Sunday, September 12, 2010


Evening thread.


PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve. Just in time to hear me swallow my foot. ☺

PA Nana said...

Hey, everyone. When you get over here, I'm chewing my foot.

I thought there was a link to the momsters on the opening page to this blog but just didn't go down far enough. Duh... my bad

Thanks for the kick in the butt. ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Diann that's ok we've all been there one time or another.

ok for on this thread:

wvgal_dana said...

By the way thanks Diann for the call over.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann did the Steelers win today. Since your in a good mood as you say I'm thinking they did.

I need to watch more. It has been hard since Ed and me watched together.

PA Nana said...

Dana, Steelers won!

PA Nana said...


PA Nana said...


PA Nana said...

Somebody get a picture. I don't know how....

PA Nana said...

One gone and I think it's hitting the mic. The other is looking up.
clunk, clunk

now, the other one left. All gone. Still clunking. Guess I can now get ready for the game.

Have a great evening everyone.

hedgie said...

Good evening, Momsters (no Dadsters here?!). Getting settled in----tired! It was SO windy through the pavilion and it really took my breath----lots of talking with old friends didn't help much, either, LOL!
Thanks, BEagle, for adding the Skins avatar---Shirley, too!!! Diann needs one.....and I'm sure Lowreeda has one ready to put up!!

hedgie said...

Need to ask you all to please add my friend (and Margy's late sister's SIL) Debbie to your prayer lists. Facing some very serious surgery in the morning.

magpie said...

Lynn...thank you for your message, prayers on the wing for your friend, my sister-in-law-in-law so to speak....a lovely lady, and I hope and pray that everything turns out okay...I had not known about it until now....

Good Evening Eagle Pals, and
Happy Birthday to Suz
Sure hope it has been, and still IS a stellar day !

and hello Service Error 503

magpie said...

I see the Eagles were right exactly on schedule !
Diann, you might have been the only one to see them maybe?
I straggled in the door just a few minutes too late

magpie said...

If you are up for ISS, it should sail past my roost around 8:11 pm or thereabouts...WNW at a good bright magnitude....

not sure about when for anyone elses's roosts...

I DO see Baby-getting-big-Fast Crescent Moon tonight though

Costume Lady said...

MARGY...thanks for the reminder for viewing ISS! I was posting a photo of Jayden and forgot about the time...check him out:) BB

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Diann. I

stronghunter said...

I guess I posted that message when I came back on. Kathryn and Hunter came by and I got interrupted.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann you can take a picture of the nest at the still cam. Sometimes we have both up for that reason. If we need to take a picture

stronghunter said...

I wrote that first post a couple of hours ago.

NatureNut said...

Oh, shoot--missed the birds--fooling w/ a roast.
Lynn, you have ESP!!
Talked to daughter & SIL today & found out how bizarre technology is--Friday night I called there and no one was home & left a message about the car race with the cute pink car. Jimmy called home 10 minutes later from airport in Brazil, checked messages & was able to program VCR to record the race thru his wireless!!!!!
BTW, the temps there were 80° - 90°. It may be winter, but their close to equater.
Well, wonder when the game REALLY starts? Later~~~

Costume Lady said...

ISS was awesome, tonight! Haven't seen it in a long while...never tire of watching it:)

NatureNut said...

Prayers for Lynn's friend and Margy's relative, Debbie.

magpie said...

Yah boy, it was awesome...flew right through the Northern Cross, and past the little Magpie star...
and then....faded out and Poof!
out just like a light bulb, once it got away from the sun's glare....
so glad you saw it Wanda !!

Lolly said...

There is a way to take a pic from the live feed too and I was doing it. Think I can do it again.

Okay, gang, this is it! Goooooooo

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Loretta, technology is truly awesome! Just thinking about what Jimmy just did, blows my mind!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, hi Lolly;)

magpie said...

Oh I checked Jayden out allrighty...what a boy !!

Lolly said...

I need to make a lot of posts so that I have my Cowboy helmet posted on here. LOL

Lolly said...

Hi all

Lolly said...

Hi Wanda!Be nice! ☺

Lolly said...

My posting tonight is really slow. Is it my computer, my connection, or the blog?

magpie said...

Okay all you FootBall Fans...
have fun tonight !

Haven't read back through today's earlier posts, need to do that so I can be a little more polite.

Thanks friends, for the prayers for Debbie...she is the youngest (or maybe next to youngest) in a family of 10 -
of which nine still survive...
one of her brothers was married to my late sister Katherine...
single gal with a lot of spunk !

Lolly said...

Ahhhh, a nice row of Cowboy helmets!

Lolly said...

Prayers for her, Margy!

Love that commercial....wee wee wee, all the way home. Too funny!

magpie said...

My grandson and I saw quite a convocation of Turkey Vultures today...about 8 or 9 - we drove up on them feasting on a carcass alongside a small country road
several flew up into close branches, we both got quite a view of them....
they fly soundlessly through the branches, and did not seem too bothered by us watching them....

James was was his grandmother

Lolly said...

Game is starting...and we are preparing our little tailgate party...hamburgers for supper. And then...a slice of a $40 pecan pie.

magpie said...

Pecan Pie I want some !!!

magpie said...

I can't wait to see why Diann is chewing on and swallowing her foot .. headed over to old thread to find out !
Hey, either way, pic or no, you told us that our Royal Pair made the visit !
Great news

back in awhile, have to tend to the old thread, some emails and a buzzing clothes dryer !

xox Hope I find that everyone has had a good day....

hedgie said...

What an adorable polar bear in a car ad on the football game!

Mema Jo said...

Evening Everyone - truly a very good baby shower - I know it made the mother to be for the 5th time feel very special!

Took a nap when I got home...

I am ready to head in to TV for
RUBICON......... Where is Paula?


Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, I'll bet that pie is worth every cent that Jack paid...baked goods made for church and picnics are always the best!

What was served at your picnic, Lynn? Was the pavillion large enough for your group?

BEagle said...

Go Redskins!!!

BEagle said...

Hi Margy

BEagle said...

Hi Lolly

BEagle said...

It's 3-0 :)

BEagle said...

Cowboys favored to win. :(

BEagle said...

Yeah...where's Paula.

Hey Hey Paula ♫

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Hi, BEagle:)

magpie said...

seems like Paula has been working so hard these last few weeks...
well she works hard all the time anyway but it seems more so lately !

hope she is doing something relaxing and enjoyable tonight....

Hi BEagle !

BEagle said...

Like the GO SKINS sign!!! : )

(The cowboys helmet is okay too!) hugs

hedgie said...

Caught up again!
Glad you had fun with James today, MArgy. Right before I left, I had a big V of geese fly over, honking their hearts out! Saw one TV as I drove out the road.
Missed our visit tonight while I was on the phone.

Score 3-0 kins!

hedgie said...

SSSSSSkins! Duh!

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

I'll send Diane an email about using Snipping Tool----bet her new computer has Windows 7!

BEagle said...

Paula's been trying to break your record for work....Margy.

magpie said...

I'm going to miss that little smiling caterpillar, Wanda,
and definitely, Lolly that big smiley face Sun !!!!

My "75 Geese" have been flying north and south morning and evening and honking their hearts out too, Lynn

BEagle said...

Gosh, there are a lot of Washington fans.

My son has always liked the Cowboys though.

hedgie said...

Romo sacked!!!

magpie said...

Hey BEagle...
my biggest problem is time management!
I think just about everyone on here, including those who have retired....actually work harder than I do !
Sometimes, the kinds of calls we take, and the dangers and difficulties that our law/fire/EMS folks face due to those calls.... just takes it out of me emotionally for the rest of the day though :(

BEagle said...

Go defense

What are the "75 geese" ?

magpie said...

I just realized that a whole bunch of avatars have changed !!

Well, I understand it, and will miss all those cool things like Eagles and things...that preceded the football things ☺

It's going to be strange to go back to the old thead now...but here I go !

BEagle said...

Prayers for you Margy. It must be tough most of the time.

hedgie said...

Loretta, I can do that with DirecTV, too! From phone or computer! Wow----surprised it was SO hot down there. When does SIL come home?

Judie said...

Go skins!

hedgie said...

Ate at 1:30.....starting to get hungry again. So few people showed up that there were lots of leftovers.........only about 30-35 showed. Pres was very disappointed. But many of those that did were some of my favorite people!

hedgie said...

Thanks for info on the book, Lolly. At first it sounded familiar but when I read the blurb, it wasn't what I was thinking of. Added it to my Amazon wish list!

hedgie said...

503, 503-----getting really tired of this.

hedgie said...

Wanda, the pavilion is lovely....but a LONG hike from the restrooms! Whole park is NICE.
We had dogs and burgers, and then all kinds of sides--beans, salads, mac&cheese, chips; Tons of various desserts!

hedgie said...

Hi Jo and Judie!!!!
Hope you both have had fun days!

Definitely think that Lolly is outnumbered!!! Almost halftime---Skins still lead 3-0!

hedgie said...

Gee.....what kind of distraction does Romo have in his life now, Lolly? Who's he dating??

Costume Lady said...

We retirees do seem to work a lot, but your job is sooo important and we appreciate you. I know your stress level is through the roof, some days. It is good that you get out and enjoy nature and James on your days REALLY need that.

Judie said...

Lynn, sorry about the low turnout for the picnic. Just so happy some of your favorite people were there.

Margy, remember you have the support of so many people who care about you and the work you do. We love you for it. Glad you had some time with James. About the avatars -- those will be changed again come nesting time. Glad you and Wanda saw the ISS fly over.

Jo, glad you enjoyed the baby shower and sure do wish the mom-to-be a healthy delivery and a healthy happy #5.

Lolly, sure hope you and Jack don't trip over all the Cowboy helmets on your way to get some pecan pie. lol

Lynn and Margy, prayers for successful surgery and quick and complete recovery for Debbie.

Back to the game...

Costume Lady said...

Margy, we will put our old avatars back after this BIG game is over:)

BEagle said...

Touuuuuccccchhh down!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Touchdown!!!

hedgie said...

Shuttin' out them Cowboys, 10-0, halftime!!!

NatureNut said...


Judie said...


NatureNut said...

Lynn, SIL is home. He was leaving Brazil Fri. night, got home Sat.

I was shocked at that low score close to 1/2 time. Everyone seems to be playing well.Have to keep fingers & toes xxxed for 2nd half!
GO SKINS & no offense to our friends south and west.

Lolly said...

Margy, I will be going back to the sunny smiley face after the game. This is only for the game.

magpie said...

Okay Pals!

I see what's going to change back after the game ! The avatars...
thanks for the reassurance !

Wow, if a low baseball score is a pitcher's duel, is a low football score...a Quarterback's duel ?

Sounds like a great baby shower, Jo...
sorry to read of the loss of Nana...
sounds like a long, full, loving life, and, now back with her partner for her celestial life
(( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

high-fivin' blades of grass...I love it Judie !!

it was a great rain overnight, and yet good weather today for all the Sunday things ☺

magpie said...

by the way, site meter puts me in Reston Va these days...I have been all around ...Hagerstown, Frostburg, Keyser, Martinsburg, and Reston !

magpie said...

Prayer, the Royal Nest, Swinging Bridge, James, Family, Friends, and the Momsters and Dadsters have been my anchors, friends....♥
I am soooo fortunate and blessed...

going to disappear for a little bit, back to say good night in a little while


hedgie said...

Not me, Wanda! I'll keep my avatar a Skins one for the season!!! Except for holidays---Spook Day, TG and Christmas!

NatureNut said...

sloppy :>(

magpie said...

To answer your question about the Geese....

There are a flock of geese, sometimes broken up into smaller groups that fly over my apartment neighborhood
they are just switching pond sites between the morning and evening.....
I call them my "75 Geese" because when they all fly through together it seems to be about that many
I am waiting one of these days to be pooped on when I am out there watching them fly over.... ☺

magpie said...

Canada Geese that is...

Hi Loretta...

paula eagleholic said...


I'me here, watched Rubicon and now watching Mad Men and the Skins.

Been working around the house this evening...

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry you had a low turnout Lynn, but glad you had a good time.

BEagle said...

I certainly hope not all 75 plop at the same time.

I am glad to say I have never been plopped upon. : )

stronghunter said...

Oh, no!

Lolly said...

Da Boys!

Lolly said...

Da Boys!

hedgie said...

I have been plopped on by seagulls!

Lots of stupid mistakes on both sides in this game!

Lolly said...


hedgie said...

WhooHoo----reconnected with a friend from elementary and middle school, thanks to FB! Her sister was my bestie back then! Both in FL now--the sister ISN'T on FB....yet!

Lolly said...

That is fun, Lynn!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Lolly.....:(

magpie said...

Lolly gets Wax...Ouch !

Okay Yay Paula...
hope your day has been restorative and fun !

sounds like great food fare...but it IS disappointing for the low turnout...glad it was good visiting time for you

Think I better say good night....
Prayers for wellness and comfort
and grateful prayers for gifts given

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Getting here late again. Have had a very busy day today. Took care of the bulldogs this morning, then went home and made hot multigrain cereal, similar to oatmeal, for breakfast. Weather was overcast this morning--nice marine layer. Has kept it from getting too warm today. It's down to 67 right now.

Hubby has tomorrow and Tuesday off (He had so much vacation time, he had to take a couple of days off, so more would accumulate). We are going to meet Sis-in-law and go to Lake Arrowhead for the day. The weather's cool but nice up there, so it should be fun. Will take the camera, for sure.

Margy, we certainly DO appreciate the job you do! It's definitely not an easy one, and can be VERY stressful, and I'm sure, depressing at times. Glad you get out to check out birds, wildflowers, and neat things like that with your grandson!
Grandkids sure are a blessing, aren't they?

I'm thrilled that our eagles were back today. Won't be too long before nestorations will be going on!

Lynn, and of course, Margy, will be praying for Debbie, for sure! Hoping for successful surgery and a complete and speedy recovery.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, that's great that you were able to reconnect with an old friend from grade school! Fantastic!

stronghunter said...

49-yard field goal, but not enough yet.

hedgie said...

WhooHoo again! Skins rock!
Can't say I'm too terribly impressed with McNabb yet, but.....they're gettin 'er done anyway!!

stronghunter said...

Holding my breath here.

Lolly said...

Not good!

Mema Jo said...

Finished up 2 TV shows and now I'll finished up that last 2 min of the game.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Time out!

I will stay under it's finished and the fat lady sings.....
but then it's back the hallway I go.

PA Nana said...

Going to say goodnight now. Meds are working and tomorrow is grocery shopping. Not a favorite for either of us but has to be done if we want to eat this week.

Lynn, will look for the tool tomorrow also. Really sleepy.

Prayers for all needs and wants. Until tomorrow .... God bless

Ms Bookworm said...

Sounds like quite a game! Go, Skins!

Well, getting kinda tired, and since it will be an early start tomorrow, think I'll call it a day.
Leaving the night light and the porch light on. Prayers said for all. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with sweet dreams only! Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

What a confusing end to the game.

paula eagleholic said...


Night all!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Yippee!!!!! SKINS WIN!!! 13-7!!!
Sorry, Lolly and Jack...:( for you.
:) for US!!!! Underdogs prevailed!
Hail to the Redskins!!!

Lolly said...

What a sloppy game! Did not like the way that ended! YUK!

NatureNut said...

Amazing!! Dallas penalty saves the game!

Pleasant Pigskin Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

Clunks at the nest. Good night Belle and Lib. God bless!!

Hooray for the Redskins!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Praying for Peace

Costume Lady said...



stronghunter said...

Sorry, Lolly. We love you anyway.

Lolly said...

Back to my sun shiney self! LOL

Lolly said...

Love you all...anyway, too!

Lolly said...

Let's get back to eagle and bear talk. I like that much better!

hedgie said...

So many of you are turning in that I will say goodnight now, too. Hoping for a report from MN....maybe there won't be one if they don't allow hunting out there on Sundays. Prayers for all. Peace.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lolly!!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynn, and everybody else.

magpie said...

Love your Sunshine L♥lly

'Night everyone...

hedgie said...

P.S. Sue did post this:
We are working late tonight on other things and haven't even begun writing the update. It's not looking good for getting one out tonight. As far as we know the research bears are all fine.

Lolly said...

Nite everyone! Probably no update tonight. They are busy working on something else. They did post a cute picture, though. Up close and personal with a cub. LOL

Sweet dreams!

BEagle said...

Back to the eagle avatars.

BEagle said...

Oops. Incorrect.

BEagle said...

Back to normal

BEagle said...

You are in my prayers ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Where is everyone? BEagle love your avatar...not an eagle but LOVE it. ☺

Headed out to mow!

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land.

I don't know Lolly (sunshine). Maybe they are sleeping in from the game last night.

Jo so glad the shower was still a surprise for her. Prayers for a 5th healthy baby.

Margy you work very hard emotionally with that job. I am glad to have read comments about
you and James having some fun time. You need that so much.

Hedgie-Lynn sorry there wasn't that many for picnic. Nice that you had one's there that you liked chatting with.

Yep good win SKINS!!!

Those avatars except Hedgie-Lynn will change back to what they were or something. tee hee

ha ha ha on me I put up a blue link
on back in comments for Diann for still cam to get take pictures.
Hedgie-Lynn I'm so glad you told Diann about the snipping tool.
It refreshed my memory -- I forgot about it!!

Nice Hedgie-Lynn that you found on fb a sister of your "bestest" (I know it isn't a word) friend.

movin said...


GooD MorN, aLL.


Ospreys everywhere have gone south for the winter, it looks like.

How's life in the East going these days??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim It has been good sleeping weather here in the East.
I got word that there was an eagle at the BWO platform this morning so we can be sure that Hope & dad have moved on

Mema Jo said...

I am headed out for a few hours..

BBILW after lunch

hedgie said...

Good morning all.
Lovely start to the day here......except I did NOT want to get out of that bed for some reason!!
Jo, you are out and about EARLY, gal!!

DID YOU KNOW.......there are over 900,000 species of insects?!

hedgie said...

LOL, Dana, glad I reminded you of the snipping tool!!!

hedgie said...

Just see that Paul McCartney is getting a Kennedy Center Honour!!! Good for him.....but what about Ringo? :(

hedgie said...

Check this out!
Tree seeds

hedgie said...

Today is a not very happy day in this neck of the woods:
Early anterless archery season, meaning doe season, is open in 32 counties through Saturday.
When I got home last evening there were 6 deer out back....pray that they all survive the next three months.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you wonderful eagle people~! How the heck are ya~???

Happy Birthday Suzanne!!! (belated)

Hope everyone is well, been missing you guys!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How won the game?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Sissy nice seeing your smiling avatar on here (:

Lynn-Hedgie Internet Explorer 8 which I now have DOES NOT HAVE THE SNIPPING TOOL!! When you google it says it does but nowhere to be found???? :(

wvgal_dana said...

Don't ask me how I did it but I kept at it and got the snipping tool onto Internet Explorer 8.

Hard work!!!


hedgie said...

Hi, Sissy!!!! How be ya?

Dana, the Snipping Tool is a Windows 7 feature, not IE.

Costume Lady said...

Once again, for Sissy, ♫♪♫♪HAIL TO THE REDSKINS♫♪♫♪:)

LYNN, I knew about the 900,000 species of insects...they all live here on my property!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yay for the Redskins!!!

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda..sometimes I think the same thing.

Oops---forgot Sissy's question! But I bet it was rhetorical----bet she KNEW who won! WhooHoo, Redskins!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn when I put in Internet Explorer 8 the snipping tool is no where to be found !!

hedgie said...

I am getting so tired of 503---think I said that yesterday!!

Costume Lady said...

Heading to the shop again...spooks and goblins awaiting to be put on hangers:) Only 76° right now, when it hits 86°, I'll be baaaack:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Me and Mr. 503 are about to have words!!

hedgie said...

Dana, read my comment at 12:14.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I did already before I wrote comment at 12:17 ready your comment at 12:14. It is like I said when you put on Internet Explorer for some reason the snipping tool is no longer there even though it is a windows progam.
You got me as to why??


hedgie said...

Dana, it is still there in your Windows programs (right click on Start, choose All Programs.) Drag it out onto your tool bar at bottom of screen. Then when you are on the Internet and need it, just click on the icon.

hedgie said...

Thanking all for wonderful Momster prayers. My friend (and Margy's) came through her surgery fine and the tumor was benign!!!! Praise the Lord! She will have a long recovery because of extent of incisions, but barring any complications, all is well!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hope all is well on here. I am blogging from an iPod touch. Love it!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hope all is well on here. I am blogging from an iPod touch. Love it!

Judie said...

Testing 123....

Judie said...

Testing 123....

Judie said...

Okay, everyone. Check out my new avatar. I can't edit my profile but Lynn can. A public thanks to Lynn for her help. Mystery continues.

hedgie said...

Glad I could help, Judie!
Did you try logging off and then going back in and seeing if it was there?

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Bambi - there is a butterfly on your tail! I am back from my jaunt and I really need my feet up for an hour or so.
I either have allergies or a plain old head cold. Going into the Doc tomorrow to get myself checked over...

Feet are going up!

Judie said...

Don't know what Lynn did but Edit Profile has now magically appeared. Thanks Lynn.

Lovely sunshiny afternoon here.

Um, maybe the guy bloggers don't want to know about a snipping tool?

Hi Sissy and Sharon.

I hear you Lynn about the deer hunting. Now we have to be concerned about deer and research bears not to mention the 900,000 types of insects. I may not have all of those insects but I sure see a bunch of their cousins.

So glad the news for Debbie is positive. Healing will go more quickly for her.

Need to do some more reading for tomorrow. BBL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

He Judie and Mema Jo!!

Judie said...

Hey Jo, allergy or cold, good excuse to keep your feet up. Might be an order in dining night. Hope you feel better.

Yep, logged off and did some other things and edit profile is still there. Things like that make me so happy.

Lphants are out. No bear update yet. Lion cubs are sleeping/eating.


Judie said...

Hmmmm. Wonder if Bambi is standing on a shiny green garland?

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie.....that would mean that Bambi is in MN!!!

Judie said...

Um, well, like the shiny green garland, Bambi has magical powers, too. Maybe watching over Hope.

Lolly said...

Hey there Bambi! ☺ OMG I worked in the yard until after 2. I am plum washed out. I can barely move! Mowed, weeded, edged, pulled fern, picked up all my piles and then used the leaf blower. I am now paralyzed.

hedgie said...

Go soak in a nice hot tub, Lolly!

Mema Jo said...

Yes and take a G & T

Mema Jo said...

Lynn and Judie, you will both get a
100% + on your Test!

Sorry I missed you both, Bev and Sharon
Won't be long now until we meet again

Mema Jo said...

Just finished my breakfast dinner of ham & eggs so now I'm headed for a
cup of coffee. Going to sit out on the deck and pray that no stink bug buzzes me!


Lolly said...

I showered, but now I have had two glasses of wine. Feeling mellow!
Yard work today wiped me out!

Going to get the trailer in a little while. Jack wants to do some work on it. Wants it here in the morning to start the work. Also, need to run the money from the dessert auction in to town to a friend.

magpie said...

Are you all perched by your computers waiting for the Evening Visit ??

Well, guess what !


Hello Eagle Pals.....

wvgal_dana said...

So glad surgery is over and no cancer. PRAISE GOD!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...