Sunday, September 26, 2010


Mid week thread.


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

This thread will be used on 9/29/10

UNLESS a new Wednesday thread

comes through.

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Mema Jo!
Let me bring my last post over:

Hi, Gang,
Just got home from school about 15 minutes ago, and have been trying to catch up.

Does anyone remember the expression, "If it's Tuesday, it must be Belgium"? Still have a few minutes before we need to head on over to Wednesday.

It's noticeably cooler here tonight. Hope it gets cool enough to make our kitchen liveable. It hasn't gotten lower than 80 yet.
Felt SOOOO good to be in air conditioning for about 3 hours! If it's bad tomorrow, may hang out in the school library.

Found out today that Real Quiet, the 1998 Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner, died at age 15 yesterday. He fell in his paddock, and broke his neck on impact. What a bummer! Prayers for those who knew him.

Ms Bookworm said...

Uh-oh--I have a show to watch. May not make it back here, so will leave the porch light on for others coming in. (Except for stink bugs, that is!) Prayers have been said for everyone, including both Karens.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Hope everyone sleeps well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
God bless, and good night! Love all of you! :o]

Lynne2 said...

Andy, so glad it' cooler tonight for you! So sad about R. Q. I barely remember him...stopped following racing with any real interest long ago. (I am always interested in the Triple Crown times...just to make sure that Secretariat's records are not broken! LOL!)I got a real education about horse racing way back....and let's just say, not something I am a fan of. Just read the article regarding his death. Very sad.

Wanda, I was also wondering what kind of autumn colors we'd get. We have the same thing going on here as well. The dogwoods look good, but so much brown and already dead looking trees. We also have some that are almost leafless but they turned yellow first, about 2 weeks ago or so. Have to look up what kind they are. Maybe the rain this week will be enough and in time to save the ones that haven't started to change yet.

Lynne2 said...

Well, heading back to be again. Good night all!

Lynne2 said...

Had to come back to say that when I went upstairs, a little screech owl was singing right outside our bedroom window where the head of the bed is!! There is a big beechnut tree there. We had one last year either on Halloween or right before....they have the most adorable little sounds!

magpie said...

Good Wednesday Morning everyone.
Sounds so neat about the little screech owl, Lynne..
you have some great wildlife adventures!

waiting watching and listening for some Eagle Action at our nest
there is one perced on the platform at BWO


magpie said...

I hear the resident wren at NCTC

Dana, good investigative work yesterday after hearing those "shots" at the nest, all that was helpful to know
plus all the hunting dates review

magpie said...

Hello Eagle !!!

magpie said...

I think, it's Liberty.

Just putzing around the nest a little looking this way and that

magpie said...

and a Great Blue Heron at BWO !!

magpie said...


magpie said...

and out he goes, least for now

got lucky, got one pic

nice way to start the day

now time to get ready for work

Best wishes for a great day everyone


magpie said...

eagle back at BWO
GBH gone..
we know who rules that roost !

magpie said...

Oh I hope someone is awake

eagle is back at NCTC

Two at BWO

and I can't stay and watch!!

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

grr I just deleted my two threads here grrr

wvgal_dana said...

The first one I can't remember what all I posted.

So Good Wednesday morning to ALL. I do see on the other thread I am deleting from "Sissy has two Wednesday Am 7:15 and 7:16AM on there. She seen Liberty and Belle she says did a fly-by."
Praise God Granny Riffe is doing much better.

I think of June and Karen a lot these days. Prayers for both of them.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Beautiful sunny and cool here, 55 degrees. Enjoy it while you can...the rains are a comin'!
Current NWS Information

Lolly said...

Good morning! 45 this morning! Did not want to get out of bed! Wonderful! Going to eat a bite and then we are heading out. Wish us luck in finding Jack's grandmother.

Time to eat breakfast. Have a great day! Sun shine here but think we will be in rain tomorrow. Hope not!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, you have me sooo confused. What did you just say??

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, hope you have better luck at finding Grandma than we did finding Father Gene's GGrandfather...we even used a backhoe and dug up property. Never did find him:(

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I didn't mean to confuse anyone so I deleted that post lol

Where in the world did you use a backhoe and try to did up Gene's

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, you did WHAT?????

wvgal_dana said...

I finally found the rest of Tuesday post. So I am caught up now.

Paula I enlarged your avatar it is so cute. My eyes couldn't tell what is was. Love the kid playing
in leaves. Sure brings back kid memories. Even those with daughter. Us piling them up then running and jumping in there together and laughing.

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO Do not have a shovel or a digging planned.


Lynne2 said...

heading out to mow the field....

wvgal_dana said...

Boy I didn't want to go to this orthetics thing. Now I think I do with all this crazy stuff with threads.

I just read Lolly's post and thought she said "she was going to mow" LOL

It is Lynne2 that is going to mow.

I just knew Lolly wouldn't bring her lawn mower with her and Jack tee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Red.

I sent you a card for the right day tee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Only going to get in the mid to high 60's here with rain a com'n. Jacket time!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Kipps may get home confinement.....grrrrr That's funny "no alcohol" yea right they will be with him all the time to see he doesn't drink!!!! grrrrr

hedgie said...

Morning. On hold on conference call.....

hedgie said...

Wanda.....where did you all do this digging?????? ASsuming it was on private family property and not in a cemetery! I can picture it now! LOL!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK. Mower wouldn't start.

Just checked radar...I am thinking the rain is going to be starting much sooner than they predicted. Going to do some weeding now.

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL.


Still hot in So Cal, but I think it will top out around 90° today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I'm thinking the pair of eagles on the BWO nest now is the pair of BWE fame.

What do you think?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. I join the Wednesday thread only to find that Wanda and Gene are digging up graves. Lolly and Jack are also into grave hunting. Lynne2 has escaped mowing because the lawn mower is not working. Lynn is so popular she has a conference call. Dana is practicing the delete comment option. I missed the eagles and do not have a screech owl outside the window. Andy is still a hottie.

Well, I don't have anything exciting going on so I won't bore everyone. Going to work on tomorrow's lecture. BBL

Judie said...

Oh, I see Jim is still a hottie, also. Hi Jim.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Judie! It is actually very cool here this morning soon to be afternoon. I get caught up in newspaper, emails, Wed blog comments and checking out friends, kids and grandkids on FB. I have a very busy routine!

Here's the latest on the new set of lion cubs at the Nat'l Zoo.

Naba cub cam is back online! The lion keepers took the opportunity, while Naba was outside, to take a closer, longer look from the den doorway at the week-old cubs. Everything looks good! The cubs' first exam is planned for next week, so stay tuned for details.

Mema Jo said...

From FB: Beverly Crisco Riffe
Granny Riffe is being discharged back to the nursing home today. Prayer power !

hedgie said...

Well, we are all pre-qualified---letter should be faxed to realtor today. Hope that satifies her. Geesh----agents have gotten lazy; JMHO!

Judie said...

Good just into the afternoon, Mema Jo. Glad you are caught up. Very nice feeling when that happens. Thank you for the cub update. Sure wish those mamas would bring their babies into cam dens.

Lynn, congratulations on pre-approval. It's a pain but will make things go a whole lot faster when you find what you want. Good news for sure.

Have gotten a few things done this morning. Have an appt with cardiologist of Oct. 13. Also placed a few calls to some police officers. Have one retiring and need to get some good "roast" material lined up.
Now going to read a bit more for tomorrow but may decide to show a video of the UT clock tower shootings as another shooting occurred there yesterday -- relevant.

Really optimistic news about Mrs. Riffe. Prayer power for sure. Wishing her an easy transition and continued recovery.

Still only 65º here and looking a lot like rain.


Mema Jo said...

I guess that tomorrow will be wet and nasty. But one good thing is that the Stink Bugs won't be out!
I took so many of them in the house behind hanging pictures. They really are discussing.

hedgie said...

SIL's bro and step-uncle showed up. Golly---must be going to s--w or soemthing else unexpected! Chimney is cleaned....more stink bugs fell down than soot. No big surprise, huh? SO......if anyone has a fireplace (as opposed to my air-tight woodstove) they may be coming in to your homes that way.

Lolly said...

V I C T O R Y!!!!! Five cemeteries and we found it!!! We found his grandmothers grave and his great grandparents and an uncle. Also, another grave that we are not sure of the relation.

Then we talked with a lady at the church. She was raised in an old house on Painter Hill. The Painter homestead and his grandmother was a Painter. Whahooo! Also just down this country lane a Newland lives in the old Newland house. Well, guess what...Viola Painter married a Newland. Jack's grandfather, Pop.

Now we are going to the county courthouse to find some old records, but we are feeling good!!

Judie said...

OMG Lolly. Never imagined you would have such good luck and so quickly. Know you both, and especially Jack, must be very excited. Good luck with the courthouse records. Are you also planning to search church records? Especially nice as you didn't have to use a backhoe and shovels.

hedgie said...

Wonderful news, Lolly and Jack! How fortunate that it has all come together so quickly! Hope that the headstones were in good repair---as in legible! So many have eroded from weather aging that it makes a hunt almost impossible.....more so in small towns than in the more urban areas. Neglect is so evident in many. My ex did a service project for FFA when he was in high school---he cleaned up and beautified a small country plot near where is mother spent many of her childhood years. It is now totally overgrown again and if you didn't know there was a cemetery there you wouldn't know a cemetery was there.

hedgie said...

Had two bad finds today....when I got home yesterday, a big dead limb had come down on the garage ramp. Today I found that it had hit one of the coach lamps. SIL's bro managed to get it back on to the bracket, but the screw broke. And he found that my beautiful privacy fence that he installed last year has a broken end-post.....snapped off IN the evidence that it had been rammed or anything, so figure it must have been wind that caused it. That post is planted in 3 ft. deep in concrete. So now he has to get a new post, a bag of concrete---and dig, dig, dig. ARGH!

hedgie said...

Lynne, Donald also cleaned out the gutter on the sunroom, so do NOT fret!!!

hedgie said...

Rain has started.

stronghunter said...

A quick hello--I am having problems with my computer and may not be able to communicate with you for awhile. The technical people are ordering a part, and I hope that the problem will be fixed soon.

Right now, for some strange reason, the computer is working just fine, but I do not know if it will continue to do so.

Sounds like we are about to get a lot of rain. Kids are hoping that we get a day off for heavy rain and flooding.

About ready to head home.

stronghunter said...

Just looked at the weather map. Wow! I did not know we were about to get a tropical storm.

I am about to get on the road. I'll see you later.

Mema Jo said...

Sprinkles here - I guess it will get heavier.

Paying bills - what fun!

PA Nana said...

Lolly, I'm, so excited for you! I remember the feeling of finding Jim's Great father's gravesite.

Sorry. Hi everyone!! Genealogy gets me so excited!

bbl ... gotta catchup

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and Jack, that is great that one thing led to another in your search & you now have the information you need to pass down in your ancestry.

Didn't even think about the chimney, Lynn. Even though we have a cover I'm sure they could squeeze in......

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo...too bad their squeezing doesn't squirt their stuffings out and kill them!

Diann, I had told Lolly that if they ran into trouble to check out the GenWeb project----assuming that KY has one; I think most states do. But SO glad they didn't have to do that! I can just feel their excitement. Know how much so I was when I found some of my antecedents head stone pics on the internet!!

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, serious bus accident on I-270 northbound at Bethesda.....sure hope that Suz got an early start heading home today or she will be tied up for hours. 15 injuries, many serious. Bus apparently drove off the side of the skyramp. Prayers for all those people. No word on what kind of bus other than NOT a school bus. Whew.
I know Suz listens to traffic she'll get word of alternate routes if she isn't already caught in the standstill.
Prayers for all those people.

PA Nana said...

Lynn, genealogy was a favorite pastime of mine but my health got in the way and I stopped. You're right to recommend the GenWeb and how about the LDS?? LDS records online need to be verified but it can put you on the right path.

Maybe I need to get back to this hobby ... keep the mind active. See, it gets me going.

... more later

Lynne2 said...

Hello again,

Just back from my 6 month dental checkup. I have a cavity. Just what I need Cha CHING Cha Ching. First one in 2 years, I think. Those parts of my teeth that are still unfilled are just jealous. I take such good care of my teeth, too. UGH. It's so frustrating. I have a mouth full of fillings.

Lolly, that is such great news that you were able to find Granny's grave, and other family as well!

Glad the gutter got cleaned Lynnellen, but so sorry about the lamp and especially the broken fence post. Hope you don't have to wait too long to get it fixed. Glad you got your pre-qualification!

Shirley, I'm thinking maybe there is a possibility that they'll close schools in some areas. It would be a wise move. Better safe than sorry. Up to 4 inches, or more in some locations starting tonight and I'm sure there will be lots of flooding. Wish I could stay home tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

oh my gosh that's terrible about the bus accident. Prayers for sure.

What is GenWeb? I often think of doing some research of my dad's side of the family. has a fee.

hedgie said...

Excellent article about the NZ lions:
Lions, Oh My!

Lynne2 said...

Just saw the report of the bus crash on TV. They are saying they have heard of one possible death.

hedgie said...

Oh, dear....charter bus of parents and children...bus company from confirmed death, 2 criticals....

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for all involved in the accident.

Headed out to get Alexis for the evening.


Mema Jo said...

Incidentally: Mits is on the NZ Panda cams. She has two very good subjects.

hedgie said...

Diann---you have email!

hedgie said...

Oops, sorry Diann....was reading too fast. Ignore email. Lynne, YOU have email, too!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo, that is one lazy panda. Mits is probably falling asleep!!
Wonder if Mama is pining for Tai????

hedgie said...

I can't get Cam 2....go figure.

wvgal_dana said...

Back from Winchester- what a day.

Prayers for Mrs. Riffe's moving back to nursing home. So glad she is that well.

Hedgie sorry to hear of the storm damage from the other day. So glad it did NOT damage your sun room glass.

Sad to hear of the bus accident. Prayers for those involved.

Lolly I can feel you and Jack's excitement just flowing outwards!!! So happy !!! I just love it with Genealogy when stuff like this happens. It is even better than finding online. You being able to talk to people is the BEST way of finding things out about relatives.
I am just thrilled. Congratulation Lolly and Jack. Plus more to come with talking with people. So so happy for you two!!! ( :

I loved doing Genealogy but got to be too much lifting the deed books, birth, deaths and marriage books. Oh and Bless God the most beautiful Wills I have ever read. Were in old court houses. I have used online but I always get two
(2) confirms on what I would fine.

My daughter loved walking to find her gg grandfather and gg grandmother. That was on a farm. We had to (of course got permission) walk through the farm gate. Walk down around where the pigs used to be and the mud pond they wallowed in. Finally to another gate that led to a BIG Open Field. (A bull was in that field). The man said keep your back to that gate and look as far as the eye can see. When you spot some trees. Start walking toward them. My heavens it was a long walk but so worth it. The most beautiful old graveyard. That was kept up. Daughter did some stone rubbings and I plotted the whole graveyard out as a map on paper.

My most recent fine was this year. The house my Mother was born in. I actually got to take her inside. It was so beautiful inside--the old beams still showing. Had mortar in between beams now. When she was born there newspaper was between the beams. The ladder leading to the upstairs were the girls slept was still in place.

hedgie said...

That is so cool, Dana. Was it local?
I have been known to go knocking on doors before!
Oh yes, always confirm.....and always document, preferably with copies of anything you find!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Starting dinner.

Our adventure to the court house found their marriage certificate..1899. She died 10 years later at the age of 40. Hard to think of her as "Granny".

We bought some flowers and went back to the church. Did not talk to anyone else. We did look for the death certificate at the Health Dept. but they only went back to 1911. Jack had a question about her first name...guess we will never get that answer.

Lolly said...

Jack has hitched up the trailer. Did not want to do that in rain tomorrow morning. Heading now to NH.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly which one are you trying to find the "first"name for?

hedgie said...

Know that I've mentioned it before, but I found y'all at a most opportune time: I was so TOTALLY burned out from the genealogy, and you became my new passion....of course, thanks to Lib and Belle and the 3 amigos!!

wvgal_dana said...

I too Hedgie have knocked on many doors ( :

Yes she was born at White Hall, Va. They moved way over 26 times. When she was a kid.

Lolly said...

Jack's grandmother was Viola Painter. She married John Newland. Her first name was Ivy or Iva, we do not know which.

hedgie said...

OMG---Hilary Clinton looks worse than ever......

hedgie said...

Lolly, have you checked census records?

hedgie said...

White Hall has lots of old house, doesn't it, Dana?

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly do you know where she was born? Or where Newlins lived? There are Newlins in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia also.

Judie said...

Quick visit by Belle and Lib. Think Belle flew out and Lib is moving some leaves around. Hard to see now because Boris has been very busy.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry my spelling should have been Newland.

Mema Jo said...

I missed the news with Hilary Clinton
One day I just didn't believe it was her

Mema Jo said...

I missed the visitors because I am playing jewelry store with Alexis. She is having a blast with about 7 necklaces on and bracelets and all kinds of pieces that I had forgotten about.

hedgie said...

No Jeopardy tonight....politics pre-empted.

Mema Jo said...

Criminal Minds at 9:00 JJ leaves the show but I don't know under what circumstances.

Mema Jo said...

Wanted to tell you that Kris' hubby was out walking their dog on the road & he sighted the bear again. Ranger said he looked like a 2 or 3 yr old.

Judie said...

Lynn, so sorry about the damage around the house. Hope it is quickly repaired for very few $.

Shirley, hope you've had a safe drive home before all the rain arrives. Stay safe driving on those roads. Hope the computer keeps working.

Hi Lynne, sorry about the cavity. Good to get it taken care of early, though.

Hi Diann.

Tour bus on the fly over 270 spur. One dead (likely the driver who had a med. emergency.) Several with critical injury. Beltway backed up all the way to my area. I would get to the nearest exit, find a restaurant and a room to spend the night. Horrible mess.

Jo, happy Alexis time!

Dana, what a really awesome story about finding family history. I've considered looking but, sadly, I don't have enough information to really begin to know where to begin. Boxes of pictures but no names/dates, etc.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo tell Kris's hubby to be careful. Seeing the bear when walking the dog....please maybe he should carry aleast when walking the dog the SPRAY JACK HANA CARRIED.

PA Nana said...

I'm back briefly.

The new furnace is in the cellar and the old one is out. Don't know how they did it. The old one was laying in pieces in the yard when I looked out and I was going to ask Judie if they could hide it with your washer, but they took it with them. The new furnace is not hooked up and they hope to complete the job tomorrow.

They said they'd be here at 7 am. I'm still in REM sleep at that hour! Fortunately Jim is home tomorrow yet and he can let them in.

Prayers for all involved in that bus accident in MD. It was a York county bus company according to local news.

I'm off to watch tv - it's L&O night for 2 hrs. Have a good evening everyone.

Prayers for all needs/wants. Goodnight & God bless

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, missed your cavity post----ugh!!! Sorry you have to deal with that.
Are you babysitting tomorrow or volunteering?? Hope you can stay dry!

Jo, I think maybe JJ gets re-assigned....???? The witch probably will say she got too emotionally involved and didn't handle the negotiatin well.....what do you think?

Bet Alexis loves to play dress-up, doesn't she?

hedgie said...

LOLLY-----need more info about Viola....MAY have found her on the 1880 census.....would she have been about 10 then?

Lolly said...

Dinner is over. The weather is so beautiful that we ate outside at the picnic table and then sat in our chairs, finished our wine and enjoyed the evening. What a glorious day.

Lynn, Jack has checked the 1880 census records that are free but none of the others. He is thinking of paying the fee and doing so.

hedgie said... has her listed by all three names Ivy, Iva, Viola.....but 1880 census shows Viola.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I'll print and scan what I find tomorrow and email it to you if you want. My cousin and I already have a membership, so a lot of it is free for me.

hedgie said...

1870 census also shows Viola---6 mos. old. Does that age jive?

Lolly said...

Yes, she was born Nov. 5, 1869. Jack says thank you, but that adds to his confusion. What the____ was her first name. LOL


Lolly said...

Jack says, well, at least he is not the only one confused.

Lolly said...

She went by Viola and her marriage certificate says Viola.

Lolly said...

We do have his grandparents "write up" of their wedding in Brodhead. It is priceless.

hedgie said...

Rain fizzled......hasn't done anything for a few hours.....but I'm betting it will be here in full force before morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly believe me with Genealogy you will find in census and other places a lot of different spellings of the last name too.

For my maiden name I have over 18 spellings.

You can even find where in a family. Someone got mad at someone else in the family so they changed the spelling of the last name. I have a friend their name was O'Dell. Family troubles and a certain branch of the family dropped the O and it is just Dell.

It can get crazy so don't get to confused over the different first names...every one of them could be her. Just how the person doing the census wrote the name down in that year.

Remember those that came in at Ellis Island a lot couldn't speak English nor write. So the person writing their names down wrote them as they heard them. Cookus became Guckus even became Cook. Even worse in some cases.


hedgie said...

I'll look for birth certificate tomorrow, Lolly......very hard to find in the US back then, tho'. Scotland has so much better record- keeping since the kirk records contained all of that stuff.

Mema Jo said...

Headed into the TV Show at 9:00


Lolly said...

Lynn, we are just so excited with what we found today. What really amazes us is her tombstone. It looks like it was placed there yesterday. It is beautiful and is polished marble. Unbelievable! Her parents who died after her..their stone looked much older.

If you find anything, that would be great.

Had to laugh at your comment...I am related to some O'Dells. ☺ Understand and know about names. My maiden name is Hendrick. Had an uncle who changed his name to Hendrix. You get all kind of spellings,.

Judie said...

Hi Diann, if the furnace parts do not disappear, please let me know. I think they might make good friends for the deceased washer.

Lots of fun genealogy stuff tonight. Darth's family has several spellings due to language issues coming through Ellis Island.

Think I am going back to t.v. and then search for the sandperson. Turning my light off early but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, to the shower, or just stumbling in after a hard day. Prayers for Mrs. Riffe, Kailey, and especially Karen.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

I am waiting for my clothes to dry. Washer/dryer availability has changed drastically in this house. When I get home, they are running. When I get up in the morning, they are running. Tonight, Kathryn put my things in the washer with hers. Now I am drying them.

stronghunter said...

I told my students to do a rain dance tonight. I need a day off.

George would not join me on the recliner until everyone went away. Now it is just the two of us and Larry King. He is next to me on the recliner.

George needs some mommy time.

stronghunter said...

I had a really nice evening with the SAT kids last night.

I told them that I would score their essays if they want me to, but not if they don't. I think they all gave them to me.

One boy asked me for vocabulary lists to study. I told him I was sure I could find some. I have already found bunches.

And they thanked me at the end of class. I hope they all make wonderful scores on the SAT.

I think Judie would be happy to teach these kids.

stronghunter said...

I get to chaperone the homecoming dance Saturday night.

grannyblt said...

Evening folks.

Finally found the current thread. I dabbled in family tree things a few years ago.Then I discovered web cams !!!It is a subject you can work on for years. I went on a bus day trip this past summer and found out my seatmate is a very distant cousin. When you live in a small town you are either related to everyone, or you know someone who is so be careful what you say about people. LOL

BTW, thanks for the prayers and good wishes for my son. He is much improved. He'll need some surgery soon that should fix him up.

If anyone watches the Molly cam in CA, the owlets are leaving the box at night now.--so cute to watch.

stronghunter said...

Hi grannyblt!

Mema Jo said...

FB says: Steven Chase Home

Now be on the lookout for a Thursday
thread for 9/30/10

Whoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Grannyblt for the Owl info.
I have watched Molly for quite a while.

Mema Jo said...

Molly the Owl

stronghunter said...

Time to wind down the evening. I will see you later. Not sure what the computer will do tomorrow. Eventually, they will take it away to fix it.

Good night. God bless.

Mema Jo said...

Night Shirley and sleep well.
Don't forget to fold the clothes in the dryer......

Lolly said...

It has been a long day and I am tired. Going to shower, get comfy, and put my nose in my book.

Heading north and probably into rain tomorrow.

Talked with Laurel. She is gradually getting better.

Thanks all for celebrating with us today. (((Hugs)))

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! It's later than I thought...Got home late, nibbled a little & watched some crime TV! We like First 48, I think it's called --the real stuff.

How could I forget to mention yesterday that I saw an eagle flying down the River at Park? That's the 2nd time in a couple weeks. Of course having a little clear spot where the trees blew down helps!Wish I was outside more often there.

BTW, I may not see an answer til tomorrow, but when any of you watch Paula's videoes on her Eaglet Momster spot, are they UTubes??? I'm only getting a big square now w/tiny icon. Something is blocking them, but I don't know if it's the new anti-virus or what the techie cleaner-uppers did. I wish I knew which so I can call the correct # to India!!!!
What's funny is I can see any oold UTubes I saved in My Faves. Maybe it's Blogger!! LOL

How exciting for Lolly & Jack to find that info!!

Hope I'm not real late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RED!!!! Miss you on here.

hedgie said...

Loretta, yes--Paula's video is UTube.
Cool you are seeimg the eagle!!!!

NatureNut said...

To all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Off to see the news & will probably konk out in the chair---they are SO comfortable. So, if I don't return, Good Night and Prayers to all ☺

Mema Jo said...

I am having a very difficult time holding my eye lids open.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Shirley, you must be having lots of deja vu moments with all the kid activity in your house!!
Glad your SAT class was so successful. Homecoming dance---fun, fun, fun!

hedgie said...

Granny Lynne---so glad your son is feeling better. Momster prayers in action!

hedgie said...

Diann, I am so pulling for you that the rains don't cause flooding in your basement. They worked really fast getting the furnace installed! Great news.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of HOMECOMING, I posted a photo a while back on facebook of Dustin just before he went to his Homecoming dance...for those who don't have facebook, it is on Just For Fun.

hedgie said...

Bus driver did die. The group was on their way home from the Zoo nad the National Mall.

hedgie said...

They were a Catholic school group from Carlisle, PA.

Lynne2 said...

wow, I sure missed out on a lot of interesting things while I was babysitting tonight!

Lynne, glad your son is going to have surgery to fix things!

BEARS while walking dogs...I should be so lucky.

So much genealogy interesting things!

I am to be at Irvine tomorrow. Sorta wish I could stay home and out of what I am sure will be weather and traffic disaster. Have heard no school closing news. I sure wish they'd consider doing that.

Got to hit the rack. Prayers for all and stay safe tomorrow if you have to head out.

Lynnellen, saw email, haven't checked it out yet. Thanks for sending it!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound, had a great day off, even with the rain. Went to the beach where my Mom used to have her beachhouse with an old friend.

Saw the resident pair of eagles!! Whoo hoo!! Got a couple of pics to share tomorrow. Also saw a turtle, cormorants herons and seagulls.

Only a 10-15 minute delay getting home, still some backup from that horrific bus crash on 270.

hedgie said...

I think I remember seeing that, Wanda. I'll look on Just for Fun to make sure!

Well, still waiting for rain....anybody else around here have anything significant yet?

Heading for the tub as soon as weather report is over. Please cross fingers that Sears WILL show up tomorrow!!
Peaceful rest for all. Prayers for all needs.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry you had a rainy day at the Beach, Paula. My Karla and her Dubby (LOL) have been at OBX since Saturday and have only had two sunny days. They are relaxing because they have nothing else to do;)

Costume Lady said...

Also, posted Journal articles about Gene's G-Grandparents and the digging around for his G-Grandfather's body. It is a long and very interesting story. Won't bore you with that. I have many news articles about the on again and off again search for Nimrod.

Costume Lady said...

SORRY...posted on Wanda's Wishes:)

PA Nana said...

Wanda, never had to go that far but we knew what cemetery and approximate location of Jim's great grandfather gravesite. We had to really look around the grass that grew over the stones and viola! We located it and dug away the grass. Fortunately, one of Jim's 2nd or 3rd cousins was caretaker there and we called him to upright the stone and we gave him a civil war flag stand we got at the VA. He sent us pictures when completed. I have copies of his Civil War Pension records. Now, they are interesting to read.

Well, it's going to be a short night for me. Heading to my recliner.

Costume Lady said...

Well, how cool is THAT, Diann?!
So Jim's story had a happy ending, I like that:)

We still would like to continue digging for Nimrod's remains, but it is quite costly. Our S-I-L did some of the front end loader work with a borrowed machine, but had to give it back after the second day. The gentleman that owns the property where the dig took place told Gene that he could continue his search whenever he wanted to. Maybe someday...

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just got home from school about 1/2 hour ago, and have been catching up on today's blog.

Lolly & Jack, that's great that you found out so much information! That sort of search is not usually easy.

Lynn, sorry about the damage from the fallen limb! Hope repairs are quick and inexpensive!

Gosh, I had an English III exam tonight--a real toughie! Think I did pretty well on it, though. Actually thought about staying home from school because of a fever, but this teacher automatically takes off 10 points on make-up tests, so dragged myself to school. Did a LOT of sleeping earlier today. Had a 3-degree fever, so didn't feel like doing much. Feel a little better tonight, so hope a good night's sleep will help. Have a test in Transcription tomorrow. Will go in early in the day so I can finish and get on home. After I'm done with that, no classes until Tuesday! YAY!

Shirley, glad you were able to get some laundry done, and spend time with George.

Well, feeling very tired, and my eyes don't want to focus, so going to say goodnight. Leaving the porch light on. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Good Thursday Morning in a rainy Eagle Land.

I was hoping someone would be up.

I see Andy was last to be on at 1:27AM. Girl when do you sleep???

Today is Ed's birthday would have been 69. Did not think it would bother me as much. Stress has my sugar up to 315. I'll take pills (nerves) later and it should go down.

Have to run to Winchester to drs. again today. I'm so excited (not) I get the orthotics today-called temporaries. He said should last a long time because I don't do athletic sports. We'll see what pain it adds. Or maybe they are just the perfect thing.

magpie said...

Good Definitely Rainy Morning Eagle Pals

Dana..thinking of you; birthdays are always special days ♥ ♥
(( hugs ))

hope your trip to Winchester will be okay....wish you could postpone to a not-rainy day

glad to read of some Eagle sightings, Loretta and Paula...

getting ready for work here

thinking of all of you
with xx's and oo's

Lynne2 said...

Just a quick Hello this morning. We have 1 3/4 inches of rain so far. Didn't start till after I went to be some time. Flooding starting in some places. Accidents everywhere. Tornado watch. Winds of 40-50mph later. No child of mine would be going to school today (if I had any!)

Anyway, stay safe. Dana, good luck with the new foot accessories and please be careful! My prayers are with you today and (((HUGS))) on this very special day.

Costume Lady said...


It is 59° with a HEAVY RAIN here in Nestville.
School bus just went by, so I guess none of the creeks and rivers are out of their banks yet. Hope the waters don't rise too much, at least until the kiddies get back home!

DANA, I do hope those Orthodics help you and be careful driving to Winchester♥

Costume Lady said...

Hey, MARGY AND LYNNE...too much rain, huh??

magpie said...

getting the paddle boat loaded right now Wanda !

oh by the way I am wearing MY orthotics right now...

tttn, Prayers for safety with this deluge


magpie said...

I guess that would be ttFn

wvgal_dana said...

not a link
Lolly I have a friend his last name is spelt same as your maiden Hendrick. He was a friend of Ed's and mine. I have lost track of him. He used to live not too far away. Will have to track him down.

Lynne2 said...

Just found out Tony Curtis has died, Rest in Peace Tony!

Lynne2 said...

outta safe everyone!

wvgal_dana said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...