Friday, September 30, 2011


TGIF thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve, for the new FRIDAY thread!

Have a great weekend.

I'll go get the others.

stronghunter said...

stronghunter said...
Good morning,

Prayers for Big James and Little James, Margy, and for Harley.

Also for Diane and Penny.

Friday, September 30, 2011 8:41:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Lori.

Lori O. said...


Partly sunny, with a high near 70.

Lori O. said...

Hello Shirley.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, that is a very, very cute avatar for HOPE. Sweet. :(

MARGY, so sorry about the James's Harley. Prayers for their comfort and good memories.

JudyEddy said...



hedgie said...

Morning all. Don't think it can qualify as particularly a GOOD one......Diann, so sorry about your cousin....I pray that she will be as lucky as I have been. There are always miracles around the corner. Have you had relief from your injection??

And my heart hurts for James the Wise and his is always such a painful experience, but for a youngster who has never known life without a special dog, it will be devastating.
Margy, I know you will be heading for BS as soon as you get off owrk---please give Master James an extra hugs from Momsters and Dadsters.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Margy, so sorry about Harley. Hugs of comfort for James the Wise.

Diann, wishing a complete recovery outcome for your cousin.

Busy day yesterday and today.

Enjoy the sunshine and cool weather.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Beautiful day here and 68, heading up to only the
80's. I can live with that. Mowing and yard work will not be too bad this morning.

Prayers for James. Loosing his dog will really hurt. Laurel and Joey are trying to prepare the boys as Bosco is way beyond his expected years. But, there really is no way to prepare. :( Joseph, our sensitive one will really hurt.
So, God be with James today.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and Lori thank you for going and calling the others over.

I see I have a few comments to catch up on.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday.

As Margy would say "Remember to wear something RED today".

hedgie said...

Cloudy here, but no rain---yet!!! Got leaves blown off small deck....still have the big one to do.

Judie, did classes go well yesterday?? Hope you have relaxation penciled into day's schedule.

Lolly, if you put my address into those satellite maps, you can't see ANYTHING but trees!!! Good image of your front!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well from just reading this thread. It doesn't look like it has started out being a very good day.

Margy please give James a BIG HUG from me and the Mr. Ed he knew. I am so sorry about Harley. I have tears just thinking of our James without his dog. Tell James I've ask Ed to go play with Harley some.((((((((((HUGS for you Margy cause I know this is hard for you to do.))))))))))))))

wvgal_dana said...

I hear the train from the house. If the live feed of ours was working. You would hear the train too.

Loretta I forgot to tell you yesterday. I love the butterfly avatar you have up.

Lolly said...

I am out to work in the yard. Have a great day!☺♥

Say a prayer for Annie. Jack is about to perform a "meowectomy". Yikes! I will assist! lol

JudyEddy said...

Not going to see monkeys today Angies said Jordyn had a rough nite crying yelling in her sleep NO NO Bad dreams I guess So she said she was sleepy when I picked her up came to house to play a bit and now she is down for a early early nap She has a runny nose so looks to being coming down with a cold And no more playing with the mouse on the computer she did something to where my tool bar disappeared from bottom and appeared on the side of the screen and in huge icons So far I got it back down on the bottom and still am trying to figure where all it went Its just twice as big as it was and will probably just have to live with it and get use to it LOCKING tool bar now and hiding mouse HAHA

So sorry for the loss of another pet

JudyEddy said...

Awfully quite on the blog again

movin said...




More foj in So Cal this morning.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends

Prayers for Big & Little James.
Margy you will be able to capture his
tears as you speak to the good life that Harley had. Glad you are there for them Happy that your sil called for your help!

Nothing on the books for today - Sunshine is bright for now - squirrels and birds are eating on the deck. Life is good in the valley.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Jim! Sorry about all the foj all the time!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I have updated my prayer list about Ron. Prayers also for his partner Todd and family.

hedgie said...

Dana, the train you hear at home is probably the same one that goes near the nest, but wouldn't be heard at the same time!!!

Lolly, what exactly is Jack going to do to Annie??? Sounds suspiciously bad!

Hi, fojjy Jim!!!! Hope it lifts soon.

JudyE...sorry Jordyn is typical for younguns to catch everything that comes along until they get in school and start buidling immnunity!

hedgie said...

Jo.....send some sun rays THIS direction, please! Dreary......

Mema Jo said...

Red Panda Alert

Panda is in full view on Panda cam and is cleaning itself! Beautiful

Mema Jo said...

People interacting with Winter, the dolphin on cam

Mema Jo said...

Look at the chicken pic Sharon just put on FB ROFL

hedgie said...

Another quandry....opinions, please. If three people are renting a house, and two of them are a couple, should the cost be split in half or in thirds?? Do I keep the peace and just pay half?
IF any of my kids can come for a couple of days, then half is fine, but otherwise, seems a little unbalanced to this feeble brain.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley so glad the neighbor helped out with Luna. ( :

Paula glad Nick is ok and you got his collar back on. ( :

Lynn sounds like Terra Alta your in-laws are going to see some snow.

JudyEddy said...

She is in daycare Mon, Tue, and Wed and that is where she is getting her colds from Angies found out remember last month with the strep Jordyn had twice Well found out 18 kids had it also total school and that was just found out by accidents when Angie was talking to the moms when she picked up Jordyn

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e my daughter, her boyfriend and a friend rent an apartment. They all pay; thirds. Even if they were married it still would be thirds. 3 people 3 pay rent.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
movin said...

"It's a fojjy day in London town" alright, or it would be if we had a London Town out here..

You know, So Cal is a semi-desert south of L.A., and many of the local plants ...and animals...get a large part of their water from collecting foj condensation.

I once camped under a Torrey Pine, and in the morning everything, including my sleeping bag was soaked. Supposedly, a good sized pine can collect and drop more than 500 gallons in a foggy that.

C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

My delete posted twice.

wvgal_dana said...

My delete posted twice.

Hoda said...

OH MARGY, So Sorry Jaames lost his dog...

Wishes for a good morning to everyone...prayers that we all know a sense of wellness and a sense of gratitude.

JudyEddy said...

The dolphin in the pool now is Panama notice he has a tail He is the oldest and biggest dolphin there They have four total winter is probably in the other pool of to the side there are three pool connected you can see the opening there

JudyEddy said...

I say split in thirds that is what we did when Angie and I lived together before she got married JMHO

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly see you got rain last night YEAH!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

both Winter and Panama are in the pool now

JudyEddy said...

I love how they play together

JudyEddy said...

I still can't figure out how to get my tool bar back to what it was I have right click left click to where I need a neck break and I am giving up Also my favorites are all messed up No more Jordyn and the mouse on the puter I locked the tool bar for now It was odd my quick launch was on top of screen not on bottom Ok enough puter talk I was playing on Youtube trying to figure out how to get to auto post on facebook when I down load a video that was it will be easier than putting on facebook directly and I wonder if I can do the blog that way with a link???

JudyEddy said...

BBL putting Winter full screen that way when Jordyn wakes up she can see it and be surprised

Mema Jo said...

Judy - can't you go to the top to VIEW
Then click on Toolbars........

Mema Jo said...

If there are 3 names on the deed - then
split it thirds. If children of either of the 3 owners visit or vacation -then
let them use their cell phones for calls and pay for the electric during their time of stay. You could always
set a payment amount for a week to help defray the cost....... I hope this all works out for you and who is going to keep the vacation calendar? That's the tricky part ♥

Hoda said...

Sorry JORDYN is not feeling well JUDYE. JO'S suggestion is good. Shutting down and restarting might also fix it if the changes have not been saved.

Mema Jo said...

Remember: Killer Cantaloupe, Scary Sprouts- What to do?
Avoid foreign produce. Wash and peel your fruit. Keep it refrigerated. None of these common tips would have guaranteed your safety from the deadliest food outbreak in a decade, the one involving cantaloupes from Colorado.

Mema Jo said...

Howdy Hoda! Have a great day. Lunch for

Hoda said...

Good Afternoon JO. ENJOY lunch.

wvgal_dana said...

Daughter ask me if I watch Terra Nova. She said it was good, that I might like it. Since I have comcast she told me how I could see it although it had showed on tv on Monday. Today I watched it. She was right I really liked it.

hedgie said...

Wow, Jim, that is very interesting. Never knew that about pines!!! Sounds SOGGY for sure!!

Oh, Jo, this is just for renting a place for a week next month.
Buying the house will be 50/50. Kids have all been told that they will be responsible for all utility bills for any month that they use the house. As for Carolyn's family and Sam's family, their times will no doubt be June/July/Aug because of the kids being in school. So Christie/Shannon, Rodney, them and me will work out any times we want that they aren't there!!

hedgie said...

What is Terra Nova, Dana? A movie?

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I got off the topic you were on Lynn!

stronghunter said...

Back from the esophagus procedure. They stretched the esophagus and did a biopsy. I am okay, but ready for a nap. I will check back later.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for checking in Shirley - Hope it was not too uncomfortable.

Anxious to see Wanda's new do!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello friends. Hope all is well with everyone today.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - what was it with Mattie's eyes?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, it was a corneal infection from old contacts. She is having to use antibiotic eye drops every 3 hours.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn mentioned contacts! Tricky little
devils - hope thy heal and she can go
back to them and use them correctly.

hedgie said...

No problem, Jo!! Just hoping that we either find a better right house this time (we have a list, of course) or that the one that Irene and I wanted from the last trip will still be available!

Shirley, glad that you are done! Did they suspect an ulcer?? Checking it for h-pylori?? Enjoy your nap. Hope you have something cool and soft to eat! ICE CREAM!

Hoda said...

See you all when I come back. I had a good mornng arranging and balancingthings like flat and cheque book. I always feel so relieved when these tasks are done. I will meet some friends for coffee and desert after yoga and so will see you all later. ENJOY.

Interesting fact about Fog and Condensation JIM. I did not know that...

Hoda said...

Glad you are back from your tests SHIRLEY and that you decided to take a nap...good idea, it is a lot you went through this morning...

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that Irene saw an eagle in Missoula area a couple of days ago!!!! That made her happy!

hedgie said...

That is our fuzzlemo Irene!!!

Lolly said...

Yard is mowed and now we turn it over to the yard guy for the next couple of weeks.

Trailer is in the driveway. When the refrig is cold we will start loading it.

Heading to the grocery store now. Wahooooooooo! We are finally getting ready. Seems like I have just been killing time. Now to get busy!☺

Annie's meow at night is killing us! All will be quiet then all of a sudden she meows like she is in terrific pain, but she is not, just senile. Therefore, Jack has threatedned the "meow-ectomy". Does sound bad!! lol

See Kay has not checked in yet. Waiting to hear good news from her. ♥ KAY!

Gotta go clean up. Later Gaters!

Lolly said...

Stretching the esophagus does not sound pleasant. Rest up, Shirley. (((hugs)))

Lolly said...

Just got a friend request from apparently a Lily/Hope fan, someone I do not know. Going to ignore it. Do not friend people I do not know. I say a Lily fan because her avatar is Lily and Hope.

Kay said...

Oh, LOLLY, glad I picked this time to check in ! I ♥ U2 ! And, thanks to all who have expressed happiness at the improvements and for all prayers. A nurse will be here by 5 to move the port---whoopee ! It was a wonderful thing under while needed, but I'll be sooooo happy to bid it farewell. I need to read back a bit......

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, so glad you are getting better. I didn't have to have a port but I sure can feel you on everything else! Getting on this side of that crap is such a relief!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just reading Lynn's email to Irene. I miss Suzanne!


Kay said...

LYNN, answering an old question--last nights dinner was Julie's yummy fried chicken, roasted root veggies, tossed salad and multi-grain bread from a favorite bakery. It tasted better than any meal has for days ! I think you came to the right conclusion on the wedding card ! As for the second quandry---3 people means splitting costs in thirds---there is no way you should pay half and subsidize their couple status ! How can they think otherwise ?

Kay said...

Thanks SHARON ! Just had a call telling me my next c-t scan is set for Tuesday morning ! I'm sure hoping it will hope I'm out of the woods ! How did they remove your abscess on the liver---by needle or surgery ? I have a feeling you suffered with more pain than I---let's hope neither of us ever have this horror happen again !!!!!

Kay said...

MARGY, what a sad day for the Jame's. Praying for their breaking hearts !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They drained my abscess under ultrasound guidance. I had to be awake because I had to take deep breaths to move my lung out of the way. It was absolutely horrible. I had a septic shock event immediately after they drained it and was just about out of here. My pain I think was so bad because they had to mess with my diaphragm and that caused referred pain but I bet your pain wasn't much fun either. I had a scar to show on my liver for a while but now you can't even tell! God is good all the time!

While I was in the hospital, I received roses from Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky! What a blessing eaglet momsters have been in my life!

Now, there is my war story for the day!

Kay said...

SHARON, thanks for sharing ! What an ordeal. Again, let's vow to never go there n' do that again !!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Pinky promise!

Kay said...

I've now skimmed back over about 24 hours of posts---way too much to comment on, but much of interest.

Especially devastating is the news about Ron Parton. Fervent prayers being said for him, his partner and family. Cancer has touched us all, too many times. :(

Great news about the pair of eagles at the NBG nest ! I'm so glad Daddy Norfolk has apparently "talked" a new mate into using his nest. We have some great eagle watching ahead what with the new turn of events at our nest and the new relationship to watch at NBG !

hedgie said...

Kay and neat that you two can commisserate together. Praying that neither of you EVER have to experience these abcesses again!!

Kay, your dinner sounds like it was the perfect way to celebrate your good exam. Left-overs tonight?? Hope that nurse gets there soon!!

JudyEddy said...

We ended up going to see the monkeys after we had lunch with Angie Jordyn loves New England clam chowder she is at the age where she wants to taste every thing and wanted mine so we just went up to ask for a extra bowl to share and they gave her her own bowl Really nice of them she ate it all So glad she is willing to try new foods, not picky anymore like she use to be for now anyway

JudyEddy said...

MEMA JO the tool bar is not on the internet its the one on the bottom of my screen that is there weather or not the i.e. is open it is where my quick launch email and desktop, switch between windows and in right corner clock, volume, Norton, connection, hardware symbol Well I got that back because it ended up being on the side where my sidebar would be if I had it activated I just dragged it down from the side to bottom and it worked but now they are twice the font size on bottom I'll get use to it I guess at least I got it back and my favorites are now in ABC order with I had in order of how I used them and new on bottom so I just have to rename some being the are in abc order now have to get use to it also no biggie I just locked tool bar now and put mouse where she can't reach it

Lolly said...

Have been to the grocery store. Have started loading food. Also, have a pot of chili cooking. Doesn't that sound good? It is not for tonight, but for our trip. I will freeze it and it will be ready to reheat. Smells so good. However, tonight we are making pizza. I always make two, so we will have one for tonight and some "to go"!

Yea, Kay!!!! Get that port out. 4:15 here so figure you are getting rid of it right now. Way to go!!

hedgie said...

JudyE, you should be able to get your taskbar resized somehow! Maybe Paula can tell you----or Sharon! I think you can click and drag your desktop icons into whatever order you want them, too! big is your freezer in the RV??? Ours was not big enough to hold all the stuff you mention!! Or can you put frozen stuff in fridge and it thaws very slowly?

Mema Jo said...

Had a relaxing afternoon
We're going to find something for dinner


hedgie said...

Sure Angie realizes how lucky she is that Jordyn is a willing taster!!! So many kids aren't. Jordyn has great taste if she likes clam chowder!!! I'm right there with her on that!

Lolly said...

We can get an amazing amount in the freezer. It has a shelf, and there is storage in the door. I will probably freeze the chili in a freezer bag. The ice cube trays and the bin take up a lot of the space.

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful experience on the deck

I saw about 4-5 squirrels scurry off the deck from their peanuts and looked
out. On the corner railing of the deck
sat the most beautiful large Red Tailed
Hawk. He stayed there for quite a long
time in all his grandeur.

Took my breath away! ♥

Lolly said...

Great, Jo! Isn't it fun to see them up close.

Lolly said...

He wanted squirrel for dinner!

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. This weather is just wonderful!

Thanks for the prayers for Penny. I'll notify the daughter that there are no better prayer groups than this. God bless you all.

Have much to catch up with and will give it the old college try.

PA Nana said...

Didn't get too far but see that James the Wise has lost a dear friend. Margy, give him my most sincere sympathy.


Lynne2 said...

trying to read back


Prayers for your cousin Penny, Diann.

So sorry about Harley....prayers for James and big James, too. Poor James...what an awful thing to have to find out when he comes home...

hedgie said...

Wonder if Margy was able to get off work a little early to be there when James got home from school??

Lolly, freezing "flat" does help, for sure! One of my tricks was to go ahead and break eggs into a jar that would fit into the door shelving of the fridge. That saved a lot of space, too.

JO----did you get a picture of the hawk???? How very cool---right there on your deck!! Lucky you!

Hi, Diann! Prayers continue for Penny.

Lynne2 said...

Hope Jordyn isn't coming down with something!

magpie said...

Thank you all so very much for your kind thoughts and prayers for James and his father on losing their old pal Harley....
I spoke with Big James from work this morning....he was sad and knew it would be difficult to tell James, he was going to let him get settled in just a little after getting off the bus....and then let him know about Harley.
We agreed, that tonight would be their special time alone, and he asked that I call a little later on, which I will do pretty soon.
I Promise to deliver each and every Momster Hug to James and his father when I see them, either Saturday evening but most likely Sunday when I am OFF....
I couldn't check blog comments or emails from work, but I surely felt your support the whole day through....
Again, Thank You, from ALL parts of my heart xoxo ♥
Dana very sweet, of you to mention that your ED would be playing with Harley today...
thank you ♥

magpie said...

I took a picture of Harley in their yard when I first got my camera two years ago, when he was still relatively healthy...I am going to get it copied larger, frame it, and give it to The Guys.

I think he just succumbed, from old age, possibly some internal frailties....he was just worn out, bless his soul.
He was One Good Dog !

magpie said...

I agree, split three ways, Lynn...

Hoping too that little Jordyn will bounce back, quickly, and am sorry to think she had some bad dreams :(

Hoda said...

after yoga coffee and desert turned into a wonderful visit and I just got back. We sat on the patio of this little coffee shop and it was good to chat and laugh and consider what we need done for some of the committees we work on. BEAUTIFUL weather.

Good to hear from KAY, and Prayerds for continued good health.

magpie said...

All sounds on the up and up for you... YAY!

ooh, a stretched esophogus, that does sound painful, sure hope you will be okay too !

((Hugs, Everyone ♥ ))

back later on...
Baby Moon is OUT....wee little elegant crescent, in the South, West....go have a gander !

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I did something different withtodays short video of Jordyn and the monkeys I posted my youtube link with each one listed and a few pic with her today soooo much faster that uploading the video to facebook and the blog Youtube acutomaticly post to face book but I don;t think there is a way to do the blog this is so much easier that uploading don't know if I will like it or not

Monkey giving us the finger, goose honking, Jordyn turned tables on Joey the monkey trying to scare him and the monkey stopped doing it when she started to funny

My delete the link did take lets try this

T-Bird said...

Good evening everyone.

hedgie said...

Oh, I definitely agree it should be thirds....but how to approach it??? We always did it that way before....maybe Irene was having a senior moment???!!!! But now---Christie thinks that she MAY be able to come down for 3 days. So then I would go half......

Margy, understand James' decision...just hard to listen to a child cry and not be able to be there to hold them.

hedgie said...

Lynne---are you still at work?

T-Bird said...

Wow Mema Jo, sure wish I could have been there. What did the squirrels do?

T-Bird said...

Glad you got rain Lolly.

magpie said...

Four day exhaustive trial this week, has ended in a mistrial....
ALL that work for nuthin'!
More to be revealed.....

Just want to say this, because it means so much to me:
Thank you, Friends.....

I just talked to Big James...he and James the Wise are having their quiet time...James was not ready to talk yet....we'll have some special time Sunday....and his Dad will be checking out...for a Rescued Dog most likely....for the future....James's paternal grandmother, works at the Humane Society in Morgan County....should be some good possibilities there

I passed along the well-wishes and support from you folks, and asked Big James to tell James about it, and to give him a Manly Hug for me

hedgie said...

Hurray for me! Patio lights came on!!! Exactly as timer has been set for....went out and tripped sensor for flood lights and they came on, too!! Only post lamp isn't lit....Bill says that maybe the rain shorted something out and now that we had wind and no rain it dried out enough to come on! He will do some checking soon....but at least for now, I feel safer knowing that floods will come on if someone is outside!!

magpie said... little animals, but after having one literally in-residence in the ceiling space here for 18 months, I DO NOT welcome the sight of them in this neighborhood..
and that's why I can't put bird feeders out here either :(

magpie said...

Hallelujah Hedgie !

the plant store near the BBQ in town there in Hedgesville, was ripped off of about 15 potted plants....Beautiful the shop keeper keeps her outside lights on at night, instead of just motion-sensored
Murphy's Texaco is going to check their surveillance cameras and see if they see any bad guys on there.
Guess she thought she could trust humanity....wrong !

Hi T-Bird and Buddy xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Its a relief LYNN, I am glad the lights are now working.
MARGY I think of you too with the loss of HARLEY and how much love and energy and support you put out to your two JAMES' have a precious heart.

magpie said...

Thank you Hoda ♥
What and How I am....It has a lot to do with the "Momster and Dadster" company I keep, on here, and in person....and being around James the Wise
xo ♥

Best wishes for a good evening everyone....
I'll see you here a little later on xo ♥

magpie said...

If PAULA is going to her PARADISE tonight, I BET she has her Eagle Sweatshirts packed !

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

We just ate salad and soup and a roll for dinner..... But we'll be bad and have ice cream this evening....

The squirrels on the deck just literally
disappeared when the hawk landed. He did
stay a good half hour and then flew up
to a very high nearby tree.

Going to enjoy some TV this evening.
Hoda you early evening sounds blissful.
Margy the photo of Harley in his younger years will be treasured by the guys.

Mema Jo said...

A Gifted Man
Blue Bloods

Tonight's viewing schedule

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e very true about the train. I didn't mean when I hear it from home that we would hear it going by the nest. I would be at different times of course. You stinker lol

T-Bird said...

Off to watch A Gifted Man.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Wanda, hope you like the new do...and GG too. How is she feeling today? Has Karla been back to the beach?

Diann, how are you feeling? Did the shot help?

Lynne, that is cool about the glo worms!

Oh Margy, so sorry to hear about James' dog..that's going to be a tough one. (((Hugs)))

Lynn, since they are a couple and are sleeping in one bedroom, I would say split in half.

Lolly, are you going for 2 weeks?

Shirley, glad everything seemed to go OK

Yay, Kay will be portless! ☺

Oh Jo, bet that was a nice view of the hawk!

Oh, and I am staying home this weekend and next weekend. Have a 50th birthday party for DIL's Mom...and hope to see Cohen's soccer game. Next weekend is colorfest. Oh and Margy, I already have my sweatshirts at the beach.

magpie said...

Harley Waybright
Apr 11, 2009.....

He looks rather like a Black Bear ♥

magpie said...

We will be adding another dog to our meal-time "toast" Paula...

Harley is in good company ♥
can't tell you how often I get tongue-twisted and say.. for
Bugz and Noo
... ☺ xo ♥

Hope your week-end at your OTHER Paradise - Home - is a good one

PA Nana said...

Lynn & Paula, I am feeling better, thanks for asking. I'm not sure it's the shot, the medicine or both. Still have some back aches but have meds for that too.

Thanks Jo for the link to Winter the dolphin.

Hi Thelma & Hoda & Lolly & Lynne2 & Margy.

Lolly have a few weeks of good weather and fun.

Now off to watch Friday night tv. bbl

Lolly said...

Sitting down for a minute. Two large pizzas are in the oven. My pizzas are delishous and loaded so much that two slices is a meal. Therefore...two pizzas...four meals. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!

Chili is in a bag in the freezer, plus half of it saved for when we get home. That leaves two meals of Involtini to make and freeze. Oh, we do eat well on our trips. lol

Lolly said...


Paula, we will be home the 14th or 15th. Taking the laptops so hope to peak in occasionally.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo so awesome a red tail hawk sitting there waiting for you to come outside. ( :

JudyE the video were easy to get to and thank you for posting them.

hedgie said...

Paula---that's part of the rub....they don't share a room if there's a third available...and there is; actually there's four bedrooms!

Margy, that's crazy about the mums. BBQ guy better count his logs!! I can't believe the escalation of crime around here---violent crimes especially. And with all the garbage in Journal Junction about the Confederate flags on the Rebel gravesites in Charles Town...I'm just waiting to hear that they have all been stolen. Had to LOL---they have a petition to present to the City Council there demanding they be removed: it's a PRIVATE cemetery!!! Well, I am loaded and unlocked here.....I'm just sayin'.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay so happy the port is out and you are doing so well...continuing prayers still.

Maragy ((((HUGS)))) for you. You sweet dear wonderful lady. It must be hard not to be with James right now. That is a beautiful picture of Harley. Special dog !!

Paula sounds like you have some exciting things going on to stay home area for.

Hedgie-Lynn/e I am so HAPPY the lights have started working. Glad Bill is still going to check them out.

Diann glad you are feeling better and have the med for the pain.

hedgie said...

Thelma.....what are you and Buddy doing this weekend?? Anything special? STAY WARM!!!

Pretty pic of handsome Harley, Margy.

Hi, Diann. So glad you are feeling so much better. About time, say what?!!

I am hoping that Wanda posts a pic of her new do tonight!!

magpie said...

I was touched by your post about Bosco, Laurel, Joey, and the boys...will indeed be a sad day....

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly when Ed and me rented the big motor home. I did a lot of packing cooked things in freezer bags. Layed them flat in te freezer at home. To give more room in the motor home freezer. Sounds like your doing the same thing.

That was one of the best times Ed and me had. When we downsized homes. Rented the motor home and took the animals with us. To visit daughter in Florida. ( : ♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

I had to go past Wanda's church today. They had a table set up outback in the parking lot with a white canopy over it. I seen quite a few people there. I think I spotted Wanda there. She is a busy lady.

hedgie said...

Dana, I can never quite pinpoint whether I am hearing the trains at North Mt. or at Cherry Run.....direction always seems to illusive.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, then I would say thirds if that is the case!

magpie said...

I'm kind of hoping Wanda chickened out...she has Beautiful hair...but I shall support her decision either way xoxo ♥
It's for a good cause, i.e. GG's desire, and for Locks of Love if she could donate to that cause too....

She'll always be a Tiger, regardless !!

wvgal_dana said...

On Daughter got off from work. She couldn't take the road she needed to take to go home. It just happened. Someone jumped off the bridge down onto the road way underneath. Don't know if they hit a car or a car hit them. A suicide they think a college student. I told her I would try checking the paper online tomorrow for that area for her.

magpie said...

Maybe both, Lynn....I hear trains at Swinging Bridge !

Diann.....sure hope with all your other friends here, that you will be pain-free someday, completely

ttfn pals...pajama time

Lolly said...

Thanks, Margy. Right now they just love Bosco bunches. He no longer goes on walks. They let him in the back yard when he asks and he prances around there some, but soon lies down. His breathing is labored and sounds awful. He gets his meds but he is very old for a large dog. He is huge and very sweet. Though he is a good watch dog. He sounds ferocious when there are strangers on the other side of the fence. Neighbor owns a pest service. Used Bosco for a training film. lol He did well. They approached the fence with the camera and he went wild! lol

magpie said...

First time I ever met Harley, is the day James was born....I had to go the house to get some things for my step-daughter....he was as gentle as could I entered the house I said, "It's Margy, I'm family..."
If I had been a creep, he would have probably bared his teeth and scared me off...

Lynne2 said...

Dana, that's so awful about the bridge jumper.

hedgie said...

Think I have missed something---anyone watching CSI: NY know why Danny is back in a uniformed position???

Lynne2 said...

Neighbor Jake, all of 3 years old, is screaming bloody murder next door. Wonder what went wrong? Not a happy sound.

Lynn, I can offer no advise about the rent situation. I agree with Paula...if 2 bedrooms are being used, then half, but if they don't share a room, well that sort of makes thing complicated.

hedgie said...

WOw, Margy....tracks nowhere near Swinging Bridge!!!! I think the sound bounces and echoes all around the mountain and ridges! I would say probably Cumbo would be closest to S.B.!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm heading for the recliner and tv.

hedgie said...

I do recall that when we rented with other people a few years ago (twice) it was divied up per person. I think there was 8 people, and we each paid an eighth. Bedrooms were shared in pairs.

Linda said...

Evening Folks!

I thought I would chime in and say Hi before I start with my catching up.

The other night I read for about an hour and a half and never got a chance to post before it was time to go to bed!!

Margy - (((Hugs))) for James and to you as well. Poor James to have to go through that loss. It is always a tough one for us all.

Kay - Portless? That is a wonderful sign and I am sure you are relieved as well. So happy to hear that news!

Diann - Praying the injection helps your pain!

hedgie said...

Lynne, hope little Jake is just having a tantrum and isn't injured!!


Lolly, it's sad to see an old dog slow down and even harder if the dog has physical disability. Labored breathing does not sound good. :(

hedgie said...

I am anxiously awaiting my date with Tom at 10!

Lynne2 said...

Labored breathing is not good. I trust they have him under close vet care. There are many things that can be done for supportive care if it's a heart or lung thing, and pain meds......It's the worst, I think, when the body goes before the brain. Like with brave wanting to get back up though she never could again....Prayers for Boscoe and family.

stronghunter said...


I slept most of the afternoon. Then we went out for a bit. I needed to pick up my new raincoat at the mall. I bought it on Monday, I think. And I left it there so I could get a sale price by picking it up today.

While we were out, we had dinner and found some new jeans for Hunter. I am really tired now and will probably go upstairs soon.

A little anesthesia goes a long way for me.

My throat is sore, but, in general, I am okay.

hedgie said...

Hello, Linda!!!! Headache-free, I hope!

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Kay is doing well and that Lolly is about to head out on a trip.

And Lynn is involved with beach houses again.

Lynne2 said...

not so funny story....yesterday Tracey brought me a dead crow. I think I mentioned that last night.

For those who don't know...If I find something deceased, I will put it in a cage in the back woods and let nature do it's thing until I have a skull.

Anyway, I put the poor bird in a bag and then into the trunk of the Saturn, which I was driving yesterday as Steve was going to take the Nissan to the dealer to be looked at. Well, I FORGOT IT WAS IN THERE and Steve took that Saturn this morning!

I WAS IN BIG TROUBLE when he got home....

Lynne2 said...

glad you are OK Shirley. Sleep well!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Jake is STILL howling next door. It's so hard being 3....

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

in my defense, I didn't get out of work til after 8 and didn't get home til 9. Had to check on Steve who was sick, walk the dogs, put a load of laundry in, take the recycle down to the street, clean the litter boxes, do the dishes and shower and get into bed by 10:30. No wonder I forgot!

stronghunter said...

I will see you tomorrow. I am very sleepy.

stronghunter said...

Well, he will get over it, Lynne.

Linda said...

Answering some questions from a couple days ago:

PAULA - Dennis said he planted 20 tomato plants. He said they were all heirlooms that he started from seeds in March in the basement. We had cherokee, Russian black krim, San Marzano Romas, mortgage lifters and oxheart tomato plants.

LYNN - Good idea on the tomato ideas for next year. I think he will still bring in another 50-100lbs in the next couple weeks.

WANDA - I have been canning all of them - squeezing and processing them into sauce by cooking the tomato sauce down by half to get a thicker puree consistancy.

Dennis has about 5 cherry trees, 2 peach, 2 plum, 2 almond, 1 fig and 15 apple trees. They are all only 2-3 years old, so we haven't had a harvest yet. The first year we were totally wiped out by the deer and had to start over. We did have 5 apples for a harvest this year and 2 peaches!!!!

We had over 100 ears of corn. I froze those - some whole and some cut.

We have grapes, rasberries, strawberries, hubbard squash, butternut squash (lots), delicatta squash, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce asparagus, garlic, green onions, rhubarb, cabbage horseraddish, and lots of potatoes.

The grapes are young, too, so I won't be able to make jelly for another year or maybe two. The concords taste soooooo good!!

The bunnies ate all the pumpkin plants and all the green beans (twice).

He planted green peppers, hot peppers, beets and a few other things that were either eaten or they never came up this year!

Lynne2 said...

My name is Lynne and my favorite color is CLEAR.

Lynne2 said...

wow Linda, Dennis is a Gentleman Farmer!

Linda said...

LYNN - Yes, I am headache free!!

LYNNE - Oops!! Sounds like you have too much going on!

SHIRLEY - Glad you're feeling okay.

paula eagleholic said...

wow, Linda thatsa lotsa veggies and fruits!

Lynne2 said...

no, I don't....I'm just a DORK! Soon to be a DIVORCED DORK! He was already in a grouchy mood when he got up to Daisy jumping in his face on the bed, and then discovering she stole his socks and chewed holes in them....

Linda said...

LYNNE - Yes, he like his garden! We won't need tomato sauce, corn, potatoes or squash for a LONG time around here!!

I plan on just canning the tomatoes without making sauce with the next couple batches so I can have crushed tomatoes for all sorts of recipes.

Linda said...

PAULA - I would have never been able to recite all that is in the garden unless he was sitting here in the same room with me!!

Our resident bunnies are there in the garden every time he goes out there. LOL

Lynne2 said...

OH! Still have hummers here! One day later than last year! I think with this cold front though they'll be gone for sure tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

I had a thought....wouldn't Belle and Lib's first babies be old enough for adult plumage and breeding now? Would it not be the most AWESOME thing if the new female at NBG was one of their offspring???

Lynne2 said...

OR, wouldn't it be crazy if Colonel Beau Truder was an offspring of one of the NBG eagles??

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I am glad you were rested from your nap.
There is excitement in the air regarding LOLLY'S and JACK'S trip ENJOY you two.
LYNN when are you going to look at houses of sharing prices tells me sometimes soon I presume.
LINDA good to see you on here and I hope the headache is gone.
MARGY I thought HARLEY was a BEAR LOL Huge dog...I like how you met him, "hello I am Margy, I am family"...lucky dog he was to be adopted by your family.

Linda said...

Lynne - My last hummer here was seen on Sunday. It was sad not to see them this week!

Lynne2 said...

the new NBG female was photographed bringing a stick into the nest!

Linda said...

HODA - Many thanks!! Headache-free and happy to be here!

Lynne2 said...

aw, I know what you mean Linda. They are so comical to watch!

Hoda said...

LINDA and DENNIS AWESOME comes iwth a lot of hard work but look at the abundance and the wonderful healthy food you will be eating over the are certainly living the principles of the 100 mile diet, and then some...Proud of you both.

Lynne2 said...

LOTS of rain down on the eastern shore this evening.

Hoda said...

LYNNE2 WE are having rain and thunder here too...I hope it clears for tomorrow.

Linda said...

HODA - Thanks!! Too bad we don't look like we eat healthy!! LOL!!

Dennis does all the gardening. He really enjoys it. I just have to figure out what to do with what he brings in!

I certainly have learned the canning process this year!

Hoda said...

But you DO lokk like you eat healthy...Your FB picture and your picture on the blog with BRO.

Lynne2 said...

Our rain will come tomorrow AGAIN :(

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lynne, didn't realize it was raining on the Easter buckets will probably be full...have a cooler, 2 buckets and 3 towels under the leaky roof.

Have your MIL and FIL decided where they want to live on the ES?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh geesh, hope we don't get any more rain! Sorry Lolly! I'm sick of it...we have had 10 inches in 2 weeks here at my house.

magpie said...

I posted an avatar for you last night hoping to call you in ☺
but now it is huge Harley dog the Black Bear lookalike...but if you scroll up to 7:41 pm this evening you will see what WAS there for you last night and part of this evening
I LOVE the garden talk, truly amazing !

Linda said...

Well, you're too kind, Hoda. I am most definitely overweight. I keep trying, though.

magpie said...

sounds like Dennis has more than just a green thumb...
hands, feet, total body GREEN

Paula...sure hope, the buckets can catch all the water and now overflow in your absence....

Better find another place for Daisy for about the four story crate with a hammock?
Marriage damage control

magpie said...

"not" overflow that would be, Paula

magpie said...

Harley will enjoy his time here on the blog with all the Hope avatars ♥
He just might have some bear in him ☺

Linda said...

Oh Margie, you are so sweet and thoughtful!!! Thanks!!

I was thinking of you when I was processing my tomatoes all day Tuesday and Wednesday wishing you were close enough to stop by and have a cup of coffee with me while I work.

I am sure you'd get right in there and help me, too!! ♥♥♥ xoxo

magpie said...

Love the thoughts of the possibilities of where our favorite eaglets just might be spreading their wings

magpie said...

wondering if Jo's great grands are still seeing the Eagle perched out Hedgesville way

magpie said...

Hedgie is her own Tom-Sweetie-watching heaven by now ...

paula eagleholic said...

Go to try and pay my mortgage and website it down...grrrr

did ya'll hear that BOA is going to start charging $5 per month sometime next year if you use your debit card? Glad that's not my bank...except they have my mortgage from Countrywide. I'll stop using mine if my bank starts doing that...

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, that's a lovely picture of Harley ♥

magpie said...

We're headed for the SPLIT pretty soon....

think I will SPLIT before that happens....

So grateful for the friendships here; it doesn't matter how many miles separate us....
I love you, all...

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort, Joy...Peace

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Linda said...

Yeah, really, Paula.

They spend years convincing us to go electronic, use debit cards instead of checks and then slam us with a fee for doing so. It's a conspiracy!

Linda said...

Good Night, Margy!!

May the sweetest dreams come your way!

Love to you, too! xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

the Easter Shore? LOL!

No Paula, first the need to sell the house in Terra Alta. STILL have not had a realtor come! UGH. They are waiting on the roofer to come look at the roof. It's been a month since he said he'd be there. There is a bizarre small leak every now and then in the doorway between kitchen and laundry room. All plumbing was checked and fine. It happens every now and then when it rains. Not every time. Only once or twice a year. But they insist they have to get that figured out before hiring a realtor. EXASPERATION !!! We have suggested they HIRE a realtor, and let HER get someone to look....or at least tell them what to do. It's become a crazy game now. Two years have gone by now and they still don't have it up for sale! They also decided to STAY this winter!!! Honestly, I love them, I really do...but I don't understand what the problem is.

Lynne2 said...

and it's just insane for them to try to spend another winter up there! My FIL cannot keep up with the regular maintenance in GOOD weather any more let alone try to deal with winter!

magpie said...


Linda, I might EAT more than I help PROCESS if I visit, but it's worth the gamble !

Thanks Paula, I am going to make a photo collage for James and his father, I have about four good photos for them

Lynne2 said...

I hope your buckets don't overflow Paula...looks on radar to be a fairly steady moderate rain. But I think the weekend will be less rainy!

magpie said...

Good Night and Sweet Dreams Wishes Back at all of You'uns ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Photo collage is a great idea Margy. I did one for John when he was 5 and our dog died.

paula eagleholic said...

I am still waiting to hear whether Cohen is playing soccer tomorrow...otherwise I would be in bed, too!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...