Monday, December 05, 2011


New thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 395 of 395
wvgal_dana said...

I'm right behind you Lynn. First time for me too. I can't believe I stayed awake this long.

Hoda said...

My avatar is the Christmas Tree Decorations in Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Merry Christmas One and All.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound, Paradise is secured for the winter!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, I can see our nest. Nice to see it live, even if it's MT

I totally forgot about the Good Wife last night..will have to try and find it online.

paula eagleholic said...

just got to read the NX update, appears she is doing well.

Hoda said...

Welcome home PAULA. I am glad Paradise is secure for the winter. As JO said it will be waiting for you in the spring when you return.
Thanks for the update on NX...
Special rub behind the ear for NICK. Loved his picture checking minnows in the bucket...

Lolly said...

Hi all! Busy, busy day! Now time to fix something to eat! very sorry to read your post. Hugs for you and hope you feel our love. Prayers for your mom that she is comfortable at at peace. I have been through something very similar with my mom, so I feel for you.

Lolly said...

Laurel had a little snow on the ground today. It is 38 now and dropping fast. Nice fire going in the fireplace.

Got a lot of shopping done today but have more to do. Really frustrating. I tried to help Laurel out, but we waited too long and now everyone, stores and online, are out of a Leap Pad that she wanted for Jacob. Going to have to do some re-thinking. Grrr!

Lynn, hated to hear that about Charlie. Prayers for him and Carolyn!

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, please know that we are thinking of you and your Mom. I am sorry to hear of her downturn. Please know that we love you and we are here for you. Is Dennis coming down?

Shirley, we always waited to take turns when we were bowling...and you could stand there and watch it as long as you wanted!

The fourth talon is the one on the back of the foot, not the front. We always identified Lib by his crooked toes!

Sure hope Charlie is OK....didn't he ask his Mom to call Carolyn???

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I checked in early this morning! Plumber got there about 1, and finished up at 1:30. Left Paradise at 2:15 and got my outboard dropped off at the Marine guy in Princess Anne. Had a nice ride home. Hopped over and took the ICC from 95 to 270....nice road...toll was $4.

paula eagleholic said...

Going to catch up on the older thread...and get Nick some dinner. Poor dog, he's beat!

DanaMo said...

Just got up from the couch. I guess I fell asleep. Those kinders wore me out today! OH MY! It's going to be a long 2 weeks. My NYC trip is at the end of it though so I have that to look forward to.

I see I missed a visit from our dear lady! Bummer sounds like it was quick.

DanaMo said...

Now I am looking for deer at the nest. Never thought to look around for other critters.

paula eagleholic said...

I hear geese on the cam

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, all sorts of interesting bird sounds at the beach...different types of geese, ducks, etc. A lot of them were on the sandbar at the mouth of the river, too far away to ID. But the sound really travels over the water. The water was really still and calm today too.

paula eagleholic said...

More geese

hedgie said...

Charlie's first set of cardiac enzymes were normal. MTBD tomorrow.
Now to catch up again!

hedgie said...

Hoda, they gave him the morphine for the chest pain. He is 45. Multiple medical issues of long-standing. He and his mother said they didn't want to worry Carolyn at work.

hedgie said...

Glad you are home, Paula.
Yep---I am veery surprised that we can see the nest. Must be the fact that the cloud cover has the whole sky lighter than normal!

stronghunter said...

Fairly warm for a day in December, here, Paula. I expect it was there as well.

I did some searching online for bowling etiquette. Some mention of leaving the area as soon as the ball is thrown, but also a mention of leaving when the pins fall. It seems to be a local preference. I'll just keep backing up.

Maybe I need one of those beepers for backing up, or would THAT distract others??? Hmmm.

I think a person should be able to focus without expecting everyone to clear out. Beats me. And there is always going to be someone there.

The etiquette rules also say you should not curse too much nor take other people's stuff. I can handle that part just fine.

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you got lots of rain...hope it doesn't change to snow for you.
Try eBay for the Leap Pad!

Hoda, love your avatar!!! Beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I do hope they find the problem

Welcome back Paula. The pic of Nick and the minnow bucket was very enjoyable.

We just returned from visiting neighbor guy at Hospital - he'll be coming home
tomorrow. He had his hip replacement and about 5 years ago he had his other
hip replaced. He is getting around well.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda your avatar is beautiful.
Enlarged it and could really see the
lighted tree! Just beautiful!

Paula - you must watch last night's
The Good Wife I kid you not.
Lots happened -- Holler after you watch.

hedgie said...

Not sure how I missed you this AM, Paula! Maybe you snuck in while I was typing and then I didn't back up---beep, beep, beep!

Too funny, Shirley! Just don't fall off the riser!!!

Liesl is already making bedtime hints. A bit too early, kiddo. I do need to finish my manicure...but she's an hour too early despite what she thinks!

stronghunter said...

Well, we all know what those beepers sound like.

stronghunter said...

Guess it was a nice thought, Lynn, but you really can't avoid worrying someone at work when there is a medical problem serious enough to require hospitalization.

hedgie said...

Jo, glad that your friend is doing so well!

hedgie said...

Rain has started here. Good thing about that is that the leaves won't blow back!

paula eagleholic said...

I think the previews on the Good Wife was her daughter was missing?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh does anyone remember those Berger's cookies that Mits brought to a nest visit one time? I found some at the Royal Farms (Gas and food place) near Salisbury. Bought a small package to bring home...yum.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Paula... however, previews can be
so deceiving! You will be surprised as to what her 'daughter's missing' brings
about. Nuff said!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to watch the Good Wife online. bbialw.

stronghunter said...

Going to sign off for the evening. I did not sleep much last night. Time to head upstairs. I'll see you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Going in to watch the "Closer"


I loved those cookies!!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, what time did Kat get home? Frazzled, I bet! Rest well tonight!

Those cookies were great! Neat that you found some, Paula!

Giving into Miss Pitiful Looks as she sits in front of the playpen staring at me!

Costume Lady said...

Those Berger cookies were so good and had a gazillion calories! I miss Helen and Ceil and all those good times in the Eagle Express:(

Lynne2 said...


Costume Lady said...

In case I get so sleepy that I do a Face Plant while I'm trying to say Good Night, I want to say that I'm feeling badly for Jewels not being contacted immediately about Charlie and Praying that he is just stressed and not having heart issues.

Lolly said...

Lynn, saw the Leap Pad on e-bay. Going for pretty prices. Do not have to have it that bad. Laurel will have to decide to get him something else.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I remember the Berger cookies! Yum!!

magpie said...

Oh I see that Lynne snuck in !
The "Sound" of Cookies does wonders !!
☺ Hi Sweetums

Good Evening Eagle Pals xo

Welcome Home, Puala and Nick...
glad the week-end was so productive and the trip home, pleasant. Guess you'll have to lilsten for the Swans passing through from your OTHER Roost

magpie said...

Sorry for the debacle involving Charlie....
if they had called Carolyn at work,she wouldn't be worried at work, she woulda been outta there !
That's one of the things my on-call work beeper is for!!!

Prayers for Resolution of his ailments....and for Comfort for Carolyn
xo ♥

and you're soooo right, they should have called 9-1-1...
lights and sirens, radios and medicine.....are handy things to have when someone is in medical trouble

magpie said...

I think I was even present at least one time for some of the famous Berger Cookies....

How are you feeling tonight, Sharon ?
(Oh I know I misspelled Paula and "listen" - LOL )

I see the Eagle Visit started earlier tonight, I missed it all...

magpie said...

Well, Shirley, if you are trailing off to bed early tonight, and maybe Wanda also...

I am setting the NIGHT LIGHTS on NOW....just in case, Judie doesn't sneak in and take care of it...
seems like she has already kicked the Sandperson out of her place....

Lolly said...

I have never heard of Berger cookies so I googled 'em! Came up with a recipe.

Berger Cookies

How does it sound? Anyone know?

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy! With Momma there, Caro wouldn't have left work! But it certainly was a stupid thing for them to pull on her...and to not call 911 for emergency!

You WERE there for Berger's cookies...I remember!
But now that I think about it, wasn't it Ceil and MM who brought them? Aren't they a Baltimore thing?

Did you get a lot accomplished today, MArgy??

LYNNE----what's happening, kid?? Worried about you.

hedgie said...

Going to get my bath. Will watch Rizzsoli&Iles afterwards. Want to get it doen before I put on last coat of nail polish. BBIALW!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, that sounds like them! The frosting is almost like a fudge.

Lynne2 said...

So sorry to read that Linda's mom has taken a turn for the worse. Prayers for a quick and easy transition, if that is what is to be, and prayers for Linda and family.

UNACCEPTABLE that no one called Carolyn! Man, if that was ME, heads would be rolling!!! My lord, what if something had gone terribly wrong and she'd never had the chance to see him???

In any case, I sure pray he is going to be just fine!

magpie said...

Carolyn surely could have left work..these things happen with others...believe me!
We'd have have pushed her out the door for that.....

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, they are a Baltimore cookie! I was thinking they were an OC delicacy, but the recipe that Lolly googled does say Baltimore...and I do recall that now.

The Good Wife was good! But why was she congratulating Will on breaking it off...seems like it was Alicia's idea...or did she get wind of the investigation?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and loved seeing Michael J Fox's guest appearance!

Lynne2 said...

gotta get to bed....good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

OH MY!!! Now I have to find BERGER cookies and what are my chances of finding them in British COlumbia...we are not exactly next door to Baltimore!!! They sound delicious and NOT what I need this Christmas season...I am trying to not have any more weight from sweet tooth indulgences...
The recipe sounds good LOLLY.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I guess Will was just taking
credit to look good in the eyes of
Diane Lockhart because she told Will
to break it off.

Lolly said...

I found severaql recipes for them. Yes, they are Baltimore cookies. Sigh....wish I could eat sweets. lol

I will try them....some day!

Lolly said...

Oh, that is a new way to spell several!☺

Lolly said...

Nite, Lynne! Glad you peeked in!

Mema Jo said...

Baltimore Berger Cookies were introduced to us by Mits and Ceil. I think they brought them to one of our
get togethers - Ceil & MM may have brought them to our road trip down to
Patuxant to see Loretta...
Bergers Bakery in Baltimore get the credit

NatureNut said...

Almost nighty-night time & I'm getting tired!
Fubby has on the Chopper building competition--2 hours!

So sorry to hear of Carolyn's Charlie illness. Hope he's OK.
Prayers for all♥
Lynn, sounds like a good luncheon tomorrow.Enjoy!
We'll it's time to say Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Lynn, do enjoy your luncheon!

Heading upstairs with my book...want to finish it!

(((Hugs for all)))♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

I will go back to Christmas but I wanted
all of you to see The Bragg Bunch ♥

Hoda said...

Well JO you have a lot to brag about in regardas the BRAGG BUNCH. What a very elegant family photo...Thanks for sharing.

magpie said...

Oh Jo, GLAD you knew we WANTED to see the Bragg Bunch....spectacular photo...very Merry Christmas-Y !!
Thanks !!

magpie said...

Yuk and Double Yuck!!
Large slug ooching its way across the patio...
think I will expatriate him right now!!

magpie said...

I finished MY book this morning, Paula...a children's book in fact,
"Following Fake Man," a Dell Yearling book...very good one;
Now to pick another one so start....

OOh Lolly! So neat you and Laurel saw The Help
THAT is on MY WISH List....

Lynne2 said...




magpie said...

You Go Girl, Lynne!!
Better share some of that dream with Steve ♥ ☺

magpie said...

I KNEW I should have left Scare Slug out longer....I just packed him away TWO DAY AGO...

Ol' Sluggie has now been flung gently across the lawn.....

magpie said...

Oh! I got my first official Christmas Card today in the Mail...
"Spirit of the Wild," by Rosemary Millette created for the National Wildlife Foundation...

Of Course it has Eagles on it, one perched, one soaring...

magpie said...

Your avatar is Beautiful,
DanaWV's so Cheery !

magpie said...

Truth is, there is not an avater on here that I am NOT CRAZY about !!

magpie said...

I did get quite a lot done today,
there is so much to do....not just Christmas stuff but Everything stuff !

got some Christmas things out of storage, and took Yard and Garden things out to storage, and my old rusted bicycle that needs work but I can't give up on it !

Also, placed a Christmas wreath at my sister's gravesite....

And a did a whole lot of this 'n that...

magpie said...

Oh Yes, Lynn.... enjoy that luncheon, and take see that pictures get taken AGAIN...
Sounds like a good outfit you have picked out, guess you might have to add an Umbrella and Raincoat

Hoda said...

I love your day MARGY...There is so much to do and to remember and then there is the stuff we actually do and remember and that speaks volumes about us. You are a wonderful human being.

Lolly said...

On facebook I get messages from a great nursery. They had a contest. You post pics of your Christmas tree (they sell trees) and they pick daily winners. Well, I won! I get a $5 gift card!

magpie said...

Well....time for bedtime here....

Taking Prayers with me....some nighttime devotionals, for ALL our many needs...and tonight, especially for Linda and her Mom,
Charlie and Carolyn
and Sharon's friend Kris.....

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Well, Good on You, Lolly....

and Thanks, Hoda....It is the Momster and Dadster [and James the Kidster] Company I keep!

Talked to James by the way, but can't go see him until I get off-call on Saturday....
Wow, it's Monday and I'm ALWAYS there on Mondays, except for on-call weeks :(

hedgie said...

Rain seems to have stopped--at least for now.

magpie said...

Good Night, now...for real...
xox ♥
Will have to catch up with the rest of the Night Owls in the morning

hedgie said...

Hoda, you could always try to order Berger cookies to be shipped!!

Margy, you DID accomplish a lot! Congrats on that! And you have tomorrow yet to continue!

Lolly, I am not at all surprised that you won! Cool!!!

Goodnight to all heading for the pillows! Hope your night is full of sweet slumber.

Jo, love the picture of the BB!!! A truly lovely family.

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Lolly on the Tree Contest. They sure saw a good thing with your photo.

Lynn, it is a good one. Enjoy your luncheon tomorrow..

I saw Lynne jump in and then right back out!

I am ready for bed! No nap here today either

Hoda said...

LYNN!!! Talk about indulging...I try to live The Hundred Mile Diet...some times I succeed and others not...Now this could be part of the NOT...ordering cookies from Bultimore...oh my don't put any ideas in my head LYNN!!!LOL!!!I could also try to follow the recipe that LOLLY there is a thought...

Costume Lady said...

WARNING: for those of you who are thinking of ordering Berger cookies...although they are tasty, they are extremely sweet. So if you don't like your cookies real sweet, you had better pass on the Bergers. Cheaper to make your own:)

Hoda said...

LYNN I hope your luncheon goes really well tomorrow.I will look forward to hearing about it.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night & God Bless Everyone
Prayers for Everyone & their loved ones
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Hoda, we can make the cookies and then give them away. And, we would have to eat at least one to make sure they were okay! lol

hedgie said...

That sounds like the perfect solution, Lolly!

Thanks for good wishes for tomorrow. Need to be outta here by 10:30. I don't have to man the name tag table this time, but have to get them there early enough for those that do to be ready for the early arrivals.

So will say my goodnights now to all. Will see you in the morning light.
Many prayers continue for Linda, her Mom and family, for Kris, and yep, for my SIL.

Costume Lady said...

Luncheon with friends sounds delightful! Let's have a Christmas Luncheon...maybe at the Bavarian Inn...or Mickey Dee's, or The Clarion...anywhere!!

Enjoy your outing LYNN:)


LINDA, such a special person you are and so sorry you have to be going through such sadness and heartache, so soon after losing you brother. Stay strong in your faith and know that whatever happens, it is God's will. Love to you and yours♥

Lolly said...

I have a few things I need to do yet this evening, so I am going to say good night.

Going to shop a wee bit in the morning and then we are going back to Denton for Joseph's orchestra program. We always have to go early to beat the rush hour traffic in Ft. Worth.

I will peek in and say good morning but I will have to get busy earlier than usual.

So....nite all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Tomorrow seems a busy day for many of us...I go to a morning yoga class and then on to The Friends of The Library Christmas Luncheon and then some errands...
I will say goodnight too and God Bless everyone.


Mema Jo said...


Megan will have wreaths this Sunday

She suggest though that you get there
early to be sure to get one.

Lolly said...

I finished up my chore. Had to type the minutes of our last meeting. I am not a good secretary! lol Anyway, had to come back to tell is now 34 and snowing!!! It is very fine but coming down fast and furious! Roads may be bad in the morning.

Nite again!

Lolly said...

Whoops, one more thing

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I wanna a Megan wreath!!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Geez, I thought I'd never get back here! My old dinosaur laptop decided to croak on me--the motherboard went south. I spent most of today (Monday)finding out the bad news about the dinosaur, and then shopping for a new one, and waiting for the Geek Squad to get it set up for me.

I'm not at all caught up here yet, but may have to wait until morning for that. Ended up getting a Toshiba laptop, with an Intel Core i5 processor, Windows 7 Home Premium, 6.00GB of RAM, blah, blah, and so on. It's got Dolby advanced audio, too. Just generally twice as fast as the old one, and it had some very nice reviews online. So, I have an early Christmas present! Still getting used to Windows 7. Had Vista on the old puter. I hear that Windows 7 is supposed to be better. Can anyone please let me know what they think of it? So far, so good, but too early to tell. Had them install Windows Office for me. I'm just glad to be able to get back here to the blog! I feel awful when there's no way to connect with all of you!

Ms Bookworm said...

It's getting late here, so am going to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone--don't know all the current situations yet, but am sure that God does! Making sure the porch light is lit, and enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you!:o]

DanaMo said...

Good morning the Cafe is open for business!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO!!!

Think I'll come inside and have some's raining out here!

DanaMo said...

Boomer is across my lap needing some love this morning. If he could fit in my lap he would.

DanaMo said...

Dogs came in dry so it must not be raining here. Lost the cam, going to reopen the window.

DanaMo said...

The cam was up when I got on this morning, now I can't get it to run. Anyone else having issues?

DanaMo said...

Weird, after several tries and reopening the window, still no luck. Then I tried again and it's fine.

What's the $50 gift card to? Darn I missed what you said.

DanaMo said...

I know everyone gets a kick out of the OC they are saying Belle has an injury on the top of her head.

DanaMo said...

Okay, Lori is busy on air, Sandi are you here yet? Kay? Anyone...I'm lonely.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, D-Mo. GC is for, fun site.

Let me check my cam, now.

Lori O. said...

My cam is fine, has been on for almost 2 hours...

Lori O. said...

Nest is getting lighter!

Lori O. said...

Dang! Cam shut down, now says it's currently unavailable. I'll keep trying.

DanaMo said...

I can't seem to refresh this morning. Very unusual, but it's my computer. Maybe too many things running at once...

DanaMo said...

Time for a shower, be back in a bit.

Lori O. said...

Cam is back.

stronghunter said...

Good morning. I am having trouble getting the cam this morning. I will keep trying. Computer says it cannot find the page and maybe I am spelling something wrong.

stronghunter said...

Got the cam this time. Nest is MT.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn came in very late and very tired last night. One of her fellow workers took them on a detour around the accident--a 40-mile detour. She said that she would use that detour again only in very extreme circumstances.

DanaMo said...

okay, mine is better now.

DanaMo said...

Oh poor Kathryn. I would hate to have to go down the road every day.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Shirley!

DanaMo said...

I am behind schedule for St. Nicholas day today. I hope I can pull it off for the kids. We usually already have our "slippers" made and hanging. I'm going to have them make them this morning and fill them after a time when they are out of the room. Gosh I hope I can do it.
Happy St. Nicholas Day!

stronghunter said...

Maybe some snow coming here.

I bought some paint yesterday for the door frame in the back. Mildew forming there. I got the mildew cleaned off, but did not get the painting done. Temperatures need to be over 40 degrees, so it may be awhile.

I have already had to replace one door frame out there, so I might want to put in a storm door to protect it.

DanaMo said...

'mornin' Shirley.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. Getting started with work early today. I am heading to Charleston this afternoon to see and hear Andrew in a choir concert tonight. Staying with them until Friday or Saturday. A band concert Thursday night. He is student-conducting a piece then!

DanaMo said...

My sweater today screams kindergarten teacher. Monte took the picture and it's blurry. Geez...guess it's too early for him.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hear the geese. Here eagle, eagle!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sharon!

Love the sweater, DMo!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

George is in the nest. Run for your life George!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I heard something near the cam.

Sandi said...

Morning all - checking in from school. Looks like I didn't miss a visit. Had no time to get online this AM as I discovered that Bella had peed on the area rug in front of the sofa!! =( So, I was busy cleaning the rug and scolding her!!! I wondered why I found her hiding under our bed last night - she KNOWS when she's done something bad! Kids coming down the hall - gotta go! have a good day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Lori! Just want you to know that me and Buphals play tug of war all the time now! :-)

Lori O. said...

Ah, I love hearing that, Sharon. Give them all an extra biscuit from me! :)

DanaMo said...

Okay I'm at school now too. Come on Belle and Shep, glad I didn't miss a visit. Rain keeping them away? Kids will be here any minute.

Linda said...

Good Morning. I am still here at the hospital with my Mom. I've been here 24 hours now and it has been a long night of waiting and watching.

They started her on morphine and are only doing comfort care, but she still has some fight in her. They do have her on the oxygen mask which is giving her the oxygen saturation she needs. Her BP is way low, but her heart rate is just under 60.

I'm just here for her and to be here with her through this amazing transition in her life. As Kay so wonderfully says it, she awaits her Grand Promotion! It is tough, but I know she is the palm of His hand and when the time is right, He will call her.

Thanks for all the love, support and prayers. xoxo

DanaMo said...

I've got Lori and Loo on in the classroom. Kids will love it. Keep it clean! LOL!

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, thank you so much for taking the time to check in with us. I was with my Daddy during the preparation for his Grand Promotion. It was really a spiritual, though painful time! (((((HUGS)))))

paula eagleholic said...

Love you Linda ♥

DanaMo said...

My assistant loves this song and is singing along! :) Oh she is hamming it up!

DanaMo said...

The kids think we are crazy, and we probably are!

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...

Oh Linda, prayers for you. I will keep you and your mom in our intentions this morning.

DanaMo said...

Lori say hello to St. Mary's Kindergarten, can you? or no? I understand if you can't.

Lori O. said...

Loo will do it coming up for Mrs. Hillmoe's class!

Lori O. said...

Linda, So happy you are in such a wonderful frame of mind for your Mother. I'm so proud of you. God Bless you and your family. We're praying for you and your Mom, and "loving you through it."

Linda said...

Thanks dearest ones. I feel so blessed to be part of such an amazing group. I will post when I can. Sorry about the multiple posts. Don't know what happened, but doing this on my phone is NOT easy for me. I need to become a pro like Sharon and Paula!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda - practice, practice, practice! :-) Definite process, not an event! :)

DanaMo said...

You made our day!! Thank you Loo and Lori! Clapping and cheering in Kindergarten!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Train's Shake Up Christmas

Just wanted to share a little Christmas cheer this morning!

Costume Lady said...


Good to see so many friends on here, so early:)

DANAMO, you look adorable in your KINDERGARTEN sweater!
I can just see and hear those little sweeties, smiling and cheering. How special of Lori & Loo to shout out to them!

Linda, I love what Sharon said about being with a parent when they pass on to a new life:
It is a SPIRITUAL experience~
I was with my Dad when he passed on and was holding his hand at his last moment. IT WAS SPIRITUAL...I shall ever be grateful to our Lord for letting me experience that. I hope that you, LINDA, can experience that when your Mom's time comes, if it is God's will.
Love you♥

DanaMo said...

Singing along to Rudolph! :)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I do believe the rain has kept our Royal Pair out of the nest, this morning. It is calling for rain most of the day, so we may not have a visit at all:(

Lori O. said...

Wanda, what's in store for the Soup Kitchen today?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, so Lori - you guys need to do a radio show with Train after their new album comes out next year and invite me to be there! I could even bring Buphals to meet you! :-)

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a fun time for Mrs. Hilmoe (?) Kiddies, this morning:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well hello T-bird. It is about time you got up! :-)

T-Bird said...

Definitely a little late this morning.

Costume Lady said...

LORI, Soup Kitchen next week and the week after, none today.
What a wonderful couple of sleeping bags that you had sent here! They have carrying cases so that the new owners can carry them with them when they leave their tents. They take everything that they own when they leave to go somewhere, for fear of being stolen. Isn't that sad?

hedgie said...

Good morning all.

Linda, thinking of you and praying for you all. I know it's not easy. I, too, was there to hold my Dad's hand...a very long time ago.

Sharon, good to hear about your trip. Enjoy. Know that Andrew will make you prouder!

Andy, sorry about the dinosaur, but you'll be glad it happened in the long run!

Feel like I'm rushing....allowed plenty of time...but non-morning me moves slowly!

Cool that Lori and Loo could give a shout-out to Mo's class! And I love the sweater, Dana!

Still no significant rain here---just a nuisance kind.

DanaMo said...

Thanks for a great morning. I've got to get off the blog before I get fired. Yes, it's Hilmoe Wanda :)

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, sleepy head, LYNN:)
I am NOT a morning person, either. I try to make all my appointments and GG's in the afternoon:)

Lori O. said...

OK Sharon. I'll put your suggestion for Train in the box. Yes, bring Buphals!

Costume Lady said...

DANAWV has done a wonderful thing for our Clothes Closet...after 2 years of not wanting to part with her beloved ED's clothing, she brought them all to me to give to our needy folks! I have them all hung up and ready for our gentlemen to get spruced up for the holidays:) THANKS YOU DANA♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

(((((HUGS))))) Dana, I know that was not an easy task!

magpie said...

and that will be a Merry Christmas to the Soup Kitheneers, Wanda !!!

The guys will be so happy, as I think there are probably more Gals and Kids things there....

xoxox Good Morning Eagle Pals xoxo

magpie said...

Happy Trails Morning GLori
I think you are probably already unplugged and headed out the door....

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Sounds like a Glorious week for you coming up, starting Tonight !
Have a Great Time.....!!

hedgie said...

Just remembered to put extra camera batteries in the bag.
And just found an 8-legged hanging over Liesl's bed---argh! Got it!!

Costume Lady said...

DANAMO left without refilling the coffee pot...BAD GIRL!
Heading for my own coffee pot:)

magpie said...

Kitcheneers... Whoops typo

I've got two loads of clothes going, some toys and books for next week, Wanda...

magpie said...

Dear Linda
I was told by hospice staff, when my sister was nearing the end, when she could take nothing by mouth, no feeding tube (compassionate, but difficult choice of the family) and her systems were shutting down, that there is a Euphoria which takes place, when the body is not struggling to maintain function, and the soul and spirit can move through the final days in peace and comfort....I hope that this will be the case for your dear Mother...
You might not be able to perceive that this is happening...but trust that she knows that you are there....

(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Yes, Lynn, remember that camera and the camera batteries...
eight-legged, yikes !!

Oh, those noises at the nest, sounds like a dentist's office !

magpie said...

Thinking again of DanaWV's Mission of Love....this is the best gift, from her and her beloved ED....

And so nice, that Wanda and Gene and the rest of the Soup Kitchen volunteers...can see the joy of these things going to a GOOD HOME

I second Sharon's Post:

((( HUGS ♥ )))

Lolly said...

Good morning! 31 and snow on the rooftops this morning. Annie asked out, I let her out and she turned right around and wanted back in. I warned her, but she would not listen!

Lolly said...

DanMo is having too much fun today! I laughed at the comment of her sweater screaming kindergarten teacher. Been there...done that, but oh so much fun! Had to change my wardrobe after I retired.

magpie said...

A litte bit about the Feast of Saint Nicholas:

St. Nick's Day?

It's not celebrated much in the U.S. -- although there has been some awareness of the holiday in Wisconsin -- but in Northern Europe St. Nicholas Day is a big thing. Traditional celebrations included gifts left in children's shoes (from which American Christmas stockings developed).

Good children receive treats -- candies, cookies, apples and nuts -- while naughty children receive lumps of coal. In Germany, children still put a shoe outside their bedroom doors on the eve of Saint Nicholas Day, and hope to find candy, coins and maybe a small gift in them on Dec. 6. In the Netherlands, children put their shoes in front of their chimneys in hopes of finding chocolate or a small toy in their shoe when they wake.

During my childhood days, we would leave a pair of shoes outside our bedroom doors, and a favorite older sister never failed to put a candy bar in one of them....I always got a Clark Bar ☺
We're Dutch....

magpie said...

DanaMo thinks you got a $50 gift card...or maybe it was a typo !

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, that is an important bit of information to know when you have a loved one, nearing the end.
My Denise was livid when she heard that we wouldn't allow a feeding tube for Dad. It was his wishes in his living will...and...Hospices Nurse told us that it was a very kind thing to do, that nourishment was not needed when the body was shutting down. A GREAT PIECE OF ADVICE FOR ALL TO KNOW!

Let me know when you want me to meet you and where to get your Clothes Closet donations. Next week is going to be wonderful in all departments of the Soup Kitchen. Our Pastor asked the congregation to donate warm blankets for our folks and it will be a PERFECT day if more than one person donates blankets.
We will be giving away bags of goodies that day, also. For each family signed up for free food, we will be giving: A whole chicken, a ham, a bag of Delicious apples, a bag of Dates, milk and soup and some canned veggies and fruit.

magpie said...

You're getting snow before we do, it's beautiful...

DanaMo Love that sweater and the picture, Thanks to Monte!!

Time to start back on where I left off Monday night....

Best Wishes to All for a good day....

xoxo ttfn ♥

magpie said...

Oh Wanda...thank you for your comments....

AND, that it is Heavenly for sure, what's coming up next week...
I am OFF on Dec 13 - so probably, would bring things over around noon-time and then go up to see James the Wise after school that day....

Sound good ??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One of my daddy's sisters, Aunt Glenna, says I starved Daddy to death. She is not very nice and I know that is not the case. She would come up here and try to force him to eat stuff. He just wasn't interested.

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, 13TH will be perfect, seeing as how we will be ready and waiting to give away your goodies.
Gene and I went to the Goodwill store yesterday, looking for some toys for the needy children's corner. I found that anything worth having was too expensive to buy for a group of youngsters. We have no toys, at the moment. We are going to try a Thrift Store that we know of, in Hagerstown that has very good prices on toys and books. I hope to have lots of toys and books and puzzles and games for them as a bit of a Christmas treat from the folks at the Soup Kitchen:)

Lolly said...

No, not $50, just $5, but hey, it is $5 that I can use towards plants in the spring. Every bit helps!

Lolly said...

I am not a morning person either! I like my mornings, drinking coffee, reading the paper and chatting. However, today...I gotta get with it. I have several things to do before heading to Laurel's. So, having said that....have a great day! I am off and running!

magpie said...

ok Wanda...
I have quite a number of little cars like I did last time, three larger ones...
about 6 books, and a little of this 'n that....
It's A Date !!

hedgie said...

LOL, Msrgy---you forget we had snow here the end of OCt.!!!

magpie said...

there are some fire and rescue ones, you might want those for Jayden ☺

I know you did the right thing, sometimes people just don't understand the process.....or are in some sort of denial, and then, sometimes, there are religious considerations (for Catholics) that have be worked out....
(( Hugs ♥ ))

ok, my hiney is removing itself from the computer chair right now....[but the Nest is UP ☺ ]

ttfn xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

And now that it's almost time to leave, the rain really starts! UGH.

See you all later this afternoon. Enjoy your days.

Kay said...

So disgusted with myself for being a Johnnie come lately today ! I see I didn't miss a Belle/Shep visit, but I did miss the Lori n' Loo shout out to Mrs. Hillmoe's class. How nice !

DanaMo, I'm sure the kids love your sweater and YOU !

Andy, I am a newcomer to Windows 7, too. There are some differences, but once each one is encountered and conquered I feel pleased with it.

Sharon, thanks for helping me catch the spirit with Train this morning ! It's grand that you'll get in on Andrew's Winter Concert(s) ! Enjoy !

Linda, Margy has so beautifully described transition time with her sister. I was with my dear mother, sister and hubby as they got their Grand Promotions. It's a touching and profound experience and you'll always be glad you were there to see your mom off ! May God bless and comfort her and the entire family.♥♥♥

Margy, you are a funny little Dutch Girl ! I'm an old and big Dutch Girl. A great heritage I think ! The kids father was 1/2 Dutch, too, so they are Double Dutch treats !

Wanda, so glad donations are coming in for the Soup Kitchen. I see the same wonderful things happening at our pantry. We need for folks to remember the needy throughout the year and not just on major holidays. I know the support you get from Momster's close by is year round. This is a very generous group of people !

Kay said...

Lynn, thinking of you as you enjoy the fruits of your labor today ! I'm sure you look bee-yoo-ti-ful in the duds you chose for today !

The grade school concert of last night was a kick. Kids at that age are so precious ! If it itches scratch it...if you want to yawn in the middle of a song, do it...if you want to do a shout out to proud family members, go for it ! There were perfomances by the violin students, the brass band group and the choir. Priceless !

magpie said...

Great Report Kay!
You could be a stand-up comic, an autoress, you name it!

Double Dutch treats, not THAT is priceless...
Proud to share the heritage with you...

okay, just finished one tiny project, now come the bigger ones

T-Bird said...

New thread

DanaMo said...

hmm...I was referring to the radio giveaway of a $50 gift card this morning on Lori's show. I was asking Lori was it was for, because I missed in when they said it.

Loads of fun in kindergarten and not getting much accomplished academically today. We have had all kinds of things going on including our Pixie Shop. The children get to shop for their family and friends in a set up little store with all kinds of inexpensive treasures. This afternoon we get to see the dress rehearsal of the Christmas program and in between I've got a couple of crafts that need to be completed including the slippers for St. Nicholas Day. Hoping to finish those before lunch and hang them on the kids lockers to be filled while we are at the play. Busy, busy...

What kinds of toys Wanda? Maybe I can bring some stuff over on Sunday. I plan to meet Lori and Jo at the market. Of course I also plan to go see the nest again.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just checking in really quickly to let you know I'm still here, but need to run and give Emma a late breakfast. Spent a WHILE on the phone with Earthlink getting my (and Kubby's) e-mail accounts set up on this new laptop. We're good to go now! Will check back here later, after reading back a bit. Am beginning to realize how much stuff I need to try to regain from the old dinosaur laptop. Will have to have the Geek Squad take this new one back for a day sometime soon to see what they can transfer for me. HAGD!!! Later, alligators!

Costume Lady said...

SORRY DANAMO, I stepped away for a while. We have children from 9 mo to 10 years old. The little ones like most anything from stuffed animals to push toys and the older ones like books, games and puzzles. A good many of these children don't have a TV, so they like to occupy their time reading and working puzzles.

stronghunter said...

Esgle alert!!

stronghunter said...

Poofed already.

Lolly said...

Getting close to a split!!

Also, we are getting ready to head to Laurel's.

I need Momster prayers for a friend. This is a friend I have known for 45 or so years. We were neighbors the first year or two of our marriages. We rented homes from the same people. Her name is Harriet and she has breast cancer. She is having a mastectomy in the morning. I just learned about this and just now had a long conversation with her on the phone. She is very positive and not worried about the surgery but is not so sure about the chemo. She will have 12 chemo treatments. I told her I am going to have many prayers for her and she was so grateful! So please remember Harriet. She is 72 and a wonderful, wonderful person!!!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...