Surprise! New fresh thread! Thanks Steve & you can have our cam Zoom anytime now.
Thanks grannyBLT - good to see you
NBG - No one has actually seen the eggs. I am thinking that they are assuming there is a pip or even a hatching because of the adults' actions when they are incubating.. I don't think they will know for sure until they see an egg shell
Mema Jo: It was on the forum, I just went back and re-read. Reese "thinks" there is a pip...sorry about the confusion. But, that video Lori posted really confirms it. She says that you can see the little one's beak popping out. I keep watching the video and am sure it's opening.
Diane I just couldn't find on the discussion board where Reese spoke a comment. I did see where they said "Reese said there is a pip". Although couldn't find his comment.
Contragulations Mom and Dad and welcome to the world little chick ( :
TY, Shirley. LOL---Glo got one almost identical to mine and put it on FB....eagle didn't look quite as mad in hers. Hey, day at at a time! You can do it!
Looks like an NBG hatch.....I see egg pieces but no chick......and cam is frozen?????????
I got a will refresh cam and see what happens.Pic is on Lair.
Did you all hear that because of the quake: Japan moved by a number of meters closer to the continent; the earth shifted on its axis, and that it messed up the world's time? Quake influence
Reese is on the discussion board now Reese: The chick is usually exhausted from all the work it took to break out of the egg, so may be an hour or more before we get to see.
It usually takes me a good week and then some to get use to a time change. I forced myself to go to bed last night and my body knew it was not really midnight. Same thing this morning - I got out of bed but my body didn't come with me until and hour later...
No difference between still and live cams----just that the image itself is bigger on live, and, of course, color shows better on still, as always. Put them up side by side and compare limbs, sticks, etc....
Here is Chrissy's response to my question about the specific date that Isla is expected: With her being so old,, 27 this year,,, know one will ever know what happens to her,, she isn't leg ringed pet,, so it's only by recognition that we will know it's her if she does return home,,, but knowing Isla,, she will have to be at deaths door not to try,,, she will always return to her birth nest pet,,, it's just time you see,, and it's killing me,,, so I have to wait,,
Of course, I knew she wasn't banded so couldn't be tracked on her journeys.
I am working on saving for a video for tonight. Thats how I managed to pull a capture out of the video to share. Yes head was very warbly but video let me back up screen by screen to find a pretty good picture for you to see.
YES now it is our turn. I sure hope they zoom in for us tomorrow. Start watching for that fish to come to the nest. I think Belle is acting like she has been listening closely all day.
Hello, chicklet watchers. I got up late & had some phone calls. I must have just missed a zoom in on NBG eaglet. Discussion just talked about it. Was hatched at 11:25. Saw Lynn's great pic of empty shell.Now we have to keep an eye on our nest for hopefully a pip in the next few days! We might go cam crazy we/many hatching at same time! Eagle report from Sat's. Park nest was that all you can see is tippy top of Mom's head--incubating.
A little zoom action would be helpful for seeing the eggs better. The reg. shot is too far and the full screen is without definition...a lot of guessing for sure!
Ok Ok I've been working on my sheets of papers on the different nest. Didn't do them last year with Ed being so sick. I see Lynn has you all wondering about our lol's.
I wanted to go to the AAWW meeting. So I woke up later than I ever have. Was in the shower thinking, "I will never never make this meeting by noon. With having to get dress, put my pill in weekly container and eat breakfast yet". So I called Lynn and told her I was not going to make the meeting. Well let me tell you did she ever CRACK UP. (Well it help her lungs with all the laughing she was doing. Not only was the date of the meeting for March 20th but even the time is at 2pm. Lynn was really cracking up. She said, "Mark it down lady". I said, "I have it marked down and it is for the 20th plus time isn't noon it is 2pm". So that is the gust of all the laughter.
Now I have to pick up my Mother by 3pm. Would you trust me to be there???????? Well yes I am dressed, shoes on, pocket book ready, coat hanging ready just got to make sure I don't get involved in these papers lol
Most of my NBG captures are on facebook but after first feeding IF I catch it I will make the video for Glo's Glimpses. Nice to have something great to enjoy this weekend.
SIL's bro has been here and fixed the privacy fence (had to replace the post that broke off in the ground). He's also doing some winter clean-up----limbs, etc. Charlie was supposed to show up to help....but hasn't.
Whoo hoo a chick for NBG really eggciting news! Beach is wonderfull, sunny and the breeze is nice. Got the music going....back to more cleaning...have a great aftternoon,will check back later
You ladies have a fabulous evening. I'm getting ready to bed since it'll seem sooo early getting up at what used to be 12:30AM!!! Which is now 1:30 - in name only!
I'll do my best to keep up the observation reports inthe morning.
I am not an ice hockey fan per se, but do watch the Washington Caps on occasion.....guess I haven't watched at the right time, or something because today, for the first time, I noticed that their mascot is an EAGLE character, dressed in uniform and skating! Pretty darn cute.
Just nugz and I today. Beautiful sunset. Took nugz for a walk too. Grabbing a sandw8ich for dinner...the plumber will be here tomorrow to turn the water on. Lynn iam blogging from my phone.
Heard either geese or tundra swans a little while ago....not sure which! Couldn't see them.....the geese roost at a nerby pond and are pretty low coming in.
Glad you are enjoying Norfolk video. I surely hope we can get zoom and sounds for ours. We must patiently wait and see. Would love to see a fish arrive :-).
Mai doesn't know it, but she just had her last meal for quite a long while......spaying in the morning. As we say in the field, NPO after MN (NPO means nothing per os in Latin, and os is mouth). She'll get water between now and then but no more food.
I can't go shopping (just looking in stores which I used to hate) anymore because I keep seeing things for Paula's beach house. I wrote her an told her where and what type of things. Like at Marshall's in expensive neat things. Then at Big Lots more neat things.
Well I think I am done with house stuff for tonight...going to go peek at the still cam, check my email, then grab my book and read. Hope y'all have a good evening...
Hey everybody. I've been in and out of here today checking nests and taking care of sick hubby. He's a little better this evening.
So glad to hear of second egg n PA. This is a new female I think. Anyone know if the male is same?
Hatch at NBG! Wooohooo. We are next!!
Watching Phoebe and chicks. Soooo cute.
Hope everybody is doing well this evening! I'll be keeping an eye on dear Belle for another hr or so. We are officially in WATCH mode for our first eaglet and it's sooooo exciting!
Taped movie was really good - The Taking of Pelham 123 Denzel Washington and John Travolta NY Subway drama with hostages - Really fast moving and ended very well - The good guys won!
wvSusan hmmm not sure perhaps site is really busy now OR maybe you need to clean or cache or reboot. I know my neighbor just watched it with no problem but they have a cable connection and haven't been on their computer all day. Good luck. I hope you get to see it. Kind of summarizes the whole weekend at Norfolk.
See it is 9:50pm and I take Meds at 9:30pm .... time change never messed me up until this year. If I set alarms to do things. I'll have to put a note by each alarm saying what it is going off for. lol
Prayers for those that still have some of those colds, sinus infections, chest problems, pains, aches, hurts, headaches, tireness, forgetfullness (oh that's me), and anything else and for God's creatures.
Belle is snoozing with head tucked under her wing.
Votes are going in for Mai - I asked hubby what he was doing going from room to room and he said he was turning on all the computers so he could vote! I hope that % comes up for Mai!
Have been absent from 'puter since dinner. We've been watching news channels about Japan.Can't really fathom all that you see, but they are experts in these situations many say.
If I fall asleep in chair (very likely), want to say, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Steve has answered my email about the Zoom Thanks for the note. I am on leave this next week. The guys will watch and use the zoom as possible. Should give some good views of the new eaglets. Steve
Hello Evening Eagle Pals..don't think DST is going to adversely affect me one sleep schedule is so akimbo it doesn't make any difference will enjoy the more daylight in the evening
Have to tell you Thursday's local paper, the Journal, is a picture of Nu - with Valley Trees of Shepherstown, working on trimming a dangerous overhanging tree limb at the Yankaur Nature Preserve here in our county Not as cool as some of the pictures we have seen on the NCTC cam...but it is Nu! ☺
Been watching shows. Still am! Paula, maybe the osprey will show up tomorrow!! Dana, goose link was posted last week!! Susan, hope your hubby recovers quickly. I read that book, too, Jo and Shirley.....and watched the original movie.....don't remember now who was in it! Will have to look for the new version! Goodnight to all calling it a day.
I see the slightly intermittently glowing chain at Finland Water...only six hours difference now between here and there...will be getting light there in a couple of hours .... more daylight here, more daylight there !
Hope some of you will visit my Feathers and Fur link to see the beautiful Hooded Crow at Finland Water nest...reminds me so much of Deb...she is the one that identified the bird for me three years ago..... ♥
Going upstairs for the night. I have to get up early. It will feel strange for awhile, but won't have to worry so much about coming home in the dark.
Oh, I did take a drive up the road where we hit the bad storm the other night. There did not seem to be a lot of trees down, but I saw a traffic sign down, and the power company was still busy fixing the damage to the power lines.
Here's what I am dealing with on this is going to tak a god 25 minutes for Glo's UTube to play through...start, stop, start, stop...once it plays through to the end, then I can watch it! I'll figure our some solutions here sooner or later
interesting article in The Journal today about "returning Spring Robins" by Scott many of you know, lots of robins overwinter, deep in the woods where they can find abundant food sources...and they can manage in about 5 inches of snow okay...if more, they will migrate farther South. But as temperatures start to elevate, the will start coming out of those deep woods to places where we will see more of them, more often...back in the day when I would be in the woods during the winter, I would often see quite a few
I'm hoping the high waters recently with Back Creek at Swinging Bridge, will bring in more hitchhiking wildflowers again this year, as happened last year with the Jacks-in-the-Pulpit
NEWS-- Nuclear officials have confirmed that a hydrogen explosion has occurred at a Japanese nuclear plant.It happened at Unit 3 of Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.More than 180,000 people have evacuated the area, and up to 160 may have been exposed to radiation.
It's late, I'm tired, coming off a 7-day work stretch.... have plans for Monday and Tuesday my days off, which I hope will include watching a hatch at NCTC and a nice long visit with James after school Monday
headed for bed... Hope Sleep will be Sweet for all God Bless Us, Every One xox ♥
LOL sorry Magpie my old desktop will do that to me too. I usually find something to do while it downloads. Make a cup of tea about 5mins before its done and then sit down to enjoy whatever I was trying to watch. It might be nice to watch just before heading to bed. Music is pleasant so ya know maybe time it while you are getting ready fro bed. Enjoy a 5 min movie and sleep tight. Which is just about what I plan to do now. Tomorrow or at least by Tues will be busy at our nest :-). I do hope Steve will clue someone in to keep an eye and maybe zoom it in for us. Or just zoom it in tomorrow and leave it there for the hatch if they are going to sit by it to watch.
Will have to set my alarm for morning....and then off to vet we will go. They will keep Mai overnight, so I will have an alone day and night for sure. I could sleep and sleep.....but since we are on hatch watch, that won't happen!!!!
Judie.....where have you been today? And Andy?? These busy gals keep us guessing!
Well, goodnight dear friends. Sleep well. It's been a long day after a short night! Hope our internal clocks are all back in sync come morning!
Just saw Belle rolling the eggs! Won't be long now!
Have had my nose in a book this evening...just relaxing. However, not at the beach like Paula and not drinking wine. Life is not fair! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!☺
1 – 200 of 417 Newer› Newest»Hi,
Thanks, Steve.
Thanks Steve! Any chance we can get a zoom on the cam?
Thanks Lynne for the callover!
Mom eagle at VA sure is restless. She is surely hearing things.
Surprise! New fresh thread!
Thanks Steve & you can have our cam Zoom anytime now.
Thanks grannyBLT - good to see you
NBG - No one has actually seen the eggs. I am thinking that they are assuming there is a pip or even a hatching because of the adults' actions when they are incubating.. I don't think they will know for sure until they see an egg shell
Lynne2, here is the link to the discussion forum. Click on Norfolk Eagles:
Maybe you can tell me if I'm seeing things.
yeah Lynne, that is what I posted a few minutes ago! The suspense is killing me!
Mema Jo: They have seen the egg..Reese has confirmed the pip.
Thanks Diane - Didn't know Reese
made that comment.. Good for him!
Ok now you all are over here. I'm chasing you around this morning.
Good morning I slept in and just woke up. I've never slept like that before.
Flies sure bothering her.
Lynn I seen that picture you got. Nice capture.
They have a close up now.
Good morning!
And how are all of you this fine morning?
Busy watching NBG, I see. I got that cam up first thing. Now I am watching Lib in our nest. Or, at least I guess it is LIb.
65 here and cloudy. Possible rain this evening and night. Let's hope so!
Woke up at 8:30, but I am dressed and made up for church. Just need to do my do! So, I have a little time left on here.
Watching NBG here, too. But keeping an eye on our nest as well.
Zoomed at NBG now.
Dianeat what time on that discussion board does Reese say there is a pip? I am looking but missing where Reese talks?
Diane - The window on wildlife is a good forum. Birder, Sherry and all the rest are good at reporting.
I watched the animated pic
Wow both in the nest now
Must be time for a switch
Watch very closely
Diane, wow, it's really hard to tell in that clip! It sure looks like it could be....
Come on Momma move your butt so we can see please ( :
just saw our eggs!
I am quite sure mom just remvoed an egg shell from the cup!!!!
Whoo Hoo! NBG just brought
egg shell up out of nest
Mema Jo: It was on the forum, I just went back and re-read. Reese "thinks" there is a pip...sorry about the confusion. But, that video Lori posted really confirms it. She says that you can see the little one's beak popping out. I keep watching the video and am sure it's opening.
Ok, posted too late! Yay!! We have an eaglet!
Well there is a picture of part of the shell. So they must have a hatch at NBG.
You know, locically we know the eaglets are pretty big, but seeing the egg close up to mom like that, the egg shell looks huge!
NBG zoomed in on eggshell.
How eggciting. Hope I am tuned in when we have a hatch.
Thanks everyone.
Diane I just couldn't find on the discussion board where Reese spoke a comment. I did see where they said "Reese said there is a pip". Although couldn't find his comment.
Contragulations Mom and Dad and welcome to the world little chick ( :
That was 38 days for the hatch.
NCTC we are on day number 36 today.
NBG 1st egg that just hatched was laid
on 2/3 Our 1st egg was laid on 2/5
Our hatch date could be 3/13 to 3/15
Diane - seeing the shell or rather 1/2 of the shell makes you realize how large it truly is. The shell is soft when laid thank goodness.
I got lost!!!!!!!
Bringing over:
TY, Shirley. LOL---Glo got one almost identical to mine and put it on FB....eagle didn't look quite as mad in hers.
Hey, day at at a time! You can do it!
Looks like an NBG hatch.....I see egg pieces but no chick......and cam is frozen?????????
I got a will refresh cam and see what happens.Pic is on Lair.
Congrats to NBG, for sure!!!! Hope we get to see the wee one before it fledges---LOL!!!!!
Did you all hear that because of the quake: Japan moved by a number of meters closer to the continent; the earth shifted on its axis, and that it messed up the world's time?
Quake influence
Reese is on the discussion board now
The chick is usually exhausted from all the work it took to break out of the egg, so may be an hour or more before we get to see.
I just seen 2 pretty eggs at NCTC ( :
Egg roll and fluffing the puffy stuff.
I think the likelihood of getting a zoom on our cam today is slim to none. No one is working onsite who has access, I'm sure.
A bit of egg-tention and wiggle-wiggle our nest.
Dana......are you gonna fess up on here? I'm still laughing!
Whee! Big wing stretch. Lib must be getting stiff.
Egg roll and digging. Was he listening to the eggs? Wiggle...
Hello Eagle People! Just stopping in a moment to see if there are big fish on our nest yet.
lol Lynn lol now I'm cracking up lady....( :
GooD "one hour later than
I thought it was" morNiNG
tO everyBody.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
I got up late today. Then, after reading on the blog a little, I realized I needed to change my clocks.
So this is a "behind day" and my inner clock will be messed up the whole week!
Hedgie. Thanks for posting the pic of the egg mass in the NBG nest. : ) Still laughing about getting to see the chick before it fledges. : D
They definitely should consider an aerial position for a cam!
It usually takes me a good week and then some to get use to a time change.
I forced myself to go to bed last night and my body knew it was not really midnight. Same thing this morning - I got out of bed but my body didn't come with me until and hour later...
Yes, they should, BEagle!!!
You and Jim both got caught with your clocks off, huh???!!!
Well wait til Dana tells her story!!
No fair Dana - You can Spit it out!
Reference to your comment:lol Lynn lol now I'm cracking up lady.........
Jo, you said it well.
I don't care for DST at all.
Okay. I'm waiting Dana! :)
I need a good laugh.
The NBG was just now wiggling down. Did anyone see ANYTHING?
I think that our cam has been zoomed
Do any of you think so...?
The eagles keep moving the fishes around the nest. (NBG)
Thanks for all those early morning posts.
Yes! MemaJo. I didn't pay attention till you mentioned it. It does look zoomed.
It would be nice if our cam would zoom a wee bit more at this time.
I am going to check the still cam.
The still cam still looks miles away.
Lib got up and did a few wing shakes. Probably a response to hearing egg peeps. : )
Another egg roll? Look close!!
Lib is tenting. Is there rain?
I tried to see if there were any pops but it's too distant for me.
Glo also posted a pic of the shell almost identical to mine---on FB!
No, Jo....I go by the lower left hand corner of the nest---about 8'ish----when it's zoomed, that gap doesn't show.
I will check Glo's pic!
Got to scoot.
Not raining here......but the sky is the kind that makes you think it could sprinkle periodically---but it's not in the forecast.
No difference between still and live cams----just that the image itself is bigger on live, and, of course, color shows better on still, as always. Put them up side by side and compare limbs, sticks, etc....
Well Steve should get my email on Monday morning requesting the zoom to be effect since the hatching is so near.
Taking a break
Think I saw a little teeny bit of eaglet fuzz.....but not enough to know for sure.....cup is too deep and mom is not sharing the view!
Sure hoping the weather is prettier at the B for Paula! Feels chilly after yesterday! Still mostly cloudy and windy.
It is windy and it feels colder....
Not sure of the reason our eagle is spreading wings a bit.
Here is Chrissy's response to my question about the specific date that Isla is expected:
With her being so old,, 27 this year,,, know one will ever know what happens to her,, she isn't leg ringed pet,, so it's only by recognition that we will know it's her if she does return home,,, but knowing Isla,, she will have to be at deaths door not to try,,, she will always return to her birth nest pet,,, it's just time you see,, and it's killing me,,, so I have to wait,,
Of course, I knew she wasn't banded so couldn't be tracked on her journeys.
Her little neck was too weak to hold head up long enough to get a pic, but got one of fuzz!!! Putting it on.
Welcome Baby Norfolk
This is a pretty good weekend to not feel like going anywhere. Can we all say awwwww! together. Too cute
I am working on saving for a video for tonight. Thats how I managed to pull a capture out of the video to share. Yes head was very warbly but video let me back up screen by screen to find a pretty good picture for you to see.
Parent just took off -- seemed alarmed.
Eggs are alone.
Good time for a peak.
Eggs are rolled.
Wiggle wiggle. Love that!
Congrats to NBG! Might know it would happen while I was gone. Now it is our turn! Wahoooo!
GLO - that picture is adorable!
YES now it is our turn. I sure hope they zoom in for us tomorrow. Start watching for that fish to come to the nest. I think Belle is acting like she has been listening closely all day.
Hello, chicklet watchers. I got up late & had some phone calls. I must have just missed a zoom in on NBG eaglet. Discussion just talked about it. Was hatched at 11:25. Saw Lynn's great pic of empty shell.Now we have to keep an eye on our nest for hopefully a pip in the next few days! We might go cam crazy we/many hatching at same time!
Eagle report from Sat's. Park nest was that all you can see is tippy top of Mom's head--incubating.
Wow! Just saw the eaglet. Sturdy little fellow holding up his head saying "feed me". Or was he saying "Hi Mom!"
Got a good view of the NBG eaglet. Got a picture, but was on the phone, so did not get to full-screen it. Could only multi-task so much.
A little zoom action would be helpful for seeing the eggs better. The reg. shot is too far and the full screen is without definition...a lot of guessing for sure!
Ok Ok I've been working on my sheets of papers on the different nest. Didn't do them last year with Ed being so sick. I see Lynn has you all wondering about our lol's.
I wanted to go to the AAWW meeting. So I woke up later than I ever have. Was in the shower thinking, "I will never never make this meeting by noon. With having to get dress, put my pill in weekly container and eat breakfast yet". So I called Lynn and told her I was not going to make the meeting. Well let me tell you did she ever CRACK UP. (Well it help her lungs with all the laughing she was doing. Not only was the date of the meeting for March 20th but even the time is at 2pm. Lynn was really cracking up. She said, "Mark it down lady". I said, "I have it marked down and it is for the 20th plus time isn't noon it is 2pm". So that is the gust of all the laughter.
I just posted two pictures of the new eaglet on Eagles and Pandas Blog. So cute!
Now I have to pick up my Mother by 3pm. Would you trust me to be there????????
Well yes I am dressed, shoes on, pocket book ready, coat hanging ready just got to make sure I don't get involved in these papers lol
Most of my NBG captures are on facebook but after first feeding IF I catch it I will make the video for Glo's Glimpses. Nice to have something great to enjoy this weekend.
Lolly, perfect pics!!!! You were right on the ball!!! Yep, Glo----AWWWWWW!!!!
Dana, thanks for sharing----ROFLMBO!!!!!
Loretta, doesn't it kill you NOT to know how many you have in your nest??!!
Isn't "iwannafly" our Irene? She is commenting on OC blog.
Well, shucks. I guess I did not save the picture. Cannot find it now.
Great pictures you all are posting of the little bitty one at NBG. Thanks to all of you.
Glo when I get back I'll have to check out facebook.
Well I was just looking at the mail I got yesterday. I got it when it was dark out of the mailbox. Just decided I better check it out.
First piece is from UAW "not sealed and nothing in envelope". I think I'll have to call them Monday lol Boy does crazy things happen to me. lol lol
Dana, you better not be late on the 20th or you will really get a lot of teasing.☺
Congratulations, Lolly. Great pictures. It was exciting to see the little one.
Going to get busy...mop my floors and head outdoors. It is 72 and partly sunny. Just too nice to stay indoors.
Have a great day1
SIL's bro has been here and fixed the privacy fence (had to replace the post that broke off in the ground). He's also doing some winter clean-up----limbs, etc. Charlie was supposed to show up to help....but hasn't.
seems like a whole lot of egg checking going on at NCTC
Congratulations to Norfolk
can't open Glo's link from work, but could check Lolly's! So cute indeed
Mai is currently running in 5th place. Please remember to vote!!!
VOTE for MAI!!!!
She is in the Fetching Division!!
Whoo hoo a chick for NBG really eggciting news!
Beach is wonderfull, sunny and the breeze is nice. Got the music going....back to more cleaning...have a great aftternoon,will check back later
Whoo hoo I got wax
Wow, Paula---you got a connection!!!! Great! Is it just you and Nugz this time?
I voted, Lynn.
Hi, Paula!
Eagle adjusted and comfy now a wiggle wiggle after rolling the eggs. Oh, the fluff has been all puffed up again.
Couldn't see any glaring crack or pip on reg came or full screen view.
should have typed regular camera above...
Can't wait for these babies!
Shirley, Lynn, Paula, Margy, Dana,Lolly & Glo -
You ladies have a fabulous evening. I'm getting ready to bed since it'll seem sooo early getting up at what used to be 12:30AM!!!
Which is now 1:30 - in name only!
I'll do my best to keep up the observation reports inthe morning.
We'll be real Eaglet Momsters again very soon.
Prayers for all in need. Hugs for everyone!
Voted again on the other computer.
Silly dogs. Kathryn and I have to pretend to give Flash eye drops so he doesn't feel left out.
Watching the news from Japan.
A stretch, fly off. Do you see an egg move?
Belle is back. Actually I thought she was the one that flew off.
Paula. Some of us may be grovelling in jealousy!!!!
I did not see an egg move, except the parent moving it
i would say maybe one looked...a little....uneven maybe that would be the one on the right when they were first exposed
Good evening everyone.
I don't know if grovel is the best word to use. Maybe wallowing.
Norfolk Hatch Video
and now its our turn. I sure hope we get that zoom so we can see the happenings.
What a wonderful video Glo. Loved it!
Thank you truly.
Beautiful video, Glo. Thanks for the link. It brought tears to my eyes.
Sleep tight, Lori---even tho' it's going to be a short one for you!!
I am playing Paula on the OC blog!!! Answering the questions as well as I know how!
Loved the video, Glo!! GOod job.
Shirley, that is so funny! Flash must be the real attention hog!
Excellent video Glo. The music really brings out the emotion of it all.
It's getting d-a-r-k-e-r!!
Thanks for voting, Shirley!!
I am not an ice hockey fan per se, but do watch the Washington Caps on occasion.....guess I haven't watched at the right time, or something because today, for the first time, I noticed that their mascot is an EAGLE character, dressed in uniform and skating! Pretty darn cute.
Just nugz and I today. Beautiful sunset. Took nugz for a walk too. Grabbing a sandw8ich for dinner...the plumber will be here tomorrow to turn the water on. Lynn iam blogging from my phone.
Great egg roll in our nest
Now it is time for our NCTC Hatch Watch
to begin!
Heard either geese or tundra swans a little while ago....not sure which! Couldn't see them.....the geese roost at a nerby pond and are pretty low coming in.
Good luck with turning on the water
No Leaks Needed ! Enjoy and safe journey home -that is if you decide to come home to the mountains....
2 beautiful falcon eggs up in PA
I had forgotten to look today but Mits
just sent me an email.
Glad you are enjoying Norfolk video. I surely hope we can get zoom and sounds for ours. We must patiently wait and see. Would love to see a fish arrive :-).
Back home safely.
I seen 10 beautiful deer, then male and female malliard ducks, and canadian geese male and females.
Near Margy's area.
Mai doesn't know it, but she just had her last meal for quite a long while......spaying in the morning. As we say in the field, NPO after MN (NPO means nothing per os in Latin, and os is mouth). She'll get water between now and then but no more food.
Mother Goose's egg count is up to 7.
Going in to TV for a taped show with hubby. If I like it I'll watch but if
I don't I'll be back......
Oh, I forgot about the phone, Paula!! Cool.
Hope all goes well with the water!
Mother Goose is carrying on about something. It would be nice if the cam had sound.
Where is Mother Goose cam?
I can't go shopping (just looking in stores which I used to hate) anymore because I keep seeing things for Paula's beach house. I wrote her an told her where and what type of things. Like at Marshall's in expensive neat things. Then at Big Lots more neat things.
lol I can't get out of the "BEACH" lol
Glo, love your video. Shared it on fb. Hope you do not mind. Loved the music you put with it.
Spent the afternoon working it in the yard. It was great out...not hot at all. Perfect!
Mother Goose
Here you are, Dana.
Can see the nest quite well this evening. The moon is bright enough to even cast a shadown across the nest.
Well I think I am done with house stuff for tonight...going to go peek at the still cam, check my email, then grab my book and read. Hope y'all have a good evening...
Huga to all
Nite Paula! This your first night at your new house. Little concerned you do not have water. LOL
Thanks Lolly I am glad you shared the video. I made it for others to see :-)
Hey everybody. I've been in and out of here today checking nests and taking care of sick hubby. He's a little better this evening.
So glad to hear of second egg n PA. This is a new female I think. Anyone know if the male is same?
Hatch at NBG! Wooohooo. We are next!!
Watching Phoebe and chicks. Soooo cute.
Hope everybody is doing well this evening! I'll be keeping an eye on dear Belle for another hr or so. We are officially in WATCH mode for our first eaglet and it's sooooo exciting!
th estill cam looks great on my phone ...I can see the shadow across Belle......the moon here was stright overhead a little while ago....
Oh the neighbor has the osprey platform osrey yet....saw a heron and red wing blackbirds....and the trees are starting to bud
Sorry for the typos!
An egg roll on both lovely eggs and now settled back in. The light is great at the nest tonite.
Taped movie was really good - The Taking of Pelham 123 Denzel Washington and John Travolta
NY Subway drama with hostages - Really fast moving and ended very well - The good guys won!
I hope our little chick is pipping away with his egg tooth. Tomorrow or Tuesday would be a good day to pop that shell.. It is getting eggciting.
HI WVsUSAn and all others here this evening.
Hey Glo. I've tried several times to watch your vid and YouTube tells me it cannot load. Any ideas??
wvSusan hmmm not sure perhaps site is really busy now OR maybe you need to clean or cache or reboot. I know my neighbor just watched it with no problem but they have a cable connection and haven't been on their computer all day. Good luck. I hope you get to see it. Kind of summarizes the whole weekend at Norfolk.
Glo video was great ty
Lolly Thank you for Mother Goose webcam site. You all was holding out on me. LOL
Think I'm heading for the recliner. This time change really has me messed up.
See it is 9:50pm and I take Meds at 9:30pm .... time change never messed me up until this year. If I set alarms to do things. I'll have to put a note by each alarm saying what it is going off for. lol
I am going to say good night on here.
Prayers for those that still have some of those colds, sinus infections, chest problems, pains, aches, hurts, headaches, tireness, forgetfullness (oh that's me), and anything else and for God's creatures.
Voted for Mai Looks like she is still in 5th place.
Night Dana - sleep well and regain your memory. You do just find as long as we keep you straight! Love Ya
The Taking of Pelham 123--I read that book years ago. It stuck in my mind pretty well so that I remembered it when I saw the movie. Very exciting.
Belle is snoozing with head tucked under her wing.
Votes are going in for Mai - I asked hubby what he was doing going from room to room and he said he was turning on all the computers so he could vote! I hope that % comes up for Mai!
Have been absent from 'puter since dinner. We've been watching news channels about Japan.Can't really fathom all that you see, but they are experts in these situations many say.
If I fall asleep in chair (very likely), want to say, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Steve has answered my email about the Zoom
Thanks for the note. I am on leave this next week. The guys will watch and use the zoom as possible. Should give some good views of the new eaglets. Steve
Thanks Jo
That will be great !
Hello Evening Eagle Pals..don't think DST is going to adversely affect me one sleep schedule is so akimbo it doesn't make any difference
will enjoy the more daylight in the evening
Have to tell you Thursday's local paper, the Journal, is a picture of Nu -
with Valley Trees of Shepherstown, working on trimming a dangerous overhanging tree limb at the Yankaur Nature Preserve here in our county
Not as cool as some of the pictures we have seen on the NCTC cam...but it is Nu! ☺
good to hear from Paula at the beach..I'd like to know what book she is reading.. !
Sounds good down there near the water
Best wishes with the spaying for Mai on Monday, Lynn
wonder if you will hear her tummy growling during her NPO preparations....
going to go vote...
sure was cute, to read of Jo's Ed going from room to room computer to computer to do that ☺
what a week for Steve not to be around at NCTC -
he will rely heavily on Paula's videos and our pictures, I would think ☺
if those geese you heard were flying low...probably Canada Geese...the Tundras are high and on a fast track to get back North !
near here, where water has overrun a small creek into a field, have been watching those Canada Geese and Mallards Dana was referring to
NCTC nest brighttening up a bit
good better than half moon tonight
nice excerpted post from Chrissie via Lynn, sure would be exciting if Isla does make yet another return to Loch of the Lowe's ♥
Been watching shows. Still am!
Paula, maybe the osprey will show up tomorrow!!
Dana, goose link was posted last week!!
Susan, hope your hubby recovers quickly.
I read that book, too, Jo and Shirley.....and watched the original movie.....don't remember now who was in it! Will have to look for the new version!
Goodnight to all calling it a day.
I see the slightly intermittently glowing chain at Finland Water...only six hours difference now between here and there...will be getting light there in a couple of hours .... more daylight here, more daylight there !
Hope some of you will visit my Feathers and Fur link to see the beautiful Hooded Crow at Finland Water nest...reminds me so much of Deb...she is the one that identified the bird for me three years ago.....
now the NCTC nest is darkening up a some...
we have some cloud cover moving in hereabouts
Good Night Lynn, and Mai ♥
couldn't get Glo's UTube to open computer for sure...going to try again
Going upstairs for the night. I have to get up early. It will feel strange for awhile, but won't have to worry so much about coming home in the dark.
Oh, I did take a drive up the road where we hit the bad storm the other night. There did not seem to be a lot of trees down, but I saw a traffic sign down, and the power company was still busy fixing the damage to the power lines.
Yeah, I saw the original movie, too. And I do not remember who was in it either.
Margy, I had no idea that was Nu in that pic! Cool!
Yes, Jo, please thank Ed for so diligently getting the votes in!
Not looking very good....:(
The original cast you may remember was
Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw and Martin Balsam The Taking of Pelham 123
Good Night Shirley!
and are still with us ☺
Here's what I am dealing with on this is going to tak a god 25 minutes for Glo's UTube to play through...start, stop, start, stop...once it plays through to the end, then I can watch it!
I'll figure our some solutions here sooner or later
interesting article in The Journal today about "returning Spring Robins" by Scott many of you know, lots of robins overwinter, deep in the woods where they can find abundant food sources...and they can manage in about 5 inches of snow okay...if more, they will migrate farther South. But as temperatures start to elevate, the will start coming out of those deep woods to places where we will see more of them, more often...back in the day when I would be in the woods during the winter, I would often see quite a few
Their song, is a favorite pre-dawn and late evening sound....
I love it !
I'm hoping the high waters recently with Back Creek at Swinging Bridge, will bring in more hitchhiking wildflowers again this year, as happened last year with the Jacks-in-the-Pulpit
oh dear, meant to type
"going to take a good" when referring to how long that UTube is going to take to load
sorry about the typos a few posts back
NEWS-- Nuclear officials have confirmed that a hydrogen explosion has occurred at a Japanese nuclear plant.It happened at Unit 3 of Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.More than 180,000 people have evacuated the area, and up to 160 may have been exposed to radiation.
It's late, I'm tired, coming off a 7-day work stretch....
have plans for Monday and Tuesday my days off, which I hope will include watching a hatch at NCTC and a nice long visit with James after school Monday
headed for bed...
Hope Sleep will be Sweet for all
God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥
LOL sorry Magpie my old desktop will do that to me too. I usually find something to do while it downloads. Make a cup of tea about 5mins before its done and then sit down to enjoy whatever I was trying to watch. It might be nice to watch just before heading to bed. Music is pleasant so ya know maybe time it while you are getting ready fro bed. Enjoy a 5 min movie and sleep tight. Which is just about what I plan to do now. Tomorrow or at least by Tues will be busy at our nest :-). I do hope Steve will clue someone in to keep an eye and maybe zoom it in for us. Or just zoom it in tomorrow and leave it there for the hatch if they are going to sit by it to watch.
Oh MeMa JO the news out of Japan has been so terribly sad all weekend long. My heart if broken for that country.
Yep, Glo, that is what I am going to do, start loading it now...
Very very distressing news about the nuclear explosion in Japan...this event has all been so horrendous...prayers for so many people -
More dire stuff in Japan. Just awful.
Will have to set my alarm for morning....and then off to vet we will go. They will keep Mai overnight, so I will have an alone day and night for sure. I could sleep and sleep.....but since we are on hatch watch, that won't happen!!!!
Judie.....where have you been today?
And Andy?? These busy gals keep us guessing!
Well, goodnight dear friends. Sleep well. It's been a long day after a short night! Hope our internal clocks are all back in sync come morning!
Love all of you!
I think all of us are ready to turn in with hopes of a better tomorrow. I am so thankful we are such a strong bonded group.
Good night Friends
Sleep well and dream of peaceful times
Prayers for so many in all places of the world and here at home.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
P.S. Thanks, Jo. Right you are!! Robert Shaw was the guy from Jaws, I do believe! He and Roy somebody, right?
Roy Shroeder??
Another tsunami in Japan, too......MTBR.
Margy, enjoy your days off!
Bye for real.
HEDGIE The original cast you may remember was
Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw and Martin Balsam The Taking of Pelham 123
Bye for real here too
Just saw Belle rolling the eggs! Won't be long now!
Have had my nose in a book this evening...just relaxing. However, not at the beach like Paula and not drinking wine. Life is not fair! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!☺
Jack says it is only 10:20 but he is wrong!!!!
I am heding to bed.
Night all! Sweet dreams!
oh dear two neighborhood cats nearby - one is making a noise like a little baby crying...thought for a minute it WAS a little baby...
and.... SPLIT !
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