Monday, September 13, 2010


Was in DC all day.  New thread.


magpie said...

Well Welcome Back, Steve...
Hope you enjoyed your day

Thanks for the new thread !

magpie said...

Was just reading back through prior thread comments

Hi Sharon and Sissy...
the two Double E-S gals!
Hope everything is well down your way...

Hello Eagle Friends ☺

I already heard one clunk near the mic, you know aht that probably means...

magpie said...

I think that means what

cute avatar Judie...
had to laugh at last post-game
BEagle had a cow on her avater for two posts one of which was "Ooops"

magpie said...

was a most wonderful call from Hedgie with the good news of our friend who had surgery this morning...(growth is benign)

Thank you Lynn, Thank you God, and Thank ALL of you for your prayers


magpie said...

oh dear, I am over here all by myself

Mema Jo said...

Finished my coffee break Margy so I will join you in the viligent watch.

Thanks Steve - Good to be out of the City!

magpie said...

oh yay !!
Hi Jo

magpie said...

Wow, nice
a little early tonight

hedgie said...

I'm here....have cam up---in all of its webby glory...getting worse by the minute!
New season starts on Jeopardy in a few....I'll sit here at puter rather than on sofa.

Eagle--got pic!!

hedgie said...

And gone!!!!

magpie said...

wow is the nest sounding dry !

Oh well, I think the visit is not really over yet !!

hedgie said...

In album!!!

Mema Jo said...

You are good Hedgie!

Mema Jo said...

Each evening it gets darker earlier.

hedgie said...

It sure does, and I hate it!! :(

Mema Jo said...

You think it is a done deal.....

hedgie said...

I hit print screen just in case I can't catch it with snipping tool fast enough, Jo!

magpie said...

I hear smaller birds maybe cardinals or juncoes...
but not any eagles or their talons right now

magpie said...

well now I do....
and now I see one too !!

hedgie said...

BOTH---got pic but really hard to see!

Mema Jo said...

I haven't read through my Birds & Blooms yet..... Need to do that!

hedgie said...

Eating something....and sharing or kissing!!

hedgie said...

Pics in album!

magpie said...

everything is really gauzy but the views were nice anyway....
I might have gotten a few pics too will compare in a little while

You are brave, Lynn...Bravo !

hedgie said...

Have to enlarge to see them!

magpie said...

I think I have TWO B&B's and one B&B Extra that I haven't really gone through yet :(

well I can't tell if the nest itself is empty or not, but I think the Tree, is not empty !

magpie said...

nice pics Lynn...I have to add mine then compare to see if they are the same

wow, sounds like someone tinkling a dinner bell or a flag rope clinking against a flag pole....

Mema Jo said...

Our nest every evening has that bright circle at the top center of the nest. I don't know what it is because it is always there.

I'm going to check out a TV show at 8:00 then I get to watch The Closer.
Lynn you still watch Rizzoli & Isles?

I'll see you later - during commercials or at 11:00.....

magpie said...

Well I got two of one and two of two, took mine off the still cam, so they are similar, but just a little different...I think....
they are in the album also

Best wishes for a good evening everyone...

going to go submerge some bubbles here for a bit...
hearing my "75" geese starting to fly "south"

ISS will be out here around
8:38 - 8:40 - from same direction as last night, but not quite so bright nor high


hedgie said...

Brave about what, Margy?

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, still watch R&I!

Mema Jo said...

Looked at all tonight's pics - they are good - Thanks Margy & Lynn.


wvgal_dana said...

What direction will the ISS be?

magpie said...

You're welcome Jo...thanks for maintaining and creating those albums for us !!

Lynn...brave, about watching the nest after the spidey strands begin appearing....

magpie said...

if you want to fetch a view of this with field glasses:

The Moon is positioned smack dab in the middle of the consteallation Scorpius tonight...a beatiful twinkly star out to the left of the Moon, with field blasses....shows a mainly reddish star, that is Antares...

with the Moon being so bright it might hard to view all this...
but it sure is pretty !

And then of course, there is stunning Venus a little further West of all of that....

magpie said...


ISS will rise from WNW -
and come towards the East...

last night it seem to pretty much come out of the due West direction...
sorry I was late answering you...

Judie said...

Hi Steve! Thank you for the new thread. Hope you had a nice weekend.

Dinner is over and the kitchen is in a reasonable state of repair.

Lynn and I did have an ongoing email conversation and she came to my rescue. So, the magical Bambi is watching over all of our beloved critters.

Lolly, long soak and an even longer G&T. Don't know where you get all the energy.

Yummy, Jo. A.M. in the P.M. Can be sooooo delicious.

Hi Margy! So nice to have you here in the evening and you were able to watch the royal pair. You and Lynn are the lucky ones tonight.

No bear update. Lion cubs still sleeping or eating. Boris has been very busy. I think we need a super-size fly swatter on a very, very long pole.

Okay, going to watch hoarders.


magpie said...

just remember if something is blinking, it is a plane.....

with the skies so clear I think it will be pretty nice...but it will also disappear pretty quick I think...never know what to expect for sure !!

magpie said...

Oh, I got some cool cat cards today at the Rescue Mission thrift store...wonder just WHO I might be sending them along to one day soon

man oh man, Judie...I have a hankering to get to Annandale for a mini-vacation, was thinking of that today !

guess I'll submerge those bubbles AFTER I watch for ISS

be back in a little while, 'cuz my kitchen is in unreasonable state of DisRepair !

magpie said...

are you skulking about tonight?

..just had to doublecheck the meaning of that word to make sure I wasn't making an insult !

hedgie said...

Story about the horses.....such as it is:
Horses Seized

NatureNut said...

E$vening Everyone in Eagleland!
My day off was a day on! Had appt., then went in to work at exhibit shop. Usually no one there on Mondays, but we finished a BIG job for Montpelier Mansion in Laurel. They're have a joint exhibit w/Smithsonian. Didn't want to see those 12 panels anymore!!
I didn't read last thread, but looks like Margy gave a clue that our Birds weren't on view tonight.
Well, gotta nibble something ~~Fubby keeps switching from Ravens to other things!!!

magpie said...

Hi NNut...
well, there WAS a view but it was pretty brief, and late, so kind of hard to see them

Sorry your day OFF was a day ON but this sounds like a great project you are working on, keep us posted on what it's all about

Enjoy what's left of your day OFF !

ISS was a nice view...right on time! seemed like it couldn't make up its mind which way it wanted to go at first...
Went a little more Southeasterly than last night...
Venus set in the West, but Jupiter took its place in the East

hedgie said...

Hi, Loretta! 12 panels? Wow. Take pics??

magpie said...

that is a miserable story about the Horse Rescue Center...
looks like a beautiful setting....
but why why why does that kind of neglect have to happen?
Wish I had a big farm and could take some in !
thanks for the link....

magpie said...

bblater on

wvgal_dana said...

Watching Closer see you all tomorrow.

Prayers for those that need them.

Judie said...

Just checking in before saying goodnight.

Lowreeda, channel surfing is why I watch television upstairs. I just cannot stand the constant channel changing. Sounds as if you had a good day off. Hope tomorrow is also a good day for you.

Margy, glad you saw the ISS. Have a nice day tomorrow, please.

Shirley? Skulking? Hmmmm. Going to analyze that possibility. Bet she's just slam wore out.

Turning my light off in a few minutes. School day tomorrow. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down the stairs to the tub, up the stairs to bed, or coming in from school. Will be back tomorrow.

ceil said...

Lynne2 I just got home from the Aquarium and wanted you to know that I met Margaret. She is beautiful. A very dark blue but changes colors of blue.

hedgie said...

Ceil....who is Margaret?? THink I remember you all mentioning her before, but I don't recall details!
Lynne has been absent for a couple of days again! :(
VERY NICE to see you back on, Ceil!

NatureNut said...

Hi again!
Read back awhile ago & see that Birds Were seen!!! Hooray. Now I wish some of those big pesky leaves weren't covering the Park nest. Bet there are visits as our Director said about one flying up the road in front of him one AM from that area. Oh well!
Lynn, would you believe I didn't take any pictures of the panels! They were getting stacked upright. I could probably have our artist send me a puter copy of one. They are real old fashioned looking--copies of real period documents, pictures.
I made Fubby switch on the end of Am. Talent so he could see the little opera star, Jackie's whole performance. She better win!

NatureNut said...

Hello CEIL!!! Yes, who is Margaret (not a relative!!??) She sounds beautiful. How about octopus or jellyfish??

Lolly said...

Mystery for the night! WHO is Margaret?!!! LOL Hi Ceil! Was thrilled to see your post. How goes it at the aquarium? Are you a pro there now?

hedgie said...

Or a bird?
Loretta, love old documents!!!
Yeah, I put pics in album, and Margy did, too.
I'm really torn between Jackie and Prince Poppycock. She is really assured a future in the opera world and is SO young; he is so unique and has put so much into creating the persona----and he's got beautiful eyes!!!

Lolly said...

We went and got the trailer. Jack is going to work on it tomorrow. Think I am going shopping for yarn and plans for knitting a scarf. I like to knit while we travel. Laurel suggest I knit her a neck scarf. LOL Do not need to make anymore baby blankets, nor lap blankets.

hedgie said...

G'night, Judie! BTW---hate remote clicking! That's one good thing about not having a man around much!

hedgie said...

If anyone wants to help the poor horses, hay is $4 a bale.....I have a contact who can get it. Let me know.

NatureNut said...

Count down to Good Night!!
Lolly, can't believe you are travelling soon!
When you're on the East coast, perhaps we all should take a field trip to Balt. Aquarium!!!!☺
Lynn, I think he is unique, too.
Re: roving remotes---we have another TV in rec room downstairs, but all the other things I mess w/during commercials, like kitchen, etc. are upstairs!
Someone has hit the hay, so I get to watch whatever for 1/2 hour!!
Time to say Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Hope everyone has had a great Monday!

Worked till 7, then went for $5 burgers at Glory Days Grill with some co-workers...sure beat looking into the fridge for inspiration!

hedgie said...

Whew, Jo, R&I is going to be a cliffhanger! WOnder how long before their new season will roll around....probably January!

hedgie said...

Oh, no....just said NEXT SUMMER!

Mema Jo said...

Den Update for 9/13

hedgie said...

Dern, dern, dern!!!! Can't wait 9 mos.!!!

Mema Jo said...

I really enjoyed the Closer this evening. Great writing - story was
great! Loved the ending........

Sure hope Rizzoli makes it until next Dec........

Mema Jo said...

Ravens held off the Jets 10 - 9

Time for the walk down the hallway!

Good Night All
Prayers for All & Prayers for Peace
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Been watching TV and playing games on the laptop. After dinner I vegetated.

Yep, Loweeda, the countdown is on. Two weeks from today and it will go by fast. We have a lot to do to get ready.

Lolly said...

It is so hot here. Hard to believe I have to dig out jeans and sweats!

hedgie said...

Good to know that the bears are safe for another day.
Me and Jo have just made arrangements to donate for hay for the horses. If anyone else can, let me know! Please and thanks!

Heading for the tub. Will check back in before I shut down. For those turning in, sleep well with only good dreams.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Lolly, only 2 weeks. Time sure is a flyin'

Hitting the hay, catch you fine folks tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Falling asleep, so guess I best hit the hay.

I find it very interesting that bears head to their dens at this time. I thought that was a winter thing, for sure!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

It never go to 86° in my shop today, I turned the A/C on and worked all day. Have some steaming to do yet. Bought costumes that wouldn't need very much steaming, so that shouldn't be too time consuming.


hedgie said...

Lolly, think I saw on the map where nighttime temps were to be in the 30's this week in MN! Christie leaves Sunday for 2 weeks there....she will be a bit southwest of St. Paul, so a ways from Ely....but told her to pack some warm clothes!
Good night to all ny eagle pals.
Prayers, and thanksgiving for answered ones.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm dragging myself in to say goodnight--or is it so late it's good morning?!

Busy Monday for Hubby and me--we went to Lake Arrowhead with Sis-in-law and spent the day there. It was just beautiful and nice and warm, and the lake was the prettiest blue! So was the sky. I have just a few pictures, and will have to do something with them later today--I'm just too tired right now! Have been paying bills online that need to be scheduled.

Judie, I LOVE your new avatar! How cute! Saying prayers for the deer as well as the bears now. Hunting season just plain upsets me.

Lynn, we watched R & I too--and we're having fits because they left us hanging! How rotten of them! I really hope we don't have to wait THAT long--are they kidding?! WOOF!

SO happy to hear such wonderful news about Debbie! Prayers of thanksgiving, and for a speedy recovery! This really made my day!

Well, time to give up for the day.
Judie (thank you!) left the night light on. I'm leaving the porch light on. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security is enabled, and so is Dana's thumbprint-scanner security.
Sweet dreams wished for all. Will talk to you in the morning light.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land this Tuesday morning to ALL.

Not unless there is a new thread and I MISSED it. Andy was the last to comment. So far this morning no one has made a comment. So I don't know if anyone seem our eagles this AM or not.

Hedgie-Lynn I want to help with the donation of hay.

Costume Lady said...

Another pretty day on tap. 56° and sunny here in Nestville, going up to 81°.
Because our weather has been so dry, the leaves have been falling off the trees early. This morning, I will try to tackle the first layer with the much easier than raking them. Don't know how I'm going to dispose of them, can't put them on the garbage and of course, it's too dry to burn them (I think there is a burning ban). I may bag them up and take them into GG's...the city allows leaves to be put out with the garbage!??
Going for coffee and the newspaper (sound like Judie, now:)
Have a great day♥

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Dana. Thanks for the reminder about the hay.
Lynn, I too, would like to buy some hay for those horses. Details on where to send the $? Bless you for taking part in this rescue!♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda yes you are right the city does take leaves. Good idea and yes there is a no burning ban in effect. Don't over do!

wvgal_dana said...

I think a small bird was just pecking on or near the cam.

I love that little bird in the Am that sings to us. I thought maybe it was a Chickadee but I don't know. You never see it.

wvgal_dana said...

Ceil I have truly missed you "Seal"

hedgie said...

Good morning all!

Wanda, you have email. Dana, you, too!! Thank you, thank you!!

hedgie said...

Forgot to say last night: congrats to all Ravens fans on a season opener WIN!!!! Beltway rivals are even!!

movin said...


A very GooD morninG

tO EveryOnE.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lynn and Jim on this find windy morning here.

Jim how is your weather out there?

hedgie said...

In the news:
An Amur tiger at Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium gave birth to three cubs Sunday. 12 yr. old Toma has had two previous litters. The first birth in '06 produced three cubs, but one died at 5 weeks. One cub was born in '09, but Toma rejected it. It was raised by another tiger at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Started having laptop problems last night. It is infected with a rougue antimal ware. Jack has found instructions on how to get rid of it but he wants to take my computer to a friend geek to have him do it. Really maddening!

I am off to do some shopping today. No yard work for me today. (famous last words!)

Wanda, so jealous of your weather. Here it is 9:35 and already 80 and headed to the 90's.

wvgal_dana said...

Must be windy at Finland on the water. You can see the water rippling. Empty nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lolly so sorry. Find out when Jack takes it to geek. How do you get that kind of virus? Can it be through an email?

Lolly said...

If any of you ever start getting notices that your computer is infected, and these notices are coming from Vista Antimalware, you are infected...with Vista Antimalware. It is a rougue malware and it is a virus itself. Grrrrrrr!

wvgal_dana said...

Come on little cubs at Pittsburg!! Thanks Lynn for information. Hope they ALL make it ! (:

Lolly said...

I was surfing the web last night looking for scarf plans when it happened. Sorta scary for searching the web.

Lolly said...

I am outta here.

Have a great day everyone!

movin said...

Hi, Dana.
We are holding at around 63° this morning with some cloudy stuff, but it's slated to go over 80 before it's finished today.

Howdy to Hedgie and Lolly too.

Good morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

There is a hoodie (got picture) at Finland on the water!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all! Another beautiful day in the works here!

Lynn, you have mail!

WOW, Ceil met Margaret! So cool! Margaret is a Hyacinth Macaw. She belonged to a man who was a client at the vet where I used to work. He rescued parrots, but he passed away. Margaret was his bird, and she was donated to the Aquarium. I'm so glad Ceil got to meet her!

wvgal_dana said...

Gone now !

Lynne2 said...

We still have lots of hummingbird activity here! Seeing quite a few monarchs just passing through the yard, not stopping at the plants. Other bird species starting to "flock up" now. Haven't seen a chipping sparrow lately. Wondering if they have migrated out now. We have some serious Pileated Woodpecker activity! I rarely see them, but now they seem to be everywhere! Saw my fist female black swallowtail yesterday on butterfly bush! So BEAUTIFUL!! Had camera in hand but missed picture. Most of the monarchs outside have emerged from chrysalis now. Some didn't do so well and I had to euthanize them. Came out with deformed and very crumpled wings for some reason, and one never emerged at all. But others were fine!
This concludes my nature report for this morning! LOL! Love to get reports from everyone about sightings!

hedgie said...

Whew---lost internet and phone---thankfully only a few minutes!
Awww...Margaret sounds like a beauty!
Glad to see you, Lynne. How are you feeling?
Lolly, that sounds like a naasty virus! Never heard of it.

Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday Morning! I get a haircut tomorrow - yeah! I have been watching the lions and elephants this morning.
I always check out our nest and BWO platform first.
I get caught up on FB looking at videos and pictures and reading comments.
Already had my coffee and am ready to get to the street clothes.

Judie said...

Good late morning!

Class is over and now practicing my role as the Maytag Repair Person -- all alone with no customers.

Ceil, so glad you met Margaret. What a nice story that she has a good place to live and be cared for.

Two flickers showed up yesterday. I think it is a male and female. They've visited a couple of times recently.

Congratulations on the tiger cubs. Will wish them good health.

Lolly, so sorry about the computer virus. I agree it is scary. There is also one that comes in an email (I think) that has "Now you have..." and it forwards to every contact. Something about pornography. Anyway, hope your computer gets better quickly.

Hard to believe Wanda is back at work on costumes. Time sure flies.

Andy, nice you had a lovely day at Lake Arrowhead.

Hi Jim and Dana.

Congratulations to the Ravens.

Have a customer. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon friends.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful day in Bedford so far, 84° and a nice breeze.

hedgie said...

Hi, Sharon. About the same here, but sun seems weak, so guess high clouds!

Judie said...

Hi Sharon. Enjoy the beautiful day.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon! Don't know if I caught you or not. Make it a good day! loL

wvgal_dana said...

OK now I know who Ceil met. That is such a wonderful story. Margaret has a beautiful place to live now. Neat that Ceil got to meet her (:

Mema Jo said...

Out of here - I will return!


hedgie said...

Judie, hope your office visit was easy and quick!! How long do you have to have your door open? Trusting you get to leave before the traffic gets TOO heavy! Do you just shoot across Roosevelt Br. and take 50 to Annandale Rd.?

Lolly said...

So Margaret is a bird. LOL Not an octopus or jellyfish, but a bird. Cool!

I am so irritated. Sure hope Jack can take my laptop tonight to Mike. It is not letting me on now. Grrrrr! I am on our computer. I want my laptop!

Found a beautiful pattern for a scarf for Laurel. Also, found a really soft off white wool yarn. Going to get it started before our trip. Really excited about it. If I decide it is going to go quickly, I may go get more yarn to make Ashley a scarf too.

Mema Jo said...

This is a news flash from our PA Falcon

New Girl in Town

Mema Jo said...

My feet are up


hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you found a pattern and yarn and are ready to start. I never learned how to knit or crochet much at all---straight scarves and chains was it---could never learn from right-handers!

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Looks like a new thread.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, just heard a cry and an eagle flew into the tree, not the nest.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...