Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve! Good morning!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How funny, sitting in the nest room and read from Sissy there is a new thread! :)

Lolly said...

LOL The two of you can chat here. LOL

Thanks for the call over and thanks, Steve for the new thread!

Lolly said...

I am now off to read the paper!

Have a great day everyone!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hmmm, didn't know Sissy had a nest room. How about next room! :)

Lynne2 said...

I have seen NEST used instead of NEXT many times on this blog. Guess that shows where our minds are!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne2. Since Lib has been in the area for so long I just don't think he'd tuck tail and run. And w Truders juvie skills at all we've seen, my humble opinion is Truder was able to keep Lib at bay during a critical nest time

I still think Lib is alive and well and could appear to US next spring. This isn't his first time around and he's a smart bird.

Probably not looking to pair up with another female this late in the season and no sense in wasting energy on fighting now. And remember, too, that when Truder first arrived, he appeared so much larger due to juvie plumage. T presented a huge presence at the tree.

Ok, there's my rant for the day and all thoughts above are simply my humble opinion.

Oh and you must certainly be making up those horrid stories about that handsome kitty. Hahahaha

Robyn said...

Susan I can't believe how beautiful EJ is and so comical :).

hedgie said...

Bringing over Geula and my posts since we missed the new thread!

Geula said...
Hi kiddos! I wasn't here earlier because Wednesday is the day I go to the senior citizen's study center....I do ceramics today. I'm making an EAGLE! I should have taken a picture of him. I will on this coming Tuesday. After I paint him I'll take a proper pic of case he does the explosion trick in the first firing! Unfortunatly, his name is NOT Liberty. His name is Norfolk Daddy, because Norfolk Daddy is on my desktop and I see him kzillion hours a day!

I firmly believe that in order to create a lifelike portrait, puppet, ceramic masterpiece or quilt you've got to connect with it before you make it. Name it, picture it in your mind, give it a name and for puppets, a few character traits. I told people today that I would have loved to change his name to Liberty, but that is not to be! It just didn't feel right...

hedgie said...
Morning all.
Happy Birthday to Lori's Kate!

NO SUN here today---gloomy...but no precip yet. Temp at 40 but to drop this afternoon.

Nest looking good at the moment.

Shar----what KIND of funny feelinng is Sissy having? Anything that should be reported to Dr.??

Hoping you are wrong about Lib ,Megan....want him to come back and take a stand.
As for the talk yesterday of giving Truder a real name....JMHO, but I think it's too early for that. DTBT--dirty turdy boy toy--has a lot to prove before he deserves any respectful name.

hedgie said...

Margy is AT work, but in class this week from 8-5, learning the new protocols they are implementing. My Carolyn (Jewels) IS working...but it's been quiet this AM---haven't heard her yet.

Lolly and Shirley, someone asked on old thread about the size of yarn of yarn pieces to put out for the birds....what size did you use? I seem to remember reading a long time ago 3" pieces....does that sound right?

WV sUSAn said...

Right Geula. A LOT could happen between now and next spring.

Robyn. EJ is a character all right and one hard working momma. And all her chirping. When the babies get here, just watch. She literally chirps w every bite she feeds.

Please let me know if Odin or Laird appear. My viewing is about nonexistent here at work. Thanks.

Robyn said...

Mom called yesterday (we talk several times a day) and said Lady sounds like a nagging wife lol always making noise :). I guess I will find out, she isnt in her nest and EJ took off a few minutes ago...

Lynne2 said...

I agree Susan. And quite frankly, once the nestroations and the HP and the eggs were "handled" by him, it was his next job to provide food for the chick. One of the reports from a biologist suggested that since he never saw PJ in the first place (oh thanks a lot Truder) that's why he didn't come. BUT, what never made sense to me about that is that eagle's have EXCEPTIONAL eyesight. He should have been able to SEE her! But maybe an actual "bonding in person" needed to take place. So in him mind....tasks completed til next year. Truder better watch out come fall when Lib gets his "urges" back! JMHO. I will be eternally optimistic until proven wrong. And if I am wrong, well, I'll accept nature as it comes but I will NOT warm up to Truder in a hurry. I'm a LibLover!!

Robyn said...

Nope Susan I am wrong EJ is on nest off to the right see her tail feathers...

hedgie said...

Leaf blower just got it's first work-out of the year! The last high-wind day and new buds finally pushed off the hanger-on oak leaves which, of course, accumulated on the decks. Got them off before the precip starts!

More laundry to do....will check back later.

Still no NCTC press release in papers. Duh----Time is of the essence in journalism......

hedgie said...

Lynne, well said! TEAM LIBERTY!

Lynne2 said...

that Lib, well, I LOVE him. But when he gets back to business in the fall, I'm going to have a few words....the nerve of him making us worry. Geesh.

Lolly said...

Video of miniature horse

This article was in the paper this morning. The miniature horse was rescued and then given a prosthetic leg.

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. So funny. Yes, Isla has a "mouth" on her, no doubt about it. And she is relentless. However, if she had'nt trained 7Y so well last year, we would certainly have seen a different outcome. Gotta love her. Be sure to check out the "Y" on the front of her head. Great for I'D.

Robyn said...

Susan I took a screen shot of EJ and made it my new pic here, I am sure mom will appreciate it.

Lolly said...

I cut my yarn pieces at about 3". However, I have not had any taken yet. I need to check today.

Jack called out a few minutes ago to hurry and look at one of the birdbaths. Cedar waxwings were collecting by the dozens on the birdbath, flying off and coming back. Tried to get a picture but they quit. Shucks!!!

hedgie said...

Winter storm advisories have been dropped for the entire area.....just rain forecast now. Yea!!

hedgie said...

Does nayone have sound on our cam?? None here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have sound.

hedgie said...

Lolly, just saw that about the mini horse on FB a couple of days ago---put it on our Animal Advocates cool to see him run so freely!
Posted on there yesterday, too, that Zodiac---from the horse seizure here last Aug. (?I think!)--- is doing so well now that he is running with the geldings!! What a miracle that he survived!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Everybody ! Came back in hopes of getting in on some midday nest activity. I spent so much time in "blogging school" with Hedgie and Lolly yesterday that I've had some catching up to do on other things. Am preparing for a big family weekend as we'll celebrate my eldest daughter's birthday. She and her daughter will be arriving from Michigan Friday.

Thanks to all who included me in their greetings and my prayers are with all who've spoken of needs.

I got a great big lump in my throat while viewing the video showing Midnight, the miniature horse with his gleeful ability to run ! Wow !

Thanks, too, for introducing me to Isla, an amazing bird. I'm enjoying catching up on her epic life.

Kay said...

I have sound here.

hedgie said...

KayIM, sounds like a fun weekend ahead of you! Enjoy. I am so glad my girls are nearby!

Bob has graced us again!
Bob's Pics

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. What NCTC press release?? Regarding what?

Kay said...

Hedgie, did you hear "someone" around the camera a moment ago ?

Bob's pictures are spectacular !

You are lucky to have your children close by. We use Columbus as a family hub, with one daughter and me here, one in Grand Rapids, MI and a son in Highland Park, NJ. It sure beats the distance that separated us during the 25 years I spent in AZ. I returned here in 2007 after my husband died--all planned ahead as he and I both knew I'd need to be near the kids.

Leona said...

Since it's almost afternoon I am going to say afternoon everyone.

Thanks everyone for the kind words on my quilts. I am hoping to start making some again this summer.

Lolly The miniature horse link was great
hedgie Bob's Pics link was also great. How I would love to get some pictures like that.

movin said...


GooD Morning, aLL.


A very warm day (80° ??) suddenly in So Cal today.

Anything particularly exciting happen this morning (at the nest)?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

Magpie's documentation of this mornings nest action:

Morning Nest Visit Mar 30, 2011:

6: 34 Truder arrives, lands at 10 am position,
starts moving sticks, including the one in the middle of the nest from Tuesday, so he is in the Center of the nest
6:37 Belle arrives
both working on original nest cup area, both moving sticks a little
believe I saw beaking? at 6:37
Belle goes to bottom area of nest and Truder goes up near 10 o'clock spot
Truder digs in the nest cup
Belle moves a few little sticks
6:40 Belle leaves, but I did not see what direction she flew out to
minute or so later, Truder leaves, flew out from the 10 0'clock spot
The End

Lolly said...

No, Jim. The two (Belle and Truder) apparently made their usual short visit around 6:30 this morning.

Lolly said...

43, here this morning and here at noon it is now 47. Hard to believe we will be up to 90 in a few days. Groan! What is wrong with a happy medium????

Red said...

I'm a senior citizen myself but.......someone please remind me to stay out of the grocery store on senior discount days. ha ha ha It should not take two hours to pickup a few items.

Lolly said...

Need to check email and then get with it!

Later, Gators!

Costume Lady said...

I've not been watching or lurking much today, Jim. Someone else will chime in:)
Yarn pieces can be 3 to 6 inches, just don't make them so long that the little fellers might get tangled up in them. Those are the sizes I use and they have all been picked up, but don't see any in the trees yet.

Robyn said...

With Tori crocheting and knitting there are plenty of 3-6 inch yarns laying around where she haphazardly tosses them (kids) maybe I will put a few near the feeders and see if they are taken..

Off to get ready and bring Tori to pre-op testing in Winchester..bbl

hedgie said...

Couldn't believe that there hadn't been any momster mail today.......Suz says she can't open or send they must be having a big problem!

hedgie said...

wv sUSAn...the one they issued last week about the current situation. It's on their website.

hedgie said...

It says Press Release....that means it's supposed to be sent out to the media!

hedgie said...

ROFL, Red!!! Yep, we are in the category, but NOT in the slow lane!!! Maddening, I'm sure! We don't have senior days here.

hedgie said...

Isla is in the nest!

Still no sound for our cam here.

Red said...

Hedgie, Maybe you have a sound problem. I have sound and I've seen others say they do too. Might try rebooting your puter. That will fix some problems.

Lolly said...

Okay, have changed my avatar to Annie. Annie is our only pet. She will be 16 in June. She was dumped on us on a rainy morning when she was so tiny. Her nickname is Mad Cat as she is more than slightly crazy, or possibly senility at at an early age??? She has the loudest purr and demands to be petted especially at night when we are trying to sleep. Bless her!

movin said...

tHANKS for the updates, friends.

Whoever wondered about the sound on our live feed, "yes" I have sound ... just wind right now, but sound.

Apparently the reason for our high temperatures is we are "enjoying" another Santa Ana condition with desert winds, etc., etc.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Red said...

Changed my avatar to Scooter. Scooter is a Yorkie mix and was being abused so we stole him. He is my shadow but is terrified of thunder and lightening. He and I had a rough night last night as thunderstorms passed by most of the night.

Leona said...

Red Awe he is so cute. I had a little one long time ago every time it stormed she wanted to leave and go to my moms house and this dog didn't like being in cars.

DanaMo said...

Oh Lynn2 I hope you are right. I just read your post from earlier today. Can't get on during the day, but my kids are at "specials" right now so I have a few minutes.
Also we candled again today and it only looks like 2 chicks for sure in my eggs. I hope we are wrong, but after 4 years of doing this, I suspect I'm pretty close to being right.
Any chicken experts out there? I thought I saw someone say that they raised chickens.

DanaMo said...

Scooter is so cute!!
Eagle Eye-whose your puppy?

Lynne2 said...

Aw, love the new pet avatars!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The puppy is Buphals, just 1 of my 4 horizontal children.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shar-----they DO always seem to be horizontal!! SPOILED pups!

Red, I rebooted, and still nothing. Ford Ad, of course, makes plenty of sound. And Loch of Lowe's is so loud I had to mute it! Sometimes if I use earbuds I can hear ours, but what a PIA!
Wind is picking up here, so maybe it will get louder at nest soon and then I'll hear wind!

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, was reading about your dogs....over 15 years in the vet business and I have seem some amazing things come out of dog bellies. There is actually a show on Animal Planet called, My Dog Ate WHAT?

hedgie said...

LOL, Jim, these winds are coming from the west......are they your Santa Ana's??? Or do they blow from the east??

hedgie said...

Red, love your little guy. Give Pammie pointers on how to do a raid when she checks in!

Since I am puppy-less now, I don;t have any current pet to feature. :(

hedgie said...

DanaMo, think Leona has the chicken experience. Hope you ARE wrong so your kiddos will have more chicks!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, I don't have sound anymore.

Leona said...

Changed my picture to my Papillon Sophie. She is the only baby I have right now. Lost my outside dog Baby Girl last Dec.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Can someone send me the link to the Loch of Lowes cam?

Red said...

Well now I don't have sound either. It's contagious!

Leona said...

DanaMo I did raise chickens even hatched some out in an incubator but that has been so many years ago. I would use a flashlight, shine it into the egg (make sure the room is dark first). If you don't see anything the egg isn't fertilized.
If you see a reddish glow (blood vessels) or a chick (if I remember right the chick would be a dark inside the egg), then there is a baby chick inside. I hope this helps some.

Red said...

Loch of Lowes Cam

PammySue said...

Hi guys. I have been lurking a bit for the past couple of days.

I no longer have a pet. Craig is the closest thing I have, so I could put up a pic of him as my avatar.

Red, I love that you 'stole' your cute little Yorkie. I may be going on a similar adventure soon.

Red said...

Actually the man's daughter stole him for us. She couldn't stand to see her dad treat the pup so bad. Scooter buttered up to my wife really quick but it took me almost a year. I think Scooter associiated men with his pain. But we are best buddies now.

Lynne2 said...

Pammy, you can certainly put a picture IN MEMORY of a past pet!

Lynne2 said...

You too Lynn!

Lynne2 said...

I appear to have done something terrible to my right knee. It's REALLY swollen. Good grief. WHAT NEXT!!!

Lynne2 said...

wow, just saw that the Killer Whale at Sea World Orlando has been returned to performing in front of audiences now. Hmmmm. I think that's sorta gross.

Liz said...

Lady Isla has been in the nest for a couple hours, on the lookout for mate. Now she is standing sentinel at top of nest.
Our OC nest has been quiet since the earlier morning visit by Belle and Turd Bird.

movin said...

Either my sound is gone too, or there just isn't anything to hear on it. Usually, you'll get a hum or something if you crank it up.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Liz said...

Movin, I don't think I have sound either now.

Liz said...

Lady Isla just went poof.

Red said...

They sure have been zooming in for very close closeup on the Decorah cam. Could see the moisture on the eagles tongue. lol

Donka Maria said...

Good Afternoon everyone, haven't been on in a while. Too much drama!! But I have checked in from time to time since T/Rudy took over. Saw everyone's avatar, mine's always been my little mini schnauzer, Roxie. She's still with us since August 2009 been battling cancer. She's a spirited fighter and we just love her so much!!! Love all your stories and pics. Have a wonderful day.

movin said...

OK, folks, I've got to go, but look at the BWO nest. They are making some serious headway.

They are getting down to the end of "nest building", but last year that pair had barely begun by now.... guess it don't matter too much if you fledge the chicks anyway.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Black-capped chickadee, downy-headed woodpecker, titmouse and a junco all on my feeder at one time!
Squirrels not happy---no room for them!

Sleet and rain here....

Aimeecat said...

Does anyone have any words of wisdom on how to discourage the starlings from enjoying my bird feeder?

hedgie said...

Sound for our cam has been an ongoing is what it is for this season. Luck of the draw whether it's up or not.

DanaMo....forgot to say that I love the names you gave your trio!

Lynne---what DID you do to the knee??? Anything??? Ice it!!

hedgie said...

Heard about the whale this morning.....hope the keepers/trainers all remember that he is a wild creature.....and don't do anything dangerous.

Red said...

Aimeecat, A pellet gun works wonders.

hedgie said...

Here's a piece of trivia, speaking of whales: a blue whale's single gulp of krill can add up to 450,000 calories!!!

GrannieKay said...

If your looking and it's all dark then the chick has grown enough to fill the egg. If you can still see through it and no spots then I'm afraid it probably isn't viable. But even if you only get a couple chicks your kids will be thrilled.
Good luck.

hedgie said...

Red...tsk, tsk!!!! Starlings have to eat, too!!!!

Kay said...

Getting with the program, changed avatar to show Rowdy, beloved dog from 1993-2003. I liked your suggestion to PammySue, Lynne2.

Just checked on my other eagles. I imagine many of you follow them, too.

Mom and Pop Hornsby are sitting on two eggs, first hatch expected about a month from now.

On Sutton's Vian, OK nest there are 2 delightful eaglets who should begin branching soon.

And, to Norfolk where the parents are getting soaked today as they shelter their 3 fluffy bobbleheads.

Can't recall what I did before this eagle mania overtook me.

Lynne2 said...

Amiecat, is it Debbie? I have trouble remembering!

I happen to like starlings. I think they are pretty neat birds, and some can actually be taught to talk! Here, I get them at the feeders, but only rarely. They seem to come in flocks every couple of weeks, stay for an hour or 2 and then move on. Later in summer, I'll have a few regulars. I've heard that if you use feed with corn or cracked corn, they really like that. So check your feed.

Lynne2 said...

Funny Kay!! Me neither! I have to be very disciplened and only watch ours, Norfolk, BWO and BWE, the falcons in Pittsburgh, and now Lady Isla....

Loving the pictures! Tomorrow I will feature another of my children.

Aimeecat said...

Red: LOL, that's hilarious! Perhaps that will work with the Canada Geese too! J/K

hedgie, Lynne2: LOL, I know they have to eat too and I don't really dislike them, but it seems the other birds stay away when they are here.
And yes, it's Debbie. :)
I'll check my feed I think it does indeed have corn in it!


mariadangeloart said...

Hi everyone! Any birdies visit the nest today?

Kay said...

Aimeecat, perhaps you'll find a solution here:


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Starting to rain here, chilly and damp. Not sure if raining at the nest or not. My sound here is never good, so can't give an update on that.

Kay said...

Maria, back track to my 1:03pm post for Magpie's account of the early morning nest visit.

As a horse lover I think you'll enjoy Lolly's post at 11:45am. Be prepared to get a lump in your throat !

mariadangeloart said...

Thanks Paula and Kay. Kay, I've seen that video of the mini horse with the prosthetic leg. Your right, it gets me every time.

Lynne2 said...

Kay, good link! Makes a lot of sense about the size of the perches. My feeders have relatively small perches. When I see the starlings, most are on the ground eating the seed that has fallen.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work checking the email to me box Gonna have to power computer down We have tornado warnings till 8 Nothing yet just black skys and wind Hope it just blows over Darn I just missed the new days when I was home oh well such is life I hope all had a good day Talk later

GrannieKay said...

Even tho the owlets are cute as can be I hate looking at them. That nest box is just filthy and they have to stand in it. I would think it would burn sores on their feet. I like the way our eagles build houses. LOL

Aimeecat said...

Thanks Kay! Good info! :)

PammySue said...

I'm at Craig's house right now, and all the pictures of my dog Spooky Jeaux are on my computer.

I spelled her middle name like that because I lived in Louisiana when I got her. It's a shout out to her Cajun roots. lol

She was a black Chow. I know they kinda have a bad rep, but she was a sweetheart. She would take a treat from your mouth so gently that you would barely feel it. She was Mama's girl for 15 1/2 years. ♥

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOO stay safe JudyE

mariadangeloart said...

Oh Pammy, it sounds like she was a love. So sorry you lost her.

Kay said...

Lynne2, I know what you mean, we each have just so much time for this. This group has gotten me hooked on Isla's interesting story, too !

JudyE, stay safe ! That brings back memories of a 3 year period in the 70's when I spent a lot of time in Tarpon Springs.

PammySue said...

Maria, she was a sweetheart. So cute and so sweet. When I would show her the leash, she would jump straight up in the air, over and over. Craig always said she had a spring in her butt. lol

The Christimas after she died, Craig got a blanket made for me with a picture of her on it. All I could do was cry. I still miss her, and she has been gone almost 4 years.

Red said...

I hate starlings. They are what I call nusance birds. They are not pretty and don't sing. Just squawk. At my other home I was buying 25 lbs of sunflower seed a week feeding lots of cardinals, titmouses, chickadees, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, and numurus types of finches. Starlings and grackles were not allowed at my feeders.
These were allowed

and these

Leona said...

Lynn2 I think we have the same cat. I just posted mine under the blog "Our Pets".

hedgie said...

REALLY sleeting here now.
Fire is lit.....temp down to 37°....forecast now says snow tomorrow night....argh!

Leona said...

Red that is awesome.

hedgie said...

Red, you are the real bird man!!! Would love to have them eat out of my hand!

DanaMo said...

Leona and Grannie-I candle the eggs with an overhead projector and a box with a hole. It works great. I have a number of eggs that we can see veins in, but not the dark spot that is the eye, which we can see in 2 of the eggs. We have a green egg which is very dark, so maybe? that one is just full? This is my 4th year doing this and my predictions are usually pretty good. For some reason this year I feel more unsure of my ability to know what has a chick in it and what doesn't!

Lynne2 said...

wow Leona, they DO look very much alike!! And funny because Brother never shuts up. Our little buddy Bill, (he is 13 and belongs to our close friends Dave and Wendy) just loves Brother (you do, if you don't have to live with him) He was always afraid that a Great Horned Owl would get him. Not sure why he thought that, but I told him that we'd likely find a pellet that had a big cat mouth meowing constantly if that ever happened!

DanaMo said...

Hail in Hagerstown, probably at the nest too!

mariadangeloart said...

That's the only bad thing about having a pet. When they leave us they take a part of our hearts with them.
My Zoe does exactly the same thing when we get home from work. We get to the front door and she's behind it jumping straight up and down like a pogo stick. We watch her through the window on the door. It's hysterical!

Lynne2 said...

Oh, I think Starlings and Grackles are really pretty! They have amazing iridescent coloring!

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, you can see the sleet at the nest coming down...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

One of the babies is climbing a tree on the Lily cam! Precious!!

DanaMo said...

Wow really coming down.

Lynne2 said...

UGH. the nest is not coming down. Let me can see the sleet coming down at the nest.

hedgie said...

You can see the sleet at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

well, at least I know for SURE now I don't have sound.

hedgie said...

JudyE---hope the tornadoes DON'T happen!

Leona said...

Lynn2 I am always afraid coyotes would get Mouth. I have three other cats, will add there pictures later. It's getting close to that time to start supper.
So I will BBL.

PammySue said...

This blog is so educational. I don't really know anything about birds. I Googled starlings to find out more about them. Was it Lynne who said they can be taught to speak. How cool is that?
Well, I have to say that the picture that came up is beautiful.

Lynne2 said...

I am TERRIFIED of tornadoes. And yet, I would love to go on a tornado chase vacation!

....I'm so conflicted.

Lynne2 said...

oh Leona.....I can imagine. Coyotes are not very discretionary. Hope he remains safe from them.

DanaMo said...

Lynn2-My dog ate WHAT is a running theme in this house. Like I said we have been to so many ER vets it's amazing these two are still walking this earth and I love them so much that if anything happens to them I don't know what I would do. Plus Boomer is my 15 y/o son's dog and Java is my 12 y/o daughter's dog. They would be devastated, and we really do watch them, but they always get something no matter how careful we are!

Kay said...

It's been snowing all afternoon here and I'm afraid we're sending it toward you folks in WV. About a half inch so far. It shouldn't stick around long because we've been above freezing for a week or so and the temp is supposed to go to 48 tomorrow.

Great bird pics, Red !

Hope to see a pic of your sweet Spooky Jeaux when you get back to your computer, PammySue.

DanaMo said...

My deck has a layer of sleet on it!

Leona said...

I don't have sound either.

DanaMo said...

You can see it in the Cam.

Lynne2 said...

Pammy, most don't like starlings. I guess I really don't know why for sure other than they do tend to hog the feeders. But now we know what to do! They are not native in this country.

DanaMo said...

Love all the pet pictures!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, why not put a picture of Cinny on?

Lynne2 said...

well butter my butt and call me a's even sleeting HERE now!

PammySue said...

Lynne, I read that some guy released a bunch of them in Central Park in 1891. He wanted to introduce every bird ever mentioned by Shakespeare into this country.

Aimeecat said...

Red: I'll stock up on sunflower seed

Kay: You better not send the snow to WV! :)

PammySue said...

I hope Sharon is having a safe trip home--no nasty weather.

And Lynne, I hope your knee feels better. Maybe some ibuprofen would help the swelling. ?

Has anyone heard from Delphia/birdgirl? I hope her test results are good.

Red said...

Here's something I did a few years ago. Haven't tried anything lately. Eyes and hands are not what they used to be.


Kay said...

Aimeecat, I really don't want to, but some things seem to be beyond my power !

Lynne2, thanks for the big laugh !!!

Kay said...

Red, that's beautiful ! Both the calligraphy and the sentiment expressed.

Lynne2 said...

wow Pam, didn't know that! The bay has a very bad problem with Mute Swans. They were brought over, a few, as pets for one of the ?founders of one of the eastern shore counties back in the 1800s. Some escaped and of course bred, creating a huge population by now. They eat some type of bay grass, and it's really created a problem for native species.

Lynne2 said...

Delphia' biopsy was benign. I don't know if she posted here but she did on FB.

My knee....let's ignore it. LOL! I am already on Meloxicam at the moment for my post illness costochondritis which is pretty much gone. It's NOT helping the knee, but it's a strong NSAID, same class as Ibuprofen.

PammySue said...

Invasive species can do a lot of damage. :(

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Yer quite welcome Kay!

Red, beautiful calligraphy! I only ever did it in art class in high school. Not very well, either!

Red said...

KayIM, The calligraphy is mine. The sentiment author was unknown.

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

Exactly Pam. Take the STINKBUG, for instance...

Lynne2 said...

or the pythons that people have let go in the south.....UGH.

Lynne2 said...

Even plants, like the Autumn Olive that I LOVE....not native, and it's so prolific that it chokes out native plants.

PammySue said...

Yay! Great news for Delphia.

My Mom has had cancer twice, and anytime something with her health changes, we all pester her to go have it checked out immediately. She's good about going to her check-ups. :)

Lynne2 said...

I really must shut up now and fix dinner.....

PammySue said...

Yes, those nasty stink bugs. They are just gross.

PammySue said...

Red, I agree with Kay. The calligraphy and the verse are both just beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...

Back dental appointment went well doing good home care and no cavities.

Doing animals huh

Lolly that was beautiful about the horse getting the prosthetic leg...WONDERFUL ( : Brought tears to my eyes seeing Midnight running around and kicking up feet lol

Bob thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. Always a joy.

Red I remember you always pick up your treats...that is why it takes you so long in the grocery store. You had told us one time lol

Bob pictures are great thanks for sharing with us.

No sound on live feed either.

In town it started sleeting. By the time I drove interstate and got to my development it just started sleeting here. Now rain coming down.

Kay said...

Yes, Red, I realized the calligraphy was your work and I am in awe of such talent !!!

Time for me to fix a bite to eat and watch the evening news. I'll check back later to see if the nest has had it's evening callers.
Or perhaps just one fish eater like last night.

wvgal_dana said...

Since Ed passed Sept 25, 2009 Little Man our Chihuahua wanted to go be with Dad. I hand fed him after Ed passed. He also had cervical and spinal stenosis (which I have). Ed got worse Feb. 11, 2010 I and our wonderful vet sent him onto be with his Daddy Ed.
Ed was right there at Rainbow Bridge to get him. They are happy being back together.

All of our other dogs pasted before this time. So right now I don't have an animal. I just help people around the development find their lost ones.

So I'll put back up my long time friend that I use to us as an avatar.

DanaMo said...

My dad is a stage 3 lung cancer survivor! We worry all the time, but it's almost 9 years!!

hedgie said...

S--wing now...:(

Red said...

I think I'm calling it a day too. I need to start dinner as my wife will soon be home. Since I'm retired I do most of the cooking during the week.

PammySue said...

DanaMo, hooray for your Dad. :)

Lynne2 said...

Glad all went well at the dentist DanaWV!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sher is on her way home and it is very quiet here this evening. Bummer...

Lynne2 said...

Where's Tom Sissy?

hedgie said...

DanaMo, I am a 6 yr. survivor---limited stage, thankfully.

hedgie said...

Red, I love your calligraphy. I used to do it, but bet that I couldn't now if my life depended on it!

hedgie said...

Time to add the noodles....goulash tonight!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This is 3 of my babies on my profile pic, Buddy is not in the picture. This is Hubert, Ellie Mae, and Hollie Ann.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom just took Mattie to the mall for a minute.

Geula said...

I changed my avatar to Fifi......the little doggie in the big bed! The next time I'll put up the BIG dog in the little bed!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I don't think I told you all but Andrew asked Tom to be his best man the other night! We all cried. We have always loved him like a son, but I didn't know if he felt that way. This is something Tom thought he would not ever experience since Adam and Aaron died so young. Andrew and Mattie have been such a blessing!!

Lynne2 said...

oh SISSY!!! That's so amazing! That brings a tear to my eyes!

Lynne2 said...

BIG FAT snowflakes now mixed in with rain and sleet

Lynne2 said...

Sissy, is Mattie back with you and Tom?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I think Tom had secretly prayed for such a thing but wouldn't dare have mentioned it to Andrew. Sharon has shared him with freely since the day he was born. He has always had 2 moms and Tom and my dad were always his father figures. My daddy would be so proud of the man he has become.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Pretty much full time. She has not moved her stuff back here but for now we are not going to rock the boat. This is where she belongs.

Leona said...

Well just started to put supper on and hubby came home and informed me he will be living in an hour. So I am not starting supper until later. Going to be a late supper again tonight.

JudyEddy said...

Storm went around us yeah they did have damage in Brooksville and its still storming in middle of state but we seem to be in the clear Yeah I'm changing my profile picture to my grand puppies the white one has passed a year ago but Sabari Did anyone tape this am visit I did and did put it on Facebook Ok now to go catch up since I had the puter off Later Hello to all I had posted this to Tuesdays day DUH Is that sleet or snow I see it sometimes on the cam

hedgie said...

Snow is covering things here.

Sissy, we just knew that Tom would be thrilled and honored!! Andrew is what he is today partly because of Tom's influence.
And glad to hear that Mattie IS where she belongs!

JudyEddy said...

I meant to stay Sabari is still with us I use to by them scarf they were the only grand children I had until 2008 when my grand daughter was born

Lynne2 said...

Oh Sissy, I'm so glad she is back with you guys!!

Leona....I'm very glad you husband will be "living" in an hour. LOL!!!!

we LOVE our typos on this blog!

hedgie said...

A bit of both, JudyE!!! UGH!!

mariadangeloart said...

Okay changed my avatar so you guys can see my Zoe.
Looks like it's snowing at the nest...... :/

Lynne2 said...

Figured that's what you meant JudyE! Glad the storm went by you.

LOVE all these pet pics!

JudyEddy said...

Does everyone else also has no sound?????

hedgie said...

Oh, my......can't believe it...1100 college students commit suicide every year. So sad.

Lynne2 said...

no sound here.

Wow Lynn, that seems like a really large number. So das.

Leona said...

Lynn2 LoL leaving...

Lynne2 said...

looks like we are back to just rain here.

Leona said...

mariadangeloart Is your baby a papillon?

Lynne2 said...

I think having avatar "themes" is pretty cool. A neat way to get to know about each other a little more!

Lynne2 said...

hey Leona, she sure looks like a Pappy!

mariadangeloart said...

Yes Leona, my spoiled little brat is a Papillon. :)

Leona said...

So is mine... and spoiled rotten.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like sideways snow Brrr I have my air conditioner on I got a sun burn today at work I had to help outside prep pallets for inventory and ended up getting a slight burn and had navy on so was a little warm ( I typed worm and saw before I sent) LOL Come on Belle we are waiting

hedgie said...

Maybe the snow will send turdbird packing! Maybe he doesn't know how to cope with bad weather the way Lib and Belle do!!!!

It's still coming down heavily.

hedgie said...

Yeah, Lynne, I could use Cinny's pic.....but since the cherry blossoms are so short-lived, think I'll just keep them up. Don't really want to be reminded of loss right now.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn laying here where I live too. Also see it is laying in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

The 1st year I put up my "pink kitty". It was so funny I don't know if he will remember but Jim said, "How did you get your cat pink" lol

She represents: Take Time And Stop and Smell The Flowers.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I know where you are coming from that is why I used "pink kitty". Don't want to think about my loss either. Hugs to you Lady ((((((((Lynn)))))))))

Robyn said...

Back from Winchester Hosp. got Tori pre-admin and Tueday the 5th she goes in for 4 wisdom's pulled.

The weather is absolutely nasty, doesn't know if it wants to snow, rain, sleet or hail so it is doing a mix of all. Bone chilling too.

Any nest visits? I suppose not since I didn't read of any :(

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...