Wednesday, September 14, 2011


New thread.


Hoda said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread, I will go call the others

Hoda said...

Well good afternoon everyone...

Cooler day here today and there is a sense of autumn in the air...LOVLEY really.

We are not a very chatty bunch for the past short little while.

I trust KAY is well and would like to hear from her.

I feel spooked JUDYE with the expectation that every time I click on the site I will have to write a comment so I would not be lurking...LOL!!! I feel like a little girl caught by the principal!!!

Very busy day it sounds like DANAMO. I hope it all goes in stride...rushing to class after work and then rushing to be a parent in a P/T Interview...

I can not find a recorded Sept 11 CBS program on the internet...PAUlA had said how much she enjoyed it...I watched most of the events on that day, but did not see one recorded one on the firefighters...Glad you all thought it was well done.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

It looks wet at the nest...

Lynne2 said...

Here you go Hoda...

9/11 ten years later

JudyEddy said...

OK I put the pink sunset pictures and 2 short one min video at end of pictures if you want to see them
I also posted on Paul Dellagatto facebook page He is the weather man that said it would be a beautiful one

Pink Sunset at my B---H I didn't say the word LOL

JudyEddy said...

I need to start reading the blog LM BBL also want to catch news first I have been having a field day with facebook I put a pic and video on the baby alligator that was in the retention pond as I left for work I am uploading the video as soon as I get off LM BBL

Lynne2 said...

evening all...won't stay long, storms, and Big 'uns coming at us. computer has a DIFFERENT problem with the power. I cannot close it or the power shuts off even if plugged in, then I have to remove battery and reboot. BUT...the cooling fan has nothing to do with that problem, it's a whole other issue. The cooling fan underneath keeps the laptop cool, and now it doesn't shut off by ITSELF any more.

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNNE 2.The program is not available in my region...I much appreciate your efforts.

JudyEddy said...

The gator video and pic just uploaded so they are on the same blog

Lynne2 said...

well shoot Hoda. That's weird.

Lynne2 said...

this IS supposed to be the WORLD wide web, after all....wonder why you can't get the program. UGH.

Lynne2 said...

Looks like Lynn and others are in the middle of a VERY BAD STORM.

Lynne2 said...

think I'll go jump in the shower before it gets here....

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 do not feel bad...I feel wonderful that you sent me the post. Often it happens with different news web sites that programs in the USA are not available in Canada. It could be Canadian regulations blocking it or it could be copy right regulations. Either way I am VERY GRATEFUL that you found it on the net for me...STAY SAFE FROM THE STORMS.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone.

I am going to share what I believe about our Liberty and try to let it go. I think when POJ hatched, our Liberty was injured. I know he was seen flying and was seen perched in a tree but I think he was injured or else he would have made sure that baby got its food. I don't believe an intruder eagle could have kept him from taking care of his eaglet. Now whether that injury ultimately led to his death, who knows but I do believe it did. I am now going to begin to pray for acceptance of the eagle that Belle has possibly decided to pair with. This is still a process and I have been working really hard not to call this other eagle any bad names, although it has been hard at times. I will always love our Liberty and Belle but I do believe it is time to move on to the next generation.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And that's all I'll say about that!

Mema Jo said...

Sitting here and it is darkening with a threat of the storm.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and
to Hoda - Thank you for asking us to join you!

I'm still entertaining Alexis so BBL

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - you have said it well

Mema Jo said...

I'm closing down until after this storm leaves my valley. ♥

Hoda said...

SHARON I join in MEMA JO'S comment. You wrote well about what you think happened to LIBERTY.

Lynne2 said...

well, I'm still holding on to the idea that he was injured, and will be back better than ever come nesting season. Until I see Belle and Truder HP and laying eggs, I will still hope.

Hoda said...

Maybe Sharon's comment could be the open door as to what we will call Truder. On the WOW site there have been several people who wrote me objecting to the name Truder. They explained it does not take in the fact that Belle seems to have accepted him...the root word for Truder is Intruder...other names have been spoken of here. I am partial to Belle and the Colonel...I also think THE LONG TERM MOMSTERS and DADSTERS could let us know what names they prefer.This would uphold a tradition and would give us all direction...I would like to start the discussion but do not want to step on any toes if it is not yet time.

Lynne2 said...

I like Colonel too, if he stays. It was sort of my fault he was dubbed Truder. Wanda came up with Colonel. It's patriotic and sure goes well with Belle!

Lynne2 said...

Steve is still a half hour from home and we just got a severe T'storm warning for hail and damaging winds. I don't think he's going to beat it home.....

Hoda said...

I hear you LYNNE on holding hope for LIBERTY. Those who are still holding hope are holding to something precious and we all appreciate that...If we come up with a name and TRUDER does not stay than the new name can just be forgotten.

Hoda said...

Prayers that STEV stay safe and sound. Is he driving in the Mazda? Does it handle well on watery roads?

Hoda said...

STEVE, LYNNE'S STEVE not stev...sorry.

Lynne2 said...

yes, he's in the Mazda and it does OK on wet roads.

I think in my head I know Lib will probably not be back, but I still have to wait for my heart to catch up and that will happen this winter.

JudyEddy said...

funny just on the news a school has banned all make up they have taken down all mirrors in the school saying that students we way to focused on their looks Back to news and weather

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I never knew that their bellys were fuzzy odd I would have thought rough see what we learn on the blog

JudyEddy said...

Gonna head to see the sunset BBL

Lynne2 said...

yay! Steve made it home before the storms!

Hoda said...

This is funny!!! Grand parents Figuring out the webcam!!!

Hoda said...

Welcome home Steve.
Have a good trip taking pictures of sunset JUDYE.

Mema Jo said...

I, personally, would like to wait until we see that Belle has accepted 'Truder' as her mate. Let's see some HP before agreeing on a permanent name.
That is just my humble opinion.

Lynne2 said...

Good point Jo! Some other studly eagle may just swoop in and out Truder! Oh I sure hope I get to watch from work this winter!

hedgie said...

Hello...I'm home.....left for class right ahead of followed us into town...busted loose in there during class. Must have been a good one....big mess here, as usual with leaves and branches...
No email from Kay, no retunr phone call. Will try her number again and then call Julie.

hedgie said...

KAY IS IN THE HOSPITAL according to Seth. Julie is there. He says "she's fine and should be home Friday." I left word for Julie to call me when she gets home this evening.

Hoda said...

JO I accept and respect you r opinion. Thank you for the clarity.

LYNN thanks for keeping the efforts to contact Kay.

I just watched four different videos on Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and they are very revealing...Audio tapes from her years in the White House. A new book is coming out.

hedgie said...

I think we all know that feeling of feeling that something isn't right? That's how I've felt all day.....praying that everything truly is okay with our Kay.
Let's all send them up to our Father.

hedgie said...

Hoda, so sorry you couldn't view the show....:( It was very good.

Margy, Dry Run WASN'T----haven't seen it out of the banks like that in a long time! Back Creek was normal.

Hoda said...

OH NO LYNN, KAY in the hospital! Do keep us posted...PRAYERS TO OUR KAY.

hedgie said...

Jo, I agree with you about Truder and Belle. A wait and see approach is best......breeding is a good ways off yet.

hedgie said...

The Jackie Kennedy interviews aired last night here, Hoda....I taped it so haven't seen it yet.....I'm sure it is very interesting.

Hoda said...

I think you will find the interviews based on the tapes, and with Caroline to be very revealing LYNN. I had tears at times because I so remembered some of the things she spoke of, she lived in a fish bowl indeed.

I will adopt the wait and see approach also in regards to name and breeding season. Thanks LYNN.

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

I'm so sorry Kay is in the hospital. Hopefully, it is nothing of consequence and she will be back with us very soon. Thank you Lynn for keeping us posted.

Hope Shirley is feeling some better tonight.

Lynne2, glad Steve made it home safely. Storms expected here soon.

Lynn, how was class? Did Liesl flirt herself silly?

It has been a long day and think I will need to see the sandperson soon. Early day tomorrow.

The night light is on for anyone arising in the dark and for those who come in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

I spent the morning sleeping and the afternoon reading mostly. I did go to the store and picked up some cough medicine.

I tried to read everything and read that Kay is in the hospital. I hope we hear something from her soon.

hedgie said...

Liesl and Marlon were a real hoot tonight! They did very well with their new lessons and were a real pair in some of the old ones!!!---as in inseparable!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh no, our Kay is in the hospital???? Thanks Lynn for checking in on her...look forward to an update.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, you aren't feeling well either? Sorry, I must have missed that news. Hope you feel better soon!

Hope Jack's back is better too!

paula eagleholic said...

Wowsers, it has been a wicked lightening storm here!

Lynne2 said...

storm took it's good ole time gettin' here but it's here now!

Lynne2 said...

Record low temps possible here for tomorrow night! 45!!

Hoda said...

it sounds like a relaxing day SHIRLEY. Good to give yourself time to heal.

Stay safe from the storm everyone...

I wonder when JUDYE will be back with new video of sunset???

hedgie said...

Stooopid blogger cop ate my post.

Judie, you were supposed to take it easy today!

Shirley, glad you got some extra rest....feel better!

Liesl is wanting sofa time....she's worn out, and ready for bedtime. BBIALW.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, sorry you can't see the 9/11 program.

I am having my fish from the beach for dinner...mighty good!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to heAR aboiut Kay in the hospital....must be good if they already know she is getting out Friday

JudyEddy said...

Just back from the b---h sun was sooooo pretty and pink on the way there I could see on the horizon clouds I got a 15sec video driving of the sunset but when I got to the b---h the sun was no where to be found I stayed and watched the birds and walked a little down the beach I saw the jeep the owner I met leaving just as I pulled in opposite end of lot so didn't get to talk tonight to him if it was meant to be it will happen lol ok I'm heading for shower BBL

DanaMo said...

Prayers for Kay, hope it isn't anything serious, but a hospital visit is never good when you are the patient.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA in regards to the city I just thought being they both came up as the same town on the revolver globe that they were close I guess its like mine showing St Pete and I don't live there

JudyEddy said...

Gonna kick back and watch some tv and read some of the blog

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lolly said...

Oh, no!!! Kay in the hospital. Glad you had numbers to call, Lynn. Keep us up dated! Prayers for you, Kay. We miss you!

Supposed to cool off here tonight, but nothing like you are expecting. Still no rain!!!

Hope you can watch our eagles from work, Lynne. It is going to be an interesting year. ??????

Bought Annie a new collar today and got a new tag as well. She lost her collar and I do want ID on my kitty. It has to be around here somewhere...she does not go far.

Hoda said...

I find I can watch 911 with Robert de Niro in sections off of google. This is what I am doing right now.
I was not settled after I could not see the link LYNNE 2 sent because it was blocked...there is always a way.

hedgie said...

We, too, are supposed to have overnight temps in the 40's starting tomorrow night....TOO EARLY for such nonsense...:(

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda...that is good! Glad to hear you can catch at least parts of it.

Lolly,what does Jack do with the deceased armadillos? Just curious!

DanaMo said...

I agree Hedgie, I do not like the cold at all!I'm never ready for it.

I am looking forward to our Eagle season. Should be interesting.

I guess I would like a patriotic name for our friend Truder, but it will be hard to stop calling him that name.

hedgie said...

I t hink I know why Judy decided to go to the beach....♥ Sorry your new friend was leaving. Plan a little earlier tomorrow!!!

Lolly said...

Jack buried the deceased armadillo.
Really felt bad for Jack what with his back hurting. He is doing better this evening.

JudyEddy said...

Oh signing back on KAY in hospital I went to look up her address and noticed she is not on the list of address I received I would love to send her a card if anyone know her address do you think she would mind if someone gave it out Thanks in advance I will be saying extra PRAYERS for her

Lolly said...

I was thinking about scooting the bod into a garbage bag to put out for pick up on Friday when Jack came to the front yard and said he had already dug a hole. We have very sandy soil, very easy to dig.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

I hope we hear some good news about Kay tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Hope you feel better soon, Shirley. I started coming down with my cold late last week and I am fine now. Very thankful it did not go into an infection.

Lolly said...

Also, I never did cough a whole lot. Seemed to stay in my head and really bothered my eyes.

Thinking now of going to shower and get comfy. Might read a little. Need to catch up looking at some magazines.

Oh, and cooked a new recipe tonight. It was just pasta with no meat. A very good meal, we enjoyed it.

I'll be back to say good night.

Linda said...

Good Evening All!

Just poppin' in for a quick post. Has been a busy couple days for me, as Tuesdays and Wednesdays always are!!

Got 98 ears of corn from the garden and blanched and froze most of those yesterday as well as had our usual Tuesday night Small Group Bible Study at our home.

Today was my work day and had to come home and work remotely on the other company to fix some errors. Still having trouble training our latest girl in the office!

Yes, I'm exhausted tonight!!

Dennis brought in 50lbs of tomatoes while I was at work today, so guess what I will be doing tomorrow???

So very sorry to hear KAY is in the hospital. Thank you, Lynn, for checking in on her and finding out. Kay, we're praying for you and wishing a speedy recovery.

Sharon - your feelings about LIBERTY are touching. Since this is my first year, I did not know that fine eagle. I trust you seasoned eaglet Momsters will know when the time is right and the proper name to choose. I sort of think a lesser name than Liberty would be fitting so as to keep his memory as always being the first.

As much as I like "Colonel", it somehow sounds superior to Liberty to me. Just a thought. I know how near and dear Liberty is to this wonderful group. It will certainly be a choice I know you will choose carefully and I trust it will be the right one, should that time come!

Lolly - How are you feeling?

Shirley - I hope you are feeling better as well.

Lynn - Just love the Liesl stories. What a joy she is to you.....and to us!!

I'm off to take my shower and get some rest.

May all of you have restful and peaceful sleep tonight!

May God Bless and Protect Us all the the critters we so dearly love... xox ♥♥♥

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

JudyE, Kay chose not to have her address on the listing.
If Julie calls me back, I'll get the name of the hospital....they can always forward a card to her home if she has left.

paula eagleholic said...

You can send Kay a cyber card!

hedgie said...

Lolly, yep, sandy soil does make it easier. Glad that Jacks back did not suffer from the burial. I always worry about something digging up buried carcasses! I get So angry, tho', when Christie says that Shannon puts the groundhogs that Harley kills in the trash......POOR trash collectors---and anyone who has to drive behind the truck in hot weather!

hedgie said...

Lolly, Shannon doesn't even bag them!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Storm is over for now - lasted quite a while and was quite severe - My pc was off. Did get to watch a good movie we rented.

Lynn - we owe you so much! Thank you for getting in touch with Seth and I do hope Kay will be home and able to be back with us.

Liesl - I think Judie said it - You're a flirty girl!

hedgie said...

Pic of a double rainbow on my blog---Carolyn took it with her cell phone!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Linda...don't want to bore you all with Liesl stories!!!
Just let me know if I do!
Sure hope you are going to follow Judie's tomato instructions! Wow--50# and 90 ears of corn! I would never be able to shuck that! Hope Dennis did it for you.
Sorry the "help" isn't up to par yet, but I'm sure you'll teach her well!

hedgie said...

Jo, the cell stayed with you for all this time??? No fun! What did Miss Alexis request for sinner tonight??

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - The storm only lasted an hour but
then I started a movie.
BTW - I think you are asking about
Dinner.... Alexis put her roast beef
in a sandwich and while eating she was
saying - this is the best roast beef
ever! She likes mashed potatoes also.
Green veggies she isn't a fan yet.

Linda you sound like my gd with the
tomatoes and the corn - They also do
blueberries in the freezer. That was
her b-day present - A new freezer!

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is a haircut for me. Not a
new do - just a redo.

paula eagleholic said...

Shucks, Linda, thatsa lotsa corn, LOL. Lots of maters, too. Sounds like your garden is producing well!

Mema Jo said...

The double rainbow is beautiful.
Don't see that too often.

hedgie said...

No call from Julie yet... :(

Check this out from the Bear Center:
White bear cub

Mema Jo said...

I am going to close down for today'

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all - especially Kay
Hugs to all! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Lynne, thanks for explaining about your puter---I misunderstood your post! BTW---mine, too, has always shut down if I close the lid! Weird! Of course, I ALMOST always turn it off anyway before I do, but occasionally would shut it after dark just to not have the screen light in my face if I was doing something else. Oh, biggie.

hedgie said...

The bears are all okay, for another day. :)

Hoda said...





Hoda said...

I finished watching the 9/11 documentary and I am grateful for those who were there.


magpie said...

Glad you could view the documentary Hoda....
What amazing insights those filmmakers could capture....of firehouse life, and the events at the Towers

Good Evening Eagle Pals

I'll say Wowser of a storm....!

hedgie said...

So worry wart here....why hasn't Julie called me back?? :( Hopimg everything truly IS okay.

Going to log off and head for tub---I take the phone with me--if I hear anything, I'll come back to let you know.
I am really tired tonight.

Prayers for all....and especially for Kay tonight! You all are such special friends!

magpie said...

I have 19 green tomatoes on my two plants...smallest is marble-size, largest is baseball sized.

Lynn: Thank you so much for making contact with Seth about Kay...and we eagerly await any updates
Prayers for Kay...

Glad to see that Linda checked in also ♥

magpie said...

God Bless You and your Countrymen and Women, Hoda...
for opening your arms to our citizens as well
including the sanctuary in Gander Newfoundland the day of the attacks

magpie said...

I miss a lot of folks by getting here so late

Afraid my video card is about to go belly up which means I will be out of commission for awhile except from work
screen has gone black three times today :(

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds. Just checking in~~hope everyone had a nice day.
Got home from work @ 8 PM, ate din din, watched AGT, & had a nap! I thought that WV guy would win. What a wonderful change in his life!

Since most are probably hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Touching post by Sharon....and appreciate the follow up comments as well

Let's all help bring ourselves and each other through the next few months together with whatever develops at the Sycamore Palace, and especially hope that it involves some eggs and eaglets

magpie said...

'Night there, Loretta....
late night schedule for you!

Hoda said...

LINDA impressive crop...

LYNN thanks for keeping us informed about KAY. I hope JULIE phones you with good news. Maybe she just got busy and was not able to get back to you. Prayers Go KAY's WAY.

MARGY It is good to see you on even wehn you come in late. Do check in from work if you are not going to be able to do so from home. I am not really sure I understand about the card that is running out???

magpie said...

Personally I could use more than 24 hours in a day.

Love the Liesl tales, Lynn, not to worry!

Also the Alexis tales, Jo

magpie said...

Once my screen just died, in the early days. I thought it was the monitor, so I replaced it...and everything was still black as night. I had to take PC to the computer store, because, the video card which feeds to the monitor, was bad....
I think there is probably a better explanation for it, but this is about my level of explanation ☺

magpie said...

Guess it's time to wrap things up here, while I can still "See."

BIG Prayers for wellness, for Kay, Shirley, Jack with the back that went out....and each and every need here

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Doggy Cloud says
"Woof Woof" Good Night ☺

Lolly said...

I am say good night. Have been reading my Bon Appetit magazine and watching the news.

Now time to hit the hay!

Nite all! Sweet dreams! Prayers for Kay and her fast return!

Hoda said...

Good night and sweet dreams everyone.
Prayers for KAY on top of hte list.
God BLESS us everyone.

Costume Lady said...

I was checking out all the new photos on facebook and came across some JAYDEN & FISHBOWL. Denise get the cutest shots of him:)
Here it is after 2am...gotta get to bed!


DanaMo said...

Thinking of's raining here again. I heard the rain at around 4 am and my first thought was of you, Lolly. Wish it would rain for you!

DanaMo said...

Where is everyone? I'm alone at the cafe and on FB! Geez it's not even that early!

DanaMo said...

And when is our precious cam going to be back up? I really need to see the eagles!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMo, You're not alone, but I hate that feeling, too.

Lori O. said...

I've been catching up. So worried about KAY!

KAY, (((BIG HUG))), we love and miss you and pray your recovery will come with lightening speed!

DanaMo said...

I know, I'm worried too, wish we would hear something.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, isn't is fun buying new collars and tags? Gosh, it's like buying them jewelry these days. :) Have you had any rain at all yet?

SHIRLEY, how are you feeling today? Hoping you're at least a little better. It's no fun feeling puny.

JUDY E, have fun with Jordyn today! See you at nap time.

As to the Truder deal, I love the name Colonel, but agree with LINDA that somehow it feels like I'm slighting Liberty by calling Truder something that sounds bigger and better than LIB. We could call him BIL, Lib backwards since they're nothing at all alike. The complete opposite of Lib. LOL

Lori O. said...

I got some great pics of a blue/gray? Heron yesterday as he sat in a very close tree and preened away the morning.
I loaded a new photo program on the i-Pad before I left home and I've been playing with that - Photogene - I really like it. Highly recommend to anyone with Apple products.

I think the birds here sleep in. Truder would be in the nest by now, but there's nothing flying yet here.

Lori O. said...

So, DANAMo, what did the principal think of your lesson plans? Did you get an A?

magpie said...

Well, there's Color at the nest...that's a start

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Right now that seems to be Lori and DanaMo ☺ ☺

magpie said...

The Clouds are Crying..

Lori, what's your weather today

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Supposed to get cooler the next few days.

I am trying to decide if I feel better. Still feel like I have a cold.

JudyEddy said...

ÉÄGLÉ BÜDs Ö ö ☺ ⌂

Thinking of you KAY Hope you are back on your feet soon

SHARON I loved what
you said about Liberty
I want to wait just in case
odder thing have happened

HODA that was so funny
about the Grandparents
and the web cam Loved it

I just wish Belle and
her Beau would pay us
a visit

LINDA what a lot of
crop you have sowed and
harvested Kudos ♂

magpie said...

Good Morning now to Shirley and Judy

Shirley, keep on thinking positive....and rest, drink lots of good things you like, juice, tea, and take lots of naps!

JudyE - Enjoy your Week-end !
Hope you have some fun things planned with Jordyn

magpie said...

Best wishes in advance to Judie on a good school day

And to everyone...Best wishes for a good day Also!

Time for me to get ready for work already :(

ttfn xoxo ♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

T-Bird said...

I guess everyone is gone to start their days. I hope everyone makes a good day. I will catch you all later.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning MARGY, weather here very nice today and the big fall cool down comes tomorrow. Very similar to there. I hope you have a stressless day at work.

Helloooooo THELMA & BUDDY! What will you two be up to today?

Good Morning SHIRLEY! Sounds like having a cold is better than feeling totally yucky. MARGY had some good advice and I'm sure LYNN will have more. Sorry it isn't gone already!

T-Bird said...

Lori, our plans are to go to a meeting in Princeton and a meeting tonight. How about you?

T-Bird said...

I wanted to comment on Sharon's post yesterday about Liberty. I totally feel all she said. Very well put!!!! I haven't been able to look at the nest since Liberty has been gone. I will also pray for acceptance so the bad feelings for this eagle will hopefully go away.

T-Bird said...

In case someone hasn't read her comment it is around 6:18 PM yesterday.

magpie said...


Costume Lady said...


I think we will all agree, that it has been very hard to see Truder in the nest, in the same places we have seen Liberty for so many years. But, for me, the main reason I cannot accept him, is because he most certainly had something to do with Lib's death and, inadvertently, the death of that precious Paddy O'Joy.
However, I do believe that if we see Belle warming up to her new Beau (I also like that name), and they seem compatible and loving, we may warm up to him. Now, the one act that I think will make us begin to LOVE him, is when he starts feeding some precious babies and becomes a loving father.
Think about it~

Costume Lady said...

It is not a very pretty day for my day off:( It is 64° only going up to 68° and it has been raining off and on ever since I got up.
I wanted to putter around outside and get some fresh air and some sunny vitamin D. Oh well, the shop still needs work, so, there I go:)

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters.
SUN is coming out! ☺ What a mess out there, tho'.
Miserable night here----felt like my bad knee was swelling and itching on the inside! Finally got up and took Advil at 2:30....last time I saw clock was 3:30----and then awake at 5 to a HARD downpour......was still raining when I got up.
T-bird----hope your meetings bring peace and more healing. You go, girl!

Paula---loved your messag eto Linda about the "Shucks, thatsa lot of corn"----I got it, finally!!

Wanda, don't overdo on your day off...JudyE, enjoy yours, too!

Lori, hope the sun is coming out for you, too.

Margy....could your puter issues possibly be the monitor itself? Had that happen at work a couple of times.

Still no word from Ohio......would imagine that Julie is not at the Univ/college for the day. :(

Lolly said...

Good morning!☼ No, no rain here! I really do appreciate your thoughts and prayers for us. Sometimes when I am trying to sleep I get to thinking about the yard and gardens and get so depressed. I am almost ready to give it up!

It is cooler here this morning. Thank goodness! It is presently 71 and I have the house open. And, once again, Annie is asking in and then out, in and then out, in and then out. OMG!

Still no work about Kay???? When was her last post? Was she feeling bad or did she have a DR. appointment?

Heading to church to water the garden. Jack thinks he can make it with me. Hope so!

hedgie said...

Oh, #@^*#@+*-------looks like at least one post, maybe 2, have snapped off on "the" fence---first three sections are leaning badly. I guess the wond did a number on it. Call into SIL's bro.....ARGH!!!!!

Lolly said...

LOL....Lori about the cat collar. I usually try to find her a purple collar. GO FROGS! However this collar is pink decorated with buttons, no less! Her tag is a pink heart. Love to watch the engraving action....fascinating!

hedgie said...

Lolly, no indication from Kay that she wasn't feeling well. Last post was Monday, I believe, but I did have an email from her Tues. AM.

Lolly, maybe it's time for you and Jack to start exploring the retirement community thing like Judie and Darth are. I know you owuld hate to leave Hawkwood, but there comes a point where it is too much work for "aging" youngsters.

Lolly said...

Had to reread your post, Lynn. Guess it was the "wind" that did the fence in. Our fence in back is leaning badly, mainly because the ground is so dry. Our yard is not fenced in but we do have a fence up one side and across the back. These were put up to block the neighbors. Neighbors on the other side have a beautiful yard and are friends.

Lolly said...

Not ready to leave, Lynn, but may need maintenance on the yard before long. Jack still has his shop out back. He would be lost if he could not do his woodworking. We would both go stir crazy in a retirement community.

hedgie said...

Those web-cam grands were on the news this morning--via Skype! They did not set it up---friends or relatives did!!

hedgie said...

That's the fence, Lolly---the privacy one between me and bad neighbor.....

Lolly said...

Off to church.


magpie said...

Sooo, The "wond" did a number on the fence Hedgie ??
what's this world coming to !!


Mema Jo said...

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magpie said...

Yes on your question about
critters on my flowers pictures ..
buckeye and skipper are both butterflies

magpie said...

Ok.. Thanks JO !

hedgie said...

Lolly, Mom's retirement community is all villas with nice yards (she has a corner lot, so hers is big). Residents own their villas, and can do their gardening to their hearts content---but all mowing and snow removal is done by the developer. They all have full basements---which could be used for a workshop! But guess TX hoomes don't have basements, like FL, huh?

stronghunter said...

Heading to the

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...