Friday, December 16, 2011


TGIF thread.


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Kay said...

LORI, you found the perfect avatar for this day ! You mean FloBear actually likes a bath ?

paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya'll for some WWF later...gotta hit a store or 2 on the way home.

Lori O. said...

Kay, FB doesn't love a bath, but he loves it when he is clean!

hedgie said...

Let's hear it for the incandescent lightbulb!!!
Bulbs will not be banned!!!

hedgie said...

LOL, Lori---lover the TREEPOT!!!! Good one! And the new avatar is AWESOME, as are you!!

Hey, Shirley....does that class project seem a bit young for 5th grade?? Sorry----just struck me as something more like a kinder project!!
See that you may be getting some sleet later....UGH! Hope it doesn't happen!

LOL, CarolAnne---a drink would probably be better!!

Hoda, did you drive, walk or slide today??

hedgie said...

P.S. Liesl DID leave the new bone for our lap time!!! And she snuggled up into the crook of my arm and her head was on my shoulder with her snout in my neck. I think she knew there was good news, too!!!!
I also got her a new collar---RED!!! Need to fish it out of the bag, put on her bell and put it on her!! But will do it tomorrow after she, too, has a bath!

Kay said...

Aw, sweet little Liesl ! Dogs are so intuitive !

Kay said...

Off to news, Jeopardy and beyond. BBL

Linda said...

HODA - Thank you and it is good to be back. I've missed you and your words of inspiration! ♥

Linda said...

KAY - Your candles are beautiful, too. I remember reading back when one was for me!! You are a dear friend and I appreciate you!!

And everyone else on this wonderful blog!! ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

LYNN I did all three today: drove walked and slid!!! I was well equipped though. I put my ice grippers on and had my trekking poles. I drove to a free parking spot and walked the rest of the way to the yoga studio. I had to have the car becuase I ran errands today too. I live up on a hill and with good snow tires I am less terrified driving up the hill than walking up the hill...i have to do a left turn and so far have not had to do it when someone else is trying to come down the was good...the small little encounters with sliding were manageable and nothing came out of them. Did hear the police and the ambulance again today though and said a prayer that those involved be well and know how to cope.

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - I was looking for the 'like'
button to click the other day and then
felt so foolish!

hedgie said...

Don't feel foolish, Jo! I have done that many times, and agree that we need a like button here!!!

Hoda, well gal it sounds like an adventure for you all the way around! Glad you are safely home---for the duration, I hope!

hedgie said...

Thelma, if you are lurking: I have gone to the tree about 5 times since dark tweaking a light or an ornament positioning!!!!!

stronghunter said...

I don't really know, Lynn.

The kids seemed to enjoy the project. It involved measuring the ingredients and mixing them, then getting the soapy mixture to the correct consistency and tying the ribbon into a bow on top.

I think it is a favorite of the teacher. She has been doing it for years and one parent said that her child still has the sachet she made in that class.

Different groups had different sizes of measuring cups, and had to decide how much soap and water to use.

The classes went to different teachers and did different projects with each teacher. I think this is supposed to help them get ready to change classes next year in middle school. We had five different classes of fifth graders come to us to make the sachets. About 170 kids in all.

I did think it was interesting that it was being called an air freshener. I told some of the kids that it was also known as a sachet, and some of them seemed to pick up on the word.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Paula and I have played 2 games. She won the first one and I won the second. We are on the third one now.

stronghunter said...

I have played more Scrabble than Words With Friends. The games are very similar.

Lori O. said...

Hoda, your drive sounds horrific! Don't know that I could be faced with that every winter and not lose my sanity!

hedgie said...

Okay, Shirley. If they were using/enhancing their math skills, then it does seem more appropriate! And they learned the new word, thanks to you!!

hedgie said...

Cloudy stars. Nest sure is dark.

stronghunter said...

Hunter was a bit surprised at the mess in the room when he came back. He wanted to know if kids had been throwing soap at one another. Nope, It was just a very messy project. The teacher had had her own kids clean the desks. She said that the first year she did the project, the custodian was horrified at the floor, but the mess vacuumed right up.

The room will probably smell like Ivory Snow for a long time.

stronghunter said...

The teacher had her own class clean up the desks--that would be Hunter's class.

Hoda said...

LORI it is not really as bad as it sounds when I read what I wrote. It is all cool really. The ploughs go out right away and the sand and salt trucks follow. Not much traffic in Nelson either the times I am out on the road...IT IS all GOOD. If I think it is going to be a blizzard, and I can not see the centre line I do not go out...It is only a few months out of the year the rest is lovely and all is well. They think fresh snow will cause avalanche conditions and this is what I really worry about as slides do happen and block off the highways or up in the mountains we have lost a few skiers to those conditions.
Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau lost his youngest son to an avalanche 15 minutes out of Nelson turn off. A BEAUTIFUL area...he was skiing with two other friends and they were well equipped and in came an avalanche and he was swept in the lake, the other two tried to get him out but he perished. Every year we have snow mobile triggered avalanches in the back country. It is what I hold my breath for the most this time of year...GOD KEEP THEM ALL. A Ski Tour Guide was in my Yoga class today and Nathan warned us all of the Avalanche conditions building up on the ski hill already...I trust his word.When I was younger I used to go to the back country. Have not done so since I turned fifty-five and retired and moved to a new area...don't tempt fate is my attitude...

Hoda said...

They never did find Micha Trudeau...His family built a beautiful back country chalet as a memorial for him.

stronghunter said...

That ski accident wasn't too long ago, was it Hoda? I think I remember it.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynn, I am happy about the light bulbs, too. I don't mind using the fluorescent ones in most fixtures, but they do not work everywhere.

I have problems in the kitchen, where there are three bulbs. I don't know why, but they just don't light properly. And they do not work in the garage door opener fixtures.

stronghunter said...

Canada category on Jeopardy tonight.

stronghunter said...

I thought I might have to start hoarding light bulbs!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Lori, I love the treepot!

Long live the light bulb!!

paula eagleholic said...

Me too, Shirley. I have one of those large ones that is a globe for my kitchen light...bought 2 when it just went out!

paula eagleholic said...

They do have flourescents in the bulb shape now, but not the large globe size.

stronghunter said...

Hadn't thought of that, Paula. I have a large globe bulb in my dining room, and a dimmer switch.

Sandi said...

Good evening all - went to a happy hour after school today and missed the evening eagle visit - thanks for the reporting. Lynn, I am so glad you got good news at your doctor appointment today - the best Christmas gift you could get!! DMo, enjoy your trip to NY this weekend! Does anyone know if there will be hunting at NCTC again tomorrow?

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY MICH died in November 1998 The Prime Minister died september 2000. He was heart broken.

Hoda said...

Canada Category on Jeoperdy...that is cool.

Hoda said...

MICHA was short for Michel...typo the last post.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh DanaMo is going to NYC this weekend! Bet she'll have a blast!

Hoda said...

PAULA DANAMO gets to go to Ground Zero. She has tickets...I am so looking forward to hearing how it was for her to be there...It was good to hear from KAY when she went.

Lolly said...

Golly gee whiz! Took me forever to read the blog.

Jack and I went out together today to do a little shopping. Also looked at Christmas trees. We have had our artificial tree for years. It is beautiful but is on it's last leg. I want to hear opinions on prelit trees. Found one that we liked but it is all white lightes, I prefer colored. It is such an expensive purchase...need opinions. HELP!☺

hedgie said...

If anyone would like to see any of the Washington National Cathedral services online, here's the info:

Lolly said... happy to see you here. We have missed you!!! How is your dubby? Doing ok?

hedgie said...

Hoda, I remember when the Trudeau's lost their son. I did not recall that his body was never found. So sad.
You are wise to stay out of the back country!!

Shirley, I have a lot of places that those bulbs wouldn't work. I stocked up well through the last year or so....I won't need to buy any for a long time!!

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley---I didn't get any of those rock groups from Canada!!!!

hedgie said...

Paula, my globe light here over the kitchen table is on a dimmer switch.....can't use the new ones with dimmers!
Guess you can call me a hoarder, too!
Most of my stash is 100 watters, because that is what was supposed to be banned effective next month!

hedgie said...

YES, Sandi---muzzleloader hunting on campus tomorrow. :(

Lori O. said...

I was just gonna say that Lynn, about the new lights and dimmers - not wired to work that kitchen is proof. All the bulbs went poof today...but I think it's the wiring. Something weird.

stronghunter said...

I have wondered about pre-lit trees, too, Lolly. What do you do if the lights burn out?

Kathryn put a tree from her work in Freecycle recently. I think the lights had stopped working. Of course, you can put other lights on it, but you would have those burned out lights there.

Hoda said...

Thanks for the Cathedral schedule LYNN I will watch tomorrow morning.

I would not have gotten any of the rock groups from Canada unless they were The Bare Naked Ladies, a group of men who sing really wonderful songs, like If I Had Million Dollars....

If I had A Million Dollars by The BARE NAKED LADIES

stronghunter said...

I did not do well on the Canada questions, either, Lynn.

Lori O. said...

Lolly, my parents have a lighted tree and they've never had any problems with the lights... Oh, I prefer the all white...always have. Oh heck, all Christmas trees are pretty - except Charlie Brown's.

paula eagleholic said...

And Charlie Brown's is a special kind of pretty! Don't you remember how it looked at the end, Lori!

I know DanaMo had the memorial tickets, just couldn't remember when she was going!

I still string my lights...

paula eagleholic said...

Got some lighted candy canes at Wally world for the front yard, tired of fooling with the lights on the bushes...might do the small plum tree, tho.

paula eagleholic said...

The kids like multicolored, so I do multicolored on the tree and white outside, that was our compromise!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and I didn't know about the dimmers! That's a big issue!

Lori O. said...

Paula, you're right! Charlie Brown's tree was pretty at the end. I'm a little Charlie Brown'ed out...sick of Christmas songs from the CB Christmas special.

hedgie said...

Lori, oh, dear! Do you know an electrician who can come SOON to check it out??

hedgie said...

Carolyn's pre-lit tree lights stopped working. She hasn't yet, but I think is going to just string lights on it----almost impossible to remove the others!

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

what a terrible, sad day at work today. Been a sad week in general, and possibly one of the worst in my 16 years in the vet business.

But I am so happy to read of the good news on here!


Very glad to have our Linda back home and back here!!!

Lynne2 said...

DanaMO, hope you have a great time in NYC! It's been a dream of mine to go there during the Holidays!

Lori....oh Lori, I am NOT HABBY about your lighting problems. PLEASE have someone come and figure it out SOON.

Shirley, I think I can smell the Ivory Snow up here.....LOL! It's a pretty nice smell!

paula eagleholic said...

Aw Lynne, sorry you had such a bad day and week at work (((Hugs)))

paula eagleholic said...

Better yet, hug your dogs and

Lolly said...

Well, I found a tree that I liked but, golly, $599 is a lot of money.

paula eagleholic said...

That would not be worth it to me, Lolly!

Hoda said...

599$ for a Christmas Tree??? Dear God of what is it made? I agree with PAULA I do not think I would pay that kind of money either.

LYNNE sorry today was tough at work...what happened?

LORI I hope the light situation gets fixed soon...stay safe and well...

Lori O. said...

Holy Cow, Lolly! That's crazy!

Lolly said...

This tree is a 7 1/2 ft. with 1,200 white lights. Really full and pretty.

Lolly said...

The thing is, I have not found a pretty tree that does not have lights. Grrrrrr!

Lori O. said...

Lynne, Big Hugs, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible week...the perfect storm of bad, huh? I know that's gotta be tough. How is Steve's job going?

Lori O. said...

Lolly, maybe you can get it the day after Christmas for half that!

Hoda said...

Does it come with a life time warranty, life of buyer and any off spring??? I would hope so!!!LOL!!!At this price it would have to be included in the last will and testament!!! Don't mind me LOLLY I am just shocked!!!LOL!!! It is bound to go on sale...

Lynne2 said...

FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE DOLLARS!! That tree better get up and decorate itself, clean my house and put away ALL of the decorations after the holiday! Of course, everything is relative....and over a 10 year period, many will pay that much for live trees.

Work has just been tough because there have just been many very sick animals, most with long time illness or conditions that can only be treated with supportive care. Time runs out. It seems to be running out for so many right now. Sad enough when they pass, but also, the clients we know best are the ones with these animals as they are in frequently for fluids, bloodwork, etc. So we get to know the clients and the pets very well. Then they are gone.

Lynne2 said...

even worse when it's the Holidays....

Hoda said...

{{{{{HUGS LYNNE}}}}}

I just googled Christmas trees and found one for 1200 dollars, so maybe LOLLY'S tree is reasonable???

Live trees at least get planted LYNNE. That is what MOM and DAD always had, live trees and we planted them on New Year's day...

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, I don't know of many who buy the LIVE trees as in they can be planted...some have tried but the trees don't often make it for some reason. Most in these parts get live CUT trees.

Hoda said...

What do you suppose the HUGE CHRISTMAS TREE in WASHINGTON DC costs? I am undergoing a rethink on the price, not as shocked anymore...

Hoda said...

LYNNE, Live trees for planting survived nicely on Cape Cod and also in Oklahoma City.

Lori O. said...

I'm about to do a famous Wanda Face Plant, so I'll call it a night, now. Sweet dreams, all.
Thank you all for a wonderful, wonderful day. I love you! xoxo

Lynne2 said...

we don't have a tree this year :(

We have a very tiny home, and a tiny living room. Last year we had 2 chairs in there and could move one to put the tree in the corner. Now we have a sofa and there is no practical place to move it! There are 2 other places we could try, near the stairs or on the half wall between kitchen and living room. But in either of THOSE places...well, they would just make it too easy for Pudlles and the cats to cause a lot of trouble.

Lynne2 said...

I can only guess, Hoda, that people bought the live trees and maybe didn't plant them correctly, or maybe the trees were just not the type to do well in this particular climate.

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, I just read a disturbing article about using Neti Pots.....I think I may have infested my brain with deadly amoebas. This could seriously ruin my Holiday. LOL!

I KNOW you are supposed to use distilled water. But I've had a sinus headache for 2 weeks now and twice used the tap water. The WELL water. The well water that comes from the ground. The ground where the DUMP is. STOOOOPID Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Perfect for your house would be the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
It has a wooden base and then the tree
is a stick that bends a little at the
top and it has one Christmas Tree Ball
hanging from it.
My son & dil with the new pup and little space has that tree this year!

Mema Jo said...

Very scary news about the Neti Pots.
Thankful I didn't get one..

Hoda said...

I actually have a neti pot and have used it maybe I should go read the news...what is up?

Lolly said...

We used to buy cut trees but they dry out so fast! Fire danger! Shortage of fresh Christmas trees around here because of the drought. Our present artificial tree is beautiful but it is loosing leaves fast!! It will soon be a Charlie Brown tree. LOL

As for buying this tree after Christmas...will they have it after Christmas?

Lolly said...

Well, I just used my netti pot today. What gives?

Lynne2 said...

Neti danger

hedgie said...

Lynne, SO very sorry about the sadness you all must deal with. A horrible time of year to deal with it for all involved.....the Rainbow Bridge is waiting for them all. (((HUGS)))

Lolly, agree that the price is ridiculous, but they usually are half-price the day after Christmas. 25 years ago we looked at some very lovely ones that were not pre-lit that were almost that price. We needed a really huge tree in the ponderosa house. We went with cut.....18 ft. high and huge around! Someone asked how we got it in and out----ex said that the front wall of the house was on hinges, LOL!!!!! Took lots of rope to tie something that big up to get in and out, believe me!

Living trees are always a risk. DID YOU KNOW: that only 50% of coniferous trees survive planting, regardless of age??

hedgie said...

Hoda, the large trees in DC are donated by the growers! And the one at the Peace Pageant on the ellipse is planted. It had to be replaced this spring because the old one was broken in last years ice storm. It was about 25 yrs. old if I remember correctly.

hedgie said...

Lynne, et al----if using tap water for your Netipots, always boil it first, and then store in refrig in a sealed container! You can then warm it up in the microwave.

Lynne2 said...

oh Hell's Bell's...Puddles just threw up her dinner. There was throw up in several places in the living room when I got home. Steamed cleaned the carpet. UGH.....

Lynne2 said...

I know Lynn....I usually always boiled or used distilled, I should know better.

NatureNut said...

Good Heavens Above!!!!!!
Read the message Lynn sent Sharon!
So exciting!!! I'll be up all night dancing a jig!!
What a wonderful Xmas present, Lynn, Carolyn, & Christie and for all of us!!!

I am really pooped--went to work, left for Dr. appt, back & stayed late. Didn't do any Xmas stuff tonight, but have Park in early AM. HOPE I see an eagle there before Xmas! Won't be back there 'til after!

Now lots of prayers, too for Tori, Robyn, & family.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, sounds like you could use an upside down ceiling tree like Lori has!

I got my tree for 1/2 price right after Christmas...cost $149, got it for $75...probably had it 10 years now?

I have a cathedral ceiling, we got one tree that was 9ft tall! That was cool. Hauled it home in the trunk of my little Chevy Nova...only bought it a mile away, so didn't have to go far.

Hoda said...

Distilled water is what I use.
Thanks for the advice LYNN.Thanks for the article LYNNE.

LOLLY Do I owe you an apology? I think your heart is set on the tree and I feel I spoke a lot and I think it is your money and you should decide how best to spend it and what will bring happiness to you and your grandchildren...any money is worth this sharing of joy...follow what your heart tells you to do with the tree.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle bud just got home from a fantastic evening with Angie,Carl and Jordyn I am so tired the puter finished the video and they are on the blog this afternoon noon visit and the sunset visit from tonight and also the cell phone tower a quickie I took today I need a new camera to get a better video and picture I need to start looking I just hate shopping this time of year tooo crowded at work
Need to get a shower No work tomorrow Have to get up early to pick up Tommy and meet down at Angies for the performance and the boat parade tomorrow nite
Noon and even visit and cell tower eagle

paula eagleholic said...

I agree with Hoda, don't let us talk you out of it if it's what you truly desire!

hedgie said...

Loretta, so glad you checked in! Thanks for enjoying the news!!!!!
I, too, hope you see your eagles tomorrow!!! I saw two today near here.....Jo's great-grands eagles, I'm betting!!! osrry you have to deal with another mess. Have you tried Nature's Miracle from PetSmart. It's great!!! It even works on older stains that I "found" after the fact!

hedgie said...

JudyE, enjoy the boat parade!!!!
Take pics!!! As if I have to tell you!!

DanaMO---you are probably already sawing logs.....what time do you head out tomorrow? Is it a bus trip? Be safe and have fun!

paula eagleholic said...

Question, does anyone use a MAC computer and view the cam? Are you having any problems with the sound?

I have a friend asking me this question. Thanks!

hedgie said...

Wish I could share some lovely music with you all. A powerpoint presentation that I (maybe we?) got in email a few days ago had a beautiful piano piece called White Horse playing....from a guy named Brian Crain. I checked iTunes and downloaded his whole album. It's called Morning Light....just beautiful. So very relaxing and peaceful.

hedgie said...

Liesl was very ready for bed, but I did not feel like doing sofa time right now, so put her to bed without. She is squeaking her doggy buddy like crazy.....hmmmm. We'll see if she settles down!

NatureNut said...

Wanted to know of those that watch & answer ??? on Jeopardy, if they ever send you money for answering correctly???? I got the Final answer tonight & they never send anything :>( Didn't see the Canada ones~~probably wouldn't have done too well.

If I don't get back on here, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for All ;>)

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter are home and Kathryn had a little time to talk to me.

It seems that it took Walmart awhile to find the basketball goal and bring it out to her. At one point, someone told her that they must have put it back on the sales floor because we hadn't picked it up.

Kathryn reminded them that it was PAID for, (she had the receipt) so they went back to looking. There was a note on it with both our names and the comment that we would pick it up last night or today. Thank goodness. They apologized for taking so long to find it.

stronghunter said...

Wow, that is one expensive Christmas tree, Lolly, but I guess that you would pay that much over the years for the fresh cut trees.

hedgie said...

LOL, Loretta----wish I could get money from the Jeopardy folks!!!!!

Linda said...

Oh Lynne - I am so sorry you had such a horrible day and week. It must be so difficult to handle those situations. We love our pets like we love our family.

I've missed you, too and am so glad to be back!! Thanks for all the support and prayers! xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

I've heard that is good stuff Lynn, will have to save up for some!

We are just having a LOT of problems with her. She had been on Prozac for her frantic behavior. It seemed to work, but made her very hungry and she was gaining too much weight. We weaned her off, and her issues became much worse. It's unpleasant taking her outside because she only wants to dig holes and eat dirt. She has been snapping and biting. She also was having mild, occassional, partial seizures. We did bloodwork and everything was normal. So the Dr suggested Phenobarb in a mild dose to help with the seizures, and in the hope that it would relax her some. It has not worked and since starting last week, she is drinking a lot of water, resulting in her urinating in the house almost daily. So, just to rule out any UT issues, we did a UA today. Everything was normal, although the specific gravity was very low. Probably due to her polydipsia since starting the phenobarb. SO....we are taking her off of that since the seizures are very mild, at least at this point. And we'll start her back on the Prozac next week.

hedgie said...

Whew, Shirley! Glad that worked out! Does Hunter already know about it?

NatureNut said...

P.S. Can't wait for an NYC report!

Lynne 2, sorry it's been tough at work. That's why I was afraid to volunteer at Co. Animal Shelter that used to be down the street.
Re: small tree--how about the artificial Charlie Brown. I thing they're cute. I'll have to take pic of Norfolk pine on top of hutch! Kitties can't get there (yet)!

Linda said...

Lynne - Could you do a small table top Christmas tree? I have a couple of those I have used in various rooms around the house. You would still have the Christmas lights and colors.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne....poor pup. Sure hope that she improves. It's gotta be rough on you all.

Lynne2 said...

her vomiting seems to be a result of her dirt eating. But as far as her behavior...MTBR. Something just isn't quite right with her.....

Lynne2 said...

Would love a small table top tree but no table to sit one on other than the kitchen table! We have other decorations. I just miss the tree. Not that there'd have been anything under it this year!

Linda said...

Lynne - My heart just breaks for you. I pray 2012 is a fantastic year for you and Steve filled with blessings restoring security and happiness to your lives. It is good you have each other to weather this difficult year. ♥

Hoda said...

How old is BELLE. Camera put in 2006. She was there at least a year before that. She would have had to be five years old to be a full adult.So I am thinking she was hatched in 2000 which would make her 11 going on I right?

Linda said...

LOLLY - Thanks for your post! I am happy to be home with dubby!! He is doing very well. He tires easier than before and worries a little about how much he can do, but otherwise he is doing good.

Lolly said...

So sorry you are having pup problems, Lynne!, you did not over step. I asked for opinions! I appreciate all opinions.

Lynne2 said...


I have no doubt that the good Lord sends us signs all the time and all we have to do is pay attention.

Therefore, I will take it as a sign that the Lord is quite certain that I didn't need to eat a Butterscotch Krimpet. I know this because he put a STINKBUG on the cabinet handle where the BKs live. I didn't see it in time and I TOUCHED IT!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Linda, I pray that YOUR 2012 brings much less heartache and drama!

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynne!! I think many of us have had our share of trials and tribulations this year, even our dear sweet Belle and Liberty and Paddy'O!!

We will all rejoice in a better 2012!!

Lolly said...

Linda, I think they all worry about doing too much, and who wouldn't!! I know I would! I think that gradually he will adjust and know his limits.

Hoda said...

Tomorrow is turning out to be a busy day. I would like to watch the service from The National Cathedral as posted by LYNN. The Dragon Boat Team is having coffee together prior to Christmas. From there I go to yoga and then go to the library for Carolling and Wassailing. A day of sharing. I will have to be deliberate and not get too excited wishing people a very Merry Christmas.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, the NCTC nest was active for the first year in 2004 with 2 eggs being laid and if she was 5 then, she would be 12 now...possibly 13 in the spring.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, here's the history

Lolly said...

Lynne, why do you have a butterscotch krimpet in your house?

Lynne2 said...

AMEN to that has been a roller coaster year for so many!

I'll be turning the big FIVE OHHHHH NO!! On Jan 6....YIKES! I was very not phased by this until a couple of days ago. Now I am FREAKING OUT!!!! think I'll just refer to it as the 25th anniversary of my 25th birthday instead...sounds nicer!

hedgie said...

Hoda, sounds like a full day for you again! Enjoy all your activities, and bundle up well for the caroling and wassailing!

Lynne2 said...

uh, well, STEVE likes Butterscotch Krimpets. That's why. LOL!

COMPLETE FAIL on my healthy eating. Who knew so many clients would bring us so many cookies and candies???? It's crazy! I'll just try again AFTER my birthday is past!

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA.

I loved my fifties LYNNE and am liking my sixties even more...ENJOY...

Lynne2 said...

What exactly is wassailing?

Lolly said...

good humored drunkeness!!! LOL

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, age is just a state of mind. Don't pay any attention to the number, girlfriend!

Linda said...

There have been some good times this year, too!! This was the year I was blessed with this blog and each of YOU!!

Hoda said...

I tried to post the pictures I took of the noon visit in the album and yahoo is not allowing me in. I signed out and now it is refusing to take my sign in!!! It is my email address for user id and then my password right?

Lolly said...

50 is young! You are just beginning to live!!!

Kay said...

The tradition of Wassailing falls into two distinct categories: The House-Visiting wassail and the Orchard-Visiting wassail. House-Visiting wassail, very much similar to caroling, is the practice of people going door-to-door singing Christmas carols. The Orchard-Visiting wassail refers to the practice of singing to trees in apple orchards in cider-producing regions of England to promote a good harvest for the coming year.

Ask and ye shall receive. ☺

Linda said...

Well, dear is time for me to sign off and head up the stairs.

I have a LOT of sleep to catch up on in the coming weeks. 3-5 hours on average a night is NOT my style AT ALL!! It is wonderful to be back in my own bed again with my husband at my side.

Although I must admit I have woken up every night since I have been home not sure of where I am or who is with me!! Very weird!!

I look forward to catching up with the rest of the gang in the coming days!!

Love you all xoxo ♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

well, I fear that if I went wassailing at peoples homes, they'd throw lumps of coal! I can't carry a tune at ALL! Singing to trees might make them grow rotten fruit!

Lynne2 said...

Good night Linda!

I'm heading to bed too. My MIL is coming to town tomorrow! And if the weather holds, we'll be heading to their place for Christmas weekend!

Good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

I am going to have to wind things down and head upstairs.

Something is supposed to happen tomorrow. Not sure what or when, but two of Tommy's relatives are supposed to come visit sometime. They told Kathryn yesterday that they would like to visit last night or today. That is all we know.

I don't think I have ever met them. I think one is the ex-wife of Tommy's uncle and the other one is her daughter, so she would be Tommy's cousin.

I guess I will know more tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I think the user id is the yahoo id...can someone else help Hoda? I am automatically signed in.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope the visit goes well, Shirley! Sleep well.

Kay said...

New avatar in loving memory of one of the best days of my life. Stan and I married December 17, 1985.

LYNNE, I was 49 years of age and had so much fun through my 50's ! You've still gotta lot of livin' to do, girl ! You've been going through some tough times, but things will change, you'll see !♥

LINDA, glad you saw that my candles were lit for you as well as others. You've also had a rough year, but am praying for only good things for you girls in 2012 ! For all Momsters/Dadsters, yeh, that's the ticket !

See y'all tomorrow ! Still keyed up over what a great day this was for us here, but hope to wind down and get some rest.


stronghunter said...

I think so, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I think so, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I think so, Hoda.

Hoda said...

It is OK PAULA... I stayed with it and managed to log back on and have uploaded the pictures...I much appreciate it. All I needed to do is ask for help then I relaxed and remembered!!!

I love how LOLLY described wassailing. I agree with KAY'S description. We are going to eat and drink in the Library and welcome people to join us...

The city police station shares the building with us and sometimes they stop in too...

Hoda said...

OH KAY!!! I love it. Great avatar.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY. I am back on yahoo again. I hope the visit goes well tomorrow with Kathryn's ex in she on good terms with them?

hedgie said...

Yahoo email AND password, yes, Hoda. I have to use it so infrequently that I often confuse it with my google password!!

Lynne, if you're heading for Terra Alta for the holiday, don't fret about a tree at the house!

Linda, sure glad that it is DENNIS who is there when you wake up confused!!!!

Kay, nice pic of you and Stan. Very happy couple!! I know how much you miss him. (((HUGS)))

I think I am going to say my goodnights. Still need to call my sister. She was not a Mom' have to wait til her evening chores are finished or she won't answer the phone!

Have a great sleep. I'm sure I will. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! I love you.

hedgie said...

P.S. Hey, Shirley....stop stuttering, LOL!!!!

Lolly said...

Love the picture, Kay!

I am falling asleep. My coughing has improved but the headache continues, not severe but there. Yuk!

Heading to the shower and then early to bed. I am oh, so ready!!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Shirley and Lynne for the answers..I'll remember that!

Heading to bed, gotta work tomorrow, but just until 4, then going out with a friend. Hoping to finish up Christmas shopping on Sunday.

(((Hugs to all)))♥

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the stutter. Geesh, didn't even know.

I don't Kathryn even knows them very well, but she is not entirely impressed with them.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Paula. I am winding down, too.

Lolly said...

Creeped back in with this...shhhh!

Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wand'ring
So fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.

We are not daily beggers
That beg from door to door,
But we are neighbors' children
Whom you have seen before
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.

Good master and good mistress,
As you sit beside the fire,
Pray think of us poor children
Who wander in the mire.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year

We have a little purse
Made of ratching leather skin;
We want some of your small change
To line it well within.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.

Bring us out a table
And spread it with a cloth;
Bring us out a cheese,
And of your Christmas loaf.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.

God bless the master of this house,
Likewise the mistress too;
And all the little children
That round the table go.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.

The Wassail Song – Christmas Carol Music and lyrics

Hoda said...

THANKS LOLLY!!! If you were closer we would come to your s and JACK'S house to sing you the Wassail song.It will be fun tomorrow.

Hoda said...

I ahve not seen JUDIE,or ANDY on tonight...Wanda has not been on either yet any way...
SHIRLEY has signed off and so I will set the night light on so that who ever comes in late does not stumble and if any of us wake up for whatever reason we will be comforted by the LIGHT.
The security system is also set that we would knw the gratitude of safety and may all who are in need know the same sense of security.


Prayers also for JIM and his surgery and also WANDA'S upcoming surgery.

TORI and her family and also the donor family, love them and guide them and show them your blessings.

Good night and God Bless ALL.

Costume Lady said...

Now, my day is done! My week is done! My MRI is done! Visit with my sweet Jayden is done! Good news from LYNN..."Thy will be done"!

I am done!:)


Mema Jo said...

If I don't say Good Night now - well,
The early birds will get here before I do.

Prayers for all and Hugs for all

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Gosh, it has taken me more than 2 hours to get caught up here!

Still have a happy grin on my face about Lynn's good news! Thank God once again!!!

Kubby & I got our major grossery shopping done when he got home from work.

Linda, it's SO good to have you back here!!! You have been MISSED!
Glad Dennis is doing well. I'm sure he will figure out what his limits are before long. Love your new avatar, and its significance!
Beautiful! Isn't it great to get back to your own bed? I always say, "There's no place like home!"

Lolly, it's true, the Christmas tree may be on half-price sale the day after Christmas. Considering the price of fresh-cut trees, compared to how long an artificial tree lasts, the price really isn't too unreasonable. Many of the newer ones I've seen that are pre-lit are more reliable. If one light burns out, the rest stay lit.

Lynne, (((HUGS))) for you! SO sorry you've had such a trying week at work, AND such problems with Puddles! Hope Puddles will get straightened out again, SOON!
Prayers for her, and for you and Steve! You know what--maybe in place of a real Christmas tree, you could do an outline of one in Christmas lights on the wall. I've seen it done before, and it's kind of cute! Just a thought.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, that's good news about the incandescent light bulbs, too! Was wondering how I'd do without them. Have a couple of spots where the compact fluorescent ones don't work.

Lori, please get the wiring in your house checked out! Kinda scary that so many bulbs all blew at once! Better safe than sorry.

Shirley, I'm sure glad that Walmart finally found Hunter's gift! Yikes! What a relief!

May have missed it--did Wanda get any results yet from her MRI? Prayers that she will be able to have her surgery sooner than later!

Well, I'm finally beginning to get tired. SO wound up today because of Lynn's good news! Hoda, thanks for turning on the night light and the security systems. I've made sure the porch light is on. Hope everyone sleeps soundly tonight. God bless, and goodnight. Love each and every one of you! :o]

DanaMo said...

Good morning All. I was wondering about the pre- lit Christmas trees as well. Mine is on it's last limb. I'll have to continue to read back and see what the final opinion was.

I saw my name mentioned a few times too. I leave for NYC at 6 am tomorrow (Sunday) morning. We go to the 9/11 memorial on Monday night. Hoping to do a show tomorrow night.

I will post pictures, I don't leave home without my computer!!

Good morning. I will keep reading.

DanaMo said...

Oh by the way I now have a "full house" Yipee. I think it will be like this for 2 weeks. Of course, I will be gone for 2 nights but then it will be full again.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo! So glad we still have you with us today, but I bet you're super excited about going to NYC?!

DanaMo said...

OMGosh-Paula place a 71 pt. word, why should I even finish this game? I can't compete against that!

DanaMo said...

I am looking forward to it! I'm sure we will have a good time.

DanaMo said...

I sent my brother a text suggesting he come to the City and meet me. We will see if he responds. I miss him so much!

Sandi said...

Morning Lori & DMo. Lori, in scanning the blog from yesterday, I see that something is wrong with lights at your house but didn't read exactly what's up, so what's up?

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi!

Lori O. said...

Sandi, I had the new energy saving bulbs in the dining room light fixture...but it's on a dimmer...that's a no no. Yesterday all three of the bulbs went out at the same time, and the day before they were acting oddly...need to get an electrician...soon.

Sandi said...

Lori, Thanks for the update. I'm aware of the rule no CFLs with dimmers,so maybe it was just the bulbs and not a problem with your wiring at all. Do you live in an older house? DMo, once the kids "leave home" it IS really nice when they're all back home again. Our older son will be home from Tanzania for 2 weeks on the 23rd and will be spending some time here - can't wait! Of course, this isn't their childhood home - that was the house in Balto.

Lori O. said...


Today: Partly sunny, with a high near 43.

Tonight: A slight chance of snow showers after midnight. Cloudy, with a low around 29.

Sunday: Partly sunny, with a high near 41.




Sandi said...

It's a very gray morning here in Bethany - doesn't look sunny at the nest either. Wonder when the hunting will start. Have never heard a muzzle loader (have never seen one either, not much of a gun person). Can anyone tell me what makes hunting with a muzzle loader so great? heard a clunk.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Kate has been working in LA for the last two weeks and her plane just landed. FloBear and Dalai are going to be over the moon with excitement when they see her!

Sandi said...

Sure wish they'd drop in. I haven't fed bella yet or fixed my tea b/c I'm afraid I'll miss them. All week they've shown up between 6:45 and 7! Today I'm able to sit and watch and they stand me up!!??

Lori O. said...

They will be here, Sandi...just on their own time. :)

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds ! What a kick it is to bring the cam up and see one of our beautiful birds before my eyes ! Have to read back to see who's here and which resident you think this is.

Sandi said...

Morning Kay!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay...Happy Anniversary. I know you miss Stan so much, but I know you will make this a great day!
{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Hang on... gotta let a cat out.

Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Maybe just the wind, but I thought I heard something in the tree.

Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Back to say, good to "see" you LORI, DANAMO and SANDI !


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 718   Newer› Newest»

3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...