Monday, September 27, 2010


New week thread


Mema Jo said...

Good Rainy Morning Everyone..
Hope you all stay dry..
Thanks Steve for the Monday thread
Hope you have a good work week.

I'll call others over

This is the 4th try -
Service Error 503 is working against me....

hedgie said...

♫ ♪"Rainy days and Monday always get me down" ♪ ♫ NOT!!!!!! It's deliciously wet out there.
However, blog and yahoo are both being big pains in the neck. Having a really difficult time viewing anything........think I'll reboot.

hedgie said...

Wanda....I have no explanation for why the still cam and the live cam are so different as far as color goes......makes NO sense to me. Why not ask Steve? Your pics are still, but the others right before yours are all off live cam.

hedgie said...


Jo, good luck today. I told my Dr. I would NOT go through any breathing tests again. I truly thought I would die the last time.

hedgie said...

Guess I should clarifty my refusal, huh, Jo? I think that increasing intracranial pressure that forcefully could cause a stroke, or even maybe cause the bad lung tissue to start to bleed......

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over.

Prayers for Mema Jo in her breathing test today. With extra air for afterwards.

Brought over from other thread:
Oh I remember now what I wanted to comment about. It was an answer to someone's question about the light bulb I replaced outside.
It is a Halogen bulb-you are not suppose to touch them with fingers. Oil gets off fingers onto bulb and it won't work. Have to use a tissue or gloves

Mema Jo said...

That is dang serious but I know the feeling when you need to breathe out...
I feel like I am going to tumble out of the booth! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks again for getting us to the right blog with the right day and date Mema Jo. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - do you think that is 'your' bear in sil video on FB ?
It's not Dr Rogers - no ribbons!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo----seriously doubt that it's my bear. I was confused----was thinking the cam was at Melissa's instead of Kristen's! She is in Clear Spring, right? That IS across the river from Cherry Run....and I'm sure the river is low enough that it COULD cross over easily, but no idea why he would need or want to!

Dana, the halogen bulb isn't that spiral kind, is it?

Lolly said...

Saw in this mornings paper that you have stink bugs. Thought I'd let you know!:) we left at 8:50 and wi are east of Dallas. Have a good day!

hedgie said...

Gotta say, I am not feeling very well this morning. Bad indigestion and weird discomforts moving around different places......sure hope it goes away.

Shirley, I hadn't heard about that cruise before. Sounds very nice!
Glad you all got that little break from all the drama you are dealing with.

Sure that Lolly and Jack are ♫ ♪ On the Road Again ♪ ♫!!!!! Hope they aren't having to drive in rain.

Carolyn had to do the CPR class last week.....but hers wasn't refresher----too many years since she took it to renew. Starting from scratch....but with only a few in class and with multiple Resusci-Annie's, she was done in 4 hrs. instead of 8.

hedgie said...

Aha! Lolly is connecting while on the move!! Gee, Lol, so glad you told us about the stink bugs.....wonder if you will get to meet any when you get east???!!! You may end up importing them to TX!

hedgie said...

TaDa---TUMS kicking in....feeling better already. Must be air in my body!!

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL !!


It jumped from 72 to 77° in short order, and they are predicting 102° for this area today. ....Got to shut up and turn the A/C on...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

We need to bottle up some stink bugs for Lolly! lol

Going back to get my street clothes &
practice deep breathing in my lungs


Mema Jo said...

I know what I wanted to mention from FB

Steven Chase - Off to Grand Rapids

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Loving the rain here, too, except the dog heard thunder last night and kept me up for an hour!

Here's some good news for pumpkin lovers...

PORTLAND, Ore. — Pumpkin lovers can relax: A nearly year-long shortage of the canned stuff is over.

That means an end to the hoarding, rationing and even pumpkin profiteering that have been going on since heavy rain ruined last year's harvest and caused a shortfall.

The country's top producer says this year's crop is healthy and cans are arriving in stores.

glo said...

Tornado warnings for Baltimore. You all may need to keep your eyes and ears peeled on the east coast for a while. Be safe

hedgie said...

Tornado warnings up in MD---heavy stuff heading toward Lynne's...and I reckon Baltimore, too. Stay safe everyone!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula. Contrary to what Christie had heard......we had been looking with no luck; SIL Shannon was in Martin's Fri. and they had 24 cans---he bought 12 and another lady there bought the rest! We are set for this holiday season.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Glo and Hedgie....Helen, Ceil and Mary Margaret take cover!!!!!

No Hedgie not those spiral bulbs.

Lynne2 said...

we are OK friend Gail in Manchester is in the thick of it. I called her a few minutes ago, she had no idea. She has all 4 grandkids with her and they are now in the basement.

Lynne2 said...

Baltimore in the clear at the moment, the storms are to the west of us. I can hear thunder, but it's not raining here.

hedgie said...

Heard a loud thump--went out to look and see a big dead limb fell into mulched area across from, deck--missed bottles on bottle tree by inches! Not raining now.

hedgie said...

Lynne, glad everything is okay. Glad you alerted your friend.

Mema Jo said...

There she Blows !

Mema Jo said...

I'm leaving...........
No tornado

hedgie said...

Still waiting for the Sears repairman.........argh!

NatureNut said...

503 kept me off here this AM..
Rainy Monday~~~we need it. Glad no tornadoes--saw a crawl on TV about Carroll Co., MD until 1:30. Maybe flash floods in Howard and Mont. Cos., MD.
Glad Lynn is feeling better & I will try to huff & puff for Jo. I had one of those tests a few years ago. I thought the worst part was the nurse trying to find an artery in my lower arm! Yuck!
Will try to see if any egrets are still at the little swamp on way to work in AM. I always try to look there, but there's lots of foliage in the way.
Now I'm going to tackle why I'm getting little icons on any videos I want to see. We have new Anti-virus & techies cleaned up machine, so maybe they are blocked. Getting those little squares w/blue & red dots like when emails ask if you "will allow pics from this sender." DUH

movin said...

I've got to shut down for now, but I wanted to say that I really miss those girl Pandas from San Diego.

Both of them are favorites of mine.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Sun is coming it'll get steamy now.

Lynne2 said...

wow, sun?? that may actually fire up some thunderstorms later for you.

Lynne2 said...

we've got a flash flood warning here.

Judie said...

Good late rainy afternoon.

Been busy. Decided to do laundry of things I normally do only occasionally. Then decided to try a cookie recipe -- awful, just awful. Hate that. Such as waste of ingredients and money.

Hi Wanda. Happy to have you back with us. Bring us up-to-date of GG, please.

Error message still lurking this afternoon.

Hope the test went well, Jo. Lynn, I can understand your concern.

Don't think any serious weather headed for my immediate area. Just still cloudy and gray.

Hi Lowreeda and Dana and Paula and Jim and Lynne and Glo.

Lynn, happy the tree limb did not damage.

Good pumpkin news, Paula. Pumpkin puree is what I cannot find. That was needed for the cookie recipe I REALLY wanted to try. Settled for the horrible one. Harris Teeter mgr. told me they may have to not put pumpkin pie filling on the shelf and ration 2/customer.

Shirley, so happy you had such a nice time yesterday.


Judie said...

Oh, nice bear report today.

Lynne2 said...

testing my new avatar

Lynne2 said...

ah, perfect!

So, when I was a little girl, my friends had pictures of David Cassidy plastered on their bedroom walls, book covers, etc. I had Secretariat!

Lynne2 said...

I hope Disney didn't add too much or change too much of the story in the movie.

hedgie said...

Judie, hate when a recipe is a disaster!

Lynne, I want to see the movie, too...if it's as Seabiscuit was a few years ago, it will be a treat!
I also loved Racing Stripes, but, of course, that was fictional!!

Well, guess what....Sears just called and said 2 techs called in sick and other guy got backed up too much to drive this far out from his territory. ARGH!! So now scheduled for Thurs.

hedgie said...

Just had a young buck pass through, and a flock (gaggle, skein???) of geese go honking overhead. The wonders of nature....ahhhh!

hedgie said...

Raining again!!!! Hurray!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening! I blew and I blew and I passed the test..... Really nothing right or wrong about passing the test -
Don't know why they call it a 'test' -
I guess because it does have a score.
I got my flu shot in the right arm and the booster pneumonia shot in the left arm.
Supper is over and it is only 5:56pm
We sure are early this evening... Time to put feet up and relax a few minutes.


Mema Jo said...

ps: Love the new pic Lynne..........

hedgie said...

Wow-----horrible downpour here....flooded!!! Think I just heard thunder, too. If I hear it again, will have to shut down.

magpie said...

Hallalujah Hawaii, Jo, sounds like a good report

and you have lots of evening time left to enjoy things

glad you too are feeling better Lynn

Hello Eagle Pals

magpie said...

saw your morning Eagle pics, Wanda.. (on Wild and Wonderful)
and had a quick look at Smiles and Wanda's Wishes also, found a few pics I had not seen yet....nice !

I finally picked up a couple of chrysanthemum plants and got them all situated in front, played in the rain and dirt well make that mud for awhile ☺

geese flying over at THE nest
or is that here ? LOL

magpie said...

nice avatar Lynne

oh brother, a dud cookie recipe, now that is just NOT RIGHT,
Judie :(

hope those scary weather forecasts did not result in anything BAD happening in any of our Eagle Corners

magpie said...

things are going to be dark sooner at THE nest due to the overcastedness, that's a new word

but I'm watching and listening

magpie said...

Those cruises Shirley and Dana mentioned sound really nice

magpie said...

I guess a wet nest might not be too terribly appealing this evening....
such a strange event since how long! ...a wet nest

See that Granny Riffe is doing well...that's good news ☺

paula eagleholic said...

I see we have some new threads for later this week.

How is everyone? Cooking chicken wings tonight...

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sounds like that was a nice dinner cruise.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Margy! How are you enjoying the dayshift?

magpie said...

hey there Paula... yeah those threads were quite a mystery yesterday

dayshift is ok...thanks...
still wish I could manage to retire before I expire !

Hey! Have fun Tuesay and "Wave" at the Waves for us


magpie said...

that sure is a cheerful and colorful avatar Paula....

paula eagleholic said...

I surely will, Margy. Will get some sand between my toes for ya too!

magpie said...

it's bye bye money and a few checks
and a few postage stamps

bbl :(

magpie said...

tickles to think of it Paula!
Hope you find a few cool shells too

xo ttfn

stronghunter said...


Would have been nice if it had been a dinner cruise, Paula. It was just a cruise. It lasted from from 2:30 until about 4:00.

hedgie said...

Rain seems to have stopped again. My postlight out front is dark---just replaced bulbs 2 weeks ago...darn it all.

House is on.....check back in a little while.

stronghunter said...

Hunter's homework tonight is on the phases of the moon. We went to this website: because he cannot see the moon.

stronghunter said...

I am watching DWTS tonight. Kind of hard to concentrate, though.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch some tv later...
Is everyone watching DWTS ?

I'll be sending out the Oct B-day list

9th Norma Long
11th Mason ( Caring Bridge)
11th Belle Baker
12th Jo Lennox
13th Wanda Wright
23rd Lisa Mayo BWE/BWO

Any b-day or anniversary I need to add? Send me an email Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Gotcha, Shirley. Still sounds like a nice time.

magpie said...


Big Birthday month coming up!

Thanks every so much Jo for keeping this going....

magpie said...

oh, ever so much,
every month
I think I was trying to say!

magpie said...


Hunter's homework assignment project is my kind of favorite thing!!
so, are we on waning gibbous right now?

magpie said...

okay back to my own homework assignments

ttfn xoxo

stronghunter said...

I just saw pictures, Margy. I am not sure what the name was.

stronghunter said...

I am ready to head upstairs. I will not make it through DWTS. I did see Sarah Palin.

Mema Jo said...

Early Bear Update 9/27/10

hedgie said...

Bears' Up

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO Hedgie I won!

1st time in a long time

Lolly said...

Well drat! Before supper I typed a post and the error caught me and I did not save! Grrrrr!

I was able to get on this morning, but for the rest of the day was unable to post.

We had a beautiful day traveling. We are in Memphis tonight. Actually, in Arkansas, have not crossed the river yet. Will do that in the morning.

Lynn, a skein of geese is in the sky. A gaggle of geese are on the ground. (Jack's info!)

Had a quick dinner of pizza casserole for supper. ☺

Lolly said...

Oh, that was nice to have an early bear update. Thanks, Lynn and Jo!!!

Lolly said...

Laurel went to the doctor today. She has bronchitis and tonsillitis, as well as pink eye. (The infection went into her eye) The the nurse from school called, Joseph was running a fever. Joseph will be home tomorrow and I talked Laurel into staying home another day. It is so hard for teachers to be sick and stay home. Then Jacob got stung by a wasp. He is highly allergic to insect stings. So, girls, I am asking for prayers for my family.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly and Jack
Good to hear from you in your travels.
Laurel and boys will be fine - they will realize how great it is when you are there to pitch in! They will love you all the more when you return.
Prayers for them and for their health.
Take care.........

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - did you see any stink bugs yet ?

Mema Jo said...

I know it is early but today has been busy.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

LOL No stink bugs yet. I laughed out loud when I saw the article in the paper this morning. I knew all about it, first hand from all of you! The article did say it is going to get worse. Yikes! After reading the article, I found out it apparently is a different "stink bug" than what we have. Soooooo, please keep it to yourself.

hedgie said...

Jo, we both did it at the same time again!!!!

Lolly, did you see my message earlier? You will get stinkers on/in the RV and take them home with you!!! Yes, these are a different species than old-fashioned stinkbugs!
Thanks, Jack....I had a skein of geese fly over!

magpie said...

Good Night Jo
Hello Lolly and Jack
...prayers for Laurel, Joseph and Jacob, Lol

Good Night Eagle Pals
Prayers for all our needs

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

You're making good headway on the trip-tick, Lolly!
Sorry the kids are all sick---praying for rapid get-wellness for Laurel and Joseph, and hope Jacob has no ill-effects from the wasp. Does he have to use an Epipen?

Lolly said...

Guess we will have to sterilize the trailer!!!!

Will pass your message on to Jack.

Lolly said...

No, Jacob is not on an epipen, yet. I think it won't be long before they tell them he needs it. Bites from fire ants are unbelievable. He really swells from them.

Lolly said...

We traveled 500 miles today. We are aiming for just a little over 400 tomorrow. Then we are spending a day in Kentucky. Going to do a little searching for Jack's maternal grandmothers grave. We have little to go on, but hopefully we will find it.

hedgie said...

Night-night to all of you turning in.
Christie and some fellow trainees are going to look at some severe flooding in southern MN after class tomorrow. She didn't know which river....but looking at a map, the Mississippi is close by----didn't realize it was that far north---so maybe that's the one.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Boy, has it been a day today! Hottest weather I can remember for a while. It got up to 113 in L.A., which set a new all-time record! It got to 106 on our patio, which is slightly better--but still not good! Watered all my plants outside before 8am today. In about a half hour, the temp rose from 72 to 82. Jim, can see why you closed up so quickly this morning! I did here, too. I ended up napping most of the day. It was just too hot to do anything else! It's supposed to be about 100 in L.A. tomorrow, so hope it's better here, too. By Wed. it's supposed to get humid, due to monsoon weather from Baja Calif. YUK! Will be hot, humid, and maybe even sorta rainy clear into the week after this one!

Mema Jo, glad your breathing test went OK. Lynn, I can understand why you don't want another one!
Glad you got some rain, and that the fallen limb didn't do any damage. Glad you're feeling better, too.

Lolly, prayers that Laurel, Joseph, and Jacob get to feeling better QUICKLY! Glad you're able to stay in touch while on your trip!

Judie, sorry about the lousy cookie recipe. I, too, hate when they don't turn out to be yummy.

Shirley, will have to check out the moon website--looks interesting!

Lynne, LOVE your Secretariat avatar!
I can't wait to see that movie, either. Hope they don't change the story. It's amazing enough as it is!

Well, think I'm gonna go watch some TV. We have a fan running full-blast in the living room. Sure wish we had A/C! Am going to turn on the porch light so others can see to get here. Don't think the night light is on yet, either, so will turn it on, too. Have said prayers for everyone. Setting the eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love all of you! :o]

NatureNut said...

Getting late & gotta do a couple things for work in AM.

Lolly, you made good headway!Prayers for the family back home.
Thanks Lynn & Jo for the Bear update--they are marvelous, just like are pets, huh?? ☺
Love Lynne2 horse---always liked them, too.
Lucky Paula gets to go to the BEACH! Are we allowed to say that word? ☺ Have a great time.
Guess Judie will not have to be on guard for the Cookie Monster! Sorry about your results.
Well, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

hedgie said...

Oh, my, andy, just don't know how you bear that heat w/o a/c. Guess I'm just spoiled! The first few years in this house, Christie and I had to rely on a window unit...that was bad enough. Putting in the central air was such a blessing.
Just don't overdo in that kind of heat, gal!! Glad that Jim has air.

Gonna call it a day here. Prayers for all, esp. Diann (PA Nana) and her hubby. They won't be able to join us for Open House after all because of some health issues... :(
Also, of course, praying extra hard for Karen.

Costume Lady said...

Hello, again...
I was going to give a report on the reason for our little trip and the outcome, but it's late and everyone is headed to bed, including me:) Will tell you about it tomorrow...


Lolly said...

Have had a nice shower, now going to settle down with my Kindle. Down loaded The Help to read on this trip.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just dropping in to let you know I feel a bit better after taking a lukewarm shower. It's finally down to 88 in the house. Wish I could open up and let the fans suck some cool air in, but it's still 88 outside! Will open up as soon as it's daylight in the morning--that should help. Will be cooler then.

Lynn, I'm prayin' with you for Diann and her husband. Sorry they won't be able to make it to Open House! Always pray for Karen. Don't worry--there's no WAY I am going to overdo it, as hot as it is!
The only way I'm surviving is by taking panda naps. It's too hot to even MOVE! I'm certainly glad that you have A/C! Jim, too! Hubby & I may have to check out those portable a/c units that move from room to room. Not sure how they are environmentally, though. We'll see. Heading back to my spot in front of the fan now! 'Night, all.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, so sorry to hear about the family illnesses. And also to hear that Diann and hubby can't make it to Open House. Prayers for all.

Glad Lolly that you are making such good progress on the trip! Good luck with finding Jack's granny's gravesite.

ANDY....I could NEVER deal with that kind of heat!! It's really going to be awful by the time the humidity sets in....RUN and get a window unit A/C for your bedroom at least!! That kind of weather is very stressful on the body. HURRY BEFORE THEY ARE ALL SOLD OUT!!!


magpie said...

Good Morning and G'Day Eagle Pals...

did not see or hear eagles since I've been watching the last 45 mins...mighta missed something though

WOOF! That's really HOT out there in California, Jim and Andrea !

Wanda...I will be in great suspense until I get home tonight to read all about your and Gene's trip

Best wishes for a good day,
Safe Travel wishes for our Eagle Momsters and Dadsters on the road


floralgirl said...

Well, there was an eagle in the nest about 15 minutes ago and there is one back now.

floralgirl said...

And of course, now that I mention it, it's gone.

stronghunter said...

A quick hello this morning.

Lolly, prayers for your family.

Andy, I hope you can find a cool place.

Many things to do here.

We have been getting rain, too, and expect more. How nice.

See you later. Have a good day, everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning all my eagle buddies. I have had the cam up since yesterday and haven't gotten to see an eagle. I am in desperate need of an eagle fix.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One of my good Train buddies, Karen Brown, lost her mom at 12:45 a.m. Please pray for her and her family. Such a sad time for her.

Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagle in the nest!

Lynne2 said...

Our eagle is spending a long time just sitting in the middle of the nest surveying it's kingdom!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning with an Eagle in the nest. Liberty?

Lynne2 love your avatar

Have dr appointment won't be on long time.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes yes Sharon love your avatar also Senator Bryd with an eagle. ( :

Norma would just love that!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon sorry for your friends lost of her Mom-prayers for you and their family.

movin said...





i THINK I see Liberty on our nest. And there's a small bird..maybe a BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

I see Shirley has already been on and Megan also our Margy-she didn't say but I guess she is headed for work.

I heard on the news last night the temps. Andy and Jim are getting. Fry
an egg on the sidewalk out there. I a second it would be over cooked for some.

Lynne2 said...

wow, it's been just about 22 minutes that this eagle is in the nest! Except for a stick placement when he first arrived, he/she has been just hanging out!

Sorry to hear of your friend's loss Sharon. Prayers for the family.

Thanks Dana, that avatar is the great Secretariat...his picture plastered my walls as a child while my friends where gawking at David Cassidy!

Lynne2 said...

Hey Jim, how are you doing in the HEAT

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim ( :

Are you finding some relief from the heat out there?

Lynne2 said...

you sure are up early! or late!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn2 are you close to Woodbine Md?

Lynne2 said...

preening now.

wonder where our other bird is??

Lynne2 said...

yes Dana, it's only about 20 minutes from here.

Lynne2 said...

is this usual? I don't remember just one eagle sitting in the nest so long...just about a half hour now.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 is you wanted to be a volunteer over there. They need people to ride, help in other ways the horses they already have. Not the rescused ones. They are still in hospital. I looked on their site and some need to be under saddle and such. Maybe you should check it out....could be an opening within their place for a regular job???

wvgal_dana said...


movin said...

Yes, I'm up early. It's "too darned hot" to sleep well, and the A/C, in addition to costing too much, chills you while you are sleeping.

It's actually 79°, but according to the Weather Channel 'it's supposed to be' a comfortable 64.

The 106° high yesterday was just too high for me to get much done, so I'm going to give it a try early today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Dana, there is nothing I would love more than to work with horses again. I spent a great deal of my younger years with horses just about every day of my life. I miss riding, and even mucking stalls! But because of my back, that part of my life is, sadly, history. I would have a difficult time riding, even the most calm and gentle horse is subject to a sudden movement now and then, and I just couldn't handle it. Cleaning stall would be hard, even getting a western saddle on would be tough for me now. Just being in the presence of a horse means being able to be quick, and I'm just not anymore.

wvgal_dana said...


Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

what the hell ws that noise?????

Lynne2 said...

HECK what the HECK was that noise...I hope it was just a branch breaking in the wind....GEEZ

wvgal_dana said...

No Lynn2 it was a shotgun blast!! Not at our eagle though. I'll have to check an see if deer hunting has started at NCTC.

Lynne2 said...

I feel for you was NEVER that hot here this summer and we had a record breaker for these parts.
Andy mentioned that humidity is supposed to roll in tomorrow on top of the heat...YUK.

Lynne2 said...

It would be bow season now Dana, I think....too early for guns.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you have an A/C Jim...I reckon those who didn't will now have a hard time finding one!

wvgal_dana said...

Oct 2 and Oct 9, 2010

Youth hunting this year Oct. 11-Dec 28, 2010
both days all-day hunt.

Nov. 27, 2010
Dec 4, 2010
Dec 11, 2010
Dec 29, 2010
Dec 30, 2010
They also allowing a few bow hunter on these
hunt dates. Dec 11, 29 and Dec 30, 2010


October 2nd – Special Bow Hunt - (does not count against WV bag limit)
October 9th – Special Bow Hunt - (does not count against WV bag limit)
October 30th – Youth Hunt – (antlerless-only)
November 27th – Shotgun & Bow
December 4th – Shotgun & Bow
December 11th – Shotgun & Bow – (antlerless-only, may take 2 deer)
December 18th - Muzzleloader & Bow
December 28th - Youth Hunt (anterless-only)
December 29th - Shotgun/Muzzleloader/Bow (anterless-only)
December 30th - Shotgun/Muzzleloader/Bow (anterless-only)

Lolly said...

Just time for a quick good morning. We are heading out. KY our next stop.

Have a great day!

Middle 50's here this morning and bright sunshine!

Lynne2 said...

Maybe it was just a tree branch...if it was really close to the mic it would sound like a shotgun.

UGH, muzzle loader and shotgun at a bad time again in late Dec.

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels to the Bluegrass State Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

anyway, Dana, I answered you about Days End a few posts back before all the excitement!

wvgal_dana said...

I have called Jay Director is out. Jim Willis in meeting. The secretary is calling the guard shack to see if they can ride around the grounds.!!!!

I have to leave for my appt.

Just spoke with Captain Roby he called me. They are having on the southeast side of NCTC. A netting class. The nest has to be shot out through something that makes that blast. Captain Roby is aware and all is ok. He said the eagle will even gtoo check out to find out for himself what it is. He said "they are nosey too and want to know what that blast was".

I feel much better leaving now.

Prayers for Laurel, Jacob and Joseph.

Wow! Lolly 500 miles one day. Boy are
you two making headway.
Good luck hope you find Jack's grannies

Happy Mema Jo's breathing test was good.

wvgal_dana said...


Lynne2 said...

whew, thanks for checking Dana! Good luck at the Dr!

movin said...

Eagle has landed on BWO.

I didn't hear the shot, but it probably blended with the music.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Looks like the rain is staying well east of us today. Sun keeps trying to poke out and it's very breezy and nice outside! We'll need a day or 2 to dry out before this next tropical system possibly comes up the coast and dumps on us again Thursday.

Lynne2 said...

OK, what's going on with the threads! Are we supposed to be on the Tuesday thread that is already posted??

movin said...

i THINK you are right, Lynne2. I recall from yesterday that Steve had left several threads before he left on his trip.


New Thread



[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Just crossed the mighty mississippi!

Lynne2 said...

well then Jim, should we take the plunge into Tuesday???

Lynne2 said...

and Lolly, you are Memphis now?
Come on over to the Tuesday thread!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK, I'm heading over to Tuesday....see you all there!

hedgie said...

Okay, gang, go to the Tues. page down the list aways!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Just hopping on here real quick to say Hi and bye...heading for the BEACH!!!

Have a great Eve, and see ya tomorrow night!

magpie said...

Okay just old time's sake I guess I will post on here too...

but the other comments are over on the "Phantom Tuesday" thread with no date posted on top of it.....

see you over there ...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning lovely friends! We have nestorations going on in our nest. I think that is Liberty. Belle did a fly-by a while ago, landed but didn't stay! Hope all is well in your corners of the world. Everything is good here in Bluefield this morning. Tom's mom is making steady improvement day by day. God certainly has answered prayers for that little woman. Thanks so much to all of you!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Isn't it a bit early for nestorations? Reckon they know something we don't about the winter?

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...