Friday, December 16, 2011


TGIF thread.


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magpie said...

Must admit that all this activity of the last few days has prevented me from keeping up with Blog Posts..since about Wednesday, except for here and there...

I'll catch up "one of these days."

Enjoyed Wanda's post about her first trip to the NCTC nest and meeting Robyn, and Tori....and the safe haven that the Eagle Express afforded young Tori during the nest visit....
Blessed Service from the Captain and First Mate, allrighty!

Best wishes on the MRI, Wanda

Lynn, are all your Tins out for display for Christmas, I see you are all finished decorating! And how special, what Charlie and Carolyn did for that couple while shopping.... ♥

magpie said...

Loving Wishes to you Kay, on this, your and Stan's Anniversary (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Hope you feel 100% better soon, Lolly, Big Christmas Family things coming up I see....

and DanaWV, glad your Mother seems to be doing at least a wee bit better....

"Wowser," there has been some Serious Nestcapading over the last few days, eh??

hedgie said...

Hoda, there are probably some college games happening, but not professional!
Enjoy yur waxing!!

magpie said...

guess I better run along before I get interrupted and have to go suddenly...

Prayers for Wellness,...
Glad to read of the Happy Things...and hope any and all troublesome things, resolve...quickly

and I hope everyone's tonight and tomorrow will be as Great as YOU are

Thanks for your Dear Friendship...

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

oh I see a comment I made
James's Mother's Dad Grandfather makes no sense...
that would be his Mom's Dad...i.e.
his grandfather ☺

Hi Hedgie...I can almost smell those cookies from here !!

xoxox ttfn ♥

hedgie said...

Last pan of oatmeal cookies in the oven. I am TIRED!!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy!!! Glad you are having such great fun!
Hmmmm...when are Kurtz and her Dad heading south? You left that part out!!
Enjoy the time you have left. I know you are making the most of it! Miss you!

Hoda said...

Hi MARGY...Good to read your posts. I am glad it is going well with the visit and that JAMES THE WISE enjoyed his birthday.

YUM YUM the cookies are almost done at LYNN'S I will share a cup of tea...would you be able to share a cookie???LOL... Soon you can put your feet up.

I will start on one of the books tonight...they both look interesting and the librarian was highly recommending both of them.

Lolly said...

Lynn, the Cowboys are playing rigNNht now. Yep, a Saturday night game! 14-0 over Tampa Bay.

Now have three pumpking rolls in the refrig. Just need to unroll them after they have cooled, add the filling and roll them back up. These three are gifts for the neighbors. Will make two more tomorrow. I ran out of nutmeg so I had to stop. House is smelling good!

Lolly said...

that is supposed to be "right now". Do not know how that happened. lol

Lolly said...

And, my goodness, "pumpking" rolls. lol Make that pumpkin. I better start proof reading better. My fingers have a mind of their own.

hedgie said...

Hoda, I'll share my cookies!!

Lolly, oops----don't know how I missed that game....not on network TV here. ESPN maybe?

Lolly said...

It's on the NFL network, Lynn.

Linda said...

Good Evening! I see today was a busy baking day for some!! Kudos!

I am just at the point of bringing the decorations down to decorate the house. Little by little I will get it done! It was really difficult because so much of what I have as decorations were either made by my Mom (ceramics) or given to me. I played some nostalgic music and and thought of many happy times in the past!

♪♫ Wishing James, the Wise a very special birthday!! Enjoy your weekend with family and friends! You are loved!!♪♫

hedgie said...

Gotcha, Lolly. I don't get that channel.

Linda, good on you for working your way through the memories.....grace, nostalgia, all will come together for you, I know.

Sofa time. Liesl is giving her hints!

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) Linda! I am glad you are putting out decorations and I know you are enjoying being home with your Dubby and the animals.

21-0 now!

Lynn, do the Giants and Redskins play tomorrow?

magpie said...

Oh! I heard beautiful singing....
Thanks Linda... sorry James was not here to hear it....
Your home will surely be beautifully decorated....

(( Hugs♥ )) for the sadnesses you might experience...and hopes that the tearful moments are dear and precious with richness of beautiful memories

Lynn, You're right, I left a word out of my sentence....Kurtz and her father will start back towards Florida Monday....around sundown

Hello Again Folks More Evening Eagle Pals...having some great dialogue here now with my Stepdaughter....

just learned a new phrase (new to me...) with dealing with difficult persons:
Bless Them, Change Me...

xoxo ttfn (again) ♥

stronghunter said...


Getting ready to post a picture of the rocks from our mine trip. They have been in a rock tumbler for several weeks now and are looking pretty good. Still have to be polished a bit.

stronghunter said...

Rock picture is now posted. Kathryn and Hunter have been working hard at keeping the tumbler going.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, you can watch the game on

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn, Lolly & Margy!! One step at a time!! (((((HUGS))))) back to you!!! ♥

MARGY - Wonderful to see you!! I've missed you! ♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Rocks are looking good, Shirley! That is a great activity for Hunter. Joseph and Jacob are getting interested in fossils. They will probably be going out soon with Jack on a fossil hunt.

Linda said...

Well, I am going to turn in a bit early tonight. It's been a busy and somewhat emotional day today!

Wishing you all restful sleep and sweet dreams.

Saying prayers for all our needs, both big and small. Special prayers for Robyn and Tori!! May the Lord give you strength and endurance to make that walk on Monday!! This is your time, Tori!

Night ♥

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, your rocks have polished beautifully...I'm wondering what the blue ones are. They look a little like turquoise, but I don't think they are found in the East.
I have been a rock hound since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Loved our trip out West. The rocks and pebbles are so varied and beautiful. We also, have a polisher and many little beauties showed's so exciting to open up the polisher and see what comes out!

Costume Lady said...

Good night, dear Linda♥

Lolly said...

Hi Wanda! Have you purchased GG's Christmas present? What did you get her? I won't tell!☺

NatureNut said...

Good Eveneung Eagle Buds!!!! I've got a lot of catch up to do---maybe around New Year!!
Been doing some puter stuff---adding addresse4s for labels, printing some pics, etc. Could have done most by hand much quicker! pretty quiet at Park~~~a few people coming to hike who had seen Post article 2 weeks ago.
Gotta check my camera & see if anything there.
Margy, I did read about your great Jamester B'Day party. How wonderful--you're the best!

P.S. got call at Park today from TX. Sher & Jim going to party tonight & she needed crab meltaway recipe! She thought I might be home & Fubby had no idea where to look. As I was telling her some of the ingredients, they were online!, trying to find it in the car!! They did~~I don't know how---maybe Blackberry.

Hoda said...

I started The Help. Takes getting used to the sentence structure. Instead of "of" she uses "a"...yet the story line is very interesting to me...I think she is a good writer...

hedgie said...

Yep, Lolly...GO SKINS!
I will end up missing the end of the game, I'm sure. Joy Gift service at church tomorrow evening. Christie and I will eat out before hand. She'll be ringing at the service. I'll have to leave here at 4.....and we all know that the games never end on time.

hedgie said...

Suzan....I found that I DO have that channel after all! Thanks. Not interested in watching the Cowboys, tho'!

Okay, you still have two days!!! Good phrase that Kurtz passed on....very meaningful.

hedgie said...

I, too, have been a rockhound, but I'vre never had a polisher/tumbler. Not familiar at all. Need to study up on that.
Hunter's collection is beautiful, Shirley!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds just got home a little bit ago What a nice day with son and daughter and Jordyn Poor Carl was on call and got a call one hour before we had to leave so he missed it Was a really nice performances I took 18 video of each performance thought it would be better that one long one I am going to upload on the facebook page of the dance school Right in the middle of one of the performance the PA went out and guess what the audience all began to sing and the show went on that was neat and yes we had to sing for the next couple of them they cut in short becuase of it Jordyn didn't get to do her second one OH such is life I guess The boat parade was nice also got video and pictures also and will put on after I do the school page Angie was offered 1 free day for Jordyn and all the skirts, bows for the performance if she keeps up the facebook page so this is why I am doing the video also So off to bed I am beat I will see you good people in the am I have read some and see there was a really short visit tonight thanks for reporting it

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Wanda, what time is your apptmt. Weds? Mine is 1:20.

Loretta, great that Sherry found the recipe. Sounds yummy!

Hoda, it takes longer for me to read The Help because I am trying to read it exactly as written!!! It gets a little befuddling! I only have 43 pages to go.

hedgie said...

Too bad, Jusy, that Carl couldn't attend....hope Jordyn wasn't too disappointment. And to not get to do her second number... :(

Hoda said...

I see what you mean LYNN about it taking a long time to read...I rather imagine it is to do the accent. I understand also that it is now a movie...I think LOLLY saw it with LAUREL. My American siblings saw it and loved the film...

hedgie said...

Lily Cam installation proceeding

Hoda said...

LYNN thank you for LILLY's link...

hedgie said...

Christie and I saw it, too, Hoda, as soon as it came out! It was good!!

Lolly said...

Lynn, will you believe we will be wanting the Redskins to win tomorrow!! LOL

Lolly said...

I read The Help on my kindle. Laurel read it, too. Then we saw the movie. The did a great job with the casting.

What is the other book you have, Hoda?

Hoda said...

LOLLY THE MEMORY KEEPER'S DAUGHTER is my other book. It sounds like a good story of family relations.

Lolly said...

Three pumpkin rolls are complete and in the refrig. Kitchen is cleaned up as well. A productive day!

hedgie said...

I figured you would, Lolly!!! The in-division games are the ones that count the most. Don't worry---I WON'T root for the Giants!!

Lolly said...

Read it Hoda and let us know. I need a good book right now.

Lolly said...

Last weeks game killed us. Just glad we were out of town and not near SIL, Joey! He and Joseph are BIG Giant fans. Poor Joseph was brain washed by his dad, but we have Jacob on our side. LOL This summer Jacob gets a Cowboy bedroom!!

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub. I am beat....and knee is a killer. Do think I overdid a bit today.....but it's okay cause I got a LOT accomplished! Too tired to mess with I won't do ANYTHING tomorrow except try to prettify me!!

Will check back when I come back upstairs.

Lolly said...

Ahhh! Jack just brought me a G&T.

Lolly said...

Glad you mentioned manicure. Gotta do that yet tonight!

Nite Lynn! (((Hugs)))

Lolly said...

Lynn, you get lots of excercise going up and down stairs. That is good except not so good for the knee! So glad we do not have stairs!

Hoda said...

The last U.S. troops in Iraq have crossed into Kuwait, ending almost nine years of a deadly and divisive war.
The above according to CNN

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I did not find a gift for GG or Jayden:( Got too tired to shop but just one store. Boy, when I get my NEW KNEE, I'm going to Shop til I DROP!

I'll come up with something...?

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA...Crab Meltaways sounded so good that I, too, looked them up. I now have that on my Christmas buffet list!

LYNN, my appointment with Dr. Knutson is on Thursday at 1:40. Too bad we aren't in sinc with appts...we could do lunch:) Another time, we will hook up.

Hoda said...

WANDA is your Thursday appointment to decide on the knee surgery?

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening friends. Missed a lot
today I can see by the count.
This evening in Catonsville we were with
our daughter/hubby, 2 gs both with galfriends.Menu had Small plate or Big
plate. 2 small plates of different choices were like a big plate which was
a full dinner. I had crab cake and small steak. Delicious!I would go back
Surprised to see snow on the cars as we got to Frederick area.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I see you coming thru the SPLIT.

I am going to hit the pillows....

Good Night to all & God Bless all of
my friends. Prayers for all - especially
for Tori's walk on Mon. Praying that
Robyn can rest and stay strong physically and emotionally.
Hugs for everyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Tried to say good night hours ago, but had lost the Internet connection. I went to bed, but couldn't sleep, so I got up and managed to solve the Internet issue, thank goodness.

Hoda said...

OK I will sign off too.
Night light is set for anyone else that might wake up at night and for all the late comers.
Security system is set and may there be peace and comfort for all.

Good night and God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

HODA, my Thursday appointment is to discuss what issues were found on the MRI and...schedule surgery as soon as possible! Hope it is soon, but I'll probably be put on a waiting list:(

Going to turn in now.

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda...too bad....I thought you had said it was Weds.! We'll make it one day soon!

Jo, what restaurant did you all go to?

Lolly, I figure I probably made a total of 20 trips up and down, or down and up today! ARGH! Enjoy that G&T---I could use one!

Time to turn off my light, too. Sleep well, one and all. Prayers going up for all with a special one for Tori and Robyn--and Bobbi, too.

Goodnight, my dear friends.

stronghunter said...

Think I can sleep now. Heading upstairs. See you tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Well, I have been checking my email. Now everyone is turning in. I am headed that way myself.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all I just woke up forgot to set the clock so glad I woke up before I was late for work Wow do I have lots of reading to catch up on but can't no time now

JudyEddy said...

Wow just looked no one else up LORI you there? everyone else slept in also DANAMO is on vacation where is everyone I know you all were up late thats why there are lots of comments HUH Ok talk at ya later everyone have agood day OFTWI in about 10 min gonna go relax for 10

Lori O. said...

Good Morning! I'm here, just have to go and read the last page here.

Lori O. said...

Hae a great dday Judy! See you at lunch.

Sandi said...

Morning Judy! I was here but catching up before I posted. Morning Lori!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi! I'd better open the curtains next to me if I want to see the sunrise. Love this quiet time of morning.

Lori O. said...


(I always try to put the extra day on in case I miss it the next day because of work.)

Today: Cloudy, becoming mostly sunny, with a high near 42. Wind between 3 - 11 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 25.

Monday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 51. Wind between 5 - 11 mph, gusts to 21 mph.




Sandi said...

Lori, I'm a morning person as well. I'm up by 6 or 6:30 even in the summer when I'm off (I play tennis 5 days a week and am on the court by 8 in the summer). The older I get, the stronger my introvert gets - I need alone time (Bella is allowed to invade b/c she doesn't talk, just sleeps in my lap).

Sandi said...

Going to feed the dogs and make tea - may miss an eagle entrance!

PA Nana said...


Lori O. said...

Yes, Sandi, I love this alone time, too.

HI DIANN! How are you feeling?

Lori O. said...

Oh gosh, FloBear, my cute big Santa Bully is up...that means the loudness will start soon! Woof!

PA Nana said...

Hi Lori. Getting better each day.
Still have knee pain from going the steps but I just put my let up and ice when needed.

Hi Sandi. I don't remember you, are you new? I've been away for it seems weeks, so I've missed any newbies. If you're new - welcome!

PA Nana said...

duh... leg.

Sandi said...

Nice to "meet" you Diann! I don't believe we've both been on the blog at the same time before. Good morning!

Sandi said...

Diann, I intended to post only once - a question about how to get my sound to work. And now I'm hooked!! =) I've read the blog off and on for about a year, just to stay up to date on what's happening at the nest, and have followed the nest cam since 2009.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, where's my manners? Diann this is newbie Sandi... Sandi please meet Diann!

Sandi said...

Thanks for the into, Lori! Color on the nest!

PA Nana said...

I'm usually one of the nightowls so I don't see the daysters much unless they're on in the evenings.

Don't know why I'm up this early?
I guess Jimbo woke me - he's an early riser.

PA Nana said...

Sitting here with a pretzel rod and a cup of coffee. Don't want to miss the eagles landing.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

PA Nana said...

Good morning Thelma!!!

Sandi said...

Morning Thelma!

PA Nana said...

Jimbo just came back inside for my keys. He locked his in the car while warming it up. heehee.
Guess he's not wide awake yet.

Sandi said...

Something is wrong with Bella this AM. She was very slow coming down the stairs to go outside and, when she came back in, she wouldn't come back up the stairs - I had to carry her. But when I put her food down, she walked away from it - Bella would eat until she explodes! The fact that she had all her teeth removed has never been an issue since she never bothered to chew her food when she had teeth - just inhaled it!! Not sure if she's sick (nose is cold and wet) or hurt herself jumping from somewhere yesterday (we try to discourage her from jumping from things b/c dachshunds are so prone to back injuries). On another note, am I seeing an occasional snowflake at the nest?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning T-Bird! How are you and Buddy this morning.

PA Nana said...

Sandi, just saw a snowflake too.

PA Nana said...

What time do these birds arrive? I don't want to miss them but I'm ready to go back to bed.

PA Nana said...

... back to bed I go, yawn. Will catch up with you later. Have a blessed Sunday.

Sandi said...

I have tennis at 9 so I'm giving the eagles 10 more minutes to make an appearance!

Lori O. said...

Maybe yesterday's muzzleloaders have them a little skittish.

T-Bird said...

Good Lori. We are enjoying a light dusting of snow this morning. I want more.

Lori O. said...

Do you like to shovel, Thelma, or just stay inside and look at the snow. LOL

T-Bird said...

I hope Bella feels better soon Sandi. We had a dachshund that hurt her back with no getting better from jumping. Bassets have the same problems. So far so good with Buddy.

Sandi said...

My mom lost her collie (age 10) very suddenly in Sept. She has been beyond sad since then - truly depressed. Last week, one of the sceretaries at school; said she is looking for a home for her 2-year old female Havanese b/c she can't afford 2 dogs. I'm a big believer that God presents us with opportunities and, in my mind, this was an opportunity for my mom to be happy again. I emailed her a picture of little Daisy and asked if she'd like another dog. I didn't hear from her for 2 days so I figured she was considering it. This AM, there was an email from my mom that she doesn't want the dog - she thinks she's too old and has too much difficulty walking to give the dog the exercise she would need. I'm thinking a little dog like a Havanese could get enough exercise just running and playing in the house with a toy my Mom could throw. Anyone know about this breed? Better yet, anyone have an idea what I might say to convince my mom to give another dog a try? I think she doesn't want another b/c it hurt so much when Shane died.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, Maybe you could just take the dog over there to meet her and once she sees it she would have a better idea if she wants it or not.

Sandi said...

That's exactly how she got Shane. Her dog had died and someone had abandoned a collie puppy on my school parking lot! I took him home and it was a done deal. Sadly, my mom still lives in Balto. and I am now 2 1/2 hours away in Bethany. Otherwise, that's just what I would do!

Sandi said...

Gotta get ready for tennis. But I thought I'd throw the dog for my mom idea out there for everyone to think about and offer suggestions. BBL.

T-Bird said...

Sandi, it's been my experience with my own mother, that she is on her own journey. My brother tried, with two dogs, to console my mother with another dog to love. Neither worked for her. I wish my brother would have trusted her judgment and loved her through her decision, which I know you do. Of course hind sight is 20/20. She may be ready later. If it's meant to be, I have faith, that it will happen. Prayers to you and your mother through this difficult time.

Lori O. said...

Well, there's a lot of dog lovers on here, so maybe you'll get an answer. Have fun a tennis, Sandi!

T-Bird said...

I'm selfish, I want a darn visit.

Lori O. said...

That's not selfish, Thelma...that's just wanting the world to be happy. You have a great heart!

T-Bird said...

Happy Sunday everyone. One week until Christmas. The years go by so fast.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, you are seeing a bit of snow at the nest. Just a flurry, for now. I have not seen or heard a weather forecast in a week, so I don't know what these flurries might turn into. case you don't know me, I live about 5 miles from the Sycamore Palace, so when it snows or rains here, it is usually the same at the nest site.

Costume Lady said...

Hi Miss Thelma...are you expecting an accumulation of snow?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Wanda. I'm so excited for your Doc appt this week so we know what kind of surgery and when you will get your knee replacement!

Well, I have to get off now and try to get some leaf mulching done. Have a great morning. BBIAW.

Costume Lady said...

LORI, the idea of taking the dog to visit Sandi's mom is a GREAT idea. Maybe they will get together for the Holidays.
I would love for GG to have a dog, but I don't think she is able to take care of anything:(

T-Bird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

OK, Lori, et al, I need to go, also.

Costume Lady said...

OH, WOW...I forgot JAMES'S birthday. Sorry, young man...that's what you are now!
Hope you had a good time with your family at your party.(((HUGS)))
Love from the Captain & First Mate♥

hedgie said...

Good morning, you early birds!! Good to see you! Diann, glad to hear that you are doing better. Did Jim have to work today? :(
Looks like the eagles stood you all up....too bad.

Sandi, I sure hope that Bella is okay. I ultimately lost my Cinnamon because of cervical disc probelms.....all started when she made a dive off the sofa. But the pain was obviously bad....pinched nerve. We nursed her through 5 years....but finally there were no options but $5000 surgery. By then she was 11.....and we went ahead and let her go to the Rainbow Bridge. :(
I don't know anything about the Havanese. A meet and greet as Lori suggests might be a good way to approach things. How old is your Mom?

Thelma, please keep any more snow down your way!! The flurries yesterday were enough for me!

Sandi said...

Wanda, I seem to recall you mentioning something about having a stall at a flea market near Winchester. Our younger son went to Shenandoah Music Conservatory in Winchester, so we made that drive frequently. And our older son has a home in Ranson WV though it is currently rented while he's living and working in Africa. It's BEAUTIFUL country around there!! We will be driving to my mom's for a few days for Christmas but wouldn't want to show up with a new dog that she may not want. We all want to do something when the people we love are sad and the hardest thing, but sometimes the best thing, is to just wait! OK, I'm off to tennis! Later.

hedgie said...

Oops---too far for a meet and greet session, I see. Hmmmmm......well, Thelma's words sound very wise. I know that my Mom wavered a lot after she lost Penny (also a doxie), but finally decided against another....and it was for the best because her Mother entered her aging decline and Mom spent more and mre time at her place, so it would have beenn a bad situation if she had gotten another doggie.

A few years ago I found the most realistic life-size stuffed dog I had ever seen, and sent it to her. She named it Sam and she talks to him and pets him many times each day! She loves it and we have all gotten lots of laughs out of it.

stronghunter said...




hedgie said...

Some big, lazy snow flakes falling...not supposed to be!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...