@Paula want to thank you...☺ the night I went to bed while one of your overnight-evening together- visits video was loading up ...it got hung up.... but something snapped and the malware program found something and zapped it - totally unrelated to your video I'm sure
and I have been able to get live feed since things are still somewhat fragile with the dinosaur but I'm satisfied for now
Good jmorning! Well, at lest it not take me too long to read all the comments. That is an improvement.
See that Belle and Truder were in the nest already this morning. You said she acted irratated. That is my impression the last several times I have seen them in the nest.
MARGY......I'll be over for toast and peanut butter. Thank you, you put the first smile on my face today! LOL Love you!♥
You're welcome Lolly, and after my toast you can go have some of Sharon's cooked Cheerios !
Paula, actually I did go to the E-M blog to start them up, with YouTubes and videos I sometimes I have to let it run through as it starts and stops the entire way, then can hit replay and watch like normal people do ...
Lynn, Marilyn seems to think she has found the Momsters on the OC channel, though it was not definite. I posted a part of her message. I also sent her a private message over there.
Shirley I read what you posted last night, Marilyn said some nice things. Once at a Nest visit there was a lady - can't remember her first name - might have been Marilyn..... she was from Shepherdstown, stayed a very brief time that day June 2008 - said she was going to post on the blog as something like Red Hot Hawk or Red Hot Mama...but we never heard from her again, wonder if that could be she
Morning all, I'm at work and bummed out, one of the testing machines is not working well for the 3rd straight day. :(
hedgie, Yanni is touring? I thought he had gone back to Greece! I saw a photo of him a while back & he had cut off his hair. Hasn't made any recordings for a long, long while. Are you a fan?
Lolly--don't care if you have typos. Love ya anyway!
Paula, you posted on OD forum? Oh, my, I think that place is ridden with trolls! I can't stand to read it. Is Hans still there? (I only know about him by what I read here!!!)
I still have some problems finding my way around on the OC forum. I have to spend time today on school work, so there's only so much time I can play around on the computer.
ROFL.....just saw from paper article that friend and former co-worker's EX-hub was on Undercover Boss during the Mack Truck episode filmed in Hagerstown and Baltimore. I watched the show----and guess I didn't catch the name, and SURE didn't recognize him! She is in SC now because his job w/ Mack transferred them there---she gave up her GM job....and then they divorced. Mack shut down the SC plant later, he came back up here; she stayed down there.
Kathi/Emilee----I am a BIG Yanni fan.....even tho' I became a bit disenchanted after reading his book. But still love his music. Hated when he cut his hair, and when he started wearing black in concerts instead of white! No, he lives in FL most of the time. Spent last year mostly touring in South America and working with young artists......do a search for "Yanni and Friends" for more info. You might be able to catch a PBS re-play of one of the concerts with those young ones!
Margy you did a list on one of the threads of things happening I think they were all at NCTC maybe someother places too I think. If you have that dated list can you put it on here please.
Paula, I don't think he & Linda Evans got married. They were just a couple.
I just checked out his website and if you don't think about how he looked with long hair, you can get used to him with short hair. He just looks a lot older.
Hello again to all Hey there, BEagle. Read the older thread - Sissy just said she had a restless night but she is doing ok. You can sorta expect that after surgery. Pray she heals fast.
I read that there was an early morning visit from - here's a funny We are witnessing a BLT combo! I don't the tomato is needed........ ok going to check out FB
Paula, Yanni and Linda Evans never got married. His temperament when he was composing was pretty much unbearable.....so she finally threw in the towel. Oh, even with shorter hair he is still a good-looking man, but the head toss loses something without it being long! Have seen him in concert 3 times!!!
Dana: I posted this about the Race for the Birds on April 9
Hedgie posted a long list about the Potomac Valley Audubon Society's activities coming up, and they also sponsor this race:
"Here's one for the Early Birds and all the Daytime/Evening Birds: "
Might be a good chance to get inside the gate at NCTC and see soaring eagles and other wonderful flora and fauna:
April 9 - "This Race is for the Birds"
two professionally timed races, and one self-timed 2 mile community jog/walk for individuals and families who prefer a slower pace, AND there is a 1-mile "Fun Run" for children 10 years and younger
Paula did this one year....
here is the website to learn more and register if you like:
on-line registration is supposed to be available through a link to Active.com
For new people if you are watching a cam and it does not have a volume control. You can put cursor on cam right click--look for volume and it can be lowered or even muted.
okey dokey Paula verizon won't forward cuz remember us West Virginians had to switch to Frontier! just sent you an email with the other emails addys for me...sorry for the extra trouble !!!
At 6:46 am today : Belle flew into the nest, or onto the nest, and the Intruder followed her immediately. She went up to the 11:30 or so position on the nest and got turned around facing the center of the nest Intruder followed and seemed to be landing on her. BUT - He was beak forward to the top of the nest, and she was beak forward towards the center of the nest. He flapped and gave movement as though it would be HP IF they had been in the proper position, but in fact, her beak was near where his tail was He was more or less, flapping alongside her, she appeared to be almost underneath him but was NOT. Belle poked around at the nest cup and the Intruder poked along also, that one picture is in the E-M album Belle flew out without incident at about 6:50 and the Intruder left at 6:54 or so I did not note which direction they both left towards....
there was NO calling, no chirps and no sign of agitation or aggression....
just not sure what the Intruder was trying to accomplish
and I am afraid I was probably the only one who saw the two in the nest... it happened very quickly Lori saw the Intruder and one or two others also posted they saw, maybe one just saw Belle leaving
No noise at all except the flapping of his wings It was peaceful
Thanks Margy for your account. I think the feller is pretty clueless about what he is supposed to be doing. I am figuring he is pretty new at all this.
Does anybody know how long a pair "typically" (and I use the term typically loosely) stays around a nest if the egg or eggs do not hatch? Doesn't it seem like Belle should be moving on unless she and Truder are you know??
If no one else has answered your question, I've seen people use "@" to address a previous post by that person. I prefer to just use the person's name because adding that kind of makes me stop and wonder what the ???
Yep, Kathi, Yanni was emotionally abusive to Linda. He admitted it in the book. But he also acknowledged that she was responsible for his eventual world-wide success.
hedgie, do you agree with that? That Linda E was responsible for his worldwide success? I don't think so. Maybe by being with her he got more notice, but his work is extremely popular.
Judie I had the same question! Scott on here said he uses that when he twitters.... I have gotten to used to using the bold letters like I did here with your name
sounds like a red-shouldered hawk at the nest a minute ago
Judie, it's used a lot on Facebook to address a particular person's comment, so some have brought it over here.....maybe it draws attention to the name if people are just scanning!??!
Glad you've got your avatar back up. I'll take a guess: Sherlock Holmes?
Speaking of avatars...tried to put up my Cherry Blossoms/Jeff Mem one and stupid blogger cop says it's too small. Sure that I had it here last year, and it works fine on FB. :(
Kathi, yes.....after reading the book....he was very poor in Greece. Came here with a dream....washed dishes, drank and drugged heavily....couldn't get serious interest in his music....until she heard him, fell "in love" and had the right connections and the money to make it all happen. It's been a few years since we (my sis and I) read the book, but I think I've got it pretty much right.....you should check your library and see if they have it. Hang on---I'll get the title.
I will try to be more careful when I note something I miraculously see on Live Feed....(which just shut down for me by the way) because I know that is important here...
"just the facts Ma'am, just the facts"
ttfn bundled up have something to do outside Watch for that somewhat fairly predictable afternoon visit...
Kathi...amend that comment about being poor---I think his father was a doctor and his mom a teacher---but it was a very oppressed society in Greece--anarchy rule, or some such; he was a national swimming champ as a teen. Came here for college---U of Minn.
strongh--yea, backwards may be kinky but it is a fruitless action!!
hedgie, thanks for the title of Yanni's book. He still looks pretty good for having done booze & drugs! A woman would look a whole lot worse, I think!
Can someone tell me where Jordan Lake and Turtle Bay eagle nests are (geographically) and what their websites are? Sorry to be a PITA, but I'm bored when not busy at work and want to see if I can catch their webcasts.
hedgie, that's ok, I won't hold you responsible for the book report. If you're like me, after I've read a book and then several more after that, the facts get a little muddled....
Where is eagles4kids located? Wisconsin? I went to that website and there is no information as to where they are except for one of the sponsors is a cheese company in Blair, WI.
Does anybody know what happened to Lucy? Good grief, Lucy and Larry were not a match made in heaven, from the short time I read. They fought all the time! There were never any eggs laid, were there? What's up with that? Anybody got time to tell me about it? Thanks, if you do.
Stronghunter, thanks for the bear den link. Something else to occupy all of my time!
With Truder going at it the wrong way, I find it hard to believe he and Lib had it out and Truder won. I sure hope they see 3 eagles at the site today.
I just had a small plate of nachos for a snack, Shirley.
I think it IS unusual---they have said that a bear doesn't usually produce more cubs when she has a yearling....and the fact that the denning has gone so well is a joy and source of more info they didn't have!
Hello out there. I hope you guys are having a good day. :)
I have not caught up on the postings for the past 24 hours, but I saw on Facebook that a fish was brought by the intruder and there was an attempt at HP. Boo. Hiss. Dislike.
I think I remember reading that. Maybe it is all connected to the fact that Lily and Hope were apart for part of the summer--whether something drove Lily to leave Hope and mate or the fact that they were separated enabled her to mate.
Yep, that's Sherlock. Brought him back as Bambi is almost to Minnesota.
Thank you for the @ explanation. Didn't know as I never have twitted my tweeter with my face in a book.
I think Hope makes a terrific baby sitter and companion. Saw her nudge one of the cubs down from a small tree -- got scared and squealed and Hope came to help.
Have had to abandon the bears. Laundry to finish. Have much to do for classes next week. Tomorrow is busy with therapy.
Happy, Sunny (I hope) Sunday to Everyone! Been busy w/email, trying to read late last night Blog, etc. Good to see Sissy on here this AM. Take lots of naps, chill, and you'll recover just fine!! ☺ Haven't read enough except about early AM nest visit by Turdy & I think some Momsters were going to visit today. Woke up about 1AM & saw dusting of snow/ice still falling & VERY cold, but all gone today. Lori, saw you mention the Cherry Blossoms--they report a lot on TV news. It is a big deal. They always seem to havev the "Festival" before they're really all open. Probably crowd control!!!
Diane-OH, we saw that article a few days ago....sad, but guess it's happening everywhere....jsut wish it wasn't here.
Turtledove, I think the CA eagles have what we call "wing blings"---has their assigned number on them. Different colors but don't remember the significance!
Hi Loweeda! Not sunny here. Yesterday was sunny with a high or around 85. Cool front came through and it is cloudy and only 54. Feels colder than that, guess I have already warmed up. LOL
Annie is presently terrified of the bear cub sounds coming from my laptop. Too funny!
Disappointed, but enjoyed the ride over the bridge. I do have a question though. As a newbie, I am wondering, do the eagles live in Shepherdstown year round? If not where do they go? Do they only come back to mate and lay their eggs? I'm probably showing how little I know, but I thought the website talked about Belle and Liberty returning and staying around with the eaglets for a few weeks. So now that there aren't any eaglets how long will they stay and where will they go. Our weather is certainly warm enough, I'm just trying to figure this all out. Thanks and pardon my dumbness.
DanaMo, Lib and Belle stay in the area year round, just not in the nest very much. I have only been to the nest two times Oct 2008 and Oct 2010 and I saw them both times. In 2008 they were sitting side by side in the tree. This past fall at sunset they soared in together, circled the tree but did not land. They then flew out of sight to near by trees. Goose bumps for sure!☺
1 – 200 of 664 Newer› Newest»Good morning, everyone.
Thank you Steve! Have a nice day, please.
Thanks for the call over Judie!
Thank you Steve.
BELLE & INTRUDER WERE IN NEST AT 6:46 this morning.
Judie - you're avatarless today.
Good morning everyone.
Hi Sharon,
I felt so bad for you and Sissy that she was so upset last night. Surgery meds, anisthesia will do that.
Morning Judie.
Good morning Eagle-Eye.
Good morning T-Bird. I just got up about 30 minutes ago.
I cooked a mean bowl of Cheerios! :-)
Morning, all!
I slept in too, felt great! Looking forward to having a nice big breakfast this morning!
No snow here, don't think we got a flake!
Shirley, I saw your post, thanks.
I finally had to reboot my computer this morning, think it's been on for 2 weeks :)
Morning Paula.
My delete I hadn't finished written and hit publish. Need my coffee.
Thanks Lori seen that when I read through the comments. That they were in early this morning.
Margy where did you get those beautiful tulips?
Good Morning Sharon...I caught everyone else on old thread.
So Good Morning again to all of them.
want to thank you...☺
the night I went to bed while one of your overnight-evening together- visits video was loading up
...it got hung up....
but something snapped
and the malware program found something and zapped it -
totally unrelated to your video I'm sure
and I have been able to get live feed since
things are still somewhat fragile with the dinosaur
but I'm satisfied for now
Good Sunday Morning Eagle Friends
xo ♥
The tulips are from LAST APRIL from Megan's Market...
they were in scarce supply but I was blessed by floralgirl, to have them ☺
Good Morning Paula hope you rested well.
I don't see any snow and that is how I want to keep it.
Hey, Margy, have you tried watching the videos from the EM blog instead? Just wondering if that would work better for your dinosaur ☺
Good jmorning! Well, at lest it not take me too long to read all the comments. That is an improvement.
See that Belle and Truder were in the nest already this morning. You said she acted irratated. That is my impression the last several times I have seen them in the nest.
MARGY......I'll be over for toast and peanut butter. Thank you, you put the first smile on my face today! LOL Love you!♥
prent is at BWE, kids moving around, think it might be breakfast time there
Well, once again I hit publish without checking for typos. When will I learn? Where did that j come from and I know how to spell least. Geeeeeeesh!
You're welcome Lolly, and after my toast you can go have some of Sharon's cooked Cheerios !
Paula, actually I did go to the
E-M blog to start them up,
with YouTubes and videos I sometimes I have to let it run through as it starts and stops the entire way, then can hit replay and watch like normal people do ...
you, lest and an extra "j"
me, "prent" - new word for Mom or Dad
Scandinavian, for morning
Judie's avatar is galloping towards Minnesota....
Run Bambi, Run !!
Lynn - only saw flurries at 3:30 am and then again at daybreak
Been snoozing in my chair this morning.
Lynn, Marilyn seems to think she has found the Momsters on the OC channel, though it was not definite. I posted a part of her message. I also sent her a private message over there.
and I have used your Cheat Sheet several times this morning, thank you
Okay- leaving room for the rest of you now
ttfn xoxoxxo Keep Smiling ☺
I lied, I said I wasn't going to post on the OD forum....seems like it is calmed down over there...I did ☺
I read what you posted last night, Marilyn said some nice things.
Once at a Nest visit there was a lady - can't remember her first name - might have been Marilyn.....
she was from Shepherdstown, stayed a very brief time that day June 2008 - said she was going to post on the blog as something like Red Hot Hawk or Red Hot Mama...but we never heard from her again, wonder if that could be she
I must have missed something......upset night with Sissy, Sharon??? Hope everything is okay.
Saw your post, Paula. Many over there appreciate your helpful comments.
Yes, it does seem to have calmed down over there.
Don't know, Margy. Marilyn sounded as if she is from Iowa.
Morning all, I'm at work and bummed out, one of the testing machines is not working well for the 3rd straight day. :(
hedgie, Yanni is touring? I thought he had gone back to Greece! I saw a photo of him a while back & he had cut off his hair. Hasn't made any recordings for a long, long while. Are you a fan?
Lolly--don't care if you have typos. Love ya anyway!
Paula, you posted on OD forum? Oh, my, I think that place is ridden with trolls! I can't stand to read it. Is Hans still there? (I only know about him by what I read here!!!)
ok Shirley, got you on that...
think I missed something when I read the post the first time ...
I still have some problems finding my way around on the OC forum. I have to spend time today on school work, so there's only so much time I can play around on the computer.
Have not seen as many trolls over there recently, but I am sure caution is necessary.
Haven't seen Hans recently.
Hi, FYI I finally figured out how to change my profile name at work, so now I am no longer Emilee. Sorry to add any confusion to your day!
Lynn, I wonder also about a difficult night for Sharon and Sissy. I hope all is better, if there was a problem.
Sissy, take it easy and heal quickly.
LOL Margy, did not know I spoke scandinavian.
Think I will pass on the cheerios but accept the "mean" toast with peanut butter. LOL
Thank you, Kathi! Sorry you are at work.
Think I am going to read the paper now. What a novel idea!!!! Have a great Sunday everyone! I'll be back after church.
Cool here today, 52.
Oh, and Hans has left since no one wanted to play his way. Yea!
ROFL.....just saw from paper article that friend and former co-worker's EX-hub was on Undercover Boss during the Mack Truck episode filmed in Hagerstown and Baltimore. I watched the show----and guess I didn't catch the name, and SURE didn't recognize him! She is in SC now because his job w/ Mack transferred them there---she gave up her GM job....and then they divorced. Mack shut down the SC plant later, he came back up here; she stayed down there.
For some strange reason I can't access editing my profile at home to add a photo for an avatar... Oh well.
So same old same old today, eh? Belle & Truder. Hmm. Sure would be nice he Lib showed up and beat the snot out of T!
Kathi/Emilee----I am a BIG Yanni fan.....even tho' I became a bit disenchanted after reading his book. But still love his music. Hated when he cut his hair, and when he started wearing black in concerts instead of white! No, he lives in FL most of the time. Spent last year mostly touring in South America and working with young artists......do a search for "Yanni and Friends" for more info. You might be able to catch a PBS re-play of one of the concerts with those young ones!
Margy you did a list on one of the threads of things happening I think they were all at NCTC maybe someother places too I think. If you have that dated list can you put it on here please.
Thanks, hedgie, for the info on Yanni. I love his music, too. Remember when he was going with Linda Evans from the TV show Dynasty.
Didn't know he had written a book.
Good Snowless Morning! Yea!
We had less then a dusting. I am going over to read earlier page and check
out emails...
I thought Yanni was still married to Linda Evans? I don't even want to see a picture of him with short hair, loved it long.
Robyn.....did you check eBay or Craigslist for a spinning wheel?? Cool idea for Tori!!!
Margy, sent you an email
From Alcoa Davenport Iowa eagles Posted 3/26/2011 the 2nd egg does have a hole anda crack. If not tonight, we should see 2nd chick tomorro (3/27)
I am watching nest for a chick.
Paula, I don't think he & Linda Evans got married. They were just a couple.
I just checked out his website and if you don't think about how he looked with long hair, you can get used to him with short hair. He just looks a lot older.
wvgal dana, thanks for the update on the Alcoa chick. I can't get that here at work. :(
Two Harbor Nest
Can't see anything right now. Looks like the rain is coming down.
WOW forum is saying the chick is on the half shell. Cute.
Oops forgot something.
Hello Everybody!
The OC forum doesn't seem to have the scroll feature for the posts any longer.
I saw Paula had posted but by the time I got there to read it..it was gone.
I don't spend anytime there unless someone mentions it something good about it. :)
Check Momster mail for Kay's post of Nilla's nest visit yesterday.....don't know where it was posted....on OC???
'Mornin, BEagle!
Oh, I found a "more" button at the bottom of the posting section. That must give you pages of postings.
Hello again to all Hey there, BEagle.
Read the older thread - Sissy just said she had a restless night but she is doing ok. You can sorta expect that after surgery. Pray she heals fast.
I read that there was an early morning visit from - here's a funny We are witnessing a BLT combo! I don't the tomato is needed........ ok going to
check out FB
And a hello to you too K2. :)
I have snow on my ground with a mosiac of green showing through. It is 30 degrees here but will go up to 45 after lunchtime. That should melt it all.
Nothing sticking on the road.
Paula, Yanni and Linda Evans never got married. His temperament when he was composing was pretty much unbearable.....so she finally threw in the towel.
Oh, even with shorter hair he is still a good-looking man, but the head toss loses something without it being long! Have seen him in concert 3 times!!!
And I have all of his CD's, and tapes/DVD's.
Whoa, you ARE a devoted fan, hedgie! :)
I didn't know that's why Linda Evans broke up with him.
Something landed in tree.
Good Morning Mema Jo.
BEagle I don't recall if I said Good Morning.
Nilla posted on OC yesterday.
Hi Jo.
Prayers going up for Sissy.
No that was Osprey at Loch Garten female EJ waiting for mate to arrive.
I posted this about the Race for the Birds on April 9
Hedgie posted a long list about the Potomac Valley Audubon Society's activities coming up, and they also sponsor this race:
"Here's one for the Early Birds and all the Daytime/Evening Birds: "
Might be a good chance to get inside the gate at NCTC and see soaring eagles and other wonderful flora and fauna:
April 9 - "This Race is for the Birds"
two professionally timed races, and one self-timed 2 mile community
jog/walk for individuals and families who prefer a slower pace, AND there is a 1-mile "Fun Run" for children 10 years and younger
Paula did this one year....
here is the website to learn more and register if you like:
on-line registration is supposed to be available through a link to Active.com
For new people if you are watching a cam and it does not have a volume control. You can put cursor on cam right click--look for volume and it can be lowered or even muted.
EJ is eating a fish at Loch Garten
Paula I am searching for an email...checked E-M and also my Outlook Express...
oh phooey, darn it, want to read it !
Morning to you Dana.
Alcoa nest is not sharing visuals yet.
I mean the eagle is not sharing visuals. The cam is coming through fine.
Margy, sent to the verizon one
okey dokey Paula
verizon won't forward cuz remember us West Virginians had to switch to Frontier! just sent you an email with the other emails addys for me...sorry for the extra trouble !!!
I am trying to be modern with the @ symbol LOL
hard for an old lady to change...
received, & responding
USPS pulls through again ☺
Gotcha, Margy, just couldn't remember about the Verizon/Frontier thingy!
Two Harbors nest. TH for short.
Got a peek at the little bobble head!
Saw the TH eagle do her jump for joy on video at the WOW forum.
Whoo hoo for TH!!
West End nest. WE for short.
Their first hatch should follow soon.
I sorely miss the Pelican Harbor nest.
O Yay! Two Harbors! Thanks for the updated info BEagle .. and if I missed someone else posting it, Thanks to you also !
I am going to describe what I saw on the nest this morning with Belle and the Intruder.
That is my next post.
Not as bad as I sorely miss Liberty. Gosh I do miss him and his attentions to his nest and brood.
I guess no one will know if the hatch was the first or second egg.
I caught the hint that the first egg could have cracked when 82 was rolling her misplaced egg into the cup.
I miss him, too, BEagle. I just don't understand this whole thing. Eagles mate for life. The intruder is a male, so shouldn't Lib have fought him off?
At 6:46 am today :
Belle flew into the nest, or onto the nest,
and the Intruder followed her immediately.
She went up to the 11:30 or so position on the nest and got turned around facing the center of the nest
Intruder followed and seemed to be landing on her.
BUT - He was beak forward to the top of the nest, and she was beak forward towards the center of the nest.
He flapped and gave movement as though it would be HP IF they had been in the proper position, but in fact, her beak was near where his tail was
He was more or less, flapping alongside her, she appeared to be almost underneath him
but was NOT.
Belle poked around at the nest cup and the Intruder poked along also, that one picture is in the E-M album
Belle flew out without incident at about 6:50 and the Intruder left at 6:54 or so
I did not note which direction they both left towards....
there was NO calling, no chirps and no sign of agitation or aggression....
just not sure what the Intruder was trying to accomplish
Everyone is baffled by the NCTC nest activities. Even the experts don't have a pat answer.
Thanks, magpie, for your post. Very thorough!
What was he thinking??????
and I am afraid I was probably the only one who saw the two in the nest...
it happened very quickly
Lori saw the Intruder and one or two others also posted they saw, maybe one just saw Belle leaving
No noise at all except the flapping of his wings
It was peaceful
I hope this helps...sorry no video
Thanks Margy for your account. I think the feller is pretty clueless about what he is supposed to be doing. I am figuring he is pretty new at all this.
Does anybody know how long a pair "typically" (and I use the term typically loosely) stays around a nest if the egg or eggs do not hatch? Doesn't it seem like Belle should be moving on unless she and Truder are you know??
So happy to know that Sissy is okay. Certainly can understand the discomfort after surgery.
Congratulations to TH on their bobble head.
Question: why are people using @ in front of names when posting?
Hi, Judie!
If no one else has answered your question, I've seen people use "@" to address a previous post by that person. I prefer to just use the person's name because adding that kind of makes me stop and wonder what the ???
BTW, love your avatar!
Yep, Kathi, Yanni was emotionally abusive to Linda. He admitted it in the book. But he also acknowledged that she was responsible for his eventual world-wide success.
hedgie, do you agree with that? That Linda E was responsible for his worldwide success? I don't think so. Maybe by being with her he got more notice, but his work is extremely popular.
I had the same question!
Scott on here said he uses that when he twitters....
I have gotten to used to using the bold letters like I did here with your name
sounds like a red-shouldered hawk at the nest a minute ago
The @ in front of the name is something Scott the photo guy uses. People started doing that following his posts.
to address the person he is talking to
all new to me
I don't facebook or twitter and can barely blog right sometimes
but I can snail mail
hawk still calling...if I have the right bird
Thanks Magpie for the account of Belle and the intruder this morning. Words can give a picture.
Judie, it's used a lot on Facebook to address a particular person's comment, so some have brought it over here.....maybe it draws attention to the name if people are just scanning!??!
Glad you've got your avatar back up. I'll take a guess: Sherlock Holmes?
Speaking of avatars...tried to put up my Cherry Blossoms/Jeff Mem one and stupid blogger cop says it's too small. Sure that I had it here last year, and it works fine on FB. :(
At first, I thought it was Elvis. I don't think Elvis smoked a pipe though.
It's a dense jungle this morning.
I see your avatar, Lynn
Margy, thanks for your recap of this morning's visit! Much appreciated!
Thanks from me, too, Margy. For what it is worth: If our intruder wants to propagate, he will need to learn that doing hp backwards really won't work.
I am with you StrongH. HaHa HaHah.
That is one thing about eagles we can be sure of.
I think Judie has used this avatar before, but I am not sure whose picture it is.
Quite a change from Bambi, though.
Does underscore the fact that this isn't Lib. He knows better.
Kathi, yes.....after reading the book....he was very poor in Greece. Came here with a dream....washed dishes, drank and drugged heavily....couldn't get serious interest in his music....until she heard him, fell "in love" and had the right connections and the money to make it all happen. It's been a few years since we (my sis and I) read the book, but I think I've got it pretty much right.....you should check your library and see if they have it. Hang on---I'll get the title.
There is some snow on the BWE nest.
Cute chicks. Only one of them is still totally grayish.
Yanni in Words
Pub. Date: February 2003
Publisher: Miramax Books
Format: Hardcover , 336pp
We got a bit of snow--enough to cover the grass and trees. Mostly melted now. Too warm for snow to hang around.
NCRC nest has an adult person walking toward the nest.
Chicks are plump.
I will try to be more careful when I note something I miraculously see on Live Feed....(which just shut down for me by the way)
because I know that is important here...
"just the facts Ma'am, just the facts"
bundled up have something to do outside
Watch for that somewhat fairly predictable afternoon visit...
xoxo ♥
Ha! Duh, Paula!!!!!! My avatar works HERE, but not on FB!!!! Boy, did I get that mixed up! I think I need a nap!
Jordon Lake chicks now look like eagles, young pretty eagles. They are moving around. Didn't notice any wingercising.
Turtle Bay now has two chicks. Haven't seen them yet.
just checking in to check the email box
Looks really cold at CRC.
eagles4kids nest has an eagle on it. They have had reports of two eagles perched in a nearby tree.
Later y'all.
Kathi...amend that comment about being poor---I think his father was a doctor and his mom a teacher---but it was a very oppressed society in Greece--anarchy rule, or some such; he was a national swimming champ as a teen. Came here for college---U of Minn.
Just got back from the labs. More problems. :(
Ok, to catch up . . .
BEagle, HA! Loved your SNORT!!!
strongh--yea, backwards may be kinky but it is a fruitless action!!
hedgie, thanks for the title of Yanni's book. He still looks pretty good for having done booze & drugs! A woman would look a whole lot worse, I think!
Can someone tell me where Jordan Lake and Turtle Bay eagle nests are (geographically) and what their websites are? Sorry to be a PITA, but I'm bored when not busy at work and want to see if I can catch their webcasts.
Thanks for putting up with all my requests!!
hedgie, that's ok, I won't hold you responsible for the book report. If you're like me, after I've read a book and then several more after that, the facts get a little muddled....
Hoping to get here quickly enough. Check out Lily & Hope and the babes all playing outside.
Turtle Bay
Where is eagles4kids located? Wisconsin? I went to that website and there is no information as to where they are except for one of the sponsors is a cheese company in Blair, WI.
Does anybody know what happened to Lucy? Good grief, Lucy and Larry were not a match made in heaven, from the short time I read. They fought all the time! There were never any eggs laid, were there? What's up with that? Anybody got time to tell me about it? Thanks, if you do.
Judie - Great fun to watch them. I said that Hope is a great cubsitter!
Hey DanaMo speaking. I'm at the nest. NO sign of any eagles :(
Thanks, Judie. They are still outdoors.
Bear Den
They aren't any eagles in the nest,Marisa.
Paula, DanaMo here. Email me if there is anywhere else to get a closer look at the eagles.
Jordan Lake
LOL, Judie and Jo----Hope is a mother minus the milk!!!! Those cubs won't know they don't have 2 moms!!!
AWWW, Cute little bear cubs. And big sister Hope is with them.
Good afternoon/morning, everyone!
Stronghunter, thanks for the bear den link. Something else to occupy all of my time!
With Truder going at it the wrong way, I find it hard to believe he and Lib had it out and Truder won. I sure hope they see 3 eagles at the site today.
Thanks for the link, hedgie!
Trying to read Frankenstein papers while watching everything here. Geesh! Not easy.
The eagles might be at the river fishing. They must have used up a lot of eagle energy the past few days.
I have to think that a yearling/cub combination must not be that unusual. There is a lot we do not know about our wildlife.
Noisy bears.
Cam is panning around the area.
Time for lunch or a snack at least.
I think Lily is tired of nursing----esp. Hope!!! She probably hurts!
I guess you could call this a bear picnic.
Hi Dana,
Sending you an email
Does any one remember Car 54?
Little bobble head at TH was in view and getting aired.
I just had a small plate of nachos for a snack, Shirley.
I think it IS unusual---they have said that a bear doesn't usually produce more cubs when she has a yearling....and the fact that the denning has gone so well is a joy and source of more info they didn't have!
Looks like Hope decided to munch on a little tree bark.
Hello out there. I hope you guys are having a good day. :)
I have not caught up on the postings for the past 24 hours, but I saw on Facebook that a fish was brought by the intruder and there was an attempt at HP. Boo. Hiss. Dislike.
Bears out of the den. Wow! Get a load of all that fur!
Later bearagators!
Maybe so, Lynn. It is definitely interesting.
I think I remember reading that. Maybe it is all connected to the fact that Lily and Hope were apart for part of the summer--whether something drove Lily to leave Hope and mate or the fact that they were separated enabled her to mate.
Glad you are not munching on tree bark, Lynn.
Bye, BEagle!
Shirley....did the kids read Frankenstein, and do "book reports"?
They read Frankenstein and wrote answers to essay questions.
DanaMo, sent you an email
25 degrees and sunny at the den.
Yep, that's Sherlock. Brought him back as Bambi is almost to Minnesota.
Thank you for the @ explanation. Didn't know as I never have twitted my tweeter with my face in a book.
I think Hope makes a terrific baby sitter and companion. Saw her nudge one of the cubs down from a small tree -- got scared and squealed and Hope came to help.
Have had to abandon the bears. Laundry to finish. Have much to do for classes next week. Tomorrow is busy with therapy.
Well, this has to be lunch for the bear family.
I suppose 25 degrees is just dandy for a bear picnic.
Been missing you, Judie.
Sherlock is an appropriate avatar for you.
Need to do laundry and schoolwork here as well.
Gonna disappear.....time for a little nap. Lazy Sunday!
DanaMo is at the nest, but not seeing the eagles.
Thanks, Dana. Anything more?
PAMMIE-----did you get any calls about the dog??????
Thanks for the heads up on the bears. What a neat shot. So glad they put a cam outside. Now for a cam on the royal palace.
I think I hear eagles.
**Good Morning, Everybody**
Supposed to be raining a little this morning, but I think it passed us by, and they are predicting any more until next weekend...
Still the low 60's in So Cal today though.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
In Pittsfield, MA, a 4 yr old male intruded on an 8 yr old male's territory, resulting in a battle. Article and picture at this link
biologists state this is occurring more often with increasing population
I am mostly caught up, but not quite.
I saw that the action started about 3 minutes after I signed off yesterday. Sigh.
I'm glad that it was not really an HP attempt, just a food fight.
DanaMo has left, I believe. No eagles sighted.
Diana, I posted that link the other day as well. The eagle on the left in the pic looks similar in plumage to our intruder.
Chick in view at TH, peeping as all get out! Oh, lunchtime!!
Must be a raven pestering poor K82 at TH, she is really calling out, yup I hear him now.
I see the TH eagle has something on each wing. I assume it's some sort of ID. What is it?
Home from the wake and now waiting on my baby boy to get here! I NEED A HUG!
Happy, Sunny (I hope) Sunday to Everyone!
Been busy w/email, trying to read late last night Blog, etc.
Good to see Sissy on here this AM. Take lots of naps, chill, and you'll recover just fine!! ☺
Haven't read enough except about early AM nest visit by Turdy & I think some Momsters were going to visit today.
Woke up about 1AM & saw dusting of snow/ice still falling & VERY cold, but all gone today.
Lori, saw you mention the Cherry Blossoms--they report a lot on TV news. It is a big deal. They always seem to havev the "Festival" before they're really all open. Probably crowd control!!!
Lynn, no calls about the doggy yet. I'm sure something will happen, though.
Diana-OH That sure sounds like a nest I know lol Thanks for sharing that article.
Welcome PammySue I bet you had some
family fun!
dON'T know if anyone else reported it, but...
the TH egg has hatched ...
although there might still be some egg shell attached on the butt end of the little critter.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Hello, Jo. I had a blast with my family. My nieces were glued to me all evening---and I loved every minute of it!
Diane-OH, we saw that article a few days ago....sad, but guess it's happening everywhere....jsut wish it wasn't here.
Turtledove, I think the CA eagles have what we call "wing blings"---has their assigned number on them. Different colors but don't remember the significance!
Finally checked the Lily Hope Den Cam. Can bearly see tiny cub in upper right. Don't know where the rest are---this one "talking"!
I wonder how the wing blings don't interfere with molting, keeping wings clean,etc.
Hi Loweeda! Not sunny here. Yesterday was sunny with a high or around 85. Cool front came through and it is cloudy and only 54. Feels colder than that, guess I have already warmed up. LOL
Annie is presently terrified of the bear cub sounds coming from my laptop. Too funny!
Heading to the grocery store!
Phoebe's chicks have grown a large amount since yesterday, and they're more on top of the nest than down in it today.
One of them just stretched its wings and started practicing flapping them.
Their beaks have grown substantially too, and they look more adult by the hour.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Disappointed, but enjoyed the ride over the bridge.
I do have a question though. As a newbie, I am wondering, do the eagles live in Shepherdstown year round? If not where do they go? Do they only come back to mate and lay their eggs? I'm probably showing how little I know, but I thought the website talked about Belle and Liberty returning and staying around with the eaglets for a few weeks. So now that there aren't any eaglets how long will they stay and where will they go. Our weather is certainly warm enough, I'm just trying to figure this all out. Thanks and pardon my dumbness.
Diana-OH. Thanks for posting the article. I had certainly missed it on a previous post.
Channel Island Bald Eagles, in addition to the usual kind of leg bands, are marked with numbered, plastic wing-blings.
Orange markers for Catalina Island hatched eagles.
Blue markers for Santa Cruz Island hatched eagles.
They are getting some nesting pairs on a couple of other islands lately, but I don't know what color blings they will have yet.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
If I were a little kitty, I would be afraid of bear sounds, too. Lolly.
My brother is slightly attached to Phoebe and chicks.
DanaMo, Lib and Belle stay in the area year round, just not in the nest very much. I have only been to the nest two times Oct 2008 and Oct 2010 and I saw them both times. In 2008 they were sitting side by side in the tree. This past fall at sunset they soared in together, circled the tree but did not land. They then flew out of sight to near by trees. Goose bumps for sure!☺
Hi, Jim! Davenport also has an egg that is hatching! Eaglets popping out all over!
Pammie, sure am surprised that you haven't gotten any calls.....:(
Maybe some of the people that get our stuff are out for the weekend.....
DanaMo, don't be silly. You are not dumb! We all come here to learn more about eagles (and other stuff).
I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm sure someone will. And then we will both learn something. :)
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