Thursday, September 15, 2011


More rain, new thread.


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Hoda said...

LINDA WOW!!! I love the talk about the abundance in the garden and all what it translates into in terms of prepearing for the winter and it is true it is a lot of work but ever so very worth it.

JO I hope you feel better soon.

SHIRLEY I hope you are already feeling on the mend. Glad WILL spent sometime with you today.

MARGY Sleep well and I will see if tomorrow I will also wear long sleeves or will it be reasonable to walk around without a cardigan.

Lori O. said...

HODA, wow, you saw an eagle or eagles tonight. Can you get pictures of them...or is it too hard to row and snap photos at the same time? lol.

JO, hope you're feeling better. That pred will do the trick.

Hoda said...

LORI did you takee interesting pictures today? Where have you gone to eat in terms of ethnic restaurants?

Linda said...

HODA - How wonderful that you saw an eagle in the beginning and end of your paddle today!

I had not seen the 9/11 CBS show. I will try to watch it online.

I did watch the medal of honor ceremony to the young man, Dakota Meyer while I was in the kitchen today. What a brave and determined and loyal young man.

He helped get 36 men out of there alive and I believe 4 men died. He considered it a failure because he was not able to save all his men. Amazing.

Mema Jo said...

Lori I sent to you a link on FB
Check it out!

Hoda said...

GOOD LORD LORI!!! I do not think I can manage pictures and paddling!!! I am pretty sure it was the same eagle perched in exactly the same spot. I knew where to look because I had seen it there other times too.Three more times out on the water...

Linda said...

LORI - Nice to be on at the same time as YOU ♥

The canning is going good. It is just time consuming!! Got 9 quarts of tomato sauce today canned!!

Will probably do about the same or a little more in another few days because Dennis says he will have a similar "harvest" in a couple more days!

Lori O. said...

Yep, HODA, had some great pictures of an Osprey in a different tree, and an eagle soaring by, but accidentally deleted them! I could of cried!

Not much in the way of ethnic restaurants here...but I've had pizza twice if that counts! ;-)

Linda said...

HODA - Thanks!! It will be nice to have some fresh prepared vegetables for the winter!

We lost all of our green beans TWICE to the bunnies, so no green beans this year!

Linda said...

PIZZA counts if it is good, Lori!!

Lori O. said...

JO and ANDY, you two will love this. Kate and I were out walking the dogs and a lady said, that the people who stayed in this house last week also had two bulldogs!

ANDY, this is ragweed and mold season which bullies are really sensitive to. Try some of the Gen-Teel eye drops or gel for dry eyes and it will help to rewet the eye and flush the goop.

Hoda said...

I read that but confused the days LORI, sorry, I thought it was yesterday that the photos got erased. Italian Pizza qualifies for ethnic...

Mema Jo said...

Linda it sounds like Applesauce & apple dumplings & pies are in store for next
year! Peach cobbler!

Are you going to do jelly/jam with the grapes? gd does blueberry jelly and jams from their garden.

Mema Jo said...

So Lori you are staying in the 'dog house' lol

hedgie said...

Lynne, after reading about the Leyland Cypress---shallow-rooted, needs full sun, and grows 50-60'--I was checking the Arborvitae....think that is what I will go with. Grows much faster than the cypress foot-a-year rate, too.

Lynne, Harley didn't have a dietary indiscretion---he wouldn't eat...did you know that dogs can "catch" the h-pylori from humans?

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I really enjoy hearing about your eagle sightings. I wonder when
we will get another viewing of our eagles at the nest?

Linda said...

Jo - Yes, we will do grape jelly if we have enough grapes. That will be wonderful, too!

Linda said...

The concord grapes are already delish!! Dennis gave me a handful yesterday and they were so tasty!

Mema Jo said...


Prayers for all to have wellness
hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Gosh, I feel like such a big girl, being up so late with all you night owls!

Linda said...

Jo - So many things to do with apples!! Will definitely look forward to that when they are from our own orchard! We will go to the local apple farm and pick our apples in a couple weeks. I'll make a pie or two, but haven't made any to freeze before. I do make applesauce, too.

Dennis eats the apples so fast, I have to grab them while I can!

I've never tried Cider, but Dennis would absolutely love that.

Lori O. said...

Good night Jo...may your pep and spunk return as soon as you get to the pharmacy! ((BIG hug))

Linda said...

Oh, but LORI, it's been so fun to have you here tonight!

NatureNut said...

Baaaack! Just as I was posting last
message, daughter called!!! She will be home Sat. & go to the dig. I was planning to call Jimmy tonight. She is on her business trip in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.She had just talked to him & he was on cell in truck & it konked out. On his way back to friend's Smithville house which is about 10-15 miles further East from Bastrop. He and some friends got into house? today---everything intact in garage, looks untouched. (I could put up pic of that!)Everything in safe, vehicles OK. Don't know if they moved them all. Will call him in AM. I had been talking & wishing I could help do an archeological dig w/screen wire sifters & the man,Charlie, where they had been staying in Bastrop made about 4 of them!!!His wife Cindy (the raccoon rehabber) thinks she found a diamond stud earring!!!!Jimmy found his Rolex watch that he got on sale in Europe. It's melted down, but it's gold! She sounds so much more matter of fact & rational now. I'm so happy.I think this trip was good. Her only beef now is w/UPS. She called them Monday gave them her work address for any deliveries & went round and round a few times w/Peggy in the past 4 days about a book they tried to deliver & sent a postcard to Post Office that they were taking it back to shipping ctr!!!Today they finally said it was going to her work address.
She was in a good enough mood that I could tell what I just wrote earlier about friends wanting address, but there is no mail box!!

Lolly, we had a few drops of rain here, & I just read Jack wants you both to do Indian rain dance. I don't think Indians wore much clothing---SO DO IT!!!!

Lori O. said...

How are you doing LINDA?

Linda said...

Night, Jo ♥

Wishing you restful sleep and lots of energy when you awake in the morning!

Linda said...

I'm doing pretty good! Thanks for asking!

Have moments, as you can well understand, but am doing good and staying busy.

My mom isn't doing well and I just don't know what to do about that whole scene.

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, that's a beautiful new avatar you have. Miss our HIDEY, but this one is very elegant and pretty.

Prayers for Sherry. Heavens that's a lot to go through and try to work at the same time. Poor thing.

Linda said...

My relationship with my Mom has always been so difficult. It has for most of my life been one where she takes and rarely gives.

I have had to be there for her for so many years and she is such a self-centered, self-consumed person - that it just is tough.

I love her, but she sucks the life right out of me with her constant wants and needs.

Lori O. said...

LINDA - health wise your mother is't doing well? What's wrong?

NatureNut said...

Linda, prayers for you & your Mom.
Wow, what a lot of veggie work you are doing! You should be proud of all those accomplishments! Not too many people undertake that today.

Also, Prayers for Mema Jo & any others ailing--feel better asap!☺

Lori O. said...

Makes it hard to Honor Thy Father & Mother, doesn't it? But it's obvious you try a lot!

Linda said...

I am struggling with the decision of going back down to FL to spend some time with her.

She tends to tell you she is worse than she really is. Most people who are critically and terminally ill don't talk this way, but she does.

I just don't know if I should go down there for her or not. Maybe she really is scared and fears her time is limited.

She refuses to do what the doctors want her to do, and as a result she is getting weaker and weaker and her breathing is more shallow than ever.

hedgie said...

Linda, you are the "put-up" queen!!! Way to go, girl!

Hoda, couldn't agree more with your comments about the 9/11 documentary. Father Judd was particularly sad (I believe that's the name).

Loretta, with $1000 deductible on the insurance, no point in even filing a claim. It will only cost a couple of hundred to re-do the affected area---3 new posts, 3 bags of sakrete...and labor. Charlie is going to get some angle-iron braces made, but he can probably do that with little expense with a friend.

hedgie said...

Jo, I knew you were TIRED (to be expected as busy as you have been the last month!!) but didn't know you were having the URI symptoms.... :( get those meds in! And feel better fast!!

Kay did say that they will be putting in a PICC line tomorrow and she will come home with IV antibiotics for 2 weeks.

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad you laid low today...and are feeling better. Great that Will took care of the mowing.

Linda said...

Thanks, Loretta!!

Yes, Lori, it is very hard!!

My Mom has a couple things going on that are taking her down. The main thing is pulmonary fibrosis, which she has had for about 3 years. She also has poly-rhuematic fibromyalgia. She is in a lot of pain from the latter and over medicates herself, which is NOT good.

She is on oxygen, 24/7, too and spends most of her time in bed now, which is more of her choice than what is really necessary. I think she is depressed and giving up.

hedgie said...

Hoda, SO glad you saw the eagles!!!

Linda said...

Wow, Lynn! A PICC line means Kay will still have some serious antibiotics, right? Poor thing.

Lori O. said...

Okay, time for this early bird to hit the hay! It was so nice being up late with all of you for once!

Prayers for Kay, Linda and her Mom, Loretta's daughter Sherry, and for Jo, JudyE and Shirley to all feel better.

I love you all in this best ever Eagle Family! Good Night and peaceful dreams.

Linda said...

I surely don't want to make another trip to FL!! Maybe in a couple months!

Every time I get to feeling caught up, another family crisis happens and off I go again!! I'm hoping for calm waters for a while now!

Well dearest friends, I must say my good nights to you. Dennis is patiently waiting to go upstairs.....

May you all have peaceful and restful sleep this cooler night! Enjoy the crisp air!

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love..... xoxo ♥♥♥

Linda said...

Night L♥ri!!

Love to you, too! xoxo ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Linda, so sorry you are having to deal with so much. I know it's hard......more so because of the distance involved.
I got an earful from my sister tonight about Mom, but this time it was more in a humorous way than in her usual exasperation.

Lowreeda, glad that Sherry is a bit more upbeat. Are you really going to go out there? Carolyn's fire was a bit easier in that sifting was not much needed. Her jewelry just kind of globbed up in it's box. Stuff in hope chest singed and smoked. Tapes, etc. totally melted. Even the fridge melted! I don't remember the condition of the fish tank---if glass broke or not. Of course, fish did not survive. They didn't have much of anything of monetary value---young couple just starting out--they'd only been married a little over a year and a half. Lost all their wedding gifts, of course....but NOT being home was the greatest blessing. They were out of town visiting Charlie's sister. Fire started at night, in electrical box on wall in room behind their bedroom. And she was pregnant....

paula eagleholic said...

wow, the blog is bursting with posts!

Linda, sounds like the canning went well, good for you. Dennis must be proud!

Lolly said...

Linda, you have been one busy lady! I am impressed!

No, naked dance. I am afraid that would actually keep the rain away!

Think we will go get our flu shots tomorrow.

Have bathed, given myself a pedicure and a manicure. About time for bed.

hedgie said...

Goodnight to you all. Everyone is creeping away! Lori, nice to have you as an evening bird! Is Kate feeling okay?? Hope no more episodes!

It IS crisp out---don't like it. :( Moon is brighter tonight--no haze or fog. Ony in the 60's tomorrow.

See y'all in the morning. Rest well.
Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

P.S. Bears are safe!

hedgie said...

P.P.S. Diann is okay---she's on Facebook!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Where did the evening go?

Lolly, I vote for the naked rain dance...nothing else has worked, LOL.

Loretta, glad Sherry is feeling more upbeat. Are you going to TX?

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta hit the hay, see ya'll tomorrow.

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Lolly said...

Got totally confused with the blog. I came back, read the blog, then made a comment. BUT, there were all these other comments before mine. Where did they come from? Duh!!!! The split did me in!!!

Loretta..saw your comments about Sherry and the house. So glad the garage had not been broken into. So, glad her attitude is better. Nothing that can be done at this point, so take it from here!

I am now headed to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams! Prayers for Kay, Linda and her mom, Loretta's daughter. Oh, and I heard that Bastrop might be getting rain. Sure hope so!

Hoda said...

What a wonderful thing, I spoke to a teacher friend from the school where I taught and she said another teacher colleague is now principal of the school. The wonderful thing is that Jacqueline was a student of mine in the '80's...born, raised in the little town and is now the principal. Local girl has done good.We spoke for over an hour...I am VERY GLAD I am retired...

Costume Lady said...

Even though this was a bad day, weather-wise, Capt. Gene and I got a lot accomplished, here in the house. When we work together, we get a lot done:)
I did manage to read most, if not all of the blog. A lot going on with you ladies...such fun to read.

Linda, you have worked your little patootie off doing your canning, but oh, how nice to have that sauce on hand when you need it.
Please tell me how you had such success with your squash! Ours got the squash bugs and all died. We did not get a single one off our plants. We did get enough from GG's garden to make a casserole.

Loretta, glad Sherry has calmed down a bit, from her fire loss. Yes, I would say her business trip came at a good time.

Hoda, you must do something this Winter to keep your arms in shape...maybe use some hand weights~

Costume Lady said...

The bewitching hour is here...must hurry into bed...


NatureNut said...

Time is flying! Was watching TV.
No pals, don't think I'll be going to TX now, altho I NEED to give them hugs! I've been sending the type written ones I learned here! ☺
Nothing I could really do, not really any place to stay.
Also, Sherry mentioned Jim might be getting Big shovels in to dig out the mess. I thought she meant discarding it, but they can put in those dumpster-like containers some place. Then crooks can't go through the site. Unfortunately, since it's safe enough for folks to go in, there probably won't be anymore police protection. As you said, Lynn, probably not much to find. So sorry that happened to your daughter. Everyone was safe, tho, thank God. I feel so bad for lost lives. That is excrutiating. Losing Things, isn't.

Lolly, since you guys are getting flu shots, you Will Be protected to do minimal clothing Rain Dance!!!!!

Did I read Shirley is feeling poorly? Hope you're better soon & the bad weather stays away from VA!!!
Thank you everyone for the well wishes. Think everything will be fine. Sher said she was going to reorder a lovely sealife/MD charm bracelet she got at Solomon's & have it sent to ME. I got a jellyfish necklace there. She won't have to deal w/Peggy! Judie, check out Maerten's--really in Lusby.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
((((HUGS)))) to all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Omigosh, I actually made it to the blog!!! Have been having problems most of the day with the dreaded "Error 815" again. Same thing that happened back in June.
Get a message that says "The server is not responding." Looks like I'll have to call Microsoft C/S in the morning.
Haven't caught up here yet, but do want to make sure the porch light is on, and enable both security systems. Don't know how long this connection will keep working. Have said prayers for everyone, and all creatures. Hope that those who are under the weather feel better really soon! Sleep well, everyone, and I pray I will be able to get back here to talk to you tomorrow! Hope I haven't mised any really important news. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

WANDA it is true I will have to do something this winter so I can work on building up strength...

The stories of the fires in Texas and the loss of your duaghter and son in law's house are very sad and so very full of hope at the same time.

Hoda said...

I will sign off now and wish every one pleasant dreams and God's Blessings.

stronghunter said...

Lion Cubs

Cute video.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Woke up a little early. Of course, I slept most of yesterday morning away.

George has decided it must be time for breakfast. . . . Not yet, George.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Shirley. Boomer, Java, and Frisbee get fed this early. Crazy, but it's their schedule. Then they eat again at 1:30 and that's it. That's a long time for them to go from 1:30 pm til 5 am, I'm beginning to wonder if they need more but it's been like this forever (well they are 2) LOL!

stronghunter said...

George and the dogs get fed at about 6:30 AM, but they get restless if I get up at 4:30-5:00, which is what happened this morning. I do not want to encourage them to think they should eat that early. They are fed again at 5:00, and they know when that time arrives.

stronghunter said...

You are home at 1:30 to feed them?

stronghunter said...

That's 5:00 PM that they are fed again.

magpie said...

Good Cool Morning (here) Eagle Pals....

I like rainbows, but NOT at the top of the Still Cam.....

Take a look outside if your skies are clear: Waning Moon, with its pal Jupiter close by, pretty much "straight up" here where I am


magpie said...

oh the sign up page looks different...kind of like

magpie said...

Shirley....with that much animal activity at your roost, I sure hope you are feeling better this morning !

magpie said...

It's your FRIDAY DanaMo...
hope you have a restful week-end ahead after such a busy, busy week

magpie said...

what an amazing garden Linda and Dennis have !

cam seemed fine last night...
hmmm, wonder what happened

magpie said...

39 degrees in
good football-playing weather

I guess we are in the mid-40's here

Time to get ready for 7 am clock-in time

Got your Red Duds out ?

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Thanks for that bit of astronomy Magpie, I was wondering "who" was next to the moon! cool

DanaMo said...

I can't believe these cool temperatures. I have no idea what I am going to wear today. And tonight is the back to school picnic at the high school, but I'm not hanging outside if it's this cool. I don't like it!

stronghunter said...

The weather report says it is 50 degrees here, but it feels much colder to me. Brrr! The dogs have been let out and are now crunching on their breakfast.

magpie said...

pondering my clothes for the day, too DanaMo...
I guess I might have to wear socks and maybe regular shoes ☺

Watch the Moon again in the morning if it's clear...the moon and Jupiter will still be pretty to watch these things ☺

even with the rainbow at the top of the cam, it looks like, light is approaching the nest...
will know for sure here pretty soon.

Okay, 'bye now xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Jackets and long pants are needed for school and work today.

We had kids who took pride in wearing shorts to school every day, even when the temperatures were near zero. Of course, there were also the ones who wore flip-flops in the snow.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SHIRLEY, DANAMo & MARGY if you haven't left for work yet, Margy.

FloBear & Dalai are still sleeping. They are not early risers.

So happy you are feeling better today, Shirley! Sleep does a lot. Do you think it was the flu, or still feel it's a cold?

Oooooh DanaMo, I wouldn't be excited about an outdoor picnic tonight either!

Lori O. said...

It was so windy here last night, during and after the rain and it's still yucky wet with big puddles! I'm not sure about taking my camera out there and standing in this wind and wet. Maybe I'll wait to see if Mr. Osprey is back in his tree. If he is I'd like to recapture those pics I deleted yesterday!

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

Lori O. said...

THELMA Lou! Great Friday morning to you and Buddy!

How did your meeting go yesterday?

magpie said...

Hi T
Hi Lori

must leave for work now...

nope, the still cam is definitely DOWN

ttfn xoxo

Lori O. said...

Have a great day MARGY! I know you're wearing red, but you can tell us about your outfit when you get to work. drive safely.

T-Bird said...

Good to see you Lori and Magpie. Buddy got me up a little early this morning (6:20).

Lori O. said...

Awww, THELMA, Buddy loves you! Who better to spend his morning with?

Lori O. said...

I was just outside with the binocs and the birds are having a ball soaring and twirling in the wind! I saw a juvie eagle! It looked huge compared to the Osprey that were flying!

T-Bird said...

Oh my gosh Lori I wish I was with you. : )

Lori O. said...

Well, I'd have brought you along if I had known T-BIRD! Buddy, too, of course. :)

T-Bird said...

I hear Buddy upstairs now waking up Sharon. : )

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning one and all

WOW been doing some reading over 125 comments left to read Hopefully I can when Jordyn takes a nap otherwise I will never get caught up I will comment on what I have absorber so far

LORETTA to cool that you got to see some deer Good news about the nest too

HODA so sad that your season has to end but just think it gives you something to look forward to for next year OH on the news they talked about a showed a few sec of the grandparents and the web YouTube video so funny

OK how is Loretta comments different How does she do it is what I mean Is there a setting area of the blog??? I guess it would be with out Google acct.

BURR you guys are going to freeze I do not envy your cold weather I would rather be hot than cold any day

LOLLY How are the candles holding up Isn't it time for a new picture?? I sure wish you all would get a break, great to hear there is one less Armadillo in the world So glad you got to sit outside

Funny thing on the news made me chuckle They released a turtle that has hurt and the comment the biologist made is that they try to release as soon as they can his quote was "You eat You Poop Your OUT" to funny

SCOTT Turnmeyer is in this area on vacation He posted something on face book and I suggested he go see Winter the Dolphin His daughter would love it I'm sure

T-Bird said...

Sharon won he must be in the bed with her now.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like we lost the still cam again HUH I am to the 9:00 last nite comments and I need to get ready to get Jordyn so I will sign off again

JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook yesterday didn't know if any one else brough over If it a repeat sorry but I still have read all

A few hours ago I received a call from Dave K who had heard that an injured bald eagle was on the side of Old Stage Road on the east side of Decorah, not too far from the hatchery nest. I raced over to the site and found two people that had pulled over and were keeping an eye on the injured juvenile. The bird ran down an embankment when I went to grab it. I had to scramble down a steep slope and was able to capture the it. With the help of the one of the people who had stopped, I was able to work my way back up to the road carrying the injured eagle. I was greeted by two very nice sheriffs who had contacted the local Game Warden. The warden told them them that they do not re-hab injured eagles anymore. This is not true. There are many re-hab projects, and the wardens are supposed to shuttle injured eagles to them.

I called Laura J (a project friend who is also a veterinarian) and she suggested that I take the bird to my house and put it in a darkened mews to see if it will recover on its own. The same guy who helped me get the bird back up the embankment drove my car while his father followed. Just as we were nearing Locust Road the eagle barfed up all of its crop of road-killed raccoon - all over my clothes and car!

I put the eagle in the dark mews and am calling regional raptor centers."

This is not D1 or her parents. We don't know whether or not it was one of the other Decorah eaglets. We will keep you posted. I don't know if this is the exact spot, but here is a link to a map of the general area:

Amy Ries
5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Lori O. said...

I hope they find a rehabber or vet that will examine that eagle, JUDYE. I love eagles, but just can't even imagine barfed up raccoon road kill on me! GAG!

hedgie said...

Good (?) 43° chilly morning.
Message from Andy:
Hi, Lynn,
I'm really getting frustrated with my computer! Can't get to the blog. It's the same trouble I had back in June. Get an "Error Broadband Connection 815" message. Means I will probably spend most of the morning tomorrow on the phone with Microsoft C/S trying to work this out. Get messages like "Can't connect to the internet," and Internet Explorer cannot display webpage." Fun, fun, fun--NOT! Hope this message gets through to you!
Will be back to the blog as soon as I am able! All OK here, so not to worry.
Love, Andy xo

hedgie said...

Looks like our still cam is gone again. :(

T-Bird said...

I hope you all make a good Friday. I will catch you later.

hedgie said...

LOL....still catching up--see that Andy DID get logged in after she sent the email!!!! Oh, well.....just ignore, please!
I'm NOT ahead of the 8-ball!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Jo, sure hope you start to feel better really soon. Hugs.

Shirley, sounds as if you are on the mend and thank you so much for the lion cub video. I would love to have that experience.

Well, shucks, Linda. You may need to open a general store to sell all your canned goods. So pleased you have so much to preserve. We didn't have enough of anything survive.

Hoda, so nice you saw an eagle or eagles yesterday. Isn't it so reaffirming to know that a former student has been successful? Does a teacher's heart good.

Lynn, so glad the damage isn't enough to need an insurance claim.

Lorie, pizza counts if you had the style used in different parts of Italy OR as Hoda says, Italian is ethnic.

Loretta, good news that Sherry's spirits are improving and that they may be able to make some progress toward recovery. Will check out Maerten's. Thanks for adding another possibility.

Hi to Margie and Thelma and Sharon.

Judy, hope there will be a rehab option for the injured juvie.

Okay, off for coffee and newspaper and then on to serial killers.

Wishing everyone a lovely day. Chilly here with sunshine.

hedgie said...

JudyE, I saw that Scott was in Clearwater! Good on him, as Hoda says!

LOL,Thelma---Buddy wakes you up, and then goes back to sleep with Shar---what is wrong with this picture???!!!!

Wow, what an eagle-rescue story, JudyE......ugh, I agree with Lori----wouldn't want that barf in my car or on my clothes....g-a-g!

Lori, try a baggie over so camera----have heard lots of photogs do that to protect them but get the pics! Is the eagle still around??

hedgie said...

Boy-oh-boy----my least favorite celebrity Dr. (Oz) is finally getting his come-uppance for his fear-mongering announcement this week about apple juice. So glad that my usual TV station ditched him this month. He's an alarmist, and he often makes erroneous statements and allegations.

hedgie said...

Have my ham bone in the pot; beans are well-soaked. Soup for dinner tonight!!!

Lori O. said...






Costume Lady said...

I read of dogs, cats, birds wakening some of you up this morning...I was awakened at 7am by hammering and a BLASTING radio. The new community being built across the road, now has 3 houses being built. One is finished and sold/occupied, another is sold but not quite ready for occupancy and the 3rd one is directly across from our house. Cannot see the beautiful pasture field anymore:( Thatis where there was milkweed and monarch eggs and caterpillars and mushrooms. Miss the mushrooms so much...they were the Button mushrooms just like you buy in the fresh and tasty! I always made a huge pan-full of stroganoff with LOTS of mushrooms, in Sept., eat part and freeze the rest. This is a very good example of ecology being destroyed by man:(

T-Bird said...

Sounds rough Wanda. In this economy you wouldn't think there would be three houses being built at once. I love mushrooms and would love to have stroganoff.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning All!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...