And BTW public school doesn't get out until Dec. 23rd. St. Mary's gets out the 16th. Our principal has made the schedule so that we could have 2 full weeks off at Christmas.
LORI, by the time vacations come up one is sooooooexhausted that it takes three or four days to feel human again...I used to say "I did not give up my humanity when I picked up my Teacher's degree"...sometimes I felt so tired that it felt like I was no longer one should have to feel that tired from work for ten months of the year...and during some of the holiday time there was school work to do...
Well I would trade it if I could stay home again, I think. It's more the idea of having to go to work, than the actual work. I loved being a stay at home mom though for the 14 years that I was home.
I loved being a teacher the first twenty years of my career. The last ten well it seemed to be more stress than not...I could not even go for groceries in the twon where I lived because people wanted to discuss an assignment or a grade or an event that happened at school...Imagine a two hour drive to go for groceries!!! Sorry I will stop now...I am complaining too much. THE HOLIDAYS ARE WELL EARNED.
I do get that Hoda. Progress reports just went out and my biggest concern is how many conferences. Not because I feel that my grading isn't accurate, but because I have to defend it so much. And this is just kindergarten. It has taught be though to be very patient and kind to the teachers that my children have in school. I don't say much unless I really feel that my child needs me to step in. Parents don't put any responsibility on their children today. NCLB has created a monster! Thank God I am not in public school. I know Sandi is and God Bless her, but I am grateful that I am not, of course I make a hell of a lot less money.
DanaMo, 14 days for me until my 10-day break! I felt very blessed to be able to stay home full time for 9 years with my boys but I couldn't imagine doing anything besides teaching. It sounds so corny to refer to it as "touching the future," yet we really do! Hoda, I agree with the exhausting part - I could NEVER teach in a year-round school district. If I didn't have my summers to re-energize, I'd never make it from one year to the next. Even so, to me there is no better career choice!
I know, I always feel corny saying it's my "vocation" but I have always said that I received so much from my Catholic school education and I have always wanted to give back to it. This is where God wants me to be at this point in my life and I am happy that I get to touch so many young minds and hearts. I love my kinders! Really, I do!
DanaMo, When I returned to teaching once the boys were in school, I considered Catholic school but knew that making so much less money would really bother me. For you, it really is a calling - a vocation. But for folks like me, there ARE additional headaches/stresses that come with the extra money! =)
I know Sandi, I am taking an MSDE class right now and I hear what the teachers say. Not that they "complain" per say but they do have additional pressure that I don't have...yet.
No, Hoda, I'm loving listening to you guys. I would much rather have the facts. I got lost in the posts or at the split, somewhere. We have so many teachers who listen to the station, it amazing. Don't know why that is.
Great report about Michael Buble on 60 Minutes! Sure do like that guy----respect him even more now that I know the "rest of his story." He's Canadian, too, Hoda! I hadn't known that.
I too am enjoying and heartwarmed, impressed by the dedication of ALL our teachers on here....those still going to the classroom daily, and those retired.... YES INDEED, YOU DO TOUCH THE FUTURE...
DanaMo, it is obvious that you love your vocation and that you do an excellent job with the kinders! Bravo!!!! Do you get the tired/exhausted feelings that Hoda mentions? I wonder if the private parochial experience makes it easier than public education??
regarding 48 Hours last night... I thought Jocelyn's sister spoke very well, and I too was so sad for the accused's Mother.... and the victim's mother, Joyce, what a beautiful lady with a hopeful spirit.... "We'll make it" she says....
gotta wonder why Wesley elected to tell the jury about opening those windows to get into his wife's home, sunk his boat, he did... AND, I am wondering, WHO was responsible for those journals making it into the Jury Room, when they were not supposed to....Kind of think the Jurors themselves should NOT have read them. So many questions about some of those things
OK, I see the discussion continued...and I gleaned a lot from all of you. Most interesting discussion. Thank you all for being the kind of teachers that I would want my kids to have!!! I so wish that we could do "do-overs." I think I would have tried harder to keep them in private school. I AM thankful that they at least got some time in...Carolyn through 4th grade and Christie through 1st. We yanked them out of a Christian school when they started "teaching" that Catholics were all going to hell. Can you imagine???? This was a Baptist-backed school. We probably should have put them in the Catholic school, but since they didn't have high school anymore, it would have been just too much with our work schedules to get them to Goretti (Hagerstown).
Just getting back to see what you've all been up to since I left early this afternoon. I spent a few hours at Julie's, enjoying Hugh's delicious beef stew, salad and homemade bread as well as the good company !
Many thanks to all you teachers and retired teachers ! The three teachers in my little family are all at the college level, but many of their complaints sound the same. Nothing changes as the kids grow older ! In spite of it all Julie, Lee and his wife Beth, love teaching. That's what counts and makes for good teachers !
I packed up all my Megan flower seeds into envelopes, and some other great flowers I got at Market this summer.... When James's asters are "done" I'll surely package up some of those Super Seeds !
JO, I read your update, Next Sunday it is for you, Wreath getting day at Market !
Margy, I'm glad you got in on most of PHC--I always love the live programming from NYC.
Speaking of school, tomorrow night we are going to a Christmas Concert at an elementary school. Good little friends, twins Emma and Nathan, 8 years old, will be among the singers. The music teacher is the same one Seth had when in elementary school and he's anxious to see him, too.
Busy time of year ! Tuesday evening we're going to a fund raising dinner for the Resource Center/Food Pantry where Seth and I are volunteers. Hoping it's a huge success--the needs are great.
Michael Buble` is one of my favs ! He sings the old standards, ala Sinatra, beautifully ! Thanks for the reminder, I just put on one of his cd's. Sorry I missed that 60 Minutes, but will catch it in rerun, I'm sure.
Anyone know if Lynne and Steve went to his parents place this weekend ?
Oh, and Buble1` again--I'm listening to a lot of Christmas music on FM these days. His "All I Want For Christmas Is You" will make your heart go pitty pat !♥
Forget the Sinks for now lol I am waiting for the Good Wife at 9:00
I am so sorry I missed the last quick visit but was hoping to see the deer. We usually concentrate on the nest and forget to look in the background for fly arounds and deer.
I see Hoda saw Belle briefly early this evening. Oh, and Sandi, saw deer--I'd love to have seen them. Smart critters, seeming to know if they get closer to the buildings at the center there will be no threatening gunshots, you think ?
Yes KAY I think the deer came closer to the centre because it was safer there...
I do not remember LYNNE saying she was going to go to her in-laws.I have not seen her on Facebook either... I am sure all is well and she will soon chime in...
evening all! Hope everyone is well. We are dealing with a lot around here, so I am likely to be scarce in the days to come, so don't worry if you don't see me here. Please just keep us in your prayers, as I know you have been.
Hoda, you can catch the 60 Minutes Buble' segment online. He also has a TV special tomorrow evening on NBC at 9 Eastern. Maybe you can get it online, too, Hoda!
Good evening Eagle Buds. Taking a break from wrapping. Although I tried to be invisible, kitties found me. One tried to steal some sox & the other tried to steal bows, ribbons & hissed when I put a roll of ribbon away! That would be Binky, the Jekyll/Hyde cat. She's the pack leader.
Too bad Redskins bombed, buty other good FB was on---Green Bay won & New Orleans on now.
If I can't make a BBL, Pleasant Feasther Dreams to all hittng the hay and Prayers for everyone's health ;>)
Just talked to Dennis and he said when he got up this morning there was a dead deer (doe) in the front yard. Awe :( He said it had a little blood on its knee, but that was it. He didn't think it had been shot, but may have been bumped by a car and tried to get away and couldn't make it.
It was about 20 feet from the street into the front yard. Poor thing. He loaded it up in the trailer and brought it to the wooded area in back and made a shallow grave, since he really can't do too much of that kind of work.
Lynne - Thinking of you and keeping you and Steve in prayer. We can't wait for the day when your life is once again filled with security and without worries.
You have certainly had your fill this year, and have weathered it so well. God Speed to you both as you face these trials. With God on your side, you can do anything............and we are here for you, too!
Beautifully said, Linda. Lynne, she has expressed my thoughts to a tee. We love you and are here for you whenever you need us.
Jo, agreed, Good Wife has top notch writers and this was quite possibly their best effort so far ! Wow !
Linda, what a shocking sight that was for Dennis. Hope he didn't overdo by taking care of the poor deer's burial on his own.
I'd like to be up early enough to get in on some Early Birding and hopefully on an overdue visit with Belle and Shep. So, I'm toddling off to bed. Taking my prayer list along. Wishing you all a good, restful, pain free night. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Right behind you, Kay! Time for a good night's sleep.
I want to get to the hospital early tomorrow to get some answers yet again. Things are not progressing and I would like to see what is going on.
Hoda - Always nice to see you, too! ♥
Margy - I've missed you the few times I have posted! Hope you are doing well. ♥
Lots of Love and (((HUGS))) to all my momster family! Thanks again for all your love and support....and prayers! I know you are there and it means more than you could ever know!
Couldn't break away from the TV this evening, now I have so much to read and catch up on.
Had a visit from DANA-WV at GG's this afternoon. She has never met GG before. She cleaned out her closet and my car is now FULL of some wonderful men's clothes. They are needed very badly. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, DANA♥
Linda, thankful that you have had some peace and rejuvenation this weekend. We'll be right here if you need us.
Lynne, so worried about you and know that we are here for you, too.
Continue to hold you all in prayer.....and constant thought.
Jo, make that a really early apptmt. so you can EAT!
Good shows tonight, for sure. Whew---tense!!!
Need to get up a bit early myself tomorrow. Going to try to do a little leaf work...for the last time this year! My Bill is coming late AM to use the mower out along the road.
So will bid you a goodnight. Sorry to miss latecomers. Prayers for all, and peace.
Good night Wanda and Lynn and all others Wanda - Dana's gift of clothing is much needed for those gentlemen at the Soup Kitchen I would think. That is great.
Easy with those leaves, Lynn. Happy that Bill will be over to help out.
Angels Amongst Us... Bet those Soup Kitchen Fellows will Fall Over when they see the new Selections...
Gifts from the Heart, no doubt, Dana ♥
Headed to bed soon, going to get up when I WAKE up...going to milk my two days' off for all they are worth...have lots of chores to take care of !!
Prayers for Wellness.. joining with all of you on that...
going to shut down everything but the computer and take one last peek for Night Owls before hitting the pillows... Setting the Night Lights NOW, though...No Stumbling around in the Dark allowed !
Is anyone else experiencing problems with the candle website? I could not post my lit candle today. The website is experiencing difficulties it told me.
WV DANA GREAT clothes donation to WANDA's group. God Bless your heart.
We are home now. Took me forever to scan the blog fast!
We are approaching 2 1/2 inches of rain. Wahooo! Everyone is really loving it!! Smiles on faces!
We had a great day. Laurel and I went to see The Help. We loved it, thought they did a great job sticking with the book. Enjoyed dinner and had a fun time with the boys. LOL They were having races going down the stairs! They laid down and went bumpity bump down the stairs. Crazy boys!
Lynne, we love you, care for you and are keeping you and Steve in prayer.
Goodnight eagle friends. Prayers for those in need, especially Linda, Lynne & Steve and anyone else I may have missed tonight.
Those who know I spend most Sundays watching tv football. My teams won and when one of my games was over it changed to the Redksins. I should not have been watching and cheering... such a change in numbers in that short time. Sorry, Lynn & Judie and all other fans.
Redskins will be playing one of my fav teams next week so I will not be cheering for your team.
Ravens won again?! I'm not a fan since they beat my Steelers TWICE!!
Lolly, sorry about your "boys."
Saints won after the Lions penalties; though I never thought they'd lose anyway.
Did take a break to watch 'The Good Wife.' Good one tonight!
Also, during football commercials our local PBS was televising concerts by The Celtic Thunder and Celtic Woman. Love those voices.
I loved the discussion of teaching. I have been retired 11 years. I loved teaching, think it was my calling. It has, though ,been so nice to get my life back. I was so totally exhausted.
Wow, it looks like everyone has been asleep since 12:30. Except Lori, who I would guess is lurking. I will find out here as soon as I turn the radio on the computer.
Well, friend me again and I'll get on FB this week, I promise! I need to be better about it, but can't find the time...and so frustrating that I still can't load pics from my camera to my new computer...Dell guy should call this week to replace the mother board.
If 2009 was Hidey's year, that's when I discovered the cam and started watching. Have been a bird watcher for more years than that, but that's the year when my love of eagles started! Now that it's light enough, will be watching the ground below the nest as well for more deer. I'm pretty certain that's what I saw yesterday, based on their motions. Obviously there are many of them on the NCTC property, hence the hunting allowed on Sat.
Good morning Sandi. Wow fog delay. Nice. No fog here in Hagerstown so I need to keep moving. Hoping for a visit before I head out to school. I did complete a couple of my religion assignments, but I still have a 2 page reflection paper to write and I just found another article that I am suppose to read and it's 10 pages long. I probably won't understand a word of it, it's all very theological. Annemarie's not this morning to me was, "wake me up early 1) to shower 2)I have a big problem. Please and thanks" LOL. Big problem was that she didn't do an assignment that she was suppose to complete for literature. She left the book at school. Lucky for my girl that she has 3 older brothers who have been through the school. I have the book she needs and she is currently working on the assignment. Gee bet she wishes we had some fog!
Yes, Sandi...same for me, and thus Hidey has a very special place in my heart. There's not a day that I don't think about him and pray he's doing well.
DanaMo, Lucky for you to have such a conscientious daughter!! My boys would have said nothing - the older one would have tried to complete the assignment during homeroom; the younger one didn't believe in homework!!
Shirley, I am an 8th grade special ed. resource teacher (for the past 5 years). Before that, I was a classroom teacher in Balto. - 13 years of 5th grade and then 9 years of 7th grade remedial reading.
Yes, Annemarie is very conscientious, straight A student. Lucky for her she doesn't have to work too hard at it. Aric my second oldest is straight A too or was, not sure at college, but he worked hard. Adam is my struggler. He tries, but still has a hard time. Andrew is very smart and talented and doesn't apply himself hence the reason he is 20 years old, living at home and working for now. Oh how different in so many ways!
DanaMo, My older son, the good student, is the one working at the US Embassy in Tanzania for the US State Dept. My younger one who didn't do hw. is 28 and STILL living here w/ us!!! He's my starving musician! Yet I love him!! =)
Yes, Sandi, I love my Andrew, and he is very artistic, maybe that's it! He was accepted to art school in FL and then decided not to go, went the traditional college route (Mt. St. Mary's) and lasted through Freshman year, went back Sophomore year and quit. He's been home since. I hope he figures it out soon. I pray about it daily.
Just checked Trafficland. Looks like most of the I-95 problems are north of Dumfries/Triangle, where Kathryn gets off. Maybe her commute was not too bad.
Ah, homework. I would go into Rus's bedroom and find half of his math homework lying there somewhere. Maybe two or three versions of the same assignment. But none turned in. He is plenty smart, but not particularly well organized.
He went to computer school and has a job in the tech business.
Sandi, I have great respect for special ed teachers. I did some subbing for special ed in the past. You work very hard and sometimes the progress is very little.
Hmm, glad they are delaying school if the fog is that bad. One morning here, I had to drop Hunter off at the sitter's and it was so foggy that I almost came home instead of going to my school. That was one of those days when it was still dark when I left in the morning.
It's been raining here, non-stop, since about 3pm yesterday. The system is to hang over us for a few days. Does your forecast call for receiving some of this ?
I'm just going to tend to the mundane today, LORI. This evening going to a Christmas Concert at an elementary school. They aren't always the greatest musically, but are heart warming and smile producing. ☺
That's right Kay, I read about your concert...CRC! The rainy system gives us a 50% chance for rain tonight, then rain tomorrow & Wednesday...supposed to be low 60's today... then down to 40's for a high on Thursday after all the rain! Our area, North and West of DC could see some snow showers Wednesday night. I know I'll probably get in trouble for saying the "S" word. :)
One cute side note, the 8 yr. old twins I'll be focusing on are Jewish. Not only taking part in this concert, but as ballet students are both performing in a community production of the Nutcracker Suite for about the fourth year in a row. Their dad was Lee's bf through H.S. and we've remained close. We have an annual party night and gift exchange in Dec. and often to to their house for Jewish celebrations, Seder, etc.. A wonderful extended family for which I'm so grateful !
Ooh, I'm afraid "S" is heading our way, too. Tis' the season ! I always get a kick outta the use of CRC. Stands for Clintonville Resource Center here and the fund raiser we'll attend tomorrow evening is for them. It's known as a Settlement house, with pantry, "boutique" and social services. There are about 19 different programs and services the needy can sign up for with just one stop at CRC.
Love you both, a lot! Thelma, please give Sharon my get well wishes. I gotta run home. Critters are alone this morning and don't want any accidents. ((((((Big Hugs)))))))
Moving on to newspapers n' e-mail. HAGD all ! BBL and hope to see that JO is home and that LYNN is up n' at em' and feeling good ! So glad Bill is going to help with the yardwork today !
My mouth is feeling much better but I have been having a stabbing, about every 8-second pain hitting my belly. Not sure what this could be except maybe scar tissue or adhesions from all the surgeries. Not debilitating pain but aggravating just the same.
Got "his grumpiness" off to school this morning. Actually, he was OK once he was wide awake.
Kathryn got him up, but left him snoozing on the sofa again. He was in one sour mood when I first told him that it was time to get moving.
Thank goodness, that did not last.
Am thinking that I might head out to the bowling alley for some practice.
Some strangeness has been going on there during league time. I am trying not to feel picked on.
There seems to be an unwritten rule that a bowler must move away from the approach as soon as the ball is released. Before it strikes the pins.
I have been trying hard to observe this courtesy, but I seem to be partially unsuccessful.
I was told that I need to leave the approach area and watch the ball strike the pins from the area behind the ball return. I tried that, but I could not get there fast enough, so I did not see anything.
So, I am backing away. Just do not want to fall off the step. (Not really too likely.) But complaints are still being made to my teammates.
The odd thing is that many of the league members, including at least one teammate, ignore the rule. I don't understand.
Even one woman who spoke to me about it does not always observe it.
At first, I did not understand the reason for the unwritten rule, but it seems that some people are distracted by a person standing at the approach when they go up to bowl.
Don't want to distract anyone, but do not understand why the rule is not the same for all.
One teammate thinks maybe it is just because we are "newbies." She is a seasoned bowler who does not have a problem with this issue, but has been snapped at about other things.
Ohhh . . .STRONGHUNTER, don't let the negative ones take away your pleasure at the bowling lanes.
Do not know why people can't be constructive instead of destructive.
Morning all, We finally got a trace of snow today. Yea!! As you can tell I'm not the one that has to be out driving in the white stuff, so I can be excited about it.
Are any of you still hearing gunshots? I just realized I had the volume turned down! They aren't on NCTC campus, tho', so the sound must be carrying from on the farm.
Good grainy morning to my eagle buddies. Left my sweet William at the vet's this morning for his "life altering 3 minute surgery". Now if I can just keep him quiet tonight and away from the rough housing dog all will be well. Missed seeing the Michael Buble segment last night--guess I was catching up an old friend I see frequently but we rarely have time to just chat. I am also a Celtic Thunder fan. I play their Christmas cd all year round. Went birding yesterday with friend who got a new scope and we saw nice closeup views of migrating ducks. The male green winged teals were the most spectacular. No eagles this trip.
Haven't heard a gunshot since the one I mentioned earlier, but haven't been paying full attention, either, Lynn.
Thanks, I am enjoying the bowling. I told my teammate that I feel that a tough hide is necessary to get along in this world. Just trying to remember that.
She thinks maybe some of the others just want to keep our team in last place and are playing a psychological game to get to us. Maybe. She thought she might ask one of the others if she knows what is happening.
Best wishes for all the things going on in ALL our lives today..... Hope there is good amount of joy, peace, and comfort.... and a LOT of healing and wellness
Don't anyone work too hard! I'm trying to figure out just where to start here, but I'm going to start somewhere! Oh, breakfast, that's a good place to start....
Battery dead on stoooopid mower. How in three weeks time?? Guess because of the cold. Put it on the charger.....hope it worls FAST cause Bill is on his way.
Just had a bird hit sunroom window...gotta go look to see if it survived.
Good morning! Brrrr! Looks like we are the cold weather site...37, high today maybe 40 and down into the teens and low 20's tonight. Snow flurries in FT Worth but we did not see any. Rain gauge now says 3 inches. Whoopeeeeee!
Shirley, bowling should be fun..there should be laughter! Some people just have to grouch about everything. Stick your tongue out at them!!!! lol
No go on the mower. WIll have to wait until another day. :( Leaves will get soaked in the coming who knows when now. ARGH! Will keep the mower on the charger until whenever happens....and Bills aid he would bring cables, too, when he returns.
Sun IS trying to come out. Think I'll wait til after lunch.
Shirley, don't be discouraged. I never heard that "rule" before! I'll have to ask Bill about that and see if it truly is an official rule! WHY would the team want to stay in last place? Makes no sense!
My sister called this morn. We are heading to her place next Sunday. Will be there a couple of nights. Going to my niece's for dinner of fajitas Sunday.
I am going shopping today. I figure I will shop today and tomorrow and then Wed and Thurs work on getting ready for the party Thursday.
Sharon, I sometimes get those pains in my belly when I cough! At my old incision sites---I was told it was just minor tearing of adhsions. Irritating, but nothing to be concerned about. Hope that is all that you are experiencing. Or it could be gas!!!!
We really lucked out going to Pagosa Springs when we did. It has snowed all this week. I am so thankful we had clear roads for traveling!! Laurel says there are several Pagosa Springs cams. Going to go looking for them.
Margy, I know that you are at sixes and sevens trying to figure out where to start! That's why I spend so much time piddling!!! Much to do, and little time---it can be overwhelming!! Start with the big stuff!!
Liesl has been bad. I have one creche that is mounted in a stable and covered with sphagnum (sp?) moss......I have always put it son the floor in a specific place.....she has decided she wants to tear off the moss. After two days of scolding, threatening and spraying it with Bitter Yuck, she now trying to figure out where to put it.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 590 of 590And BTW public school doesn't get out until Dec. 23rd. St. Mary's gets out the 16th. Our principal has made the schedule so that we could have 2 full weeks off at Christmas.
LORI, by the time vacations come up one is sooooooexhausted that it takes three or four days to feel human again...I used to say "I did not give up my humanity when I picked up my Teacher's degree"...sometimes I felt so tired that it felt like I was no longer one should have to feel that tired from work for ten months of the year...and during some of the holiday time there was school work to do...
Weeeeee I got the split. That was a fun ride ☺
Yes, Hoda, I am exhausted at the end of the day and by June...geez, I'm about dead! But I will say it again, I wouldn't trade it.
Well I would trade it if I could stay home again, I think. It's more the idea of having to go to work, than the actual work. I loved being a stay at home mom though for the 14 years that I was home.
I loved being a teacher the first twenty years of my career. The last ten well it seemed to be more stress than not...I could not even go for groceries in the twon where I lived because people wanted to discuss an assignment or a grade or an event that happened at school...Imagine a two hour drive to go for groceries!!! Sorry I will stop now...I am complaining too much. THE HOLIDAYS ARE WELL EARNED.
I guess you struck a nerve LORI. SORRY.
I do get that Hoda. Progress reports just went out and my biggest concern is how many conferences. Not because I feel that my grading isn't accurate, but because I have to defend it so much. And this is just kindergarten. It has taught be though to be very patient and kind to the teachers that my children have in school. I don't say much unless I really feel that my child needs me to step in. Parents don't put any responsibility on their children today. NCLB has created a monster! Thank God I am not in public school. I know Sandi is and God Bless her, but I am grateful that I am not, of course I make a hell of a lot less money.
DanaMo, 14 days for me until my 10-day break! I felt very blessed to be able to stay home full time for 9 years with my boys but I couldn't imagine doing anything besides teaching. It sounds so corny to refer to it as "touching the future," yet we really do! Hoda, I agree with the exhausting part - I could NEVER teach in a year-round school district. If I didn't have my summers to re-energize, I'd never make it from one year to the next. Even so, to me there is no better career choice!
Sign me up! You could be a recruiter, DanaMo! I think enjoying what you do is the most important and we all know you love it! :)
And if Monte said I could quit tomorrow, I would. I would tutor and do things my way in my time. Love the kids...the rest of it, not so much.
I know, I always feel corny saying it's my "vocation" but I have always said that I received so much from my Catholic school education and I have always wanted to give back to it. This is where God wants me to be at this point in my life and I am happy that I get to touch so many young minds and hearts. I love my kinders! Really, I do!
I miss having a clean house and hanging out with the Flying Labs! ☺ LOL!
DanaMo, When I returned to teaching once the boys were in school, I considered Catholic school but knew that making so much less money would really bother me. For you, it really is a calling - a vocation. But for folks like me, there ARE additional headaches/stresses that come with the extra money! =)
I know Sandi, I am taking an MSDE class right now and I hear what the teachers say. Not that they "complain" per say but they do have additional pressure that I don't have...yet.
No, Hoda, I'm loving listening to you guys. I would much rather have the facts. I got lost in the posts or at the split, somewhere.
We have so many teachers who listen to the station, it amazing. Don't know why that is.
...this as I sit here and work on lesson plans. ☺
I especially have the ultimate respect for teachers these days having to deal with parents who think their kids are perfect!
Love your avatar Lori.
Okay, I'm off to spend a little time with James Patterson. Catch you in the morning!
I'm heading that way too...not quite sleepy yet. See you in the morning, DanaMo!
Goodnight everyone!
Great report about Michael Buble on 60 Minutes! Sure do like that guy----respect him even more now that I know the "rest of his story." He's Canadian, too, Hoda! I hadn't known that.
I too am enjoying and heartwarmed, impressed by the dedication of ALL our teachers on here....those still going to the classroom daily, and those retired....
Although by checking in late, I think I have missed our Sunday Night back to School Monday teachers...
Good Evening Eagle Pals
Hope the Ravens win, or already won tonight....
DanaMo, it is obvious that you love your vocation and that you do an excellent job with the kinders! Bravo!!!!
Do you get the tired/exhausted feelings that Hoda mentions? I wonder if the private parochial experience makes it easier than public education??
I'd like to see Lynne show up !
Are you feeling better tonight, Lynn, saw you didn't feel too good earlier in the day....
guess Paula is trekking back to her OTHER Maryland Paradise....
this was close-down for the season week-end for her
regarding 48 Hours last night...
I thought Jocelyn's sister spoke very well, and I too was so sad for the accused's Mother....
and the victim's mother, Joyce, what a beautiful lady with a hopeful spirit....
"We'll make it" she says....
gotta wonder why Wesley elected to tell the jury about opening those windows to get into his wife's home, sunk his boat, he did...
AND, I am wondering, WHO was responsible for those journals making it into the Jury Room, when they were not supposed to....Kind of think the Jurors themselves should NOT have read them.
So many questions about some of those things
OK, I see the discussion continued...and I gleaned a lot from all of you. Most interesting discussion. Thank you all for being the kind of teachers that I would want my kids to have!!! I so wish that we could do "do-overs." I think I would have tried harder to keep them in private school. I AM thankful that they at least got some time in...Carolyn through 4th grade and Christie through 1st. We yanked them out of a Christian school when they started "teaching" that Catholics were all going to hell. Can you imagine???? This was a Baptist-backed school. We probably should have put them in the Catholic school, but since they didn't have high school anymore, it would have been just too much with our work schedules to get them to Goretti (Hagerstown).
Just getting back to see what you've all been up to since I left early this afternoon. I spent a few hours at Julie's, enjoying Hugh's delicious beef stew, salad and homemade bread as well as the good company !
Many thanks to all you teachers and retired teachers ! The three teachers in my little family are all at the college level, but many of their complaints sound the same. Nothing changes as the kids grow older ! In spite of it all Julie, Lee and his wife Beth, love teaching. That's what counts and makes for good teachers !
I packed up all my Megan flower seeds into envelopes, and some other great flowers I got at Market this summer....
When James's asters are "done" I'll surely package up some of those Super Seeds !
JO, I read your update, Next Sunday it is for you, Wreath getting day at Market !
I'm heading for the tub before The GOod Wife. BBL.
Thanks for letting me blather!!
I enjoyed Prairie Home Companion at HOME last night, missed the first 17 minutes, that's al!
The music was great....
Lynn, is The Good Wife on delay tonight and is it new or rerun ?
Yes, Lynn, one Bible, one God..and so many denominational differences...
makes little sense to me !!
I have some snail-mailing to attend to, NOT Christmas cards ..
not yet....
Maybe DIANN will come visit and talk about the Football games she said she was going to watch....hope some of her favorite teams won!
I'm remaining hopeful to see and hear Tundra Swans in the next few days...
Happy Birthday Wishes to your Laurel....39 for the first time!
If you and Jack were there, I'm SURE it was HAPPY xoxo ♥
Best wishes to ALL for a GOOD evening, cozy, warm, peaceful, comforted...
ttfn xoxo ♥
Well LYNN I had not heard of Michael BUble till you said he was Canadian. SO I am now watching the CBS 60 minutes...I like Vancouver.
Thanks for the tip.
I would like to see LYNNE on here too.
Margy, I'm glad you got in on most of PHC--I always love the live programming from NYC.
Speaking of school, tomorrow night we are going to a Christmas Concert at an elementary school. Good little friends, twins Emma and Nathan, 8 years old, will be among the singers. The music teacher is the same one Seth had when in elementary school and he's anxious to see him, too.
Busy time of year ! Tuesday evening we're going to a fund raising dinner for the Resource Center/Food Pantry where Seth and I are volunteers. Hoping it's a huge success--the needs are great.
Michael Buble` is one of my favs ! He sings the old standards, ala Sinatra, beautifully ! Thanks for the reminder, I just put on one of his cd's. Sorry I missed that 60 Minutes, but will catch it in rerun, I'm sure.
Anyone know if Lynne and Steve went to his parents place this weekend ?
Oh, and Buble1` again--I'm listening to a lot of Christmas music on FM these days. His "All I Want For Christmas Is You" will make your heart go pitty pat !♥
Oops, big fingers Buble`, not Buble1~.
Forget the Sinks for now lol
I am waiting for the Good Wife at 9:00
I am so sorry I missed the last quick visit but was hoping to see the deer.
We usually concentrate on the nest and
forget to look in the background for
fly arounds and deer.
I see Hoda saw Belle briefly early this evening. Oh, and Sandi, saw deer--I'd love to have seen them. Smart critters, seeming to know if they get closer to the buildings at the center there will be no threatening gunshots, you think ?
OH, I would have loved to see those Dear Deer also...oh, yeah, "Deets" as Paula called them...
I think we shall see them again...hope so !
Hi J☺
don't know about Terra Alta for Lynne and Steve, Kay...I suspect she shall hear us calling her in.....
Here, Lynne, Lynne, Lynne...
Thanks to CarolAnne for the YouTube on
"Where's the Line to See Jesus?"
Kay it is a NEW Good Wife - hope you
enjoy and me too.
Talk to you all after the show.....♥
BTW - Paula has a wonderful pic of Nick
looking into the Minnow bucket!
fb OF COURSE......
Okay, off with Michael and on with Good Wife. BBL, unless the sandman catches me when I'm not looking !
Oops, Kay.....Good Wife new and ON TIME!
Yes KAY I think the deer came closer to the centre because it was safer there...
I do not remember LYNNE saying she was going to go to her in-laws.I have not seen her on Facebook either...
I am sure all is well and she will soon chime in...
On Facebook LYNNE liked a photo PAULA posted on her page. I saw LYNNE'S "like" yesterday afternoon also...
evening all! Hope everyone is well. We are dealing with a lot around here, so I am likely to be scarce in the days to come, so don't worry if you don't see me here. Please just keep us in your prayers, as I know you have been.
Good night and prayers for all!
Okay, Lynne...done deal...
We're here for you both....
Thanks for checking in..
Love, Magpie...xoxo ♥
(( Hugs ♥ ♥ ))
Hoda, you can catch the 60 Minutes Buble' segment online.
He also has a TV special tomorrow evening on NBC at 9 Eastern.
Maybe you can get it online, too, Hoda!
Good evening Eagle Buds. Taking a break from wrapping. Although I tried to be invisible, kitties found me. One tried to steal some sox & the other tried to steal bows, ribbons & hissed when I put a roll of ribbon away! That would be Binky, the Jekyll/Hyde cat. She's the pack leader.
Too bad Redskins bombed, buty other good FB was on---Green Bay won & New Orleans on now.
If I can't make a BBL, Pleasant Feasther Dreams to all hittng the hay and Prayers for everyone's health ;>)
The Good Wife was better then Good! It
was great!
Lynne - no problem
Prayers for you and Steve and
especially pray you won't be away
too long from us. ♥
Evening Eagle Lovers!!
Just talked to Dennis and he said when he got up this morning there was a dead deer (doe) in the front yard. Awe :( He said it had a little blood on its knee, but that was it. He didn't think it had been shot, but may have been bumped by a car and tried to get away and couldn't make it.
It was about 20 feet from the street into the front yard. Poor thing. He loaded it up in the trailer and brought it to the wooded area in back and made a shallow grave, since he really can't do too much of that kind of work.
Lynne - Thinking of you and keeping you and Steve in prayer. We can't wait for the day when your life is once again filled with security and without worries.
You have certainly had your fill this year, and have weathered it so well. God Speed to you both as you face these trials. With God on your side, you can do anything............and we are here for you, too!
Love you xoxo ♥
THANKS LYNNE for checking in. Prayers come your way and Steve's way also.
LINDA good to see you. What a story about Dennis finding a dead must have been a big surprise for him...
LYNN I already watched the CBS segment on Michael Bublé. I think he is a good singer.
Finishing off laundry and dishes here.
I will go see what is on the internet for a show to watch...there are four Canadian shows I watch weekly now and on the whole they are enjoyable.
Beautifully said, Linda. Lynne, she has expressed my thoughts to a tee. We love you and are here for you whenever you need us.
Jo, agreed, Good Wife has top notch writers and this was quite possibly their best effort so far ! Wow !
Linda, what a shocking sight that was for Dennis. Hope he didn't overdo by taking care of the poor deer's burial on his own.
I'd like to be up early enough to get in on some Early Birding and hopefully on an overdue visit with Belle and Shep. So, I'm toddling off to bed. Taking my prayer list along. Wishing you all a good, restful, pain free night. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Right behind you, Kay! Time for a good night's sleep.
I want to get to the hospital early tomorrow to get some answers yet again. Things are not progressing and I would like to see what is going on.
Hoda - Always nice to see you, too! ♥
Margy - I've missed you the few times I have posted! Hope you are doing well. ♥
Lots of Love and (((HUGS))) to all my momster family! Thanks again for all your love and support....and prayers! I know you are there and it means more than you could ever know!
Night xoxo ♥♥♥
a Big Round of Hugs and Prayers headed your way Linda....
I've missed you too....xoxo ♥
We have some incredibly strong women here....
sure helps hold us ALL up....
Linda - May God grant you a peaceful mind so that you rest serenely.
I have blood work tomorrow - I'll be up and out of here first thing in the morning. Leave a good report on the
Couldn't break away from the TV this evening, now I have so much to read and catch up on.
Had a visit from DANA-WV at GG's this afternoon. She has never met GG before. She cleaned out her closet and my car is now FULL of some wonderful men's clothes. They are needed very badly.
Linda, thankful that you have had some peace and rejuvenation this weekend. We'll be right here if you need us.
Lynne, so worried about you and know that we are here for you, too.
Continue to hold you all in prayer.....and constant thought.
Jo, make that a really early apptmt. so you can EAT!
Good shows tonight, for sure. Whew---tense!!!
Need to get up a bit early myself tomorrow. Going to try to do a little leaf work...for the last time this year! My Bill is coming late AM to use the mower out along the road.
So will bid you a goodnight. Sorry to miss latecomers. Prayers for all, and peace.
Going to get ready for those pillows!
Taking my meds - brushing my teeth and I'll be ready to go..........
Happy Birthday Laurel
Hope your evening was a rewarding time for your 39 years!
Good night Wanda and Lynn and all others
Wanda - Dana's gift of clothing is much
needed for those gentlemen at the Soup
Kitchen I would think. That is great.
Easy with those leaves, Lynn. Happy
that Bill will be over to help out.
Good night everyone
Prayers for everyone and their loved ones
Hugs for everyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Angels Amongst Us...
Bet those Soup Kitchen Fellows will Fall Over when they see the new Selections...
Gifts from the Heart, no doubt, Dana ♥
Headed to bed soon, going to get up when I WAKE up...going to milk my two days' off for all they are worth...have lots of chores to take care of !!
Prayers for Wellness..
joining with all of you on that...
going to shut down everything but the computer and take one last peek for Night Owls before hitting the pillows...
Setting the Night Lights NOW, though...No Stumbling around in the Dark allowed !
Maybe JudyE will have her computer
OH! I just remembered PAULA IS AT THE PARADISE ONE MORE DAY.... !!!
NOW, I remember she said she would be off Monday too, Yay!
okay, time to say those bedtime prayers...
Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Is anyone else experiencing problems with the candle website? I could not post my lit candle today. The website is experiencing difficulties it told me.
WV DANA GREAT clothes donation to WANDA's group. God Bless your heart.
Goodnight and God Bless.
We are home now. Took me forever to scan the blog fast!
We are approaching 2 1/2 inches of rain. Wahooo! Everyone is really loving it!! Smiles on faces!
We had a great day. Laurel and I went to see The Help. We loved it, thought they did a great job sticking with the book. Enjoyed dinner and had a fun time with the boys. LOL They were having races going down the stairs! They laid down and went bumpity bump down the stairs. Crazy boys!
Lynne, we love you, care for you and are keeping you and Steve in prayer.
.. and taking up the tail...
Goodnight eagle friends. Prayers for those in need, especially Linda, Lynne & Steve and anyone else I may have missed tonight.
Those who know I spend most Sundays watching tv football. My teams won and when one of my games was over it changed to the Redksins. I should not have been watching and cheering... such a change in numbers in that short time. Sorry, Lynn & Judie and all other fans.
Redskins will be playing one of my fav teams next week so I will not be cheering for your team.
Ravens won again?! I'm not a fan since they beat my Steelers TWICE!!
Lolly, sorry about your "boys."
Saints won after the Lions penalties; though I never thought they'd lose anyway.
Did take a break to watch 'The Good Wife.' Good one tonight!
Also, during football commercials our local PBS was televising concerts by The Celtic Thunder and Celtic Woman. Love those voices.
Well, that's my novelette tonight.
Another comment on Celtic Thunder.
Teresa's husband will be playing percussion for the group when they give their concert in VA next week.
I'm really "bummed" that we cannot attend.
Goodnight & God bless!
I loved the discussion of teaching. I have been retired 11 years. I loved teaching, think it was my calling. It has, though ,been so nice to get my life back. I was so totally exhausted.
Aw, thanks, Diann. I did not watch the game until the last bit and it was such a heart breaker.
I am headed to the shower now. Jack is sleeping in his chair.
See you in the morning!
Nite all....sweet dreams!
Wow, it looks like everyone has been asleep since 12:30. Except Lori, who I would guess is lurking. I will find out here as soon as I turn the radio on the computer.
If you are here Lori, Good morning!
Good Morning, DanaMo! Call me a lurker. :) Had too much to do before work this morning and I wanted to get here early - 3:30!
OH MY! That is early!
Oh I see I missed Mommy kissing Santa Claus...good. ☺ Love Little Drummer Boy!
Love the wreath story, would like to post that to FB. BTW I don't think you friended me on FB, I sent a request, or at least I thought I did.
I'm here if anyone else is lurking. I'm going to try to do some of my religion homework. I am so far behind, just don't want to do it!
Well, friend me again and I'll get on FB this week, I promise! I need to be better about it, but can't find the time...and so frustrating that I still can't load pics from my camera to my new computer...Dell guy should call this week to replace the mother board.
Gosh, you can see the Sycamore tree across from the nest, but the nest itself is still pitch black - can't even see it!
Good morning Lori and DanaMo! One hour fog delay here this AM, but I couldn't get back to sleep after the phone call so, here I am!
Hi Sandi. At least you'll have a relatively leisurely morning compared to the norm. :)
Lori, From reading other's posts, I've figured out that you work at a radio station. Are you the AM DJ? What's/where's the station?
That would be me, Sandi. :)
97.1 WASH-FM. I became an eagleholic in 2009. Well, became a Momster in '09.
If 2009 was Hidey's year, that's when I discovered the cam and started watching. Have been a bird watcher for more years than that, but that's the year when my love of eagles started! Now that it's light enough, will be watching the ground below the nest as well for more deer. I'm pretty certain that's what I saw yesterday, based on their motions. Obviously there are many of them on the NCTC property, hence the hunting allowed on Sat.
Lori, I'm listening to you on the radio!! =)
Good morning Sandi. Wow fog delay. Nice. No fog here in Hagerstown so I need to keep moving. Hoping for a visit before I head out to school. I did complete a couple of my religion assignments, but I still have a 2 page reflection paper to write and I just found another article that I am suppose to read and it's 10 pages long. I probably won't understand a word of it, it's all very theological.
Annemarie's not this morning to me was, "wake me up early 1) to shower 2)I have a big problem. Please and thanks" LOL. Big problem was that she didn't do an assignment that she was suppose to complete for literature. She left the book at school. Lucky for my girl that she has 3 older brothers who have been through the school. I have the book she needs and she is currently working on the assignment. Gee bet she wishes we had some fog!
Yes, Sandi...same for me, and thus Hidey has a very special place in my heart. There's not a day that I don't think about him and pray he's doing well.
DanaMo, Lucky for you to have such a conscientious daughter!! My boys would have said nothing - the older one would have tried to complete the assignment during homeroom; the younger one didn't believe in homework!!
Oh Shirley, thinking of Kathryn - 95N is a mess with an accident and 3 lanes shutdown.
Good morning Shirley! I'm working on names!
Duh, I've been looking at a frozen cam. Refreshed and seeing an eagle now.
Oh, no, I don't think Kathryn knew that when she left here.
She probably has figured it out by now.
I think that was a crow I heard.
Looks like Shep.
Who are we looking at? I'm learning the names of the people on here but still can't tell the eagles apart very well.
Hi, Sandi.
I believe you're the teacher.
What do you teach?
I'm in my first year of retirement from teaching high school English.
Good morning eagle peeps.
Lori says Shep. I will go along with her.
I'm barely awake at this point.
Hi, Thelma!
Shirley, I am an 8th grade special ed. resource teacher (for the past 5 years). Before that, I was a classroom teacher in Balto. - 13 years of 5th grade and then 9 years of 7th grade remedial reading.
I missed it! Dang.
Yes, Annemarie is very conscientious, straight A student. Lucky for her she doesn't have to work too hard at it. Aric my second oldest is straight A too or was, not sure at college, but he worked hard. Adam is my struggler. He tries, but still has a hard time. Andrew is very smart and talented and doesn't apply himself hence the reason he is 20 years old, living at home and working for now.
Oh how different in so many ways!
Heard a clunk...I think.
Sounded like a gunshot in the distance.
DanaMo, My older son, the good student, is the one working at the US Embassy in Tanzania for the US State Dept. My younger one who didn't do hw. is 28 and STILL living here w/ us!!! He's my starving musician! Yet I love him!! =)
Darn, I missed the visit by a minute!!!
Gunshot was my second guess, LOL!
Yes, Sandi, I love my Andrew, and he is very artistic, maybe that's it! He was accepted to art school in FL and then decided not to go, went the traditional college route (Mt. St. Mary's) and lasted through Freshman year, went back Sophomore year and quit. He's been home since. I hope he figures it out soon. I pray about it daily.
Just checked Trafficland. Looks like most of the I-95 problems are north of Dumfries/Triangle, where Kathryn gets off. Maybe her commute was not too bad.
YEAH - I hope so...It's a "serious" accident.
Ah, homework. I would go into Rus's bedroom and find half of his math homework lying there somewhere. Maybe two or three versions of the same assignment. But none turned in. He is plenty smart, but not particularly well organized.
He went to computer school and has a job in the tech business.
DanaMo and Sandi, I have a friend who has an artistic/musician son...same story.
Sandi, I have great respect for special ed teachers. I did some subbing for special ed in the past. You work very hard and sometimes the progress is very little.
BBL. Need to get Hunter moving.
Good Morning Early Birds!!
Getting ready to head up to the hospital and wanted to wish everyone a Marvelous Monday!!!
I am hoping to catch doctors and physical therapists and whoever I can today to get a better handle on Mom's progress......or lack thereof.
She has not been doing well since transferred to Kindred Hospital.
Good Morning!
It is quite foggy here..but the sun is burning it off
.2 hour delay for schools around here because of the fog
Good morning Paula and Linda.
Good Morning Thelma!!
Off I go! Have a great day!
Hmm, glad they are delaying school if the fog is that bad. One morning here, I had to drop Hunter off at the sitter's and it was so foggy that I almost came home instead of going to my school. That was one of those days when it was still dark when I left in the morning.
That was last year. Pre-retirement.
Don't have to worry about that anymore.
Hi, Linda.
Hope it is a good day for you.
OK, Looks like the fog has lifted. I'm off. have a good day everyone!
G☼☼d M☼rning Early Birds ! I hoped to join you earlier, but made it before LORI heads home at least. Missed seeing Shep I see.:(
Here's hoping LINDA finds her mom doing much better today !
MARGY, wishing you well in your vow to make the most of this day !
WANDA, such good news of DANAWA's generosity !
More teacher talk and I thank you all ! It's a calling and I love getting to know you better as you compare notes.
Good Morning Kay!
Hi THELMA and LORI and SHIRLEY ! Looks like the others are have taken off. Wish an eagle would appear to entertain us !
Oof, the gunshots are ringing out, so we may not see any critters in the nest or on the ground today.
It was just Shep that showed up this morning, Kay, so maybe Belle will still fly in.
What's on your dance card today, Kay?
It's been raining here, non-stop, since about 3pm yesterday. The system is to hang over us for a few days. Does your forecast call for receiving some of this ?
I'm just going to tend to the mundane today, LORI. This evening going to a Christmas Concert at an elementary school. They aren't always the greatest musically, but are heart warming and smile producing. ☺
That's right Kay, I read about your concert...CRC! The rainy system gives us a 50% chance for rain tonight, then rain tomorrow & Wednesday...supposed to be low 60's today... then down to 40's for a high on Thursday after all the rain!
Our area, North and West of DC could see some snow showers Wednesday night. I know I'll probably get in trouble for saying the "S" word. :)
One cute side note, the 8 yr. old twins I'll be focusing on are Jewish. Not only taking part in this concert, but as ballet students are both performing in a community production of the Nutcracker Suite for about the fourth year in a row. Their dad was Lee's bf through H.S. and we've remained close. We have an annual party night and gift exchange in Dec. and often to to their house for Jewish celebrations, Seder, etc.. A wonderful extended family for which I'm so grateful !
It is warm here this morning-52 degrees. We are suppose to get rain tomorrow and Wednesday.
Ooh, I'm afraid "S" is heading our way, too. Tis' the season ! I always get a kick outta the use of CRC. Stands for Clintonville Resource Center here and the fund raiser we'll attend tomorrow evening is for them. It's known as a Settlement house, with pantry, "boutique" and social services. There are about 19 different programs and services the needy can sign up for with just one stop at CRC.
THELMA, I guess ☼hi☼ is pushing the rain your way. Bet you don't need it any more than we do. The ground is saturated and flood warnings are out.
Well, it's really CRS, but I didn't want to offend anyone with my implied use of a curse word... :)
Pardon my manners! Good morning, Thelma!
LOL, gLORI. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
THELMA, I wasn't LOLing LORI's greeting, but rather her CRS ! How is our EAGLEEYESHARON feeling today ?
Love you both, a lot!
Thelma, please give Sharon my get well wishes.
I gotta run home. Critters are alone this morning and don't want any accidents. ((((((Big Hugs)))))))
Moving on to newspapers n' e-mail. HAGD all ! BBL and hope to see that JO is home and that LYNN is up n' at em' and feeling good ! So glad Bill is going to help with the yardwork today !
Good morning everybody.
My mouth is feeling much better but I have been having a stabbing, about every 8-second pain hitting my belly. Not sure what this could be except maybe scar tissue or adhesions from all the surgeries. Not debilitating pain but aggravating just the same.
Good morning all!
I am ready to head out for leaf blowing a soon as the temp goes up a little. Only 37° now.
Whoa---DanaWV---way to go, girl! Nice donation to the Clothes Closet!! Lots of people will benefit greatly!
Did not have fog here.....I was up at 5:30 and 7:30 and didn't see any....but it is hazy and gray.
Another thanks to al the great teachers we have here----too bad all aren't as dedicated as you all are/were.
Yep, Kay, rain is due here tomorrow and Weds. Mom said they were getting it yesterday, too.
Good Morning
Talk with you when I return from
blood work
Linda, know that you are already at the rehab facility...but hoping that you find some improvement, and get some answers. you were footballed out!! I'm at least glad that the Raven's won!
Got "his grumpiness" off to school this morning. Actually, he was OK once he was wide awake.
Kathryn got him up, but left him snoozing on the sofa again. He was in one sour mood when I first told him that it was time to get moving.
Thank goodness, that did not last.
Am thinking that I might head out to the bowling alley for some practice.
Some strangeness has been going on there during league time. I am trying not to feel picked on.
There seems to be an unwritten rule that a bowler must move away from the approach as soon as the ball is released. Before it strikes the pins.
I have been trying hard to observe this courtesy, but I seem to be partially unsuccessful.
I was told that I need to leave the approach area and watch the ball strike the pins from the area behind the ball return. I tried that, but I could not get there fast enough, so I did not see anything.
So, I am backing away. Just do not want to fall off the step. (Not really too likely.) But complaints are still being made to my teammates.
The odd thing is that many of the league members, including at least one teammate, ignore the rule. I don't understand.
Even one woman who spoke to me about it does not always observe it.
At first, I did not understand the reason for the unwritten rule, but it seems that some people are distracted by a person standing at the approach when they go up to bowl.
Don't want to distract anyone, but do not understand why the rule is not the same for all.
One teammate thinks maybe it is just because we are "newbies." She is a seasoned bowler who does not have a problem with this issue, but has been snapped at about other things.
Ohhh . . .STRONGHUNTER, don't let the negative ones take away your pleasure at the bowling lanes.
Do not know why people can't be constructive instead of destructive.
Morning all,
We finally got a trace of snow today. Yea!! As you can tell I'm not the one that has to be out driving in the white stuff, so I can be excited about it.
Have a great day all!
Are any of you still hearing gunshots? I just realized I had the volume turned down! They aren't on NCTC campus, tho', so the sound must be carrying from on the farm.
Good grainy morning to my eagle buddies.
Left my sweet William at the vet's this morning for his "life altering 3 minute surgery". Now if I can just keep him quiet tonight and away from the rough housing dog all will be well.
Missed seeing the Michael Buble segment last night--guess I was catching up an old friend I see frequently but we rarely have time to just chat. I am also a Celtic Thunder fan. I play their Christmas cd all year round.
Went birding yesterday with friend who got a new scope and we saw nice closeup views of migrating ducks. The male green winged teals were the most spectacular. No eagles this trip.
Haven't heard a gunshot since the one I mentioned earlier, but haven't been paying full attention, either, Lynn.
Thanks, I am enjoying the bowling. I told my teammate that I feel that a tough hide is necessary to get along in this world. Just trying to remember that.
She thinks maybe some of the others just want to keep our team in last place and are playing a psychological game to get to us. Maybe. She thought she might ask one of the others if she knows what is happening.
Other team members were really pushing our team to bowl fast. We finished up so quickly that other teams were still bowling when we left the alley.
Best wishes for your "Sweet William," Diane.
I SEE You tucked in here, Sharon
hope that aggravating stabbing every 8-seconds pain, takes a HIKE Right Now !!
Good Morning Eagle Pals....xoxo
yes, best wishes to Sweet William, grannyblt...
and always good to hear about Birdwatching Expedition !
Think I'll find me a dayglow neon colored Bowling Ball, and go do battle at Shirley's Bowling Alley!
There's a a way for folks to be helpful, and a way for them to be rude...sounds like both is happening there...
Sorry about all that Shirley, Hang in There !!!
Go score a 300 - I know you can do it !!!
CarolAnne, we all really enjoyed the Standing in Line to See Jesus, thank you !
Best wishes for all the things going on in ALL our lives today.....
Hope there is good amount of joy, peace, and comfort....
and a LOT of healing and wellness
Don't anyone work too hard!
I'm trying to figure out just where to start here, but I'm going to start somewhere! Oh, breakfast, that's a good place to start....
(( Hugs ♥ ))
God Bless Us, Every One
ttfn and xoxox ♥
I hear children's voices, faintly, at the NCTC site ☺
Battery dead on stoooopid mower. How in three weeks time?? Guess because of the cold. Put it on the charger.....hope it worls FAST cause Bill is on his way.
Just had a bird hit sunroom window...gotta go look to see if it survived.
oh, Lynn...
sorry on both counts, hope the mower AND the bird, survive...
'bye xo
All carcass found! Whew!
Still only up to 43°. Extension cords are stiff! Wish the sun would come out.
Good morning! Brrrr! Looks like we are the cold weather site...37, high today maybe 40 and down into the teens and low 20's tonight. Snow flurries in FT Worth but we did not see any. Rain gauge now says 3 inches. Whoopeeeeee!
Shirley, bowling should be fun..there should be laughter! Some people just have to grouch about everything. Stick your tongue out at them!!!! lol
No go on the mower. WIll have to wait until another day. :( Leaves will get soaked in the coming who knows when now. ARGH! Will keep the mower on the charger until whenever happens....and Bills aid he would bring cables, too, when he returns.
Sun IS trying to come out. Think I'll wait til after lunch.
Shirley, don't be discouraged. I never heard that "rule" before! I'll have to ask Bill about that and see if it truly is an official rule! WHY would the team want to stay in last place? Makes no sense!
Lynne1--hope that William does fine! Keeping them quiet isn't usually too hard the day of surgery----it's the next couple!!
CarolAnne....please keep the snow up your way!!!
My sister called this morn. We are heading to her place next Sunday. Will be there a couple of nights. Going to my niece's for dinner of fajitas Sunday.
I am going shopping today. I figure I will shop today and tomorrow and then Wed and Thurs work on getting ready for the party Thursday.
Sharon, I sometimes get those pains in my belly when I cough! At my old incision sites---I was told it was just minor tearing of adhsions. Irritating, but nothing to be concerned about. Hope that is all that you are experiencing. Or it could be gas!!!!
We really lucked out going to Pagosa Springs when we did. It has snowed all this week. I am so thankful we had clear roads for traveling!! Laurel says there are several Pagosa Springs cams. Going to go looking for them.
Margy, I know that you are at sixes and sevens trying to figure out where to start! That's why I spend so much time piddling!!! Much to do, and little time---it can be overwhelming!! Start with the big stuff!!
Liesl has been bad. I have one creche that is mounted in a stable and covered with sphagnum (sp?) moss......I have always put it son the floor in a specific place.....she has decided she wants to tear off the moss. After two days of scolding, threatening and spraying it with Bitter Yuck, she now trying to figure out where to put it.
Well I am talking of NAKED MEN!!! COME ON OVER TO THE NEW THREAD AND READ THE POST!!! If this does not bring you over nothing will!!!HA HA HA
30 comments to read....
Blood work went well - only sat 10 mins
waiting my turn.
I also have to go to get my new lenses
Going to keep my frames... (Save $$)
and they are not old and still very
comfortable. That is at 2:00 today.
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