Saturday, February 19, 2011


New thread.  Wind has already blown the power off twice this am.

Channel 25 had coverage on the eagles last night.  See it here.


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Lolly said...

Thank you, Steve! I will call them over from the other thread. Have a great weekend!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All Who Can Get Here

Thanks Steve - hope your power stays on
Hope our eagle nest is secure in this wind!

Not using the first thread Steve gave us.

BEagle said...

Windy in Shepherdstown?

BEagle said...

The thread is a boomerang. LOL.

Thank you for the new thread Steve and for the nice article about Belle and Lib, the celebs.

Have a nice day and wear heavy shoes.

BEagle said...

I wrote a thank you for the call over to Lolly and MemaJo. I posted it on Thursdays thread.

Thanks ladies.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I have been over reading comments on the old thread. I see the wind moving the nest but hear that the sound is once again down. Grrrr!

Just time to peek in and say hello. Need to go dry my hair and get ready to head to Denton.

Oh, that is a wild ride in the nest today..

Lolly said...

Did I tell you we got up to 80 yesterday? On the weather last night they were saying March is going to be warmer and drier than normal. This is not good and I am not happy! We need rain! And, 80's is too warm!

BEagle said...

The Jordon Lake chicks are snuggled together and takin it easy.

Lolly said...

Nice big fish in the BW nest. They know the family is about to expand! Wonder if it has already?

BEagle said...

There is a pretty fish on the BWE nest.

BEagle said...

The BWE has three eggs. You can see a picture of them off the web on the left hand side.

Lolly said...

Ha! Beat'cha, Beagle, to that comment. LOL Think we are checking the same cams.

Lolly said...

Okay, I have to leave MUST dry my hair.

Have a great day everyone! I will!

BEagle said...

Instead of a circle of three eggs, the BWE eggs are lined up in a row.

BEagle said...

Have a great day Lolly!

I am feeling poorly. Coughing and headache and achy. :(

On my way back to bed.

BEagle said...

The Vian chicks are having a hardy meal. The littlest is getting his share.

BEagle said...

They are cute.

The OR nest is still a mountain of snow.

BEagle said...

Two eagles on the Decorah nest.

BEagle said...

Take that back. Two eagles perched on branches near the nest at Decorah.

Camera is zooming around. Nice shots of eagles.

BEagle said...

What an address but this may get you to the Decorah nest.

Mema Jo said...

Last evening Paula put on the blog
a "Must See" video - In case you didn't get to see it.........

Sarasota Eagle from Ed Smith Stadium getting a new home

Also Wanda has Jayden's videos from Friday Family Night at GG's - they are on FB and yes he grabbed and played with both eagle canes - Jayden said Eagle!

BEagle said...

The cam in Iowa keeps zooming in on the male eagle. This is a very handsome eagle. They zoomed in on all his beautiful feathers right down to his talons.

BEagle said...

That Sarasota eagle is in nothing but good hands for sure.

The video made me weep. Another eagle rescued from a hazard condition.

Mema Jo said...

Hi BEagle - it is sooooo windy here
and of course the temps are dipping down. Hope you feel better later in the day.

Eggs lined up in a row so that BWE can covered all of them at one time with the length of their bodies. That fish is there in anticipation of a hatching.

Looks like sunshine on our nest.
Great still didn't need to sign in - I just may forget my password!!!

BEagle said...

White Rock has some fresh fluff.

Lynne2 said...

Good WINDY Morning all!

BEagle, hope you feel better very soon!

Well, during bird count this morning, a flock of Grackles descended on the yard! I counted as best I could, got about 100. Also had 5 Chickadees, 1 dove, l female Cow Bird (she's been around for a week or others with her.) 2 song sparrows and one white throated sparrow and one house sparrow, 3 juncos.

Got to get moving...I have an ambitious list to complete today! I'll check in later....

BEagle said...

Duke nest is empty but there is some reasonably fresh fluff.

BEagle said...

Both Deco eagles flew to their nest.
Maybe HP to come? Who knows.

BEagle said...

Guess not. One flew off. Very nice looking eagles.

BEagle said...

Thanks MemaJo and Lynne.
Think I move along now. Blaaacccchhh!

BEagle said...

The TH eagles just won't sit on their egg like I want them to.

BEagle said...

Oaky I am going to go.

BEagle said...

TH eagle must have heard me. Now on egg.

Now gonna go.

Costume Lady said...

Loved the news video and account of our STARS, Lib and Belle. They are famous...hope they don't let it go to their heads;)

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Very windy here.

See eagle wiggle, wiggle into nest.

We are busy rearranging cabinets and combining stuff.

Might go to a movie with Kathryn and some of her new friends tomorrow.


stronghunter said...

Nice news story about our eagles.

BEagle said...

That is Belle on the nest.

Later ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, comment was eaten.

Good Morning, all!

BEagle hope you feel better!

Thanks, Jo, for bringing over the link to the Sarasota Eaglet.

Thanks Steve for the story link about Lib and Belle.

I'll send an email about the sound, maybe it will be a quick fix like last time, maybe not.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, and Belle is hunkered down!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta glad your cell worked and your rescuer arrived.

Friday evening I was watching the news when they showed our eagles and spoke about them at NCTC. It was neat!!

Happy the man that runs the Snowman Cam is testifying hope it changes that law.

Shirley glad Kathryn has a group of people in same situation. So she can relate and have some friends.

Oh Lolly thinking of baseball as cold as our weather is burrr

Lynne2 glad your friends husband has been acceped into what he wants to do as a profession. Lynne2 I still don't understand why Puddles is on Prozac.

Sorry Margy for the bass set to high. Yep you might need a visit upstairs. Margy what happens on March 12th?

Paula I got so hung up on the link for the eaglet taken to the hack tower...I can't tell you how many times I watched
it....6wks 7 pounds ... I think that is what they said. Thank you for posting.

Mema Jo said...

Be sure you go to Wanda's Just For Fun

2 fantastic videos and some great pics

Wanda - looks as though the 'table bite' has healed nicely above Jayden's
right eye. I am sure he'll have many more adventurous accidents - that is what boys do!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne your bird count sounds good.
I think I have all the juncos.
In this wind I haven't seen many flying birds. Even the squirrels are hiding from the wind.........

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear
The submission portion of the Cub Naming Contest has officially ended. The WINNING FAN will be contacted privately at 11:00 AM EST tomorrow, Saturday 2/20. The name of the WINNING FAN and the CUB NAMES will be ANNOUNCED here on Sunday evening at 8:00 PM EST. Thank you ALL for your participation. - Team Bear

Lynne2 said...

Dana, Puddles has been put on Prozac because the first medication didn't work for her. She has become increasing "frantic" over the past couple of months for reasons that we cannot determine. When she is outside, she is now constantly digging holes, to the point where it's becoming unpleasant to walk her. She is not willing to be distracted from the digging. She started this, maybe in November. While she has always dug randomly, it's become an obsession, and now she is actually EATING the mud and dirt.

Donnie said...

Hi Jo.. I never get junco's until it snows. Then they come out everywhere.

wvgal_dana said...

Donnie what is this new thing you are watching the eagles with?

Can anyone get me the video link to where Ed put the chick from the Stadium in the hack tower. I would love to save that video.>??????

Lynne2 said...

Dana, go back to Jo's 10:28 comment.

Anyway, it's our hope that the Prozac will help "readjust" her little mind, and in the meanwhile, we will be doing some training with her to help get her calmed down. I only wish we knew what has gone wrong...

Lynne2 said...

back to work...

wvgal_dana said...

I just found an email (DID NOT OOPEN) in my SPAM from Paula. Did anyone else??????????

Lynne2 said...

I'm "Cleaning with the Oldies"! Dancing with my dust rag!

Lynne2 said...

I did too Dana, I opened it but didn't click on the links inside. I figured it was a SPAM but figured I'd ask her when I saw her on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, you can ignore that...sorry.

glo said...

Stopping in to say Hi to all. I have officially started my spring cleaning. Hoping the weather gets the hint.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo with these gust of winds here is spring cleaning:

Open all windows
Open all doors

Run real fast and hide in a closet....after all noise quiets down look out and see what is left.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I want that video so bad to save. Don't know how to save it. The one of the chick taken from the Stadium???

wvgal_dana said...

Our nest trying to move those big sticks out of the way.

hedgie said...

Good afternoon. I am back on board! Lots of catching up to do!
Wind is still fierce.
Made it to the grocery store and back and everything is put away. We've had lunch....and I hope that Mai is ready for a nap!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana...maybe the American Eagle Foundation has it on their website??

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Paula I will check that out.

On there it says "email video" I did but it comes into email and is blank??

Mema Jo said...

Taking a lunch break..

Keep your eye on BWE - Fish is there waiting for that 1st little bobble head

I wish they would move some more of those sticks in our nest away from the egg cup!


Mema Jo said...

** hint Dana - When the article and video were up - I saved it by bookmarking it! Works!

Welcome Lynn ! I'm probably going to blow away when I go to Mass at 5:00..
Don't worry because if I go then Hubby
goes right along with me because I am hanging on to his arm! lol

Costume Lady said...

Welcome back, Lynn:)

DANA, try to email that video to yourself or save it to a folder.

hedgie said...

Lost a tree during the night. It was dead, and Charlie was going to take it down soon. So now all he has to do is cut it up! And, luckily, it missed the fence!

Donnie said...

Dana, Ipads and Iphone can't use adobes flash player. I found a web browser that can convert the flash into a file that the Ipad can open and play. it cost $5.00 and is called SKYFIRE. It's a good browser. i might use it for everything instead of the Safari.

Lynne2 said...

wind gust map, you can zoom in and out and click on the arrows


wvgal_dana said...

Donnie for an ipad do you still need a connection like; comcast, or cable?

Donnie said...

I have the Wi-Fi connection for when I'm home or any wi-fi hot spot. Then I pay 15.00 for the 3G service. Thats like connecting using the cell phone towers. I have a friend who dinnt get the 3G option and she really wishes she got it now. There are so many times when your on the road and places where Wi-Fi is not available.

hedgie said...

Decorah nest cam looks like ours twin! Haven't looked at it in along time. v They have someone there today zooming? Wonder what/who the location owner/sponsor is?

hedgie said...

Poor BEagle-----smashed fingers and a cold/sinus mess.....get betteer fast! How is the new job going???

wvgal_dana said...

So Donnie something like you have what would it cost me a month?

paula eagleholic said...

Got a reply from OUtdoor on the sound...NCTC issue.

Costume Lady said...

I can't get the Lily-Hope cam...anyone else have that problem?

Costume Lady said...

Paula, may be due to he wind...hope someone is there today to fix it!

hedgie said...

No spamail here from Paula!
But did have two things in spam that I open all the time and access often. DUH!

No sign of nay birds here....poor things would be dashed into tree trunks, buildings, etc. if they tried. So no bird count for me.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll at BWE...couldn't see a thing!

The Eagle Festival at BW is March 12th

Mema Jo said...

My Lily Hope Den Cam came right up!

Try this link to Den cam

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jo. Got it:) Want to listen to cubs, etc. while I sit here and do taxes.

Mema Jo said...

Well it looks like Hope is cubbie sitting for a while. They have their
motors going!

Costume Lady said...

Lily is either eating ice or chewing on the camera!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Having a very sloooooooow day here. Ankle is not happy.

Prozac -- friend had to give that to her parrot because the bird had been neglected and kept pulling all its feathers out. It worked.

BEagle, hope you feel better quickly.

Off to check the videos, pictures, etc. Our nest looks pretty but the wind is really fierce there as it is here.

Lynn, glad the tree missed doing any property damage.

Costume Lady said...

I think it so precious the way Hope plays with and gives the cubs a spit bath:)

Mema Jo said...

There is some action in Ted & Lucky's

Mema Jo said...

Den Chat someone said that the den was
quiet - another replied that Perhaps Hope took the cubs in a stroller for a walk!

Lynne2 said...

from BWE
The father eagle has brought a fish, which is a very good sign that something is happening with the first of our 3 eggs. We should see our first chick appear before the end of the weekend. We're expecting high winds, so the mother eagle might keep the eggs closely covered.

hedgie said...

Lynne, how old is Daisy? Didn't realize you were having these issues. :( How long will it take for th eProzac to kick in so you know if it's working or not?

Lynne2 said...

awww, the National Christmas Tree has blown down.

hedgie said...

Mai is neighing like a horse in her sleep----kind of; it's more like a soft bark, but her face is "blowing" the way a horses' does when it neighs. Funny....and weird. Body is quivering, too.

Mema Jo said...

Steven Chase on FB............
Brush fire right up the street....wind is really howling.

Donnie said...

I had to look and make sure what I'm paying now. I started off with 2GB of data for 30 days for $25.00. I never even got close to that much usage so I cut it back to tyhe 250MB data for $14.99 for 30 days. Do you have a wi-fi network at the house? They are easy to hook up and you can pick up a wireless router for 30 to 50 bucks. Then your cell phone can use the network also.

Judie said...

Wanda, I distinctly heard Jayden say "eagle" and I cannot believe how much he sounds like the Thanks so much for the videos. Almost like being there.

Ted & Lucky were sleeping when I checked a while ago and Hope and the cubs were very busy crawling all over Lily.

Did not get a phone call this a.m. so guess I didn't win the naming contest -- maybe they will show up like Publisher's Clearinghouse and surprise me.

Okay, headed back across the hall to elevate my fooot. BBL

Sorry about the National Christmas tree -- maybe funding was cut in the budget last night.

Lynne2 said...

It's Puddles, Lynn. (although Daisy is on anxiety meds too, Clomipramide, but is doing well and we are weaning her dose down in the hopes of getting her off soon). We don't have any idea how old she really is, but the vet guestimates her at 5 or 6. IF the Prozac will work, we should know in about 2 weeks for sure. Daisy has a lot of stress...she was tearing up her bed, Puddy's bed, our socks, towels, a couple of CDs and magazines, etc. But she is doing much better now. She'll still grab stuff, but usually she just sleeps with them now! But Puddles has just gotten SO frantic. She has also started barking for no apparent reason, along with the OCD digging and mud eating. Long talk with the vet and research on behavior and we decided to try these measures.....MTBR.....we are taking them out to play now in the wind!

Mema Jo said...

Have you seen the new MAC Donald commercial for their lathe.. the
couple with the identical table
tapping motions. I had seen the video of the same actions and now I can't find it. Anyone??? Help !

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you just cracked me up!!!
Funding - Nat'l tree........
Next year No Balls or Tinsel for sure.
Unless some tinsel blows in from nowhere. lol

wvgal_dana said...

No Donnie no wi-fi at my place. This information has been very interesting how you are getting to see the webcams.

Donnie said...

the pad itself is a bit salty! They come in a 8gb, 16gb and a 32 gb memory. I bought the big one . Most prople can get by with the medium one. I fyou donn't have tons of music with your ipod, you can make the small one work out good. The games take up a good amout of space. Photos are big these days and also eat up memory. the photos you can pull off and on the pad with ease using I tunes.
I tell ya.... i love this thing I never leave the house without it. It has maps with GPS. it's not a turn by turn but it does gove you written directions and follows you on the route.. Ipod, email, games, calenders, everything but the phone and camera.

I should sell these things!

hedgie said...

Isn't that sad, Lynne? I remember when they planted it. Unfortunately, pines do have weak root systems. As do palm trees.

Donnie said...

there is a browser called skyfire. I'm not sure how it converts the videos but it works out ok. It's frozen up a few times but its a lot better then not being able to watch at all.

Donnie said...

WOW thats a big gust of wind here at the house....

paula eagleholic said...

I thought the National christmas tree was put up every year?

wvgal_dana said...

Just put on facebook "Our first eaglet of the 2011 Blackwater Eagle Cam season is here!"

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said... they have a pic?

NatureNut said...

For the umpteenth time, will try to say Happy Blustery Sat. to everyone. Powwer was out for about 3 hrs. this AM & now it comes & usually goes when I try to write something!!!
Been working outside cleaning beds. OK if you anchor your trash bag w/a rock! Also cleaned muddy car, water & seed for birds.There's a big bird count this weekend, but don't know if I'll participate because we are now getting bombarded w/grackles!!!
Later ☺ ~~~~~

paula eagleholic said...

They have 4 pics at BW site....little rascal been hatching since 11am

wvgal_dana said...

They have it on fb a couple of them showing chick out partly out of egg and then out of egg.

paula eagleholic said...

And it just peeked out at 14:!4...we all missed that one!

wvgal_dana said...

It is also on the BWE page W have our first chick of 2011 and click place.

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you for alerting us, Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

What is on the BWE site is same thing (Pictures) as on fb.

movin said...

Boy, that new BWE chick just demolished the sides of her egg. She had holes pecked out everywhere.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

That's OK, Lowreeda....Lynne counted those grackles already ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Tee hee got me because I have been watching for that little stinker. I didn't see these pics. Glad someone else did.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo for Lisa and Lady & Lord BW
Eggciting to say the least.

My question is "Who ate that fish that was there earlier" I thought it was for the newly hatched but maybe it was for the Lady.

NatureNut said...

HOORAY FOR BWE!!! A Chicklet!

Jo, if they have no Federal Xmas tree decorations, perhaps our/Ceil's traveling garland will help!!

NatureNut said...

I'm gonna keep writing 'til power is gone! 2 hours ago there were lots of fire trucks going down our road and we could hear them on main road up the street. Hope it wasn't wildfire, but there were trucks from places I never heard of before!Quiet now & we never saw any smoke.Maybe something on news later---hope no injuries or bad damage.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sure lady BW ate that fish. You get hungry after watching you chick come into the world. (:

Loretta praying if it is a fire they get it under control.

NatureNut said...

Fubby took down the suet earlier because of grackles. Haven't seen any for awhile. Might do my count tomorrow. They were pretty~~~all had blue heads~~were black, tho, not bronzed.
Power checker~~~Binky, the techie cat, was sitting for quite awhile on cabinet top w/fax machine. Every time elec. returns, machine cranks up & shoots out a little roll of paper. She loves it!She used to step on a button that would activate it!

paula eagleholic said...

You can see the eggshell now at BWE

Costume Lady said...

Fish is sitting there untouched.

wvgal_dana said...

I see the fish now..had the window made small.

hedgie said...

WHooHoo! Congrats to BWE!!! Egg shell looks almost whole!

wvgal_dana said...

Says the worse winds are to come around 5pm. :(

hedgie said...

Paula, Capitol tree is brought in annually. Tree on the Elipse has been permanent for many years.

paula eagleholic said...

Must have been the shadows or sunshine...the whole fish is still there at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Lynn, thanks for the explanation! Didn't realize there were 2.

hedgie said...

Planted in 1978 at age 15, 30 ft. tall.

hedgie said...

From IWF:
Looks like the West End camera feed got knocked out in the storm last night. Hopefully the wind just knocked one or more of the six antennas out of alignment. We have to give the roads 2-3 days to dry out before we can search for the problem, so it will be Tuesday at the earliest. If it rains more, it could be down for a week or more.

Mema Jo said...

The shadows on the fish made it look like a leaf not like the first time I saw the fish......

Mema Jo said...

BBILW - getting ready for Mass.....

Mema Jo said...

I have a feeling that 911 is busy with
brush fires..... The one near Steve is controled but now he mentions another
one up on Paris Mountain.

Mema Jo said...

Be back soon unless I blow away

hedgie said...

Rocks in your pockets, Jo!!!! And hold onto Ed!

T-Bird said...

Hello eagle momsters and dadsters. I would like to ask for some prayers. If I know anything about my eagle momster and dadster family it is how powerful prayer is!! My nephew, my twin brother's son, tried to commit suicide. Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

You have our prayers, Tbird.

Costume Lady said...

Thelma, take the young man under your wing and try to help him through whatever his problem is. Hope he lives in Bedford.
Hope the Lord look after him and shows him that life is worth living♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thelma prayers for your nephew and you and the family.

Does he live close to you?

hedgie said...

Oh, sorry to hear that. What a tragic thing.....most definitely praying for him and all of his family, including you. How young a kid is he?

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you nephew, T-Bird.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, hold on there, Jo. Really windy here, too.

Lynne2 said...

I think I just saw a cow blow past the window....

stronghunter said...

Blew by here, too, Lynne. I think it was the same one that showed up in the movie Twister. Poor cow!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

I know Shirley! That poor cow has been flying around in the wind for YEARS!

stronghunter said...

My warning alarm went off here to warn of high winds, but by then I had already retrieved the trash can and secured the front porch furniture. I also brought the bird feeder in closer and hung it on the back porch.

Lynne2 said...

parent covering him again.

hedgie said...

Just captured a good shot of the BWE eaglet. Putting it on my Lair!

Lynne2 said...

LOL! I had to chase the recycle AGAIN, and my top of one of the bird feeders keeps blowing off!

Serious brush fires in Laurel, 95 shut down at 198 and in Crofton as well, 100 acres there, and buildings involved. Power outages at 5 water pumping stations in Balto Co, many without water, others urged to use sparingly.

hedgie said...

OK, it's on there!!! :)

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. I did not get there quickly enough to see the little one.

hedgie said...

I sent it to Lisa!

Lynne2 said...

Maryland Raised Whooping Cranes released in Louisiana

Shows how they raise them, if you have never seen how it's's pretty cool!

Lynne2 said...

good pic Lynn! Can't wait to see our own little Bobble Heads!

Lynne2 said...

just caught a very fast glimpse of both parent there in the nest!

Lynne2 said...

there was a cute Hallmark movie on over the Holidays called The National Tree.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of flying cows: I just let two basset hounds outdoors. It is a good thing they are attached to the house because with those big ears, they are likely to go flying, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

The wind is finally dying down here...thank goodness!

OUr nest is kinda dark~

Picked up the wicker stuff and stowed it at work for now.

Glad I grilled last's a little chilly ou there...chicken wings tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice article on the cranes. I think Patuxent raises them for Operation Migration, too.

floralgirl said...

Looks like both adults in the nest. hard to see without moon, but definitely one up on side of nest.

floralgirl said...

Yes, definitely both in nest. One still on eggs, and Lib I guess in nest behind Belle.

magpie said...

You have good eyes and a good computer Megan...I am watching for the Moon to start peeking up should be anytime but it's going to be awhile before it rises high enough to help

Hello Saturday Eagle Pals


paula eagleholic said...

both in our nest

floralgirl said...

I couldn't tell for sure at first, Lib is on right side of nest now.

floralgirl said...

He may have just flown

paula eagleholic said...

Second one just went up in the tree

magpie said...

definitely taking your word for it Paula..I have Big Black Square with a tee tiny speck of white

yay on the furniture !

stronghunter said...

I can't see anything but blackness at our nest.

magpie said...

If you check back on here
You have my prayers for your nephew, and all the family
(( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

intersesting piece of flying debris here:
a box top from a game:
"The Talking, Feeling, and Doing Game - a Psychotherapeutic Game for Children."
copyright 1973

magpie said...

Excellent picture Lynn of Baby Blackwater !!!

magpie said...

Has anyone seen JO flying past ??
or maybe even Jo AND Ed ??

☺ will be happy to know when she is back in the roost

Wanda - thanks for putting the message on about Lynn's and my internet this morning

magpie said...

egg tending at TH

magpie said...

THINK it is K81

BEagle said...

I didn't realize the day after the full moon would be pitch.

I can barely see Belle's white feathers.

magpie said...

it takes awhile for it to get high enough to give light....

I can't see it even out yet here BEagle

guess it could be stuck behind clouds but plenty of stars out

magpie said...

one worried magpie here
there are FOUR extra cars in the parking lot....
music is going...

think it might be Saturday night party night for the upstairs people :(
will wait and see how all this goes....

floralgirl said...

It's really cloudy here, no moon showing right now.

Mema Jo said...

We just flew in...... Take a cement block with you if you go out! lol
I hope the basset hounds are back in the house.

No moon shinning out there over our valley.

Lynn Fantastic pic of BWE little bobble head.

magpie said...

Moon is on the Rise !!!


Hi Jo - glad you made it back OK

magpie said...

It's big and round and beautiful !

BEagle said...

I got this copy and paste from the AEF website if it helps.

magpie said...

I was afraid it had gotten blown away

BEagle said...


magpie said...

nest already has more light ☺

BEagle said...

Yay for the moon. Belle is moving around. Egg rolling.

BEagle said...

Of course, prayers are going up for T-Bird's nephew.

floralgirl said...

Yep, finally peeked over the horizon here, it's a beauty.

magpie said...

oh man
It is noisy upstairs.
either the 3 yoa is jumping around, or the adults - or both -
I know there is going to be some kid noise....but the rest???

Big :(

I need to get out in the country

ttfn xoxo

Best wishes for a good night everyone - see (some of) you before I go to work at midnight

hedgie said...

Moon is BEAUTIFUL again!!!

Great story, Lynne!

GLad the bassetts are tethered, Shirley!

hedgie said...

My cam is not good, either, Margy. Tilking doesn't help.

hedgie said...

Margy, I think one of Chick Walburn's houses is empty.....don't know who's handling them since he's the white one left on 9 just before you get to Paul Payne's Christmas Tree Farm.
Looks MT again.

hedgie said...

Sorry that there is so much noise. Do you have ear plugs for this evening? Or are you going to knock on the door????

Mema Jo said...

Yes, the clouds BLEW away
Temps are dropping

Headed in to watch TV...

Margy - don't know which way to advise in order to get the noise down. IF you plan on going upstairs - do it now before they really get into their partying or get your ear plugs and hide under the pillows. Hope you get some rest!

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps when you get to work Margy, you could call 911 and complain about the noise level and let the officer
knock on the door.

magpie said...

Thanks friends for the advice and concern...
I am done my sleeping for tonight...think it would be fair to see what the pattern seems to be for another couple of days....
maybe this is a house-warming party -
I can speak with them politely about how things work here...
we do have a good conduct statement in the lease, or at least MINE has it

magpie said...

And Thank goodness they are not directly above my 82 yoa widow neighbor
they are directly across from my cooking neighbor though....this is "4-plex" - two up, two down

magpie said...

Headed for the split in less than 5 comments...don't get lost....

Judie said...

Well, Jo, maybe there will be a shiny garland on half a Christmas tree -- half is all that can be afforded and the garland would be free. National Christmas tree was planted about 30 years ago. The other tree, from WV in the past 3 or 4 years, is the one that goes into the White House.

Oh my, need to check out BWE. Congratulations on their first eaglet's arrival.

Margy, interesting testing item. 1873 -- may have been used to diagnose the now adults. Hope it isn't indicative of the source of noise from above you. GET THE COP!

Well, here we go. Flying Bassett hounds attached to a house with, no doubt, a shiny garland.

Glad you have the wicker furniture Paula.

Glad you and Mr. Mema Jo are home safe.

Thelma, I am so very sorry about the nephew. Prayers for him, you, and all the family.

It seems the sandperson is calling me so I will check some nests before heading to bed. Having lunch tomorrow with a gal pal from the ever exciting world of Interpol.

Will be turning my light out soon but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, taking pups out into the windy night, or coming in from the water-logged CA coast.

Pleasant dreams.

hedgie said...

Judie, does your Interpol pal talk shop??? Cool if so!!!
I am not getting your test question.....think I'm losing something there.

Let's hope flapping siding doesn't send Shirley's house in to orbit!!

magpie said...

I posted about a game box top
dated 1973 - (think Judie typoed with 1873)
post at 7:36 pm maybe that is a clue ?? about test question

magpie said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...