Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Robyn said...

I am not sure I can handle all the cams today. I literally had to stop watching them, I would watch Maine, Norfolk, the owls in Benecia Cal and texas and OH and the perigrin falcons in Austrailia among a few here and there... very time consuming and addictive...

WV sUSAn said...

Megan. I can hear sound but very low.

Kay said...

Snow on nest may be causing some distortion ?

WV sUSAn said...

I had to take a break over the wkend. Had to let my brain rest.

Robyn said...

It is so creepy how EJ looks into the cam as if she is staring back at you LOL

magpie said...

I'm back
Experiment was more or less a dud.
And, No Sound Here!
can't tell you many times I had to hit that rotating arrow , or is it revolving arrow !

Thanks for the weather report, Megan my cold weather clothes are laid out !

Susan, I think some of that fluffiness near the 5:30 position was there yesterday, don't want to say it looks like a little nesting cup, so I just did not say that!

magpie said...

Familiar with the expression:

All Dressed Up and No Place to Go?
That's us, all perched and nothing to watch !

I'm out of time
Want to say, hope everyone on here with ailments, aches and pains...will start feeling better soon, and that includes, Diann, Lynne2, and Sissy...and many others!

Best wishes for a good day....
See you much later this evening...
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

If there is a visit, make good notes!

Kay said...

Perhaps I'm not patient enough, but must move on. Time for my newspapers. Have a good one all !

Robyn said...

Have a nice day Ladies...

Susan, Lady sure likes to preen

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. Not only is Lady the oldest breeding osprey, she's also the best groomed.

Robyn said...

EJ looks like the wind is going to blow her away lol

Robyn said...

UT OH, what is going on with our cam?

floralgirl said...

Yikes...technical difficulties

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. EJ appears to b looking right back to ya. The babies do the same. So funny.

Laird came n April 4 last year I think, first yr w Lady. Hoping he'll show up earlier knowing he has a hot, well groomed cougar waiting.

Robyn said...

LOL, gotta love them cougars ;)

stronghunter said...

A quick good morning to everyone. I have much to do here at work today, so I will see you later.

Christine said...

Good morning. I hope everyone is well and that you have a good day! I see the weather has gone nasty in Shepherdstown.

I realize you all watch several nests. Which nest are you talking about when you mention EJ??

Robyn said...


EJ is in Loch Garten she is one of the Scottish Osprey's

LInk to her cam

Christine said...

Thank you,Robyn :) LOL, Looks like she's hanging on for dear life!!

Red said...

Good morning everyone. Looks like our cam is having problems today.

hedgie said...

Gloomy, dreary, damp AM in Nestland.......and cam has gone kerflooey.......don't think we'll see anything today unless John can get it fixed!

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

Is your alls live feed up?

T-Bird said...

I second that Magpie. Got to go make the dough.

Robyn said...

Susan mom sent me this told me to pass it on to you in case you didn't see it. It was when Odin got tangled in the fishing wire and was gone for 2 days and how the wardens brought the 4 fish to the nest...

around 5:35 is when they put the fish in nest

Robyn said...

WOW so Isla brought in a fish almost the length of her and still wiggling, thought it was going to knock her and the fish out lol...

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - checking in to say I had a glorious day yesterday with family - I am heading out to lab for some blood work. I'll be in touch this afternoon.

Robyn said...

Stay warm and dry Jo

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Just wanted to say Hi and wish everyone a wonderful day! I've got lots of work today, but will try to check in from time to time!

Linda said...

How is Tori?

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all!

Feels like winter, yuk!

Wanda & Jim....sorry, couldn't even read your posts talking about rabbit for dinner...

Looks like we need a reset on our cam...

paula eagleholic said...

Nest Update Mar 31 2011

No visitors this morning...

No visitors last night...

Last visit was Weds morning, Mar 30

Linda said...

Morning, Paula!

It's snowing here in NE PA! And more is on the way.

FuzzleMT said...

Good Morning! Since it's pet week I wanted to show off the "Fuzzle" part of my moniker. She will be 16 on April 18 and I adopted her when she was a kitten from our local animal shelter. She's a virtual beauty with really BIG eyes - love her to pieces!!

Robyn said...

PA Lynn, Tori is doing well just worn out from her infusion and runnig around winchester hosp. yesterday one more day and she will be up and around...

Thanks for asking :)

Christine said...

Has anyone been watching the eagelts at CRC? It's starting to look like there may be something wrong over there. :( I called the raptor center and all she would say is that there are people out there checking on the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Not many of us on here, so that must mean the cam is not working;)
Don't fret...someone will get it fixed for us as soon as they find out we need help!

Paula, I haven't eaten rabbit in many years...don't think I could now.

KAY IM...Columbus is one of our favorite places to visit. When we used to go to the Halloween Costume Show, in Chicago, we always stopped in Columbus overnight and continued on to Chicgo the next day...sort of our halfway point.
There is a restaurant on Rt. 40 west, just past Wilson Rd. called the Asian Buffet (think that's it) and it is one of our favorite Chinese restaurants...anywhere!
Are you familiar with it?

Judie said...

Good morning, all.

Off to the big school house. Wishing everyone a lovely day even if the sun isn't shining brightly.

Costume Lady said...

FuzzelMA...your cat looks very much like one that we used to have, named Baby. He was a stray and we let him stay because he was proficient at killing snakes! He had one trick that we just loved to make him do...we would say, "show me your belly" and he would roll over on his back and lay there with his feet up in the air until we told him "good kitty":)
I'm not a cat person, but we have had many:)

paula eagleholic said...

OH, Christine, does not look good at CRC for the one chick.

Linda said...

Christine - That seems so sad to see over there in Savannah. I'm afraid it does like one of the eaglets is dead over in the top left corner.

Why is that nest/box so low to the ground.

Is it possible something got to it in the night?

Christine said...

I'm sitting here crying like an idiot. :( I was so excited to have seen them last week.

Linda said...

I know....not in Savannah!! Savannah's nest!

FuzzleMT said...

I grew up with a pet cat named Penney and have always had at least two cats in my home. Ruckus is my newest - here's her pic - and she lives up to her name! Her mom either gave her up or she wandered away and found refuge in a car garage where the owner fed her for a few days and called a friend to see if she would take her. Long story short, my daughter found her on Craig's List and we went to pick her up. She fit in the PALM of our HANDS she was so tiny. She's my other love.

FuzzleMT said...

Oh, just read about Savannah! We seem to be sharing grief this eaglet season.

paula eagleholic said...

PALynn, the box is on the ground...but it is 2 boxes on the ground. The captive eagles can't fly...

The eagles on the Channel Islands...some have nests on top of rock pinnacles...others on the sides of cliffs, and some on the ground.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Has taken me a while to catch up on the blog, and does not help that I slept a little later this morning.

See that our cam is down. Hope it fixed soon!

Sorry to read about Savannah and her eaglet. Dern!

Robyn, thanks for the video. I have watched this nest but never seen that video. Would love to see the video when mom comes back and discovers the pantry full. Thought it funny there was a "Pecking Pearl" in amongst the chicks! Also, saw a poop shoot! Was fun to watch.

Linda said...

Thanks for explaining, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

My cam is down now...

Christine said...

Savannah used to build her nests on the ground so they built this setup for her. Neither of them can really fly. I guess they'll post something to let us know what happened. I called and they wouldn't even confirm that one of them had died. I think they're trying to get a better look or get in there when it's safe.

Christine said...

A few years ago Savannah lost here eaglets because we got a LOT of rain and she'd built her nest on the ground and the eaglets drowned. We had some pretty bad storms and a lot of rain yesterday, but I don't think that's it this time.

paula eagleholic said...

Christine, I'm so makes it that much harder when you've seen them in person.

I hope they are able to retrieve the eaglet and find out what happened. Things can happen very quickly and sometimes there is no time to react or treat.

paula eagleholic said...

NCTC is aware of the cam issue...

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula! We are headed for a beautiful day, so I best get with it. Yea....outdoors today! Going to the rock place. Need flagstones for a new path and more rock to put around the pond for repairs. Also, may get a few new fern hanging baskets. Yea for sunshine and a little warmer temps.

Have a great day!

Christine said...

Thanks Paula

Well, either the camera froze, or they froze it so they could go in. I'm sure it'll be on he news tonight, they're a big deal here in Charlotte.

hedgie said...

Sad if anything bad has happened at CRC.....:(

Last night's Bear report

hedgie said...

Did I see something yesterday about another pair at CRC having eggs, or am I confusing them with someplace else?

Christine said...

Harvey and Faye, the barn owls have 6 eggs :)

Christine said...

They've frozen the camera and gone in to see what they can find out. People are speculating like crazy on the camera site. Someone from WCNC (tv channel that sponsors the camera) is on there now. I'm backing out and not speaking anymore....I just hope Hans doesn't show up!!!

stronghunter said...

Hi, tried to check on CRC, but our system at school is blocking me.

Christine said...

They've removed the eaglet. I guess they'll say something official after looking him/her over.

It sucks when you're the only female in a testoserone filled environment wondering what the heck you're sniffling about!!

hedgie said...

Christine, hope you feel our momster (((hugs)))). WE understand, even if your co-workers don't. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

(((((HUGS)))))) Christine!

mariadangeloart said...

At least now I won't have to cringe and be upset every time the eagles start digging in the egg cup. What will they do with the egg and chick once they've inspected them?

paula eagleholic said...

Maria, we are talking about the eaglets at Carolina Raptor Center, CRC, in Charlotte, NC....

not the NCTC nest...

mariadangeloart said...

Oh I was assuming it was here since the camera is down..... what happened at the other nest?

hedgie said...

Maria, we don;t know except th t it appears one of the eaglets has died.

hedgie said...

Frankly, I'm worried about the other one, too....he just seems so floppy and not alert.

movin said...

Good Morning, people.




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Kay said...

Hi Costume Lady ! Glad to hear you like Columbus---it's kind of a sprawling, overgrown farm town that has developed a lot of charm. It's really a great place to live and to raise children. I'm familiar with the Asian Buffet, but haven't eaten there--I'm on the far north side of Columbus and that's kind of out of my usual range. Based on what you've said, I just may take my "kids" for a ride out there someday soon. We all love Chinese food ! Thanks !

DanaMo said...

okay I just have to say this...the eagle in Norfolk is just not as "pretty" as our Belle.Is she just all wet??? She looks haggard.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...