Friday, September 16, 2011


It is so nice to breath the cool air of Autumn.  New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank You Steve for the new thread!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the cooler weather!

magpie said...

mGood Morning Steve...
Yes it is....what you said

thanks for the new thread

and hope your week-end is a good one

magpie said...

Google page has a nice graphic today, fresh fruits

Costume Lady said...

I read of dogs, cats, birds wakening some of you up this morning...I was awakened at 7am by hammering and a BLASTING radio. The new community being built across the road, now has 3 houses being built. One is finished and sold/occupied, another is sold but not quite ready for occupancy and the 3rd one is directly across from our house. Cannot see the beautiful pasture field anymore:( That is where there was milkweed and monarch eggs and caterpillars and mushrooms. Miss the mushrooms so much...they were the Button mushrooms just like you buy in the fresh and tasty! I always made a huge pan-full of stroganoff with LOTS of mushrooms, in Sept., eat part and freeze the rest. This is a very good example of important environment
being destroyed by man:(

Lori O. said...

LYNN, It's not raining here now, but the bag idea is a good one. Thanks for passing it along. I had a few good flying Osprey shots then went to look at them and was informed by camera that my card had to be reformatted...only lost about a dozen pics this time. Doesn't matter, I have the pics in my head/heart! Great memories. This place is awesome.

Prayers that KAY is feeling better today and will be able to go home tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

It is 56° right now and only going up to 64° is bright and sunny, just too cold for this early in September!

Costume Lady said...

LORI, is there any way that you can recover your deleted photos. I know it can be done on here, if something is deleted. I'll ask Capt Gene if he knows of anyway to do that.

Lori O. said...

JUDIE, have a fabulous day whether you are working or not today. Not sure if your teaching requires you five days a week.

The retirement place you're looking at and told LOLLY about last night sounds so wonderful. When do you think you will make a decision on moving there or not?

Lori O. said...

Thanks WANDA - problem is they were deleted from the memory card. That's permanent.

Lori O. said...

I may have to start searching for a new avatar if LOLLY gets rain Monday, or soon.

I've contacted your neighbors Lolly who have agreed to video the naked rain dance for free! Woooohoooo! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets. It is a balmy 48° in Bluefield, Nature's Air Conditioned City! Maybe they need to give out hot chocolate for days like today.

hedgie said...

Sorry to disagree....but I do NOT like these cool temps. I am freezing! Have the heater here by the table on, and turned on the heat in the bathroom, too! Brrrrr! It is still summer....for 5 more days---I'm just sayin'.....

Lori, Judie only teaches om Tues. amd Thurs. But she spends a lot of time prepping for those two days!

Wanda, understand your feelngs about the development across the road. I am SO glad that we left Ridge Road when we's so built up now that I would NOT want to be living there, for sure.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, they are only building a total of 5 houses over there, but, that is 5 houses too many:(
They have named it GOSLING GROVE.

The property beside us was sold about a year ago...don't know who bought it or what they will do with it. It is 4 or 5 acres. We wanted to be able to buy it, but $60,000 was not to be found ANYWHERE in my accounts. Don't want to go into debt at this time in our lives!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Several good laughs this morning as I read the blog. You all are the greatest! Presently 72 but did see 68 as our low this morning. Jack is already out watering pots, need to join him.

Loretta, it is good to hear positive reports from your daughter. I know you do want to help and give hugs. Just listening to her rant and rave I am sure is the best right now.

Lori, so exciting that you saw a juvie. How cool is it there? I hope your vacation is not ruined with cool wet weather. I would love for it to rain here so you can change your avatar! And, is that what a friend does? Arrange for a video? lol

Judy...I do need to take one more picture of the candles. Will do it today. Now to decide what to do with the candles. Hopefully they have stopped melting. Do I save them for next year?

Okay, I really need to get outside. I will be baaaaack!

Mema Jo said...

Good Brisk Morning! Sharon you need to
give the Bluefield Mayor and Council
the Hot chocolate as they do for the
lemonade! You could get in the news.

Wanda - like you at the farthest end of our yard the building by the golf course is steady. Don't know where they have enough land but they keep growing and building more very large houses. So many mornings and throughout the day I would do a full body shake with each time those dump trucks would dump their loads and bounce that truck bed again and again.

Mema Jo said...

I love Jayden and the goldfish bowl.

Lori - did you need your heavy beach jackets yet.

Hedgie I am hoping that for tomorrow the temps will still be low but maybe some sun for my last summer picnic.

I need to get another cup of coffee and read previous thread!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for our fresh new
thread - enjoy your weekend

hedgie said...

Wanda, 3 is 3 too many when you've had the luxury of open fields for so long.

Just scalded my stock pot lid is flat, so no "pocket" to hold steam when I opened it. OUCH!

Big local air show this weekend----planes are arriving and the sound, but Liesl doesn't!! Arf, arf, arf...

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for a fresh thread for our fresh breath of Fall weather.

Wanda, sorry about the building. Your home is in a really nice location of trees and greenery. Just breaks my heart to see the destruction of trees as well as open space. Local Hot Lanes are an example.

Lori, Lynn answered. Tuesday/Thursday and other days research/reading/thinking.

Lori, continue to enjoy your vacation even if pictures aren't working out as you had hoped.

Lolly, do hope you all get rain and a slow, soaking rain to avoid run-off.

Need to hear from Shirley and need an update on Kay.


Mema Jo said...

JUDY ROFL About the rehab saying -
Same as when you are in a hospital -
You eat You Poop Your Out.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Get your sock out! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the New Thread. Yes you know we will certainly use it. Have a good day at work and have a hope you have a good weekend.

Wanda I know it is terrible that they built those 3 houses. It is good though that you have all those trees around your house for privacy. I know you will miss the mushrooms.

I remember one time when I remarked about the land being taken for houses and all those condo's. Megan reminded me that is the work her husband does. That was when the industry was slow and he was out of work. He was looking everywhere for a job. I felt so badly after thinking about it I'm think 3 houses isn't so bad. What if they would have put those condo's in there. WOW!!

Lori sorry the drop in temperature but I'm sure your still going to find a way to enjoy your vacation. Can't wait to see your pictures.

Sharon yes do bring up to serve hot coffee or chocolate. You may have the idea and we will see your picture in the paper there. ( :

Praying that Kay is better and that we hear something.

Judie you and Darth probably won't put your house on the market till spring. The place you are talking about sounds so niee. Although I couldn't afford it but so glad there are people that can and should.

Lolly how is Jack's back?

I woke up and opened the curtains and had to get paper towels to wipe the windows inside.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sorry had it written down and forgot to bring it onto here.

Good Morning Lori, Margy, Wanda, Sharon, Hedgie-Lynn/e, Lolly,
Mema Jo, Judie, and those lurking ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e The reason if anyone wants to know why I am writing Hedgie's name like that ( I usually do Hedgie-Lynn) Is because she said in a comment is always "wished she had an e on the end of her name". ( :

On a flat lid I always use a fork to pull it up then use a pot holder or dish towel. Due to the steam. Hope your fingers are ok.

wvgal_dana said...

Is Harley feeling any better?

Mema Jo said...

Where has everyone gone?

Lynn I hope your hand isn't too bad.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo Bones was good last night. I had not seen that one. So glad the young girl found her parents. She didn't even know the other couple wasn't her real parents. A really good show!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I watched the show Dr.Oz did on Ovarian Cancer and Warning Signs. I had taped it one day when it said it was going to be on. I watched it and I think it was Texas he went too. They did all those sonograms and other test. Only found one person in all those that had the warning sides. To have a cyst the size of a peach. They said that does not mean it is cancer. So that one person is going to have surgery.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo I think Boomer is your doggie. Hope he is feeling better.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Dana. I thought everyone had
forsaken the blog. I am about to head to my kitchen and make the potato salad.


wvgal_dana said...

I am sorry I tried again and there is no way to get the flowers from the gift shop at the hospital to Kay. I really wished it could have happened for all of us and mostly to cheer her up. :(

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo read on a back comment where you aren't feeling up to snuff. Glad you called the doctor. I know you and the doctor have it set up that way. I do too with my doctor if I have a cold for 3 days it is time I get to him fast. Glad he is running a Vit. D. count. We want you always having vigor ( : Hugs and love you lady !!♥

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve just home from the park HOT HOT out

hedgie said...

Jo, I have my mitt out---was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it under the handle, but it works fine. Afraid I am heading for a 2°--think it's going to blister. Hurts like a son-of-a-gun----keep putting on Aloe gel.

How's this for a heck of a note for Carolyn? Dr. can't see her until 27th. Chiropractor that takes her insurance same thing. Went to the hospital's urgent care center and they told her they weren't taking any more patients until 2pm and then only 2 people. There were only 2 in the waiting room....about 10:30. So she went to a private urgent care facility....waiting to hear more.

hedgie said...

DanaWV--I suspected that was exactly why you were typing my name that way!!! Cute!

Z-o-o-m......z-o-o-m--planes are flying!!

hedgie said...

Jo, I think my soup is easier to make than the potato salad! It is so time-consuming....and a lot of counter time involved, too! Haven't made it once this year.

hedgie said...

Oh---gotta correct a mistake I made yesterday. Anthony WAS found guilty of lying to the police. I guess the ruling that she repay $97K stems from that fact, but it was a separate legal action...probably a civil action as opposed to criminal.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly wasn't you the one when they were talking about skinny dipping. You said you done it in a pool. Well here is your and Jack running around naked for a "rain dance". Surely God will open the CLOUDS FOR THAT!!!!!! lol

Linda I bet those are your baby bunnies they grow so fast. You are really canning gal. That is going to be good food for the winter months. I love squash yellow and green.

Something recently changed in my system and I can eat them YEAH!! Still can't eat lettuce, cucumbers, different beans and some other vegetables.

Hoda a calm water night and seeing an Osprey flying and a perched eagle. Oh God was so good to you!! I too am happy for you that you joined them in the paddling. I will miss your paddling sightings. Although I am sure you will see other things around the lake that you will post for us.

Linda I watched Dakota Meyer getting the medal of honor also. The other young man got a metal or ribbon. Yes he is very unhappy because of not being able to save the other 4 men. I truly feel he is going to have a hard time living with that because of the type person he is.

wvgal_dana said...

I have a bag of apple slices. I can't eat them all at once. Once I open the bag. Is there anything I can do to keep the other apple slices from turning brown?

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE you have mail

JudyEddy said...

Is the sun gone at the nest being the cam is down again I haven't read anything I will do a quick scan to see if I can see any news on KAY I sure hope she is doing good

hedgie said...

Carolyn jsut called...physician's asst. thinks her back pain is muscular. No sign of nerve involvement. Pain med and muscle relaxant---if not better Mon., come back and they'll x-ray.

hedgie said...

Sprinkle them with lemon juice and refrigerate, Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Linda my husband had pulmonary fibrosis. That covers a very large field. They need to do a pulmonary hypertension test. Nothing to it very easy. You go in and about 1 hour later your home. She would take other mediation than for just pulmonary fibrosis. Sorry she is NOT taking her medications as her doctor wants her too. What about getting a lady to come in and see she takes her medication. I have a friend that does that for people. It doesn't cost that much

hedgie said...

JudyE, you've got email, too!

LOL---got a message from Blue Mountain Cards that Shirley just picked up my greeting from FEBRUARY 13th!!!!! Must have been a valentine----said card was no longer available! Shirley---are you THAT far behind on email????

hedgie said...

JudyE--plenty of sun here today----not too much the past two days....don't know what the problem is with the cam.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta I am glad Sherry had her work take her away from the area. That I think probably did her a lot of good. Thinking about other things. Sorry they are finding mostly melted stuff. You don't bother I don't think anyone on here talking about it. We are here for you!!!!!!!♥♥

Linda the same goes for you lady♥♥

Yes I am afraid that Kay will be coming home on some very strong antibiotics and that line in for 2 weeks. Prayers continue until Kay is all better!! I can't remember does she live with the kids or by herself?

hedgie said...

Not quite sure I understand the Dakota Myers situation. He disobeyed a direct order now out of the corps...and gets the medal. He deserves it, for sure, for his heroism.....but was he punished for disobeying? DId he voluntarily leave the service or did they insist on it? No info seen about this aspect of the situation.

JudyEddy said...

they just announced 4 more chickens and 4 a couple of weeks where tested positive for encephalitis 4 different cities tooo I'm watching or listening to the new while I read the about 150 comments

wvgal_dana said...

Lori you ha your binocs and see a juvie eagle and a flying Osprey. Today is a good day for you ( :

Shirley I pray you are feeling better.

Thelma I know I wished I was standing there with Lori too ( :

JudyE nice save of the Decorah eagle!!!! I'll be praying it can be helped and released. Keep us informed about the eagle please!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I have to go take something back to KMart. By the way KMart has a lower price on electric blankets now!! I think until 17th. So if you need one they got all sizes good price. They are so soft!!

wvgal_dana said...


stronghunter said...

Lynn, I have been cleaning out my e-mail messages that have collected over a long time. I did not know that Blue Mountain would tell on me. Thank you for the card.

stronghunter said...

Can't get away with anything on here.

JudyEddy said...

oh I saw we had a rain dance that I missed at 938 last nite OK I will do mine now better late than never LOL

I was going to ask how BROTHER CAT was doing and I just read he is up to some mischief should we say

JudyEddy said...

something was on the news down here that Happy feet was ok I will see if I can find something about it It was on Fox news I'm sure I can find something after I do a little more reading Not gotten to far at 1001 now 132 more bbl

JudyEddy said...

Hey I need to ask a ood question I now my former MIL was from WVA and she always made Fried Mush (cornmeal loaf) fried after it is sliced after reading about the canning and gardening it just dawned on my I would love to know if any of you know the exact ratio of water to cornmeal to make it like a loaf I only tired once and wasted what I tired so I sure you appreciate it if any of you know that I am talking about could share with me Thanks in advance

Hoda said...

LYNN so sorry about the burnt hand, also so sorry about the air show...They made my head spin when we had a similar experience here this summer...too much noise!!! I hear you do not mind them though, and for that I am glad. I hope LIESL's Whoof Whoof does not give you a headache though!!!

LORI you chose the right spot for a vacation, you see a lot there. Sorry about the wind storms and the rain. I hope it clears soon. You beat me to phoning and arranging for photos/video of JACK and LOLLY doing their rain dance.LOL

Have a great day at work MARGY, and DANAMO.


Good morning everyone/ Good afternoon everyone...

Sunny here this morning and there is a good autumn breeze.

JudyEddy said...

Cool HODA as well as LORI say eagles this week and Osprey I see them on a daily basis we have so many in the area as well as the egrets, storks, vultures and some eagles The eagles at Ft Desoto has been spotted it was mentioned on facebook the other day on the page Friend of Ft Desoto Park I drove there a couple of time you can see them in the distance I would need a better camera to attempt a picture

Lolly said...

lol Shirley! I get way behind on email, too! We only do email on the computer and I am always on my laptop. Every once in a while I go in there to the study, read and delete. Jack is always after me to do that.

Pleasant day, enjoyed watering the hanging baskets and pots.

No, Dana, have NOT been skinny dipping. I do like to swim and I would like to skinny dip, but at night with the lights out! I do have a wee bit of modesty. lol However, I do see that many of you think I should drop my inhibitions. No way, Jose!!!!☺

JudyEddy said...

While I was looking on Fox for the a link I found this Just like the movie Weeknd with Bernie I think it was called SICK and SAD

Using his ATM

men accused of taking dead friend on a boys night out using his ATM

hedgie said...

These meals that simmer for hours-on-end drive me crazy with their aromas!!! Soup is smelling SO good!

JudyEddy said...

They showed something on the news last night that I wanted to share with you all especially dog owner may be interested I am going to let Angie know too because their dog is the same way scared of noises like thunder and fireworks

There is a sort of jacket that you wrap abound the animal it is stretchy and gives them a felling of being hugged and they showed how it worked on them now they said some it may not work for and also it was mentioned that vets and zoo use something when them treat the animal

Thunder shirt and a good name I say

hedgie said...

JudyE, I don't know anything about fried mush. Maybe Wanda does....or maybe Sissy!

Oh, Shirley---Blue Mt. told and then I did! Sorry---just having fun with you!!

Lolly, don't understand why no email on laptop? About the only time I use the PC is if I need to print stuff.

hedgie said...

We've had the thunder shirt discussion, JudyE. Cool item. I know two people who have had great luck with them on their dogs. I think Lynne2 said that using a snug t-shirt works, too.

hedgie said...

Last update I see on Happy Feet was 3 days ago---still missing.

stronghunter said...

Not a problem, Lynn. I can't promise you won't get another notice. I just don't want you to think I don't appreciate the cards. Sometimes they get lost in the piles of e-mail I receive, which is the reason I really need to clean out my mailbox. I am still working on it. I have now reached December.

Lolly said...

Oh, we can do the email on the laptop, but it just gets to confusing about which ones we have read etc. We do email on the laptop on trips.

Have been lazy since I came in. Need to go "fix" my hair as I washed it this morning.

Have a great afternoon everyone. I'll be back later...Gators!

Neighbors behind us are getting a new roof....hear lots of noise. Still working with the insurance on our roof. Next week the contractor and insurance rep are to be here at the same time.

Costume Lady said...

Judy, GG used to make mush for us to eat as a cereal and also would make it very thick and put it on a platter and pour spaghetti sauce and meatballs on it. Very good...if no one knows the recipe, I think GG still has it in her recipe box. I'll get it this evening:)

LYNN, what kind of beans do you use in your soup. Gene, occasionally used dried baby limas...really good alternative to Northern beans.

Judy, WEEKEND WITH BERNIE is one of mine and Gene's favorite movies...hysterical. I might even have wet myself laughing through the WHOLE movie!!

Judie said...

Judy, try looking at recipes for fried polenta. Polenta is so similar to corn meal. Basic: make a cornbread batter, pour into lightly greased baking dish, refrigerate until cold. Cut into squares and fry until golden both sides. Herbs, etc. can be added. Anyway, try the Cooking Channel.

Judie said...

Lynn, sorry about the scald. Hope by now the pain has eased up.

Wanda, have a terrific family night. Hi to GG and Father Capt. Gene, please and thank you.

Judie said...

Here ya go, Judy.

Prep Time:
20 Min
Cook Time:
10 Min
Ready In:
13 Hrs 20 Min

Servings (Help)
US Metric Calculate

Original Recipe Yield 4 servings


* 3 cups water
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 cup yellow cornmeal
* 1 tablespoon butter


1. In a medium saucepan, heat water to boiling. Reduce heat to medium; stir in salt and cornmeal. Cook, stirring regularly, until mixture is thick.
2. Spoon cornmeal mixture into a lightly greased 9x5 inch loaf pan. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
3. In the morning, melt butter in a skillet over medium high heat. Slice cornmeal mush into 1 inch wide slices. Cook in melted butter until golden brown on both sides.

JudyEddy said...

Good to see LORI posting in the evening and got to visit

LINDA sorry your mom is doing so good and you are undecided what to do It will come to you the right thing to do I'm sure. How old is your Mom? It was hard when my Mom gave up but it was her decision and we had to respect it she had refused to do any cancer treatment for her lung cancer she said she lived a good life and we all have to go sometime and she knew what was taking her out and she was ready to die. She lived longer that the doctor predicted also he said 6 months is all she would have without threatmemt and she lived 1 year and 10 months she had to prove them wrong She was such a strong woman

JudyEddy said...

HODA A rowing machine maybe Start looking at second hand stores Do they have community centers to join a program light weight lifting Angie is in Zumba and loves it we have them all over in Fl Fl Home of the Elderly LOL

JudyEddy said...

I'm down to 71 comments so I am taking a neck break

Hoda said...

I am off to do Yoga. It is sunny and clear blue skies so I will take my hat. I can not beleive this is the middle of September already.


hedgie said...

Wanda, I use Navy Beans.

As much as I love corn, cornbread, etc., not sure about the mush stuff! I think when my dad would talk about "gruel" for breakfast, that he was referring to cornmeal mush cereal----and he detested it!
He was in a "waif's home" for a brief time as a child---suspect that was when his folks were divorcing and she was making the move to DC....not sure---and that was their daily staple.

JudyEddy said...

Who is in Middlesburg Fl it is showing up on the Blogspot revolver map right now

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if it has me wrong before it said St Petersburg but now it shows Middleburg Fl I wonder where that is?

JudyEddy said...

Nope it shows me as St Pete still

hedgie said...

Cloudy...temp dropping again...back down to 58. :(

JudyEddy said...

I found out where it is Its near Jacksonville Then I thought it could be Steve he is on vacation down in Fl He said he has a friend that live in Pinellas Park where I live small world Huh

JudyEddy said...

I meant SCOTT not Steve Duh

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I do hope your burn is better now.

stronghunter said...


You would think that we would not already be buying a new notebook for Hunter.

Tom purchased the required zipper notebook for him to carry to school. It is huge and has two sets of rings for papers. Both sets of rings broke and then other parts of the notebook started coming apart. Tom said he paid $20 for it.

I bought an new one yesterday for $18. We will see how long it lasts.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE thanks for the recipe

LYNN for burns I have always just used ice which is so nice to use also

I remember she would fry the mush sort of crispy and put either sugar or syrup on it and as you can see I am caught up just in time for Jordyn to be arising she sure can sleep

JudyEddy said...

I see Middleburg Bl is back on the blog Hello lurker BBL

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to CVS


hedgie said...

Just got a confirmation email that FTD successfully delivered the plant I sent to Kay. So I guess the main desk has the info---they just don't release it to the gift shop people, DanaWV.

hedgie said...

JudyE---maybe that is Jewell (Genie on momster mail)??? tho' she's on the east coast. Where is Middleburg, FL? Steve lives in Middleburg, VA!

hedgie said...

Oh, well maybe it is Scott. I still think that the map shows all Google bloggers, not just our blog.

hedgie said...

Thanks, all. Burn DOES feel better---only took about 6 applications of Aloe gel! Maybe just one little area of what looks like a little blister. Not bad now!

stronghunter said...

Glad your burn feels better, Lynn. Hmm, it would be interesting to know what the map is showing.

stronghunter said...

I remember being given a bowl of water with ice cubes when I went to the ER with a burned hand once.

DanaMo said...

I always joke that I live "on the farm" people look at me like I'm crazy, but when I was growing up this land was a farm and so was the land across the street. Boo hoo.

It is too cold for this time of year, or anytime of year as far as I'm concerned. I don't like the cold.

stronghunter said...

I haven't used my desktop in so long that I don't know if I could start it up. I just hook the laptop to my printer when I want to print something.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I remember all of that nice open space across the street from your house. That is where they are building now? Oh, my.

Lolly said...

Just had my flu shot. Nice to have that taken care of for now. I felt so bad with the head cold, can not imagine how bad I would feel with the flu.

We go to Walgreens. Too funny to get a shot over the counter, but they do a good job.

Now I need to hound Laurel until she gets the boys to the doctor for their shots. She usually gets hers at school.

Lolly said...

Yes, Wanda's place is so woodsy, too bad to have it developed across the street.

WANDA...thought of you recently. Once again Jacob wanted a costume for his birthday. He is so funny with the costume catalogs. He drools over them until they are in pieces. Anyway, he got his Ninja costume that he wanted, complete with swords. He was so excited.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Shirley, that is the place:(
For 40 years, we watched the cows grazing there and having their calves there, and using their poop shoots for fertilizer. Owls used to nest over there and the deer had a run and rest under the trees. All gone:(

Leaving for GG's. Denise has a photo shoot, Karla has a private party of 200 guests at the Moose, for which she is responsible. So, no one is coming over. China City we come:)

Judie said...

Guess school note books and binders are just not what they used to be. Shame. Hope the new one lasts a bit longer.

I think a piece of cornbread that has been fried in butter and covered with syrup would be yummy but then again that may just be my southern preference. I always thought gruel was a particularly nasty form of oatmeal.

Speaking of food, headed for the kitchen in a few. Making pizza tonight.BBL

Mema Jo said...

Robyn's mom Bobbi is in FL
Like you say Lynn - It could be all of Google sites.

Went to CVS for meds and some candy for
the picnic. They are giving flu shots -Pharmacist said they do it for the $

My flu shot is scheduled for 29th Sept at dr office.

Lolly said...

Flu shot at Walgreens covered by medicare. Just walk in and get it.

Lolly said...

Think I will go outside for a while. Up to 88 now and we turned the AC back on, but that is 20 degrees cooler than a couple days ago.

Hoda said...

Back to summer weather here today. I certainly needed the hat. Good yoga practice and still plenty of tourists around. I saw plates from New York and Alabama today.It has been a good summer for the town of Nelson and the small businesses.

stronghunter said...

Wildlife Pictures in Fort Collins Area

Got this link from my Sister-in-Law

stronghunter said...

My animals know that it is feeding time. BBL.

Hoda said...


hedgie said...

Yep, Medicare covers the flu shot 100% wherever you get it! No office call charge when you go to a store! Will probably go to Walgreen's Monday after my rescheduled lunch with friend Ann!

DanaMo---I'm with you!! Hate the cold air.

Robyn's Mom Bobbi (Roberta) lives in Port St. Lucie on the east coast---not too far from where Jewell lives.

hedgie said...

Hoda, send that warm air back this way, please and thanks!!!

LYNNE-----Oakland was 37 this morning. Have you heard what Terra Alta was?

Mema Jo said...

When my dr office schedules the flu shots you go in straight to the nurse giving the shots - No office visit $

Mema Jo said...

I am headed to UNO'S for my ethnic
Italian classic pizza
Score 1 point for Jo..

hedgie said...

Got branches and limbs cleaned up out of Liesl's well as doing the daily p.s. detail! Found that the wind did a job on the double gate out there---not damaged, but blown so that there was a gap big enough that she could have gotten out if she had noticed it...argh! Mommy needs to be more vigilant! Will need to get another bungee cord!

hedgie said...

Crazy dog seems to think that it's dinnertime already. Sorry, kid---1/2 hr. to wait! She IS a slave to her belly.

stronghunter said...

Hunter got his flu shot last week. I took him for a regular check-up for his medication, and saw a reminder about the flu shot. He also got a chickenpox vaccination. He was not thrilled. We waited for Kathryn to arrive and sign the paperwork.

I will get mine when I go to the doctor next week. Kathryn should get one somewhere. Plenty of opportunities.

Hoda said...

LYNN I put in an order for warmer weather back east for you and DANAMO...LOL
GREAT that the flowers arrived to KAY. You are wonderful LYNN.

hedgie said...

That's a great Dr., Jo! Shows that his main objective isn't $$!
I had one like that once, but they made you sit and wait for an hour or more before the nurse "had time" to do it. That was a year that GM did not get their order in for the plants early enough to get any.

stronghunter said...

We had to pay $10 for our flu shots at school. Now, with Medicare, I will get one for free.

Guess I could have done that last fall because I had gotten Medicare, but it was convenient to get it at work.

The upstairs cat is feeling left out. I must feed Lucky. It is amazing how loudly a cat can meow.

hedgie said...

Shirley, you should have a signed consent from Kat to allow you to make medical decisions for Hunter in her absence. I've had that for Jess and Jenn for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Momsters...I am your Middleburg fl.lurker..I have been a momster since the beginning, in fact even before we became the group, when we just had a still nest cam..Over the years I have visited this blog, laughed, cried and prayed with y'all,just never bloged....You all are a special group to me and I love you all...

Linda said...

Good Chilly Friday Afternoon!

54° here this afternoon and it's been a pretty cool day. It got up to 57° earlier, but no higher!

LORI - Glad you saw a juvie eagle today!! Hope it didn't get too cold last night for you on the beach.

JUDIE - I'd be happy to share my canned goods with you anytime! ♥

Hmmmmm Eagle barf in my lap and in my car? That would be a tough one!

Continued prayers for Kay's healing and recovery. I hope today was a great one and that she will be healthy and strong enough to come home tomorrow. I am sure Julie will keep close tabs on her daily until she is fully recovered.

Lynn - Sorry to hear about your burn, but happy to hear it is getting better. Everything warm that touches it will surely feel like it's burning, though! Woof!

WV Dana - My Mom has been through all the tests and in and out of hospitals. She is one of those that is so wrapped up in thinking about herself and her ailments, that she thinks of nothing else.....sad to say. Unfortunately she tends to focus on her health and thinks everyone else should, too!

She has all sorts of nurses and nutritionists, aids and physical therapists, aids as well as someone to clean the house and do her laundry. She wants it all and then some!

Granted, she does need much of that care, but she loves being waited on hand and foot and refuses to do more for herself. She constantly complains of not having enough support. Amazing! There is a constant battle with her medications. The doctors and nurses have even at times told her she will have to do without the pain meds if she runs out because she is abusing them.

JUDYE - My Mom is 75 and I don't even mind her giving up, if that is what she wants. What I do mind is her constantly wanting everyone to feel sorry for her and the manipulation of everyone around her.

Dennis says she's evil!! I don't go that far cuz she is still my Mom!!

Linda said...

Well, welcome Spiritfeather!! Nice of you to post and join us today!

We hope you'll join us more in the future, since you're already familiar with everyone here. We'd love the chance to get to know you as well!!

Linda said...

JUDYE - Sometimes I show up as Carbondale, PA and other times I show up as Thompson, PA. I am actually geographically closer to Thompson!

Linda said...

LORI - Do you head home tomorrow??

Sure hope it was a wonderful week for you and Kate. It is great to truly rest on vacation, which many times we rarely do!

Linda said...

Oh, yes..... one more thing. My Mom's husband does all her shopping and cooking, too. She really doesn't have much to do other than "supervise" everyone else!!

It's kind of always been that way!

stronghunter said...

Hi Spiritfeather,

Good to hear from you.

Lolly said...


Hi Spirit Feather! Love the name. Glad you spoke up!

Lori O. said...


How nice of you to decide to join us this evening! Hope you'll come around more often. Consider the door open and you are always welcome.

LINDA, Yep. Heading home tomorrow. I love it here! I could come back to this one place every year and never think of another vacation. Very happy with the experience.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, there's still time to do an el nudo rain jig!

Lolly said...

lol Jack says he is game if I am. Guess I am the hold out.

Linda said...

Lori - Well, I'm happy it was the perfect place for your vacation!!

I think I will go take an early shower to warm up. It is COLD in this house! I think I agree with you Lynn............. The heat may be on tonight!!

Looking for my sweats.....


Linda said...

Yeah, Lolly..... those men always are game, aren't they!! No fear!

Lolly said...

Tell me about the beach there, Lori. Are you right on the beach? How are the waves? Our 50th anniversary is in 4 years and I have told the kids I want a week at the beach with all of them. We did a long weekend a few years ago. We went to Galveston. Michael say okay, but no Texas beach. hmmmm??? But, I do want good waves for the boys!

Lolly said...

OMG! A recall on birth control pills. How do you spell law suit?

Hoda said...

This will sound so funny, but in TEXAS ONLY 22 Fires left!!! They are gaining on them...19 older ones and only three started today...I can not wait for the day I check the map and see no fires. THANKS FOR THE LINK LOLLY.

Lolly said...

I will certainly love that day, too, Hoda!

Hoda said...

LOLLY why was there a recall on Birth Control Pills?

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME♥♥.


hedgie said...

Welcome, Spiritfeather! Very appropriate moniker for an eagle lover!! Feel free to jump in any time....comment, share, etc.!!

Lolly, how close are your nearest neighbors?? A quick run through the back yard after dark would probably do the trick!!

Lori, great that you have enjoyed your time of year to be at the beach, IMHO. Crowds dwindle, heat is not bad, things are still open!!!!

Soup was a bit disappointing. Maybe it will be better on re-heat. The last time I made it (sometime after Christmas) it was truly the best I ever made...guess my expectations were too high. :(

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good idea, Lynn. I hadn't thought about getting a signed form from Kathryn. Of course, I preferred to wait the few minutes for her to arrive on Friday. She really wanted to talk with the doctor.

Kathryn just said that there is a signed form on file with the doctor, but I really should have one to carry with me just in case. We would not want to have a delay at the ER or something like that.

JudyEddy said...

Shhh don't tell but someone may have put up a trail cam in LOLLY back yard JUST kidding Or are we LOL LOL I steppin out for a bit be back Hey did you check out the other three maps with the revolver it has a 2d map and show the hits number of hits from that city I like how big the glob is also now that I figured it out BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome Spiritfeather love that name. So you are in Florida....warmer there than here burrrr..

Loved the video of the little puppy whiming at his release from the hole. Good Video!!! ( :♥

Hedgie-Lynn/e so glad they delivered your flowers !!!! Praying for that burn to feel better. Yep that wind must have did a job. Don't want that "beautiful Liesl" to get throw any holes.

I thought there would be a lion webcam for us to start watching at Ft. Collins darn

stronghunter said...

Well, we had our pizza night tonight. I had ordered a Greek salad and some chicken tenders to go with the pizza.

Unfortunately, I put Luna out front and there was a small problem. I opened the door to find a good portion of the Greek salad on the porch floor. The poor delivery guy was trying to clean it up. He offered to clean it up, pay for it, or give back part of his tip.

I am sure Luna had quite a bit to do with the accident. I declined all of the guy's offers. There was enough salad left for us anyway.

Then I was greeted with a little kid selling for a school fundraiser. I told him that he had a very good presentation, and he said, "Yes, I do." Cute seventh grader from the local middle school. I bought some white chocolates.

hedgie said...

Yep, Shirley, I keep a copy in my truck.

Lolly is BURNING "the" candles!!!! Firebug!!

hedgie said...

I bet Luna was HELPING with the clean-up real well---scarf, scarf!!! Is he accustomed to veggies?? If not---watch out!!

stronghunter said...

I expect the soup will be better the second time around, Lynn. Sometimes I add a few spices after the first tasting.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

If something was going to get spilled, better the salad than the pizza or the chicken tenders.

I was happy to make it to the kitchen without dumping the food myself. I had to contend with two dogs and George watching just in case.

stronghunter said...

Luna would have scarfed up the meat dishes for sure.

stronghunter said...

My delete. Double posted.

wvgal_dana said...

Bet Luna really enjoyed that food. lol

Watching a new cam:

Operation Migration and their mission to save the highly endangered Whooping Crane

wvgal_dana said...

Currently fewer than 600 wild Whooping Cranes remain in the world. In the 1940's only 15 cranes exsisted and while they have rebounded since then, they are still highly endangered. Our goal is to establish and build a second migratory population of these endangered cranes in eastern North America - as insurance, if you will should something catastrophic happen to the only naturally occurring flock in western North America.


wvgal_dana said...

NOT A LINK-------Hedgie-Lynn/e in yesterdays newspaper their was a paper from Home Depot. They have the trees you want in 5 gallon containers was twenty some dollars I believe $19.something now.

Lolly said...

Shhhhhhhh! This is a is raining. Shhhhhh! Some areas are getting heavy rain, we are getting a light rain or sprinkle. They have said it will take at least 5 inches to have run off into the lakes. We have more chance of rain through the weekend.

Okay....enough of the whispering.....IT IS RAINING!!!!!!!


wvgal_dana said...

They move the camera all around!!!

wvgal_dana said...

She did it she is just NOT TELLING US...if it is raining then Lolly and Jack ran naked for the rain LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Oh they moved the camera from the cage back to the water area. That one crane running around and having its wings spread out. The black on the wings with its white body was just beautiful!!!

Lori O. said...

WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! LOLLY! I'm so excited for you!

Singing in the rain....I'm singing in the rain....what a gLORIous feeling, I'm happy again!!!!!

Lolly said...

It really has just made us wet, but there is a promise of more to come! Have posted a picture on Family pics blog. roflmbo You just use your imagination!!!!☺

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Kathryn does need you to have
the POA authorizing your decisions for
Hunter - like you say at ER.

Sorry about your dinner! Hope you had enough - My Uno's pizza was delicious.
I love their pizza dough...

Is Lolly trying to tell us something so important that she is whispering?
Whoo Hoo for Lolly's yard - did you and Jack really dance in the raw skin?

Mema Jo said...

That pic needs to be on your avatar, Lolly! Loved it!

Lori O. said...

Hysterical LOLLY! Very funny. I think you did!

Lolly said...

Great idea, Jo! Thanks!

We are up to 2 tenths and it is still dripping.

hedgie said...

Hurray, Lolly!!!! Did you tilt your head back and catch some drops? Hope it continues all weekend!! Wouldn't THAT be great?

Thanks, it the arborvitae? That's what I'm going to go with.

I've seen that cam before...yep, it's in my favs. Haven't looked at it in a long time. And it is the one where the ultralight leads them!

hedgie said...

Shirley, agree about adding more spices....I guess cooking for so long dulls their flavor.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn/e it is if you have the paper check it out because I don't remember when the sale ends.

Hoda said...

LOLLY has RAIN!!! HURRAH...and missy that picture is very suggestive!!!LOL!!!

stronghunter said...

Rain, how wonderful, Lolly!!

Lolly said...

Had fun with that picture, Hoda! What is so funny is the water looks white...I think it is the clouds reflected in the water. Whatever....think what you will...I will never tell. roflmbo

Rain is over for now. We got .36 inch of rain. Going to have to do better than that! We discussed do we run the system tonight? If it rains Sunday, we do not need to. If it does not rain, tonights rain is not enough to last until next Wed. the sprinkler system, it is only money! Yikes!

JudyEddy said...

Went and saw the sunset it was pink again but not as pretty as the other nite Paul said it was due to the haze we have had over the past couple of days I got some pic and am doing a video on fb

LOLLY got rain YEAH lets party and do the naked happy dance LOL I think it rained just because she lite the candles LOL

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day its been a long one in the sun at the park and I am tired I already took my shower so I am one step ahead so I will go watch some TV before retiring Have a good nite

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


stronghunter said...

Looks like soap suds to me, Lolly.

Linda said...

Yipee!! Lolly got rain.....and praying for more on the way!

Just love those toes, too, Lolly!!

Lolly said...

It does, Shirley! It is still drizzling and down to 77. Will open the house soon. Just checked the radar. There may be more coming at us. Hope so!

Lolly said...

I just knew there was a reason I needed to paint the toesies last night. lol Wait till Wanda sees that! lol

stronghunter said...

I looked at the radar and there is a big green blob over your area with some yellows and reds.

stronghunter said...

With a forecast for more rain.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, LOLLY, looks like Adam and Eve to me;) Now you know why I tell you to paint your just never know when someone will be looking at your feet! Kinda like, always wear clean undies, you never know when you will be in an accident. Tee Hee
Hope this is the beginning of the end to the drought for all of you Texans☼

DanaMo said...

I'm so cold!

Linda said...

Me, too, Dana!!

I think we have to reacclimate to the cooler temps........

Normally this temperature isn't too bad, but when the first change comes, you certainly feel it.

magpie said...

One thing for certain Lolly....
we know whose feet are whose!
So happy you have gotten some RAIN

Thanks for the Whooping Crane Link, DanaWV - but I missed the daylight, will look tomorrow Paula headed to the Paradise this evening ??

Hello Evening Eagle Pals xo ♥

magpie said...

hope your scalding burn is responding to all your aloe treatments and that you get no blisters and have little pain

Thinking about dear Kay tonight....
and hoping she is feeling better by the minute and the drip drip drip of IV therapy

Hoda said...

LYNN how is your air show going? There was a crash in Reno air show!!

magpie said...

heard the planes from the inside of the workplace today and thought it was thunder

worked one person short, could not go out and listen and watch "for real"

Linda said...

Good Evening, Margy!

How was your day today?

magpie said...

if it was urgent, as in life threatening,
ER or ambulances would treat your grandson using "implied consent" i.e. - what would the parent want done
but it might not apply to broken bones...or more minor things...
at least that's how it used to be, but I agree, have it in writing on your person or in your purse at all times

I think this still holds true

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds! Only read Comments to noon. Getting too late!
Hope Everyone had a great day.
Re: weather~~~~I would like it to go no lower than 70°! Then you could just walk out of the house in what your wearing. (May want it warmer if you're doing a [naked] Indian rain dance. LOL)
I did a disgusting chore at Chelsea today. After some real work, I was supposed to take some boxes of 18x24 plastic sign blanks to their shelves in the basement. Simple. However, lately you have to take a broom & fight your way to wherever thru the webs + again!I donned jacket w/hood, glasses, gloves & went at less than 1/3basement with broom & shop vac. I moved a bunch of stuff we're storing for others so I could put OUR stuff on shelves at the bottom of steps! So There! They owe me big bucks for yesterday's hair appt!!! ☺ Broom & Vac were taken outside for dumping.Cleaning people won't go down there--only do bathroom & occasionally mop or vacuum.

Think I'll go drink my dinner! Just kidding--don't drink hard stuff, but might have a popsicle!

magpie said...

day was discombobulated and busy Kay, but nothing too serious
had a troubling call whereby a four year old was left home alone in another county ...while her mother was arrested for traffic violations in our county was complicated.
Police responded and secured the wellbeing of the child

magpie said...

that's lousy, Loretta....
might want to wear a respirator mask also

magpie said...

Thanks for asking Linda...
do you get to "rest" on the week-end?

I read today somewhere, about freezing tomatoes;
do you do that?
I don't think my 19 tomatoes will ripen in time

Linda said...

Loretta - How yucky!! They do owe you big bucks!! That is disgusting!

You're a trooper!

magpie said...

I hope Carolyn feels relief, especially by tomorrow, Air Show Day for her! Day starts at 6 am for the on-site she must get up Early !

magpie said...

Y'all Keep an Eye Out for the
coming up pretty soon

Or is it You'uns?

magpie said...

I was trying to describe "Q" to a single friend of mine at work...
just couldn't quite put it to words
she is all of about 20 -
we are looking for a [single] father and son team ☺
(not really just kidding)

magpie said...

I can picture your joy when seeing the Eagle perched, coming and going last night while on your Paddleboat
and also the Osprey

magpie said...

Birds & Blooms this month:
Owls and Woodpeckers!

Judie said...

Lolly, so pleased there was some rain and hope there will be more to come. Blessed relief.

Shirley, glad most of the dinner was not upended. Glad Hunter got his shots.

Linda, your offer to share is greatly appreciated. So disappointing to plant and have so little success. Two seasons now. So sorry about the circumstances with your Mom. Whatever is best is what you are comfortable with. Do what your heart tells you.

Welcome Spiritfeather. Hope you will become comfortable enough to join us on a regular basis. Andy will set the alarm so you can come in anytime and the night light is on to help you navigate.

Lori, I know you are wishing the vacation could last longer. Glad you had a wonderful time. Safe travels home. Check in to let us know you arrived safely.

Linda said...

MARGY - I canned the tomatoes - didn't freeze them. Actually put them through a food mill and cooked down a sauce, then canned the sauce!! Should be yummy in the coming months!

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, don't try to take off the market!
JudyE is sure mentioning Paul a lot....and making that sunset beach run often....hmmmm!!!!
Margy, didn't hear the call about the 4 y.o. Awful! Glad all got settled.
HODA, heard about the Reno air show....awful, but always one of those risks.....Carolyn is fearful now.
Margy, she is feeling a bit better with the new meds in her. Is already in bed, I think.

hedgie said...

RAIN, RAIN, RAIN.....coming down on Burleson....yippee!!!! Hopefully it put out the CANDLE fire!

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...