Thursday, September 15, 2011


More rain, new thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve - Sure is cool outside today!

Have a good one.......

magpie said...

Thanks Steve....

Thanks Jo.......

Hope everyone has a nice day

I have my socks on today, stylish, socks and sandals

ttfn xo

hedgie said...

Lolly, Mom's retirement community is all villas with nice yards (she has a corner lot, so hers is big). Residents own their villas, and can do their gardening to their hearts content---but all mowing and snow removal is done by the developer. They all have full basements---which could be used for a workshop! But guess TX hoomes don't have basements, like FL, huh?

Thanks for call over, Jo! Good morning to you....Hi, Margy---how's my girl this morning?

magpie said...

she's working hard as usual,
Lynn ☺
think she's feeling a wee bit better

wvgal_dana said...

Morning to Everyone that is in already and morning to the Lurkers.

Hedgie-Lynn/e where your Mom lives does she get much snow?

Mema Jo said...

Things to do - haircut time is closing in on me......... I'll be back this

wvgal_dana said...

Jo your getting all prettied up before the picnic ( :

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I left you a comment on your video's loved them

wvgal_dana said...

I am reading on the other blog where they are talking about names for Truder instead of Truder. I still believe if we are going to name him. We have a poll like we did before to name Liberty and Belle. That way the fair name that gets the most is the name for him.
Plus everyone that watches cause more watch when they are activity in the nest. That would be a good time to have the poll.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I am cracking up over the "Grandparents Firgurig out the webcam that you put on the other thread. I loved him saying "probably do more stuff by accident than any other time" LOL

Thank you for the laughs ( :♥

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Kay has been in the hospital...praying for her even though she should be home by tomorrow.

I am so glad that people began to check when someone is not here for awhile. Makes me cry how much each one of us is cared for by the other on here. God Bless All Of You ♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Good morning, Good afternoon everyone.

MARGY with socks and sandals...this will be what I will do when it is time. Still sandal weather for a bit longer here even though it IS getting cooler.

PRAYERS continue for KAY.

Good to her from LORI.

Somehow I can not see LOLLY and JACK without a garden and workspace.

Sorry about the fence LYNN.

wvgal_dana said...

I just read Jo's comment on naming the male eagle. I so much agree. Then we can have the poll. More people will want to put names in and we can vote like we did with Liberty and Belle. There is no harm in waiting. I too agree Jo.

Hoda said...

hear, not "her" from LORI!!! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

I see Liesl and Marlon did well in class last night....ha ha inseparable ♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

NOT A LINKlol Hedgie-Lynn/e read our horoscope for today LOL LOL not going to happen here. What about you?

hedgie said...

OMG----on scanner---EMS transporting a 13 y.o. pregnant patient to ER.......unbelievable in this day and age...... :(

hedgie said...

DanaWV, I don't read horoscopes.....already put paper down in trash...what did it say?

Howdy, Hoda! Is your dance card full today??

Lori O. said...

HODA, I love wearing socks with sandals like Birkenstocks in the winter. My feet get so hot with closed shoes and socks in the winter. :)

LYNN, Pregnant 13-year-old is indeed frightening!!! God bless her.

Hello DANA WV!

More prayers for KAY. I just hate not knowing what's wrong, but hopefully it will become right again today and she will be home as expected tomorrow.

So mad at myself. Accidentally deleted all my pics from last night and this morning. Saw an Osprey sitting in the tree again all morning, and an Eagle soaring by!

hedgie said...

DanaWV, no, Mom hasn't gotten much snow....they are pretty much on the same latitude as we are.....they are basically safe from Great Lake storms, and don't get the Nor'easters like we they really don't get it as bad as we sometimes do.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e I will get it out of the paper when I go in to Mom's. She read it to me over the phone. I want to get it right. It was funny though atleast for me.

hedgie said...

Apparently Donald has sister duty today. Charlie is coming to see what he can do to prop fence up. (Margy, tell Caro, please!).

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lori sorry about the pictures. Oh my how beautiful an eagle soaring and a osprey sitting in a tree. You are beaching at the right place for sure ( :

Hoda said...

Vancouver Island experienced a 4.1 magnitude after shock. Friday there was an earthquake 6.3 in the same area. All is well. No damage reported.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly still keeping Jack in prayer for his back. Do they know the cause of why his back is hurting?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Paula on the other thread your comment about cyber card. I usually like to do that. Although since the virus scare some people don't want to open a card. I have found that to be in several occasion's. Good thought!! Wish everyone would be able to feel more safe in opening the cards we send that way.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e I need to borrow HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoda said...

On my list of things to do today LYNN is to wiggle my toes and celebrate their freedom from socks for maybe a few more weeks!!!LOL
I will also go to Yoga and to Dragon Boat Paddling. I need to take the time to file papers and do some more organizational paper work for my Will so that Carol would not have to wonder about what to do in regards discontinuing pension cheques, and numbers of bank accounts to close and so on...I do not know if I will get to all that today, but since it is my dance card I am already wiggling my toes and now will head off to do some writing...BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Hedgie-Lynne that is a beautiful double rainbow awww breath taking!!
I left a comment please thank Carolyn for taking that picture.

JudyEddy said...

Home for new thread and off course the blogger cop wants to to sign in I dislike that so since I never sign out

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I saw on the weather that up north is having its first cold front BRRRR

JudyEddy said...

KAYS LAST POST WAS 6:06pm ON THE 12 remember I have them emailed to me and I just looked in my deleted file which hasn't been emptied yet

wvgal_dana said...

Dear Lord Blessed Jesus a 13 year old pregnant. I certainly hope she has her parents behind her. Prayers for her and the baby. I just can't imagine. I'm getting cold chills.

ok need to get ready to leave

Everyone take care and stay safe.

JudyEddy said...

Do any of you live around KAY????? in ohio

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly and anyone else: KMart has a lot of Dallas, Red Skin and Steelers stuff. New stuff I haven't seem out before.

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Glad to see that Liesl and her boyfriend had a good time in class last night but sorry about the fence damage. Hope SIL can get it repaired.

Jo, have a nice day getting your "do" did.

Hoda, hope the yoga and paddling are both good today. So nice that you are working on making things easier later on for Carol.

So sad about a 13 year old being pregnant. Sure hope the baby will have a good life.

Judie said...

Lolly, the place that Darth and I are looking at has garden spaces, a woodworking shop, 3 and 4 bedroom cottages, a private fishing peer, a heated indoor olympic size pool (with attendance), a gym that would qualify as professional (with trainer) and continuing care as the need arises. A retirement community isn't necessarily a death sentence.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lori, that's a shame......but I'm glad you saw an eagle!!!!

Judie said...

Oh my, forgot my manners.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Judie said...

Headed for home in a few minutes.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A pregnant 13-year-old? Can't even imagine that with Mattie!

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE OH NO socks and sandals that is a no no in Fl LOL

LYNN there are a few homes with basement in St Pete I found that as odd but there are just a couple and they always have issues I hear can you imagine the issues wow I sure the pumps run constantly and the mold issues would be bad Now these are really old homes also Sorry about your fence I hope it is fixable

13 and pregnant the funny thing is my X husbands mom was 13 when she had her first so I think it happened years ago and was just kept quite hush hush on it

LORI so gland you are having a great time on vacation and so sorry about the pic being deleted Hoping for another chance

hedgie said...

What a crock....court ruled that Casey Anthony has to pay $97K in investigative costs. Big deal.....I think the figure was well over $500K. And I'm sure that didn't include Texas Equisearch. Justice fails again.

Hoda said...

I am off to Yoga. BBL

In regards Casey Anthony 97 thousand strikes me as being a lot of money...where is she going to get that kind of money LYNN? I read yesterday her father thinks it was drugs that killed the grand daughter and the mother thinks she drowned...they all need to see a therapist, they are not well.jmho.

Lori O. said...

Just heard from KAY.

She has a bad kidney infection and is now expected to go home Saturday. She said to tell everyone hello. She knew we would be wondering where she was. So prayers for KAY until she's healed from this kidney infection.

hedgie said...

Drizzling here, and temp is down to 59°. Yuck!

movin said...




It's cooler significantly in So Cal this A.M. ... pretty good overcast.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Release of a Hawk This was on facebook

JudyEddy said...

LORI thanks for the update on KAY What hospital is she in That way I can get a card out today and she might get it

JudyEddy said...

Hello JIM are you movin along today LOL We are in the 90 today in ☼ Fl I heard rumor of a cold front up north I see LYNN has already said 59 Brr to me

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Still taking it easy here. I do feel a bit better.

Hope Kay is better today.

stronghunter said...

Will showed up to do his laundry and mow the grass.

He found out that he is supposed to pay $40/month for the washer and dryer at his apartment, so he had them removed. For $40/month, he could buy machines. He had planned to use the laundry room there, but it is closed today.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY good to here you are feeling better Me too I am taking that nasty tasting Zicam and I swear by it I just wish they would bring back the nasal swabs so much easier no nasty taste

hedgie said...

Charlie and Donald are both here, bracing the fence. Two posts snapped off on top of the concrete moorings. They don't know what saved it from going down the full length (snapping off all the others). Damn--these posts are 4x4's sunk three feet deep in concrete! Wind shear, we guess.

JudyEddy said...

WOW 40 is a little no wait a lot to high for that outrageous there should be some laws against things like that Like a gouging law

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is out like a lite and here I sit I should be doing something constructive

JudyEddy said...

or destructive LOL

JudyEddy said...

they would say CROSS WINDS in Fl almost as bad as a tornado

JudyEddy said...

so glad you are getting that fixed before any more damage and thank goodness it didn't like you said

Judie said...

Home. Getting a bit dark and gloomy. Feels like rain.

Shirley, glad you feel a little better and that Will was able to take care of the grass for you. $40/mo for a laundry room washer/dryer certainly seems excessive.

Lori, thank you for the update on Kay. Do wish her quick healing and return to home and our blog.

Need to get caught up. BBL

hedgie said...

Lori, thanks for getting the info on Kay out to us. Sure hope she is feeling better really quickly! Geesh---kidney infection must be REALLY bad to require hospitalization.....hope she didn't ignore symptoms.

Hi, Jimbo! And JudyE.....two more of our sun-land folks back with us!

Okay, final assessment: 3 posts snapped off. Fence is braced....just as wind picked up from the bad direction with another apparent storm coming.
Also just found that my flag pole is bent down in it's bracket, and is not flying sideways. Can't get it turned back to where it belongs. STUPID WIND!

hedgie said...

Hoda, since Casey was found not guilty, she is free to write a book, sell her story, have a movie made, any proceeds will be tapped for monies ruled owed.

hedgie said...

Kay is in Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, it almost sounds impossible for the wind to do that damage - I would
think that if the winds were that strong that you wouldn't have a roof over your head........ just saying..

hedgie said...

Shirley, that's insane that Will would have to pay that much! Guess that's what they figure for extra water and electricity??? Bet they would still charge it if he bought his own!

JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook Potato Sponge from Irene on coast
potato sponges is the blobs that Irene left behind

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the info concerning Kay
I pray that infection clears and then
she goes home....

It has been sprinkling off and on in
the valley.

It sure is a good napping day with this
weather. I am going to sit up in my recliner and take a nap so I don't mess
up my hair do! lol


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Gosh, I apologize for being MIA again! SOOOOOO busy yesterday! Ran over and took care of the bulldogs in the AM, then spent most of the day with Emma. Kubby had to go to a work thing after his workday ended. Fender Musical Instruments opened their new Visitor Center in Corona, CA, adjacent to the manufacturing facility there. They are going to give guided tours of the manufacturing facility to the public, and they have some pretty spectacular electric guitars on display at the Visitor Center. I guess it was pretty cool. (Hear that Eddie Van Halen was there!)Well, since Kubby got home very late, I went and took care of the bullies. They needed their igloo bedding changed, and there was a major ant invasion to deal with. Both of them have "allergy eyes", too. Lots of goop in their eyes to clean out, and quite a bit of dirt in there, too. Can't figure where the dirt is coming from. Their dog run is all concrete, and washed down daily. Have some eye gel to treat them with until Sis-in-law gets home (very late Sat. night). She's taking them to the vet for it. Well, long story short, I got home at about 8 pm. Got Kubby off to bed, got some leftovers for dinner (he already ate--they had all KINDS of Mexican food buffet-style AND 3 In-n-Out Burger trucks serving hamburgers & fries!) Sorry to say, I fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma before I knew what hit me! Didn't realize that Judie's sandman traveled that far!

hedgie said...

Boo, DanaWV----Harley isn't feeling much like groundhog chasing now. They think he caught the h-pylori ulcer germ from Shannon. He is now being treated for an ulcer, jsut like Shannon was. Poor boy hasn't been eating and he's been having intestinal issues ---as in messes. Vet had been treating him for it with pepto...and then Shannon ASKED IF IT WAS POSSIBLE.....and vet kind of did one of those "ah-HA's" and said DEFINITE possiblity. Of course, Shannon had never tolld him that he had the ulcer a couple of months ago.

hedgie said...

JudyE----don't you still have to sign off to post comments on people's blogs? I do! What a pain!

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, I need to get caught up here, but skimmed through a bit, and see that several folks need to be on the prayer list! (That's exactly where I'm putting them, too!) Sure hope all those who are feeling puny aren't feeling that way for long! Special prayers for Kay, too! Gosh, REALLY hope she's feeling better soon! Well, I'm off to try to catch up here. BBL!

JudyEddy said...

yep I still have to do the unchecking the email to me box and yes it is a PIA there are a couple of peeps blogs that are super easy just like the blog comment here but for the life of me I don't remember who it was next time I will write it down

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is still sleeping Angie said she woke up last nite and wanted to watch TV at 1230 and of course Angies said no and Angies laid on the couch with her on the other end Angie said she just sat there then eventually went to sleep she is still naive enough to believe the TV doesn't work that it goes nite nite too LOL

JudyEddy said...

I have turned up the TV hoping to wake her Nothing wakes that child when she sleeps

hedgie said...

Mine isn't the email box, JudyE---it's the stay signd-in box.

Andy, bet Ken had a great time at the big shindig! Sounds like the kind of thing that GM used to do before hard times. Sure wish I could try the In and Out burger---I know some people swear by them; have heard a couple people say not impressed! Have found that I DO like Five Guys burgers pretty well....but closest one to us is where Christie lives. We ate at one on the way to the beach last time, and there is one at the beach--so MAYBE they will be in my future!!!

hedgie said...

Andy, hope that Fender isn't facing the garbage that Gibson is over the imported wood!

JudyEddy said...

For MOMMA Norfolk Eagle was on facebook naturally I will be on my way to NC on that day darn it I could have put in for it earlier

Saturday, October 15 · 3:00pm - 7:00pm


Location Norfolk Botanical Garden
6700 Azalea Garden Road
Norfolk, VA 23518


Created By Eagles at Norfolk Botanical Garden


More Info It's the moment we've all been waiting for -- a time to celebrate Mama Eagle and honor her memory with a special tribute.

Join Norfolk Botanical Garden October 15, 2011 at 3pm for the dedication of the Eagle Plaza and unveiling of the stunning new 8 ft. eagle sculpture.

Also during this time, country singer/songwriter Holly Lamar will debut her brand new song, 'Eagle' -- inspired by our very own Mama Eagle! You won't want to ...miss this touching ceremony.

Following the ceremony, join NBG and Eagle 97.3 for an exciting Fall Festival including live music, fall food and beer!

The schedule is as follows:

3:00pm - 3:30pm
Eagle Plaza dedication and unveiling of eagle sculpture.

3:30pm – 7:00pm
Live band, food and beer -- with a special guest appearance by country singer Holly Lamar.


* Food and beer available for purchase.
* Be sure to bring your blankets and lawn chairs. No coolers.
* Regular gate admission applies. Garden members free.
* Concert on the lawn.
* Free tram rides.
* $5 boat tours.
* Free eagle posters (while supplies last).

2011 Eagle Nation t-shirt and mugs will also be available for purchase.

Please join us for this exciting day as we honor a legacy and welcome back Fall!
See More


JudyEddy said...

OOPS that what I meant LYNN I had a moment LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH yes 5 guys are the best Love it I just hate getting the fries Throw so many away what a waste If I go with someone we just share other wise I don't get when I am by myself

JudyEddy said...

Where I live I am in minutes of soo many food joints Tourist state I guess Within in a 5 miles radius there are probably 30 restaurants including fast food joints small and big places

JudyEddy said...

Anyone care for a ice cream cone Jordyn had a pink cone with pink ice cream I had a purple with brown ice cream LOL

JudyEddy said...

In other word I am going to say BBL maybe if not to later coming home from Angies HAGD one and alll and THINKING OF YOU KAY

hedgie said...

Rain stopped, sun is out.....temp is 54°....wind is still blowing.

hedgie said...

JudyE, yep, love their fries but WAY too many! Have a nice evening.

Judie, if all of those amenities are at the Solomon's Island community, that sounds like THE place to be!

Judie said...

Lynn, agree with Jo. Sure sounds like a lot of damage from wind. Any suspicion about the bad neighbor? Had to put the crime thing in there.

Andy, sorry about the bullies having eye problems and you having to deal with it and the ant invasion. Glad kubby had a Mexican night out. Is his heel still improving?

Okay, need to head for the kitchen. Easy, scampi with angel hair and salad.


Judie said...

Oh, forgot to mention a full-service restaurant for evenings and Sunday brunch, a daytime grill, and a chief. Over the bridge are several seafood restaurants and the Chesapeake Bay. Ratio of staff to residents is ~2 to 1. Residents run the community via committees. Nice place.

Hoda said...

Gracious me!!! I did not wear my hat today as it is overcast, I was OK with that...then while I was walking to the yoga studio I thought to myself it is cool enough to have taken along a light jacket a cardigan of sorts!!! It is cooling down and I feel much better for it.

LORI thank you for telling us you heard from KAY...this is good news and I wish her well and send her much love and prayers.

hedgie said...

Judie, what is the CHIEF'S job??
It sounds like the perfect place, for sure!!! I would LOVE it there.
Your menu sounds good. I'm going to do comfort food---mashed taters (compliments of CHEF Bob Evans!) and sliced maters!

I talked to Kay. She is in good spirits. Feeling better already. And very happy to have gotten a private room!

Mema Jo said...

Hasn't rained for an hour but wind and the cool temps are chilling.
Didn't nap - some phone calls and one
of our girls stopped by for a visit.

Good Soup Day - as Norma would say !

BBL Need some dinner......

hedgie said...

She had the wrong number written down for me in her book, and apparently Seth had miswritten what I told him. Julie and Kay both tried it last evening without the call going through at all.

hedgie said...

Good that she had written down Kate's number when Lori gave it!

hedgie said...

Judie---no criminality! Fence runs on a NE to SW angle.....basically no wind-break on the NE end of it because the dummy has taken down ALL trees on front of his lot. Wind hit it just right to do the damage.....had to have been very powerful. By the 4th panel, his house blocks the wind for a few, and then there are still trees shielding the rest.

hedgie said...

Tomorrow IS going to be soup day here, Jo. Got my beans soaking for ham and bean soup!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!
Been out & about today. Finally got my haircyut! My usual lady I've gone to for at least 15 yras. & had moved to another shop many miles away is not there anymore. Went to a recommended shop in old Upper Marlboro--do a great job, but costs double! Hmmmm. Had to deliver some ASAP signs & banner to Park that we did yesterday at Chelsea until 7:30PM.
Rain here about 4 PM, was very dark & windy & coolness is setting in.We must continue the trench to TX.
Just saw a Mom deer w/2 juvies Across the Street!!!! We are sort of the first main street of a developement. House across street where our veternarian lives has 4 acres of woods, so plenty of wildlife there, but we rarely see them!
Checked out eagle nest at Park Sat. after creeping thru some woods, & it's Still There. Those birds sure know construction!!

Gotta do din din~~~Later, I hope ☺

Hoda said...

We will beach the Dragon Boat on Saturday September 24th in the morning to prepare it for winter. I am excited about the season and sad that it is coming to an end.
We will clean the boat and the beach as it is a private beach and an elderly lady allows us to use it at no cost.She is very generous so we do small jobs like that for her...She is very active herself and there have been times, I am told, when she came down to help clean the beach with us...She lets us store our two boats there the winter...kind lady...

Hoda said...

LYNN I am glad you are clear that there was no criminality in regards to your fence. When Judie brought it up it made me very sad. I expect more of neighbours, even when we don't get along...You are clear it is not vandalism and that is good.

LYNN it does my heart good to read that you got in touch with KAY and that she is pleased she got a private room. I am gld she is happy. It makes healing process much more successful.Give her my love and prayers next time you talk to her please.

NatureNut said...

Someone may have mentioned this earlier, but tornado hit. OC around 75th St. Bayside, to Ocean.

Hoda said...

Loretta I have not seen the tornado announcement before you posted it. Did any damage happen, anyone get hurt? Thanks for posting it.

DanaMo said...

Man is it cold outside! Yikes, I'm not ready.

Lori after all that, she didn't come this week and she is out tomorrow, which means she will come next week!

boomerang just ate something out of the bathroom garbage. He comes downstairs, sits next to my chair, with his ears back and looks at me. Dead giveaway. And damn my husband he never closes that door!!

Hoda said...

Sorry DANAMO, I hope it is not something that will cause him to be sick.. For the first time today certainly feels like autumn is on its way here too...

Costume Lady said...

Cold here, too, Dana...58°, going down to 46°! It is just too early for these kind of temps!

I may have to cover up my peppers and tomatoes...they don't like cold weather, even though it isn't freezing~

hedgie said...

No injuries from the tornado at OC, but there was enough damage to one building that they had to evacuate it. Spotty power outages. A rare event, indeed.

Hoda, sorry that you only have a week more to paddle....and hope that weather is good for you to get in all sessions. Just think of what you have to look forward to all winter!!! Very nice of that lady to accommodate you all so well!

Loretta....glad you got to see your neighboring deer! I'm surprised you don't see them more often---they probably are out more after dark.
Great news that "your" nest remains intact!!

magpie said...

I find Loretta's NatureNook's blog one of the easiest to post comments on !

Hello Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

So good to know that two of our Momsters have connected with Kay.....and to read that she is on the mend...

Thanks for the Updates, Lori and Lynn

Oh, miswritten numbers, like misunderstood directions....guess Kay and DanoMo can relate, Lynn !

magpie said...

That is a way cool avatar....I suspect that is some of Denise's photo wizardry ??? ☺

magpie said...

I apologize I did not get back to the blog, and so therefore, did not pass along the fence-work message about Charlie

magpie said...

but I did share some of my Venison Goop with Carolyn today, Lynn ☺

one of the other girls said yesterday: (with a frown)
What are you eating !! It smells Wild... well she was correct !

magpie said...

I did NOT have socks on with my sandals when I left for work this morning the rain! Tootsies got right cold, so I dug out a pair of socks from the a couple of changes of clothes in there at all times;
It IS a good way to do things, Lolly, as you mention it..but it gets colder here and the opportunity does not last too long to get away with that stylish ensemble .. which I won't try in Florida, JudyE!
Glad Hoda was able to wiggle free today though

Lolly said...

Good evening! I lied...said I would be back, but I did not come back. I worked in the yard all day. I am pooped! Beautiful day here, high in the low 80's. I worked in a flower bed outside my kitchen window. The heat had killed the ground cover and clover was growing. I pulled the clover and spread mulch. Looks good! Do have a volunteer vinca growing and blooming there, as well as a volunteer petunia. After that I trimed the grass from a flagstone path. Jack even worked in the yard and trimmed the pecan tree hanging over the drive.

Lolly said...

So happy that a couple of you have heard from Kay. Bless her heart, bet she was miserable with that infection.

magpie said...

Hi Lolly - nice report..
glad you LIED and came back

wvgal_dana said...

Judie those places sound wonderful. Of course nothing
that expensive. The kind you are talking about. If and when you would become sick does it have a nursing home attached with it? Ed and me had looked in Fl. at 55 +
communities. They had the activity room card playing, and many other activities if you wanted to join in. It had an outdoor and indoor pool.His breathing got too
bad. So we down sized to a place here near his doctors.
I really still wanted to be near Mom for now also.

Casey Anthony never left Florida because she is on a one year probation for whatever it was she did. So she is hiding still in Florida. $500K or $97K they will never get that money unless she does a movie or a book. Then they can attach for the monies but
nothing to bring in any money. They have no way of getting it back.

Prayers of healing for Kay's Kidney infection. So glad
thank God they caught it. May God Be With Our Kay ^j^

Thanks JudyE for the release of Hawk video...FAST..
Glad you are feeling better.

Yeppers Shirley daughter has a laundry room at her apartment. Rental is $40/a month for washer and dryer. Someone was moving she new and they wanted new dryer
so they gave her a dryer. So she just uses the washer in the laundry room for now. So glad Will mowed the lawn that is very nice of him. Shirley I hope you
start feeling much much better.

Hedgie-Lynn/e my heavens that must have been a small tornado that took those post out. No evidence of neighbor tampering with them was there? Is the flag pole metal?

Lolly said...

Socks with sandals are a no no most anywhere. LOL

magpie said...

you might be right, it could be the monitor going bad....I do have the flat screen one that was a gift from a co-worker, guess it would be a good time to hook that one up !

magpie said...

I get free Water, trash pick up and sewer here...
AND I have a washer and dryer also

magpie said...

I think I'll really go big with the socks and sandals and get some Argyle patterns! LOL
and maybe some of those socks with a little place for each toe ☺
Hey! I have nothing to lose !

back later, time to get into PJ's

magpie said...

I noticed on "Martinsburg Road" especially through Spruce Pine Hollow...lots of tree limbs down last night...guess you were in the path of the wind shear all righty!
Glad it was not worse

wvgal_dana said...

Oh No Mr.Bob Harley has the ulcer thing Shannon has. Poor baby doggie. Prayers for Harley !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I called the gift shop at the hospital Kay is in. They have some pretty "YELLOW FLOWERS" that I wanted to send to her room. They checked and don't show her last name that I got from Hedgie/Lynn. So they can't take the flowers up to. Called Hedgie/Lynn back and she doesn't know the room number. So they can't do anything. I was going to put a note with them saying, "The Eagle Bunch Is Praying For You To Get Well".
I am sad now :(

Lolly said...

LOL Margie! At school we would have Funny Feet Friday. I always wore some old socks of Laurel's. They were brilliant colored striped knee socks with the individual toes. So much fun!

Mema Jo said...

Isn't Kay's last name Moffett.
That's her email address.

It is downright Cold out side.
I had to wear a jacket and it felt very

Next week, I HOPE, the new tv series
begin for a lot of shows. I am looking forward to it.

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone know where Happy Feet is
at this time?

Hoda said...

JO The tracker on HAPPY FEET became unglued and no one is able to tell where he is now as he is not sending signals.This hqappenend last week sometime. Some thought he was eaten, but the ones who were trcking him think it was in an unlikely are to get one knows.

Hoda said...

Light on on the still cam and no eagles showed up tonight... sigh!!!
Maybe tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

ha ha just got to Judie's comment about could the neighbor have done anything lol Judie we were both in the same thought pattern here. lol

Hedgie-Lynn/e maybe it would be best if you planted some trees in that area. In order to save your fencing there.

Judie said...

The chief's job is to make sure the chef doesn't screw up. Nothing worse than a bunch of old people swinging their canes.

magpie said...


magpie said...

Your report of the retirement community you and Frank are checking out, does indeed sound pretty high-top!

hedgie said...

Lolly, your socks sound like Pippi Longstocking's!!
Ugh---socks with sandals....can't imagine!! To each her own!
Well, I sent Kay a plant, but if her name isn't on the list of admissions, it might not get delivered, either. Hope FTD lets me know and credits my account!

Margy, thanks for that word on 9----remember the tornado there by Spruce Hollow a few years ago? It does seem to be an area that attracts wind activity.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Jo that is what Hedgie-Lynn/e told me. When te Hospital checked it doesn't show. A patient can say if they want their name listed or not. Her name is not listed so they can't find out what room to take the flowers too. So I couldn't do it for the Eagle Bunch to have the flowers delivered cause I don't have a room number. The gift shop there was really nice and trying to help me.

hedgie said...

Jo, some of the shows do start next week: NCIS, NCIS LA, Criminal Minds, the CSI shows, Harry's Law, The Mentalist, and Blue Bloods!!! And Jeopardy is back, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Bones is on tonight NOW from 8-10. I haven't seen this one. Jo have you seen it?

Hoda said...

I am off to paddling and I am going to take a jacket!!! It is making its way to 50 degrees...It is still upper fifties right now...BBL

hedgie said...

I definitely say long-sleeves, Margy!

Need to find a fast-growing, shade-loving evergreen of some kind to plant there!!

DanaMo said...

Yes, and closed toed shoes!!! I have not idea what I'm going to wear!

magpie said...

That is a sweet gesture on wanting to send the flowers to Kay...
if it works out, I'll be happy to chip in

Judie said...

Lynn, glad the bad neighbor is not responsible.

Down to 56º and getting to be my kind of weather.

Hoda, how very generous of the lady to let your paddle group store the boats without charge. It is also very gracious to use yard cleanup as a thank you gesture.

DanaWV, yes, the community we are considering has independent living, assisted living, and then skilled nursing. Checked and it has consistently exceeded all State requirements.

DanaWV it was a very nice effort on your part to try to send some flowers to Kay and I thank you. Since that didn't work, I suspect she knows how concerned we were and that we care.

I'm sorry Harley is sick and that Boomer ate some bathroom stuff. Hope they both will be okay soon.

Going to watch some mindless t.v. -- Jo's fault -- First 48.


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, very happy to read you were able to watch the 9/11 documentary.

Lolly, Glad Jack got the armadillo!

Judie said...

Lynn, Lyland Cyrpress are pretty and grow quickly and fill in nicely.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Judie. Will check to see if nursery has them and how much they are!!! I do like them!

magpie said...

Going to watch a show
"Angels Among Us" on CMT from 9-10

have a nephew who is part of the production team...

have an earlier start for work at 0700 Friday....
Big Air Show in Martinsburg Sat and Sun..the one Lynn's Carolyn will be "on-site" for on Saturday as part of the mobile Police Command Post....

so..I am going to sign off now for awhile...
with Well Wishes for All....

xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, how was the basketball event? What was it?

Lori, sorry you lost your pics...hope you get to see the eagle again!

Does Casey have to pay because she lied to investigators? I can't remember if she was found guilty of that.

Lori, thanks for the update on Kay! I believe she is diabetic, so maybe they were just being extra careful!

I posted a link on my FB page to the Dr Oz Show...subject matter was early detection of ovarian cancer and early warning's the link to the video...

5 Ovarian Cancer Warning Signs

Wow, Lynne on the fence. It toppled my swing in the back yard, found it tonight. We did get rain here today.

JudyE, interesting on the tater sponges!

Lynne, hope Harley is better soon! Interesting he caught the same thing.

Hoda, sorry the Dragon Boating is ending so soon...nice of the lady to let ya'll store the boats there....and a nice thank you from ya'll to her.

Oooh, Margy, Venison goop! Very good, I know!

You know, socks with sandals look funky, but they feel good! Ah, toe socks! Used to have a pair of those!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, it's 51° here now...brrr

hedgie said...

Paula.....Casey's defense admitted in the opening statement that Casey knew Caylee was charges filed for lying. Subsequent suit by the state or county to recoup expenses because she knew she was lying.....they won it, but not for the $500K they asked for.

hedgie said...

♫ Hey, hey, hey, Paula....♫ Drop the "E" please! Getting me mixed up with Lynne2!

hedgie said...

Margy, sorry your day will be longer tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your stew with Caro---I'm sure she loved it! Venison is their main meat.

hedgie said...

Oh, DO try that newer monitor, Margy....just might be the answer!!

Lolly said...

76 here and very nice. Jack fixed our dinner and then we left the dishes on the table and headed outside. 76 feels cool! lol See what over 100 does to you. Anyway, we were walking around when he said, "Let's open a bottle of wine and sit outside." Wow, it has been forever! On our front patio we have two comfortable chairs but one of them was covered in the sweet potato vine. I had to break it off. Still looks great!

Lynne2 said...

Hi, it's the real LYNNE here!

Judie said...

Paula, the event last night was a meet-and-greet for the new men's coach from Vermont. He was nice enough to bound up the bleachers to meet me (I had cane in hand). Very nice man and seemed surprised I know so many of the players. We'll see how the season goes.

Margie, continuing care retirement is expensive but about our only option. Neither of us has family to step in should there be significant long-term health care needs.

magpie said...

Angels Among Us

is about 9/11

did not know that

the two towers, and the Pentagon...
three Guardian Angels vignettes

Always glad to have an appreciative "audience" with that wild game fare

Lynne2 said...

Sorry to hear of Boomer and Harley's dietary indiscretions and I hope they have no ill effects.

VERY glad to hear the Kay isn't in serious danger...what a relief!

That's a shame about your fence, Lynn. Leyland Cypress are nice but deer might munch on them. Try Green Giant Arborvitae...they are a hybrid, and deer and disease resistant and grow 3-5 feet per year! I think they stand up better to heavier snow as well.

Judie said...

Long day and I hear the sandperson creeping down the hallway.

The night light is on for anyone arising in the dark and for our West coast family. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, sorry Dragon Boat season is coming to and end, but I know you'll have plenty to keep you busy til next season!

Lori, so glad you saw an eagle!

Margy, hope the different monitor does the trick for you!

Lynne2 said...

It was windy and rainy here today, but it cleared a bit to give us a beautiful sunset! Getting chilly....LOVE IT!

Lynne2 said...

My A-fib has been quite active over the last 2 days. I've had 3 or 4 noticeable episodes each day. Feels SO CREEPY!

NatureNut said...

Back later than expectedf~~~downlo0aded neighbor's deer pics. Will have to send. I always have trouble with them getting blurry as they have a chain link fence & the poor camera focus always wants the fence! Came in the house & shot thru window. Was up high enough to get above the fence, but then glass glare!They almost always stay in the backyard woods. We have very busy street w/county & paving dump trucks, so noise chases them away.

So glad to find news about Kay.Prayers for her. TY, Dana for trying to send flowers. That is so kind.
Sorry to read a little about Lynn-Hedgie losing some fence!!!!Looks like even more homestead refurbishing. If caused by storms, would it be covered by insurance?
Margy mentioned my blogspot being easy to write comments. I didn't know that, but the past couple of years it seems the newer blogs are harder to deal with. Mine is older.
I AM ALSO planning to wear my longsleeve red T-Shirt w/white outlined owl tomorrow. It was an annual one made by the Park Rangers for their 10K Race for Wildlife each Nov! My favorite one & I tried to get more & they are out of them.
I'm reading about animals (I think) w/ulcers. Is this stomach ulcers?Prayers for them, too.

Need to do some emails.Friends want
Daughter's address! (no mail box)

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Lynn! Both the arborvitae and cypress are susceptible to snow damage! The cypress are bigger than the arborvitae...unless the green giant is really giant, LOL

Lolly said...

Hey, Lynne! (The real Lynne!) Annie joined us on the front patio. She is really doing great! She sat on my lap for a while, but then she spotted some birds on the ground down front. (Good eyes!) Anyway, she jumped down and was creeping along. Jack and I had a good laugh! She was still up amongst the trees with us, she never goes down to the very front.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, DanaWV, thanks for trying to send flowers to Kay!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, gotta go clean up the kitchen...bbl.

Lynne2 said...

I'm glad you and Jack and Annie were able to enjoy some time on the deck....I'll be the 70s feel cool right about now! Down to 55 here now.

Lolly said...

Loweeeeeeeeeeeda!! Have you heard from your daughter today? Thought of them today. Did your SIL get to see their property?

Lynne2 said...

that's a shame Kay isn't on the "list" at the hospital. You'd think they'd be good sports and get the flowers to her anyway....Thanks for trying DanaWV.

Well, more Brother Cat issues. He has been stalking Joker when he's in the house and they have REALLY gotten into it. Today I went to pick him up to take him out to the sun porch and he tried to bite me. Not sure what this is all about....

Lolly said...

We have a chance of rain on Monday. Hoping Hoping Hoping!!!

Lynne2 said...

Here is an amazing story....

Lost cat gets found after 5 years missing

Lynne2 said...

YAY LOLLY!!!!!!!


Lolly said...

Well, shame on Brother Cat!!! Do wonder what's up! This is a change of personality, right?

Lolly said...

Jack says we have to get naked and dance in the backyard....I don't think so!☺

Lynne2 said...

yes, it is Lolly. He's obnoxious, but not aggressive or mean.

Lolly said...

Annie can be quite nasty. She will spit and hiss at someone (not us) if she does not want them petting her. Laurel and Annie do not get along. lol She says Annie is evil!

Lynne2 said...

Maybe Annie is jealous of Laurel!

Will need to discuss this with the vet. Not sure if it's a result of his monthly depomedrol injections for his IBD.

Lynne2 said...

Time to walk the dogs and get to bed. Got up at 4am. That is a stupid time to wake up when you don't need to be awake. And I was WIDE awake! Put a load of clothes in the laundry, watched some TV. UGH!

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Just read that Jack wants to dance naked in the back yard....LOL!

Well, good night everyone, prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Night Lynne!!

Think I am going to go shower and get comfy.

Lori O. said...

Just read there maybe rain for LOLLY on Monday!!!!

Do the naked dance - it can't hurt!!! Bring on the rain for Texas!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - didn't you say Brother Cat was NOT allowed out at night??? REVENGE

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hoda - Now I remember about Happy Feet losing the tracker. We'll
just have to convince ourselves he is
safe and close to home.

stronghunter said...


George can get nasty sometimes, too. Hissing, biting, scratching. You have to know how to read a cat and the moods he or she has.

Linda said...

Good Evening Eagle Fam!

Hope everyone is doing well tonight. I've finally caught up from last night. I still need to find a speed reading course!

LORI & LYNN - Thank you for the update on KAY. I would imagine a kidney infection can be painful and serious, right? I'm thankful she is getting good care in the hospital.

WV Dana - How sweet of you to try and send yellow flowers to KAY and mention all of us. I'd be happy to chip in if you're successful tomorrow!

Keeping Kay in prayer as the antibiotics work on her infection and her body heals.

LORI - So the beach sounds wonderful!! Wish I were there!

Paula - Shucks, it sure was a lot of corn! And I shucked all 98 ears myself!!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm heading for recliner again to watch the news.

It just showed the water funnel that hit Ocean City. WOW!

I pray that God will touch the doctors and nurses that are taking care of Kay. That HE will heal her and she will be home soon and comfortable.

Prayers for anyone that needs them. Also for God's creatures that need prayers also.

Linda said...

LOLLY - I agree........if the naked dance works, you gotta try it!

LYNN - It's always something, isn't it? Sorry about the fence problems.

MARGY - Keep those feet warm! If your feet are cold, YOU are cold!

We're expecting it to go down to 41° here tonight! Love it!!

JUDYE - Thanks for the info on the Norfolk Botanical Garden unveiling of the Eagle Plaza and tribute to the Mom Eagle in the fall. I bet it will be awesome!

Mema Jo said...

I had a movie hubby wanted to watch - I think I had seen the Bones before. I hope I did.

I had called my dr today - just not feeling up to snuff. He knows me well
enough when I just call in with the
particulars to start me on an antibotic and some good ole' prednisone. So I'll
be all better very soon. I know I am
aging BUT I need some more pep & vigor!
He is going to check my vitamin D count

Mema Jo said...

Linda, You're the bestesst
Shucker that I have had the pleasure of knowing

Linda said...

Gosh, JO, thanks!!!!

I'm touched!!

magpie said...

Hope you feel all peppy again soon, Jo...
maybe some sunshine...absorb some of that "D"
I'm two weeks-plus into my Calcium regime

dancing naked outside, well, that is like the AIR BATH we have talked about, Lolly

Good to see you Jo, Linda, Loretta, Lynne, Paula...Hoda, Lynn, Lori, Shirley, Lolly, DanaWV, DanaMo, Judie... and all others before and after this post !
Gee, we have a lot of L's on here !!

magpie said...

Read with amazement all the canning and blanching of the Garden Delights, Linda !
Nice going!

stronghunter said...

Hope you feel better very soon, Jo.

Linda said...

Dennis brought in a wheel barrow FULL of potatoes in, too!!! That is hard work, digging up all those potatoes!

I canned my tomatoes (made sauce) and got 9 quarts this time. Much better than my piddly little 2 from last time. It's amazing how many pounds of tomatoes it takes for one quart of sauce. I figure it to be about 6-7 lbs for 1 quart of cooked down sauce. The house smells heavenly!!

Linda said...

MARGY - Always a pleasure to see your shining face!! ♥

magpie said...

And always enjoy the reports out of Nelson BC, Hoda !

I have to pretend it is 11:21 and not 10:21 since I have a one hour earlier start in the morning, RED FRIDAY morning that is...

Heading to the pillows for a wee bit of reading, then sleep

Prayers for Wellness...amongst us all and all the pets

Good Night, Precious Pals, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Y'all watch for the SPLIT
coming up pretty soon


Linda said...

Dennis says he should have another batch of tomatoes equal to or more than the ones he brought in yesterday, so I guess I have another day's work ahead of me when those come in!!

At least this city girl is getting practice at this canning thing!

He has lots of grapes, too, that will hopefully be ready in the coming weeks. Turkeys flew into the garden and really loved the grapes...... grrr.... and we have bunnies in the garden ALL THE TIME.

I wonder if the bunnies in the garden are the ones from the nest we found earlier this summer. They don't appear to be afraid of us, and they're young. Cute!

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs. It has been a quiet day.

It was good to have Will here for awhile.

I'll see you tomorrow, good friends.

Linda said...

Oh, yes, and the squash. A lot of delicata squash, butternut squash and golden hubbard squash.

Dennis planted fruit trees, but we don't expect fruit until next year. We did get 5 apples on one tree and 5 mandarin peaches,too. We can't wait until those apple trees take root and produce a good crop. That will be awesome!

Okay..........enough about the garden!

Hoda said...

I spotted a perched eagle twice at the start and at the end of the paddle. Saw a flying Osprey. Water was so very calm and we paddled far tonight.
I will miss it when we pull the boat out of the water and am very happy I joined them this season.It gets darker so much earlier, noticeable now when we are on the water...but then again Autumn Equinox is a week tomorrow.
PAULA the 9/11 documentary was so heart wrenching because it was as it was happening...I cried when they carried the priest out as I thought of the footage just taken where he was looking about praying. I also cried when Tony came back to the station and loved the loyalty of the retired chief who returned to his station to help. President Kennedy wrote a book called PROFILES IN COURAGE and that is what I kept thinking of. Today President Obama awarded a Medal of Honour to a chap in his twenties and when I heard him talk I also thought of the firemen in the documentary.
LYNN and DANA_WV I think it is very generous/loving the attempts to send flowers to KAY.THANK YOU.

Linda said...

Good Night to Lynne, Margy, Shirly, Judie, JudyE and WV Dana!

Wishing you sweet dreams and restful sleep!

I'm right behind you!

Lori O. said...

LINDA! How's the canning going?

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...