Friday, September 16, 2011


It is so nice to breath the cool air of Autumn.  New thread.


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hedgie said...

Shirley, does the map show any for Austin and Bastrop Co.?

magpie said...

read that Linda...sounds so enticing...
and how can I not remember where I read about freezing them?!!

It includes blanching, putting into cold waters, slipping skins off, and then cutting in half, removing seeds, and putting into freezer bags

Hi Judie !

Judie said...

Hope Carolyn has a good day tomorrow working the air show shift.

Loretta, so gross. Good you didn't have Lynn with you.

Margie, so sad about children being left by parents. Wish there would be child neglect charges also.

magpie said...

We're ALL on call for the week-end Lynn, 'cause of the Air Show..
and Yes, always pray for safety during these events

That was one fast lickety-split SPLIT !

Lolly said...

Wahooooooooooo!! Disappeard for a while.....more thunder and rain, real rain this time. Had a total of .86!!! We sat out on the patio and watched it come down....all over my yard....on the tree behind the shop that I have worried about. We have turned off the sprinkler system. Wahoooo!

Linda said...

Judie - Thanks. I guess I vented a bit more that I probably should have about my Mom. I've accepted who she is and have prayed many hours over it. I still love her because she is my Mom, but have to be careful not to get hurt in the process.

It is sad, but you can only do your best to try and help others see life in a different light. If they choose not to, you can only pray that someday they do!

I am so thankful I am so different from my Mom! I have a Heavenly Father who has protected and cared for me in ways I will always be grateful for!

Judie said...

Grrrr, just stop and get away from me. I have more to do. Get thee away, I say. Get thee away!

Drat, the sandperson is here and I am having a difficult time escaping and staying awake.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the dark and for anyone coming in the door in the early hours. Restful sleep for all.

Linda said...

Margy - If I'm tired, I can certainly rest!! I'm feeling pretty good getting all this preparation done. It is fun!

magpie said...

hoping there will be, Judie....
not sure how it will all turn out,

this kind of stuff happens quite often here lately, children found alone outside, in diapers...barefeet...
parents found to be sleeping unaware in their homes

CPS is usually notified by police

Lolly said...

I am a wee bit worried about Judie and the sandman!

hedgie said...

Loretta, that sounds like a totally disgusting should get hazard pay...and I would need psych care!

hedgie said...

LOL---Margy, that was supposed to be don't take Q off the market.....duh!

magpie said...

You and Dennis are so industrious, is a joy to read about...
and, continued prayers for all the things of difficulty in your lives also...
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

Disgusting...Loweeda! You definitely need hazardous pay!!

magpie said...

Not to worry, Lynn, don't think it's going to happen...
some things are best, just imagined

magpie said...

Keep up the Rain-Dancing Lolly and Jack...
am very happy for you and all of Hawkwood Gardens...

Linda said...

Thanks, Margy....... but we have our fair share of lazy days, too!

I am not an early morning person and wish I were.

Sometimes I think of how much more productive my days would be if I could get up and moving when YOU do!

I don't have I can't make myself do so!

hedgie said...

Judie, I really hate that the sandperson is so insistant...and now you are having to fend him off....hmmmm. Not good!

Margy, today's young parents are not nearly as vigilant as our generation was when it comes to watching kids. So very dangerous in so many ways.

Linda said...

Actually, I'm not a late person anymore, either!!


Yeah for more rain, LOLLY!!

magpie said...

I just checked
Haven't seen Paula since she said Hitting the Hay, Good Night See Y'all Tomorrow...

last night....

hoping all is well....

magpie said...

am going to putz around for a little while and start putting things quiet here....
will check back on in a little while...

Meanwhile....hope those headed to bed will have Sweeeet Sleep

ttfn xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Now you have me worried about Paula. Did she plan on the beach this weekend?

I do appreciate you all celebrating the rain with me. It has been fun to see all the posts from friends here concerning the rain. Everyone is celebrating!

magpie said...

I didn't see it mentioned, Lolly, that's what I was wondering about.
Mother Hens,

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all! At the beach safe and sound...cloudy down here tonight

Mema Jo said...

We are concerned that 4 shots were heard in Donna’s territory about 7 PM this evening. We doubly want to have Donna and cubs spotted somewhere now. Donna is pictured with her radio-collar at right, but she slipped her collar while marking a tree after the start of bear hunting. Fortunately, most hunters spare mothers and cubs, but we can’t help but worry.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and cool googleb logo tonight on their homepage

Mema Jo said...

Paula - do you have your hoody on this evening?

magpie said...



Hello Paula!!

Saw those juicy fruits on Google ealier....
maybe they'll do vegetables too soon

Hoda said...

I am very happy LOLLY is getting some real rain. That is good.

I am going to presume PAULA is well. When she goes to the beach house she usually checks in late.

LORI are you travelling back tomorrow? Saw on FB wgere you enjoyed your supper at a restaurant in Virginia Beach.

LYNN do you think JUDYE would also like to have a beach house? I think so, many trips to watch the sunset of late...

Lolly said...

Thank you for reporting in, Paula. We were starting to worry! Yep, mother hens we be!

Oh, and now we worry about the bears. Oh, no!!!

Hoda said...

Right on time and PAULA checked in...good show!!!

magpie said...

time for Lynne2 to give us a holler too!
Not sure what's on her and Steve's dance card this week-end...

magpie said...

thanks for the post about the bears....
surely hoping all will be okay...

have to say, at first I was trying to think of who in your family was named Donna that heard shots ...
and I was worried....

now I understand.

hedgie said...

Perfect timing, Paula! Glad you are safe and sound!

Oh, dear....the bears, the bears.....why would someone be hunting in the dusk? Isn't that illegal?? Praying that Donna and cubs are safe.

I suspect that JudyE's place is pretty close to the beach...her trips seem short!

Lynne2 said...

I'm HERE!!! Just popping in to say Hello and Goodbye. Packing up the winter coats, flannels, mittens and scarves and heading to Terra Alta in the AM. Tried to catch up while eating dinner but now I am really far behind. Had to steam clean carpet....working every day again means doing household things at odd times!

Lynne2 said...

Not happy to hear about the shots near Donna. GRRRRRRRR

Glad you are getting RAIN Lolly!

I'd love to stay and chat but really have to get to know who will be hollering about getting up early!!!!

Love you guys, have a great weekend! Hope everyone with aches pains and runny noses feels better!

Linda said...

Okay, so Paula made it safely to her "paradise roost" and we're happy for that!!

I just love how we love and care for each other here. I have felt it first hand. That is for sure!

Looking forward to Kay's first post tomorrow when she returns home! ♥

Dennis is tired and wants to call it a day, so up the stairs we will go.

I wish you all restful and peaceful sleep this cool crisp night!!

Sweet dreams ........ Keeping everyone in my prayers tonight, especially our KAY!

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love.... xoxo ♥♥♥

(((Hugs to all)))

magpie said...

now I can breathe again, Lynne2...
thanks for checking in with us Eagle Pals Mother Hens

Yesindeedy a cool trip in store for you and Steve....
hope you see beautiful things and don't work too hard!
It IS the week-end you know ♥

Mema Jo said...

Think I will close down for the evening.
Early up for noon time picnic - it is right down in Middletown so not traveling over 2 miles. Food and games and family and friends. Love it!

Being on the prednisone again is when I
lie quietly in bed for hours and it was like 4:15 am until I entered into my world of Sleep. And today didn't feel like I needed any naps. I am Gung Ho.

magpie said...

As Wanda so clearly puts it:

My eyelids are down to my ankles...
headed to dent some pillows

Prayers for Wellness amongst us and all our families and friends and pets

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

With that said ---
Good Night Friends
So glad I have so many of you..
Prayers for all in need
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

love ya!

paula eagleholic said...

241 comments today...did we get an eagle visit or is everyone just being chatty :)

magpie said...

just being chatty Paula

cam went down overnight...
sometime...still down...

magpie said...

You see, Lolly and Jack are getting that got us amped up a good bit

magpie said...

and we were sort of gabbing away waiting to SEE you here too.

Hello to Nick...
Hope you have a great week-end

Good night once's time
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Texas Weather

I am not seeing any rain near Austin or Bastrop, although there are small showers around and some rain to the south of that area.

Lolly said...

Yeah, the possibility of Jack and I doing the naked rain dance got everyone excited. lol You will never know!!

I am headed to the shower and then to bed. We are heading to Denton early for a soccer game IF it is not cancelled because of rain. Now isn't that a hoot?!!!!

Love you all! Have a great weekend and I will see ya when I see ya! Oh, and do hope we hear soon from Kay!

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

I am about to run down here. I've spent the day deleting old e-mails and organizing some information. Getting cross-eyed at this point.

stronghunter said...

Somehow I think a soccer game canceled because of rain would not be a sad thing at this point.

paula eagleholic said...

Really? Rain for Lolly and Jack???

I'll bet they WERE doing the naked rain dance LOL :)

stronghunter said...

I will see you tomorrow. Good night all.

paula eagleholic said...

Rats...still cam down again...that sucks

My brother had to go check out the water....yup Nick has already been swimming1

Lolly said...

Hey, Paula.....check out my avatar..or the family pic blog. You will never is Jack's and my secret!

NatureNut said...

Altho I'm about ready to konk out, have to be excited learning of RAIN at Lolly's!!!!!!! Love your picture! Feetsies in the raindrops???

Checked map near daughter & SIL area. They have chance of T'storms. Only 20 to 30% in the next few days, but better than nothing!

Gonna see news & hit the hay---NO work tomorrow. See ya around Noon! LOL
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Linda sounds like you did a lmot of work on the maters....I used to do spag sauce and freeze that...or freeze them how Margy discussed, and made sauce later

I heard aboput the air show crash on the way awful

paula eagleholic said...

HA HA love it Lolly!

hedgie said...

There is now something happening in Amarillo that required evacuation....waiting to see if they repeat it in the dumb little crawlers at the bottom of the screen.

Now saying that the are 100 injured and 12 dead at the air race in Reno....plane hit the VIP grandstand.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna greab my book and head for the covers....see ya in the a.m.

(((Hugs for all)))

Hoda said...

This is awful LYNN. CBS on the internet has not reported anything new at Reno. They say three dead from the earlier crash.

hedgie said...

Nothing else, with that, I will end my reporting for the night and head for the tub and get warm!
Great seeing you all today. Too bad Spiritfeather didn't stick'n'stay.
We are missing Jim today....and hope that Andy will check in late!
Prayers for all our many needs, praise for TX rain, for friendships and Y'ALL!

Hoda said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams. God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, you mentioned the Ninja costume for grandson...they are quite popular with the boys from 8 to 12 and the swords are an absolute necessity. Three years ago, I started putting swords with the Ninja costumes as a bonus.

Lynn and Margy...Q is about 24 yrs. old, loves life, people, food, fishing (his first love!) and has never been married. I don't think he has a steady girlfriend. Now, how to describe him...Adonis;) I don't think he knows he is handsome!

MARGY, this month's issue of Birds & Blooms is a good many different OWLS!

Gene and I and GG did go to get Crab Legs. GG was so disappointed that Jayden wasn't coming over that she said she didn't feel hungry for Crabs. I told her that Karla was coming over one day next week and bringing Jayden and Jillian, also, if she could snag her away from the firehouse:)
Well, that made her happy and she said that she would like to go to dinner after all;) gotta love that name. Hope she joins us often so that we may get to know her...she already knows us:)

Hope that KAY is feeling well enough to come home tomorrow and maybe blog a little with us later in the day~


Costume Lady said...

LORI,have a safe and fun drive home♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm glad I was able to get back here tonight! My laptop is cooperating.

Phew, lotsa reading to get caught up!

Shirley, LOVE the lion cub video!
Please give George and the other critters a scratch behind the ear, and my regards.

Oh, MY! Major prayers for the barfy injured eagle!!!

Prayers for Lynn's burned hand!

WELCOME, Spiritfeather! Love your name! Please drop in more often--would love to get to know you!

Lolly, RAIN??? Actual wet stuff from the heavens???!!! YIPPEE!!!
Thank God!!!!

Oh--almost forgot! Kubby's heel is all better! Thank God, and thanks to all of you for your prayers!

Prayers for Donna and her cubs, and for ALL of the bears!

Glad Paula & Nick had a safe journey.

Glad we heard from Lynne2, too!

I was SOOO busy today! Happy to report that the bulldogs' eyes were NOT gooped up this morning!
Looked good tonight, too! Only one more day of taking care of them. Sis- & Bro-in-law get home VERY late tomorrow night--so late it's early!

Took Emma for a walk again today. She is catching on fast, and not pulling so much. She is REALLY enjoying checking out the neighborhood! Got some grossery shopping done, lots of bills paid online (the checkbook is gasping!), and talked the laptop into being a good little dinosaur for one more day.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, better call it a night. Getting pretty sleepy at this point. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.--Lori, glad you had such a well-deserved, FANTASTIC vacation!
Praying for a safe journey home for you & the pups.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Best Eagle Family & Wet LOLLY!

So cool! Finally rain for LOLLY & JACK. I'll change my avatar when I get home.

Well we came with two dogs and are going home with three! One of the On the Rebound Bulldog Rescue members lives down here and pulled CoCo from the pound/shelter last week so we are taking her up to the rescue in Frederick. She's adorable! That's just a warning JO. She's a cutie. I'll post pics as soon as I get some.

Hoping KAY gets home today and can pop on for a visit!

Lori O. said...

It's raining softly here this morning. I'll hold off packing my camera until later just in case I can get in one more morning of pictures!

HODA, yes, we're leaving today. Bummer. Many times I thought about getting the kayak out and paddling across the canal to the river but the mosquitos scared me off. I've got about a dozen bites that itch horribly even with topical Benedryl and anti-histamines.

LOLLY, the house I'm in is actually on the canal which backs up to a National Wildlife Refuge, which is why I wanted to stay here. The beach, with 4 - 5 foot waves likely because of Maria, is just down the street. The mansions on the beach front are gorgeous and HUGE! This area is called Sandbridge, just south of Virginia Beach. The Rental Agency/Realty is called Siebert Realty if you wanted to check it out for your anniversary trip.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning one and all that almost caught up with the blog again

Yep I am almost 10 miles from the b---h It was only one hour by the time I left to the time I got home tonight I sometimes linger but with work I don't I use to go to the B place to se the sunset nightly also before I joined the blog and with no cam I just started it back up You would not believe all the videos I have I have them on DVD disc I use to take a movie camera and a still cam Now I just have the one since the movie camera broke I use to send DVDs to my mom and bff June in NC she and Terry like watching them also As a joke one time I sent my sister a bag of sand and seashells a bottle of salt water just to rub it in LOL

I do have lots of picture of sunset from the past on my blog

PAUL is just the weatherman LOL Or we could just pretend I meet him like we do with the cafe and the nite lite LOL and with the haze he has been saying that the sun would be pink because of the haze and smoke I love sunsets and I really would love a beach house but pocket book won't allow it LOL

Lori O. said...

LOL! JUDYE, I was wondering who Paul was! :)

JudyEddy said...

Hope KAY gets to come home today

Lori O. said...

She seemed pretty certain she would be home today, with a slight chance that she could get home yesterday. Just hope she/KAY is feeling better and bounces back to her perky self quickly. :)

Dang, I can't make hearts on this i-Pad, or don't know how to.

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥♥

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥


JudyEddy said...

OH no your alt key doesn't do it on it

JudyEddy said...

Well its almost time for the to say bye so I will say HAGD IOTWIG

magpie said...

Happy Trails and Safe Travels, Lori and Kate and the THREE pups

Have a good day, JudyE

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Lori O. said...

Have a fabulous day, JUDYE!

Good Morning MISS MARGY! Are you working today - is this your Friday?

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Too early for a Saturday, I may go back to bed. How many people do you know that can drink 3 cups of coffee and then go back to sleep? LOL! Well I'm one of them.

Just booked a flight for Aric to come home on mid-term break. It was only $59! Why drive 7 hours at that price? We'd spend more in gas. Monte will drive him back so it's only one way.

magpie said...

That's GREAT DanaMo

Yes Lori, this is my Friday...
I can never tell for sure

magpie said...

We'll be looking for your Smiling Face ☺ From Frederick later on,
Morning GLori

and surely hope to see ☼HI☼ Sunshine Kay...whenever she can check in....

magpie said...

The Sunrise Clouds have some beautiful Pink features this morning...happening right NOW here

DanaMo said...

Yes, waiting for Kay to check in, although I know checking out of the hospital usual is not a quick affair!

Aric comes home Oct. 5 for a long weekend. Monte will drive him back on Sunday and see customers on Monday and Tuesday. Then I think he will come home again Nov. 4th for my parents 50th anniversary dinner. And of course for Thanksgiving. We miss him around here. My kids are pretty close so they keep asking, even the oldest will ask when he is coming home.

Well Monte just left with my truck, so I am stuck with Aric's sports car for the day, yuck. I should just stay home and clean anyway! Boy Scouts are off to Old Rag for a day hike. I probably should have gone with them. Oh well.

magpie said...

Well, just relax for a little while, DanaMo, if that is possible with a busy gal like you !

magpie said...

time for me to get self and lunch ready

our Air Show is this week-end...

Prayers for Safety here, and Prayers for all the victims, survivors and witnesses, and emergency workers at the awful tragedy in Reno

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

See You, Later...
ttfn xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Be safe MARGY. Hope your day is a calm one. Your weekend awaits you. Any plans with wise child James?

Lori O. said...

DANAMo, how nice that you already have Aric's trips home planned! That gives all of you something to look forward to.

Ya know, I don't even know who the Redskins play this weekend. Just hope they win. A special thought for THELMA who will likely be checking in soon. Good boy, Buddy! WOOF!

Hoda said...

LORI goes home with THREE dogs, not just the two she took on vacation. Are you going to keep it LORI or will you try to find a home for it?You spoke of the rescue shelter???

MARGY have a great day at work and YES prayers that it is a safe AIR SHOW your way. I have to read about the RENO casualties as there was confusion last night as to how many...

KAY OH KAY!!! Check in soon KAY...We miss you and look forward to reading your posts.

DANAMO what a terrific price for a ticket for ARIC. It will be wonderful for him to be home for the weekend. What fun.


T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

stronghunter said...

Oh, the agonies of divorce. Tom has just delivered a load of Kathryn's furniture to our driveway. It has been placed behind our vehicles and it looks like rain. She has persuaded him to help her move it into the garage. I think I need to stay in here.

It will probably be some time before I have access to my garage.

stronghunter said...

He is going back for another load.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I guess it is only one load.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Sure do hope Donna and cubs are safe. This is always such a worrisome time.

Lori, so nice of you to bring the dog back to a rescue. Safe travels.

Growing up, Sandbridge was almost desolate. Only a restaurant that looked nasty outside but was yummy inside and maybe a half dozen houses on stilts. Was a very peaceful calming place to watch the water.

Jo, have a terrific picnic. Glad you feel good.

Paula, glad you and Nick arrived safely. Enjoy your weekend.

Margy, hope the air show is uneventful.

Lynne2, wishing you and Steve a nice weekend away.

Hoda said...

Oh SHIRLEY, I hear you on the complications of divorce. Smart decision to stay inside and let them sort it out.I hope the rain holds off, but wait you said that there is no second load...

Judie said...

Do hope that Kay is released today and will be home soon. I always think recovery at home goes much faster.

Hoda, have a fun day, please.

DanaMo, take it easy.

Judie said...

Shirley, staying inside is probably the best plan. Maybe Kathryn will put the furniture in a storage unit?

Lolly, good news about the rain continuing. Sure hope it will be enough to help.

T-Bird said...

I admire your strength Stronghunter.

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDIE, you too...I was rested from my sleep and woke up at 4:00 AM...a bit early but I do not like to linger in bed...So I am off to do some writing and then go to my Saturday morning paddle. It is the last Saturday morning paddle of the Saturday we beach the boat and then clean it and prepare it for winter storage.

stronghunter said...

It is a good thing that Kathryn got them to move the stuff. One piece was pretty heavy for Tom and his friend, both strong men. It may have become a lawn ornament if it had been left out there.

He is coming back to pick up Hunter.

Hoda said...

I just checked the TEXAS fire map and there are 19 fires burning down form yesterday's 22. No new fires showing for today...I hope it keeps raining over there...

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your outing, Hoda.

Hoda said...

Good for KATHRYN SHIRLEY. It must be very hard for her this morning but she did well.

hedgie said...

Good Sat. AM all.
Cloudy and chilly here....only 49° right now. :( Brrrr.

Wanda, glad you had a nice evening with GG. How cute that she didn't feel like eating without Jayden!

Andy, glad the bullies eyes are better. Know you will be relieved to turn the care duties back to their mommy tonight!

KAY---hope you are preparing to "check out" of that hopsital this morning. 11 o'clock is the
normal time to avoid another day's charge!!

Lori and KAte---safe trip home! Glad you had such a good time.

DanaWV---no home depot circular in my paper yesterday.

hedgie said...

Lori, Skins play the Cardinals at home tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Lori, so great that you can serve as a transport for the rescue (and how lucky that pup got pulled! Wonder how FloBear and Dalai are dealing with this hitchhiker??!!

DanaMo---sounds like some good plans for Aric. No real long stretches for him to get TOO homesick! Great price, too! Just a shame that it can't be a flight direct to Hagerstown.
What kind of sportscar does he have?

stronghunter said...

And then it's the COWBOYS.

T-Bird said...

Hedgie, what time is the game tomorrow?

hedgie said...

Hoda, the casualty figures in Reno keep changing...up, down, up, down---no one seems to release correct information. Heck--newspaper says pilot was 80....wrong! He was 74.

hedgie said...

Game is at 1, Thelma. Fox.
Wow----Dallas early in the season---watch out, Hoda! More unsportsmanlike conduct ahead next week!!! LOL!!!! Lolly just always seems to stir things up... :)

stronghunter said...

They were saying the pilot was 80 on CNN last night, even though someone on there reported that he was only 74.

A tragic situation in Reno.

hedgie said...

Hoda, hope your weather is great for your paddling!
It is sprinkling rain here now.

Shirley, feel so bad for Kat....and yes, you are a saint. What kind of burr got up Tom's you-know-what that prompted this sudden action? MEN! So maddening.

Mema Jo said...

Good Chilly Morning - not exactly picnic
weather But if we all get in a huddle to visit we will keep each other warm!
Hope rain stays down in TX..

Things are packed and ready to go to be there around 11:15.

I will wish you all a relaxing day and
I will talk to you later....... ♥

T-Bird said...

I'll catch you all later.

hedgie said...

Heard one report that said 800 first responders were on-scene after the lane crash.....WOW! Who would think there would be that many in city/county.

hedgie said...

Plane crash, that should say.

hedgie said...

Bye, Jo and Thelma! Enjoy your day.

stronghunter said...

Don't know what made Tom do this. Glad he did not leave things as they were. He had both of our vehicles blocked in and the vehicles were between the furniture and the garage. We would have had to move the furniture to get the vehicles out of the way so that we could get the furniture into the garage. Kathryn went out and moved her vehicle so that Tom and Cliff could take the things into the garage.

Anyway, things are taken care of for now.

DanaMo said...

oh Shirley, I'm so sorry. My heart aches for your Kathryn!

hedgie said...

Hmmmm......maybe Kay is home. My Blue Mountain card was just picked up!!! So maybe she will be on the blog soon!

DanaMo said...

Well Hedgie, it's a sports car to me. It's a Pontiac G-6. It has way more get up and go than an 18 year old needs, but when we saw it we knew it was his car. I don't like it because I am on the ...height challenged side...and it sits to low. I like my BIG GAL truck! LOL!

DanaMo said...

I guess I need to feel "big"! LOL

DanaMo said...

Aric says he's not homesick and I doubt that he is, he has traveled far and wide. This is probably the longest he has ever been away from home, but really it's not too bad. Annemarie and Adam really miss him, and although Andrew wouldn't admit it, I suspect he does too! Once he comes home in Oct. it will not be too back because there will be trips about once a month and then his first semester will be over. Pretty amazing how fast that time will go.

DanaMo said...

Oh and yes, I wish it was straight to Hagerstown. Monte will be out of town so I will have to make the run to BWI myself. I hope someone will come with me!

hedgie said...

Now CNN says 2 dead in Reno incident....what a miracle that would be!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Cloudy and cool here....some sprinkles

And I think the osprey are gone cause the eagle is back!

Little rascal sat in the trees in the lot next door and watched us walk the beach...took off after I wentt inside, but bro saw was an adult

stronghunter said...

How nice, Paula. An eagle.

hedgie said...

DanaMo...I've heard people see that they have a hard time seeing out the back window of the G6. Yep, I like my truck the best, too! Feel safer in a larger vehicle, plus it's more serviceable!

Mema Jo said...

Well Lolly is sending sprinkles to my valley - But I have an umbrella!


hedgie said...

Pouring here now. Not a good start for the air show. :(

paula eagleholic said...

I had just said to my bro last night that the osprey probably headed pouth on the fr4ont that went thru this week.....we'll know if we see the eagles :)

Sprinkling here now

hedgie said...

WhooHoo! Kay got home last evening!!!!

Here is her message to all:

Lynn, please share these pics with our "family" ! The arrangement was covered in cellophane and ribbons and looked gorgeous ! Oh, my what confections. You can see the fruit, some of it covered in white chocolate and some in dark. We had to disassemble it in order to refrigerate it, but it was beautiful and so unique ! Thank you dear Momster's and Dadster's for caring so much and for expressing it in such a thoughtful and delicious way ! I love having something I can share with the family as they come and go this week. I have 168 e-mails to take care of and hope to get the to blog this afternoon for some catching up. I've missed you all soooooo much ! I feel the power of your prayers with me ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

With love and deep gratitude, Kay

Putting pics on my blog at Kay's request!

Welcome home and "home" Kay!!!!

hedgie said...

Okay, pics are up on my Lair!

hedgie said...

Paula, so cool that the eagle returned, but sad that the osprey have started their journey already.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for posting the pics and the info, Lynn.

Good to know that Kay is home.

Mema Jo said...

Almost ready to leave

Reminder: Pot Plant Owl
She is so beautiful......

hedgie said...

I am sworn to secrecy as to who the dear Momster is who took care of the fruit basket!! And she refuses any THANK YOU SWEET MOMSTER from all of us for your generous gift from us all!!!

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Secret Momster. The gift is beauteous.

paula eagleholic said...

thank you Angel Momster

Welcome home KAY

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, she IS lovely! Looks like she's settling in for the night.

magpie said...

You have my thanks too, Angel Momster ....

for the Edible Arrangement Get Well Bouquet for Kay

and thanks Lynn for sharing the information and pictures

Now, Let's Eat ! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Morning to All that are already in and for Lurkers ( :
Spiritfeather if you are lurking. We welcome you and was glad to hear from you. Please drop in again.

From my late yesterday comments:

Margy if they don't ripen have "green fried tomatoes".

Thanks Mema Jo for last nights you mentioning Donna and her cubs. Pray they are spotted today.
I hope it is a good day for your picnic. I know you will breath better today and I'm sure you
all will have a pavilion for cover if it rains.

So HAPPY when Paula checks in at the arrival at Paradise. Good boy Nick he knows he wants a dip
in the water as soon as he gets there. Maybe he'll find his water friends to play with tomorrow lol

A child that young left at home. I am sorry this is not the "back country of West Virginia". Where
the movie "Deliverance"!!!!! For that mother to leave that child alone at home. THE WOMAN NEEDS
MENTAL HELP!!!! I am tired of "child endangerment".

See Lynne and Steve are heading for Terra Alta today. Drive safely and keep warm!!

Praying that Carolyn fastly gets over the jitters of something happening at the air show. I know that must feel terrible. I have never gone. That is one reason why as to what happened in Reno SAD :(

JudyE sure is enjoying the beach. Most not be that far and who is Paul?

Andy so glad Kubby's heel is getting better ( :

hedgie said...

DanaWV....Paul turns out to be JudyE's local weatherman. Beach friend remains unnamed!!!

The Reno show was actually a competition racing event.....much more dangerous than a regular air show like ours.

magpie said...

Saw where some older helicopters that were at the Reno Air Show , were used to help transport the injured to area hospitals....
and some of the local residents who were at the show
rode with the pilots to help them get to the hospitals...since some of the pilots were not familiar with the area

hedgie said...

Jo, sure hope that the weather improves for your picnic! My mouth is watering thinking about your potato salad...and all the other goodies that you will have!

hedgie said...

Hadn't heard that about the choppers, Margy. Very good of them.
I've never been to Reno---had an opportunity to transfer there once with GM....but my BFF Jan had lived there once and hated it, so I decided not to even investigate it.

wvgal_dana said...

Safe prayer travels for Lori and the 3 pups plus the new traveler CoCo the Bulldog.

JudyE I see you are only 10 miles
from the beach. Well I would be
there visiting it too living that close!! So Paul is the weatherman. So he goes everywhere with you then. Nice to have company. lol

JudyE you had put on the blog about the eagle from Decorah. That someone went and saved and in the car the eagle gave back
his din din. What has happened to that eagle???? Can you find out???

DanaMo that is a good deal $59. Yep
you'll get to see your son a mid-term break.

Praying for Kay and that things do go well for her when she comes home. I'm praying that infection clears up fast♥♥

Morning Redskin helmet Thelma ( :

Yes Shirley it was good you stayed in the house. Is the basement still damp? Does it have any mildew or mold smell. I talked with
a person that used the cyrstal stuffed and they got it at WalMart and she said it makes the basement smell so good.

Hoda have a good paddling session today. ( :

Good about the Texas fires. Thanks for posting that Hoda (:

Hedgie-Lynn/e it wasn't in yesterday's. Friday's paper had it in.

Paula although the eagle sit in the tree all that time. I am glad you got to see it. Is your brother
at the beach with you?

If your card got picked up Hedgie-Lynn/e then maybe Kay is safely home.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you wonderful Angel Momster for sending the beautiful edible basket to Kay.

Hedgie-Lynn/e thank you for posting the comment from Kay and the pictures. God Bless her and may the Lord heal her speedily.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy so glad for the information you gave about the pilots letting people ride with them. So they could find the hospital. Still so sad for what happened :(

wvgal_dana said...

you have to LOOK NOW people dress in crane outfits feeding Whooping Cranes

Whooping cranes

wvgal_dana said...

Darn they just left ...walked outside the enclosure.

hedgie said...

Dana---yesterday WAS Friday!

hedgie said...

Dana, maybe you should call the gift shop and ask why other deliveries were made without any more info than yours, and they couldn't.

hedgie said...

Gee....just saw that Kara Kennedy, Ted's 53 y.o. daughter, died yesterday at a DC-area health club. Brother Patrick says he thinks her lung cancer ordeal 8 yrs. ago took a toll on her heart.

Lolly said...

Hello all! Home from Denton. We drove up early for the game at 9, only to learn the game at 12 was cancelled. We did see Joseph play but not Jacob. He was disappointed.

No more rain but it is cloudy. Have not heard a weather report, but far as I know more rain is expected tomorrow evening.

PAULA...very exciting that you saw an eagle. Jealous!

Thanks to the sweetheart momster that sent the edible arrangement in our name. Anxiously waiting to hear from Kay!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Hedgie-Lynn/e that is such sad news for the Kennedy's :(

No I won't call because they tried everything and were so very nice.
The edible was probably delivered because if would have been ruined if not delivered. I am just glad that got to Kay ( :♥

wvgal_dana said...

Ok yesterday was Friday I read Friday's paper at Mom's. Then she had another which must have been Thursday's and it was with that paper. lol I don't know she always has them out of order but the right dates with the correct date. There was a Home Depot pamplet their that I looked at an seen the trees.

wvgal_dana said...


magpie said...

the weather has improved hereabouts

Hoping that is Just right for Jo's picnic
for Lori and Kate's traveling
for Paula at the Paradise
for the Air Show here in Martinburg

and for everything outside

hedgie said...

Thanks, Dana.....I need 12....and can't afford that! I will order little ones from a nursery. Will be much easier to plant, too! I could never dig holes big enough for a potted one!

wvgal_dana said...

I really thought it looked so funny when the people were in the cage with the Whooping Cranes. In their Whooping Crane outfits. Head to toe.

I have been watching the Decorah Eagle cam. It is live. Seen some pretty birds come in today. I don't like the commerical polical. I can live through it to watch the cam. Seen a dark bird big earlier flying in the back ground. They had the cam in a different direction then.

wvgal_dana said...

When Spring comes I'm sure they will have the little ones in the smaller pots Hedgie-Lynn/e.

Hoda said...


Thanks Kind and Generous MOMSTER for the wonderful fruit basket.

LYNN thanks for posting the basket on your blog. I appreciated seeing it and also knowing that KAY wrote about it...

I am sad to hear about KARA KENNEDY.53 years seems awfuly young to me.God rest her soul.

Safe travelling to LORI and KATE, I look forward to hearing of theri arrival with the two dogs and the hitch hiker to the rescue shelter place. LORI you are kind.

PAULA sighting eagles is amazing perched or to wing...

Paddling went very well. We wondered if we were going to go out because of the wind and there was quie a chop on thee water...we did go out and it was good. No eagles nor osprey. Saw a couple of ducks close to the beach.We then went out to Grounded Coffee, an organic coffee house for coffee/tea and muffins. Good conversation.

I did two loads of laundry before I went paddling so now is to iron and to do some house work. BBL. Yoga at 2:00PM

wvgal_dana said...

This webcam is fun

Edinburgh Zoo Penguin Cam

wvgal_dana said...

There is one that is swimming very fast back and forth the pool LOL

wvgal_dana said...

It will turn black and come right back on-the cam.

wvgal_dana said...

This cam should have the music - splish splash I was taken a bath!!!!

hedgie said...

If you want to see some of my "heaven," here is a video from yesterday. This is the area that we have decided against buying in...the island remains inaccessible from the north for the present since they had to stop the temporary ferry. When Kurt stops and shows the Frisco pier--it is not damaged much worse than it was when we there last fall----they've not done anything to fix it. :(

hedgie said...

The ferry at the end is also the one that goes to my most favorite place, Ocracoke Island.

hedgie said...

OMG----we hadf a plane crash at the air show.....someone is dead...medical examiner on the way. Show stopped for the day and grounds are being evacuated.....OMG.....Carolyn had that bad feeling....oh, dear Lord, please bless that person's soul.

hedgie said...

What a horrible couple of days....Walter Mondale's 51 y.o. daughter died from brain cancer.


NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Dear Friends.
OMG, Lynn~~~is that the local show your daughter is attending?
I saw a story about Reno, Nev. crash yesterday. Was race w/WWII planes they hold every year.
Also read Ted Kennedy's daughter died of lung cancer.
So sad.
Daughter on plane to TX from FL. SIL called--he didn't say anything about rain yet. She will go to property this afternoon. I was given a mission for up here----try to find a lead for the wedding photography co. that no longer exists.Someone has to know something. Guess I'll start by writing Chamber of Congress. That co. & phone # still listed in 'puter, but not working anymore.

hedgie said...

Carolyn is working the mobile command 911 unit, Loretta. It's onsite---either at airport or Air Guard base, not sure which side of field they set up on .

Hope you have success finding that long ago was it? Hopefully CoC will have a person's name you can track.

Lolly said...

Oh, Loretta! Do hope you can find photography info. Laurel and Joey's wedding photographer has also retired. We have no lead on him and Laurel would like to replace the album. It has deteriorated. I am sure you have pictures that you could get copied, right?

hedgie said...

Plane was a T-28 Trojan Horseman-- crashed around 2:30 p.m. while doing an aerobatic demonstration.

hedgie said...

News said that Kara Kennedy died of a heart attack.

Hoda said...

So Sorry LYNN about the crash. I hope your daughter is not traumatised by it. LORETTA Teddy Kennedy's daughter KARA died of a heart attack according to her brother Patrick. She was 51.
Sorry about Mondale's daughter too.
I hope it is possible to have a lead on the photographer to replace the wedding pictures lost in the fire...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no just saw on FB about the crash at the WV air show

hedgie said...

Current NTSB news conference...Reno: 9 fatalities, 41 injured--17 still in hospital.

paula eagleholic said...

Still raining campfire tonight...been working on inside stuff

hedgie said...

Apparently one of these guys was flying the plane that crashed here:

magpie said...


hedgie said...

DC tv news channel report:

magpie said...

sorry about that

hit publish too soon

leaving the office now

sad day....Reno., here....
other places....

hoping that Caro is okay, Lynn...sure there is lots of supportive help out there

hedgie said...

From paper Spirit of Jefferson online:
All flights at the Thunder Over the Blue Ridge air show in Martinsburg have been canceled following an aerial crash of a stunt plane halfway through the program.
The crash happened at about 2:40 p.m. Saturday when a member of the six-member Trojan Horsemen air team crashed onto the tarmac at Shepherd Field during a maneuver.
One eyewitness on the scene described a huge fireball.

hedgie said...

Charlie just called...he and the girls were in the Target parking lot watching the planes. Saw the smoke...but not the actual fireball. Said that the one plane was lagging behind the others and had just done a loop.

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda and Margy, I'm sure Carolyn will be fine....she really was expecting something to happen....6th sense, I guess.

JudyEddy said...

WVGALDANA I live within ten miles of the beach the one I like to go to, but I can get there in 5 miles also but no public access there I have always gone for the pretty sunsets over the years and the PAUL is my dear weather man on Fox who tells us when the sunset should be pretty and he is usually right He is married and I don't know him I do have him on my facebook page and share my sunset pic and video with him He actually put on on the weather once that was cool! I have probably 100 hours or more recorded on DVD over the years from my video camera now I just use my reg cam that takes videos and I haven't put any on disc in years I use to all the time for my BFF in NC she loves to watch them and I would send to my mom and dad and sister years ago So sorry to disappoint anyone on Paul but hey we can always pretend its our blog so let your imaginations run wild I will allow it LOL I have many pictures on my blog in the Sunset and Nature blog I have more on my puter than that but I only put of some on the blog

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥

.♥ ♥ H O M E ♂ ♥

Again I want to say Welcome Home KAY I hope you are doing ok and we know you will peek in when you get a chance Just know we are thinking of you and praying for you
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

JudyEddy said...

I got to see the baby gator again today on the way home He has definitely been feed by humans He followed me all the way down the side of the fence I will try to get a hold of someone to get him pulled out I got a couple of videos of him next to a floating capri sun pouch so you can see his size about 3feet I think

movin said...


Good Day to you aLL.


It was very foggy and coolish this morning in So Cal, but it's beautiful and sunny now. Expected to top out at 70° though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Lynn, so sorry Carolyn had to have such a bad experience working the air show. I know she'll be fine. Other 911ers will provide support not the least will be our Margy.

Judie said...

Welcome home Kay. Hope your recovery is well underway and that all will be like new quickly. We've missed you.

Judie said...

Lynn, thank you for posting the edible gift sent to Kay and for providing us with updates.

Thank you to the very generous momster who sent the gift. I'm sure Kay will enjoy.

hedgie said...

Ditto that, JudyE!

Anxious to hear from Carolyn, but she won't get off for another hour or so. Show for tomorrow has been cancelled. Pyrotechnics scheduled for this evening are still going to be set off---guess once they are "armed" they have to go ahead and do them.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why some people just prefer to lurk I don't think we are that interesting do you LOL Now I speak for myself LOL

I just noticed on the revolver map that we had lurkers I love that map Have you all check out the 2d on it there are three ways to view is 3d 2d and a list of visit and if you put your cursor over red dot on the 2d it show how may hits mine shows over 1400

on the upper righ corner is the choice of the 3 maps here is the link for the 2d just got to change it on top

Our blog map of lurkers

hedgie said...

Charlie says Carolyn is on her way home. And here she is calling.

JudyEddy said...

I just check facebook and no updates on the eagle as of this time I will let you all know if I see anything

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry to hear of the crash at the Martinsburg Air Show. So sad for the pilot and his family and friends and other pilots.

I know Carolyn can get through this. They have people she can talk to if need be. Other than Mom (Hedgie-Lynn) and Margy.

hedgie said...

Carolyn is okay....she heard the crash, and a deputy who was outside the command unit came running in and got their camera on the site. 167th ANG Fire Department (Charlie's old unit) quickly had the fire out. Local paper photog (who is a great one) got an amazing shot---I put it on my blog if you want to see the fireball.

stronghunter said...

So sorry to read about the crash at Martinsburg.

Prayers for all involved. Special thoughts for Carolyn.

I will check back later.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE thank you for checking about the Decorah eagle. I have been wondering but no other information. No update.

I have hummers at my Rose of Sharon. They are hitting both bushes and my hibiscus plant (big flowers) also.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...