Monday, September 20, 2010


New thread.  John is continuing to work hard to get all of the pieces together for the cam replacement.  Should be soon...


Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon everyone
Thanks Steve for the update and thank John for trying to put all the pieces together!

I'll go over and let others know

Lolly said...

Wahoo! For the new cam! Thanks, Steve!

Lolly said...

Jo, did you see my question from the other night? I want to go to the nest the Thursday evening before Open House. Do I need to do anything to get them to let me in?

Lolly said...

from facebook

Beverly Crisco Riffe Granny came through good. It was a bad break and it was a hard surgery. She will be in ICU so he can monitor her heart. He said her bones are hard and that is a good thing. She has had one unit of blood and has two more units on hand. Lots of blood loss but she is doing relatively good considering.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, Father Gene is doing well, he is busy right now getting the EE ready for a short trip later this week. I am washing laundry and packing a few things. Bought some Marie Callendar's dinners and some breakfast bowls...don't like to cook in the motor home:(

Costume Lady said...

Glad to hear Granny Riffe is out of surgery and has that over and done with.
We saw a hummer this morning, so happy to see her...not ready to let them go!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and Jo for the call over. Thank John for his hard work. He is appreciated.

So happy Mrs. Riffe is out of surgery. Continued prayers for her complete recovery.

Hi Jim.

Wanda, no cooking in the EE? Well, as long as Father Gene is happy, that's what counts.

Lolly said...

Wanda, we cook! And, our kitchen is tiny compared to yours. Have some of our best meals on the road.

Lolly said...

I should say we prepare and freeze a lot of main dishes. Then all we have to prepare are the simple side dishes. I will also take some quick meals for when we are tired, canned stew, and pot pies.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I used to cook in the motor home when we took GG & Dad with us and by the time I go done cooking, all of eating, and cleaning up the mess, I was to tired to do much of anything else. When Dad died and we traveled with just GG, it was her suggestion that we take prepared meals. She would cook a big casserole and I would fix a pot of something. When we ran out of those meals, we stopped at the grocery store and bought the frozen dinners. Think at the time, we bought Stouffers. That was a big hit with all of us and so, we have been doing it ever since, only now, it's mostly Marie C. Ummm. We also take lunch meat, cheese, rolls, tomatoes and lettuce if we don't feel like eating a meal. We keep canned soups, veggies, meats and fruits stocked in the cupbords, just in case.

Costume Lady said...

Pricing costumes today then need to vacuum...then we're all done.

Mema Jo said...

Thankful for the news about Granny Riffe's surgery being over. Prayers for healing to begin.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I saw your questions about visiting the nest the days before and after Open House. I would suggest getting names to Steve Chase with dates to give to Security. Open House Saturday there isn't any list for check off by Security.
Probably anyone arriving Friday evening (daylight) or staying Sat night and leaving Sun would want to be on a list.
Lynn since you have the list of those that are out of town guests, would you submit it to Steve?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - do you ever make posters about the shop's hours and directions to post in and about town - even Sheetz in Shepherdstown to drum up business?

Judie said...

Wanda, definitely put a sign at Sheetz -- then I'll know if I've arrived at the right place!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I wonder what will be our Joke of the Weekend this year? lol

hedgie said...

Jo, you want the whole list to go to Steve, with caveat that any of them may show up for a visit Th., Fri. evenings and/or Sun.?

I always enjoyed cooking in the RV---maybe because it gave me the only chance I had to use a gas stove! Of course, many things were prepped ahead of time. With a family of 4, it did save a lot of money....and we didn't have to get cleaned up from beach/or set up camp and freshen up to go out.

hedgie said...

Wish someone could tell me how the H these stinkbugs KNOW where a door is and what it's for!

hedgie said...

Forgot to say....Christie called last night from Chaska, MN. "Mom, I wish I had brought more warm clothes. It's cold here." Mother warned her!!!! She did take some long sleeves and sweaters and a jacket. Not sure what more she thinks she needs---parka, earmuffs and gloves??? It's not like she's going to be outdoors!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie, they also found my windows and my stove vent on the outside wall.
My dryer vent better heat them up and blow them out!

Lynn, wouldn't be a bad idea to send the entire list. Wait until about Wed of that week before OPEN House.
Any change in the count?

Lolly said...

Thanks Lynn, for submitting the names. Thursday will be our only chance to go in the evening and we might stop by some time during the day on Friday. Thursday evening for sure I want to be at the nest!

Lolly said...

Have prepared Saltimbocca as well as veal roll ups today. Already had our rolled flank steak. Have already frozed fresh pesto, chimichurri sauce, and green onion sauce. Jack cooks the rolled flank steak on the grill. The other two dishes are cooked in a skillet. That is 5 excellent meals that will be easy to get ready and we are going to be gone 5 weeks. One of those each week!

Lolly said...

Wanda, sounds like you are ready! When do you open shop?

hedgie said...

Lolly, remember one time we were at the beach and were grilling chicken. Stupid seagull swooped down took a whole breast quarter right off the grill. It eneded up dropping it a short distance away----either too hot or too heavy. THe Mr. picked it up, washed it off and put it back on the grill.

Mema Jo said...

I hope Mr was the one to eat it! lol

Mema Jo said...

I am about to go out to the Cracker Barrel with hubby......


hedgie said...

You're probably already gone, Jo....enjoy your dinner!!!! LOVE their country fried steak and mashed taters with sawmill gravy!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve and John for working to get the new cam up. Such a wonderful and exciting period. To see the eagles even more spectacular.

Lynn-Hedgie read comment about Derick being
a "Daddy" ( : tell him contragulations please.

Thanks Hedgie for that link on Vick's Dogs.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie read comment about Derick being a "Daddy" ( : tell him contragulations please.

Thanks Hedgie for that link on Vick's Dogs.

So happy prayers are being now prayers for healing for Mrs. Riffe and rest for family.

Jo loved your comment "I hope Mr was the one to eat it!"
lmbo good one!

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Went to Dr. Need a procedure that I cannot afford so I'll just have to deal with things. Very sad to have insurance but not be able to afford the deductibles and copays.

Lynne2 said...

However, Steve and I can legally separate, and he can take me off of his insurance...that way, I am eligible for Medical Assistance, Food Stamps, Rent Assistance.....woo hoo!!

Lynnellen, funny story about the seagull and the chicken! Maybe he didn't drop it because it was too hot or heavy, maybe he realized he was about to become Cannibal Gull!

SO we ARE getting a new cam altogether! WOO HOO!!! Oh boy, has anyone figured out how to get the climbers to hold those shells for Jo Ellen?

Continued prayers for Granny Riffe...hope for an update soon!

Lynnellen, Wanda....watched the last ATWT today...sniff sniff :(
I really am going to miss catching up on Oakdale from time to time. They did a lovely job of a happy ending for everyone!

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynnelllen, is Derrick going to send some pics to you of his new "babies"? I look forward to seeing them!

Lynne2 said...

better turn the cam up so I can hear our Royal Pair when they fly in....

hedgie said...

Don't remember who ate the chicken, but it probably was him!!!

Dana, the baby is a female!!!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, doesn't healthcare suck???? Wouldn't they let you pay your share a little at a time??? :(

I have pics!!! I'll send in email. They were taken with a cell phone so aren't real clear.

It was very weird today not having ATWT to watch....:(

hedgie said...

House and Dancing with the Stars start new seasons tonight!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I am back from dinner.
Have my cams up as a just in case you know who comes by for a visit.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - can't you get some medical assistance...???

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

There is an eagle in OUR nest

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

right on schedule

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Poof Poof

They may come back

hedgie said...

We have nest visitor!!!! Maybe 2---can't tell for sure. Got a pic.

hedgie said...

And poof.

Lynne2 said...

they probably will, that's what they been doing!

hedgie said...

Added pic to album.
Time for Jeopardy. BBL.

Lynne2 said...

aw, love talk!

Lynne2 said...

no Jo, not eligible for any help at all. Only if Steve and I were to legally separate.

Lynne2 said...

hmm, maybe they aren't going to get back in the nest this evening. Perhaps off to hold hands and watch Jupiter and the Moon and have more love talk!

Lolly said...

I was in the kitchen. Kept hearing something but it did not register. Duh! Were our eagles talking?

Lynne2 said...

they sure were Lolly!

Lolly said...

I kept hearing something, but busy preparing dinner. Finally the lightbulb went off and I thought, what am I hearing? Ah...the cam! And I only had our nest up.

Lolly said...


wvgal_dana said...

Missed the eagle tonight. Was in my email and it keeps flowing with "Freecycle" stuff.

Hear someone up in tree.

Judie said...

Not to worry, Jo. If I make it, no doubt I'll do something else silly without realizing it will become a huge ha ha. Like maybe ending up at the Charlestown slots and losing my dinner money.

Lynn, I think I saw a stinkbug email alert with instructions on door, window, dryer vent identification.

Look forward to some pictures of the mom and foal.

Yuk! Seagull germs on chicken. lol

Jo, happy you had a nice dinner out. We did carry in - chinese. What is sawmill gravy? Got me on that one.

Lynne, so sorry about the medical coverage. Please investigate further to make sure you do not have an alternative.

Missed the visit by the royal pair. My luck.

Off to check out some t.v. Be back to say goodnight.

wvgal_dana said...

What in the world is Yahoo! PULSE????????

hedgie said...

Judie, sawmill gravy is white gravy with coarse pepper!

Foal pics coming to your mailbox, Judie.

hedgie said...

I haven't the faintest idea, Dana....never heard of it!

Judie....please post a detour sign for stinkbugs! Direct them to the sewers!

wvgal_dana said...

Are those pictures coming to my mailbox too ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Road Maintenance Worker Dies Berkeley Springs, WV.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Google Yahoo Pulse

Too complicated for me to explain

wvgal_dana said...

It says it is 91 degrees in Colorado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Off to catch some TV shows for the new season.............

Tomorrow will be better.........

hedgie said...

Dana, thought you saw the pics on FB...????? If not, sure will send on.

wvgal_dana said...

Too much information and too many places to go blog, fb, chats, yahoo pulse, and who knows what else....

I'm going to the tv...and I'll be in charge of the channel remote. Ha!
Now that I can do easily !!!!

hedgie said...

Wow, what a tragic accident. Prayers for his family.

Lolly said...

Just finished watching House and now watching the last part of DWTS.

And, I am so happy to be back in my chair with my laptop! Jack asked the other day "What did you do before your laptop?". LOL

Lynne2 said...

still hear noise near the mic...

Heading for bed, babysitting EARLY in the AM! Have a good night and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Lynnellen

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks so much John and Steve.

a TIP if you join a Freecycle group...they can post a LOT of messages, you may want to change your email setting to the daily digest.

Lolly said...

Just realized Castle is coming on tonight too. Really vegging out! ☺

hedgie said...

Have fun babysitting, Lynne!!! Better you than me!! I sure couldn't chase after little ones anymore. Sleep tight!

hedgie said...

Thanks for humoring me with Lynnellen, gang!!!

Jo, I haven't turned in yet!!!

hedgie said...

Speaking of volumes of mail--JO: sent you two emails (one yesterday, one today) that oyu haven't answered!!

Judie said...

Lynn, thank you for the pictures of the mom and baby rescue horse. Wishing them both good health.

So sorry about the worker in Berkley Springs. Condolences for his family and friends.

Okay, sawmill gravy -- sounds a lot like one of my culinary mistakes that I try to camouflage.

Ah, the stinkbug detour -- perhaps detour signs that take them into rush hour traffic on the beltway? Ah, the sound of millions of stinkbugs being crushed in rush hour traffic -- sigh.

Have been watching Peter, Paul, and Mary special. Surely brings back lots of emotional memories from the early 1960s, civil rights, Viet Nam, etc. Seems so long ago yet still so relevant.

Going to turn my light out as tomorrow is a teaching day and I have a meeting with the new dr. So turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or just coming in from the west coast. Pleasant dreams.

BB tomorrow afternoon.

hedgie said...

Judie, I watched that special on PBS a few weeks sure did bring back lots of memories! Not all good, either.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone in 'Puter land!!!!
Wanted to check in, can't stay long. Been talking to E. Indian sounding techie people connected w/our anti-virus co. since 3:30PM. They have cleaned up machine as clean as a whistle (I think) & called me back. My test drive found my Photoshop glitz to still be there, so I am getting a newer Free???? version by dwnld. It will take about 4 hours!!!!(It may be coming by boat)Of course there is a fee for all this work, but it's good for a whole year,24-7, not one time only like Geek squad!As my techie checked out, I saw that some programs used to clean were installed 9-21!!!I knew he was out of town,asked him the time there. Said it was 7AM. Told him to have a nice breakfast!!!
And that's enough about that!

hedgie said...

Speaking of memories....watching the new Hawaii Five-O....original was in '68. Remember watching with my Dad. :(

hedgie said...

Sure hope that all of your puter issues are resolved after all of that, Loretta!!!

Mema Jo said...

Watching CHASE US Marshall

Sorta ok

hedgie said...

From Derick:
Update from the Rescue Farm: 53 original rescues, and there are only 15 left at the farm. 2, of course, are coming to our house, 3 are in ICU/Rehab, and the other 10 have homes, but are pending release due to further vet examination, weight gain, and muscle build. This is TRULY a miracle story. In less than 10 days,... Berkeley County Animal Control did a SUPERB job in handling a very messy catastrophe. God is good!

NatureNut said...

I haven't seen any new shows, yet, but saw the ad for Hawaii 5-0 & it sure looked hokie! Nothing w/out Tom Selleck.
Gotta shampoo hair---work in AM. Tomorrow is BIG annual Picnic for Park & Rec Employees. I haven't been going since they stopped serving crabs, but since I'm there anyway, I'll go!
Plus, my download is only going to take 1/2 hr. +, so you know I'll be installing & checking!!!
In case I'm not back, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all Eagle Buds & prayers for those in need ;>)

NatureNut said...

Oh, Lynn. That is wonderful news about the care and homes for the horses! St. Francis must have helped!! (I talked to him the other day & about bears, too) ☺

magpie said...

Wow Jo !

I see you have October albums all ready and set to house, and daily photos, and dinner...
Thank You !!!

Howdy Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Yes indeedy....great horse rescue information since day one, Lynn..
thank you

grannyblt said...

Thanks for all the nice comments this morning folks. I do check in sometimes but was finding it hard to keep up. Decided to just jump in and not worry about reading backlog. I've kind of kept up via Facebook.

I have to back track about stink bugs. There was a feature about them on the Pittsburgh news this evening. I personally haven't seen one since I left TX 4 years ago.

magpie said...

Howdy again there grannyblt...
I've been pretty fortunate regarding the stink bugs as they haven't been too prevalent in my round of travels...actually, I think they are a beautiful, prehistoric looking insect, but they are pestersome

hedgie said...

Loretta, Hawaii Five-O wasn't Selleck! It was Jack Lord and James MacArthur!!!!!
Tom was Magnum,PI and recently Jesse Stone movies--there are more of them to come--and he has a new series this season on Fri. night called Blue Bloods. He's my man!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

SOOO glad to hear that Granny Riffe is doing well! Thank God! Now praying for a fast recovery.

Congratulations to Derick! Boy, I bet that little one is CUTE!

Was so sorry to read of the road maintenance worker who died. Prayers for his family and friends!

Judie, hope your Dr. appt. goes really well tomorrow. Hope school goes well, too.

Am happy as can be to report that a very, very dead rat was retrieved from our attic today by the exterminator. Hope it doesn't have any friends in the vicinity. And you guys think stink bugs are bad!
(Actually, they ARE--sorry to hear that you're having troubles with them already.)

Well, going to go watch some TV and unwind. Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. The porch light is on, too. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and have sweet dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow. Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

It's late...
time for me to hit the sack

Hope sleep is rich and restful for everyone

Prayers and best wishes for healing for Granny Riffe and all with health needs here and everywhere

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

as I was leaving Berkeley Springs around 8: 00 pm
I could see bright Venus in the West
bright Jupiter in the East...
and the Moon of course where it was

hedgie said...

Hi Lynne 1 and Margy! Seeing you gals twice in one day is a treat!

Have fun tomorrow, Loretta!

It is supposed to get down in the 40's tonight here....:( But 90 by Weds.! Already chilly out there.

Costume Lady said...

I am at a loss for words that there is no help out there for Lynne! All those illegals getting free medical help,free baby deliveries, free medicine and free food, YES, FREE FOOD, in addition to food stamps, the list goes on and on!

Costume Lady said...

Getting daily pill packs ready for GG for all the days we will be gone and then some extras, just in case we get stranded in a snow storm:) It happened a few years ago, but it was in December.
Lynn and both know where the extras are. Do you remember?

hedgie said...

Wanda, it is so sad, isn't it? Heard mention made today that for all intents and purposes, the middle class no longer exists. And now they are trying to feed us this garbage that the recession is over-----what a load of Pelosi!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie on your blog you have the first pic of the horses.
Where do I find the recent pic I thought you talked about of the horse Derick took and the new foal. I checked out FB but..........

hedgie said...

Bear report

hedgie said...

Jo, try doing a FB search for Derick Dearing..........if you can't see them, I'll email them.

magpie said...

Wanda - yes - I do remember...
keep my phone numbers handy and call if you need anything and let me know if you need anything taken care of in advance, or during...

and thanks Lynn....always a pleasure to see YOU too....

okay, final act, hitting the x button on this tab....

Mema Jo said...

Bear Update

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Margy. I will tell GG to call you in case of EMERGENCY, if she can't reach Denise or Karla. They will be taking my place every other day and will carry on with the FAMILY FRIDAY...Stop in if you have a chance.
Charlie and Margy are helping out too:)

Mema Jo said...

I found the photo, Lynn on Derick's page. I had brought up the news article first.

Not taking my Bear Update down. lol

hedgie said...

Yes, Wanda, remember where they are. And the key, as well. Check email!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs to Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Have completely vegged out tonight and now I am passing out. Going to head to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Good night, sleepy heads!!! Rest peacefully. Prayers and peace.

hedgie said...


Costume Lady said...



paula eagleholic said...

Very late evening, early morning to all. Been working on estate stuff this everything done I set out to do tonight.

Wanda, so very glad to hear that you and the Capt are taking a couple of days for yourselves!!

Grannyblt, sometimes that's what ya gotta do, just jump back in!

Night, all!

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Busy day ahead. Faculty meeting this afternoon. SAT class tonight.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

one poof

Lynne2 said...

second one gone not. not sure how long ago...I was outside, getting dive bombed by hummers!

Off to babysit...have a good morning all!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land to ALL.

First sounds like I missed the eagles this AM.

Shirley sounds like you have a busy day.

Lynne2 is off to babysit. Now I am wondering??? Is this a child or an animal she is babysitting?

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for appt with new doctor
today Judie.
Judie your comment about stinkbugs
and rush hour traffic lmbo Thanks
for the laugh lady. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I had to choose between Chase
and Hawaii Five O and Chase. Going
back and forth I stayed with Chase.

I don't know maybe it is becaue I
watched Hawaii Five O so much in
earlier years. It just didn't seem
the same. I did like Chase. We'll
see if I get tired of it.

Just great about the horses Hedgie-Lynn.

Loretta I sure hope your computer
has given you a clean healthy computer now. Have a good time at work picnic.

Hedgie-Lynn I do like Blue Bloods tv

See our Margy came in last night. Good to read her comments. Miss her when she has all those hours to work. Glad she got some Berkeley Springs time.

Paula hope Estate stuff wasn't to rough.

Wanda I'll be keeping GG in prayers. During you and Gene's trip.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I just a pee-o-ed as you about Lynn2's situation. For the same reasons too!!!! :(

grannyblt said...

Morning all. Missed our eagles earlier. I'm looking forward to watching them at the nest more often as nesting season approaches.

Watched The Event last night--not sure I will continue. Saw the first part of The Chase and was drawn in by the Houston references. They even mentioned my old subdivision.

Have a wonderful day !!

grannyblt said...

I hope Lynne2 can somehow manage to have treatment soon so the situation doesn't worsen.

Costume Lady said...

Just woke up! Couldn't sleep last night, but when sleep did overtake me, I slept like a baby:) Felt good!

Dana, I watched Hawaii 5 0 last evening and just couldn't get 'with it', so I read the newspaper. Lots of our favorites are coming back on tonight and the rest of this week.
I didn't know that SURVIVOR came back on last week til Ceil told me. How on earth did I miss of my FAVES!

Will be busy today with many things...Soup Kitchen being the main thing.


Have a great day♥

Costume Lady said...

Dana, thanks for prayers for GG♥

GRANNY, good to have you back with us...yes, it is almost time for those wonderfully, crazy nestorations. Belle fussing at Lib about his placement of a stick, and then moving it where SHE wants it:)

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda the soup kitchen has been a great success. God is PLEASED!

You have me wondering where your trip will take you.

I do feel badly that I never met your Mother. So that when I'm in that area. I could go up and check on her. After you get back we may have to change that. So I will get to meet her. When I'm in the area I always drive by the house. To make sure she hasn't fallen in the yard. Feel I need to do more to help. HUGS!

Hi Grannyblt so they were in your old hometown were they. That is always interesting. Love it when they do that on Law & Order and I get to see Baltimore. So great to have you on here with us.

wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

Good morning! Beautiful day here. Love it when it starts out feeling so good. Cool front coming later on in the week. Yea! And, hopefully rain!

More packing of the trailer today and I need to make more pesto and finish up my basil. Won't be any left in the herb garden when we return. Make pesto and freeze it.

Lolly said...

A Jacob story..Laurel posted this last night on fb:

So, I'm sitting on Facebook while Jacob was in the shower. The next thing I know the door chime dings and I ask Joseph, "Who just opened the door?" He doesn't know, so we look's Jacob naked as a jay bird with his duckie towel on his head!!! AAAHHHH!! He says he forgot something outside! Guess I better get off Facebook and do a little parenting!!! :) LOL

Lolly said...

Wanda, your menu for today sounds great! Yummy!

hedgie said...

Hi gang! Sounds like everyone is chipper today!
ARGH---I am having trouble with my Westminster chime clock.....stopped running, but pendulum was still swinging. Put in new battery----and now NOTHING!
47° this AM at 7!

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy birthday Delphia!
Enjoy your special day and pray you have a good year ahead ♪♪♫♪♪

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Lolly----that is funny!! Was it dark yet?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone! I am anxiously awaiting a phone call telling me that great-grandchild (boy? or girl?) #8 has arrived! The Hedgesville family is going strong! This will be #5.

Wanda - your menu for this evening sounds so yummy that my mouth is watering.

Lynn2 - Special thought and prayers for you - praying that God sends you an answer soon!

Lolly - Jacob is a determined youngster and I loved your story!

I did watch Chase last evening - a bit unbelievable BUT the plot was good. Couldn't get into the Event. Hubby liked it.

Can't wait until this evening for my favorite shows to start back up!

hedgie said...

Trying a different new battery. Sometimes I think there are very minute differences in the measurements that make a contact difference....

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of you Judie and hoping you get some good results from the new doc.

hedgie said...

Hmmmm....guess a spray of canned air is next.....

Lolly said...

Yes, do hope Judie's visit to the doctor today is a positive one!

Yes, Jacob is determined, stubborn, and very creative. Going to be very interesting watching that youngster grow. Joseph is our caring, loving one. Both have great sense of humor. Though this summer I did see a bit of caring in Jacob as well. Zach is our comedian...and extremely intelligent, gifted one. Oh my! Time will tell!

Lolly said...

Time to get moving! Things to do, places to go!

hedgie said...

I don't think I'll watch Hawaii Five-O again....did not impress me.
I'm anxious for tonight, too.....but guide is showing 2 episodes of NCIS: LA....and it says both are new, but the first one sounds like an old one......guess we shall see!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn my commerical show "new tonight NCIS with Gibbs" then NCIS LA.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn do you get in your emails the Freekibble? If so did you see the one about the dogs? Let me know if NOT I will send some special info to you.

wvgal_dana said...

Lollu you said Zach is you alls comedian. Well I think Jacob last night tried to take Zach's role.

Mema Jo said...

Granny Riffe Update
Beverly Crisco Riffe Just talked to the nurse. Granny is doing okay pain wise. Her blood pressure is a little low and they can't give her alot of fluids because of her history of congestive heart failure. The doctor said this was a hard surgery for a 30-year-old, much less Granny's age. She will stay in ICU at least again today. Please help us continue to pray for her.

hedgie said...

No, Dana, haven't gotten any freekibbles info.

Mema Jo said...

Pray for Peace - Today is International Day of Peace ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mema Jo just went into fb on Bev and commented.

Lynne2 said...

OK, round one of babysitting is done...round 2 later this afternoon. (children today Dana! No pets)

JO ELLEN!!! How exciting! New baby coming today! WOO HOO!!

Lolly, kids do the darnedest things, don't they! Too funny! When my sister was about 3, she was in the tub. My mom left for a minute to get something out of her room, a scant 10 feet away. She came back and my sister was gone. My mother was freaking out all over the house and couldn't find her. She was discovered outside on the sidewalk, also naked as a jaybird, riding MY Tippy Toes Doll's little tricycle!!

Judie, hope Dr visit goes well today!

Prayers continue for Granny R...I figured that the fixing of that kind of break would be tough. Hope all keeps going well.

Thanks for all of the comments on the health care situation. Pretty messed up, isn't it?

Just saw 2 southbound monarchs pass through the yard. Didn't see any yesterday. The last of the caterpillars outside have moved on to for chrysalis but I can't find them. I have 2 out there that are not going to hatch. Way past the time for them to do so.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn check your email

Judie said...

Just a quick hello.

Happy birthday, Delphia. Hope it will be a special day for you.

Have not had time to read carefully and just skimming.

Good news about Mrs. Riffe. I believe she will be just fine. Prayers continue.

Also good news about the horses. Prayers continue for all to be adopted soon.

Andy, glad you got rid of the stinky body. Hope that will be the last one.

Wanda, menu sounds great. Hungry now. Sounds as if you've got lots of good backup for GG. Hope she behaves herself.

Lynne2, I sure wish you some medical relief. Whole health care system is screwed up. Wishing you the best.

Lynn, have you tried playing "kick the clock"

Okay, Darth should be here to pick me up. Thank you for the support with drs. today. Appt. is 1:00pm. I'll be back later this afternoon with news.

Judie said...

Oh, gosh. I'm sorry Jo. Congratulations on the new addition. Best health for mom and baby.

Mema Jo said...

Get some answers Judie! Even that would make you feel better! ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Judie, I may have to kick the clock. Nothing else is working. I had a thought---maybe there's a stinkbug in it! But think the canned air would have dislodged it!!

Good luck with your apptmt.!!

Eating my lunch and then will be heading out myself at 1---have my mammo today. Yuck!

Will talk to you later this afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

I just got an invite from Jenny and Aaron for lunch. Going to the
La Paz downtown Frederick. I'd like to walk the canal and enjoy the sunshine.

wvgal_dana said...

8th baby is on the WAY!!!!!!!

I'll never be able to keep them all straight Mema Jo. That is why I just love when you put pictures on. Saying who is who....loved the birthday pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Every time we have something going on - I try to get the kids to pose in certain groups and they hate doing it.
All I get is "OH MOTHER!" Next time I'll tell them that my Friends need them to do it! lol

Lynne2 said...

In case anyone wants to take some time in this beautiful weather during the next few weeks to do some raptor migration watching and getting some outdoor time or taking a nice drive....
Hawk Watching MD

For our southern West Virginians, there is Hanging Rock Hinton WV

South Central Pa Waggoner's Gap

Central Eastern Pa Hawk Mountain

Also, Cape May New Jersey!

Lynne2 said...

Lynnellen, your day doesn't sound nearly as much fun as Jo Ellen's day will be!

I'm heading out to do some errands....

Lolly said...

It is official...have packed my clothes for Fri and Sat nights in WV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Only clothes I hung.) The rest....jeans,
t-shirts , and sweats are folded and stored. Yipeeeeeeeeee!

Let's is semi formal, right? LOL Would you slacks and tops?

movin said...


Goodest morning

and Bestest day

tO you aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...







C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...
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paula eagleholic said...
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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...