Tuesday, September 07, 2010


New thread.


PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve. Looks like I'm the first one here. Hope the rest of the day is good for you.

Everyone else, hello.

Summer is back here in PA and we're being invaded by stink bugs!!!

I'll go back to get the others.

PA Nana said...

Guess everyone is elsewhere doing fun things.

Of course, just my luck... I'm usually late getting on and when I'm early......

When the others get back, blessings to you all.

I'll be checking email and fb.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the call over! Just posted this on the old thread.

Lolly said...
I am home and had a very successful shopping trip. However, right now the weather is the big concern. Sirens going off, big warning on TV and a phone call from our subdivision to take cover. Tornado warning! More than a little scary when your little subdivision is talked about of the TV. So, here I sit on the computer. Actually, it has just passed, though it is very dark out.

We are now over an inch of rain.

Judie said...

Oh my, just catching up and Jo's comment really got my attention. Reads that Ursula will be delivering in Hagerstown. Would make the drive for that event especially since it will be at Robinwood (a momster address). LOL

Now realize it is Melissa that is expecting and will be delivering in Hagerstown -- hopefully.

Hi Jim.

Enjoy the evening, Lynn.

Speaking of bears, I can no longer access the Lily website. Gives me an error message. Anyone else? I now have to go through Google.

Hi Diann. Sorry about the stink bugs. I've been away. Fell asleep last night and been at school today.

Lolly, glad the bad weather didn't stop to visit. Bet you're glad to have the rain, though.

It's time to head for the kitchen. Tired. Can hardly keep my eyes open. Easy pizza tonight. Darth has a meeting. I'll likely turn in early.


PA Nana said...

Oh Lolly, that's scary. Be safe.

Judie, sorry you're so tired. Get more rest. Hoping school isn't tiring you.

Who's having a baby? Jim's great niece just had her second one Friday. Marine dad was home for this one. All's well.

Seems PA, MD, and WV are inundated with the stink bugs. All 3 are looking at ways to eradicate them or keep them manageable. They're causing problems with local orchards. Yikes.

Lolly said...

A tornado did touch down approx 15 miles from here. Yes, it is scary. When I got home from shopping the sirens were going, I turned on the TV and that is when they were mentioning Briaroaks, our subdivision. (Actually, we are an incorporated little town) Jack was not here and I was about to panic. He got home and made me feel a lot better.

Lolly said...

Will try to post again

Jack has come up with the term "scaredillo". That's my jubby!

Mema Jo said...

Sad news we didn't want to hear about from the bear site

Sarah bear is dead

Mema Jo said...

I sure was thinking about you Lolly when the news had the tornado information.

Mema Jo said...

Really breezy up at the nest.
I need to go out for an hour or so and
of course may miss the Nest Check by Lib and/or Belle! If anyone is here, keep the live feed up and the still cam right next to it in order to get a pic if anyone comes by around dusk.


Lynne2 said...

How horrible about Sarah the Bear. Worst nightmare for the research team.


Lolly, hope the weather is calming down for you.

Speaking of weather...
Fire Weather Watch for many of us

PA Nana said...


Lynne2 said...

now that was a sight for sore eyes!!!!

PA Nana said...

both gone...

What a treat to see them!!

Lynne2 said...

woo hoo!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the head's up Diann!

PA Nana said...

Glad you saw them too Lynne. Now I know I wasn't seeing things.

PA Nana said...

Off to shower. everyone have a good evening. I'll check in tomorrow.

God bless

Lynne2 said...

no, you weren't seeing things! I'm just glad I was here to see your post...I didn't have the cam up, but got it up just in time!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry Jo, didn't have enough time to get a picture....

Lolly said...

It is very calm here now, but our rain will continue through tomorrow. Just talked with my brother. He is in McAllen and they did not get much rain. However, Harlingen where his oldest son lives the storm went right over them. They had a lot of wind and rain. The electricity to his AC is out.

movin said...

I'm sorry to hear about Sarah too.

It might have been an inadvertent shot ... it is very difficult to see colored ribbons in the low light of dawn or dusk ... or a thicket.

It's good news that so many hunters seem willing to protect the research animals.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

So an0ther evening visit. Going to have to start checking the cam every night. Got a little lax there!

Very upsetting about Sarah bear! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! A yearling at that! Guess that makes them feel like a mighty hunter.

stronghunter said...

So sorry to hear about Sarah Bear. How awful.

Have had a busy and somewhat frustrating day. Tomorrow I go back to school.

Watching the news stories about fires in Colorado. My brother's home is in Fort Collins. It's north of Denver, so not too near Boulder. They have had fire problems there before, though.

I am learning more than I really want to know about Social Security and Medicare. Going to try not to think about it until tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Stay safe, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry to hear about Sarah Bear. Shame on that hunter.

Judie said...

Deeply saddened about Sara bear. I just cannot understand how anyone could take pleasure in killing an animal that was clearly identified as part of a research project.

Am going to turn in early. I'll be back tomorrow. Goodnight all.

stronghunter said...

I have a hard time understanding why someone wants to kill a bear, period.

paula eagleholic said...

There are those that do it for sport, but do eat the meat. I personally couldn't kill anything.

hedgie said...

I'm home after a perfectly delightful evening. Very mellow, calming and peaceful. Gotta catch up with all y'all now!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!!!
Haven't read anything yet---been feeling Panda naps coming on, but had to put a SURPRISE picture on blog from today.
I did see an osprey. I went to edge of high bank to look at River and it was sitting on one of the downed trees that took out the shed. I tried to back up & run for camera, but it flew away. Think we startled each other!

Lolly said...

Rain is starting back up. Just checked the radar, nothing really bad but the rain is baaaack!

Have been meaning to tell you. Annie is doing just fantastic! She has gained weight and is looking good. She is here on the arm of my chair and telling me to pet her. She is purring and demanding attention.

NatureNut said...

Just read back & LOLLY hope you battened down the hatches!!! That's so scaredillo---but not too funny!!
Sorry to read about Sarah. How awful that anyone can hunt there, or anywhere!!!Makes me so made I want to throw something~~like a big rock at hunters!
Well, off to find a cool drink``hope to make it to the news.

NatureNut said...

PS: I thought it was illegal to go after yearling bears!!???

hedgie said...

Well, another day of sickening news. I can't believe that some jerk did that. I sure hope that the Lord strikes him down. Sorry, but I am MAD. Senseless, mean, crass, etc. Can't believe it. I can only imagine how heartbroken Lynn and Sue and the rest of the team is.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sure glad the tornado skipped you!
Lynne, hope you are feeling better.
Yes, I saw the article today about the damage the stinkbugs are doing to the orchard fruit. Carolyn was going to use the PortaPot at Yankauer until she opened the door and saw a hundred of them in there.
Too bad no one got a pic of our pair :( but sure glad some of you got to see them!
Judie and Shirley...our great teachers...hope you both feel better tomorrow!! A little frustration goes a long way.

Lolly said...

Loweeda...have you talked to Texas tonight. Austin is having it bad at the moment. Just checked the radar.

stronghunter said...

Okay, Error 503 got me and I hadn't copied that one.

I am ready to head upstairs for the night.

Just wrote a crossword puzzle for my students. If you ever want to write one, check out puzzlemaker.com. It is the only way to go. I tried to write one when I was a student teacher. I did that one time and did not try again until computer-generated puzzles became possible.

Good night all. Prayers for those who need them and for the bears in Minnesota.

Lolly said...

Nite Shirly! Have a good day tomorrow. Ahhh, short weeks are so great!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, thanks for the kind words. I need them.

Teenagers do not always act appreciative. (Sometimes they do. I will give them credit for the times they do.)

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lolly, three days!!

But tomorrow is club day. It might be a little crazy. Kids get dismissed to go to clubs. Those without clubs are supposed to stay with us.

We have been promised that the administrators will patrol the halls looking for those who aren't where they should be.

Mema Jo said...

Diann & Lynne - congratulations on the sighting tonight! I wasn't home yet but I think we know now about what time to be watching... I wonder if they come by early early morning too.

Watched taped movie with hubby for the past 2 hours.

Mema Jo said...

Every time I get that Service 503 error or whatever it is.. I always check before redoing and 98% of the time my comment really did publish...
Go Figure...........

Lolly said...

I just finished reading an article in TIME magazine, Aug. 16, Inside the Minds of Animals by Jeffrey Kluger. It is a great article.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad ya'll got to see our eagles tonight! Sounds like everyone is getting a turn!

Hitting the hay, been a long day, catch ya'll tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Nite Paula!

NatureNut said...

Getting tired plum out!
Lolly, earlier weather said storm West of Austin, but don't know current situation. Daughter's home is about 30 mi. outside in Bastrop.

Well, need to get some zzzzz's, so Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers to all, ;>)

hedgie said...

Me, too. Might have a full day tomorrow. Christie is sick with a cold , and is trying to figure out how to submit her expense account; needs to scan receipts into PDF form, and hasn't gotten the printer/scanner from the co. yet. Trying to get her new work puter to recognise home scanner----and is just getting SO frustrated. And hubby is being NO help----just playing video games. ARGH---sometimes SO juvenile. So I may have to go to her house after getting Cinny's pedicure.
Sleep well all. Think dreams are going to be troubling tonight. RIP Sarah Bear. :(

Costume Lady said...

Before I turn in, I have to tell you about a small victory we had at the Soup Kitchen tonight. About 2 months ago, a man and wife came to us and asked if someone could talk to them. They were having so much difficulty in their marriage that the man was going to commit suicide. Gene sat down with them and did his best to help them.
Well, that couple came back tonight and told Gene that their life had gotten back on track and they were working things out. That is what we want to hear:)!
Makes all our efforts worth while.


Costume Lady said...

Oh, I did read about Miss Sara...some thoughtless, selfish hunter who just wanted a trophy, most likely. It really should be against the law to shoot a "marked animal". Feel so badly for Lynn and Sue, their hearts are surely broken:(

Lolly said...

Wow! That is fantastic Wanda!

I am about to head to bed, but just have to mention that TCU is ranked 4th in the AP poll. How about that sports fans!!!☺

Nite all! Sweet dreams. Think I may dream about hunting and shooting bear hunters. Grrrr!

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to call it a day BUT Wanda and Gene thanks for sharing the wonderful news.

Good Night All
Prayers for many many loved one and even ones I do not know...
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Hello, AND
Good Night, Eagle Pals...

That sure is a beautiful story to end the day with, Wanda and Gene...

you just never know...when and how that kind of encouragement is going to make a difference !

Hope Wednesday will be a good day for everyone

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I just got home from school about 1/2 hour ago. Had a bill I needed to pay online, and just read back a bit on the blog. Am absolutely heartbroken for Lynn Rogers and Sue and their team in the death of Sarah bear. Cannot believe that some idiot would shoot a bear that young, and then be so cowardly as to turn in the radio collar anonymously! Can see that the colored ribbons might be hard to see in thick brush or low light conditions, as Jim said, but if they did shoot a bear marked as a research bear, it seems the least they could do is man up and admit that they messed up, and apologize in person!
There needs to be a law against shooting a bear in the research area! Oh, golly, how incredibly sad! Prayers for Lynn and Sue and their team, AND for the rest of the bears!!! And I hope that "hunter" feels miserable for the rest of his life!

Lolly, I sure am glad the tornado missed you guys! Hope our daughter and her family got bypassed, too, AND our nephew and his family! Didn't hear from them, so I'm hoping that no news is good news!

Mema Jo, congratulations on the soon-to-be birth of a new little family member! How exciting!

Wanda, so glad to hear that the couple at your soup kitchen are doing well now! What a blessing!
BTW, your menu was fantastic! Sounded SO yummy!

Shirley, sorry you had a frustrating day at school. Hope you get a good rest tonight, and that tomorrow will be better.

Judie, really sorry you're so worn out! Hope you get a really good night's sleep, and feel refreshed in the morning. Do you have an appt. yet with the new doctor(s)?
Hope you hear from them really soon!

Well, I'm "plumb wore out!" Think I'll go veg in front of the TV for just a bit, then call it a day. I did get all my homework done tonight, so just need to take a test on Thursday, and will be able to go home from school early that night. Do have lots of English homework to do tomorrow--punctuation! Get totally confused by all the rules, but do pretty well if I just punctuate the sentences flying by the seat of my pants, so to speak.

Prayers are said for everyone, including all our favorites among God's creatures, and those needing healing. (Lynne, that includes you!) The porch light and the night light are on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. If you come in late, please close the door quietly so you don't wake up Shirley or Judie! Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

I got dumped off the blog when I posted my comments, and to top it off, it posted 3 times! Quite a hiccup! Those are my deleted comments. Sorry about that!
OK, going to TV land for a bit now.

magpie said...

There is an Eagle in the nest

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

magpie said...

don't know when he or she arrived...
I just got out of the shower and there was the Eagle !

magpie said...

Spidey threads almost gone

What a beautiful sight

magpie said...

Two !!

magpie said...

new arrival is bigger, this must be Belle ♥

magpie said...

they are quite attentive to the old nest cup

magpie said...

bye bye one,
bye bye both..

night light just went off also

I did get a few pics, will post shortly

magpie said...

nest looks absolutely fantastic, think they have been sneaking in and working on it !

magpie said...

I did get some pictures in the
E-M Album and one for your convenience on the Magpie's Roost Link....

Best wishes for a good day everyone...hope you see, hear, feel, touch, smell and taste some wonderful things !

Prayers for wellness amongsts us, our families, friends, and as Jo says, people we don't even know...

worktime soon here


wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...

be back watering plants

wvgal_dana said...

I was gone all that time an no one commented. ????

hedgie said...

Morning all. Lovely day again!
Wonderful that Margy got to see our birds this AM and posted pics!

Lolly said...


wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all. A beautiful day out there! Thanks Margy for answering my question of yesterday evening when I asked 'I wonder if they come by early early morning too.' Now we know!
Awesome pics. In years past they had this routine of early early morning and the again at dusk. They are very

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...