Thursday, September 08, 2011


New thread.  Rain  continues...


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Lori O. said...

So you must be bursting with pride at Aric's terrific debut in the Catholic Review! He conveys his thoughts well for print.

DanaMo said...

Are you getting ready to go on Vacation, Lori? Virginia Beach? We didn't even get to take our camper out this whole summer. I am so disappointed. Hoping I can find a weekend this fall. I especially love fall camping!

DanaMo said...

I am bursting with pride! I have posted that article everywhere!!! LOL! Even sent it to his high school so they would post it at school. The principal said he is going to post it on the alumni FB page, include it in his Friday email, and the campus minister is going to get a paper copy and hang it on the bulletin board. :))) Big smiles

Lori O. said...

That's awesome about Aric! WoooHoo!

Yep getting ready to vacate! Another WooooHoo! Decided to leave tomorrow morning too much stress traveling with 2 big dogs! But, they love the beach so they'll be happy when we get there.

DanaMo said...

OOOh I want to go!! I love going to Frontier town because they have the bay where the dogs can run out and swim. It's the first place the puppies went swimming. We have some great video of it. You would think these labs would love to go out there, but boy they took some coaxing.

Lori O. said...

Boy, I sure miss our cam.

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, how many buttons do you have done? 200 is a lot! Kiss the puppies for me. :)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

enjoyed that spot on "Living Peacefully" on your radio station, Morning GLori

also Hoda's quote of the Maori 1:19 this morning


Seconding Paula's post:
God Bless our Military and Emergency Workers - All the time

magpie said...

Have a heart of sadness for the sudden loss of Jo's son John's family dog Mecca....
((Hugs and Love ♥ )) for the whole family, Mema Jo

magpie said...

Sure was happy to see PA Nana Diann spend some time with us early early this morning
Praying for all good outcomes, Diann..for Charlie and Judy, Eileen and hubby traveling to Marietta....YOU, JIM, and all the family during these difficult times
(( Hugs ♥ )) headed your way....

magpie said...

lots of school districts closed

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day, everyone....

try to keep a bright outlook...

xoxo ♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

magpie said...

'Morning T-Bird ☺ ♥

my morning outlook just got brighter ☼

Have a good day...
time to put on the red shirt for this Friday

xo ♥

T-Bird said...

Thanks Magpie, ours (Buddy) has too.

JudyEddy said...


ÉÄGLÉ BÜDs Ö ö ☺ ⌂ ☻

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

May the love and prayers flow amongst all who are in need today

Hoping Largo Central Park isn't flooded today like Davis Field was yesterday

Have a GREAT DAY one al all

Lori O. said...

Oh MARGY, you reminded me that I forgot to tell JO how sad I am about Mecca. That's what happens when I just read and don't take notes. JO, I'm so sorry about your sudden loss. ((Big Hug, honey))

Lori O. said...


Thelma Lou, how are you? & Buddy?

Lori O. said...

And, JUDYE check in! WOW, it's a party at 7:35!

Hellllllooooooooo JUDYE!

T-Bird said...

Good morning JudyE. We are good this fine TGIF, how about you?

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!

¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤\
\ 9/11 AMERICA \
.\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤*
/ \ NEVER FORGET!!! .....keep the flag going

Was looking for the pictures we took when we visited the Pentagon after 9/11 with Hunter. I am not sure I have any copies. Kathryn does and they are at Tom's. Something we need to take care of.

I really think I took some pictures, though. I need to keep looking. It was after they had put the big flag over the edge of the building.

JudyEddy said...

JO so sorry for your loss of

So sorry for your loss of a loved one

stronghunter said...

Flash Flooding in Fairfax, VA

stronghunter said...

Jo, my sympathies for your loss of Mecca.

T-Bird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody! TGIF!!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Sharon and Thelma.

T-Bird said...

Mema Jo-thoughts are out to you and your family on the loss of Mecca.

stronghunter said...

Lots of schools north of here are closed today.

stronghunter said...

And east of here--King George County.

stronghunter said...

And south of here--Caroline. Wow.

hedgie said...

Hi everybody! Another gloomy day here....:( We need SUN!!

Catchng up slowly---through the first 200!

DanaMo----re: the the mother dog there??? 1 mo. old is way too young to be away from wonder they are so scared if they have been separated from her. At that age, they should probably be bottle fed still if they are ophaned. LYNNE---am I right??

hedgie said...

2/3rds of the Bluefield girls present and accounted for! Hi Thelma and Sharon! Sissy is probably working hard so she can start getting ready for the Crisco reunion! Is it at Claytor Lake??

paula eagleholic said...

Hurricane Irene did a lot of damage...

James River Eagles Nests

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, have a wonderful vacation! Hope you can check in with us!

hedgie said...

How TX drought news: hottest record in US history...86.8° avg. for June-Aug. period. Bet Lolly would argue that average!!! Of course, they are probably avg. 24 hr. temps, not just daytime highs!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I am looking for the sun too, Lynn. All of you are such
caring and loving friends. Thanks for all your thoughts and cards for Mecca.
Charlie, Susie and the boys will get through this - Mecca gave them many memories.

No plans today except baking a cake for yet another family reunion. I think the first 3 Saturdays of this month are picnics.

DanaMo - You have every right to be busting at the seams with pride for Aric's remarks being published. ♥

Lori - May the sun shine upon you every day of your vacation! ♥

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

So I got a double post - what's with that? My delete ......♥

paula eagleholic said...

The blog loves you, JO, LOL

Mema Jo said...

That is really bad news, Paula about the eagles' nest along the James River.
Going to be a lot of rebuilding - but doubt it will be a finished nest in time for this upcoming season.

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, how very sad. Surely hoping that the eagles can regroup, rebuild and have successful seaasons ahead.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jo! Good to see you early! What kind of cake are you baking???

stronghunter said...

Seeing some blue sky and sunshine this morning.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Slept late. About to leave with Darth to take care of errands while the rain has become drizzle. Big limb down in yard this morning. No problem. Rather that than a whole 80' tree.

Will catch up this afternoon. Wishing all as good a day as possible.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to All and Lurkers.

So much going on for many of the group.

Thelma glad you checked in and give that hotdog eating Buddy a pet for me.

Judie so happy the tree did not come down on the house.

Lynne thank you for the link Massive power outage.
So sorry about the check engine light on again. Praying that they knew from start this was a problem
and that they will fix it without charge.

DanaMo I think I commented. If not then I want to say you should be proud of Aric and the article.
Your a good Mon and dedicated teacher.

wvgal_dana said...

Andy prayers for your computer .Continuing prayers
for Ken's pain.

Linda sorry about this mess with your Mom's taxes.
Yes I would try like you said to tell sister. To just let you do it!!! Prayers for your hard work
to straighten it all out. Can't understand why they didn't let you do it from day one.????? Well yes I do remember the confusion there.

Jo so sorry for Charlie,Susie and boy loss of their shepherd Mecca passing. This has been a terrible year for friends animals going on to that wonderful place
"Rainbow Bridge". Oh Jo I pray for you too for this lose. Hoping the other shepherd can work through this with families help.((((HUGS)))))

Prayers for Shannon and all the firefighters and volunteers God Bless Them All for what they do.
That are in any state helping. Plus
electric workers and tree cutters just everyone.
God you know who they are. Plus God you know who out there needs help in all kinds of ways.

Ok see the comment 11:56pm Tori starts first round in 20 minutes of chemo. Keeping Tori and Robyn and Bobbi in prayer. God please let this work for Tori. Put your
healing hands to this young girl and bring about a more
healthy person through this chemo.

DanaMo those puppies sound so young. Is their mother there with them?

Wanda did he stand there and continue to watch the bear or leave and go inside????

Lori heading for Virginia Beach. Have a wonderful, fun and enjoy your vacation time.

Thanks Paula for update on eagles nest James River
but sad :( Thank God no babies in them. They will have to work hard to rebuild some of those nest.

wvgal_dana said...

PA Nana Diann I am glad the surgery is over for your brother in law Charlie. For you sister Eileen and her husband flying in. I pray they can get to your Dad's house in Marietta.

Mema Jo said...

That's a good reason, Paula! lol

I'll bake my Pumpkin Cake with cream
cheese incing. It's a favorite of all.

The squirrels, titmouse, jays, house finch and a junco or two feeding this

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo that cake sound delicious. Of course your cooking always makes us hungry...HUGS

hedgie said...

Love that cake, Jo! Haven't made it in a long time here.

Diann, how far is Marietta from you? Is there someone who keeps an eye on oyur dad? Hope he doesn't have any flooding concerns. And that you r sister CAN get there okay. blood loss not too unexpected with Charlie's surgery....hope he recuperates quickly.

hedgie said...

Wanda, guess Donny didn't have a camera, huh? Too bad! Are they in Berryville?

hedgie said...

WooHoo, Shirley---hope your sunshine continues! It has peeked through here two or three times for 30 seconds max!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, DanaWV, that's what I least there weren't any chicks or eggs in the nests...they can rebuild, like the article says!

wvgal_dana said...

UPDATE on Diane Rowland:

She had gone from hospital to a rehab. Which of course Terry had not told me. She came home yesterday. Sort of reminds me of Judie's situation. She will be going to Robin Wood for therapy. She can't put any wait on right hip or foot for 3 more months. It is hard to move due to the 3 broken ribs. Please keep her and Terry and family in prayer. Thank you...

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie was the child drowning in the flood waters
in Berkeley County??? So sad :(

Hoda glad paddling yesterday was better. Nice to see an eagle ... awww the feeling is just awesome.

Hoda a good joke. I'll have to copy and send to my other email group. lol

wvgal_dana said...

This will not go on my fb page so I am pasting it here:

¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤\
\ 9/11 AMERICA \
.\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤*
/ \ NEVER FORGET!!! .....keep the flag going

Thanks Paula ( :

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the report Paula. (so sad)

T-Bird said...

Prayers to Diane WVDana.

T-Bird said...

Sunshine and feels hot here in Bluefield.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn left word on FB about Tori's procedure...
Tori got thru the treatment with no nausea and no ill side effects except a headache which is good since we now know most likely she will do good next treatment in a month. Thank you everyone ♥ & hugs

Keep Praying for her!

Mema Jo said...

I'd like to go to Bluefield and see the sun!!

hedgie said...

No, Dana, it was in Vienna, Va.
Prayers for your friend as she recovers.

Thelma, I'd like to place an order for sun and warmth, please!!!

Judie, glad it was just a limb that came down and not a whole tree!!!

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jim hope all is good with you our dear friend.
Semper Fi

movin said...

Thanks, Dana, and back at ya with the well wishes.

C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

I sure hope my nephews son's wife knows what she is doing. He has been in Navy for 10 years or longer. He has always even she knew this before they married he wanted to make a career out of it.(not like over in Aftkansastanhe)
Well she gave him a choice the service or the family. WOW!! I can't believe she did that. So from what I understand he will be getting out. Jobs are so hard to find. They have a son and daughter what about health insurane I am thinking. Did she think of that even. I can't believe she placed him in this position.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim I am staying high and dry here in the valley! lol

I just checked on the Potted Plant Owl and she has 3 eggs in her planter nest.

Mema Jo said...

Just got my Birds & Blooms

Dana did you ever get the subscription form? I won't throw any of these
inserts away this time.......
Holler at me with what you need.....♥

hedgie said...

Lori's station posted this 9/11 programs that will be boradcast this weekend:
Programming guide

Mema Jo said...

DanaWV After 10 years I am sure you are
questioning Why Now - The worst part should be over from waiting and having help raising the children. Must be
something serious.. Hope all goes well for them and their family.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes thank you Mema Jo I went online and called them and ordered it. Got the Aug/Sept issue free. $20.00 for 2 years. Thank you Sweeite ((HUGS))

wvgal_dana said...

It knows I have to go out in not too much longer. So it has decided to POUR down...grrr

Rain go to the states that need you!!!! PLEASE !!!!

JudyEddy said...

Back from a gl☼rious glorious day at the park Largo Central the kick butt park no water there like yesterdays park And it is such a nice fall feeling day Dew Point is low and it feel marvelous out I didn't want to come home it felt that nice out no sweating at all Jordyn is down for a nap I almost dozed off too but thought better get up to get some reading done Now I would say cleaning but we know me that would be a untrue HAHA I will read instead

When we left for the park I checked radar and it looks like lots of rain in gulf but out a ways so we have more I'm sure with at 50% chance today

On the way to the park there was a motorcycle behind me A man had a skull mask on his face I thought that was odd I called Angie just to tell someone one it looks odd and scary and she said she see that all the time It keep the wind out of their face Now wouldn't you think that would be hotter with a stupid mask on Different strokes for different folks LOL

I have tired several times and clicked on the link to see the drunken moose and all I see is flood info on Lee PA Odd I wonder whats up I did see the cute puppy and the ice cube that was to funny but unable to get the moose I tried yesterday and when it failed and took me to a page about flood I gave up and retired today and get same thing I wonder if it could have changed since I didn't click on it right away and that it was replaced by another story I will never know I guess Ok back to reading I just wanted to say I am here and accounted for at this time BYE I will be back

hedgie said...

It is POURING here again. :(

Dana, your great nephew is a fool to let her put him in that position.

hedgie said...

JudyE---try this link for the moose story. Drunken Moose Up Tree

wvgal_dana said...

My hairdressers boyfriend just got out of the service. He guarded the Presidents at Camp David. He was in a good while. He is having a terrible time finding a job!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well the rain has let up some. It is much lighter will make a run for the car.

Everyone be careful out there and take care.

Kay said...

Whew, getting a late start again today and think I've caught up on your posts. Much too much to comment on, but prayer notes made.

JO, so sorry about Mecca. We've lost of lot of animals this year. :( Thanks to you and LYNN for the Tori updates ! Prayers continue.

LYNN, I hear ya on the Ergonomics--as a tall person I have a serious bone to pick with a number of manufactors/designers. Good on Shannon, hope he's getting some rest today !

LORI, yes the new puter is swell ! Saw the "The Laptop Guy" yesterday and have the guts out of the old Dell. Hugh will do the retrieval this weekend and then this new HP will be complete !

PAULA, especially saddened to hear about the St. James nest. Like others, I hope they have time to rebuild for the coming season.

Hoda said...

Goodmorning/ good afternoon everyone.

Prayers for TORI continue. Proud of her. First treatement went well is wheat I read. She is a trooper, Way to go TORI.

PAUlA sorry about the Eagle nests destroyed by the hurricane. It is the same river where they released the NBG eaglets, right? I hope they are OK.

I will check back in later today...Yoga and errands and then some flat cleaning in the afternoon.

HAGD everyone...Check in later...

JudyEddy said...

So sad about the loss of the eagles nest in the storm Sure would be neat if humans could do something to help and I know we can't but sure would be nice if we could build thier nest for them don't ya think!

stronghunter said...

We have seen some human-built osprey nests on here, but I do not know about eagle nests.

stronghunter said...

Did a little research and found that there have been human-built eagle nests. Need to get ready to pick Hunter up at school, so I am out of time now.


hedgie said...

Hi Hoda, Kay and Shirley.
Everyone is running off!!
So glad you've got your Dell guts, Kay!!! Good when Hugh gets it all transferred.

Dusting all finished downstairs. Heading up to the bedroom next. Also need to dig into the closet up there for some shoes for Christie. They are no longer allowed to wear anything porous on their feet at work ( as in canvas sneakers). Regular sneakers are too heavy for 10 hrs. on her feet. So I have three brand new pairs of expensive brand-name duty shoes that I bought on my GM uniform allowance a month before I ended up going on sick leave....and hardly wore at all. Hoping they will fit her "style!"

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, NX is fine...the WCV has her tracking page active now.

Tracking NX

Mema Jo said...

The skies have opened up yet again!
Really a down pour.

I have on my RED shirt - I have
apprehensions on our country being
threatened. I so hope everyone is
cautious. I hope my daughter can work
from home on Monday and not in DC.

Mema Jo said...

Makes sense about the canvas sneakers.
I guess you bought those extra shoes for
a very good reason, Lynn.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly to wish everyone a good, red-wearing, TGI-Friday!

My computer is running better, although a bit slow, this morning.
I think, too, that the heat got to it. Thank GOD it's cooler here today! Only 74 right now, on the way to 84. Major difference!

Well, need to get going. Slept in late this morning, and now need to pay some bills online and go grossery shopping for the week. Yuck. Well, it's a rotten job, but somebody's got to do it.

Kubby went back to work today, and his heel is feeling a lot better. Thank you all for your prayers for him!

Will check back in later to see how things are going, and to update my prayer list. Haven't really caught up here yet. HAGD, everyone! :o]

hedgie said...

Hmmm...lost internet for about half-an-hour....go figure.

Glad your puter is doing better, Andy! And that it is cooler today for it and you!

hedgie said...

Rain had stopped, and now it's back in full force Jo...probably will come your way AGAIN!

DanaMo said...

OMGosh seriously, when is the rain going to stop!

DanaMo said...

Jo, so sorry for your loss. Prayers coming your way.

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! This is just too unreal!! You get all that rain and we are getting nada!!! Also, our humidity is so low!! Single living in the desert. Guess we are now! Time for me to move! Anyway, having to lotion up and put drops in my dry eyes!

DanaMo said...

oh WV Dana! I am so sorry to hear that about your nephew! My brother was forced out of the Navy by his wife and it hasn't been good. He has always regretted it.He has never been able to find his place after he got out! It has been awful.

DanaMo said...

Sorry the puppies are not a month old, I misspoke (didn't mean it literally, just that they are babies). Sorry for my miscommunication.

Lolly said...

Trip to Denton was fun! Jacob's treat at school was short and sweet and we got to bring him home early. (his home) Joseph had choir practice. Oh, and Monday Joseph takes his Cello to school for the first time for his first lesson. He is going to be in the school orchestra! They are renting the cello with the chance to buy if he continues. Wow!

Gave Jacob a car construction set as well as two Dallas Cowboy shirts. That's our boy!

Then today we were up early to be at the school for breakfast.

Came home and mowed. I have fallen asleep twice tring to read the blog.

Lolly said...

Also, Jack came home from his trip last week with a cough and some congestion. Well, guess what! It is attacking me now. First time I have had a cold (or whatever it is!) in over 3 years. Dern! That is another reason I am falling to sleep.

Kay said...

Taking a break after cleaning the building foyer---that's supposed to be done by a service once a month, but it rarely happens. I get to the point where I just can't stand it. Once you start you must do windows, once you do those windows you must do the exterior of your own and so it goes.....

Good for NX, she's venturing a bit further day by day. It's grand being able to follow her and her 2009 and 2010 sibs as well. So far they are survivors !

LOLLY, it just ain't fair. We have way too much rain from Ohio eastward and you folks in the Southwest are parched beyond belief.

Back to my next job, running the electric broom all round the house. Already dusted and de-linted the furniture. I like to start the weekend with a clean house.

Kay said...

Well, my goodness gracious. I didn't mean to scare everyone off ! I'm already through with the broom---that shows you how small my little nest is !

LOLLY, so many here are suffering with allergies, including me. September is always a prime month for them. Hope it turns out to be only that with you and Jack. There has to be more dust and more air polution, what with drought and fires, than your poor systems are used to.

Mema Jo said...

It did come to my valley - the sky clears and the humidity is horrible..
then more rain!..

I should have taken an afternoon nap.


Kay said...

DANAMO, thanks for clarification on age of puppies ! We couldn't imagine what horrible thing might have happened that would put month old pups out there without a mommy. How do the labs react to them ?

Kay said...

JO, stay in and out of that humidity. Tend only to your breathing needs !

Kay said...

ANDY, years ago I had a extremely sore spot on the bottom of a heel. It felt fine after each cortisone shot, but the relief didn't last. A podiatrist created an insert for my shoe which had a hole where the sore spot was. That meant no pressure on it at all and it healed beautifully in time. Perhaps your Kubby could get something like that.

DanaMo said...

We are going back and forth to their house.

Hoda said...

I am very glad NX is doing so well PAULA. Thanks for the link.

DanaMo said...

They are not nearly as overprotective as we are with our dogs. They are in a sunroom with the door open to come and go as they please. She wants me to leave them in the room overnight with the door open. I said NO WAY not while I'm responsible. What if they get out, or get hurt in the yard! Geez...I can't do it. She does kennel them in the house at night but wanted me to leave them in the sun room while they are gone. Worried about them pooping in the kennel. I'm like, no not going to happen and more then likely they won't poop in the kennel. Oh my! Waiting for the rain to stop so we can go over.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN thanks for re posting the moose POOR moose he looks really sad and stuck
Speaking people out of work My X and my son both lost their jobs almost two years ago in construction and still can't find work in the field of construction and his new wife has just lost her job last week so 3 people under one roof no job He is lucky he paid off the house He paid it off before he married her thinking if he paid for it and something happens to him that SHE the new wife wouldn't be entitled to the house He doesn't know the law in Fl He is soooo wrong and I didn't have the heart to tell him LOL

Was such a nice day today nice and cool for Fl and now off course storming and raining again Well atleast had a good day with Jordyn before the rains came we were outside she was riding her bike just before the rains came She got the biggest kick out of going in the water with her bike on the curb Funny she pleases so easy

JudyEddy said...

KAY How do you like Window 7 Angies didn't come with window mail Did yours come with it own email? she had to down load Mozilla email I wish you still could get Vista with new puter I am just use to it and don't like new and different that is one reason I am holding off on getting a new lap top They told me that I could get Vista put in it but that is just extra expense

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete link didn't take Try again

Eaghquake in Vancouver Sep 9

was on faebook post about a hour ago

JudyEddy said...

On no we are boring people fall asleel while reading the blog LOL Just kidding

hedgie said...

It almost looks like MAYBE the rain has moved on out. Some weak sunshine as evening approaches.....fingers crossed. Praying that it is TX's turn to get some of all this moisture.

hedgie said...

OMG---JudyE--thanks for earthquake info.....HODA-----did you FEEL it???? How far away is Vancouver? considering our 5.8 was felt over 1500 miles, I would think that maybe you did???? I need to check a map!

hedgie said...

About 400 miles distance....hmmmm! Of course, looks like Washington state would also have felt it!

hedgie said...

DanaMo--big sigh of relief about the pups!! And think you are very wise to kennel them at night! They could even get stolen!!!

JudyEddy said...

I googled it 264 miles

JudyEddy said...

that was flight distance

Distance between Nelson and Vancouver

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to the beach, catch ya'll later...still raining here...ugh!!!

Hoda said...

ALL IS WELL. I did not feel it and am phoning friends who live in the area. So far no one is reporting damage and no tsunami. A couple of friends have yet to get back to me but I feel certain that they are just not near their electronic devices.
Thank You for your concern. I will keep you posted if there is something that come out of it It is on West side of Vancouver Island. The Capital of the province is Victoria and they are reporting people experiencing it but no damage so far...Vancouver on the main land did not feel it, some east of the city did feel it however...go figure!!!

JudyEddy said...

Stay safe Paula there are maniac on the road

Hoda said...

Travel Well PAULA and NICK look forward to your checking in later this evening.

I am 695 KM away from the earth quake area.431 Miles east of it.Another friend just checked in and all is indeed well.

hedgie said...

Be careful, Paula. Let us know when you get there, please!

Hoda...glad that all is well with you and your friends!!

JudyEddy said...

Odd I googled Nelson to Vancouver and it was wrong 264 is what it said on two different sites Shame on them LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm going to go do some Judy time check in later I think its done raining for the day YEAH

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Way much has been discussed in my absence.

Good news about Tori and about Charlie. Continued positive healing thoughts for both.

Jo, so sorry about Mecca. Loss of a pet family member is always so heartbreaking.

Yes, bless our firemen and police and rescue workers. Near Ft. Belvoir today we crossed a bridge and noticed a significantly large number of police (County and State /marked and unmarked/fire/ambulance). Told Darth it was probably serious. A man who tried to cross a flooded footbridge drowned and his body had just been discovered.

Lori, wishing you a really wonderful vacation. Drive safely and enjoy the scenery. When you cross the bridge after Newport News, lower the car windows and smell the salt air. Ask about local restaurants that are not tourist traps.

I know I've forgotten other things I wanted to say. Had a long day. Will relay adventures later.

JudyEddy said...

Going to Biff Burger to meet up with Angie and Carl and Jorydn off course

Judie said...

Oh, I must just comment to DanaMo: congratulations on Aric's accomplishments. Applause, applause!

Judie said...

Must also comment: Paula's taken off but safe travels and enjoy the weekend.

DanaMo said...

Lori and her dogs going to the beach made me think of last year when the pups went for their first swim! I posted the video on my picture blog.

Mema Jo said...

We finished dinner - Grilled ham & cheese - We hadn't had them for quite
a while.

Time for me to catch some evening news


hedgie said...

Lolly, sorry that you and Jack are feelingunder the weather---in more ways than one. Hope you can fight off the bug quickly. You both have been SO busy that your resistance is probably down. Sounds like a great time with the boys!

Lolly said...

Just shoot me...feel awful! Just watched a short special on the news of the children of I am crying.

Lolly said...

Also on the news...two wildfires near us, that, thankfully were put out quickly.

hedgie said...

Judie, heard drowning that you mentioned.
Huntington was where Shannon was working on the evacs last night.

Lolly said...

Off to rustle up some dinner. Think there are some leftover meatballs from Wed. Just need to cook some spaghetti.

DanaMo said...

So much tragedy everywhere!

DanaMo said...

Just ordered pizza!! Gonna have a beer with it too!

Judie said...

Yep, Shannon was not so far away. Huntington area is not all that far from Belvoir. Drowning occurred on Telegraph Rd not far from Richmond Highway.

Thanks, Jo. We had a late lunch and grilled cheese was a great suggestion for dinner.

For the adventures: Darth purchased a new t.v. (32" flat screen)Sharp for $299. I bought a new whisk and two dish towels. We also stopped by a place called The Fairfax which is a continuing care retirement community for retired military. In brief, too much money up front and for monthly rent and, while secluded, it is still in a very, very busy and congested area of Fairfax. They even charge a monthly fee to be on a waiting list. Much preferred the Solomon's look and feel.

Okay, off to see about grilled cheese sammiches.


magpie said...

BIG Celestial Day here in Berkeley County
Saw the Sun ☼ AND the Moon, which is nearly full....
the clouds have also been spectacular !

Good Evening Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

oh post #339
my old man pal's fire department monitor number

magpie said...

Official Full Moon
Sept 12 0907 hours EDT
Lori should see some lovely moon rises at the Beach...
as it rises in the EAST ☺

magpie said...

dont' have the Full Moon names and hope that Floralgirl wil sneak on and tell us ☺

magpie said...

Wow Judie
a new Whisk and two new dish towels...
☺ and a flat screen, just in time for some good TV-watching

magpie said...

Glad, Relieved that Hoda was not adversely affected by the earthquake

So very sorry to read of the drowing tragedies in Fairfax County

magpie said...

Met a man, tonight, at a funeral visitation viewing....actually had a Red T-Shirt which said
Red on Friday, Support our Troops
He is a 22-year veteran, Army and National Guard...
is the father of one of my co-workers, whose grandfather died a few days ago
Told him about our RED on Fridays ...♥

magpie said...

great report on the overnight visit to Laurel's and the birthday visit with Jacob ☺
and how about that Joseph, about to take up cello! I have a nephew, now a college senior, who took up this instrument at about the same age...beautiful instrument ♫ ♪

Sharing the sadness with you about the 9-1-1 children, though I did not see the show...yet...going to settle in for some shows tonight here shortly, and do some reading of books about it.

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good evening, Precious Pals....
will "see" you a little later on.

Hoping, that GG and the Gang are having some Jayden time tonight !

xo ♥ ttfn

stronghunter said...

We have a nice mess in the basement. Flooding. Not deep, but enough. Headed to hardware store to pick up some items.


Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Jo, so sorry about Mecca. how old was she? Any history of health issues?

Lynn, you asked about one month old puppies....yes, too early to be away from mom. Puppy formula should still be a part of the diet, and puppy food can start being given.

Prayers for a quick recovery for Diann's Charlie brother.

Saw Loir's programming list...I highly recommend watching CBS Sunday at 8pm 9/11 Ten Years Later with De Niro. If you have never seen the original film that the Naudet Brothers did, find it and watch it. It was incredible. Looking forward to seeing the updated version.

magpie said...

Dateline 9-11 pm
about 9/11..
WRC (think that is an NBC channel also...)

will watch for that program you mention also, Lynne

Thank you....printed out that Programming Guide posted earlier also


Lynne2 said...

I saw sunshine for 22 seconds today!

also, on the way to work on the dinky side road here, a tree was down, and some lines. Had to drive backwards about 100 yards to find a place to turn around. Road on wide enough for 1 car in most places, and very few areas to pull off or turn around.

Lolly, sorry you and Jack are ailing. Feel better!

Hoda said...

All Vancouver Island and Vancouver City friends accounted for. The last one just checked in. She was at CURVES and did not notice anything her husband was walking in the woods and he lost his one is reporting structural damage and so far no after shocks.

Lynne2 said...

Glad everyone is accounted for Hoda! Weird about the loss of balance...that's what Dr C felt at the clinic that day we had ours.

Steve just returned from an interview at Kohl's. Very weird. Eight people in the room, all being asked questions, and answering in front of everyone else. HUH??? Time sure have changed....

Need to go get some supper ready....

Lynne2 said...

Shirely, sorry about your basement flooding. Hope it's not too bad.

Lynne2 said...

Darth bought a flat screen and Judie got CLEANING SUPPLIES????? UGH!

hedgie said...

HURRAY---we have moonlight! Beams reflecting off wet leaves look like they have little tiny solar lights on them!

magpie said...

put a few buckeye butterfly pictures and Pratis Mantis pics on
Feathers, Fur and Miscelleneous link, also the waters of Back Creek at Swinging Bridge.
LOL - I think I posted one picture twice on there, oh well

hedgie said...

LOL, DanaMo---I had pizza and a beer, too!

magpie said...

am also sorry to read of flooding at Shirley's Roost's basement, will be interested in knowing what kind of supplies she is out getting

hope it is not so very awful, Shirley xoxo
Be Careful !

magpie said...

beautiful moon beam imagery, Lynn...just think, how lovely the Eagle cams would look with the moonlight glow

time enough for a decent length soak in the tubby before 9 pm

I'm almost out of the beep-beep-beep pager the stroke of midnight!
Get to see James the Wise Saturday after work...Hallelujah! I miss the chap !

xox Love to you, Precious Pals...
back later ♥

hedgie said...

Lynne, fingers crossed and prayers that Steve gets the Kohl's job. What is it for? A lady in Christie's bell choir has worked for them for a number of years and seems satisfied with them as an employer.

I have seen clips of the new film by the those guys, Lynne. Extremely well done, as was the original. I have DVR sett o record quite a few of the shows coming up.

Luckily, Lynne, turns out the puppies are as young as DanaMo typed! Whew!

Glad you got turned around okay!

hedgie said...

Judie, there IS something wrong with this PICTURE.....TV vs. towels and whisk? Inequality!!!

Oh, no---you wouldn't want a retirement community so close to the city!!! I vote for Solomon's!

Shirley, how did the water get in??? Do you have a wet vac? Is Will coming to help??

hedgie said...

Margy, didn't know who I was looking for in the obits....?? Was visitation at Brown's?

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone in eagle land.

Just a brief visit for now with good/better news. Eileen and hubby made it home in a roundabout way but when they go to dad's he wasn't home and she didn't have a key. That "old goat" had to go investigate the flooding and worry us. But things turned out okay. She did a BE and dad finally came home.

Have to catch up and call sister Judy later when she'll be home.


P.S. Lori - If you need to contact anyone in the area, email me and I'll give you Teresa's (our daughter) number. She's not far from there and if you tell her you know me, you're in like flint.

Mema Jo said...

Just to let you know that I am watching the Hallmark movie... I will return

hedgie said...

Lolly, my sister has been studying the cello for a few years. Did you know that news anchor Paula Zahn is a cellist? She performed with one of the symphony orchestras during a Yo Yo Ma concert many years ago. A real thrill for her!

hedgie said...

Diann...don't understand; BE as in Breaking and Entering???? If so, too funny!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, no movie on my Hallmark channel....??

Hoda said...

I too am concerned about the flodding in Shirley's Basement...what supplies did you need Shirley?

Linda said...

Good Evening!!

I'm finally DONE!! Not only did I complete all of 2010, but I did 8 months of 2011 so I can keep up to date with it.

My Mom's husband would never take advantage of my doing it for them.......but my Mom definitely would. It is probably why she called me to see how I was. Then she complained about not feeling well enough to do it.

She isn't well and can't do it, and this is what I

It's NOT amazing! It's just what I do, so I can do it faster and smarter than they can.

I am pretty exhausted, though and am glad I could help them out. I will keep up with it and insist on doing it myself on a month to month basis so it doesn't get behind like this again!

So........... how are all of you wonderful peeps??

We still have much flooding in the area, so we stayed put today to let those who have to get out do what they need t do.

Will try and catch up tomorrow. My eyes are burning and I'm tired, but I wanted to say Hi and send my love to each of you ♥♥♥

As always, thanks for your kind comments, for worrying about me and for caring as you ALWAYS do!!

Will check back in tomorrow!

Love & ((((HUGS)))) to all........

Night xoxo ♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I'm a wooped puppy Got back a few min ago and just got out of the shower Its been a long day The sunset was soooo pretty tonight we ate outside at Biff Burger takin my Tynl PM and heading to bed


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

Watching Dateline here

wife of the deceased, did not want anything in the newspaper
viewing is at Bethel Assembly here, close by
funeral there tomorrow
Met Noel's family....
enjoyed that...


Diane said...

Well, this is what I get for being gone for so long. Too much going on. Mema Jo, so sorry about Mecca. So sad. :-(
Been a super busy week..started PT on my knee and was hoping with my son back in college things would slow down. Wishful thinking.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy...okay. Thanks.

Linda, does your mother and her husband own a business?? Sure seems like a lot of bookkeeping just for personal stuff! As Hoda would say, good on you, gal! Now chill!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Diane! What happened to your knee? We have ALL kinds of knee problems with our Momsters!

stronghunter said...

We are back. We purchased a dehumidifier and some of that stuff that is supposed to soak up moisture (Damp Rid).

We cleaned as much as we are able to tonight and set up the dehumidifier and Damp Rid.

I have a small shop vac and a nice carpet shampooer. Not a whole lot to suck up, but the floor is quite damp. We are going to have to unpack the boxes down there and throw away a lot of stuff. Probably not too many valuable things, but it will be a lot of work.

Then we need to do some waterproofing.

The water came in through the walls. We have had problems before when the gutters and downspouts aren't draining properly.

I called Will and left a message.

Diane said...

Lynn2, I've had 2 meniscus surguries, so there's no meniscus left on one side. It's been very painful for a couple of years and according the ortho surgeon I need a knee replacement, but says I'm way too young. We're hoping the PT will help hold it off. But, boy, does it hurt when I'm done!! Yikes. Makes me not want to go back.

Diane said...

Stronghunger, I'm so sorry you are going through this!

Lynne2 said...

I sure feel for you Diane....I have had very bad knee problems especially in the last year. Gets worse all the time, and my weight is not helping at all. PT for a long time, cortisone shots not helping. I sure hope the PT works for you. It did for me for some time, and now maybe I ought to be doing those exercises again! You are in good company here!

Lynne2 said...

oh Shirley, so sorry about the walls leaking. Our landlord says that's why our boiler room flooded....due to the gutters (which are old and in need of replacement). Damp Rid works pretty well in small spaces, like closets. The dehumidifier will work wonders. Sure hope there won't be a mold problem. We will be bleaching the sun porch this weekend. Sorry you are going to loose some of your things and I hope nothing sentimental...

Lynne2 said...

need to go fold some clothes....

stronghunter said...

We got two large, economy size Damp Rid containers.

stronghunter said...

There will be a serious mold problem if we don't get everything taken care of. We are just physically unable to do it all tonight.

I think we will be doing some serious waterproofing, too.

hedgie said...

Hi, Diane! Hope your knee responds well to the PT. And I bet you are missing your son :(

Lynne2 said...

Susquehanna River crested today at 42.66 feet, 2 feet above the record set during Agnes. Some levies in Pa are in danger of breeching.

Lynne2 said...

that was in Wilkes Barrre, PA

PA Nana said...

Shirley, sorry for your water problem. I remember you had some trouble last year I think.

Lynn, yes, that B&E. Funny.

Diane, hope you get some relief from the knee trouble. Have both meniscuses(i) gone from one knee and know the pain. Hope PT will give some relief.

Glad to hear Tori had some successful therapy today. Prayers to continue.

Okay, been thinking about this for several weeks and am now going to ask for your help.

My orthopedic surgeon, after reviewing my tests, has suggested I try neurostimulation therapy. Have reviewed the literature he sent home with me and am scared.

Has anyone, or know anyone, who has had this done? My biggest fear is having leads put in my spinal column. Sounds too risky and worry about side effects. I'd appreciate your input. Thank you.

Think I'll go watch some tv to get my mind off this.

I'll send my prayers and goodnights to you now. God bless!

Lynne2 said...

Diann, sounds scary! Dr Baker had that procedure last winter. It relieved her pain. They did a "temporary" stimulator to see if it would work. It did, but there were complications, and she had other issues as well. I will ask her about it when I see her on Monday.

hedgie said...

Shirely, Christie and Shannon have had that problem, as we also did in our first house. THere is a special waterproofing paint---rubberized---to apply to the walls...but also need to do a very heavy silicone caulk where the walls meet the floor. Of course, outside work can make a difference, too....either dig up way down and recoat the exterior of the block, or put in drainage tile all the way around. I strongly advise scrubbing the interior walls with bleach. And after all is said and done, build shelving to put boxes and such on up off the floor. What a shame that you are having to deal with this. ARGH.

hedgie said...

Diane, have they suggested Synvasc injections?

stronghunter said...

Very tired. Need to take some allergy medication and head upstairs.

See you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everybody!!!
Have read very little of today's but know Lori is headed to the B---H!!Have a wonderful time & be careful of the waves!!!!
DanaMo, congrats on Aric's article!!!!
How wonderful to have a little fame this early in a college career!
Jo, so sorry for your son's loss of pet dog. ♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to step up for Megan who is so busy, and give you some information on the September Full Moon. It is called the Corn Moon. It is also called the Elk Calling Moon! It is also called the Harvest moon, however, I have learned that every few years, the Harvest Moon is in the beginning of October instead. Tradition dictates that the moon declared the Harvest Moon, is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, or first day of astrological autumn. Therefore, it occasionally is in October. One more piece of info....if the full moon in Sept. falls on the day of the actual equinox, it's called the Super Harvest Moon!

hedgie said...

Diann, I know people who have had the neurostimulator implanted with some good success. Questioning why he doesn't try a TENS unit first, tho'. It is external....and many have good enough results with it that they don't have to resort to the implant.

stronghunter said...

Went out and pulled some junk out of the drainage system the builder put in after we had the problem the first time, Lynn.

Have to think about it tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Diane, Lynn said! That was my next step before we lost the health insurance. Many have had great relief with it! Not sure for your particular condition it's appropriate, but it's sure worth asking!

Lynne2 said...

Good night SHirley!

magpie said...

SPLIT coming up...

magpie said...

Welllll.....too young for a knee replacement, sounds like a mixed signal there.....
Glad you are YOUNG -but hey what difference does it make ???

magpie said...

wwhen it comes to comfort, that is....

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...