Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Fresh thread. 

We have the new HD camera, just waiting for the mount.  Hopefully it will be installed in the next few weeks.


Lolly said...

Wow! That is very exciting about the new cam! Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Will go call the others over!

hedgie said...

Excellent news!!! Will be anxious to see the changes.

hedgie said...

Wanda, that was a very inspirational story about Gene advising the couple! Way to go, Captain!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Lynn! Let me tell you about our rain!!! .6 yesterday when Jack emptied the gauge. This morning....drum roll, please...6.62 inches and it is still coming down!!!! Wow! Over 7 inches of rain! And it is to continue until tomorrow. Row Row Row your boat!

hedgie said...

Hope the new camera mount doesn't need duct/gorilla tape, or whatever they used before!

wvgal_dana said...

HoooWhooo HD thanks for the thread and the news Steve.

Thanks Lolly for calling us over.

Good Morning in Eagle Land to ALL.

Well Diann and Lynne2 caught sight of our eagle last night. So our eyes while she is on daylight shift must be our sweet Margy.

Margy thank you for posting on your blog. On what a "sweet" sight
both Liberty and Belles was this AM ty for posting on your blog---easy to get to.

Sorry to hear about Sarah. I know the research team is truly saddened and heart broken. I will be glad when that area is "truly off limits to hunting"!!!!!!.

Mema Jo said...

I found you here on Wednesday - Steve thanks for the update - we have been wondering and now we know we are close to it happening!

Good Morning to all. A beautiful day out there! Thanks Margy for answering my question of yesterday evening when I asked 'I wonder if they come by early early morning too.' Now we know!
Awesome pics of our royal couple. In years past they had this routine of early early morning and then again at dusk. They are very regulated!

wvgal_dana said...

Diann I loved your comment "Marine Dad got to see his baby born". So many don't Sounds like he missed a birth before so it is good to hear he was there for this one (:

Lynn2 and Diann glad you got to see
our eagle last night.

Loretta nice Monarch chrysalis. I bet Lynn2 wished she had more like that. Nice and clear.

Judie and Shirley hope today is a better day for you both for school and students.

Wanda thanks we need a GOOD story like that.
You and Gene's work at the soup kitchen just hit a HIGH !! (:

hedgie said...

Good news presented by Daniel on his Panda cam FB page:

Twins born in Spain

Lolly said...

It really is exciting about the new cam! Can hardly wait to see WHAT we will see!

wvgal_dana said...

Earlier I had to go out and water plants. Also had some red lava rock I wanted to put around them.
After I got back in and was washing hands. Yes heck I good take a nice shower is this amount of time. Oh did that shower feel so GOOD (:

Judie said...

Good morning.

I begin this morning by offering my sympathy to Lynn rogers, Sue, all the bear researchers, fans, and supporters on the killing of Sarah bear.

Gave a lot of serious thought to the situation. I believe killing Sarah bear was an act of defiance. Turning in the collar anonymously was an "in your face" behavior. I believe this hunter is angry about having any restrictions. JMHO

Shirley, I know you are already at school but hope it will be a good one -- quiet and uneventful.

Lynn, sure feel Christie's frustration. Hope she can get the computer printer/scanner to play nice together.

Lowreeda, did the bad weather miss your dauther?

Wanda, you and Gene should feel so good about the couple at the soup kitchen. You two do good work.

Lynne and Diann, glad you got to see our royal pair. Serious nestoration time is far away. Yippee!

Hi Margy, have a quiet day.

Hi Andy. Fun to read the changes in your school comments. Seems you've gained so much confidence over the past year. Congratulations.

Lolly, very happy that Annie is doing so well. I know how that feels from personal experience. Good news about the rain, too.

Going to read the newspaper and finish my coffee.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread and the update on the HD cam. You are sooooooo appreciated.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, that was the best video I have seen of a panda birth. Up close and personal!

wvgal_dana said...

When we lived near Sharpsburg Battlefield. Antietam Manor we had a high long bank. He had planted brushes that would lay flat and grow to cover bank. He had mulch on it. I told him for us to take off the mulch and put the tan stone on the bank and around the plants. Boy did they ever take off. The stone held the moisture in better.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie great video and I know they are so excited about the births. I was saying, "Don't roll on the 2nd one please !!!"

Judie said...

Received an email from Chrissy. Still fighting infection from work on her broken tooth. She's been having a rough time. Been on liquid diet for several weeks.

Lolly said...

I am off. Going to get in my boat ☺ and head to Fort Worth. Time for blood work!

Have a great day! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Did you see in newspaper where investigators brought in an accelerant-sniffing canine and the dog indicated positive hits. At the barns that burnt.

hedgie said...

Judie, I agree with you 100% about the Sarah killer.
Yes, Dana, I saw that. But imagine that the "disturbing the evidence" will end up making it impossible to prosecute even if they could find who did something.

hedgie said...

Judie, haven't heard from Christie this AM, so hope that she got things figured out!

Just a reminder, folks: I HATE STINKBUGS!!! Think I just blew as many of them off the decks as I did leaves!

movin said...






Thanks to Steve and everybody
for the information and the new technology.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

We hope so, Jim!!! Good morning to you, too!

Two brush fires near hospital....very windy here.....

Mema Jo said...

Throughout the day you can check on

Lion and her 4 cubs

Elephant cam has been so-so. Isn't always pointed where you want to watch but you always get a view of the little ones and their mommas.

Did I tell you that I hate Stink Bugs Must have been 50 on my back door last evening trying to get into the house.

Mema Jo said...

I was looking at Margy's pics in the E_M album.... There is one of both eagles and Lib is checking out his favorite spot!

hedgie said...

Time for doggy pedicure. Hoping they will keep her for a few while I run to the store to get dogfood so I don't have to make two trips!
BBIALW--I hope!

Lolly said...

Well, that was wasted! Typed a book and then got the error. Did not save. Grrrr!

I tried to tell you that it was an interesting trip out. Water water everywhere! Rain let up on the west side of town and I saw a little blue sky. However, on the way home the bottom fell out! Traffic on the freeway was creeping and visibility was zero! Took the usual way home but had to turn around and take another route as water was over the road. We have had another inch of rain so now over 8 inches and there is more coming. Yikes!

hedgie said...

Back again the same day. All went well....except that when I walked back in vets' office, Miss Cinnamon was screaming her head off because she was closed up in the grooming room!! Think (hope) she probably just started when she saw me pull up in front of the window!

Lolly, got your waders on?? We'll take some of your water if you can send it this way.

Mema Jo said...

Going over to Post Office

Be Back in a hurry - Fed Ex is coming

hedgie said...

Hope Fed Ex is bringing you something really neat, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

They are bringing Hubby a NEW Dell laptop because the First one did not have a perfect monitor - lines in it.
IT'S A LONG STORY - first they sent the repairman and he replaced the monitor - few days later the lines were still there - sent another repairman and replaced the motherboard & the lines were still there. Dell replaced with another laptop BUT the packaging said REFURBISHED! Hubby was steaming because he had to go through lots and lots of phone calls & now a NEW one is coming... but we'll see!

Mema Jo said...

All four lion cubs can be seen.

hedgie said...

Well, shoot, that was rather rotten of Dell to send a refurbished puter. Hope this is right this time!

Still can't get the lion cub cam...:(

Lolly said...

Rain has stopped and the sun is out. Up to 81 and getting warm and terribly muggy. Have turned the AC back on.

Judie said...

Back for a quick visit.

Jo, sure hope the new lap top will be perfect. Sure is inconvenient when technology doesn't work. We've become so dependent.

Lynn, you have to know Cinnamon loves you. Glad you got things done without two trips. Have you tried going through the zoo web page for the lions?

Lolly, muggy is yukky but know you needed the rain. Plan to call friend in Houston later to see how they are doing.

Need to try to check out the live cam for our royal pair.
Got some school prep done today. Darth has meetings tonight so cooking is not required.

Judie said...

Interesting, when I copy my post and then publish, it seems to work. If I don't copy, the blog cop eats my words.

wvgal_dana said...

I can't the the cub cam up either Lynn-Hedgie.

hedgie said...

Judie, I've tried every which way but loose to get that lion cam to play!!! Same result on both computers. ARGH!

Mema Jo said...

Ok Here is a blue link to lion cubs
Not sure what the problem is that won't let you open..

Bath time for one cub now

Mema Jo said...

Out the door with Alexis to eat at Bob Evans - they may have a magician there......


PA Nana said...

Geez, now i KNOW HAT YOU ALL WERE TALKING ABOUT. sorry had caps lock on. I got the error 503
Of course I didn't save my post. Grrrr

Hi everyone. Now, trying to remember what I wrote. senior moment, sorry.

It's supper time, have to find something to cook. bbl

wvgal_dana said...

Diann I went to the cub link and hit back and got the 503 error for first time. Had to reboot.
No cub cam!!

PA Nana said...

Dana, just a guickie .. if you get the site and try to get the cam, I got a screen asking for my name and password. I closed (X) it and the cam was underneath.
Give that a try.

hedgie said...

Crows are visitng me....noisy bunch of birds! Also saw several chickadees this AM---they were making cute noise!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Watching the news. There is a lot of flooding in our area. Thank goodness we are high up and not near a creek!

Talk with my brother. His son in San Antonio (Talon's dad) was up during the night. They had 11 inches of rain. He was having to clear drains so their house would not flood.

This storm has really done it's damage to Texas.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, getting here a bit earlier than usual to say hello!

The exterminator came by today and sprayed the outside of the house and the tree trunks for spiders. He is a very nice young man who is an Iraq war veteran. (He can tell some pretty scary stories about camel spiders! They usually run on the OUTSIDE of your tent roof, but sometimes they are on the INSIDE--that's when it gets interesting,for sure!) He usually slept outside the tent, after one dropped on him!
I LIKE this fellow--he sprayed our front porch until it was DRIPPING with spray. When he came to the door to have me sign the form, TWO of those HUGE, tan, agressive spiders were on the wall. He went back to the truck and got the spray, and sprayed them. They ran TOWARD him, not away! He sprayed harder, and killed them, but was somewhat disconcerted--"GEEZ, they DO run toward you!" He said he would try to look them up online and identify them. He's coming back in 2 weeks to spray again. Says we have the WORST spider invasion he's ever seen!

Well, Hubby is home now, so need to go make dinner. Will be back after I get home from school tonight--pretty late. Have a good evening, and I'll be back tonight. :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks any how Diann I was able to find a way to get the cub cam. (:

Lolly said...

Ohhhh, so glad Lynn does not live there, Andy!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Andy sounds like the Iraq War Vet was under "attack". Bet he WILL find out what kind they are too!

Judie said...

Very windy at the royal palace. See Boris blowing around. Hope he has to throw up!

Judie said...

Andy, have a good night at school.

Yes, Lolly, Lynn should not live at Andy's house.

hedgie said...

Ugh! Sorry, Andy, if I come to LA, we'll meet someplace besides your house!!! Glad that your bug guy is an agressive vet!
Lolly, saw some of the pics on the news....bad. As are the Colorado fires.
Dana---how DID you get the lion cam to play?

Mema Jo said...

Ice Cream time for Alexis... She ate a very dinner so she got to pur the chocolate (almost half a bottle- lol)

Ok Folks - Fed Ex came and made delivery - hubby opened package - looked like it was going to be a new Laptop - HOWEVER, on the back of the case there was damage - cracked enough to pack it back up and send it back after going through numerous phone calls tomorrow I'm sure.

What did you said? It is what it is
He has a problem with that remark!
I would NOT want to be the DELL customer service person to answer his call!

stronghunter said...


I am watching the windy nest. Judie, I hope Boris blows overboard.

I was amused at the sub's report on my classes yesterday.

Block 2--Everything went smoothly. Class was fun to be with.

Block 3--Okay, but they were a little wound up.

Block 4--I think you know this already. Focus is not their thing. And . . . You got a new student in this class.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie the page that has that place to put name and email addy. I filled that out and bingo up came the cub cam.

wvgal_dana said...

I had closed out of the page and I just went into National Zoo. Looked live webcams shows lion cubs clicked on it and it now comes up for me since I filled in that thing. I'll put in my favorities now.

Judie said...

Jo, so sorry about the laptop. I also would not like to the be Dell service rep. Hope he gets someone that speaks English!

Shirley, students that focus? What a novel concept. Hope today was okay for you.

Andy, got to thinking how amusing it would be if your exterminator, a vet, actually ran from the spiders. Sure hope the spraying makes life a little less spidery.

Judie said...

Jo, I'm with Alexis. Can't get enough chocolate syrup. Hope you two had lots of fun together.

Judie said...

Jo, I'm with Alexis. Can't get enough chocolate syrup. Hope you two had fun together.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Joe sounds like Ed is really having a tough time of it!!! I feel so badly for him. I remember my laptop experience. His sounds even WORSE!

Judie said...

Four deer at PixPa.

Mema Jo said...

I had the live feed up and going great. I changed to a new site for just a minute and lost my Live Feed.
Spidey's web covered everything - no sense waiting for an eagle to be seen.

PA Nana said...

Guess our royal pair isn't going to make an appearance tonight and Jeopardy is over, so I'm off to watch some tv with the guys.

Have a good evening and blessings around.

God bless (hugs)

hedgie said...

Bye, Diann! Hope you are feeling better. Still getting therapy?
Oh, Jo, poor Ed. Can imagine how irritated he must be.
Dana, I've never seen a sign in page....will go looking!
Shirley, nice of your sub to give you a heads up!
Judie, you can have my share of choco syrup!

hedgie said...

Nope---no sign in stuff found. Send me the link that shows that, please, Dana!

Lolly said...

Have been preparing dinner and watching TV. It was VERY interesting. We were watching a live broadcast of a tornado developing over Dallas. It did a lot of damage in an idustrial area. Called Dallas and was glad Michael was home. They live in Preston Hallow just north of down town. The tornado was not that far away. He said he would call be back. Had some questions about Zach and Zach was there.

Today my Jacob turned 6!!! Can not believe it. His favorite present? Woody from Toy Story! I have Buzz Lightyear for him and will give it to him Saturday.

stronghunter said...

Watching a small tornado at airport in Dallas.

Now, they are showing damage.

stronghunter said...

We posted the tornado news at the same time, Lolly. I have been thinking of you.

Lolly said...

Shirley, just love the subs note. A new student in that class is not what you need. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to be home from the day from he**.......

That said...glad to hear the cam is ready to roll soon!

Watching a breezy MT nest.

stronghunter said...

There was one like that at Port Columbus (the airport in Columbus, Ohio) when we lived there. A white tornado. Not very big, and people ran out on the rooftop observatory to see it. The airport weatherman had a fit. Very dangerous.

stronghunter said...

You are so right, Lolly. And I think this one is trouble.

Lolly said...

Jack just said...the evening has belonged to Pete our weather man. No news...just weather.

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to little Jacob!
Lolly, hope everything is okay with Michael. LOL---weathermen are the same everywhere---they love the bad stuff!
Shirley, never heard the term white tornado....gotta look it up.

hedgie said...

LOL.....Ajax was called the White TOrnado! It is actually a tornado, viewed with the sun at the observer's back,that may appear gray or brilliant white. Tornadoes which occur near the time of sunset...

paula eagleholic said...

(*&%^^%&*^ 503 error!!

Of course I didn't copy...

Jo, thanks for the lion cub link, so cute.

Lynn, go to Jo's link to the cub cam. Scroll down the page. Over top the cam is a small box asking you to sign up for their emails...if you just click the x to close that box, the cam appears underneath.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda & Capt - great to hear about the couple.

Margy, thanks for posting the sighting this morning...glad you got to see them.

I told ya'll to be watching in the mornings, as I am no early riser!

stronghunter said...

I really have to stop for the night and head upstairs. So sleepy that my brain is scrambled. I will see you tomorrow.

Good night.

hedgie said...

Good night, Shirley. Peaceful sleep.

Paula, there is no little red X anyplace there when I bring it up from Jo's link---or any other way!
I already am a member....could that make a difference? Looked but found no place to sign in, either.

Lolly said...

Jack and I finished dinner and went for a walk around the yard. Looks like thunder storms to the north and to the south. We are not out of bad weather yet. Tornado alert just north of Laurel.
Wind has picked up a wee bit too. Definitly bad weather from sweet Hermine. (Sp?)

hedgie said...

Yep, Lolly, you spelled her right!
Stay safe!! Guess you don't have a basement to take cover in, do you?

hedgie said...

Error least it publishes my posts when it does that!

paula eagleholic said...

The cam is right under the picture of the tiger swimming.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, what are some of the things that you see when you click on Jo's blue link? That might help us to guide you to the cam.
That was awesome!!

hedgie said...

Oh, sorry if I mislead you....I have the just won't open!

hedgie said...

It WAS a remarkable birth video wasn't it, Wanda?!

Costume Lady said...

I think Judie may have hit the nail on the head with her thoughts on the SARA BEAR MURDERER!

Lolly, looks like you are going to have your SWAMP back...maybe Mr. Armadillo will drown;) Is everyone still welcoming the rain now, or cursing it? It will all be good in a few days.

I hope that Jo's Ed has good BLOOD PRESSURE because what he has been through with his laptops is surely making his BP rise! REFURBISHED?...How dare they?!!

Dana, I hadn't read about the dogs sniffing out accelerants at the fire scene. I'll have to check that out.

Stink Bugs: Underneath all the cushion on the chairs on my deck, are hundreds of those despicable creatures. I spray them every day and there are still many. I don't know where on earth they are coming from. They are also on my pepper plants and my peppers are strictly OFF LIMITS to ANY bug!! I need those peppers to get me through the winter, when they are $3.99 a pound in the stores! I get those off the plants by hand. Just drop them into soapy water...don't want to spray bug killer on plants.

hedgie said...

Save the Peppers!!!! KILL STINKBUGS!

paula eagleholic said...

Try amonia spray...or can drop into amonia better than bug spray.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe you need to update your plugins for your browser, Lynn. It runs on WMP

paula eagleholic said...

Don't you have windows 7 on your netbook? It should run on there.

paula eagleholic said...

Or maybe your security settings are too high on your browser.

paula eagleholic said...

Or maybe your security settings are too high on your browser.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday #6 to Lolly's grandson Jacob...
I hope that tornado turns tail and heads away from Laurel's

Glad your work day is over Paula!!

Good Evening Eagle Pals

and Good Night to those heading for the pillows...

magpie said...

I have gotten so accustomed to:

right clicking on my message content
hitting copy
then unhighliting
hitting review
hitting edit if I make too many boo boos
then hitting review again
then hitting publish....
workds kinda automatic now...

Costume Lady said...

Almost forgot, while I'm still in the garden...the Fall beans that we planted last month, have 1" beans on them now...despite Mr. Groundhog's best efforts to devour them:)

And Lynne, I have ONE red morning glory bloom today:) It's on my deck and I can guarantee you that the DEETS aren't coming up there!
Oh, never say never...but it's not likely.

magpie said...

works automatic that is,
ha ha, some proof-reader I am ...

that way if blogger cop or service error 503 strikes, I don't have to start all over...not that I have much to report these days anyway though

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Margy...good to have you with us tonight! How's James doing with his new school year? How's Margy doing with his new school year;)

magpie said...

I see that Judie can't get enough chocolate syrup
can't get enough chocolate syrup

I've had days where I feel like that!

Great, Jo had a day with little Miss Meatball...☺

Mema Jo said...

Margy - you have typed 'review' but
do you mean 'preview' ?

Lolly said...

Hi there Margy! Have not been on as the same time as you recently. Miss seeing you. Hugs!

No basement here. Would have to head to a closet. Dumb me..yesterday with the sirens going I finished unloading the car in the garage and then shut the garage door. Like that was going to protect me. Duh!

Teacher friends of mine were saying on facebook how much fun it was yesterday to duck and cover with classrooms full of children. NOT!!!

Judie said...

Back to say goodnight.

Lolly, you and Jack and family stay safe, please.

So sorry about all the stink bugs that seem to have no limit. Wish I could make them go away.

Shirley, sleep well. Have a good day tomorrow.

Paula, sure wish you a better day tomorrow, also.

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Checked the bear updates. Praying no news is good news.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or coming in from school. Pleasant dreams.

Judie said...

Back to say goodnight.

Lolly, you and Jack and family stay safe, please.

So sorry about all the stink bugs that seem to have no limit. Wish I could make them go away.

Shirley, sleep well. Have a good day tomorrow.

Paula, sure wish you a better day tomorrow, also.

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Checked the bear updates. Praying no news is good news.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or coming in from school. Pleasant dreams.

magpie said...

Thanks for asking, Wanda...
he seems to be enjoying things pretty well
this week he is working on making a kaleidoscope, one of MY favorite toys !

Costume Lady said...

Did I tell you all that I have 7 Monarch chrysalises? I was just looking at them this evening and I think I will have 4 butterflies tomorrow. I'll snap some pics of them...hope they all hatch at the same time...that would be neat!

magpie said...

A few nights ago,
James also had occasion to talk about his and my visit to the Soup Kitchen several weeks ago...he talked about that cake!
AND, the hot dogs...
it made a nice impression on him, believe me

He has re-named his guardian angel:
new name: GEORGE !! ☺

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Judie:)

Paula, tell me more about the amonia spray. Straight amonia or watered down?

magpie said...

Sure do mean PREVIEW not REVIEW Jo, thanks for catching that !!

magpie said...

Good Night Judie
Good Night Judie

xox xox ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Margy, James is so fortunate to have you for a Grandma. You have taken him to so many places and introduced him to so many things that he might not otherwise have seen and done, had it not been for you♥
Glad things are good for him now.

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda...he sure is a bright spot in my life


I would so much like to comment to all of you, my friends, on things you are reporting and going through...
but I am running out of time more and more often it seems....

You know that my prayers are with you and I share your sorrows and joys with you

AND, the night bandit has struck...

got to get ready to hit the sack, have a one-hour earlier start to my work day Thursday...
Take Care,
(( Give yourselves the hugs I would give you if I could....))

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

lol Margy - I just couldn't find the
review button!

Lolly - Happy Birthday to your Jacob.
I certainly hope the weather calms down in your area. Would love some rain up here but not as much as your area got all at one time.

hedgie said...

Paula, yes, I have Windows 7 on the laptop. Makes no sense to me that I can watch the panda cam at the zoo and not this one. I don't know anything about plug-ins.....

hedgie said...

Poor Margy! No time to chill! Do you have to go in early to make up for the hour this AM? That stinks! Can't you just get an hours' sick time for a drs. apptmt.?
Sleep tight to you and to Judie...and any others turning in now.

NatureNut said...

Good Night, Margy!!!
Sorry I probably missed a lot of people! Got home late and talked to the weaterlogged daughter in TX!She didn't have any problems, just 2 days of rain. Yesterday,many people were backed up for 2 or more hours on a highway near Austin,tho, not from the rain but a whole house being moved fell off of it's truck!!!!
Didn't see any wildlife at Chelsea office today, but hardly had time to look out---very busy.
Well got to finish dinner---took a break during phone call!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Poor Loretta! NO WILDLIFE! Not a good work day then. Glad all is well with your daughter. Boy, bet that moving outifit will pay dearly for that goof. WOuldn't that break your heart if it happened to a house that you wanted badly enough to have it moved?

hedgie said...

Bear update is up.

Close call

Costume Lady said...

Nite Margy, rest well:)

Costume Lady said...

I posted a photo of my 7 chrysalises and one that will hatch tomorrow...not very clear.

Mema Jo said...

It isn't even 11:00 news time yet but I really get a work out with my gal, Alexis. I am heading back the hallway

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I loves you everyone!

Costume Lady said...


I have posted a clearer picture of the chrysalis with the butterfly very visable will probably hatch early morning:)

Lolly said...

Watching the news and all the damage done today from the many tornadoes. Still in a tornado watch area. Also, all the flooding in the area is devastating.

hedgie said...

We loves you, too, Jo! Sleep tight! Don't let the stinkbugs in!

hedgie said...

Left a comment for you Wanda---I am in awe!

hedgie said...

Breeze this evening is coming out of the north and it's feeling a bit chilly. Down to low 50's tonight.
GOing to say my goodnights now, too. Talk to you all tomorrow. Prayers for safety from storms, tornados, floods, fires, bugs, etc. and from hunters for the MN bears. Peace.

hedgie said...


Sarah Bear

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, we had a bunch of stink bugs at Mom's, so I would pick them up with a tissue and put them in a bucket of amonia and water...and it would kill them...haven't tried it but I would think a 25% amonia and 75% water spray might be good for the ones outside...try it and see.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night everyone...pleasant dreams.

Hugs to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, nics pics on wild and wonderful. great pic of the chrysalis.

Lolly said...

Falling asleep, time to head to bed!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

PA Nana said...

Back to say goodnight. Prayers for all needs/wants and for those celebrating birthdays or mourning the loss of a family member or friend.

Tomorrow,♫ tomorrow,♫♪♫♪ will be a better day I pray.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I've made it home from school OK. Been a nerve-wracking evening. Called our oldest granddaughter, Jay, who lives and works in Dallas. She said it's been crazy there--a tornado touched down on the street behind her apartment--but she's OK, and so's her apartment, thank God! The sirens have been going off around her work tonight. They don't have anywhere to go to be safe except in the bathroom, and there are 8 people to fit in a rather small bathroom, so we're praying that they will be OK. A tornado touched down between Jay's home and her work, too, today. Just crazy! Our daughter, Jen, and family are OK. Nothing in the way of tornados near them so far--just crazy amounts of rain. They have a long, narrow closet under their stairs to hide out in, just in case of a tornado. Gosh, I (and they, too) would rather deal with an earthquake than a tornado, any day! Guess it's all a matter of what you're used to!

Lolly, sure hope you guys and your kids are all safe! Prayers for everyone, for sure!--and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jacob!

Well, on a happier note, sure can't wait to see the nest with a high-def cam! Thanks, Steve, for the update on that!

Shirley, hope your appt. today went well. Love the note from your sub!
Hope that you and Judie have a good day in school tomorrow.

Lynn, things should be much better here creepy critter-wise in a couple of weeks. We haven't had any really scary ones in the house, thank God! We keep all the windows and doors closed most of the time, just to be sure. After the guy sprays again with stronger spray, we should be doing much better outside. Anxious to find out what kind of freaks these are! Sounds like you guys are inundated with stink bugs! Prayers for that situation, too! :o[

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, if you are prompted to, please say a prayer for my English teacher--he had a TERRIBLE sore throat tonight. Poor guy teaches at 2 other colleges, too, so I'm sure he is not getting much rest. He's had a cold for 2 weeks now.

Margy, hope you're having sweet dreams while pillow surfing, and that you have a less grueling work schedule very soon! Thank you for the eagle picture!

Well, I'm getting kinda tired, so will turn the porch light on for others. Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on! Those coming in should be careful not to let any stink bugs in! Prayers have been said for everyone. Prayers for the bears, too, AND for Chrissy! Sure sorry she's having such a rough time of it! Feel better soon!

The eye-scanner security, and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s -
it's really hard to tell for sure but there appears to be an Eagle right smack in the middle of the Royal Nest...
with the spider web strands and all the pulsating movements it is pretty hard to tell but I think, it is so

magpie said...

also hear a little tap-tapping near the mic,
waiting to see some glowing eyes

OH yeah, now just heard an eagle call

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Hi Margy. Man, it is hard to see anything in that nest. It would be very nice if the new cam would be spidy-proof.

stronghunter said...

Wish I could stick around and watch longer.

Bye for now!

magpie said...

Sure is / was hard to tell, Shirley...
what I WAS seeing appears to be gone now...but I bet, one or both will return in a bit
got one picture which is very inconclusive..on the E-M Album...

magpie said...

time to scram

Best wishes for a good day...

Keep your early morning eyes on that nest !!


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land.

I see Shirley and Margy caught an Eagle in our nest early AM this morning. Good eyes Ladies!!!

Read above that Andy's comment about Chrissy. Prayers for her healing.

wvgal_dana said...

About Sarah's collor---that person was afraid they were going to loose their hunting license and be fined I bet.

movin said...



yOu aLL..


The leaves at Finney's site are turning, and I don't see any signs of Ospreys lately...season ended there??

By the way, there's a new comment on the Frodocam site if you're interested. Apparently, the pair has been seen at a specific building, and the expert is going to take a look.

Our live feed "snapped" into life (unusual) for me this morning, and I have a beautiful picture of the nest and the windblown foliage in the area.

Hopin you are havin a great week and will continue to.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi All! Still coughing, not getting much sleep. Heading to Irvine for as long as I can last. I figure I'm good for at least 3 hours today.

Lolly, OMG the glad you are OK. Waiting to hear from my Aunt in Dallas....

Wanda, congrats on the bloom at GGs and the monarchs!

FIRE DANGER again today. Several fires in Baltimore yesterday. Fueled by wind, citizens in uproar because of rolling firehouse closures due to budget cuts. SO INSANE. Saw similar thing in Detroit. Worse there.

Gotta run....Hope everyone has a great day! Sure is pretty out!

Lolly said...

Good morning! So far no more rain. We were pretty dry so our over 8 inches of rain have soaked in or run off. We are not a bog. Now, if this contiues we would become a bog!

Think I am going out to work for a while in the yard. Then I have baking to do. Sunday is the dessert auction at church. I am making a Praline crusted cheesecake like I have for the last couple of years. They sell well. Remember, I brought that to open house two years ago. Sorry, can not do that this year. Can not make it in the traler. Jack says he intends to buy it to freeze for Christmas. LOL

Then I have Jacob's birthday cake for the party Saturday. I will bake it today and decorate it tomorrow. I will be sure to get a picture of it to show you.

Costume Lady said...

This is going to be a fabulous day!
68° and sunny right now, going up to 78°...nearly perfect:)
I love September.

If you would like to check out my WILD AND WONDERFUL, I have two butterflies that hatched about 7am and another about 1 hour later. Two more are in the process of emerging. I never tire of watching these beauties come into our world:)

Lolly said...

Please excuse the typos! LOL Think I need to read my comments more carefully after typing them.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Wanda! Enjoyed your pictures, Butterfly Momma!

Lolly said...

Think I am finishing my coffee and then headed outside. Have one job I want to complete. Then baking here I come!

Have a great day! Enjoy your cooler weather. It is warm here and MUGGY!

hedgie said...

Morning all! Late appearance, as I was a bad girl. Slept until 9....and I hate how oversleeping makes me feel!!!
It was beautifully sunny when I got up, but has clouded over now......wish it would rain!

hedgie said...

So glad I recorded GMA so I can see Jack Hanna.

hedgie said...

Wow, did you know........the cheetah is the only cat in the world with non-retractable claws! Learn something new every day.

hedgie said...

Uh, Lolly.....tell Jack that it will save him a lot of money for you just to bake another chhesecake for him for Christmas than to bid on it at auction!!!!!

hedgie said...

Cool pics of the Monarch, Wanda!!!!

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to Yang Yang at Atlanta!! 13 yrs. old!

Mema Jo said...

Late morning for me too - I've been in emails, lion's den, elephant's pen, at an MT nest, at a butterfly's birthing and finally here to say
Good Morning Everyone.

It is a beautiful day even though the sun is out and then in and keeps on doing that.

Costume Lady said...

COME JOIN ME*****************

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...