Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Robyn said...

Looks like a split approaching

hedgie said...

No, visits that I know of.
It's gonna be a nasty night if this keeps up. Temp has dropped more---35° now.

wvgal_dana said...

If temps drop this mess is going to freeze. Feel bad for 911 operators. Everyone be safe if going out...Prayers for Sharon to make it home safely if not already there.

Robyn said...

just started snowing, huge flakes

wvgal_dana said...

QUESTION TO ALL: Has anyone heard of a movie that may or is going to be release called "Corpus Christi". It is suppose to be a put down on Jesus?????

paula eagleholic said...

It was raining in Frederick when I left work, sleeting in Thurmont, now snowing here at home.

paula eagleholic said...

Check out this picture! It's not gory...

Eagle's dinner

PammySue said...

DanaWV, I Googled that movie--it is an urban legend. It does not exist, according to

Leona said...

Paula Looks like that pheasant is just going for a ride. It's kind of sad.

Lolly said...

Yikes, sorry you are all having such bad weather. Saw it coming down at the nest. Everyone here is complaining of winter returning. I just want a happy medium.

It would be nice, Lynn, if chased turdbird away!

Sissy, was wanting to hear about Andrew asking Tom to be bestman. That is soooo cool! And, so very happy to hear that Mattie is mostly back with you. She knows who really cares and takes good care of her.

hedgie said...

DANAWV---Pammie is right....that talk has been going around for probably 10 yrs. or more.

SusanP said...

Leona and Lynne2 - well, 3 of us have the same cat! Lynne2 - I think our Taz is more like your kitty in personality! His name is Taz for Tasmanian Devil (he started out Rootbeer for a couple of days as a kitten but then Taz he was and has stuck - he's 8 or 9 now!) Will have to get a pic of him uploaded to my blog - and the rest (we have 9 cats...!)

paula eagleholic said...

Here's my Boo that passed on Feb 5, 2011.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I think pheasant is wondering what the heck is going on.

Lolly said...

Jack is building a fire. My hands have been like ice all day. I may just plant my bod right down in front of it an not move.

AI comes on soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Sissy, so glad Andrew asked Tom. You must be so proud of him as well! Super pleased that Mattie is back with you!

Lolly said...

That is some picture, Paula.

Leona said...

Paula So sorry about your Boo.

paula eagleholic said...

And this is Nugz, they are both golden retrievers. Nugz is 9 1/2.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Leona. Love looking at everyone's pets, too ♥

mariadangeloart said...

Oh Paula, I'm so sorry! He was beautiful!

paula eagleholic said...

Dug out the last container of chicken noodle soup for dinner...

hedgie said...

Precip is mixed again now.

I remember the year I was in 7th grade....on my b-day (May 9th) home ec class, sewing our spring skirts...and it started snowing! Sure hope I never see snow in May again!

hedgie said...

Heading to the sofa for Jeopardy.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Maria.

I had to put Boo to sleep, very early that morning on Feb was the same day that Belle laid her first egg this year.

This is quite the family here, and some people asked if I wanted to name the first eaglet Boo. I didn't think it was really an eagle name, so I suggested Joy...Joy for our first egg and for a new season. And the Joy of the day that had started out so awful and ended with our first egg of the season.

Then the eaglet hatched on St Patrick's Day, and Joy became Paddy O'Joy. So now you know how Paddy got his/her name.

Liz said...

Awww! Paula!!! I have a Golden too, I'm on my 3rd one. Love the breed.

PammySue said...

Since I'm on Craig's computer, I could put up a picture of Mr. B--the big 'ol snake.
How would you guys feel about that?

paula eagleholic said...

Put it up, Pammy!

paula eagleholic said...

Liz, Nugz and Boo are numbers 4 and 5 for me.

Leona said...

Awe Paula I didn't know how Paddy got his name. That was so lovely.

PammySue said...

This is Craig's albino Burmese python. His name is Mr. B. This picture was taken a couple of years ago. Mr. B is now about 9 feet long.

Leona said...

I just added a few of my pets to my Our Pets blog. These are of some I have now and some from times gone.

Leona said...

Oh PammySue I miss having a snake. I had a Ball at one time.

PammySue said...

Leona, I just went to the pet store yesterday and got 2 rats for Mr. B. I swear, I always feel so guilty, like I'm an accessory to murder. The brown rats that we get are cute. :(

Lolly said...

Oh, lovely! LOL Not a very cuddly pet!

This morning my daughters cat gave her a gift. Put a dead snake beside her bed. Laurel went to put her feet down and there it was. She does not know if she brought it in (when???) or found it in the house and killed it. Very small snake she said, but Joey examined it and yes, he said, Issabelle had killed it.

mariadangeloart said...

Oh Paula, now I'm sitting here crying and I feel even more upset that our little Paddy didn't make it.

Leona said...

Oh PammySue. I know what you mean. I had pet rats at one time. My mom would always tell me I was mean and that I should feed my snake hamburger meat. She just never understood that wouldn't work.

By the way Rats are the best pets ever.

PammySue said...

Lolly, that was quite a gift. I think it is so cute that cats always bring you their kills.

Gonna go watch tv with Craig.


Lolly said...

Forget snakes and rats...dogs and kitties will be just fine, thank you!

Leona said...

Hubby called he is on his way home. So I guess I should go fixed his dinner now.


JudyEddy said...

Looks like its a wrap for the night folks My TV is calling me and my neck says step away from the computer No visit tonight So sad :>(

stronghunter said...

Good evening. I saw rain/sleet/snow on the way home this evening. Mostly bone-chilling rain. Yuck!

We finished supper and are sitting by the fire tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Nest Visit Mar 30, 2011:

6: 34 Truder arrives, lands at 10 am position,
starts moving sticks, including the one in the middle of the nest from Tuesday, so he is in the Center of the nest
6:37 Belle arrives
both working on original nest cup area, both moving sticks a little
believe I saw beaking? at 6:37
Belle goes to bottom area of nest and Truder goes up near 10 o'clock spot
Truder digs in the nest cup
Belle moves a few little sticks
6:40 Belle leaves, but I did not see what direction she flew out to
minute or so later, Truder leaves, flew out from the 10 0'clock spot
The End

Reported by Margy ☺

paula eagleholic said...

My brother had 2 snakes, as I remember they were ball pythons....can't remember their names.

He stayed with us for a couple months when my youngest was under 5....John loved the snakes. One day one of them got out and wrapped himself around the pipes under the bathroom sink...we had a heck of a time getting him unwrapped!

DanaMo said...

I think all of our pets are spoiled, but they are all so cute!

I can't keep up with all these posts! ACK! I've only been gone for couple of hours!In that time I feel like I have run ragged, cooked dinner, starting an appetizer to bring to school tomorrow and missed getting my son to Boy Scouts!

I wish I had time to slow down and relax!

Judie said...

The night light is set for 11pm. Goodnight all. Pleasant dreams!

DanaMo said...

Read my mind JudyE

stronghunter said...

Okay, pet picture time! George is my kitty.

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin' time at TH, chicky is really peeping for dinner!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie!

DanaMo said...

Frisbee, Boomer and Java are number 2,3 and 4 for Black Labs for me. Unless you count the one I grew up with!

Love Boo with the tennis ball in mouth. That is my Frizz. Loves the ball!

Snakes are not for me! I have nightmares about snakes. I like cuddly and furry.

Lolly said...

It is official.....we were eating dinner and there it was having it's dinner.....a hummingbird!

wvgal_dana said...

I don't like snakes either but when you have a daughter that does--well that makes a difference. She is the only one I trust with a snake. She would say, "Mom I'm coming out with my snake and I'm heading to the kitchen." That way I knew she had it and I could say ok I'm in the kitchen wait till I say I'm in the living room. She had little ones then went bigger, ball and the the python...slept with her in her water bed.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for several of you telling me and relieving me about not true about that movie.

stronghunter said...

Snakes . . . one day when Rus was in middle school, he captured a snake and decided to take it to school and then release it.

We put it in a bucket covered with screen and placed it in the shower in the bathroom with the door closed. I went to work that morning expecting Rus to take the snake to school that day, but somehow the snake disappeared in the house.

Rus called a neighbor to come help him find the snake and take him to school. Lurae, this wonderful neighbor, helped Rus find the snake, which had found its way to my closet. Yikes!!

Lurae took Rus and the snake to school. By then he was tardy and had no written excuse. He said he walked into the office with the snake and told his story. The secretaries wrote a pass pronto and Rus was on his way to class!

I am happy to report that the snake went to science class and was mercifully released into the wild later on.

PammySue said...

I know what you guys mean about preferring soft and cuddly over a snake any day.
I'm OK with Mr. B. He is very good-natured and docile. But I told Craig that if Mr. B ever strikes at anyone, then I'm done 'cause I'll never trust him again.
I definitely prefer something you can pet and play with. There is not much you can do with a snake.

Lynne2 said...

Wow, I see Boo, Nugz, Mr B, Taz are all on here now too!

I like snakes. We feed the ones at Irvine frozen, well, thawed, rodents. Too much of a risk in live feeding...bites from rodents can become infected very quickly. It's sort of not as upsetting, either.

Oh Lolly, not nice of the kitty to bring the snake to Laurel's bedside!

YAY on the hummer!

PammySue said...

Leona, they had pet rats for sale at the pet store too. They were hand-raised and loved people.
I was asking the girl who works there about them and she was telling me what great pets they make. She said they are very smart and can be litter trained.

My older sister has a pot-bellied pig. They are also VERY smart animals. They can be litter-trained as well. Hers is house-trained and has never had an accident in the house. She goes to the door just like a dog.

Lynne2 said...

oh, I see we have George too!

PammySue said...

Lynne, Craig tried the frozed rats--Mr. B was not interested. Some snakes won't eat them.
I try to make sure I leave the room when Craig feeds Mr. B.

Lynne2 said...

Pigs in general are really smart! Very underestimated animal for sure.

And I like rats, too!

hedgie said...

Carolyn said the roads were okay....but wonders what they will be like come's 33° now......

stronghunter said...

George is in a snit tonight. Hissing at the dogs again.

Lynne2 said...

we thaw ours out Pam, and then I sit them under a heat lamp for just a minute or 2 to get them warmer than room temp. We also remove them from their habitats for feeding. That's done to prevent them from striking.

PammySue said...

Everybody's pets are SO cute. Isn't it funny how much we spoil our pets? I mean, what's the sense in having them if you're not going to spoil them, right? It's like they are children. lol

hedgie said...

Was just remembering---with my goulash fresh in my mind---that my Grams always told the story that when I was little I would say "Me no like" as I kept stuffing goulash in my mouth! Feeling now like I stuffed too much! But it did hit the spot!

Lynne2 said...

I don't think I have ever had goulash! I had a pair of galoshes once....

hedgie said...

I don't HATE snakes, but I sure don't want any for pets! I'll stick to furry things and toads!! Like my turtles, too, but would never keep one of them captive!
Thankfully, when fresh bugs were scarce, toads will eat raw hamburger!

Leona said...

Dinner done and it was good if I say so myself.

PammySue Our rats would ride around on the kids shoulders. You never could get a hamster to stay up there. My kids loved them. Sad thing is they don't leave very long, about three years. We had one that lived to be almost four.

Kay said...

Back and hoping to hear about a nestcapade, but see it didn't happen this evening.

I've been catching up, loving the avatar theme and all the stories about pets, past and present. Over the course of my years on this planet I've had dogs, a cat, a yellowhead parrot and have helped my kids nurture guinia (sp?) pigs and hamsters. I practically gave mouth to mouth resusication to a hamster once and bawled like a baby when he died ! They are family members and they seem to bring out the best in people. Now I don't have one of my own, but dogsit my granddog a couple of days a week and when the kids go on vacation. Kind of nice to enjoy his company and not have to pay his vet bills ! Thank you all for sharing that part of your lives today !

Hedgie, you are making me so hungry for Goulash. It's a dish that differs from family to family. What are the main ingredients in yours ?

Kay said...

That should be resusitation, I believe--I'm going to have to start previewing all messages !

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn, you and your toads! Can not stand them. I get grossed out by frogs and toads. Like snakes much much more.

And, here I am...a TCU Horned Frog! Rah Rah!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hoo! I scored a free 19" TV w/ DVD player tonight...and it works! Gonna take it to the beach house.

We have an auction place at the entrance to our development, and sometimes they set stuff outside for free. They had 3 big entertainment centers and 5 tv's and a small bookshelf stereo. I grabbed 2 Tv's and the stereo...the 19" TV works, the rest don't...going to sneak the broken ones back on the shelf units...

turtledove said...

Good evening, everyone!
This talk of toads reminds me of the time I saw a toad outside my hotel room in Florida. I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I approached it slowly, bent down, and scratched its neck. Not only did it let me, but it leaned into the scratch and closed its eyes! I couldn't believe it. If it were a cat, it would've been purring.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, don't let Pammy's snake near your toads...

wvgal_dana said...

When I was a kid I had a parakeet. When I left for school I put a sign on the outside my bedroom door
"bird out". That met he wasn't in his cage but loose in my room. Got home one day and Mom was mad as I ever seen her. She said, "those new curtains we brought you'll live with them until you move out of this house!!!!" I went into the room and up ontop of the curtain my bird set very innocence. All the thread all along the top of the curtain were all standing up. He had pulled on the threads in the curtain all standing up. lol

PammySue said...

Paula, great score! I love free stuff.

turtledove, I can just see that toad closing his eyes and enjoying that scratch. :)

I'm not bothered by snakes (obviously), toads, lizards, frogs, rats, or bats--but let a teeny little bug get on me, and I lose my mind.
There are very few creatures that I just don't like, and bugs are at the top of the list.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night and head upstairs. See you tomorrow.

God bless.

turtledove said...

If you love free stuff, have you heard of You can zoom into your area and sign up for your local Freecycle yahoo mailing list. People offer up their own stuff they don't want anymore, and interested people respond. The offeror may just reward you with the item. You can get a lot of good stuff for free from other people who just don't want their stuff anymore. And it saves landfill space, a win win!

We've gotten a couple of good stereo systems, as well as a lot of odds and ends, like toasters, laptop cases, etc. It's fun and good for the environment, too!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good night my wonderful friends of feathers and fur (stole that from my sister)!! Love and hugs all around. I am gonna watch Criminal Minds and hit the hay.

PammySue said...

Good night, Shirley. And good night to your handsome boy, George.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, yea, Freecycle is great. Gotta be quick though, for the good stuff!

Kay said...

Good show, Paula ! It feels good to get something free once in a while.

I'm following Stronghunter's lead.

See you all here tomorrow !

Lynne2 said...


PammySue said...

turtledove, yes I know about Freecycle. I haven't been on there in a while, though. I love it.
But thanks for telling me. :)

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

NESTCAPADES well, geesh, must watch my spelling

hedgie said...

Lynne, sent you the recipe for goulash.

hedgie said...

KayIM...mine family made the cheap kind! Ground beef, tomatoes, seasonings and egg noodles!

PammySue said...

Lynne, so we are watching Nestcapades? I like it. You are a clever girl. First, Dirty Turdy Hussy Birdy, and now this.

Someone earlier today said Dirty Turdy Boy Toy--also very clever.

hedgie said...

Turtledove, toads make very good pets! They do love to be stroked. And they wukk come to the side of the terrarium to greet you when you walk into the room, too! I have had many....but my first one, Freddie, for about 11 yrs. My dad used to tell my dates that the toad came with me when I got married!! Ha! Unfortunately, he died one yr. before that.

hedgie said...

I'm with you, Pammie....don't like bugs! Mostly spiders, but the SB's sure freak me out, too. I've even been attacked by praying mantis!

magpie said...

Wow quite an Eagle pile at Blackwater

Lots of snow in Morgan County

So, Hello because I am back from there...

think I better check on today's happenings ☺

hedgie said...

Goodnight Judie and Shirley. And anyone I might have m issed.

DanaWV--you mean the parakeet took out the stitching with it's beak??? LOL----there's an old saying about every stitch put in with haste, you'll have to remove with your nose! Ever hear that one??

hedgie said...

Sleep tight, Sissy...heal, heal!

Leona said...

Today seems like a very long day to me.

Leona said...

Well I think I am going to call it a night. Catch everyone tomorrow.

hedgie said...

G'night, KayIM!

Pammy, that was me with the DTBT moniker for truder.

Margie, wondered where you were!
About 1/2" of the junk out here now....still coming down as a mix.
Hope you had a nice evening with James.

hedgie said...

Sleep well, Leona!

Jo must have gotten worn out by her little peeps today.....she hasn't checked in this evening yet....

Lolly, cool that your 1st hummer arrived! I was filling the sugar bowl today and emptied a bag---had to go downstairs to get another bag off the shelf and almost pulled out the feeder...but figured I better wait a couple of weeks.

SusanP said...

Paula - so sorry to hear about Boo; we've had to say goodbye to several of our kitties and it's always so hard; they are part of the family. Love how it led to Paddy O'Joys name though.

My avatar is still our Cassidy-kitty; Taz looks just like Lynne2's crazy kitty (and he loves playing the button game with his dad - snuggling in his lap "innocently" and then making an attack on the shirt buttons

turtledove said...

hedgie, I just couldn't believe a wild toad let me walk up to it and start scratching it. Too weird. But I didn't know that they were like that in general. Thanks for tell me that about toads, that's very interesting. I guess it wasn't my magic touch then after all! I thought I was the toad whisperer!

Lynne2 said...

NO Pam, NESTCAPADES was from Kay in a post earlier! And that's a dang good one, isn't it!

Puddles (who is my Daddy's girl spoiled cocker) loves toads. Or rather, she is obsessed with them. We have them all over the place in the warmer weather. Usually one or two on the sunporch and more on the patio in the evenings. Puddles tries to pick them up. She tries to carry them. But toad have glands that produce a mild poison to protect them from predators. This is of no concern to Puddles. She will spit and froth at the mouth like a rabid dogs, but as soon as she sees on again, she goes after it anyway. I'm going to have to try to get a video of her antics this spring.

turtledove said...

Back to the subject of eagles for just a minute :) --
Is there anyone on site at NCTC who could tell us if they've spotted 3 eagles in the recent past? I guess nest visits aren't going to be happening too often anymore.

WV sUSAn said...

Sorry to see no visit since this morning. Maybe a midnite trist??

Lolly. Glad your hummers r back.

Paula. Great find!! Free AND TV works??? Snap!!! I love freebies.

Good evening everybody. The posted nest sitings r so helpful. Great idea and thank u Margy and Paula for keeping us all current.

SusanP said...

This is our Taz - i think i managed to change the pic

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. That's the goulash we always had as a kid. I still love it!

Gubby said to tell everybody HEY!

magpie said...

When I grow up and retire and move to the country
I want some dogs and cats ☺

Beautiful avatars on here and some lovely animal tales

uh, did you see any FREE COMPUTERS on that shelf ??? LOL

hedgie said...

We're also missing Wanda and Diann tonight.....of course, Andy will probably check in late, too. Can't remember if she has class on Weds. nights or not.

magpie said...

Soooo, no nest visit tonight huh ??
Want to apologize about my off-times on the visit reports...
with the live feed choppy and no time showing on that for me....I have to jump over to still cam and go from there....and don't know why the still cam nest time is two mins "earlier" than my computer's time

paula eagleholic said...

Turtle and all - I did email Randy at NCTC, and he said he hasn't seen Lib :(

paula eagleholic said...

No, Margy, I didn't :(

I'll keep my eyes peeled :)

magpie said...

Kay IM
great that you have a little mini-reunion coming up this week-end with our eldest's daughter's birthday ♥

turtledove said...

Thanks, Paula. :( :( :( :(

magpie said...

Thanks for the news from Randy, though I wish it was DIFFERENT news Paula...

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone :)

I'm sorry I didn't come over here to tell you the news myself, but my mother was over today.

The test came back benign, I do NOT have breast cancer!

Thank you all for your love, positive thoughts, and support. I have many wonderful friends and family, and appreciate them all greatly!

Your very own,
Bird Girl

hedgie said...

Turtledove, the people at NCTC may be watching but it isn't part of their job, so we probably won't hear anything from them. Maybe Paula or Jo can email Steve and ask, but ......he may not know.

magpie said...

A very heartwarming post from Sissy about Andrew's asking Tom to be best man....
and how their relationships are..
and yes, I hope Mattie bunks in for good with Sissy also ♥

magpie said...

Wonderful Delphia !
The best news of the day ☺
xoxoxox Bravo !!

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, thanks so much for taking the time to post. The time frame is more important and we appreciate ;-)

magpie said...

I have a plan for the morning:
I am going to get up early, get everything all set out for work
going to check blog posts, then shut the blog down,
bring up live feed,
and still cam
get my pen and paper out
and see if the Dinosaur likes that plan and lets me watch live feed !!

hedgie said...

wv sUSAn, tell Grey we said hey!

Bird Girl said...

Thanks magpie... being a two-time cancer survivor (cervical at 20, thyroid at 25), I was rather paranoid about having to go another round.

Big hugs to you all :)

Lolly said...

Have been watching TV and still am. Sitting here and reading the blog but not saying anything. ☺

Margy...when you grow up are you getting a kitty or a doggy first?

I grew up and now I am a yardman. LOL

magpie said...

Thanks Susan...
lots to watch and record...quickly!
So, hope the Brat Pack will be up and perched and watching with me....
wonder how the weather will affect things
shame we won't see Slender Crescent Moon and Venus snuggled up together in the morning hereabouts
but anyone with clear skies:
watch for it, an hour or so before sunrise !!!
In the EAST !

hedgie said...

Delphia, glad you brought the good news over for all to see!!!!
Praise the Lord!

magpie said...

I think I will get them both at the same time Lolly.....

You are a Yard WOMAN !

magpie said...

Hate to run up the blog posts but this was FUN!
Went up to see James, it was snowing most of the time
On the way home, on his back road,
I turned on the high beams...
he said, and I agree, that it was like driving through the stars!

And, he is studying the planets this week in school !

magpie said...

He also checked out a book at school:

A book of the State Birds...
ah, a kid after my own heart ♥

magpie said...

sure was nice to see Jewels today, Lynn ! ☺

WV sUSAn said...

Delphia. GREAT news!!!

Paula. Not great news but it's good to hear a report from someone n the area.

Sissy. Hope u r feeling better today.

I've had many different pets. Dogs, cats, fish, frogs, iguanas, mice, horses, the deer I'll claim since they sleep n my yard and have babysat (is that a word?) snakes. Love them all!

magpie said...

can sure relate to how much time these cams and blog occupy so much of our time, and I love it, as does the Dinosaur too....

but I sure like to bail up and over Park's Gap Mountain to see some Wildlife and Wildflowers in the Real

Want to hear from Jo !!
hoping that the weather held out long enough for the Early Easter Family Fun

magpie said...

I did use to have some zebra and society finches...
Freddy, Florrie, and Julia

Lolly said...

Great to hear from you Delphia with the fantastic news! Wahooo!

magpie said...

glad to read that Andrea is going to split up her schooling sessions into two

By the way, Andy: did you know that now the Audubon's Warbler is now the Yellow-Rumped Warbler!
And it sure has one !

Lolly said...

Birds today besides the usual..a Pine Siskin and a hummingbird. The dozens and dozens of cedar wax wings on the birdbath were great too!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. Scotland is now 5 hrs later than us since they went to DST on Sunday.

NatureNut said...

Hello and Good Evening to Everyone! Didn't get home til almost 9, watched AI, and eyes are tired. Gotta be well rested, as back to the eye Dr. for field of vision test in AM. Wish they'd use colored lights----I'd see all of them!! LOL Been needing a haircut, too. Maybe can manage that---won't get any eyedrops.
Not manyv critters at farmhouse office today--group of 6 deer. Haven't had much waterfowl at pond, but it looks like a resident pair of geese are back!Hope for goslings--they're so cute. I know there are too many geese & Park Ranger came by checking edge of pond today, probably for eggs. He didn't get little bucket out of truck, so guess he didn't see any!

This is probably my only post, so Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Love the waxwings Lolly...a truly exquisite bird !! Glad you are seeing some, and Congratulations on your first Hummingbird...what kind is it ? We only get Ruby-Throated's here, except for an occasional migrator, maybe a rufous once in awhile

PammySue said...

Well, Lynn, I hope you are right. I hope this intruder is nothing more than a temporary Boy Toy. :) Perhaps Belle is having a mid-life crisis and feels the need to flit about with a gigolo to prove she's still got it.

So, Kay came up with Nestcapades . . Good job, Kay!

Delphia, that is FANTASTIC news!!

WV sUSAn said...

I think I heard Jo's feet going down the hall.

I may b close behind her.

NatureNut said...

Wonderful news I just read back & saw!!
Delphia, Congratulations!!!!!! May be the power of prayer!!!

magpie said...

have tried to play 52 pick-up here on the blog....
if I start commenting on everything, Blogger Cop might get me
But ...know that I care...!

Okay Robyn,
April 5 for Tori...leaves us some time for prayers in advance

going to close things down and go to bed with my Eagle Books
Baltimore Oriole just cheeped 11 O'clock ! ♫ ♫

Hope to see some of you in the morning before work....from overnight also

Loved Geula's post about her ceramic project: Norfolk Daddy!

Prayers for all,
Love to All,
Thanks to all

God Bless This Nest and
God Bless Us, Everyone

xoxo ♥

PammySue said...

Well, I am going to go watch tv and (eventually) go to sleep.

Hope you all have sweet dreams.
Nighty night.

magpie said...

You really oughta look at Blackwater Eagle nest...all nighty night at 22:59:59

okay, Good Night Everyone !

Lynne2 said...

ohhhhh. I just read the Lib has not been seen recently. Hmmmmmmmm.

Lolly...OMG Pine Siskins?? Every time we see a bird we cannot identify, Steve declares it to be a Pine Siskin! I've never seen one and neither has he! Love the waxwings...Irvine has 2 of them that cannot be released back to the wild. VERY funny, friendly little birds!

Lynne2 said...

aw, it's a Pile O' Eagles at Blackwater...too cute!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Margy, I have the same clock! There are others with different birds at each hour. I hope to find them all someday and have birds singing on the hour in every room! We also have this same one at work!

Robyn said...

darn blogger cop!!

I had Tiels 13 yrs had to gve them up still miss them. They are very unhealthy for Tori, she can't even enter a home with them. The choice was the birds or Tori, since I had her a few months longer I kept Tori ;)

Lolly said...

We had never seen a Pine Siskin either, but there he was on the feeder looking just like the one in the bird book. Really could easily mistake it for a sparrow but we could see the yellow. Got out the binoculars and is a beautiful bird.

Paula, just saw where you heard from Randy about the fact that he has not seen Lib. Now I am really sad. Dern Truder!!!!

Time to shut down and read for a while.

Enjoyed AI tonight. Can not get over how great they all are and how much I enjoy all.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Susan, didn't know that they weren't already on DST in I know why you had corrected me on the time difference last week!

Margy, high beams in the snow can be VERY disconcerting!!!

Oh, yeah....I've done the hamsters, fish, baby possums, baby mice (wild), rabbits, horses, toads, salamanders, parakeets as a child, along with all the dogs and two cats when the kids were young.

hedgie said...

There's Lowreeda!!!! Have a good day off tomorrow! Check your email, please!!!

Oh, yeah, we also had ducks!

hedgie said...

Time for me to say you, and you, and you, and you.....etc!
Sleep well. Be safe. Prayers for all. See you tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Having quite a bit of discomfort tonight, very similar to the pain I had from the hiatal hernia in the first place. I had to get up and take pain meds. I had really hoped to be free of that by now. From what the doc said, this is expected but I was not expecting it!! Been reading the blog, so I thought I would whine a bit and try to lay down again!

Nite, nite. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite. See you in the morning lite!

Robyn said...

Hope tomorrow brings you comfort Bev

Lynne2 said...


Hope you feel better Sissy!

Lynne2 said...

And Sissy, you just come on in for some WHINE any time!

I'm heading up soon too....good night and prayers for all!

PA Nana said...

HI everyone. It's late and I'm trying to catch up with you all.

PammySue -personally don't like snakes. EWWWWWW The poor rats that are fed to them. ekk

Growing up my sister won a little yellow peep and she made a fenced in yard for her. One day when she got bigger she was no where around. And my mother made chicken for dinner the night after. Kathy refused to eat any because she said it was Buffy. It's funny now but not when we were little.

Couldn't keep anything from my sister.

I"m still catcing up and Lynne2 you're on a roll tonight.

Sorry I can hardly think straight so will catch up best I can and you all a pleasant night. God bless,

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, funny how kids think like that....

I had rabbits as pets when I was little, and until I was 26 or so....I'll never ever try rabbit!

movin said...



movin said...

Paula, if you ever decide to "try" rabbit, one of the best ways is the German recipe: Haasenpfeffer. It's totally delicious.

My mother used to do it like fried chicken, which is only so so, but we had a place called Little Bavaria near our place in Del Mar, and their food was excellent. They must have good German restaurants back there.

They are also very good roasted over a camp fire, especially if you are starving.

Probably many, many good recipes, but try the Haasenpfeffer.

Costume Lady said...

My grandmother used to cook rabbit that was brought in by my cocker spaniel, Taffy, or maybe it was my dad's beagle, Fudgie. Anyway, she would brown them in a cast iron skillet, then steam them on the back of the cookstove for hours. Oh so good! I loved the backs.

Well, I have no pets anymore, so I have made my avatar from my Trail Cam pets:)


Costume Lady said...

If you would like to see the comleted video, it is posted on my Wild and Wonderful blog.

Costume Lady said...

SORRY...make that my Just For Fun blog:)

PA Nana said...

Well I tried to sleep but had too much pain again and couldn't get warm.

Most of you are in bed already so I'll whine to myself.

Was it Robyn who has fibromyalgia? That's probably what I'm suffering with. The rheumatologist said I was already taking the medicines he would prescribe for it so here we are.... finally had to take a vicodin. That will warm me up but also make me itch so hope iget to sleep before that starts.

Lord please ease this pain so I can sleep. Thank you.

Have a pleasant day eagle buddies.
catch you in sunlight - I hope.

Robyn said...

Ahhh glorious sleep until the dog decided to eat the cat food hence leaving the cat to do anything in its power to awake me.

Robyn said...

OH! I hate when I write something fairly long it disappears...

Robyn said...

36, raining and just miserable out

PA Nana, no I don't have fibro I have psoriatic arthritis minus the skin flares, mine consists of arthritis in my entire spine and affects my joints also. I was on methotrexate (pill) for over 2 years but it just wasn't doing the trick, hopefully soon now that my insurance is going to cover it I will be starting remicade infusions, hopefully that will start helping.

Wanda I enjoy watching your trail cam, amazing what lurks outdoors late at night, I would love to do that here living in the woods. I know we have fox, skunk, coons, and other late night feeders. Sometimes when in the office/guest room I can hear rustling out front when it is consumed in darkness, I always wonder what is out there maybe digging up Toby's treasure of stock bones, dog treats etc...

Robyn said...

Lady is on her nest preening...

Kay said...

Good morning, Robyn ! You and I havent' interacted yet, but I've been reading your interesting posts and like seeing your name pop up. I have you classified as a Supermom as I get the gist of some of the adversities you've faced and the way you bravely ride each one out. Now facing Tori's upcoming surgery--four wisdoms out at one time, wow ! I don't know the nature of Tori's medical problems, but you are both in my nightly prayers for all my new momster/dadster friends who have expressed needs.

I live within the Columbus city limits, but in a wooded area near one of two major rivers running through town. I see deer almost daily, enjoy a wide variety of birds and little animals during the day. Like you, I hear some nighttime noises that are surely raccoons, possum...especially now that Spring has almost sprung.

magpie said...

Good Thursday Morning Eagle Pals...
which "on site" includes Robyn and Kay right now...

sounds like a wonderful country setting Kay

and Robyn sounds like you have some good wildlife too !

I am going to see how I fare with live feed without the blog this morning....have to experiment....

So in advance, Best Wishes for a good day...everyone....and I will catch you....after some Nestcapades...(GREAT TERM KAY !!) if we have any....and before work.

xoxo ♥

Kay said...

Still have a dark and empty nest at this early hour. Hoping for some Nestcapades within the next hour or so. Glad many of you liked my coined word---I love words and their endless possibilities.

Hedgie, back to yesterdays goulash--your family recipe is just like mine except we've always used macaroni for the pasta. I only have rotini in the pantry today, but I'm going to use it for a good pot of goulash. Should be okay, huh ?

magpie said...

I did see Isla, Robyn...
Loch Garten was empty...

missing Lori this morning... there are a few more ready to get perched !

okay, off to live feed...

magpie said...

We were ready for a new term !!
You get an A +++ for this !

Robyn said...

Good morning Kay and thank you, prayers and good thoughts are always accepted. My daughter has interstitial lung disease, she was diagnosed at 11 up until then she was always healthy, hence the reason she needs wisdom's taken out in a hospital setting.

We usually see deer daily here also, they live in the front woods of my house,usually driving Toby my pup crazy lol

Nice to meet you

Robyn said...

Good morning Margy, cold and raining out

Kay said...

Thanks, Magpie !!! I'm glad you're on for your eyewitness reporting. Hope your experiment with the cam and no blog at same time works out better for you. I look forward to your account of today's Nestcapades ! Hopefully we'll at least see Belle.

Kay said...

Thank you, Robyn ! So happy you responded and you are so kind to share the name of Tori's disease with me. I'm not familiar with it, but will google to learn more. Yes, my thoughts and prayers are with her !

DanaMo said...

Aw Sissy sorry you are in so much pain. I hope you start to feel better soon!
Robyn-glorious sleep here too until all dogs started a chorus from every room in the house telling me they wanted to eat...then they go back to sleep and I get to work.
Quiche in the oven and veggie pizza made for today's birthday celebrations at school.

floralgirl said...

Morning all:) 33° here now
Today's nest weather- rain Cloudy. A chance of rain with areas of drizzle this morning...then rain likely this afternoon. Highs in the mid 40s. Northeast winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent.

Robyn said...

going to make some tea and see what Mr.Tubbs wants I hear him attempting to meow...

Robyn said...

Good morning Megan

DanaMo said...

And Nana you too. I'm sorry both of you have so much pain. I can't imagine having to deal with constant pain and not being able to sleep.

Well It's 6:35 time for the morning visit. waiting to see...

Kay said...

Anyone getting sound on cam this morning ?

WV sUSAn said...

Good morning all. Chkg for the early visit.

Robyn said...

MY pain consisted of a white kity trying to knock things off my night table lol

DanaMo said...

I don't hear anything, but maybe it's just calm and quiet?

Robyn said...

Susan, Lady on nest and EJ is in and out this morning

DanaMo said...

White kity is probably a lot more quiet than 3 black labradors who each weigh in the 70's. Only one in my bed but he doesn't leave me alone until I get up!

DanaMo said...

Come on...6:39 where are they?

floralgirl said...

Hello Robyn :)
Think the sound might need to be reset at NCTC- no sound here

Robyn said...

DanaMo, I also have a black lab 90 lbs with a bark then can send chills down ones back and hair raised on arms (biggest mush I know) and Tobyis a white shepherd/husly mix he is more of a whiner

Robyn said...


No sound here too

Robyn said...

I do hear my neighbors rooster across the woods :(

DanaMo said...

I have one barker-big and deep, one whiner, and the other only barks when he gets really excited. He's got a good bark too. But they are all mushes! They actually will lay their heads on my chest when I am on the couch watching tv. They are get snugglers!

DanaMo said...

No eagles and I've got to move away from the cam! Dang...first morning they haven't come by this time.

Robyn said...

Scooby was raised by children, when my brother went overseas his 3 boys lived with us and then all the friends that would come over always hung around scooby he is a gentle soul...

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. That's my next stop. Haha

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all ---Waiting for our early morning visit no visit last night looks like none now either ;o(
Here we go again another day of yucky tornado warnings
One of my two days to have my grand daughter we usually do something like go the the park or visit- Winter the dolphin or seabird sanctuary or the primate sanctuary but looks like we are stuck in the house today Ok gonna go Listening to the news weather report debating weather to shut down still a little north of us 30 miles

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. I can see u e getting drawn n by the ospreys!!! Your mom will b so proud.

WV sUSAn said...

It appears there is new flugg at this end of nest. Maybe just the light?

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...