Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Fresh thread.


Mema Jo said...

Judie Judie Where are you Judie?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the afternoon thread, Steve
Have there been any sightings of the adult eagles recently?

The elephants at the San Diego Zoo are
out and about -
Two Blackwater Osprey are on the platform -
Beautiful close up of osprey in CT nest

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Hi Jim.

Happy Birthday to Wanda and Karla♥

Got my do did and then delivered medical records to the office of the potentially new doctor(s). Very nice people. Very understanding. Records will be reviewed and then will call me for an appointment. Feeling a bit more optimistic about at least having some consistency with vascular care. I'll let you know as things progress.

Lynn, enjoy your new do.

Lolly, if you need to get your do did when you reach Shepherdstown area, try the Sheetz store.

Stupid armadillos. Like digging their own grave.

Dana, just heart a report about hummingbirds planning a serious attack on some orange silk flowers. What a trickster you are. It would be really nice for you and your mom to watch the Thunderbirds. Hope you will go.

Okay, there is a serous hostage-baracade situation at the Discovery Communications Bldg. in Silver Spring, MD. Full news coverage. Issues seem to be related to environmental/animal concerns. Has prior arrests and has been previously warned off the Discovery Bldg. Believes the world can do without humans. I wonder if any of my police students are there?

Need to read through notes for tomorrow's class. BBL

Judie said...

Oh, forgot my manners. Thank you, Steve. Have a nice afternoon.

Judie said...

I'm here, Jo. Just was still typing as I listened to the t.v. on the hostage situation -- got so involved I forgot the thank Steve.

Alexis should be there soon, yes? Are you two going out for dinner?


Mema Jo said...

I haven't decided if it is dinner out or chicken on our grill for this evening.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Judie for the call over.

Jo I have been wondering why the elephants don't get into that water. Lay down and get wet too????

Judie I am so glad for you that your records are now with a good group of drs. that will know how
to care for you (:

I do feel badly about the hummers going to those silk flowers. I've seen it happen several times today.
Makes me feel bad enough to go pull them on me
Hostage situation not good !

hedgie said...

Hello....I am home. My new do really is---lets just hope I can style it the same way!!

Ridiculous person holding the Discovery employees hostage....can't think of any media outlet that has done more to promote environmental issue than Discovery.

99° here----think that's the highest I've seen it this year!

hedgie said...

Thanks for that link, Dana----now I know what's wrong with my hemlocks. Saw that white stuff earlier in the summer.....and new growth HAS died off. ARGH!!

hedgie said...

This is turning out to be a rough week.....another retiree has passed, and adult children of two others. Hairdressers FIL is in hospital w/ possible cancerous tumor. And my SIL Charlie is being evaluated for possible Cushing's disease....lab results will determine next step---possible that there could be either an adrenal or pituitary tumor. Asking for prayers, please and thank you.

hedgie said...

Trying to diagnose problem with water softener.....McCann I am/was (maiden name) but NOT mechanical!!

Mema Jo said...

Charlie will have prayers for him.
Some days/weeks everything seems to
happen to shake your faith. BUT I will stand on the Rock....

Mema Jo said...

The elephants now are at that shallow hole and there is a small stream of water that they seem to get and blow up over themselves. I have seen them in the bigger pool splashing and pushing and playing like kids.

Judie said...

Uh, Lynn? I must have missed something. Are you trying to diagnose an illness using water softener? The hemlocks? Sorry, maybe still just tired. However, glad your new do really is a new do -- bet it looks great!

Jo, eiher going out or chicken on the grill sounds good -- I'll be right there.

Judie said...

opps, that should be "either"

Judie said...

Oh dear, my comment to Lynn didn't sound very nice. Lynn, your other do was just fine. I didn't think you really needed a new do. I'm sorry. Still too tired.

Mema Jo said...

Judie if you come up here expecting grilled chicken then you best bring a side dish because all I have are tomatoes to slice! Come on Up!

Mema Jo said...

Signing off for now
Be back later this evening.....

wvgal_dana said...

Your do sounds nice.

As far as Charlie he'll be and has been in my prayers. Don't know if you knew this or not. Dogs can get Cushing's disease. That is what our Brittany had.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

5 minutes break time.

Jo, I have been eating grilled chicken and tomatoes all week, it's a great combo. Enjoy your dinner, whatever you have.

Lynn, does take some patience and training with a new "do"

Judie, hope the new Dr's work out well for you.

That guy in the Discovery bldg sounds crazy!

If you're up early, you may catch Lib and Belle in the nest pre-dawn.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, hope everything turns out OK for Charlie.

Diann, hope BIL is doing OK

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
I think the blogger cop ate my comments. Will try again.

Have been very busy today.

Two new birdie visitors! A Scrub Jay, who scooted before I could get a picture, but who loves the sunflower seeds, AND a Black-headed Grosbeak--bright adult female! She LOVES the berry-flavored suet, and the seed feeder. Got her picture--my new avatar for today!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Judie and Lynn BOTH have new "dos"! Bet you're both beautimous! Judie, glad you got your med records delivered. Hope the new Drs. work out extremely well for you!

Hostage situation--yikes! Guess I'd better go turn on the TV!

Have to water plants first, though.
Will BBL--much later, after English class tonight. Have a good evening, you guys! :o]

hedgie said...

Perp is word as to whether shot by cops or if he detonated an explosive. There was some kind of explosion. All hostages fine. But area still locked down....not letting employees back in to get their pocketbooks, keys, etc.

Judie, I knew what you meant!!!
Andy, beautimous is going too far for me! I'll never be that!
Love the grosbeak!

Thanks for prayers. Yes, Dana, did know that dogs can get Cushings.

Grilled chicken sounds good..but dont have any! Have some breaded chicken strips.....that will work!

Judie said...

Rats, Jo. Can't make before dinner time. Will also be having sliced tomatoes. With pork chops, I think.

Hi Paula and Andy.

Hostage all gone now.

Judie said...

Just having a terrible time with manners today.

Lynn, am sending serious prayers for Charlie. Very difficult time for you. I care.

hedgie said...

Officers shot the guy! Good job!

wvgal_dana said...

Andy she is a pretty bird.

Glad hostages are all ok. News will be telling what happened to perk. Maybe blew himself up.

Why? Why? Why?

hedgie said...

LOL, did sound that way, didn't it??? My bad, as the kids say!

I didn't get much sleep last night...don't know why...brain working overtime, I guess! So guess I'm befuddled a bit....sorry!

hedgie said...

Guess this whole mess accounts for why there haven't been any Discovery posts on FB since this noontime!

wvgal_dana said...

On my comcast news page it says, "Police shot a man" upset with the Discovey Channel network's programming. He said it promoted overpopulation. Took 3 people hostage all escaped safely.
He had a handgun and canisers strapped to his body. An explosive device may have detonated. The suspect may have brought other devices into the building.

Lee previously protested outside the building, where he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct in February 2008, according to court records.

At one point, a crowd of more than 100 people gathered around Lee, 43, who referred to money as "just trash" and began throwing fistfuls of it into the air.

Police reports indicate he paid homeless people to join his protest and carry signs outside the building. He gave one individual $1,000 for what he considered a prize winning essay.

He said he was inspired by "Ishmael," a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn and by former Vice President Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."
After Lee's arrest, a magistrate ordered a doctor's evaluation, but court records do not immediately indicate the result. Lee was convicted by a jury and served two weeks in jail. He was also ordered to stay 500 feet away from Discovery headquarters.

And on and on saving planet, and remaining wildlife on it. "Whale Wars, and on and on.

Judie he's your guy or was.

wvgal_dana said...

I refilled with the rest of my hummingbird food the feeder. Going nuts at it. Funny thing is I had a whole container of it. Plus a bag never opened. Since I don't use it I gave the bag away. lol I have to go buy a bag so I can make more food. LOL Never thought of my hummers back then.

hedgie said...

Do you mean sugar, Dana?

wvgal_dana said...

Osprey at BW all alone.

One osprey in nest at Finland nest on land.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn it would have been nice if someplace in that comment I said "sugar". Oooppsss

wvgal_dana said...

Osprey is at nest at Washington State

wvgal_dana said...

Wouldn't that be beautiful at Washington State. If the cam was live and they could zoom in and out. WOW!

hedgie said...

Carolyn got to talk on the radio today! Of course, it was while I was gone.
Didn't hear from Christie last night....hoping she will call this evening.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Back for a bit--Hubby got home from work, but now has gone to get a haircut. Gee, must be "do did" day!
Have a few minutes to talk, so here I am!

Glad the hostage situation turned out OK for the hostages! What gets into folks lately, anyhow?!

Have seen one of our Eurasian Collared Doves this afternoon, too!
Must be bird day here!

Ms Bookworm said...

Heartfelt prayers being said for Charlie!

Lynn, whaddaya mean, not beautimous?! Of COURSE you are! Don't sell yourself short!

Few minutes ago, had two juvie Anna's hummers on the feeder at the same time! Of course, no camera nearby--RATS! They let me get pretty close, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, oh boy, just saw a female Hooded Oriole now, too! This is crazy! They're ALL showing up!

hedgie said...

See the osprey at BWO...nothing at Washington.......and Finney is BLACK....????? Ddo you have an image, Dana?

wvgal_dana said...

Osprey just flew off the perch view at Barbee Mill.

hedgie said...

JIM----oh, JIM......there's an osprey at BWO!!

wvgal_dana said...


There is a osprey in the nest now.

stronghunter said...

Good evening!

It is so nice to be home. I am exhausted after a long day yesterday and a very busy day today.

I see that it has been an active day with the Discovery Channel situation and the hurricane. I hope we don't get the hurricane.

wvgal_dana said...

Did you get the nest from the blue link Hedgie-Lynn???

wvgal_dana said...

Ha Ha on me I think the Finney on land is or might be a recording.

When I put it to translate into English. They are talking about you paying money to see.

hedgie said...

Yes, but it was empty.

Hi Shirley! Glad you didn't have to work late a second day!

hedgie said...

Going to put MY feet up for awhile!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading into room to recliner.

Sorry Hi Shirley you sound tired.
Hope you don't have a lot to do.

Hedgie-Lynn why aren't you sleeping at nights?

Ms Bookworm said...

Guess what? Ms Grosbeak is back, eating her dinner--along with about 50 other birds!

I need to run now--gotta shower and get myself to school. Will BBL, after I get home--probably about 9:30 pm Pacific time! :o]

stronghunter said...

Judie, you have an e-mail.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops! Hi, Shirley!
Glad you made it home OK. I bet you ARE tired--you've put in a couple of rough days! Put your feet up for a while, get some dinner, and take it easy! You've earned it!

Better run now--later, alligators!

stronghunter said...

My day . . .

Well, today I had a student who asked if teachers are allowed to have flowers since some students might be allergic.

And someone squirted some of my hand sanitizer on a kid's desk.

I have put the hand sanitizer in the cabinet, but I do need to have my flowers. It is just a little potted plant. I need a cheery pot of flowers.

I did raise my voice at a girl who was dancing and singing around the room during class time when she was supposed to be working quietly. (I did yell at the poor child.)

And it is only September 1.

Lolly said...

Glad y'all got your dos done! I made lots of pesto and froze it. Then went back outside. Jack is asking what's for dinner? I want to go back outside. Storms are missing us, but we are dark and windy. I want rain! Maybe tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Dana, probably didn't sleep last night due to worrying about the hurricane---hoping it doesn't damage any of the properties we want to look at!
BTW---the Finney pay thing is to watch a continuous stream, rather than the 10 second updates.

Shirley, tell the kid to wear a mask if he's allergic! And good that you telled a bit ast the disruptive girl!!

Andy, have a good night at class.

Lolly, you better feed that man of yours!! He might stop hunting the armadillos!

stronghunter said...

I wouldn't mind rain, Lolly, but we might be fixing to get more than enough rain.

stronghunter said...

Some years ago, I was asked not to wear any perfumes because one of my students had a serious allergy. That was no problem for me. I don't usually wear it anyway, but I cannot control what students wear, and it is entirely possible that a kid will spray perfume in the room.

I felt for the child, but if she is that allergic, it is not safe for her to be in a public school. She was taken out of school.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn are you sure you want to buy a property. You'll have ALL the upkeep.

wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

Shhhhh! Do not want to jinx it...BUT it is 82 and raining!Shhh!

hedgie said...

Dana, friend Frank is a good handyman----he'll enjoy doing that kind of stuff! Irene and I will take care of the inside! A house at the B is worth it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Hope everyone has had a good day!

Judie said...

I have been trying to pay attention and get caught up. Not doing a good job.

Lolly, we'll be very quiet and not mention the r___.

Shirley, get some rest. I cannot imagine a student dancing/singing in class. Sleeping, yes.

Lynn, not to worry. All available and worthy properties will remain untouched by hurricanes. Hope Christie calls and hope you will share Carolyn's thoughts about first experience with the radio.

Andy, have a good class tonight. Hope all the work is easy and done quickly so you can get back home. I am so jealous of your bird population. Must be wonderful to watch them. I can only imagine.

Going to turn my light off early tonight. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, going into the recliner, down to the tub, or up the stairs. Back sometime tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Rain has stopped. We had a little over 2 tenths! However, there is a good chance of rain tomorrow evening. Cross your toes!

hedgie said...

Talking to my baby! Class of 18----she's the only female!!!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!
Know it's getting late, but Hope KARLA Had a Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Got home late, nibbled some din din & been watching TV--America's ..Talent. I know the little girl singing sensation will go thru. They are picking top 10.

BTW, I saw mention of the bear season and I agree there should be NO HUNTING in the study area at all!!!!!

I've been checking at Park to see if we still have ospreys and there are a few.

stronghunter said...

Judie, it is supposed to be an honors class. I don't usually have things like that to happen in an honors class.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Butterfly Mama!!

stronghunter said...

Loretta, I don't know why anyone would want to shoot a bear anywhere.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Karla.

stronghunter said...

I'm heading upstairs for the night. See you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

hedgie said...

G'night, Judie. Hi, Loretta!!
BWO has had a bird in the nest today several times!

Christie is tired-----but enjoying herself.
Carolyn's first radio experience was just acknowledging a rescue units status. She said it was good!

hedgie said...

Animal Planet post on FB:
We are very relieved to report that everyone in our headquarters is safe and unharmed, and we thank you very much for your support during this difficult day. We have posted about the day's events on the Discovery Blog.

I did not realize they were part of Discovery!

hedgie said...

Well, their link doesn't work!

hedgie said...

Found the BLOG site for them, but it keeps timing out before it opens......maybe too many people trying th access it.

hedgie said...

Where did everyone go??
Goodnight, Shirley.

Time for Margy to check in. And wonder what Lynne is up to??

hedgie said...

Wishing Lynn and Sue would post to let us know how everything went today in bear country......worrying about "them thar bars"!

Costume Lady said...

I hope I can catch everyone before you go to bed. THANK YOU ALL for your Birthday greetings and good wishes for my baby, Karla (AKA Butterfly Mama). Reading her posts on Facebook, sounds like she had a special day:)

Lolly said...

I am with Shirley! Do not understand why anyone would want to shoot a bear or any other animal for that matter. It bothers us to kill an armadillo! LOL It bothers us to kill a mole!!
Yep, moles are as bad as armadillos in our lawn.

Just talked with Ashley. Looks like we are going to Denton Saturday and Dallas Sunday. Going to be a good weekend!

Lolly said...

That is good, Wanda. Always want our "babies" to have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

I took GG to have her teeth cleaned today and the Dr. said she has 2 small cavaties and a filling that is getting ready to fall out. She was given and appointment to have all of that taken care of and it is to take one and a half hours!
That is a long time for anyone to sit in a dentist's chair, much less a 90 year old!

Kitchen is nearly done...just need to put canned goods and dry goods back in their new places and try to spruce up the OLD cabinets. They look pretty bad up against the new fridge and stove:( They will have to wait to be replaced MUCH later.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, you always have "good weekends":) If it is with one of our kids, it is a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say:)

Lolly said...

That is right, Wanda! You are going to have to post pictures of your kitchen.

Lolly said...

Hurricane is back up to a catagory 4. Going to be a big one!

hedgie said...

Wanda, poor GG....that won't be any fun at all. Can't he break it up into 2 visits?

Costume Lady said...

It does not bother me to put out the lights of a groundhog or a snake...that's all that I will shoot!
Do armadillos live in tunnels or do they just tunnel to get grubs and bulbs and such?

Lolly said...

Armadillos dig to find grubs. They dig big tunnels to sleep during the day.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I wondered why they didn't make two visits for her, also. Receptionist said that if she got too tired, they would stop and finish any remaining teeth later??
Maybe I will give her a G&T before we go and she will sleep through it;)

Mema Jo said...

Update for Lily/Hope

hedgie said...

Whew----so far so good!!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lolly, I will take some pictures when we finish.
I'm not doing so well with photos on here. I processed some last night that Gene took of three pretty flickers on our birdbath and tree and I have lost them, somewhere in cyber space...looked for them for hours and cannot figure out where they went!:(
Also, on that set of photos was a short video of Jayden crawling...lost forever, I guess:(

paula eagleholic said...

Night, all.

Hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, dragging my tired arse in to say hello....

WOW, had NO idea what was going on at Discovery today. What a mess.

Shirley, OMG, you need a "class cam" in your room!

Happy Birthday to Wanda's Karla!

There was a pigeon outside yesterday. WHY ME LORD? Has a bum wing. Eating and drinking. Will call rehabber tomorrow and see if I can take it up to her. It's in my dog crate. UGH.

Tired, going to bed. Another long day tomorrow at Irvine. Tracey is back in SC. Her dad passed yesterday morning, but she did get there in time to see him...JUST in time.

Prayers for you all, friends, and hope everyone sleeps well tonight!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo.....I'm not deleting this time!! Since we both posted at the exact same time, it's not because I wasn't paying attention!!!!

Lolly said...

I am headed to the shower. Just watching the news and wondering about Candy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Well, gang, I have another blitz day tomorrow. Two ladies coming at 2 for more website learn-as-we-go, so will be up early and do a quick touch-up in the house. Hoping my new do sleeps well and I don't wake up with a squashed mess.
Rest well, dear friends. Prayers for all our many needs, and praise for answered prayers. Good night.

Lynne2 said...

I emailed Candy word from her yet but I'm sure she's prepared...Just saw that Earl has strengthen just a little more. Additoinal warnings and watches have gone up.

Mema Jo said...

Had a busy evening and didn't get back sooner because I wanted to finish watching a Disney movie. Alexis and I started and then she went home and I just had to see the ending! I love happy ever after movies.

I was thinking about Earl too Hedgie and I was praying that it left some good 'for sale' properties for you to see in October. We are inland and should be ok

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, so sorry about Tracey's Dad. Please give her our sympathies. Glad that she made it down in time. :(
Why you? Because the creatures know that you will take good care of them, of course!
G'Night again.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - sometimes people wait until they have said good bye to all of their loved ones before they leave.
Prayers for Tracey to have peace in her heart.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - don't you dare delete your Bear alert! lol

Mema Jo said...

Good Night my friends
Prayers for many being said

Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. A birthday today?
Wanda, I didn't know but sure hope it was a grand one. Karla too.

Have to catch up and will probably go right to my chair. The meds working and I"m getting sleepy. Don't want to say/write anything improper. ☺

Will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow. Been busy this week with different doctor appointments.
I need a day to rest.

Prayers for Lynn's Charlie too. Also for all the needs/wants of all our eagle friends.

God bless,

Costume Lady said...

Diann, not my Birthday...just my youngest daughter..THANKS for her:)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in to let you know I got home from school OK. Prayers for my teacher, please--he's still got a cough, although he's feeling a bit better.

I'm just tired enough that I can't remember whether I wished Karla a
Happy Birthday. If not, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, KARLA! Sorry my greeting is a bit late. Hope you had a fantastic day!

Diann, hope you can get all rested up on Thursday. Hope all the Dr. appts. went well.

Lynn, thanks for the bears update. Thank God they're all OK so far!
Prayers continue for Charlie, and hope your "do" doesn't get messed up tonight!

Lynne, prayers for the gimpy-winged pigeon. Guess God sent him to you because He knows you'll take good care of him! Prayers, too, for Tracey. Very sorry to hear that her dad has passed away, but glad she made it there in time to see him--even if it was JUST in time. Glad she was able to visit with him when she went to SC before--that time spent with him is priceless.

Praying that "Earl" will not cause damage for anyone. That incudes Candy!

Gosh, just before I went out the door to school, I heard the birds (about 40 or 50 of them) all take off really quickly, and I found that the female Cooper's Hawk had done a quick fly-through. She didn't catch anything, though--TG!
The birds made a few "danger" calls, then it got REALLY quiet out there! Hawk hung around on the overhead line for a few minutes, then moved on.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, hoping and praying that your missing pictures and video turn up somewhere! Hope that GG's dentist does the necessary work in 2 visits, not one!

Lynn, see that your retiree friend has passed, and 2 other friends have lost a child. So sorry to hear about that! ((HUGS)), and prayers for you and the families. Prayers for your hairdresser's FIL, too! A rough week, for sure! No wonder you've had trouble sleeping!

Well, I'm almost in need of my keyboard airbag, so think I'll call it a day. The night light and the porch light are on. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...


A quick good morning. I'm at work, getting ready to start my day.

Prayers for those who need them.

I will see you all later.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley and ALL that come into Eagle land this day.

I am not happy.....our live feed must be down. Keep trying but no luck. Who do we notify?

My hummers are busy at the feeder.

wvgal_dana said...

So glad Tracey made it there in time. Knowing that mean't a lot to her.

Prayers for Charlie and Diann's BIL and anyone else needing prayers. Diann I hope you was able to get some rest.

Yes Shirley God knew you would get that pigeon to someone for help.

BIG prayers for anyone in the path of Earl. May it change to a tropical but I don't think that is going to happen.

Hedgie-Lynn if any of the ones you were hoping to see in Oct. get hit. Well maybe the price will lower and it just be a little fixing up. If it is one you was hoping to buy then maybe God was doing you a favor. Usually not the ones that own it.

hedgie said...

Good morning!

Cleaning blitz almost finished here!

Somebody at NCTC has a spider-bite with a swollen arm outside the auditorium....ambulance enroute....????

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all.

here's a cam to watch the waves from Earl down in NC

hedgie said...

Since when does Al Roker work for The Weather Channel??? Isn't he still with ?NBC or waas it ABC???

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed is working just fine.

Sorry about Tracy's Dad, Lynne.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, he has a weather show on at 6am every day at the weather channel

paula eagleholic said...

He does the Today Show as well

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula. Had it on PC, but not on laptop---now I do!

Dana, our cam is fine here. Try again!

paula eagleholic said...

Here's another one, a little further north, but it only allows 2 minutes before it logs you out, but it's a nice one. The one at Kill Devil Hills is down.

Back to work...later!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning all - I hope your day goes well.
Lynn - Al Roker is best known as the weather anchor for NBC's Today show. I am never up early enough to watch tv morning shows.
Elephant cam is up and showing them in the pen area.
I have the OC cams up - lots of traffic headed out of OC on Rt 50.
Thanks for the NC link Paula.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the links got to see rough seas before I head out.

Sure hope Candy will be ok.

Anyone heard from Ragdoll?


hedgie said...

Okay, Paula---thanks for filling me in! Well, he's doing full duty for TWC today!!! He's on the OBX!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Guess what!!!! We got rain during the night. Woke at 4:30 to very loud thunder (those bowling balls were being tossed!) and RAIN! It just stopped a little while ago...drum roll, please....1.6 inches!!! And, it is 73 and we have the house open!!!!!!

No yard work for me today, no water hoses for me today...think I will go shopping. Jacob needs a new backpack. Would you believe the zipper on his has already broken. Thank you Wally World!

Just chatted with Candy on fb. She is home today and tomorrow. They are stocked up and ready for the storm.

hedgie said...

Water is already across the Hatteras highway-----and it hasn't rained yet! Of course, it's a narrow strip of land between the ocean and sound.

Mema Jo said...

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has declared a state of emergency in preparation for Hurricane Earl's expected brush along the state's coast Friday. The emergency declaration activates the state's National Guard to provide assistance if necessary.

movin said...






C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

I'm sure it's all old hat for Candy a nd her hubby! And sure that they are well-prepared for whatever least they aren't oceanside.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...