Friday, December 09, 2011



Fresh thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve have a wonderful day

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Steve for this fresh new thread and to you Judy, for the
authentic call over!

Sun if shinning in y valley

Mema Jo said...

I really said that......

Sun IS shinning in MY valley

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Mema Jo said...

I think I didn't take a long enough break

Lori O. said...

Ah, a REAL new thread! Thank you, Steve!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the call over, Judy E!

Hello Judy, Sharon and Jo! Hmmmm...a new weekend thread. What shall we do with it?

Just woke up from a little nap - feels good. FloBear was my alarm.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I am shutting this computer down and packing it up.

Andrew's shoulder has been hurting him for a while so he finally went to the doctor. They put him in a sling and he has to get an MRI. They think it might be a rotator cuff tear. More will be revealed. Please pray for my boy. I will be checking in from my phone. I am heading home tomorrow.

I have a senior recital to go to tonight (Mattie is here with me now) and then they are having a party here at the house afterward. Not sure why they want an old woman here with them for it but. . .

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Andrew's shoulder! He needs
that shoulder to move big time in his conducting. Keep us posted.... ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am getting ready (takes me longer then others) to leave here around 5:00 for a dinner out with friends. About an hour's travel involved.

Will touch base as as I return.....


DanaMo said...

Home from school and thinking it might be a good time to take a nap!

hedgie said...

Enjoy your evening, Jo! Safe travels.

Sharon, poor Andrew....sure hope it's NOT a tear. Won't make for a very good holiday if he has to have surgery. :( Prayers!!!
You aren't an old lady----you're the life of the party!!!!

Lori O. said...

Sharon, NO dancing on the tables...okay, go ahead if you really want to! :)

hedgie said...

Well, darn it all.........ONLY opening for the PET scan is 5 tomorrow evening. So much for the concert Christie and I were to go to at 7. :(

Lori O. said...

Bummer Lynn, but you'll feel better getting the PET scan results. Who will read it? The oncologyst?

Sandi said...

TGIF is right! Hi all! I can't imagine what the kids will be like by 12/22!! Hoping the eagles stop by for an evening visit - have missed them the past couple of days!

stronghunter said...


Busy thawing a chicken here. Hunter is rushing around the house and the dogs are barking at the front door. Geesh. I spent all of that money for a fence . . .

Lynn, you have mail.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, when the days start getting longer, their nest arrival time will get earlier and you won't miss seeing them.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon ! Just here to catch up on my reading between cat scan and joining the family and some friends for an East Indian dinner.

Happy Birthday to Paula's John ! And, good job, Paula !

Boo hiss on P.O. gaff, Lynn. Last year I sent granddaughter Dana a Christmas card and money. It didn't arrive when her brothers did--we waited a couple of weeks and then I replaced it for her. The thing came back to me about 2 months later and like your mail, showed the stamp had been tampered with. Guess it's amazing they do as well as they do considering how much mail is handled daily.

Kay said...

Sharon, sorry to hear Andrew is having shoulder problems. An occupational hazard due to repetative motion perhaps ??? Prayers !

Kay said...

Probably won't make it back til' tomorrow, so have a great evening and a good night all !

Prayers will be said for all in need.


Lori O. said...

Goodnight, Kay.

hedgie said...

Enjoy your dinner, Kay!! See you tomorrow!

Lori O. said...

sounds like clunking on the cam housing.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


PA Nana said...


PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! Now both!

Just when I get here I'm blessed with a visit. Yipee!!

Sandi said...

Glad I get to see them before we lose all the color from the nest!

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Based on what others have read/know, is beaking a form of affection/aggression/annoyance? They sure do a lot of it, whatever it means!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...






PA Nana said...

What a nice welcome back. They both have spots on their heads but think I can decipher who(m) is who(m).

Which is correct Shirley? Always found who and whom to be a problem for me.

I see a leg being moved about the nest and some beaking and off they go.

Hoda said...


Lori O. said...

Thank you, Hoda. ♥

Changed my avatar. They're like food - you get tired of the same thing.

Hello Diann! It's so nice to have you back. How are you feeling? Are the knee and shoulder better?

DanaMo said...

My dogs don't seem to understand that it is MY bed! Well I don't think I slept, but at least I "rested". Haven't checked to see yet if I missed a visit. Probably did. Thank Goodness it's the weekend. Trying to talk my dear husband into taking his wife out on a date tonight.

PA Nana said...

Lori, today is the best my knee has felt since the surgery. They tell me 6-8 weeks and that's not what I need this time of year.

Met with my surgeon's PA yesterday and left with a script for pain med. Would you believe they sent me home after surgery WITHOUT one? I was not happy. Fortunately I had some at home and was able to get by.

It's great to be back but will be in and out as pain dictates. Still need to elevate and ice.

Sandi said...

Hoda, Love your new avatar! My older son and his wife spent Thanksgiving with friends in Abu Dabi and went on a desert safari. When they posted photos on Facebook of them riding camels, I decided that they may be my new favorite animal ( giraffes have been my favorite for quite some time)! I just LOVE their looks!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, I think beaking is affection and annoyance!

PA Nana said...

Sharon, read that your Andrew was having shoulder pain. Hope it's just overuse and nothing serious.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Diann, good to see you here...the knee will get better! Just don't over do it!

paula eagleholic said...

We need to hear from Lynne2...think it's been a couple of days!

hedgie said...

Missed the visit----messing with tree lights.....sure hate the way they are packaged! What a PIA. Tree is half-lit! Hoping the remaining old strings are okay---had to throw two away last year after I took the tree down.

Yep, Sandi....all depends on who is doing what to please or annoy the other one!!! LOL! Camels.....that would be a fin ride. I rode an elephant when we were in India, but I was too young to remember it!

Diann, can't believe they would make a post-surgical gaffe like that. Shame on them! Hope you get to feeling better. Oncologist told me to forget having any surgery on mine for the time being.... :(

DanaMo said...

Lynne-shared a cute comic on FB for you! Check it out! ☺

hedgie said...

I am giving up. Don't have enough lights. Only had ONE string left from before......I'm only about 2 strings short. Geesh.
I just can't win today.

Hoda said...

LYNN It is a frustrating day indeed. Sounds like a trip to the store for more Christmas tree light...maybe tomorrow?
How are you getting to your PET appointment? How far a drive is it?

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn didn't want any part of sitting on Santa lap not after seeing a dozen other kids cry she did shake his hand and I took a quick video and got some pic of it Now to go figure out what I want to get to eat Egg Platter it may be BBL

JudyEddy said...

OH Lynn so sorry you have had such a poopy day hope tomorrow will be better I hate days like that When it rains it pours BBL

JudyEddy said...

oops the picture didn't take here it is now it BBL

Hoda said...

Let me tell you camels MIGHT look cute to some, but they are ornery, their breath smells, their spit gives you warts and when you ride them it feels like a boat in rough seas where you might want to upchuck!!! I never thought of riding one till my American Dad came to visit me in Egypt and he was very surprised that I had never been on one...Yep we rode camels around the pyramids and I am so grateful there are no photos to remind me of the event...HA!!!Sandi you might want to stick to the Giraffe!!! Just my personal opinion though!!!LOL

hedgie said...

Cute pic, JudyE!!

Hoda, I'll take myself to the PET--about 14 miles from here. Then go back to K-Mart for more lights.

So much for camels!!! :(

hedgie said...

Very easy dinner tonight---leftovers from last nights meal out---steak and shrimp!

hedgie said...

Feel Good video

hedgie said...

Thanks, DanaMo---CUTE cartoon!!!
I sent you an email esrlier---hope you got it!

Lori O. said...

Very sweet video, Lynn! Bet that put a smile on your face. :)

Hoda said...

Wait up LYNN !!! Supper sounds good at your house...I am on my way...Steak and Shrimp sounds delicious.

I am glad your PET appointment is only 14 miles away...I see you as a very strong and practical lady...Lights on the way back and life presents solutions...

hedgie said...

Taking my frustrations and my dog to the sofa! BBL! Date night with Tom at 10---need to be rested and calm!!

JudyEddy said...

Back from eating now I am full and gonna go watch the boob tube for a while I loved the video LYNN so cute I posted on facebook also Loved it

Lolly said...

Hi all! Home from an afternoon of shopping. Yuck! Still have a wee bit to do. Guess that will have to take place next week.

Loved the video,Lynn.

My coughing is no worse, will just see what developes.

Seems like there was something I wanted to tell, but for the life of me, I can not think of it. Help! My memory is going!!!!!☺

hedgie said...

Oops, Hoda. Missed you! If you come, I'll take you out for FRESH steak and shrimp!!!

Lolly, it happens to ALL of us! It will come to you in the middle of the night!

Blue Bloods is a repeat......oh, well.....will either watch it anyway or take my bath then.

When I let Liesl out, I could hear the church down the road aways practicing again for their Living Nativity. The performance is the next two evenings, and it's supposed the coldest weather we've had. :( Bill and I went one year when it only about 10°----talk about freezing our tails off---we sat on hay bales, and there's no warmth in them!

stronghunter said...

Well now, I know I taught my children to close the door when they went out.

Kathryn and Hunter left a little while ago. I was cleaning up the kitchen and watching Jeopardy. When Final Jeopardy came on, I walked into the family room so I could read the question and the category.

Felt a cool breeze. Really cool.

Front door was open. Went to check, figuring that George would have already escaped. When I got to the front porch, I saw Flash returning from his adventures. Lord only knows where he had been.

Got him back and then found George under a bush. Thank goodness Luna was still indoors. Blind Luna lost outdoors in the dark could have been a problem.

Never did find out what Final Jeopardy was.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

hedgie said...

Shirley, you sure lucked out in that escapade Whew----scary. Could the wind have caught it if it wasn't latched tightly?? All's well that ends well, but a lecture IS in order!

I don't remember the phrasing exactly but the category was First Phrasess....clue was "a piece in the Indianapolis newspaper in 1914 on the opinion page first coined this phrase" and the answer was First World War.

hedgie said...

Good night, JudyE.

Hoda said...

If it is really cold they could have closed the door but it did not latch properly SHIRLEY. This has happened to me here several times...Upsetting is true.

I am off to the Christmas Concert and will check in when I come back...Probably most will have gone to bed so I will say goodnight and sweet dreams to those who will make it to the comfort of their beds before me.


Mema Jo said...

LYNN, HAY BALES ARE BETTER THEN CONCRETE! (sorry didn't know caps were on)

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo---you are right there!!!

Hoda, hope the concert is inspiring and fun!

Lori O. said...

It's lights out for me. Bedtime.

Hoda, I hope you really enjoy your Christmas Concert...

Lynn sounds like you may have your own private concert (?) from down the road. Are you getting bloodwork for markers tomorrow? What time?

Shirley, glad Flash, George, Luna and all are okay. Scary!

Jo, how was you dinner with the friends? Long day for you!

Night all! See you in the morning, well some of you. Prayers for our dearest Lynn, Andrew, Kris, Buddy and all in need. :)

stronghunter said...

Yes, sometimes the door does not catch properly. We have had incidents from time to time.

(I have told this story at least once before.)

Once I got a phone call at school from my neighbor who had found Sassafras wandering around the neighborhood and tied her to the front porch. They also closed the front door, which had blown open.

I called Will at home and he said, "So that is how the cat got in." It seems that a strange cat had wandered into the house and was in here when the door was closed.

Sassafras had barked until she woke Will up. He was surprised to find her tied to the front porch. Then he was surprised to find a strange cat in the house.

The cat was so freaked when it saw Will that it climbed up the blinds in the dining room, destroying them.

Will did not know what to do with the cat because he thought maybe Susan might have collected another pet and not mentioned it.

After I called Will, he sent Sassafras to search for the freaked-out hiding cat and set the poor kitty free outdoors.

George had either stayed in the house or had come back in by the time the door got closed. And shy Soleil was staying out of the way.

I had to buy new blinds.

stronghunter said...

BBL. I have a paper to read for Rebecca.

DanaMo said...

Adam got an A on his thesis statement for his term paper. Worth every cent of the money that I am paying for a tutor!

Annemarie has her entrance exam to Goretti tomorrow morning bright and early! Can't believe this year is halfway over. The HSA (same as PTA) had a special luncheon for the 8th graders today. How sweet is that? Lasagna, salad, garlic bread, ice cream and cupcakes for dessert and Hershey bars all around! Glad they invited me over after my lunch duty. One of the perks of teaching at my child's school! ☺

magpie said...

We took a call at 9-1-1 today about someone trying to steal hay bales...
they did not suceed

Good Evening Eagle Pals
xo ♥
Lynn: (( Hugs ♥ )) to help you get through the REST of the day....

magpie said...

Nest sure looks nice and Moonlighty tonight

Glad there an Eagles visit earlier...

remember: Saturday is another deer hunting day at NCTC -

magpie said...

and the hay bale thief wannabe was not caught either

paula eagleholic said...

Wild animal adventures at Shirley's house!

Been home, and cleaning....Michael and Laura arriving later tonight, probably after 11....they are coming for John's party tomorrow night.

I'm going to work tomorrow, and letting the kids relax at home or go shopping or whatever.

magpie said...

we get tongue-twisted at work when we have to dispatch for hay bales on fire

comes out as bay hales
and sometimes, hale bays
and sometimes, bale hays

magpie said...

sounds good, both Paula and DanaMo

so, "kinda" TGIF for you Paula, eh?

magpie said...

just for greens I have the live feed up and turned UP loud...maybe something will fly over, or make noise, like Tundra Swans, owls (hope not!) or foxes, or who knows what

magpie said...

Sure was nice to see Diann here earlier, AND that she could see the Eagles ...

magpie said...

forgot I couldn't have sound on the computer at work, so I am backtracking to older thread to see Conan's Gaffe, and Andrew's concert
guess I better lower the volume first

Then headed to bed...
Hope everyone for the most part had some joy in their lives least we have Momster Joy 24/7

Good Night, Precious Pals

Thinking of all seen, and unseen...

Prayers....continue for those special people and special needs...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

So sorry you have to miss the Concert with Christie Saturday night....


I hope Wanda and the Gang had some Friday Family Fun tonight

'Night xo

Mema Jo said...

We had a very nice dinner with friends up in Waynesboro.. Applebee's ...

Smooth ride home - not too much traffic.

I am tired but not yet ready to hit the


NatureNut said...

Arrgghh, my message disappeared.
Good Evening Eagle Buds! Hope everyone had a good day.
Been finishing cards tonight, hope to finish wrapping over weekend & have to work a few hours at Chelsea tomorrow. Then I get to seriously shovel the house!

Gotta catch up on the news~~

Lolly said...

Wonder if it was a Texan trying to steal the hay bales? LOL Hay is rare around here what with the drought.

magpie said...

coulda been, Lolly !!

I'm glad your party went so well, that you had special time with your friends....

all done here now, time for the pillows and prayers...
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter have returned, and I have read ten pages of the forty-page paper. Yikes!

stronghunter said...

I am going to say good night and head upstairs. Tomorrow I will tackle the 40-page paper again. Oh my.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Glad that your party was a success, Lolly.

Sorry that you have to miss the concert, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Glad the hay-bale theft was prevented, Margy. If it was those huge cylinders, stealing them might have been quite an operation.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Was sitting in the living room, nearly falling asleep. Decided I'd better get on here and say goodnight before Judie's Sandman sneaked up on me.

Got all our grossery shopping done for the week. Glad that's over!

Sharon, prayers for Andrew's shoulder! Sorry to hear that he's hurting!

Lynn, rats! Sorry that you and Christie will have to miss the concert. Prayers for the PET scan!
...Why DO Christmas lights quit on you after just sitting for a year in a box? It's not like they are turned on for a whole year!

I need to get busy here tomorrow and get some kind of Christmas decorations up. I'm falling behind this year! Aargh! At least I got 3 loads of wash done today. That should free up a little bit of time tomorrow.

Shirley, sure am glad that all the critters are safely back in the house! We kept having the front door blow open when the Santa Ana winds were really strong. Thank God we have a security screen door with a deadbolt! The deadbolt on the front door hasn't been catching well lately. I think the door is warped a bit, maybe from the last time it rained. Need to try to fix that somehow.

Lolly, glad your party was such a success! The house looks GORGEOUS!
Love all your decorations!

Omigosh, I can't remember WHERE I put my Christmas cards! Got them on sale the day after, last year. Sure hope I can find them tomorrow!
Otherwise it will be too late!

Lolly said...

Have been watching the news and gave myself a pedicure. Tomorrow on the agenda....wrap some presents and pack to go see my sister and brother.

See you in the morning!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Lori, blood test is Monday Am---before or after seeing radiologist. OP lab is right down the hall from his place.

Paula---too bad that you have to work tomorrow. Penalty for taking MOnday off???

Jo, glad your dinner was pleasant.

Shirley, what an awful story. Poor Will must have been really confused. Were Sassafras and Soleil also bassets?

LOL, Loretta----shovel the house! Cute. When do the kids arrive??

Margy, I missed the hay bale glad the perp(s) were not successful!

DanaMo---hurray for Aric!!!! And good luck to Annemarie....I'm sure she'll do perfectly!

Time to put more logs on the fire, and get my bath. Sleep tight all. See you in the morning light. God bless you all...and thanks for MORE lovely cards, AND for your prayers!

hedgie said...

Pulling a Margy-----oh, oh, Andy----hope you find those cards!!!
Oh---my tree lights didn't die in storage. They died ON the tree last year!!!! It was nightlight bulbs for candles and such that died in the boxes!!!!!
Hope you get that door fixed pronto!!

Lolly, hope you feel much better in the AM!

Ms Bookworm said...

Diann, can't believe they would send you home from surgery without pain meds! What is this world coming to?! Prayers for pain relief for you!

Margy, good to see you here tonight. Glad the bay hales were not stolen. Happy pillow surfing!

Have said prayers for everyone here, and for all the critters we so dearly love. Need to go spend some time with Emma. She's a sleepy pup. She's nodding off, too!

Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Just realized that Jim can share the thumbprint-scanning system with WV Dana until he has his cataract surgery! Hope your surgery will not interfere with the holidays, Jim!

Sleep tight, everyone, and pull those covers up around your ears.
God bless, and good night. Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Headed for the pillows
Good Night everyone
Lots and Lots of prayers tonight
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Costume Lady said...

Doing face plants before I even got to the computer. Geesh!

Had a really fun evening with Karla, Donny and Jayden.
Jayden is saying so many new words, he has not had a very big vocabulary, but he's making up for lost time now:)
Just found out yesterday, Jayden will have a BROTHER in the Spring.
I and Karla was so hoping for a girl, but we will love another boy!


Hoda said...

SHIRLEY amazing story on the doors and stray cats in and the oh my!!!

Hurray for ADAM and the A on a term paper...way to go guy!!!

It was a very good Christmas Concert. The Grans To Grans made 12 hundred dollars and I much enjoyed The Hand Bells the most...The choir was excellent and several stories were well said of people's memorable Christmas'.
There was laughter and there was cheer...People wished each other a Very Merry Christmas.

One odd thing happened that is a mystery to the grans...We haosted a social in the basement of the church afterwards and for that we had asked people to bake...well one lady brought in the punch making things and left the bake goods in the back of her car, she was barely in a minute or so and when she went out to get her box of baked goods they were gone!!! Someone helped themselves...We are stunned...It was a good amount of baked goods...luckily others had also baked so there was plenty but we are all shaking our heads as to who it is that thought it was a good idea to help themsleves to baked goods from a car parked in the Churches parking lot...I guess they needed them more than we did!!!Sad so very sad.

Hoda said...

I think it will be hard to get to sleep tonight. I will log off and go to my prayers that I may focus on letting all the exciteement go.

Prayers for LINDA'S MOM'S service tomorrow. May God Sustain the Family.

Good night and God Bless to one and all.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eaglettes!

Wanda, congrats on a new grandson to very exciting! I bet Jayden is really excited!

Hoda, glad you had another wonderful celebration. Sorry about the baked goods.

Margy, hope you got to hear your Tundra Swans last night!

Hope we get visits from Linda and Lynne today. Been a while since they checked in. We miss you both!

Lori O. said...

Andy, hope you found your Christmas cards. I never buy them the day after for that reason! I can't remember where I put something 10 min ago, let alone last year!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO! Still celebrating Andrew's "A"? :)

DanaMo said...

LOL! Adam, no he is not off the hock! I am going to keep working that kid, because he has no self confidence and thinks he can't do it, and he is doing it! He is my struggler.

Annemarie is taking that test today and there is scholarship money involved. I hope she does well enough to get in the running!

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DanaMo! Dogs are fed and I've got my tea - am not missing this morning's visit!!!

DanaMo said...

He's not off the hock? Geez...I am awake. He is not off the "hook"!

Good morning Sandi.

Please excuse my poor typing, my mind tends to get ahead of my fingers. ☺

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi!

DanaMo, in your next life can you name your kids with names beginning with different letters of the alphabet? LOL

Lori O. said...

Cats are working on getting the dogs their breakfast.

DanaMo said...

I am going to go to the nest in the morning, but I am sure I won't be there this early. I hope that I can get a picture or two. I bought a doubler for my lens, it's a real cheapy so I can't wait to try it out. I really had nothing to lose. It was $24, LOL! Should be interesting. Bought it on ebay and it has a 30 day return policy so really I can just send it back. I doubt that the quality will be very good, but we will see.

DanaMo said...

Yes Lori! I know everyone gets confused. I can't keep peoples kids straight though, even with different letters of the alphabet!

DanaMo said...

Can I tell you I have gotten more Christmas cards from "companies" than I have from people. Isn't that strange? I think it's weird.

My card is almost finished. My goal today is to get a picture of the 3 Flying Labs to add to the card that I have created. Oh and see what Andrew might have on his camera from our CA trip since he spent the whole time with his pen pal instead of us!

Lori O. said...

I think businesses get their cards out early because there is someone paid to get them out! :)

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

OH DANAMO lucky you going to the nest I hope that you get to see them I saw the cell phone tower eagle last night after I tood Jordyn to Angies I give up taking picture until I get another camera

JudyEddy said...

Hey Sandi you said something about not seeing the eagles with your schedule I feel the same way I have to be at work at 7 now so I do miss them but then I remember all the days I got up at 5 to see them when the time changes and the sun rises earlier Yep I set my clock earlier to see them even when I didn't have to go to work till 7 CRAZY my daughter says

JudyEddy said...

Hoda so sorry for the theif Sad the world we live in HUH Hope you find the cards Andy

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, JudyE! I thought about you when Sandi said she missed the eagles because of work, then I remembered the sunrise time changes. Doesn't matter to me, I'm always at work by then.

Sandi said...

Judy, I have my "dachshund alarm" (Bella) so I never have to set an electric alarm clock, but even she doesn't wake up at 5AM! So glad I learned the trick about hitting the paly/pause button when the cam picture times out so I don't have to reload the page every 15 minutes. Just sitting here reading/returning emails, reading the news, and paying bills online while I wait for the visit.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals !

Please remember this about today:

Deer Hunt today at NCTC - so at "first light" (before sunrise) we could start hearing gunfire...

magpie said...

Bravo for Adam on the A...
and Best Wishes for Annemarie today on her tests....

magpie said...

Hey there Lori...
I did NOT hear the Tundra Swans...time might be running out, they might already be at their Southern destinations

Sandi said...

Hoda, Enjoyed your comments about camels - maybe I'll stick w/ loving giraffes, but I'd still love to ride on a camel! We're going to visit our son and DIL in Tanzania this summer so will definitely see giraffes!

magpie said...

Anyone with a clear sky WEST -
Moon is setting, and a beautiful one it is !!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Wow, that was some Concert that Sharon's Andrew was conducting....even with a sore shoulder, he brought the house done.
Well Done, Andrew, and
Sharon: have done a wonderful Mom job with your son ♥

Hope there is a quick resolution to the shoulder problem....

magpie said...

Bummer about the baked goods being heisted, at Hoda's Fundraising event last night....
Someone who didn't deserve it, got Blessed Food Fare...
but otherwise, Wow, what a great night it turned out to be....

God Bless the Thief/Thieves....maybe something good will come of it...

I hear little tee-tiny birds chirping at the nest...faintly...

Sandi said...

Rats! Completely forgot about the hunting at NCTC again today! At least I'll get more accomplished since I won't need to spend time checking in to watch for eagles, but I DO hope they'll drop by this AM to say hello!

Lori O. said...

They'll be standing on hilltops waiting to get that first spy of sunrise...anytime now. Thanks for the heads up, Margy!

Have a great day, JudyE.

magpie said...

Hope the birds get to the Nest before the Hunters get their fingers on the triggers....

Lori O. said...

Should have said THE HUNTERS will be waiting, with baited breath, to get that first glimpse of sunrise.

Lori O. said...


magpie said... least....we can have confidence they are SAFE hunters, not anyone stupid enough to shoot at an Eagle !
All the hunters are there by application

Wow, Clunk !! Get Ready !!

Sandi said...

I hear someone! And it's not a hunter!

Lori O. said...

Sandi, would you like to try the nest visit reporting this morning?
Give it a try!

Lori O. said...

Need to make some fresh coffee...Anybody want some?

Sandi said...

Lori, Not me. Not always fast enough and I always forget the CAPS! Too much pressure on my day off!! =)

Lori O. said...

IT'S EASY SANDI - use the caps lock, and if you forget that's okay, and type your observations. It'll make you feel good. :)

magpie said...

I got my morning coffee going okay, Lori,< Thanks Anyway!
Sure yours would be better !

and soon I have to start getting thing, though, I can see the Computer from the Bathroom ☺
But I can't help with nest reporting either....

Come ON Eagles, Eagles, Eagles !

Sandi said...

Nest visit report may be easier than I thought?? Once those shotguns start ...

Lori O. said...

You may be right, Sandi. Surprised we haven't heard any shots yet. Of course, I live a little more east of the nest.

magpie said...

I'm also wondering, if that loud clunking was perched eagles LEAVING the nest....

but I'm remaining Hopeful to see them anyway !

magpie said...

I think it's just about light enough..
maybe the Hunters are getting their Orientation...from the staff....
just a thought.
Can't remember what time it all started last Saturday....

Sandi said...

I DO still hear noises!

Lori O. said...

There's your answer, Margy. MORE CLUNKING!

Sandi said...


magpie said...

Me Too, Sandi !
Wait for it, wait for it....
Allrighty Show Time !

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...

Yeah, Sandi. You're doing it! You got the hang of it! :)

Sandi said...

See Lori, I got so excited, I couldn't spell 1 word correctly!! I'm just watching! =)

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Guesses on who we're seeing now?

Lori O. said...

That's okay, Sandi. Whenever you're comfortable, but feel free to jump in anytime or with any observations. We all see things differently.

Lori O. said...

It would only be a guess. To me the one with the 'v' is Belle...but I've gotten confused lately.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Did anyone just see something run across the top left corner of the screen?? Deer??

Sandi said...

Running from the hunters! Makes me sad!!

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Somebody is still up in that tree though!

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Annemarie says thank you!

Can hear the other up in the tree. Wish he/she would hop down. Look at
him/her looking up.

Maybe it is Belle, that looked like the V.

Color on...

Sandi said...

With the color on, looks like dark on the side of the eagle's neck - Belle?

DanaMo said...

So who is it in the nest?

Lori O. said...


grannyblt said...

I saw the deer and hear something near the mic

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Geez...I'm wondering if I should try to go this early tomorrow.

DanaMo said...

There was a deer? I missed it.

DanaMo said...

Gotta go blow dry my mop. Be back in a bit.

Lori O. said...


grannyblt said...

And I guess poof while I was writing comments--time to sign out again--can't refresh and get camera a new computer needs to be under the tree this year.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning GrannyBLT!

Sandi said...

First shot!

Lori O. said...

There's still clunking around up there. Missed the shot. Maybe need to turn up the sound.

Lori O. said...

Now, I heard that shot. Run! Run, deer run!!!

magpie said...

I saw the visit but missed the deer...was too far away from the bathroom to get a good view...was getting MY mop done.
wow, how neat though...
to see that...

Time to make like a Banana and Peel....

Wanda Great that you had Friday Family Fun...and, oh wow, a baby brother in the Spring for Jayden !

(( Hugs ♥ )), Prayers, and Lovins' all day long for Linda and all the Family

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Wow they are definitely still up there, lots of noise on that cam.

DanaMo said...

Man are they on the cam, did you see it move?!

Sandi said...

Would love to see both of them, just for a few minutes!

DanaMo said...

Takes forever to dry this mop that's why I only do it twice a week! Makes me think about going short again, but never in the winter, I need all this fur to keep me warm till my husband moves me south!

DanaMo said...

Got all kinds of ideas to stage a picture of the Flying labs. I hope they cooperate today.

Lori O. said...

I gave up on the staging pic - guess I could try it with just FloBear...both of them was crazy!

Sandi said...

Just noticed (since I'm staring at MT nest) that I don't see the deer leg - where did it go?

Sandi said...

Just went full screen - is that it, laying at about 9?

Lori O. said...

I think you're right, Sandi. It's getting darker and harder to see.

grannyblt said...

Maybe the bone is buried under the flugg on the upper left?

I am now here via Firefox, maybe that will be better.

And good morning to all.

grannyblt said...

That's the bone at 9 o'clock--if it had been a snake---

Sandi said...

Well, I have had my tea, eaten my cereal, read the news, done my online banking, checked Facebook, and read/returned emails. Don't hear any more clunking so I'm going to assume our eagles have flown the coop! Guess I should do the same! BBL - have a good day all!

grannyblt said...

I'm with you Sandi, lots of Christmas things to do today.....

Lori O. said...

Going into Lurk Mode = LM. Lot's I could be doing, but would rather be watching eagles! BBIALW.

hedgie said...

Good Sat. morning, gang.
As usual, I missed the visit by our birds by just a few minutes.
Temp stayed in upper 30's during the night, but has started to fall and wind is picking up briskly. Maybe the wind will keep the NCTC deer laying low for the day!!

I am not suppose to do anything in the way of "exercise" today---so as not to get sugars into the think I'll work on Christmas cards. I'm hungry, but since I can't eat after 11, will hold off on breakfast for a while yet....and then do bacon and eggs!! Hoping that bread does not have "refined" sugar in it....want my eggs on a sandwich!!

hedgie said...

Oops----spoke too soon---just heard a gunshot. :(

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Lynn!

What time is today's appointment - I'm thinking it's 5.

hedgie said...

Don't remember who mentioned a bell choir....Hoda??? maybe.....that is the concert I'll miss this evening. :( A large group out of WInchester is performing at a church in Christie's town. Don't know what LARGE means! Her own bell choirs at our church total about 50 people, but they don't have enough bells for all to perform together, plus they are broken into 4 groups based on experience. I was SO happy when Christie joined, because I played bells when I was a teen. Just recently learned that our local middle school also has a bell choir!

hedgie said...

Wanda, congrats on another little boy gg!! Yeah---a little girl would be so much fun for you!!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 260   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...