowling Instructions: Release the ball
onto the alley - Stand there very still
& watch and pray you get a strike or a
spare! Pray that you don't get a split.
Once the pins fall - feel free to turn and go back to your chair with your team.

Sounds like the other team giving you
advice must bowl so fast and never watch
what they are doing - especially NOT having any fun!

hedgie said...

Did you hear? Yang Bo, Tian Tian's momma, has passed away in China. :(

Hoda said...

It is just a few minutes after sunset and the skies are clear and the moon is up. BEAUTIFUL. It just cleared the eastern mountain range close to the flat...I can see it from my front window...It is going to be a crisp night out there...

hedgie said...

Fog is so heavy you could cut it with a knife, but MOON is shining through it a bit!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn that is why I did not wait till later like usual to leave Mothers. I could till I was going to hit fog. Yeppers need a knife to cut it with.

I am not suppose to tell anyone. I took my walker into Mother this evening. Hands is still bothering her but it went into her foot now.
Left hand had swollen the other day and went down. Yesterday her left foot swelled...is gone down but like a stone bruise on bottom of heel. She just keeps on ... I pray I can do that if I make it to her age. We did have some laughs together in there this evening. Good to see her laugh. ♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda we are just going to have to put a prayer list in for those kiddies at the Soup Kitchen for the 13th.

paula eagleholic said...

Finally found Lolly's comment about friend Harriet on the previous thread....

Evening, all!

I missed the after 5 visit...darnit!

Sandi said...

I could go for another fog delay tomorrow morning. So far, no fog here and we didn't get any rain today either, though it was predicted. DanaMo - love the sweater! =) If I wore a Christmas sweater like that to my middle school, my 8th grade girls would laugh me right out of the hallway! Sorry I missed the eagles all day today - checked in a few times but the nest was always empty - oops, make that MT!

wvgal_dana said...

Going to go check to see if I can see Good Wife that I missed.

Check in later.

If I wouldn't get here: Prayers for Linda and her Mother and family, Charlie and Carolyn, Harriet, Kris, any and all with a prayer need for God knows who you are. Prayers for Gods creatures big and small.

Prayers that Sharon does not "break a leg" but does enjoy Andrew's directing music. PROUD MOTHER (:

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Margy you haven't said. How is things going with the two James and Pringles?

Sandi said...

Shoot, forgot to check the box to email follow-up comments to my email. Seems like I have to do that each time there's a new thread, am I correct?

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, I think that is correct!

Wonder how JudyE is doing?

Mema Jo said...

Facebook has pic from Sharon of Andrew (back row) at the choral concert.

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Sandi -
I am headed to a Hallmark movie and
I will return during commercials to check out things..... ♥

Sandi said...

I think there's a new episode of Glee on tonight so I'm off to the living room!

hedgie said...

Michael Buble' show coming on on NBC!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Jo, Megan has your wreath on FB!!

DanaMo said...

Well that little snooze didn't really cut it, I'm ready for bed! Boy have I been tired lately.

wvgal_dana said...

Watching Michael Buble Christmas show. Second time I have seen him. I am starting to really like him. Girls just went nuts cause he had Justin Beeler on.

wvgal_dana said...

He is dedicating I'll Be Home For Christmas to the soldiers and those coming home and those still there.

wvgal_dana said...

It says he has sold more than 30 million albums worldwide. Where have I been??? lol

magpie said...

If the skies clear enough, the Moon is pretty close to another bright object: Jupiter !

Sounds like Facebook is the Place to Be tonight ☺

magpie said...

far as I know, DanaWV, James and Big James and Pringles are doing well....I can't go visit this week since I have the beep beep beeper, am on call...

Waaaaaaah! Big Time. But I'll see them Saturday after work and then I can tell you more

Hello Evening Eagle Pals...xo ♥

magpie said...

Facebook.... and television...!!

but Tubby is the Place for Me...

see you all after I get squeaky clean


magpie said...

oh, found out last night that Tom Sweetie [upstairs] also once had a Pomeranian Mix...possibly with a Corgi...when he lived out on the West Coast...
she lived 15 years, her name was Punkin

NCSuzan said...

This is a short "fly by". Hope everyone is safe and warm. Lynn, glad you had fun today.

Jo, your family is really a good looking bunch!

WVGal Dana, your unselfishness with Ed's stuff will benefit so many people. Thank you.

Lolly, thinking of your friend.

Linda, i have heartache for you and your Mom. I know it is terribly exhausting for both of you. You have suffered a lot of tragedy this year. Will be thinking of you, your Mom and family.

And to those i have not commented, magpie, and paula and sandi, et al.....thinking of you too!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Just popping in to say hello!

Lynne2 said...

getting ready to crash....

Brother Cat had to go to work with me today. He's fine, just needed his depo injection for his IBD. My coworker took some pictures and posted them on my FB wall...he is singing! He sang all day. ALL DAY. I tried to adopt him out but no one wanted him. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor tomorrow....

Well, gotta run. Sure do miss having time to chat with you all :(

Good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Quiet night here.....watching NCIS: LA. Liesl is in bed. Still foggy---not raining.

Wishing Judie would chime in. And DIann, too...and, of course, our Lynne-ie! Lolly should be getting home soon.

hedgie said...

Ha---should have refreshed---there's Lynne! Have you talked to the in-laws? SNOW coming their way, for sure.

hedgie said...

Need to go listen to Bro Cat!

hedgie said...

Oh, not a video....just cute pics!!!

Suzan, are you getting rain?

Lynne2 said...

yes Lynn, they are going to be getting some SNOW! We may get some too late tomorrow! Hopefully AFTER I get home!

Is Caro's hubby OK????

hedgie said...

DUH! Just realized that NCIS is a repeat! Gee, only took 55 minutes. I'm good, aren't I?? CRS disease.

hedgie said...

We don't know, Lynne. They released him while Caro was at work. Only thing he told her before they had a fight was that his red cell count was high, supposedly due to a new pain med. ARGH! Men!
Sounding now like we won't get enough of the white stuff to matter----hoping that is the case.

magpie said...

Prayers for Peace "on the mountain," Lynn

Hello Suzan, and Lynne...

Always good to see you ☺

magpie said...

It's foggy, warm and humid here, and the Slugs are having their lasts flings for the season.....
Blimey, Slimey !!

magpie said...

when you return:
Sounds like you are having some rousing luncheons this week...
sure makes for a Merry Season, I would say ☺

magpie said...

where WAS your luncheon held today? I forget or never knew...

magpie said...

Suzan, if you are still around...how are YOU doing....?
Was it shoulder that was bothering you? Sorry I cannot always remember who has what ailment

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, FIGHT??? Why a fight? I haven't read back...

(just popping back after shower! MIS YOU GUYS!)

magpie said...

When I went to my storage bins Monday....there were LOTS of stink bugs, I was shaking all the stuff out, still haven't brought it in off the front porch yet....
well, a few things I did ...

Yucko !

Lynne2 said...

OH NO!!! That STINKS Margy....I found a bunch this past weekend in my file box as I was reorganizing. Well, I guess on the bright side, they weren't roaches....

magpie said...

If anyone would like some seeds from James's New England Asters, let me know! I am deadheading them this week, but they are still going pretty strong

You can tell me on here or email

magpie said...

Yep, that IS on the bright side, Lynne....

I have earwigs here from time to time, as ugly as, but not so bad as, roaches or stinkbugs

magpie said...

Glad to know that Sharon is at Scott Depot [WV] now...for Andrew's concert, and has a few days to spend with him, with another concert coming up.
Now THAT makes for some Merry Christmas spirit !

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOO save some for me Margy!

OK, really gotta go hit the pillow and make some "Mr. Heat Miser hair"!

Hope to check in from work tomorrow...

magpie said...

Worktime in the morning, so someone I know has to get some shut-eye....

Thinking of everybody, seen and unseen...

If someone a little later on would set the NIGHT LIGHTS that would be helpful....The Sandperson seems to make the rounds regardless

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort, and Peace....in ALL our Eagle Corners
across the Planet
Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

order received and will be filled, Lynne....
Good Night now..
xo Hello to Steve also...xo

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Sleep tight, Margy!

Still haven't completely caught up here, and probably never will. Hope I haven't missed anything important!

Emma fell asleep in my lap earlier. I fell asleep with her in my lap. We enjoyed our mutual nap!

Prayers continue for Linda, her Mom, and the entire family; for Charlie and Carolyn, Kris, and for Harriet.

Thelma, I saw an article about the man-made hummingbird. Pretty amazing!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, we still had mild Santa Ana winds here today, and I think that's why our gardeners didn't show up. Wish they had called to say they weren't going to be here. I think they probably had to take much longer with each yard because of massive amounts of leaves to pick up. Hopefully they will be here tomorrow. The winds have died down now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm going to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Margy, we have our annual luncheon at the Holiday Inn. One of our retirees' daughter's is the head of Hospitality, so she takes really good care of us!

Lynne, Charlie just hollered at Carolyn badly and hung up on her when she was driving home, and hadn't spoken to her before she went to bed. She has to be at work at 4am for a 12 hr. shift.

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.--Lynn, you are ALWAYS on my prayer list! (((HUGS)))!!!

Lynne2 & Steve, you are too! Hope you will be able to visit on your days off, Lynne! Miss you! (((HUGS)))!!

stronghunter said...

Stopping to say good night. Haven't read everything. Hope everyone is well.

God bless and good night.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening and Good night very soon

Went over to FB WOW Megan really made
me a gorgeous wreath for my home. I love it & I love Megan too ♥

Brother Cat! Whoo Hoo Now he is
something else - he sure had everyone's
attention. He has good teeth! Very good
pics, Lynne...

hedgie said...

Andy, do you have your report templates all set on the new puter so that you are still working???
How is Jay doing, by the way?? And how is ??Dan?? doing? Sorry if I have the name wrong.

Shirley, I'll tell you tomorrow what Bill said about the bowling.

Calling it a day here, too. Hope you all have a restful nnight. Prayers for all, but especailly for Linda, her Mom and the family. Hope they are all finding peace....and sharing the love.

Mema Jo said...

I watched the Hallmark movie
I loved it because I loved the actors.
My guy Mac from CSI:NY had the lead!!

Lynn, I hope you watched Flashpoint.
Really really tense!

It's been a good day - rain and all.
Glad I got my Kristen Morning today.

My neighbor who had his hip replacement came home today - hubby went down to help him into the house but he was going good on his own with a walker. I know he is happy to be home. They did have a hospital bed delivered so he will be able to get in and out easily.

I am praying for Linda to stay strong.
There were good words being said concerning the Grand Promotion and it is comforting to think that way.

Mema Jo said...

I did have an email from Judie --- FYI
"Have, indeed, been overtaken by the work to end the semester. Tired would be an understatement."
She'll be with us as soon as things at
school slow down a bit.

Very happy Sharon got us a picture of Andrew in Concert and
Likewise that Lolly got us a picture of
Joseph with his cello in concert.

Mema Jo said...

Enough said before I do one of Wanda's face plants!

Good Night & God Bless Everyone
& their loved ones & their critters
Prayers for our needs and also for
our Thankfulness for our blessings
Hugs for everyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

I will say good night too. It sounds things are well with our day in sharing and staying present to all the events in our lives.
PRAYERS to LINDA'S MOTHER as she transitions.

Prayers also for all who were mentioned on the blog today...

Hoda said...


Costume Lady said...

It seems most of us have been too busy today to spend very much time on here. I guess it is that TIME OF YEAR! So much to do and so little time and energy to do it.

Heading for facebook to see if my daughter has made it back home yet from OBX...then headed to bed.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We be home! Had a fun evening. I was cooking dinner and Jack was helping Jacob with homework when Laurel got home. She wants us to move in with her so it is like that when she comes home every evening. lol

Then we went to the orchestra concert. This particular orchestra teacher teaches at two elementaries as well as one high school. So, we listened to the 5th grade orchestra made up to two elementaries that had never played all together. They did great! Then we listened to the three different groups from the high school. Amazing how great they are after just a few years.

We were proud of Joseph. They are told to sit on the edge of their chairs and sit up straight. He did great...his posture was wonderful. He has always been one who follows directions very well!

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower now and then on to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Heading to light a candle..prayers for Lynn, Linda, and Harriet.

PA Nana said...

Hmmm.. my post is floating around cyberspace.

Anyway, good tidings to everyone and a restful night.

God bless!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Birds!

Helloooooo DanaMooooooooe! I hope we get JudyE back with us this morning.

Jewels said...

Good morning!! Thanks to all of you for the prayers for the hubby. He seemed fine this morning before I headed to work for a 12 hr shift. ugh, trying to stay awake here!!

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☼rning gL☺ri ! By gosh, by golly it's nice to start the day off with you n' Loo ! I love "Adult Comtemporary" Christmas music !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Jewels and Kay!

Merry, Merry, Kay!!!
((((Big First of the Morning Hug))))

Jewels, I can't believe he's going to work after being in the hospital.

Lori O. said...

Oh, I see, YOU are going to work.

Lori O. said...

Duh, and I'm supposed to be awake!

Kay said...

Jewels, thanks for checking in. You had a horrible day yesterday, but sounds like things are better today. Prayers for Charlie to continue !

Lynn, what a wonderful turn out for your luncheon. Big relief for you after all your hard work.

This is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. 70 years ago today and the numbers of vets involved now dwindling. I was not quite 5 years old and have vivid memories of my parent's angst over that fateful day. Mother's brother was a Marine and in the Pacific campaign. Turned out he was in Guam at the time, thank God.

Kay said...

Boy, howdy, that hug felt good ! Thank you, Lori, dear !

Julie and I went to our "Food Pantry" fund raiser last night. Oh, my, what a feast. about 10 eateries donated the food and presented their signature dishes. I counted 25 tables of 8 and a couple of tables seating about 14 each. Very few empty chairs, so about 225 people in attendance. At $50 a head it's going to add a nice chunk of change for the care of the needy ! Great Christmas music by a pianist and a sax player and lots of good conversation at the table where Julie and I landed. This is the 4th year for this event and our first at a hall in a nearby Catholic Church. We outgrew a wonderful little restaurant down the street ! Yeah !

Kay said...

Lori, I'm staying tuned for your report on bedbugs ! Ohio is the bedbug capitol it seems. Infestations have been found in hotels, hospitals, schools....One of my neighbors fought them off with the help of an exterminator about a year and a half ago. Turned out to be no threat to my condo as bedbugs are said to travel horizontally and only the condo beneath theirs was in jeopardy and treated, too. They think they came in on luggage after a vacation. Ugh, makes me itch to recall that anxious time here !

DanaMo said...

Good morning...late for me just got up 10 minutes ago which means no leisurely morning for me!

Jewels I am glad your dh seems to be doing better. I'm sure it was a very scary experience. Prayers for both of you.

Lori can I say again how much you made our day yesterday? I'm going to, you made our day yesterday, you rock!

Morning Kay, sounds like a great fundraiser! wow. It's always nice when something like that grows from year to year.

Lori O. said...

Oh Kay, the Food Pantry fund raiser sounds wonderful! Can't ask for more than that. Everyone is going to, organizing, or part of some pretty great charity events and get-togethers this season.

Jewels, you poor thing. You've had a crummy week. ((Big Hug)) :)

Lori O. said...

D-MO! Good Morning! I'm glad you got such a kick out of your shout-out. Funny how little kids, young and old at heart love the Christmas music! I wish we would play more of the hymns, Silent Night, Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, etc. Okay, everyone, what's your favorite traditional Christmas song? I think mine is It Came Upon A Midnight Clear.

Kay said...

Hi DanaMo ! Wish I'd been in on that shout out to your class yesterday ! How special that was ! Got a kick out of Sandi's comment on what would happen if she wore that sweater to the middle school.☺ I have a friend in her first year of retirement after 30+ years of teaching Kindergarten in Holland, MI. She was noted for wearing bright colors and duds that appealed to kids of that age, but made others kind of shake their heads !

DanaMo said...

I think it would be Away in the Manager

DanaMo said...

Can hear the rain on the cam.

Kay said...

You picked a good traditional Christmas song, Lori. I'm going with ♫♫ Joy to the World ♪♫ as a big fav here. O, Holy Night a close second.

DanaMo said...

Funny thing is our 8th graders love my sweaters. I hope that doesn't sound like I am bragging or against public school, but our kids really are different. The environment is totally different. I am by no means saying they are angels, but there is a certain naiveness or innocence around them. I don't know if I'm saying it right. And I don't mean to offend anyone so I hope that I don't come off that way.

Sandi said...

Morning all. Sounds like rain at the nest, though I can't see a thing. Raining here in Bethany - no fog delay! =(

DanaMo said...

Morning Sandi. Rain in H-town. Not heavy just drizzle. They are calling for snow tonight. Not sure how that's going to happen, it's 54 degrees right now. I rather keep the 54 degrees myself.

Lori O. said...

Joy to the World, is a GREAT one, Kay. I may have to change my vote.

Good Morning, Sandi!

DanaMo - no worries. FloBear is perfect and I don't mind who knows it! LOL

Sandi said...

DanaMo, Not offended in the least! Must be nice to be in a school w/ 8th graders who aren't already becoming cynical and jaded. Must be a nice feeling to have your daughter going to school in that environment as well! Public schools can be dangerous places for adolescents these days, and I'm not talking about drugs or weapons! I'm talking words!

DanaMo said...

ROTFLMAO!! It is wonderful have a perfect "kid" Lori! Love it!

DanaMo said...

Let it snow! How perfect! LOL! We are suppose to get some here in Hagerstown. I don't believe it, and I won't count on it! It will be the talk in the teachers room today.

DanaMo said...

My husband always says I can't protect them forever, but I say I can sure as hell try!

Both Aric and Andrew got a rude awakening at Catholic colleges with the drinking and sex and that is fine that they get hit with it at that point. And I know it's at Goretti, I'm not stupid, I know what I did, but I can try to keep them in that bubble for as long as possible.

Kay said...

Hey, Sandi, nice to "see" you. I know you were hoping for another fog delay, but kinda glad that potentially dangerous threat has gone away !

Dana, back when I was a kid nuns were the teachers at parochial schools. Many a comedian has used their Cathlic upbringing and authoritarian nuns for their stock and trade ! Are there fewer nuns in teaching now and if so, I wonder why ???

Kay said...

Oops, that should be Catholic upbringing, of course !

Kay said...

Lori, were you teasing about an upcoming report on bedbugs or did I miss it ?

Lori O. said...

Kay, you may have missed it. Here it is:

Researchers now say bedbugs are able to inbreed with close relatives and still produce healthy offspring. That means that if just a few bedbugs survive in a building after treatment, they repopulate quickly. It helps explain why they're so hard to eliminate.
The new research was presented yesterday in Philadelphia at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and
Bedbugs are wingless, reddish-brown insects that bite people & animals to draw blood for their meals. Though their bites can cause
itching and welts, they are not known to spread disease.
Researchers also say they found many different strains of bedbugs throughout the East Coast, meaning they're coming into the country from lots of different places.

DanaMo said...

There are very few nuns teaching now. That lifestyle just isn't something girls want to do today. Hardly any sisters in the communities (convents) now. We have one Sr. who just turned 85 she works in library and another who just turned 73 and she is the kindergarten aide (I took her job when kindergarten when full day and she didn't want any part of it). There are no nuns at Goretti. It's really why Catholic schools are so expensive now. Back in the day tuition was very low because nuns didn't get paid (or very little). So it didn't cost anything to run the school, no salaries or very little. It's sad, but it's the way of the world. Being a virgin, being "poor", being single, giving their life to God and the church just not what girls want today.

DanaMo said...

I think it's why we have a shortage of priest as well. And I personally don't think it should change ie..priests getting married. I don't think that is the answer and I don't think they should, but I am VERY old fashion.

DanaMo said...

Ew...bedbugs. I always worry about them with Monte traveling so much. I tried to get him travel sheets after he got "ringworm" (I think that's what it was) but he didn't want to so I didn't get them.

Kay said...

Thanks, Lori ! Here's hoping none of Kendra's survived in this building.

And, thanks to you Dana. Your explanation of the decline in nuns makes a lot of sense. I guess there are fewer men entering the priesthood as well. As you say, "the way of the world".

DanaMo said...

Well it sounds like the showers are free I better get dressed. Be back in a few.

Ring the bell if the eagles appear. ☺

DanaMo said...

Time to go pick a Christmas sweater for today! LOL!

Kay said...

Dana, I hope Monte does a thorough check of the bedding when checking into a hotel. "They" say, if you find the critters in the bed ask for a room change to a different area of the hotel or two floors removed. And, they say not to set luggage on the floor or bed, only on a rack or dresser. We can all be just so careful as they can be carried in on clothing to any place people gather---waiting rooms, etc.. Thank goodness they don't carry disease and they don't actually bite everyone. My neighbor got the clue when she was chewed up with bites. They didn't bite her spousal equivalent at all !

Lori O. said...

Kay, have you ever seen "The Chew" on ABC daytime? Yesterday the guys wore Christmas vests - very funny. DanaMo talking about a Christmas sweater reminded me of it.

Lori O. said...

"Spousal Equivalent," I love it! You're too funny, Kay. Great advice, too!

Kay said...

No, Lori, I've not seen The Chew. The only daytime program I ever turn on is The View and then I only stay for Hot Topics. I have no trouble sitting on my duff for hours at this computer, but refuse to sit in front of the boob tube before the evening news. ☺

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...I see Kay, Sandi, Lori, DanaMo....
Jewels...so far
I'll See Jewels FOR REAL in about 80 mnutes...

AND some light approaching the nest

Yes, raining hereabouts...

and we wouldn't mind seeing Shep and Belle as well !!

Kay said...

I can't take credit for "spousal equivalent"---that used to be Joy Behar's term for her Steve. They've been together for 20 or 30 years and just married a couple of months ago. She explains that as they grew older they worried about those medical issues only a spouse is allowed to take part in.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Margy! Yep, Jewels beat you to the blog this morning. :)

Kay said...

Hi, sweet Margy ! Give Jewels a big hug for us, please. What a stressful day she had yesterday. Sounds like you were busy every moment of your two days off--must feel good to have accomplished so much !

magpie said...

From Our Daily Bread :

When a US Navy vessel arrives or departs from the military bases in Pearl Harbor, the crew of that ship lines up in dress uniform. They stand at attention at arm's length on the outer edges of the deck, in salute to the soldiers, sailors, and civilians who died on December 7, 1941. It is a stirring sight, and participants often list it among the most memorable moments of their military career.

God Bless Our Military, those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor, and all the families forever affected

Kay said...

Well said Margy !

magpie said...

I sure will deliver those hugs and that love to Jewels....
in fact, not 80 minutes from now, more like 60!

if she clocked in at 0400, then it means someone is off...sick, or emergency leave....

It's the Season....

magpie said...

I did get a lot done, Kay...actually, I can really tear into cleaning and organizing...just don't do it often enough...so everything tends to get away from me !

I have projects lined up for when I get home tonight....
and tomorrow, and so on ad infinitum

magpie said...

Nest is going to get wet and soggy today for sure...and so are the eagles

Keep in mind, the SPLIT is coming in less than 20 posts....we'll be there before we realize it....
so Don't Get Lost !

magpie said...

speaking of bed bugs...
SCABIES is a real problem...hits the daycares and such and it is a huge undertaking to fix the problem...

WOOF !!!

magpie said...

I have to go get lost and get dressed....
will be back one last time before I leave...


Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone...

xo ♥

T-Bird said...

It has been raining here all night.

T-Bird said...

The dogs sure didn't want to go outside. It's funny how they can hold it longer if it means going out in the rain. : )

Kay said...

Eeewwww. Scabies. Haven't heard of a case of that in years, but I'll take your word that it's still a problem, Margy !

I enjoyed reading more about Tom Sweetie and his past, by the way !

T-Bird said...

Let me refrain that, all except for Buddy. He woke me up at 5:30.
So I've been watching this morning and I see I haven't missed a visit yet, right?

Lori O. said...

Are you guys expecting snow, too, T-Bird?

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Rain, rain, rain.

Water everywhere.

They say there will be snow later, but maybe not much here.

Kay said...

Hello, dear Thelma ! You are so right about dogs and rain ! Sorry to hear our Ohio rains found their way to y'all !

Kay said...

No Belle and/or Shep visit so far.

stronghunter said...

Just read your post, Thelma.

I know what you mean . . .

Luna just looked at me and said that she would pee later. Maybe tomorrow.

Hunter finally convinced her to go out.

I could not even get her near the door. She said that she knew it was raining and she does not like rain.

Kay said...

Good morning, Shirley ! Is Hunter all bright eyed and bushy tailed today ? Columbus schools are out today for one of those In Service days for teachers. What do teachers do on those days ?

stronghunter said...

Luna is the princess.

stronghunter said...

In-service days . . .

Teachers usually get to go to class.
Sometimes the newest methods of teaching are presented. Can be good and interesting stuff or can be not so good and interesting stuff.

DanaMo said...

Got my Santa shoes on and my red vest with Christmas puppies on it! Ready for a day in kindergarten!

DanaMo said...

Maybe I will wear my Santa hat too! Had my antlers on yesterday, but they get annoying after a while.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...