Tuesday, September 06, 2011


There is a power supply problem that has not been resolved.  This is keeping the cam down.  Unless we get some sun this week, the cam will not be operational until we have our hard wired power fully installed.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I came home for lunch just to find I had no cable no TV and no phone and now we are working the last message i got in email was 730 so it went right after I went to work funny thing is even the cable co didn't have phone couldn't call at all now we are up YEAH

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the info Steve.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Thanks for the call-over, JudyE.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How is everyone?

stronghunter said...

Yes, thanks for the info, Steve. I think we are going to be awhile before the sun shines.

Lori O. said...


Any idea when the hard wiring will be in?

Love you dearly for any answers to our cam questions. Thank you so much for the update on the new thread!

Lori O. said...

Hellooooo Sharon! Nice to hear from you. The Sycamore Palace misses you and that special Sharon sense of humor. ♥

All is well lfor me. Getting ready to go to the beach for a week, next week!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, sounds like they have been working on the solar power thingy...

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Sharon, a day working at the lake has to be better than working at home!

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, I didn't realize you were so close to Fort Worth. I used to spend time down there for the Paint Horse World Championships in the 90's. It was one hot & humid place in July. They would have fans taller than me blazing air down the middle of all the barn aisles. AND, I got to go to the Justin Boot place in Justin! Got some great deals on boots that day, 6 pairs!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the call over Judy, I believe that makes you the recipient of a poop shoot facial, or is that because you were the first post on the new thread? Anyway, enjoy the facial. Shivers!

SHIRLEY, we'll be there, you know praying for you during your stress test tomorrow. Glad FBall was cancelled. It was - can you believe this - 60 degrees on my way home at NOON!

DanaMo said...

WOW this is a very rainy day!

Home from school and honestly ready for a nap.

DanaMo said...

Wet dog smell...enough said!

hedgie said...

In keeping with Lynne's idea of using pics of our grandparent's for our avatars this week, here is my Grams and Pop, on their 50th Anniversary, June 1968.

JudyEddy said...

AWW a corn stealing squirrel to cute

COMIN UP breaking news coming on the 5 news OUTAGE in Pinellas co no cable tv or phone NO Kidding

I wonder how long it will take to do the hard wired power to be fully installed COME ON ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ we need you to keep our cam up until they wire it

I see we had a history lesson today on the blog

How horrible about the shooting at the I HOP 4 dead so sad

JudyEddy said...

Is it on your news about the Post Office may be closing What the hey.

JudyEddy said...

They say most peeps do online bills and emails Not me I still mail my bills

JudyEddy said...

News is on so I'm heading to the rocker to learn more

stronghunter said...

Hunter said he appreciated the light jacked I sent with him today. The classrooms were cool. That is often the case when the temperature drops this time of the year, or when the building has been empty for awhile. It is so cool and damp here.

Thanks for the kind words, Lori. They said it would take a couple of hours or so--I don't remember exactly--so I scheduled it for 10:15. I get Hunter on the bus at about 8:15, so it should work fine.

hedgie said...

Ooohhh, DanaMo: wet dog, hot dog and sweaty little kids--three of the most annoying odors!

Lori O. said...

Wonder what KAY is up to. She said Malcolm needed some attention then poof! That is one lucky dog, hey?

My FB (FloBear) is going to be a bear this week. He hates going out in the rain to potty. What's a mom to do?

Lori O. said...

Wet dog definitely! Yuck-oh!

hedgie said...

JudyE---postal service is just trying to yank Congress' chain! They won't close! Government would never let it happen. Good time to eliminate the franking privilige that Congressmen enjoy. Wonder how much $$ THAT would generate for the USPS?

hedgie said...

Flood warnings "until further notice"---scary. Glad I'm not close enough to the river to worry. Weather radio going off continuously.

Hoda said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and for the update as to the camera. Much appreciated.

stronghunter said...

Hurri-Quake Shirts

They say these shirts are selling well.

JudyEddy said...

I just put on a real quick video of a snowy egret at work today before he flew off Taking a shower in the water fall thing in the middle of the retention pond I thought it was cute on my Beach and Nature Blog

EGRET TAKING A SHOWER in the retention pond

Lori O. said...

LYNN, Where is Paw Paw on the Potomac from you? Major flooding there. was at 5 1/2 ft today...flood stagge is 25 feet...expected to go to 36.8 feet by Thursday afternoon. CRAZY!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Paw Paw is about 10 miles above Berkeley Springs/Hancock, MD, Lori. On the Potomac.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY tell your friend that The fires are on the news nightly here

LORI hope you have a wonderful and exciting vacation I can't wait to go on mine in OCT
LORI rest stops have oodles of pamphlets of places to see usually just a though
Reading in between commercials

hedgie said...

Good vid, Judy!

Cool shirt, Shirley. Don't quite get the lake reference.

Lolly said...

Well, Lori if you know Ft Worth, you know my stomping grounds. I went to TCU, Jack worked in Ft Worth, we lived there after we married from 1965-1973. Then we bought our house out here. I prefer small towns and actually we are in the country. Jack then had a 30 minute drive to work. We are right off I 35, so we are a hop, skip and a jump from FT Worth.

hedgie said...

And it all flows downstream, Lori.....:(

hedgie said...

C&O Canal CLOSED due to potential flooding.

Lori O. said...

Think we can send the rain downstream as far as Texas ???

Lolly said...

Come on...send it down here!

Watching the news, two deaths now in the fire. They did not give details.

JudyEddy said...

WOW with the storms there was reported waves 3 to 6 ft which is very odd for the Gulf
The outage of Bright House was covering 7 counties They reported it as a software bug or glitch and it was fixed by a software patch they the the original glitch started it started a domino effect to other systems And Bright House is thinking of reimbursing people for the outage I guess lots of business beside residents they have over one million customers they will not give a number of peeps that had a issue

WANDA Chile MM sounds good I'm sure you had a success I have us read where you a ready to leave so I must continue to read Commercial over My nech is giving me heck today also so it will take me a while to catch up I know you will be there in the end LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Dropping in to say Hi to everyone.

Andy prayers for kubby Ken.

Hoping Kate gets lab work.

Shirley glad EKG is ok.

Lori so glad you are getting some vacation time. Pictures and tell us all you do. What Wanda mentioned to do. Really sounds like fun if you haven't done that.

Lolly praying for all your friends or ANYONE'S FRIENDS/RELATIVES that are involved where the fires are.


wvgal_dana said...

Driving home on I-81 this time all the trucks with flashing light and buckets. Where all heading South before they were going North. Now I guess they are going to help out in the South.

hedgie said...

Fire toll is now 1000 homes.....terrible....

hedgie said...

That is total for 47 fires in TX---over 500 in the Bastrop fire alone.

JudyEddy said...

I just read about the grandparents avatar this is my OMA and OPA and my mother in the middle I know I have one of them but can't find it so this will do until I find one of them by themselves I also have one on the in Germany Now you got me thinking where are they ok I am still reading so I shall return

Kay said...

Here I am, ready to bug youse guys again ! Great day with Malcolm n' Seth, my precious guys !

ANDY, Kubby is covered by Momster prayers ! I'm sure that massive warehouse has hard cement floors--no fun !

LYNN, lovely pic of you Grams and Pops ! 50+ years together, how wonderful !

SHIRLEY, smart gal, getting all those tests before taking on a new form of exercise ! Goes for rigorous activity, too. Like rafting or bungy jumping or hiking the A.T. !!!

JUDY, do yourself a favor and watch a couple of news outlets or read a newspaper. You said you only watch Fox---that gives you only one slant on the news. As in the Postal Service report. LYNN is right and it's been a point of discussion for days on other news services. We may lose Saturday service or have further reduced hours at the local P.O, but they are not about to go under !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

So Kay was only fooling around with us about she and Margy's brother. ha ha and I belived her lol

hedgie said...

Lolly, Sunday they said a 20-something mother and a baby had died.

Kay said...

JUDY, a wonderful pic of your dear Oma and Opa ! I envy you young gals who have photos of grandparents and grandparents who lived long lives as well !

DANA WV, don't you feel a little twinge when someone is pulling your leg ? I admit to having a screwed up sense of humor !

LOLLY, the two deaths I've been hearing about here are a young mother and her toddler in the Bastrop area. One report said they were in a Mobile Home and just couldn't get out in time. Knowing the news that story could be convoluted, but a sad case, indeed.

LORI, Kate must have the docs blessing for taking the vacation and that's a good sign. Gall bladder and GERD do have those symtoms alright. Have they talked about a c-t-scan for a look at the abdomen ? It's icky poo having to drink the barium shake which is passed off as a Vanilla Milkshake, but it's a good diagnostic test.

JudyEddy said...

My news also mentioned the no delivery on Sat

Judie said...

Good evening.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and for the cam update.

Lolly, the fires and devastation are being thoroughly covered on National news reports here. Report a 20-year-old mother and her toddler died.

Hoda, I am so very sorry I threw a cold wind on your morning. I'll try to keep from enjoying the cool weather.

Sharon, enjoy the lake time with family.

Lori, fingers crossed for Kate. Please report soon as you can.

Andy, sending healing thoughts for Kubby.

Shirley, will be thinking of you tomorrow morning.

Long day today. Headed to put my feet up. Speaking of which, has Jo been in or is the door locked?


Lolly said...

Yes, I just read that. Wonder if the two they mentioned tonight are two more....or the same?

JudyEddy said...

Do you all have BREAKING NEWS as a facebook like this was poste a bit ago about the deaths
Two die in Bastrop

JudyEddy said...

I have several news media linked on facebook

Judie said...

Oh, forgot my manners.

Hi Kay and Hi DanaWV.

Judie said...

Hi Judy.

Lolly said...

Just told Laurel about Angie's comment. Told her that Angie had retracted what she had say. Laurel laughed and said she is always saying something and then "retracting" her earlier statement.

JudyEddy said...

Being the anniversary of 911 is around the corner the pilot who taught the terrorist to fly is having a interview
Man who taught 911 terrorist to fly tells his story Being this is local is is all over the news also this was on facebook also through one of my news links

JudyEddy said...

Hi back at ya ï

hedgie said...

Thanks, Kay. They had 60 1/2 yrs. before we lost Pop; Grams was alone for 10. He was 94 and she was 96 when they passed. Lots of longevity there....and Mom is now 92. Know I won't ever get close!
Funny thing is, they always LOOKED old compared to today's grandparent's!! I guess modern lifestyles have made a big difference.

JudyEddy said...

Was so excited when I saw the news that there was a storm in the Bay of Campeche but if it goes any where it will be WSW was hoping you go to LOLLY part of Texas Ö ï Darn IT

hedgie said...

Thanks, Kay. They had 60 1/2 yrs. before we lost Pop; Grams was alone for 10. He was 94 and she was 96 when they passed. Lots of longevity there....and Mom is now 92. Know I won't ever get close!
Funny thing is, they always LOOKED old compared to today's grandparent's!! I guess modern lifestyles have made a big difference.

hedgie said...

Blogger cop is doing double duty again...argh!!!

JudyEddy said...

Well I have caught up Yipee now I think I will try to go see that sunset again probably should check radar first ya think

JudyEddy said...

Well checked radar looks like we are in a lull there is a skinny band heading right at us but looks like it out a ways Tomorrow chance of rain is 78% I only got a inch today in my gauge

hedgie said...

The rain keeps coming....has not eased up at all since late morning. ARGH....ramp is working for Liesl...but don't think it will support me. I will have to wade a bit to do a p--p-scoop job! At least she has a place that is out of the falling stuff!!!

Kay said...


hedgie said...

No, Jo has not checked in. :( Only one e-mail response from her today....mid-morning. Sure hope she's okay. We NEED our MEMA!!

hedgie said...

Heading for sofa for a little bit to help digest dinner! BBIALW.

Kay said...

JUDY, didn't mean to step on your toes, but a few days ago you said, "I only watch Fox News". I'm glad to hear that isn't the case after all ! Just sayin', no one news affiliate, newspaper or radio station has all we need to know.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay you can keep pulling legs. lol At least it keeps us thinking and then smiling our butts off LOL

Kay said...

Thanks, DANA WV ! It's pretty hard to change one's stripes at my age---so I is what I is and I am what I am !

wvgal_dana said...

Can't they drop plane load after plane load to kill the Texas fire???????????

Lolly said...

They are doing that, Dana!The fires are just so large, so fierce, going to need many many more planes!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well bring all of our planes back and TAKE CARE OF HOME FIRST!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


Kay said...

Those boys flat wore me out today and I'm ready to crash. Would promise to be back later, but it feels unlikely.

So, I am going to pray for all in need, whether due to illness, angst, acts of God or senseless human misdeeds. Also giving thanks for blessings received---most of the time they out weigh the negative as God is Good !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I put a pretty picture of this am sunrise since I am unable to see a pretty sunset because of the nasty clouds the sunrise will have to do Trouble is its on the way to work

<a href="http://judye-beachandnature.blogspot.com/2011/09/retention-pond-with-egret-taking-shower.html=>☼ sunrise</a>

KAY No toes were stepped on OKdokey Well I think I will go find something to eat forgot tooo I will make a grilled cheese that sounds good then some TV

JudyEddy said...

☼ Sunrise pretty one

JudyEddy said...

yeah it worked ok now for tv and food

paula eagleholic said...

Home from work...stopped and got some hot and sour chinese soup! Great night for soup...bet the soup kitchen will be pack.

Good luck on your test tomorrow, Shirley. Walking is great exercise. Try 1/2 mile at first, at a fast pace...then you can start to gradually work yourself to longer distances.

Hoda said...

WVGAL_DANA, the link is to the pilot who trained the pilots of the 9/11 attacks.I did not see anything about a volunteer.

JUDIE, do keep reporting good cooler weather even though it sends me in a frenzy of over reacting of things to come!!!!LOL!!!! It was those three words that sent me in a frenzy not the cooler weather...Sw----r,S--k-,S--e-...the three s' phobia that I am learning to accept and deal with as soon I will have a need to three layers of clothing when I go out!!!It is all good, warmer here in the winter than it was in Alberta or Québec.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...



paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, must be your .CA address...I could access Dana's link.

paula eagleholic said...

Nevermind....I see what you were saying, Hoda, my bad.

wvgal_dana said...


Hoda said...

DANA it worked the second time and I watched it. Thank you very much for sharing. She is a woman of courage. May God Bless THEM All, May God Bless The United States of America.

Off to paddling see you all later...

JudyEddy said...

DANA too funny that is TAMPA Fl and that is the news station that is affiliated BayNews9 with our cable and I did see the video on your link

JudyEddy said...

I loved the eagle on his ride

JudyEddy said...

Well guys I'm headin for the shower before I start TV so I will say nitey nite


See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Liesl is being a real pistol this evening. Think the rain is driving her stir crazy, too!!

hedgie said...

Good night, JudyE and Kay.
Hi, DanaWV and Paula.
Hoda--here's hoping that you actually DO get to paddle this time!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank God the rain has finally ended here. We went down to the lake this evening and saw 2 osprey and I think a great blue heron, duck family and a couple of crows. The water has risen back up quickly there after they lowered it yesterday.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all! Long and busy day at work today.

Lynn, love the story and picture of your grandparents! JudyE I see yours too but maybe didn't read back far enough to see if you had written anything about them.

I'll get mine on tomorrow. Boy how I miss them. You are so right Lynn about how they looked older than grandparents today! Lifestyle AND just plain old style changes over the years!

Lynne2 said...

oh LOLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY.....tomorrow there will be a surprise for you on FB and you will not BELIEVE what it's going to be!! Let's just say, I have a confession to make.....LOL!

Lolly said...

Lynnnnnnnnnnnne....I think that you are possibly not being nice. lol

Lynne2 said...

LOOOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYY, you won't believe your eyes!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hey Andy, hope Kubby is feeling better or that you were able to get him a Dr appt!

Lolly said...

Lynnnnnnnnnnnne....can hardly wait! NOT!

wvgal_dana said...

I will catch up tomorrow going to put feet up.

Prayers for all the need them and even for those that don't think they do.

Prayers for God's creatures great and small everywhere.

Lolly said...

Lynne, wish you could have seen our rs hawk today. He was making a racket in a close tree, then flew low right over my head in the front yard. Then Jack and I were inside and he flew low across the yard and was in a tree right off the patio. Then flew low again to another tree. We were getting a show!

Lynne2 said...

now Lolly, you may feel pretty sorry after you see.....LOL!

'nite DanaWV!

Lynne2 said...

oh wow Lolly, would LOVE to have something like that happen here! I haven't heard our RS since spring, but I finally heard him/her fussing yesterday morning!

Lynne2 said...

the fire that's closer to you...it's not TOO close is it?

Lynne2 said...

disappointing news about the cam...hopefully all will be squared away SOON! I'm so worried about the extra weight the poor soaking wet nest is causing on the weakened tree...

Lynne2 said...

Lori, funny you mentioned going to TX for the Paint Horse thing....one of my coworkers is heading the Ft Worth this weekend for a big show called the Reichart Celebration. She show paints and has a horse named Dewey showing!

Lolly said...

No fires are near us. We have a volunteer fire dept. in our incorporated neighborhood. They were having a meeting tonight, a practice, or something. Anyway, they were playing with the siren. Made my stomach turn.

Lolly said...

Possum Kingdom Lake fire is about 80 miles away. Fire in central Texas is 181 miles away. There are so many fires it is quite unbelievable.

magpie said...

I think the red-shouldered hawks are quite protective...but also rather gentle....the parent at Swinging Bridge would swoop and roost in a overhead tree...when I was there watching her and the babies...then she would slip away...silently
Such a beautiful bird..and they sure can squawk!

Hello Eagle Pals ♥

magpie said...

My sister Roanoke Mary's birthday is today - age 68
Brother Fred turns 72 tomorrow...

Thinking of you Shirley, as this is your father's birthday...what was his age when he died in 1972?

Happy Birthday, one day late, grannyblt Lynne1 - and to your youngest granddaughter, today ! xoxo ♥

I just accidentally put this on the old thread first LOL

magpie said...

I find the Red-Tailed Hawk's call...haunting and provocative

did you see, I saw Hooded Crow at FinFerry early this morning?
Osprey there same time, did not seem too disturbed about it

magpie said...

Nice to hear from Sharon...
laking it up with Bev...hope the rain did not mess things up too much

magpie said...

I was born after all four grandparents had died....
last one died Aug 1950 - I was born July 1951

nice to hear about, and SEE grandparents pictures on here ♥

magpie said...

I'm not ready for the summer to be over...hoping for some Indian Summer weather later on

magpie said...

hoping that Gene and Wanda and the Soup Kitchen guests did not have to do too much puddle-hopping tonight...

Hoda said...

A BEAUTIFUL half moon out on the water...Paddling was too hard and yet I feel good about the practice. The water still holds the heat of the sun, but the days are getting shorter and once the sun goes down it cools down quite a bit.I have not read back so I will post this and read back. I hope everyone had a very good evening.

magpie said...

I see the half-moon through your words, Hoda... because it sure isn't going to be visible here for awhile I think

glad you got to some paddling, sorry that it was too hard....you had enough paddlers? Waters were will, good....

Lolly said...

I need to scan a photo of my grandparents.

Yes, Margy, I saw where you spotted the hooded crow. Neat!

We love to hear the rs hawks. Have you ever heard the jays imitate the hawks. So funny!

Time for pop corn and a G& T. Be right back!

magpie said...

I see that Kay reports that her relationship with my brother Fred...was a virtual romance of the mind...
It was a cute anecdote ♥

magpie said...

I don't think I have heard the blue jays do that Lolly
but the crows and blue jays sure create a chorus around here in the mornings these days

Lynne2 said...

I HATE when those dang Blue Jays imitate the RS!!! But it keeps me on my toes!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, glad you got to paddle! I got to see the moon Sunday night...sure hope the weather will clear up here for the full moon.

magpie said...

I can envision Lori at Virginia Beach, with her camera and zoon lens and tripod !
Saw that on a nest visit ... believe it was...2009
going to revel on the E-M pictures for a few minutes

same visit that Jo's son Michael was there....with the deepest blue eyes you'd ever want to see! ☺

back in a few

magpie said...

was Gracie around to pal around with Nick this week-end?

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, no Gracie...she was there, but they had company...but Nick had fun...was digging in the sand and walking in the water and chasing bugs and birds!

Hoda said...

I think we have a REAL thng going here between LYNNE 2 and LOLLY!!! Now you two stay nice!!! LOL!!! I can hardly wait to see what LYNNE 2 will haqve on FB tomorrow...OH My!!!

Talk of the TEXAS fires continue to concern me...I am glad the volunteer fire dept decided to check out their sirens and do a practicce just in case. The Nelson Volunteer fire Dept does so once a week.Better to practice than to wait for the real thing. There is a community called Kelowna 4 hours away from here and a fire started there at 1:00AM this morning and it is now out of control...kids partying before the first day of school is who they are saying accidentally started it...On the revolving Globe sometimes when I check in it shows me as Kelowna.

Lolly said...

Needless to say, Margy, we are READY for summer to be over!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

woo hoo Hoda, that Lolly is in for quite a surprise tomorrow!

Shirley just posted on FB, the power is out. UGH.

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday's to Margy's Mary and Fred, and to Shirley's Dad in Heaven.

Haven't seen my rs hawk in several weeks. Bet the loggers have driven him out of the territory. :(

Margy, sorry you didn't have ANY gp's. Both of my Dad's parents were long gone before I came along. In fact, his Mother died when he was still in high school. That's why he was living with his brother---next door to my Mom's family! His Dad wasn't in the picture much...they had divorced when Daddy was about 7...which was when she moved to DC from NC.

Lolly said...

No fear, Hoda. I love Lynne dearly! She is a fantastic, intelligent, funny person. Can not, though, understand her BAD taste in football teams. ????

grannyblt said...

Thanks again for the birthday wishes.

LORI-- ask your Cathy Hunt if she was formerly a teacher in Houston TX, say about 20 years ago, at Red Elementary. We had a teacher by that name who left to go to medical school and she moved back east as I recall. That would be wild if it is the same person.

Haven't checked fb tonight to see if any news from Austin.

Lolly, my memories of Possum Kingdom State Park is that the water tasted so terrible we drove into town(?) to buy bottled water. That was about 30 yrs ago.

hedgie said...

Hoda....when you say paddling was too hard...you're okay, aren't you??? Next time you see the moon, please tell it not to forget us here in the rainforest!

Hoda said...

What is a hooded crow MARGY, I have to google it.

We did have a full boat and it was mostly senior team members and they do not mean to speed up but they are FAST...It is a joy to paddle with the team of seniors but they are serious in theri strokes and I have to do a lot of adjusting to keep myself in rhythm...I had some very good pointers tonight.THEY ARE GOOD.

magpie said...

If you got to my Magpie's Roost link I posted this mornings pictures on there...a beautiful two-toned crow...

I have some better ones on back aways...

Paula...I think Nick is the luckiest dog in the whole wide world ☺ He's got two perfect paradises at which to wag his tail

magpie said...

I'l try to find a better pic and post it Hoda...will let you know where it's going to be

The Hooded crow, and we also call it "Hoody"

sorry to read of no power at Shirley's - how do you all post on facebook without power, bear of little brain here wants to know

Hoda said...

Oh I just saw a picture of a hooded crow!!! I have never seen one in real life!!! It takes getting used to...

LYNN I am alright, I worked much harder than I do when it is not usually a boat load full of seniors...SENIORS ARE STRONG!!! Don't mess with them!!! I did fine and the pointers were good.The average age on the boat tonight was 72 and by God twice I had to rest when the 80 year olds were going strong...AMAzING...we do not have to become weak just because we are ageing is what I learn from it...

magpie said...

nest visit was 5-23-2009, the one Lori and Kate were at....

Lynne2 said...

I guess she can post from her phone maybe?

Going to the shower and to bed. Good night and prayers for all!

magpie said...

thinking deeply about Loretta's Sherry...and if Jimmy is home now with her...wherever their home away from home is now

Lolly said...

Margy, apparently Shirley can post from her laptop while it is running on a battery. She said she was going to bed.

Lolly said...

Would like for Loretta to get on and let us know how they are doing. Would also like to know the name of their neighborhood.

Hoda said...

Oh MARGY beautiful pictures much better than google...how does a crow get to be hooded I will go read...oh it is a eurasian species...the world is so full of amazing wonder you know!!!PAULA is right you learn something new every day...she has this quote on the WOW site.How so vrey true...the wonder of it all...

TO ALL THE SENIORS ON THIS BLOG, any one 55 and over, PADDLES UP and lets keep learning and celebrating. For those under 55 you have a lot to look forward to and to celebrate, life gets better and better with age.

Lolly said...

For a reference

Texas Forest Service Fire Activity

magpie said...

I just put another set up, four pictures of Hooded Crow at Finland Water Nest from past years...will also give you an idea of what the views have been like there in past years
on Magpie's Roost link...

magpie said...

good link, Lolly..thanks...
Laurel and her family are safe?

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, they are okay. I do not like the fact that they have pasture behind them and it is along side the loop. One discarded cigarette and that pasture would go up in flames.

hedgie said...

G'night, Lynne-ie! Rest well!

Hoda, glad that you felt invigorated by the Senior inspiration!

Lynne1---wouldn't that be amazing if it was the same Cathy Hunt??!!! Stranger things have happened! Like someonbe said earlier---?Margy?--six degrees of separation!

Sent Jo an email...no response.....but saw her on FB earlier....?????

magpie said...

going to have to go look at the inside of my eyelids now

Prayers for the hardships and illnesses...
for comfort, and wellness

Good Night, Precious Pals
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Stunning MARGY...what a view and what a striking looking hooded crow.
I like the pictures you have on your roost, with Belle and Truder and JUDIE and the reunion hall...
I am glad SHIRLEY checked in on FB I was concerned. Thanks LYNNE 2 for filling us in.
LOLLY thanks for the Fires in Texas post I will save it...Stay safew and prayers come your way and Your family's way too.

hedgie said...

Thank goodness it's not a 90° evening for Shirley! Hope she gets power back before morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Hoda, I love that saying...You learn something new everyday! The hooded crows are very different and unique..and pretty, as far as crows go!

Shirley can post from her phone, too.

Sounds like a good workout, Hoda!

Can't wait to see Lynne's post tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Now they say the death toll is 4, so guess the two mentioned this afternoon are new ones. :( Over 100,000 acres burned.
I wish Loretta would let us know how the kids are doing.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed...

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Judie said...

Kay, bet being wore out by Seth and Malcolm is a really good wore out. Sleep well.

Hoda, you really are just too cute. Keeping up with the seniors. They serve as inspiration for you as you serve for inspiration for others. Amazing.

Margy, happy birthday to Roanoke Mary and Kay's boyfriend, Fred.

So sorry Shirley is without power. Hope it is restored before having to get Hunter ready for school tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Email from Jo....she's okay. Kristen was there today...and she has been tied up with FB games!!!! I think she's becoming addicted!!

Judie said...

Oh good grief! The sandperson is waiting impatiently just outside the door. I guess it is time.

The night light is on for those who need to arise in the dark and for those coming in from the West coast. Prayers continue for all in need and especially those in TX so in need of relief. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

My eyes tell me it is time to head to bed. So, off to the shower I go.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

70 out and going down. Oh, it is soooo nice!

stronghunter said...


Power came back on a little while ago. Thank goodness, Hunter is sound asleep.

No, I can't post from my laptop when the power is out because the router in our house works on electricity.

I can post on Facebook with my phone. But for some reason I haven't been able to post on the blog from my phone recently. Need to make some adjustment.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know Jo is okay. I haven't tried the FB games except for Scrabble.

Jo, we miss you on here!!

hedgie said...

Tubby time here. Will check back when I'm done. To any turning in between now and then, blessed night to you!

stronghunter said...

Quite a few neighborhoods were without power. We went out and drove around a bit. We were hoping to find a bunch of power trucks somewhere. We found one lonely truck with a light shining on power lines, obviously looking for the problem.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Margy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Roanoke Mary!

Shirley, thinking of you on your Dad's birthday, too.

Kubby was able to make a Dr. appt., but not until 9/28! I will keep trying for a cancellation spot tomorrow for him. He's still limping, but it does feel better when he takes Excedrin Back & Body. Thank you for all your prayers and wishes!
I know they are helping.

Does anyone here know of a really good website to identify butterflies?
I had one in the yard today that was just spectacular, but don't know what kind of Swallowtail it was. Very different. Will try for a picture tomorrow if it's still around. The only picture I could find online that even came close was a Thoas Swallowtail, but they are only supposed to be in So. Texas, all the way down to Brazil! Really has me going. Gotta figure out what it is!

Mema Jo said...

I need to give up the one game I enjoy on FB or else you all will lose touch with me or I will lose touch with you!
My daughter and I did have the day
together - then I took a quick nap before dinner and headed in with a movie with hubby.

I hope Shirley's power gets restored - she mentioned she saw the trucks so they must be working on it.

I am off to bed in a little while - once again I am sorry that I didn't pop in here today..Lynn found me!

Good Night Everyone
Bless you and yours
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Good night again. Rest well, everyone. God bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, my computer is SLOW tonight! Think that Norton 360 is doing a scan or something. Maybe I will make sure the porch light is on, and enable the 2 security systems, and go watch TV for awhile. Just in case I fall asleep in the chair, I'll say God bless, and goodnight. Hope everyone has a great night's sleep. Love all of you! :o] May be back later....

hedgie said...

Jo, thanks for checking in!!!
Shirley, glad the power is back on.
Andy, sorry Ken has to wait so long to see the Dr. Why not try for a podiatrist?....they are the best thing for feet anyway! Don't want him taking too much Excedrin!

Time for me to visit the pillows, too. It has not stopped raining for one minute since late morning...but it HAS slacked off...sure hope that it slows down or we might all need an ark back here. Can't believe that we are getting tons out of a gulf TS, and hardly got anything out of an Atlantic 'cane!

Prayers for all our many needs.

PA Nana said...

Good early morning/late night from soggy PA

PA Nana said...

Hoping and praying our sump pump continues to work. I could put some fish in the side yard and sidewalk beside the back of the house.

Sure wish we could send this stuff to Texas. Maybe we can FedX some buckets?

PA Nana said...

Sleep well friends.

Costume Lady said...

Good fun...low turn-out at Soup Kitchen. Margy donated some very nice clothing assortments and children's books...and, we had some wonderful toiletries for men and women donated to the clothes closet. Went like hot cakes!

Baked corn
Choc. and Vanilla Cake
Rolls and crackers


DanaMo said...

So here it is, 1:30 in the morning my doorbell rings. Of course, Monte is not home. Apparently the alarm on the Jeep has decided to go crazy in the night and it won't turn off. Three neighbors are standing outside with umbrellas looking at my car trying to turn it off! OMGosh! I can't deal with it!
Finally for no apparent reason, it stops. Now the battery is disconnected and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it connected again in the morning so Andrew can go to work. Geez...just what I need.

Hoda said...

Well a period of inactivity and so I sign off and say a Goodnight /Goodmorning and Sweet dreams to those who are in bed and have a great day to those who are just starting. Maybe JUDYE will see another great sun rise and LORI will have wonderful news and music at her station.DANAMO have a terrific school day and if you have to keep the kids in for recess may they not be hyper...particulary for you I hope your sleep was restedand that you have the energy to face those wonderful souls who are your students...Such a young age and what an essential job you do.

Hoda said...

OH DANAMO!!! NO NO NO you were supposed to be getting your sleep...

Hoda said...

WANDA another GREAT menu for your soup kitchen...So gratifying to know that that which you offer is that which they need. Sorry about the low turn out, yet praises for those who showed up and knew where to go for nourishement and conversation.

Hoda said...

OK I will sign off for sure now...God Bless and Prayers for us all and all of our concerns.

Lori O. said...

HODA & DANA MO just missed you while I was packing my lunch.

Oh those car alarms can be so annoying. Sorry DANAMO! Must have been unnerving having all your neighbors standing around, too! Call the AAA. They'll send someone out to make it right & get you to work.

HODA! It's always so great knowing you're up around this time. What's on your agenda today as you keep yourself learning and busy? I always have a picture of you going out the door to the lake when you say you're off to go paddling. ♥

JO! Get off the FB game. We simply won't lose you! Not gonna happen. ♥((Big HUG))

Lori O. said...

WANDA, I too was craving chili after your wrote about it. Happy your night at the soup kitchen was a success. I'm very proud of you and Capt/Father Gene. ♥

KAY, hope you got some good sleep! I only watch CNN, does that mean I have to watch FOX News, too? I do look at the FOX website so I guess that counts as being "fair and balanced."

LOLLY! We have all the rain you want, honey! So glad that you and Jubby Jack are safe.

LYNNE, post a picture of DEWEY or give me your friend's website. In what classes will Dewey show? Very cool. Love you, my Paint Horse connection!

LYNN, LOL when you said off to TUBBY. I'm thinking is she seeing a man whose name begins with "T"? !!! LMBO

JUDIE, saw a pic of you, and the hooded crow on MARGY's blog. You're so cute! I hadn't pictured you as a red head! Funny the pictures we get in our heads.

ANDY, prayers for kubby and his heal. I liked LYNN's advice to see a podiatrist. Hate when docs make you wait so long for appointments. He needs one NOW!

Sorry for the novella! Thinking of everyone and their needs, posted & unposted.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, Happy stress testing today. Boy, that's a workout. I hope all goes well, and of course, I'll be praying for great results!

Lori O. said...

WANDA and other Il Divo fans!
The group will perform tonight on America's Got Talent.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WOW we had severe weather last nite just showing on the news I slept right through it

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Overslept just a little. I'll be a little behind this morning, but not too much.
AAA is a good idea, I will have to check into that.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY crossing finger for you stress test today

DanaMo said...

It was pouring JUdyE, trust me, I was standing out in it at 1:00 in the morning!It's not doing much for my mood this morning.

DanaMo said...

Gave into an ice cream craving last night with all the fixings, checked my sugar this morning and it was higher than I think it is suppose to be. I've kind of been testing the waters with different snacks...I guess Ice cream is out of the question.

JudyEddy said...

OH NO Do you think we need a intervention for JO and her games LOL

HODA is trying to keep up with the seniors is to cute I just wish I had their energy When I get home I just want to chill after being on my feet 8 hrs of a 9 hr day no energy left to do anything

JudyEddy said...

I see Shirely got her powered last nite another TS is forming Maria out there

DanaMo said...

Oh Jo I know how you feel. I have 2 games on FB that I really enjoy. I miss it so much during the day, do you think I'm addicted? Now I started a third game, the word game, and I have 3 games going with friends. I must be nuts! Oh wait, I play Farkle too, make it 4 games I'm addicted to.

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO What a rude awaking with a car alarm going off That you didn't hear it and your neighbors did Hope you get it connected again It took on a life of it own it seems and how do you do it gal stay up so late and get up so early

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I wonder why there wasn't as big turn out Maybe that is a good thing that not as many peeps need help That is a good thing

JudyEddy said...

Boy that was a breeze I am caught up with the comments almost in time to go to work Just think about now we would be hearing our eagle clunking on the cam box or maybe chirping for us

JudyEddy said...

Hey I noticed that Steve didn't post anything on the OC blog that I can see so they have no idea about the progress on the cam Unless they look on our page

DanaMo said...

I don't normally stay up very late at all, last night was just because of the alarm so I thought I would check in. I wasn't sure if I would be able to go back to sleep, but I didn't have any problem at all.

JudyEddy said...

Good to hear DANAMO

JudyEddy said...

2AM is when the strong storms hit here they are in Orlando right now we have light rain now and more expected today So sick of rain Sure wish we could give it to LOLLY and Texas Didn't they use to seed the clouds to get rain years ago I do recall something like that

JudyEddy said...

A roof was ripped off in Madeira Beach that is the beach I go to to see the sunset No tornado like was suspected just high winds

JudyEddy said...

Now they are say ONE MILLION customers lost services for 5 hours yesterday Thats a lot of peeps

JudyEddy said...

Well it that terrible time of day again where I must go bless all with my presence at work LOL

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...