Saturday, February 19, 2011


New thread.  Wind has already blown the power off twice this am.

Channel 25 had coverage on the eagles last night.  See it here.


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magpie said...

music has quieted down...

I have a bigger dilemma
My very disorganized/organized zip lock bag with Momsters/Dadsters addresses, including printed lists, envelopes, scraps of papers and MISSING !
I have searched here everywhere, might find it at work...can reconstruct most of it, but still....

hedgie said...

I'm going down for my bath...BBIALW!

hedgie said...

Margy, did you check the Blazer????

hedgie said...

LOL.....that DOES it make Judie's test more logical!!! Thanks, Margy!

magpie said...

not yet Lynn...will check that when I blow out the door for work in a bit...

Andy is on vacation leave tonight, just four of us on duty....Girl Power !!

back later before leave time


magpie said...

BEagle - sure hope you are feeling better.....

wonder how wvUSAsan's ski week-end is going? I think she was going to do that

hedgie said...

Yes she was, Margy......wonder if they ever shut down slopes because of wind??

stronghunter said...

George and I are sitting in the recliner waiting for my sheets to finish drying so I can make up my bed for the night. George is enjoying the quiet time. There is purring.

Sorry you had neighbor noise earlier, Margy.

stronghunter said...

I would think they might close down ski slopes because of wind, but I have never had the opportunity to find out something like that.

hedgie said...


stronghunter said...

We did once go to a ski resort in Ohio. We went on the toboggan and saw people skiing in bikinis in sub-zero temperatures, but we just spent a few hours there. Makes me cold to think about that trip.

Only other visit to a ski resort was in Utah in the summer where they had little wheeled carts that went down on tracks. I do not know what they are called, but it was fun.

So, I haven't had much experience at skiing.

magpie said...

Whoo boy what a neat Video on Wanda's Just for Fun

will have to check cubbies later....

upstairs pretty quiet, party over...think I will make up a welcoming package to take to them ...then if I have to talk about other things...well...might help....

Shirley, good to see you here tonight hope you have a restful sleep...and George also !

back in wee while before work time

hedgie said...

My , dear friends, saying my goodnights. At least if I go to sleep, I won't hear the stooooopid wind!! Stay safe, warm or cool, depending on your weather, and have a good night!
Glad you liked my capture of Baby Blackwater!
See you tomorrow. Prayers.

Costume Lady said...

Lily and cubs video is sweet. Who would have thought that we would be able to witness Bears...3 generations, playing and having bonding sessions...amazing!

I'm tired of waiting on the sandman...going to bed without him:)

I have Thelma's nephew in my thoughts right now and am praying that someone can get through to him and change his mind about living.

Mema Jo said...

I just finished watching a taped show
Now I just can't sit here very long as
I must head back the hall...

Good Night everyone
All nests look calm
Prayers for everyone
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Checking in here from soggy SoCal!
Boy, it was REALLY raining earlier this evening! Coming down sideways!
Emma is sleeping right now, but I'm not looking forward to having to take her out to potty when she does wake up! She officially has cabin fever today, too--too wet to take her for a long walk. We did Plan B and let her tear around in the house instead.
This morning Hubby and I went to the earliest showing of the movie "Unknown" with Liam Neeson--boy, it's a good one! A bit like "The Bourne Identity" and we really liked it!

magpie said...

NCTC eagle cam all nice and bright

time to leave
Prayers for each and every one of our needs, known, and unknown

God Bless Us, Every One xox ♥

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird should you look in on us Momsters, please know in your heart that I am praying for God to send him a sign to want to live and that help & support will be there for your nephew. (((hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

Have a good one, Margy:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Thelma, prayers for your nephew, for sure! Actually, for the whole family!

Lynne, I hope that Puddles and Daisy quit stressing and digging really soon! Wonder what caused Puddles to start that. Sounds like Daisy is improved, hope that trend continues!

BEagle, hope you feel better really soon!

Lynn, sorry to hear that you lost a tree, but REALLY glad it didn't land on you!

Judie, sorry your ankle is protesting today! Hope that improves quickly.

Margy, I'm glad the noise level at your place got better. Hope those folks will be considerate.

Well, can see an eagle with their head tucked in at our nest. Doesn't look windy there now. Was it really bad there earlier? Sixty mph sounds like one of our Santa Ana winds that we get pretty regularly lately. Sure not much fun at all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'd better try to get a bit of sleep before Emma wakes up. Prayers continuing for all needs. Judie, thanks for the night light. I'm making sure the porch light is on.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep snug and warm, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]
P.S.--Dana, did your neighbor ever find their dog? Still praying about that, too. G'night!

stronghunter said...

Loved the video of Jayden and the eagle canes, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head upstairs. I hope the winds will not blow the loose siding too much tonight. I put some tape on it, but it isn't doing much. I tried to push it back in place while hanging out the window, but that didn't work, either.

See you tomorrow. Brain has quit working.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home. Had a great day! Joseph's team won both of their games, we got some yard work done, and had a great steak dinner. Also, had a fun time playing with the boys.

Have been trying to catch up on the blog but keep falling asleep. Heading to the shower and then to bed. I am tired!!!

magpie said...

well, It's the Day
It's (almost) the Morning

Both Eagle Mamas presently still catching a few winks

well, I am talking about Lady Blackwater and Belle

magpie said...

we have been, in a word: BUSY!

Girl Power was needed, we've been going' at full tilt (tilk??) since we started our shift....

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day everyone...have to finish up here at work...

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Egg roll.

Cold outside this morning.

Lori O. said...

There's a new thread -- come on over!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...