Wednesday, February 23, 2011


New thread.  Warmer weather heading our way...


floralgirl said...

Thanks! Sun is shining here, 19° right now.
Today's beautiful nest weather-Sunny. Highs around 40. North winds around 5 mph.

Costume Lady said...

Morning, Megan...thanks for catching the new thread.
Did your greenhouse weather this last storm? Seeds planted?

Judie, so glad to have your real self back! You sound better every day:)

floralgirl said...

Hello, Wanda:) Greenhouse is fine, many seeds started 2 weeks ago, more every day.

Costume Lady said...

Do you have a problem with Stink Bugs in the greenhouse?

floralgirl said...

I have a problem with stink bugs everywhere. Just kill every one I see.

floralgirl said...

BWE still 2 chicks and one egg, egg looked like it might have a pip line started on it.

movin said...

i JUST peeked at the Sheptown weather and it appears to be warming fairly quickly. I got 22° now.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Sunshine & Stink Bugs - I'll take the Sunshine! Hello Wanda, Megan and Jim!
Wanda my eyesight isn't good enough to ready the label on you avatar but I see Jayden and is that his mom?

Our eagle has head tucked and is snoozing away. I really am hoping that BWE egg hatches today.

Jim our temps can just keep on climbing!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Eatin time at BWE...see a spot on the 3rd egg, not sure if pip hole or grass.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land to Everyone; Megan, Wanda, Jim, Jo, Paula and anyone I missed.

Sun is shining hope it warms up.

Megan if you have a seed for a tree like the one Glo had. Please save or plant me a seed for the tree. I will buy it off know the "Eagle Tree"??? tee hee

paula eagleholic said...

Both our nest

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I couldn't tell for sure about Wanda's avatar. I thought I knew but for sure I clicked on her name and yeppers up came a clearer picture (:

Mema Jo said...

Paula we are all going to vote for
Pip hole and forget the grass. lol

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! Was supposed to go to surprise lunch for a lady leaving our group at Chelsea office, but she didn't come in today!!!Got a call in AM. Put the fancier clothes back in closet!
Margy, have a wonderful visit with brother and wife!!

I thought up a reason maybe why all the snow/ice seemed to gather around Belle. It must be all the fluff keeping it there. Where all the sticks are, the snow must fall down in some of the cracks between.If that's right, must be the new RAM!! LOL
See ya~~~~~

Mema Jo said...

The print under Wanda's pic is too small for my old eyes. I am not having any luck enlarging it. I think it says
Mommy reading to Jayden.........

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta glad you got the call so you good change into other clothes.

Jo get the magnifying glass out. I do have to use it sometimes. Even on some things on here. Like that picture (:

I am so excited for Margy getting to see her brother and his wife today (:

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone know what is going on with Luna? Still praying for Luna.

Praying for Bette but we should have heard something by now.

Continuing prayers for Bev's (I think nephew's son).

Judie praying that the foot will stop paining.

Costume Lady said...

Ladies, the caption on my avatar is 'Mommy reading to Jayden'. Can't you go to the bottom of your screen and enlarge up to 150%?
Jayden LOVES to be read to. He gets his little books and chooses the one he wants, then hands it to someone to read to him. Last Friday, he gave a book to GG and she didn't realize he wanted her to read, so she just thanked him for the book. He stood in front of her for the longest time, waiting:) I finally told her to read to him and she enjoyed that so much. If he tires of your reading, he takes the book away and closes it and puts it back in his little bin. Love it!

Costume Lady said...

By the way, Jayden and his Mommy are sitting in his Birthday tent:)

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Wanda 200% did it for me lol

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Dex and I are back from the Marina and having breakfast. Had a couple of hours of sunshine this am before clouds so we left bright and early AFTER coffee and dog treats of course. I wanted a sunny picture of the eagle tree BUT they were obviously out eating their breakfast. :-) I was HUNGRY but hopeful. It was a good trip but no Sunshiny Eagle Tree. Enjoy your day.

Mema Jo said...

Jenny is coming over for lunch
Going to get my street clothes


hedgie said...

Morning all.

Bulldozer very close out back. :(

Dana, Luna is scheduled for surgery tomorrow---barring any downturn.
And the nephew in need of prayer is T-birds'---her brother's son.

hedgie said...

Just had to log-in on that strange blogger page. First time in over a week.

Up to 31° here now.

hedgie said...

HAving lots of trouble with BWE cam.....but at the moment it is clear....and I'm not sure what is happening.....sun is playing shadow tricks.....on wee ones AND the egg...

movin said...

Chicks and egg visible at BWE.

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

Shoot! In the time it took to type a few words she covered them again.

Two healthy, happy-looking chicks;
One egg with no obvious pips yet.

C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Hedgie for helping keep me straight. I am so glad the Lord already knew who I was talking about.

Do you know if Luna's surgery is going to be at the vet they were taking him to or did they go set up at Fairfax?

wvgal_dana said...

I seen fluff put around our eggs (: They are keeping them warm. I bet that sun shining on our eagle feels good.

wvgal_dana said...

I get to see where my red belly woodpecker goes after it leaves the feeder. Nice to know where they live.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jim want some "snow"??

paula eagleholic said...

Bright sunshine at BWE, hard to chicks and eggs unless parent shades them

Eatin' Time!!

hedgie said...

Dana, Luna's eye surgeon is in Fairfax.

hedgie said... an article in the paper.....about a police case in Leesburg area....."police spokesman" has the same name as my cousin's late husband.......wonder if it could be their son....families have all lost contact since a couple of years after my Dad passed away.....wonder if I should call and ask?

hedgie said...

Not a real common name, and spelling is right....

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still morning here. Jack and I just finished our walking. Did not have time to get on before hand. Man, I can tell I have not been excercising. When I get back to not feeling it in my hips and upper thighs, I will be happy! Want to be in shape for hiking in Colorado in 4 months.

I think the 3rd egg is hatcing at BWE. Just got a shot of it and it was not round and smooth. Ok, now do not know what to think. Different shot. Now it looks like it is not hatching and no pip. Sigh!

Lolly said...

Is Mai behaving today, Lynn? Certainly hope so!

Lolly said...

Good to see the sun once again shining on the nest. Cloudy here and 64, sorta gloomy!

floralgirl said...

Both, our nest

hedgie said...

Judie, thanks for London Fog/Misty Harbor info. I THOUGHT they were related (there used to be a factory up in Hancock) but couldn't find any link when I searched.

floralgirl said...

Fly out and a switch in the nest.

hedgie said...

Judie, you have mail.

Shuttle launch on countdown for 4:50 tomorrow afternoon.

Costume Lady said...

Letting the egglets get a little sun. (Belle, I believe)

I got a call from Karla and she was excited to tell me that Dustin spotted and eagle on their way to Berryville. Karla said it was a mature eagle and she and Dustin are going hiking through that area, looking for a nest. It was near the Shenandoah river.

hedgie said...

Lolly, today is going better, thanks. Only one wound so far. Tonight is puppy school.

Judie said...

Thank you Steve and Megan.

Quick visit.

Lynn, make the call! Might be a fun reunion of sorts.

Wanda, what a nice disposition Jayden must have to wait so patiently for GG to read to him. Great avatar.

Finally got some school business taken care of -- had to work fast as internet
(Verizon) has been extremely temperamental today.

A quick hello to Megan, Jo, Jim, Lowreeda, Dana, Paula, Glo, and Lolly.

Going to try to sneak in a view of the nest and other cams before the internet service crashes again.


Lolly said...

I have been checking cams and catching up on fb. Posted a really funny video on fb. It is there for all dog lovers to see. I want you to laugh!!!

Jack has departed for lunch with his work pals. I think I am going to do some work around here.


Mema Jo said...

Check out BWE Uncovered

Lolly said...

Lynn, I just ordered that coat. Now we will see if it fits. The one review said they should have it in a tall but they do not. So hope what I ordered does not swallow me! Can always return, but what a pain.

hedgie said...

Definitely a good place for eagles to nest, feed and soar, Wanda!!! Hope they find one!!!!

floralgirl said...

Both parents at BWE feeding time- still 2 chicks one egg.

floralgirl said...

Big wing stretch at our nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Boy, I really slept in for a while today, after Hubby left for work and I took care of Emma! Felt really good, too!
Jim, I know what you mean about having a messed up sleep schedule. It's hard to readjust, too. Hope you are catching up on ZZZZs.
I am about to call the school to try to find out WHEN my English class actually meets. Actually, I may just do some "appearance damage control" and drive over there. Have about 3-1/2 hours of transcription to do today anyway, and really need to know what's going on with my schedule. If English IIB meets tonight, I can't go to puppy classes on Wednesdays, and Hubby doesn't like the idea of going by himself. Emma is way too distracting in the car without someone along to help calm her down.
She whines, then starts barking (loudly!). She must be in the back seat in the middle, because of front and side airbag dangers to her, so we have a doggy seat belt--a tether that fastens to her harness. Her crate is just big enough that it's a total pain to get into the car, so that's not a real option for anything other than a LONG car trip. Well, I'd better get a move on! Boy, this quarter is going to be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! Have over 300 hours of transcription to accomplish, at least 40 hours of which must be at an outside transcription service. That translates to 15 hours a week to do it all in 1 quarter.

Ms Bookworm said...

Guess I'd better get going and hit the road! Will check in later tonight to see what's going on. Have a good day! :o]

Mema Jo said...

I love Sweet peas!

(They are aren't they)

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, it's a relief to see sunshine on our nest! Keep an eye on things for me, OK? Thanks! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Lunch was fun with Jenny & Aaron

Going to run errand and BBILW

Ms Bookworm said...

I love sweet peas too, Mema Jo! They remind me of my Grandma. She had a lath house in her yard that would be completely covered at one end with sweet peas in the spring! OK--really gotta get going now. Later, alligators!

Mema Jo said...

Turtle Bay egg roll - 2 eggs
Good view from cam

Mema Jo said...

BWE feeding and egg is still there
No definite sign of the egg starting to
hatch..... But I sure wish it would!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, have you had the trainer back yet?
Wanda, sounds exciting for Dustin and Karla

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope the coat is a perfect fit!!

Judie, see now that you're apparently having Verizon issues??? Gee, I remember those! And now Frontier! Irritating for sure.

Wiggle, wiggle, Belle settles in---or is it Lib? Harder to tell now that snow is melting more around the egg cup.

Lolly said...

Taking a peek in. Got ambitious and cleaning my china cabinet, including polishing some silver piecs. Sure wish I did not have it, but that was what you got for wedding gifts. Some of it I like but what do you do with the stuff but polish it. Parties now days are more casual.

Lolly said...

Good grief! I had to sign in. Funny how you get used to not doing that.

floralgirl said...

BWE now- you can see pip in egg

Lolly said...

BWE egg in view and looks like a pip in the end.

Lolly said...

Can hardly wait till we get our own little big eyes in the nest. They are sooo cute. Looks like a good feeding. Come on little egg, you can hatch!

hedgie said...

No, Paula, haven't had the trainer back yet. Next week, unless I decide to give Mai up. This afternoon had a really bad moment, but then the very sweetest time we've had since she was "new".

Andy, hoping that you all don't have to give up Emma's training class....:(

Mema Jo said...

Back from errands.. quick ones.

Wanda it sounds like you have a good
influence over Karla and Dustin - imagine them out scouting down eagles!
I love it!!

Lolly like you said - parties today are casual and I have sooooo much silver just setting from wedding and then 25th anniversary. It does not get used.

Thank you all for reporting a Pip!!

Mema Jo said...

BWE I think the 2 eaglets are covering the egg OR it has hatched..

Mema Jo said...

Darn - she was fast getting back on them.....

paula eagleholic said...

My Mom had a lot of Sister in law took the tea set...I took a favorite candy dish...and I sold the rest...including the silverware. I probably wouldn't ever use it...not to mention the polishing needed. I kept the gold plated silverware, which went with the china better than the silverplate.

I keep the candy dish in a zip lock stays nice and shiny ☺

Mema Jo said...

Well you better buy some jelly beans and fill it up next month!

NCSuzan said...

I see a pip in the end of the egg too. Won't be long now!

Mema Jo said...

Both BWE adults in nest
Clear view of the egg


hedgie said...

What silver I have gets used once or twice a year....Christmas, and when I do Thanksgiving, which I haven't for three years! I absolutely hate the smell of tarnish and cleaning it. UGH. I, too, use baggies to keep the air away from it.

Almost time to head out. Later, gators!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding again at BWE...can't see a thing on the egg!

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, they feed the chicks just a couple of bites and then they get covered!

Lolly said...

Eaglets and egg were just in view. The pip we saw earlier was on the end of the egg. The view we got just now was the side view and did not see a pip.

Lolly said...

Paula, how did you go about selling your silver? I have a few pieces I just love and use, but I would love to sell the rest.

I have sterling silverware and I love it. It will go to Laurel someday, but not anytime soon!

magpie said...

A Perfect late winter West Virginia Day here...
visit with brother and sister-in-law all done, they are 1/4 of the way to Roanoke for the night...
Thanks all, for your encouragement and well wishes, it was great to spend some time with family

Now I have to go spend some time with the pillows and blankies...

Best wishes for a good evening..
xox ♥

floralgirl said...

Lisa put up a pic on the BWE site that shows the pip we saw.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I took the silver along with some other things to an auction place that is right down the street from me.

View at BWE again. Now there's grass on the egglet!

Judie said...

Maybe Paula can put some Sweet Peas in the candy dish -- yum!

Silver -- I went online to and got values then we donated to Salvation Army. Kept a few small items and some cut glass for nostalgia.

Going to try to get the BWE cam up to check out the little ones and the little one to be.

Did manage to get our nest earlier and it looked nice in sunshine.

Been having internet problems today. Will try to check back later. Glad everyone is doing well.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula, going to do some inquiring. Surely there is something in Fort Worth.

Yep, that pic that Lisa posted is what we saw. Come on little eaglet! You can do it!

Lynn, have a good evening!

Mema Jo said...

Nest Update by Lisa

We have what looks like a pip in the third egg.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for Alexis & Dinner


Lolly said...

Almost time for the news. Need to go finish up in the dining room.

NCSuzan said...

That was an extra good wiggle!

NCSuzan said...

Watched Ted and Lucky for a little while today. They are so funny and sweet. They play, snuggle sleep rearrange bedding, went for a walk and more. They are truly entertaining at times! Snow at Sydney and Hornby but no eggs there yet. Busy season. Yeah!

paula eagleholic said...

Both our nest...looks like Lib is getting kicked out for the night ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy I hope Dustin and Karla find the eagles nest WOW ( :

Prayers for Luna Tomorrow.

Hope Lynn and Mai have a good training time today.

Shirley I sure hope you and Emma can keep up the training.

Margy so happy that you have a nice day with family ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Have to try and check out that video on fb tomorrow. I'm just pooped tonight.

floralgirl said...

Belle is calling out

wvgal_dana said...

Nighters I have to get my feet up.

Prayers for people that need them and for Gods animal creature HE made that need prayers.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just checking in. Things are not going well here at all. Steve has an atypical pneumonia. He's so miserable... He is weak and so tired. Can barely drag himself around. Not that he COULD work, but he isn't allowed to even try til Monday. It's very hard to see him like this. And whereas I was feeling really good this morning after a pretty good night's sleep, my temp is now creeping up again, the cough is worsening, and I am feeling really bad. We are sure not much of a help to each other at this point, but I'm a little better off.

I've not read back, but I hope and pray that all is well with everyone! Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for us...

Lynne2 said...

I feel pretty bad for the dogs who are going stir crazy right about now!

floralgirl said...

So sorry to hear that, Lynne. Hope you and Steve are doing a little better tomorrow.

floralgirl said...

Belle is up and calling out again.

floralgirl said...

An egg roll and back down.

Judie said...

Managed to get into the blog.

Jo, hope you and Alexis had a nice time tonight.

Lynne2, so sorry you and Steve are so sick. Please check with the doctor if you both don't improve by tomorrow afternoon or sooner.

Yes, prayers that all goes well with Luna tomorrow. Will be thinking of her.

Can't get cams. I love to watch Ted and Lucky. They are fun. Can only imagine what is in store for us with Lily, Hope, and two little ones.

Going to turn my blog light off now. Will leave the night light on for others for later. Will hope that Verizon is working tomorrow. Pleasant eaglet dreams for all. Will hope for a third little one at BWE by tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Hope to see/hear you tomorrow, Judie
Alexis made our dinner table delightful. She had a hand held game and was sharing with us and explaining how to play it for points before the food was served.

Lynne & Steve - so sorry to hear you are both feeling poorly. Hope that it doesn't take too long for you both to be feeling better.

Anxious to hear from Lynn with an update on Mai.

Luna should be ok because of all the loving persons around her. Prayers for successful surgery.

Megan - what are we going to do with all this rain coming at us soon.

floralgirl said...

Well, speaking from a gardener's perspective, we do really need the rain.

Mema Jo said...

Margy I am so happy for you that you were able to have some quality time with your brother and his wife.

paula eagleholic said...

As cold as it's been, they say the precip has been below normal.

Lynne, hope you and Steve are feeling better tomorrow. Rest rest rest

paula eagleholic said...

I had to re-sign in, too. Looks like you have to in about once a week. Not too bad.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to watch Criminal Minds at 9:00 and I'm not sure about 10:00 show

Hard to think about changing the
calendars again - so soon - Feb was
really the short month!

Come on Spring!


hedgie said...

Home, fed and settled in. Almost time for Criminal Minds.
Mai did well tonight. Total one-on-one....the other pup was absent.

I am SO sorry, Lynne, that Steve is so sick. What did the doc put him on? And did you get more meds, too?? Praying for a swift recovery for you both.

hedgie said...

Sorry about the Net trouble, Judie. PIA, I know.

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. Thanks again for all of your kind thoughts and words for Luna.

Will see you tomorrow.

Hope everyone is well or getting better.

hedgie said...

Margy, glad that you got that visiting time in with your bro!

Jo, what kind of hand game did Alexis have?

hedgie said...

Going to put my feet up, too. Hoping I don't fall asleep....but good ol' DVR is set, in case!

BEagle said...

Good evening everyone.

The WE nest is up once again. Looks like an eagle is on it incubating too.

BEagle said...

...or maybe not.

BEagle said...

Maybe this is her first egg coming about!

BEagle said...

Yeppers. There is a video of Wray laying her first.

BEagle said...

You may be able to copy and paste this address to see it.

BEagle said...

Prayers for you.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone.
Been watching Idol--didn't know it was 2 hours!Getting down to 24 contestants.

Two of us saw a FOX at Chelsea today. Haven't seen one since Fall. It was running across field along other side of pone. A great surprise.(no cameras, but would have been a blurry orange spot!)

Mema Jo said...

Criminal Minds was 'ify' not too good. I bet that Hedgie did fall

Both BWE and ours have their heads tucked.

Rain rain rain - Thurs,Fri,Sun,Mon
Chance to dry out a little on Sat

paula eagleholic said...

WE, egg #1. How awesome! They were able to get the feed up just in time to see Wray lay egg #1.

I lost our live feed and can't get it back up

paula eagleholic said...

The pop up image is working, tho

NatureNut said...

What,Jo? More rain?? Don't go in any cornfields! LOL

Getting tired--worked later than usual to get some signs done for one of the House Museums, 'cuz guy was coming to pick up some other stuff for them.
Tomorrow will probably be "mouse" replacement day. Fubby was using old 'puter---mouse on this one stuck on him.
Also going to send my order for the the Loch of the Lowes osprey book put together by them.

Margy, so glad you got time w/your family. Guess you're sawing logs now if you work tonight.Have a quiet evening.

If I konk out in that comfy chair, Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for Lynne & Steve and all who need them--& our animals ;>)

Lolly said...

Watched AI and enjoyed it. There is some real talent there. One of the guys, Tim, is a TCU graduate. I just might have to pull for him. I think he is on tomorrow night to find out if he is in the final 24.

Lynne, I am so sorry you and Steve are both so sick. That is just miserable. I remember one New Years Eve and we were having a party. I got sick during the party and had to shut myself in the bedroom. Guests left one by one. Next morning Jack came down with it. One couple called and asked what they could do. I asked for TP and chicken soup. Bless their they came with the needed supplies! We were both so miserable. No family here to take care of us. sob sob!

Think I will shower now, get comfy, and put my nose in a book.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Bear Report

Did NOT fall asleep during C.M., Jo! Bill's GS is could relate with the little boy.

I hope everything is okay with Shirley....we haven't heard from her today, have we? Assuming that Luna's surgery is on schedule for tomorrow.

And Lori hasn't reported in about Kate's MRI...

magpie said...

Shirley posted around 8:57 pm

magpie said...

Good Night and Sleep Sweetly Eagle Friends...
headed for work very soon

Sincere wellness prayers for Steve and Lynne...a double sickness whammy there....I am so sorry to read of this

and prayers for any and all with ailments or worries of the heart...
and grateful prayers for many gifts given, including that of friendship...

See you tomorrow sometime, or overnight from work !
God Bless Us, Every One
xox ((( Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Can't believe how many raining days we
are going to have BUT Megan says that
the farmers need it.

I hope Lori will be here in the morning and let us know how Kate made out.
Then we'll be waiting for a report from Shirley about Luna.

Lynne and Steve - I hope you are sleeping a healing sleep

Dana I hope you'll be feeling better
I hope that there is no more snow
for you to shovel... :(

Mema Jo said...

Well it time to hit the hallway...

Good Night Friends and Prayers for all of you.

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Bob In Frederick said...

I just stumbled across this. Wonderful resource. Do the adult eagles have names?

Mema Jo said...

Margy - look for the 3rd little chick at BWE

hedgie said... there a link??

Goodnight, Jo and all others turning in. Thanks, MArgy.....guess Shirley posted between the time I refreshed and I made my 9:00 remark and I missed it.

hedgie said...

Judie, if you check back in----your BB players won tonight, but my Hoya's didn't. :(

hedgie said...

Time to close up shop here for the night.
Andy, let us know about English class vs. puppy class!!!!
Prayers for so many say on FB: goodnight my Peeps!

Bob In Frederick said...

hedgie, if you're referring to my post, I'm not sure what you're asking me for. A link to what? I was just asking if the two eagles at the NFW Service Center in Shepherdstown have names.

Lolly said...

Bob, the two eagles are Liberty "Lib" and Belle.

hedgie said...

Oops----sorry, Bob. Thought you were our other Bob!
Yes, the female is Belle and the male is Liberty.

Lolly said...

We have been watching these two for several years.

Lolly said...

And, welcome Bob. We enjoy newcomers watching our two favorite eagles.

hedgie said...

LOL----thought you were telling us about finding another eagle site!!
Well, anyway, welcome.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn, went back and read his comment and now see why you thought and said what you did. I realized he was a newcomer and was wondering why you said what you did. Too funny!

Bob, we have another who blogs with us occasionally a fantastic photographer named, Bob.☺

Bob In Frederick said...

Lollie and hedgie, thanks for the names and thanks for welcoming me. I'll try to check in periodically and read the threads. Fascinating. Good night.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from school a short while ago. Had to take Emma out to potty and start up the clothes dryer, but am here now.
Unfortunately, my English IIB class IS going to be on Wednesdays, so we have a call in to the trainer at Petsmart to try to see what our options are. I would just as soon wait until the end of May when my school's over to try to start up with puppy classes again. We can work on what we've learned so far until then. Our vet wants to do Emma's spay surgery the end of this month and put in a microchip at the same time. I imagine it will be a few days before Emma will be able to go to a class after that. Don't want her popping any stitches! There will soon be a schedule available for April puppy classes, so that would be my choice.
The one good thing about my classes being on Tues., Wed., and Thurs. is this: a 4-day weekend! YAY!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Golly! I just tried to take a peek at our nest, and I got the MeadWestvaco ad, then a message that said "the selected item is currently not available" and back to the startup arrow! YIKES! has anyone else had that problem tonight?

My widdow pea brain is fried tonight after school! We have a LOT of material to cover, so we took 15 full pages of notes tonight! Most of it is about conjugating verbs. Lotsa fun, right?

Am VERY concerned about Lynne2 and Steve! Prayers for both of you! Hope you can manage to see the doctor again SOON! Meanwhile, please REST and drink gallons of fluids! Stay warm, too!

Lynn, sorry you had a really bad moment with Mai today. You said that you also had a very, very good moment with her, too, though. Maybe she was sorry she gave you such a bad time. I surely hope so! Prayers for both of you. I really feel for you. We have had our moments with Emma, too. We see how MUCH energy she has, and hope we can manage to find the time and energy to give her enough exercise. She seems so much happier when she's had a chance to run. We still have a problem with her wanting to eat leaves, twigs, berries, etc., though--and that's a MAJOR worry! We made a "shake can" with coins in it, but it scares her SOOO badly she almost jumps out of her skin! I don't want to scare her THAT badly. If she would only walk nicely on a leash, I would LOVE to take her for a long walk every day, but she's SO unpredictable! Have tried the Halti headcollar a few times, but she totally freaks out and before long, has it in her mouth, and tries to chew through it. Maybe being spayed will cause her to slow down a bit.
She seems like a teen with raging hormones lately--just kind of an emotional wreck. Think I'll call and see how soon the vet could fit her in to be spayed.

Ms Bookworm said...

I really wish we lived out in the country somewhere and had a big field where Emma could run around. There are so few places that are totally fenced in around us! The places where there are, are usually schools, and they all have "ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS" signs up. Phooey. Well, maybe I can research dog parks online.
Right now, I am going to say some prayers for everyone (and all our pets!). I am really tired, and think I'd better call it a day. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light!
I'm checking to make sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, and stay cozy, everyone. Hoping and praying for healing sleep for everybody. God bless, and goodnight! Will talk to you tomorrow. Love each and every one of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Off to bed I go...sleep needed here badly.
GG had a doctor visit today and all's well...ordered bloodwork (every 3 months)
Another doctor visit tomorrow with the dermatologist...checking out the place on her cheek that was burned off, but never went away. Doesn't look verh good.


magpie said...

Half Moon is out and some stars
not too much light on the nest right now yet

I can't get live feed here either for NCTC

if you check on ths morning, we are hoping to hear how Kate's MRI went....

back later, have some work to do

magpie said...

things seem to be lightening up a little at NCTC -

have not seen anything but a sleeping, tucked in Lady Blackwater

about that time I have to sign off and finish up

Best wishes for a Good Day...

magpie said...

speak her name and Lady BW is now awake

stronghunter said...

A quick good morning. Kathryn has just taken Luna northward for her surgery. I will need to drop Hunter at the sitter's and pick him up today because Kathryn is taking care of Luna.

She will have to make the run back up to Fairfax to transport Luna to the vet's where she will spend the night. The plan is for Susan to make the transfer back to the surgeon's office tomorrow morning so that Kathryn can pick her up later.

I hear lots of birds chirping this early morning.

I'll be back later. Hope everyone is well, especially Steve and Lynne. Sorry I haven't been able to read back much.

Good to see that there is less snow in the nest--at least it looked that way, but I've just had a brief glimpse so far.

floralgirl said...

Both at our nest, and now one, think they switched. Hard to tell without the live feed.

stronghunter said...

Clarification--Luna will spend the night with the vet. Kathryn will come back home. Probably didn't need to explain that, but just in case someone was confused.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy, Shirley, Megan, Lynne, Lynn, Paula, Wanda, Andy, Dana, Jo and all!

Incredibly busy and trying to keep up here at work this morning - need to read back and catch up, but I did see the Luna is going to the vet - Prayers for Luna and her vision.

Kate's MRI results were read yesterday. Thanks so much for all the prayers - surgery is not required at this time! The MRI showed Kate has an anular tear - the vertebrae literally tears away from the spinal column exposing the nerves - and the spine drips fluid into that open spot & on the nerves which make it crazy painful. The ortho doc thinks if she does does physical therapy for 6 weeks then continues it at home, she should be back to normal in three months. Much better than surgery!

Thanks SO MUCH for all your good thoughts and prayers. I'll check back later.

WV sUSAn said...

Good morning eagle peeps! Hope Lynne and Steve are recovering and feeling better today... or you'd better go back to the doc.

BWE calling out (nouth is open) and that egg is still waiting to pop!

magpie said...

sounds painful but hopeful, Lori, for Kate

Okay,Shirley....keep on chugging along...

Got to be THE BIGGEST Fish I have ever seen at BWE---

waiting on that 3rd hatch

Good Morning Everyone !!

magpie said...

pip on 3rd egg looks larger

skin on fish loos like tree bark, like beech or something!

notice on Outdoor Channel site mentions that NCTC cam live feed is down from late last night

Lori O. said...

sUSAn - Good morning!

WV sUSAn said...

Glad to hear Kate may not require surgery. That sure sounds painful. wow

My NCTC Live cam is still down from last night. Guess its STILL for a bit.

I just emailed a funny BWE pic. Will post later.

magpie said...


Notice: As of 11:40pm ET Wed Feb 23, the live feed appears to have been disrupted. So, at this time you will not see any video. We will attempt to restore the connection Thursday morning, at the soonest time possible. Thank you for your patience.

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Margy. Was watching when I got in last night and POOF no feed.

WV sUSAn said...

where is the BWE egg?

WV sUSAn said...

Ohhh there it is

WV sUSAn said...

OK Everybody keep your eagle eyes open. Gotta get to work. BBL

hedgie said...

Morning all.
High wind warning tonight through Fri. night for the entire region.....batten down the hatches!

Very upset puppy this morning....loggers are right out back.....chain saws and dozers running. Scared the you-know-what right back into her. :(

hedgie said...

Geesh---these guys are not professionals....not wearing anything that OSHA requires for loggers.

magpie said...

both parents were at BWE - for now
but now just one...
wow, they are working on that huge whale brought in earlier !
But now I don't see it...did one of the parents take it for some chowing down of their own ?? so sorry to read of the mayhem out your way....
noisy and dangerous and downright bothersome...hoping it ends soon...

magpie said...

Hope everyone has a good day....
one way or the other...
yeah, weather going to deteriorate...glad we got some snow to wet down the dry brush and more rain help offset any brush fires I hope...

wow the wind, what will March be like...things have already been coming in like LION!

I saw first robin yesterday, here in the neighborhood

leaving to get some sleep now...

hedgie said...

Well, live feed is working here......can see stuff fluttering....and Belle is moving!

Lori, wow, poor Kaste----sounds serious. But no surgery is a good thing. Give her our best wishes for speedy improvement.

hedgie said...

Saw after I logged off last night that Hank Aaron was going to be on Letterman. Wow----I didn't even realize he was still alive. Duh!
Guess he's not as old as I thought----taped it, so just now watching.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn...I thought he died also! I often see news or photo ops of celebrities that I thought were deceased...I must have a morbid mind!
Hope we get our LIVE feed back before our chicklets hatch...hoping the problem is nothing serious!

floralgirl said...

The LIVE FEED IS back up. Refresh your screen if it's not working for you.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lynn, I am always trying to picture your place. Are the loggers taking your woods away? What a shame!

Gloomy day here with possibility of rain. Sure hope so as we definitely need it. Walked down to get the paper and it was misty. Also, hawk was on the ground in our front lawn. He was on the fence yesterday. Wonder what's up with our yard?

Lolly said...

Happy to see the snow melting off the nest. Wish it would go go go!

Watching BWE, the third eaglet is still struggling to hatch.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to ALL in Eagle Land.

I look out my window at the bird feeder and boy do I have a lot of cardinals.

Oh Lynne so sorry to hear Steve has
pneumonia. Poor fellow and you aren't much better. Maybe you need to check with dr again???

Lynn sorry there wasn't any other pups there was no other pups there. Maybe one on one was better.

Loretta where are you getting the Loch of Lowes osprey book from and how much please?

Judie or NCSuzan or someone who is Judie speaking about cam of Ted and Lucky?

Wow Lori that is such good news about Kate. If she can't do it on machines. Tell her to use an indoor pool and do an arthritis class.

Awww Jo I can just see it happening. Don't you just love it when kids like Alexis explains things like that. They are so serious to make sure you
understand. (: Thanks Jo I hope no
more snow either. I felt bad neighbor doing it all. I just had to help but messed up my foot, back and arms pretty bad.

Judie said...

Brief access so will make a comment or two before leaving for the school house.

Thank you NewBob for providing me with a good chuckle this a.m. Of course, you are most welcome but you will likely now be referred to as NewBob or Bob2. Hope you enjoy watching Belle and Liberty and their babies as they grow and fledge.

Happy Kate does not need surgery. All the best with therapy.

Prayer for Luna today for sucessful surgery and quick recovery.

Okay, have to leave to show the wannabe adults a serial killer interview. Easy day for me!

Lolly said...

Dana, Ted and Lucky are the bears at the North American Bear Center. They have a cam in their den.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Glad to see our live feed back on!

Dana, Ted and Lucky are bears online at This is part of the organization re: Lily and Hope

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see the snow almost gone from our nest...the rain should take care of the rest of it

Check out BWE..big crack! Yay!

Lolly said...

Here you go, Dana.

Ted and Lucky Cam

WV sUSAn said...

BIG crack in BWE #3. Any minute now.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I almost turned into a lurker - I read everything and then get distracted in readying emails and checking out cams... I really got up at a decent hour for an old retiree !

New concerning Kate sounds like she has things planned out for her and I pray she successfully gets her back corrected. I pray she can endure pain for as long as need be! Maybe we will see Kate walking tall at the June Nest Visit!

Shirley - I am laughing at your clarification as to whom was spending the night at the vets because I did read it to be Kathryn... Words can play tricks!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Didn't need to sign in or didn't get that crazy screen that I did yesterday.

Today is the 24th and BWE #3 best be getting here soon!

Lynn, I feel for you about the intrusion at the back of your lot. I have the same thing going on here.. One more new home to be built out at my back yard... I have lost my sense of Privacy.

wvgal_dana said...

As I said last night prayers for Luna and the surgery for today.

I would like prayers for a friend of mine husband & wife (and the family)that just lost her son. He is married and had children. He was 41. I just visited with her and her husband in January. She never said anything about him being sick when I ask how everyone was doing? This might have been suddenly.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa is keeping an eagle eye on her BWE cam.... She confirms what you all
just said......

Nest Update

Looks like the pip in the third egg might be getting bigger.

Mema Jo said...

Dana when you use the link for Ted and Lucky be sure to read the info that is recorded. I've been able to see them in action and it is a riot.

Prayers for your friends and their son's family.

paula eagleholic said...

REfresh, Jo. She just posted the pic I sent her...or maybe same pic that someone else sent her...

A bigger crack in the third egg is now visible.

Lolly said...

Have been watching the cam at Vian. So, funny! I think the parents are arguing over who is going to stay with the children on the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Got it Paula - thanks.

magpie said...

before you need to worry about a SPLIT

just head on over to the


paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I heard that! Belle just landed with fluff or stick with leaves...

Lib is outta there

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - the Vain couple is still occupying the nest.. Weather looks

Mema Jo said...

Oh My That is not good
BWE cam messing up

magpie said...

JO - We have a

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...