Friday, September 17, 2010


TGIF thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Friday Afternoon
Red is the color of the day

Thanks Steve - enjoy your weekend
I'll call over the others

movin said...

Too Late!! Darn it, I wanted to be first.

Hahahaha. How are you Mema Jo?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim, I'm First! Age before Beauty!

I am feeling very well and I hope you are feeling the same.

Mema Jo said...

I saw where all four lion cubs are little gals! I thought one for sure was a boy - the explorer was all over the den.

hedgie said...

Thanks for the callover, Jo.
I was a little worried about that cub at first. Was afraid that maybe she was being rejected. But guess she is just adventuresome!!
Can't believe how big they are already!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have a few minutes before leaving for the funeral.

Bev, prayers for Mrs. Riffe. That is so rough!

Love the lion cubes. So cute!

Lynne, yes, Laurel is named after me. My name is Laurel. Lolly is my nickname. My mother made the mistake of saying to her sisters "you can not nickname this baby", and, of course my Aunt Ruth came up with a nickname. Hated it as a teenager. Love it now, I am unique! LOL

Lolly said...

Finished up the yard work and then wrapped Joseph's birthday presents. Got him a Wii skateboard game, a new skateboard, and several items of clothing. He will be happy. Going up there tomorrow for kid's games, t-ball and soccer, some work in the yard, and an early celebration of Joseph's 10th birthday. Taking steaks for dinner.

Lolly said...

About time for me to head out.


Mema Jo said...

Signing off for a while.. Foods to prepare for Family Reunion tomorrow...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for info. not to store patio umbrella inside house. Due to stink bug eggs. It is now outside in building.

Happy 10th Birthday coming up for Joseph Lolly.

Prayers on this new thread for Mrs. Riffe, Tom, Bev and family.

Judie said...

Good afternoon!

Thank you, Steve for the new thread and Jo for the call over.

Lovely sunshine and very low humidity here today. Windows open. Made sauce for Italian. May make pizza tomorrow night. Taco salad for tonight -- easy.

Thank you for the stink bug information. Think I'll just help them along to stink but Hades.

Cubs are really much bigger than I anticipated. Was really surprised but they are so adorable. Makes me realize why someone would want one as a pet without thinking about the future.

Hey JIm, you're always first with us. How's things in CA? Oh, thanks for the Catalina updates. I didn't know about it and the pictures are so lovely.

Big weekend coming up for Jo and Lolly. Lolly, give Joseph an extra birthday hug from all of us.

Going to check email and need to send some exam updates to wannabe adults. BBL

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

My delete. Error 503 and blog cop messed with me.

hedgie said...

Hey, Jude......ha, will get to meet Lolly and Jack this year!!!!!

hedgie said...

That, BTW, is one of my favorite songs!
Sounds like your kitchen probably smells delicious, Judie! I'm hungry already!

Lolly said...

Yep! What an honor....everyone new gets to meet Lolly and Jack. Wow! ROFLMBO

And we are bringing the thingajig for the auction!

10 days til we leave for Maine. Which makes me think of Ragdoll. Where is she?????

Funeral was large, lots of flowers, very respectful and I am home. Was the father of the teacher I taught with for 14 years. Also, know his wife quite well.

hedgie said...

Lost our cam. Ad plays but says cam is currently unavailable. Anybody else?

hedgie said...

Lolly, I have emailed Ragdoll a couple of times, with no response. I know they had their reservations for O.H. weekend....hope she isn't a drop-out.

paula eagleholic said...

TGIF Everyone!!

hedgie said...

Hi stranger Paula! Hope your week is over and you have a couple of days off! Been missing you!

Mema Jo said...

My live feed is up/running and the still cam has a beautiful pic

hedgie said...

Got cam back up, Jo. Still cam is so bright that it's hard to see anything. Sure don't understand what the diff is! Noticed earlier that enough leaves are off trees that the barn roof shows again!

Cleaning is finished! Now down to scrub the tub!

Judie said...

Ohhh! There really is a Paula eagleholic. Missed you. Sure hope the weekend will be restful for you.

wvgal_dana said...

Glad to see you back in Paula.

I also emailed Ragdoll but no response back.

hedgie said...

Did you know......that today is Constitution Day??? Yep--223 yrs. ago today, our US Constitution was signed!

hedgie said...

Lovely eagle at BWO.

wvgal_dana said...

Sure which they would live by it in Washington.

Lynne2 said...

OK, so I have this toaster/broiler/convection oven and no instructions!! I am so clueless! I can apparently broil, bake and toast with or without convection. What does this mean??? I have a convection microwave, too. No idea how to do anything but heat stuff up in it. I'm so helpless.

Evening folks! If you missed on the old blog, the pictures of the birds Steve and Dave saw are on my blog.

Lynn, Wanda...haven't watched was the last ATWT??

Lolly that's really neat about your name. Very unique! Now, is Jack really Jack or is he a John called Jack. Never could figure out how anyone came to nickname Johns Jack.

Lynne2 said...

I always wanted a nickname but no one ever gave me one :( I would have like my first and middle names to be one first name, but the only time anyone ever called me Lynne Marie was when I was in BIG trouble!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

Been a busy week, caught up on the blogs, but can't remember what I wanted to comment about!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, convection is great for baking, cirulates hot air for cooking. Try cooking at the same temp, but it usually takes less time. Also uses less energy.

Mema Jo said...

BWO Platform has eagle visiting

Ceil saw him first.......

wvgal_dana said...

Hummer getting his fill-up (:

paula eagleholic said...

Shoot the blogger cop, darn 503...

I said...

Lynne, nice pics of you and Steve at Lynn's house.

Lynn, nice place.

Lynne, that may be a juvi eagle.

I had a hummer Wednesday, not sure yet about today...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo, nice eagle at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, trying going to manufactures website for instructions on the toaster oven...

BEagle said...

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to tell you that Belle and Lib were on the nest this morning.
When I got to work, I pulled the Still Cam up. Then I chanced it and pulled up the live stream and watched the two for a little while.
I checked back on the posts and Margy, Lori and Dana saw them too.

Lib sure is fussy with where the greens and the sticks belong. It was exciting and made my inside jiggle.

That is a nice looking eagle on the BWO nest.

Wonder what it's doing there.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle the BWO platform turns into the Eagles Lounge now that the Osprey are gone.

Mema Jo said...

New York Yanks against Baltimore O's
now starting.........

Come on you Orioles !!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoping to see an eagle tonight...I missed them this morning...

BEagle said...

What is an Eagles Lounge.

It turned it's head!

BEagle said...

Are you saying that is a fake eagle at BWO?

It looked fake but it did turn its head when I did the F5!

BEagle said...

Does anyone know what to do about spider bites.

I got the heck bit out of me.

hedgie said...

Go O's!!

Thanks, Paula. My place is small, but I like it!

Lynne, Paula said what I was going to tell you to do!!
I, too, always wished that my name either had the E on the end, or that Lynn Ellen was really Lynnellen!! Nicknames were Lynnie by Dad, and Elly by friends.

Lolly said...

You got it, Lynne! Jack is a John. He is John Ashley Ellis from Atlanta, GA. LOL What is interesting is Laurel is Laurel Catherine. Oue DIL is Catherine Ashley.

Waiting for an eagle or two!

Lynn, you continue to do well to educate us with your "Did you knows?".

Mema Jo said...

Jo Ellen meant "Boy are you in trouble"
So as I aged I adopted just JO because business people would go for Joan or Joann by not remembering Jo Ellen.

Lolly said...

Spidey's web is slowly appearing. The bright spot at the top is almost like something in the nest is reflecting the sun.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, BEagle they are real eagles at BWO. They use the osprey nest for an eating and fishing platform once the osprey migrate.

paula eagleholic said...

We have an eagle!!!!

Lolly said...


paula eagleholic said...

Think it's Lib, just popped onto the back. Moving some sticks now. I hear Belle just landed above, Lib looking up, so cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Hooryay!!! both!

Lolly said...

Two eagles!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...


BEagle said...

Aren't those the prettiest eagles?

Are they dining?

paula eagleholic said...

This is really nice!

Mema Jo said...

The Most beautiful eagles I've ever seen

paula eagleholic said...

Think that was Lib that Left...looks like Belle is still there.

Lolly said...

This just makes my day!

hedgie said...

Jeopardy time!

paula eagleholic said...

That spot is something caught in the web....Belle gone now too, up above.

hedgie said...

Eagle just flew out! Got a pic on still cam!

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Well, that certainly made my day!

BEagle said...

One of them landed on the cam it sounds like.

Lolly said...

Well, both have poofed but bet they are in the tree. Wish we had a cam on the tree. Hear them!

BEagle said...

There's no hope of it, but it would be so amazing if Palmer landed on there.

Mema Jo said...

That bright circle is there at the same place every night! I've looked real well in the daylight and can't see anything there that would make that reflection! Weird !

Mema Jo said...

They certainly have been regular now -
both morning and then evening.......
Looks like we'll have another good season with Lib & Belle.

Headed into TV -8:00 is my Inspector Lewis and Sgt Hathaway!

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe from FB by Jo

At the lake waiting to hear about Tom's mom. Looks like surgery Sunday
after they reverse the blood thinner. Doc said she was really gonna make
him work for his money this time. Femur in 4 pieces and he had to order
the "parts" from Charleston to fix it. He is going to use plates

hedgie said...

Pic in album!

Lolly said...

Meat is on the grill. Need to go make a salad. Have some left over gorganzola sauce and having it on meat patties. Yum! And I am hungry.

Well, I am worried about Ragdoll if she is not answering emails.

It was great sharing the visit tonight with you!

magpie said...

You watch that spider bite very carefully, and if it starts looking angry or red or swollen or like a bullseye head straight for the doctor !
Lynn will tell you more about it and so will a bunch of others here too I bet....
for the itching, hydrocortizone or just plain rubbing alcohol or other things can help

Hi Happy Eagle Watching Friends...I was out walking, missed them

magpie said...

I thought the same thing when I saw the Royal Couple this morning...aren't they the most beautiful eagles in the whole wide world...and then some !

Sorry to read that Tom's Mother had a mishap, have some catching up to do...

Best wishes for a good evening, in the meantime....everyone !!


BEagle said...

I had some friends at work look at the welts because it's on my back at the waist and my love handles won't let me see it very well.

I have been using an anti histamine cream on it but it is not subsiding, neither is it getting worse.

If I scratch, it hurts.

May be some antibiotics would be better.

magpie said...

could be BEagle, about the antibiotics.......don't let it go too long...
please... !!!!!

magpie said...

could be, BEagle...about the antibiotics...
don't let it go too long...
Please !!!!!

magpie said...

well you can thank Service Error 503 for that double post...guess "it" knows I really mean what I say!

ttfn, back later....

hedgie said...

Fxs in 4 places....oh my, that's bad. Poor lady.

Lynne2 said...

so nice to see the birds!

BEagle, do watch that bite. Nasty business, spider bites. Any idea what kind bit you?

I hadn't realized Ragdoll has been AWOL. Haven't been on enough...I hope she contacts someone soon or pops on here. Don't like when people are missing.

Thanks for the advice on the oven! Garlic bread toasted in record time! Now I won't have to put the oven on nearly as much...WOO HOO!

BEagle said...

Thanks Margy.

It was Monday that I discovered the bites.

The spider must have gotten in my robe or clothes or something. It bit me 6 times.

BEagle said...

I just may check out the walk in clinic just to make sure. They might take a sample to see what kind of spider it was.

Lynne2 said...

Lynnellen, I was Lynnie sometimes. Not really the nickname I was hoping for. My mom also used to call me Sissy. My grandmother, grandfather, aunt and uncle and various cousins were always getting names wrong. All of my grandmother's children and the many children of her 4 sisiters and 1 brother (we were a large Catholic family) had some form of Mary or Ann in their names...the girls of course, after my great grammy Anna Marie. So do many of my first cousins. I was often called Mary Lynne. It got so bad with the names after a while that I started calling my grandma Mary Grandma!

hedgie said...

BEagle....are you aware of being bitten???? Unusual location. Could be SHINGLES!!! Get thee to the Dr.!

Lynne2 said...

OMG...didn't think of shingles....take Lynnellen's advice and get to a Dr POST HASTE!

BEagle said...

But shingles spread and this is not spreading.

hedgie said...

BEagle, don't think there's anyway for them to determine what kind of spider it was---unless maybe it was poisonous.

BEagle said...

I don't have time to doctorize!!
Better safe than sorry.

I called the dispensary at the capitol but they didn't call back. Out for the day probably.

BEagle said...

How are the Orioles doing?

hedgie said...

No, BEagle, not necessarily. Can be a limited number of pustules/vesicles.

Judie said...

Serious prayers for successful surgery for Mrs. Riffe. Just know she will recover and be as good as new.

Hi Margy. Good to have you join us before the witching hour.

BEagle, I strongly suggest a medical evaluation. Lynn can correct me if I'm wrong, but having had shingles, it isn't a matter of the rash/itching/blisters spreading. The symptoms are related to where the chicken pox virus went dormant in the spinal column after being exposed during childhood. Your location is more typical. Mine was in the spinal nerve associated with the left side of the face/mouth.

It was a double treat for me to see our lovely pair tonight. Eagles in the a.m. and p.m. is so special this time of year.

Lynne2, don't know about convection ovens but sure am glad the garlic bread was good.

Just in case I am captured by the sandperson, I will turn my light off but leave the night light on for others coming in to avoid stink bugs, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs for sleep, or on a delayed west coast schedule. Peaceful sleep, everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

DWTS starts Monday!

hedgie said...

Yes, it does, Paula!!!

Goodnight Judie.....Sandperson captive!

BEagle, Judie is right....the waist area is a prime shingles location. Mine were in the love-handle area.

Mema Jo said...

Finished my TV show which was "The Waking Dead" - always a cold case UK

Top of the 9th NY at bat - Game now over

O's 3 Yanks 1

Whoo Hoo you Birds!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle I know you are going to have it checked out - True that you could have gotten 4 or more spider bites if it was stuck inside you clothing. However, it is best to get checked for shingles - stabbing pains from what I can remember when I had a patch right above my eye......

Mema Jo said...

Seems as though next week ALL the good shows come back for their new season.
I can't wait. Not really interested in any of the new ones - I like my old regular ones......

I am now going to watch Flashpoint...

See you at 11:00

BEagle said...

I don't have stabbing pains. Just a recurring desire to scratch the itch.

If I forget and scratch, it doesn't relieve but causes pain.

They're puffy too.

I won't discount what you are saying though.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Prayers for Mrs. Riffe.

Judie, I hope the stinkbugs don't come here. But I think I saw one not too long ago. Sorry you have them.

Had an awful experience last night. Three-thirty AM, an alarm went off. I staggered across my room and into Kathryn's room and woke her up. It was not her alarm clock. Not the upstairs smoke alarm. Not the downstairs smoke alarm. Finally realized it was the tornado alarm screaming in the living room.

It wasn't a tornado nor a storm of any kind. It was a "statement." They decided to inform us that there is a high fire danger. At least I think that is what it was. I could not read it without my glasses. I had had trouble getting to sleep to begin with. What a rude awakening.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh so Flashpoint moved to Fridays? but that might not be the show I was thinking of anyhow. Is that about the massive blackout, Jo?

Shirley, a rude awakening for sure!

hedgie said...

My friend Derick's update on horses today from FB:

Friday's Equine Rescue Update: they were unable to accept anymore adoption applications, cuz their copier had no ink. You bought ink. A horse needed a betadine/sugar/epsom treatment for swollen legs - you bought all that stuff, too. Tomorrow's buying spree includes more hay, more feed, and whatever else is needed. Anyone interested in spending 2 hours picking up poo tomorrow? Let me know!

hedgie said...

No, Paula, Flashpoint is a Canadian "swat team" show. Has always been on Fri.

hedgie said...

Shirley, how very scary!!! DId you get back to sleep?? Did you hear that there was a likely tornado in NYC last night??

stronghunter said...

Neither Kathryn nor I really got back to sleep. I was pretty wiped out this morning. Then we had a fire drill at school. So much excitement.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I did see the news about the tornado in NYC. My TV routine has changed a bit.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope Flashpoint isn't what I thought it was...

Heading to bed, work tomorrow, then watching the gkids tomorrow evening.

Hugs to all ♥

magpie said...

G'Night Paula...
some Kid Fun at the end of your work week coming up ☺


magpie said...

With you in spirit and thought...
Your home is a safe, warm and loving haven for your loved ones in need right now...
prayers for comfort and resolution for all family members involved...

hedgie said...

Good one, huh, Jo??? Love Lauren Holly.....miss her on NCIS!

stronghunter said...

My TV routine does not include as many news shows.

magpie said...

your friend Derick is very eloquent...and how great that your and others' contributions are going for so many important needs
You bought ink and epsom cool !!
Thank you and Dana for all the information about the rescue

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy.

magpie said...

sorry to read of the latest news regarding GG, Wanda
but am glad that the court system was able to work with you and Gene and GG....

also glad that no one got hurt

Prayers that all this will work out without too much discord or discomfort....
(( hugs ))

stronghunter said...

About time to head upstairs. I'm kind of tired.

Mema Jo said...

I liked Flash Point this evening too, Lynnellen. I guess with Ryan being a
snipper is what makes it so interesting plus the loyalty of the unit.

magpie said...

I have to bump my work time start time back to one hour earlier in the morning....
guess I better go dent some pillows too

Loretta - I checked the website on Between Fences.....very intersting and I would love to see the exhibit. Thank you !!

Take care all....prayers for ALL needs and concerns

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

" your ears lowered..."
have not heard that one in a long time
Har de Har Har !!

bet you look gorgeous

Good to see Lynne2 back up and rarin to go...
well, good to see everyone that I see posted here the last few days..
sure miss some of our ol' pals !

(( hugs to all Momsters and Dadsters ♥ ))

okay, good night now, precious pals...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Finally got a Lake Arrowhead picture for my avatar. More will follow later.

Oh, golly! Prayers for sure for Mrs. Riffe, Tom, Bev, Sharon, and the whole family! So sorry this has happened!

BEagle, get to a doctor--quickly!
The symptoms you're having are exactly like what I had when I got Shingles a few years ago. It itches, but when you scratch, it hurts.

Gosh, I have missed all the eagle sightings today. Need to try to get here early tomorrow. Hope I get lucky and see them!

To answer the sheetz question, I usually wash the ones on the bed, then put them right back on--unless it's necessary to switch from percale to flannel, or vice versa.

Haven't they caught the fugitive yet?! Oh, my!!! You folks had better be really careful, and lock up!

Shirley, what an awful way to be awakened! Hope you can get lots of rest this weekend!

Went with Hubby to the doctor this afternoon. He's had a LOT of trouble with his feet lately. 2 previous doctors told him he has bone spurs on the outside of his foot, on the joint where his baby toe connects to his foot. This doctor says they are just corns, with cone shaped roots. At least he won't have to have foot surgery now! Will try to file down the corns and see if it works.

Well, need to go watch a couple of TV shows. Just in case I don't make it back here (possible Sandman ambush), I'll leave the porch light on. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled (Escaped fugitive, don't even think about it!). Sleep snugly, everyone. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Family Reunion tomorrow and hope the weather is the same as today - cool but sunny. Potato salad is delicious It tastes really yummy. Add some fried chicken or even a hot dog or hamburger and you have a picnic.

Mema Jo said...

News is over and I am ready to hit the sack!

Good Night to Everyone
Prayers for everyone - our friend Karen and Mrs Riffe and all others in need.

Hugs for everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, Derick's remarks weren't aimed at just me....but ALL of the people who have contributed through him!!!
How come you have to go in early? Is it just for tomorrow??
Have always loved the "ears lowered" expression!

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Vegged in front of the TV and knitted. I am rolling along!

Tomorrow Denton. Then next Friday Dallas. Going to the TCU vs SMU game and then spending the night with Michael and Ashley and going to Zach's soccer game.

So we will have spent some good times with the kids before heading east.

Heading to bed now. I am tired. Will not be on in the morning as we have to get up and get out to get to Jacob's t- ball game.

Soooooooooo....I will see you guys late tomorrow evening! Have a great Saturday!

Oh, Jo...Jack and I were talking. We will be arriving at Harper's Ferry Thursday before open house. I really want to go to the nest that evening. Do I need to do anything special, like someone give them our name? Anyone else want to go to the nest that evening? We wil be busy Friday and Saturday and Thursday will be my only chance to be there in the evening. We head out Sunday.

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I will join everyone else in saying goodnight. No bear update.....hope all is well.
Prayers for all....esp. Mrs. Riffe.
See you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Hello and good night...................
Family Friday was good...Jayden was feeling a little grouchy with a cold coming on. Everyone else was in good spirits


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
there IS or WAS an eagle in the nest....
hard to tell with Boris's artwork in place...don't see it now...

got one pic will add to E-M album

Hope some early birds HERE get to some early birds THERE at the Sycamore Palace

time for me to leave for work

Best wishes for a good day, everyone


Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Both have gone fishing...nest is full of sycamore leaves, maybe to absorb water from the wet nest? 49° here, going up to a sunny 80°.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, what a nasty way to wake up. Glad it wasn't anything serious. Hope you were able to get back to sleep.

Margy, sorry you have to go to work early. Have a good day.

Wanda, another happy family Friday. How is GG?

Nice that so many have stepped up to help with the horses. Know those poor animals are grateful.

Jo, enjoy the reunion and Lolly & Jack enjoy the t-ball and birthday party.

Bear update - denning behavior.

Off for coffee and newspaper.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am relaxing in my recliner for a little while this morning. Kathryn is off to Hunter's football game. Rus is on the way down to join her at the game.

I just couldn't make the game and do other things I need to do, so I asked Kathryn to make some lunch plans with Rus and I'll join them there.

stronghunter said...

There is a sink full of dirty dishes waiting for me. I also need to get my prescriptions and George's prescriptions and food taken care of. I have to pick up his food at the vet's.

Kathryn just got some harbor cruise tickets at Freecycle, a website where people give away things they don't need. She said she and I can go on the cruise either this weekend or next. We have until Sept. 30.

I want to be ready to go tomorrow if that's more convenient. It looks like tomorrow will be a beauteous day for a cruise.

Really looking forward to the open house weekend.

stronghunter said...

If Kathryn is going to be here awhile, we'll be fencing the backyard. We really need to be able to turn the dogs loose in a fenced yard. It would also stop all of the cut-through foot traffic.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Judie and Shirley...
Do hope you enjoy your weekend.
Free cruise tickets...that ROCKS!
Never heard of Freecycle's purpose. Have seen the name, but didn't pay attention to it. I WILL NOW;)

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Can't type and enter yahoo stuff

2nd eagle just flew in

wvgal_dana said...

They both had an end of the same stick.

They just did a beak kiss.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle in back lib now up front

Costume Lady said...

Best wishes to Kathryn and prayers for her situation. Give extra hugs to Hunter.

Judie, GG is still doing well. She pulled another one of her "Here's your hat, what's your hurry?" on us last night. It WAS getting late and we all were not making any move to wrap up the evening, so she started cleaning up the kitchen...loaded the dishwasher, washed my dishes to take home, cleaned the counters. She even washed out some spilled soup out of the box which we brought the food in:) So, we got the hint and left. She didn't waste any time saying 'good night' and headed down the hallway;)

wvgal_dana said...

Belle is looking at us and Liberty is in the back now.

wvgal_dana said...

We have one flew out one still in nest.

wvgal_dana said...

That is Lib in nest. Well just flew out. Hear someone honking horn a lot of times.

wvgal_dana said...

Just flew in !!!!

BEagle said...

One flew back on the nest. Looks a lot like Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

I think it is Liberty in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks BEagle glad someone joined me. My fingers was going nuts. lol Typing and taking pictures.

BEagle said...

Flew off again.

Looks like more greenery was brought in.

Going to Dr.'s, be back later.

wvgal_dana said...

Keep an eye out going to put in album.

wvgal_dana said...


BEagle said...

Eagle on the nest again. This time it's Lib. Moving sticks around.

Hi Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Brought a stick in this time.

wvgal_dana said...

Now trying to fix 12 o'clock sticks up. Near the tree the sticks there. He wants to break them and move them.

Costume Lady said...

The two of our eagles have been off and on 3 or 4 times this morning. I have posted 3 (not very clear photos in album).

wvgal_dana said...

Belle just flew in

hedgie said...

Good morning! Didn't turn puter on until now...and what a nice greeting from our nest! Housekeeping efforts are obvious!!!

BEagle said...

The other joined and now we have both on the nest. They are fussing with the sticks at the egg cup area.

hedgie said...

Wanda, Freecycle is a Yahoo group.
Just search MartinsburgWV Freecycle. I joined a few weeks ago. Applicants have to be approved by the moderators, just like our Yahoo group. Haven't given or received anything yet, but there sure is a lot of stuff given away!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Aren't they just beautiful Eagles!!!!!!!!!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I have too many pics to add to album. Went to get started to put them in album when Belle flew in. So I haven'g gotten any in there yet. I WILL though!!!

BEagle said...

Something has their attention.
Could it be their juvie?

wvgal_dana said...

Out flew Liberty

wvgal_dana said...

Poor doggie just reminded me I was going to feed him when all this started.

Belle just flew out.

Put pictures in album from earlier after I feed my doggie.

BEagle said...

Lib flew off.
Yes they are beautiful birds.
There goes Belle.

I saw shadows of wings. One at the cam.

BEagle said...

If you look close you can see the shadow of the head of whichever is on the cam.

: )

BEagle said...

Lib is back on. They must be playing stick tag.

BEagle said...

Just walked over to the cam tree.
Up close now.

Breaking up a stick.

stronghunter said...

Got a few pics.

BEagle said...

Now, if the other would show up again and they stand together next to the cam tree, we may be able to see some distinctive differences between the two.

Wishful thinking!

BEagle said...

The eagle just shook and ruffled her feathers. Fluffed them up.

stronghunter said...

Dishes are washing. Prescriptions are ordered. Sitting in recliner for a moment.

BEagle said...

Now back at the egg cup area.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm back has someone else been taking pictures?

stronghunter said...

Going to get some more coffee. Then I will get into my street clothes, as Jo says.

stronghunter said...

I got 3 pictures, Dana.

hedgie said...

WooHoo....just got word that my friend Derick and his partner are adopting the mini-horse---a mare who is preggers!!! They have to wait until she foals to move her, so they will be bringing home two!

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! I see our eagle again.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle and I see the eagle, Lib, in the nest

hedgie said...

BEagle, so glad you are going to the Dr.!

hedgie said... is getting funny lines.....hope it's not getting ready to fink out on us.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Did you hear....Lindsey Lohan tested positive for cocaine last week? Bet that little train-wreck is heading for jail again....and hope she doesn't get out early this time.

Mema Jo said...

I wish the cam could be tilted upward to the right so we could see more of Lib the his feetsies at his favorite spot.

Mema Jo said...

My pic of Lib is in the album......
It's helpful if you ID pic with the date and time if possible.

Headed back the hallway to get my
street clothes or rather my picnic

Mema Jo said...

Hazy in San Diego

Little girl cubs have been moved..

I made a big mistake last evening and didn't remember what Lynnellen had once told me...... The game isn't over until the Fat Lady Sings!
O's didn't win! :<[
You know that song - "Damn Yankees"! Well they scored in the ninth and took the win away from my Birds!

hedgie said...

Someone is still on the back edge of the nest.

hedgie said...

Now an empty nest!
Well, gotta get ready for grocery shopping. Carolyn going with me. Talk to all this afternoon!

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie, Paula or Mema Jo one or two of my pics our out of time order. Can you go in and see if you can move them. They are near the end. THank You

wvgal_dana said...

Awww Hedgie-Lynn Derrick will have 2. The one going to have a baby. They will get a nice wonderful home ....tears. Thank you God!

Mema Jo said...

Out the door to get picnic set up...
Dana I'll try to arrange them later...

Take care!

Be back later

wvgal_dana said...

LOL This was suppose to be my first post this before 8:38AM this morning:

Good Saturday Morning in Eagle Land.

See Margy spotted eagle early, then Wanda got to see
both eagles this AM. Judie and Shirley are up already.

Prayers for Mrs. Riffe's surgery.

Jo has a reunion picnic. Oh what FUN!!!

Paula has to work but later fun time with grandkids. (:

Derrick I see gave an update yesterday. Horses are getting help they need.

wvgal_dana said...

Hummer are in action here. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Plane flying over NCTC. You can hear it.

NatureNut said...

Looks like busy Saturday for many!! Have a great day.
I had Panda nap last eve after late day at work, then got up, ate & hit the hay. Never got on here.
Lovely weather today--but very quiet animal wise outside.Fubby did see Shorty for breakfast & I've seen some woodpeckers, but hummers may be gone.
????I don't know who to contact, yet, but have any of you seen a problem with round lumps on squirrels' skin??? The greyish skin shows and there is a dark dot in center. Shorty has one on shoulder & I've seen some multiple lumps on squirrels at both Park & Chelsea. Thx for any info

This weekend is "pretend" techie days for me.DUH! Have to try & set scan schedules for anti-viruses on BOTH 'puters. I don't really care about that---the glitch today is that I can't open a picture for editing in Photoshop. It's telling me the "path is invalid"!! AARRGGHH
Think I'll go outside! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry your having computer problem Loretta. Nothing worse!!

The plane that just a few minutes ago flew over our eagles nest just flew over my house.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Hubby & I just got back from our weekly grocery shopping trip. Darn, I've missed our eagles again!

Lynn, God bless your friend Derick!
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to adopt a mini horse! And a pregnant one, too! The babies are SOOOO adorable, and just about lap-size! Years ago,when I used to have my horse, the stable where I boarded her showed and bred minis, and every spring they had 3 or 4 foals. Talk about CUTE! Absolutely irresistible!

BEagle, are you there? Anxious to know how you're doing today. Prayers for you!

Hope Mrs. Riffe is reasonably comfortable--imagine they have her on painkillers of some sort. Prayers continue.

Judie said...

Hi, back for a quick visit.

Do pleased Derick will be adopting and do hope the mare's health will still enable a healthy colt.

Hi, Lowreeda. Have not noticed lumps on yard squirrels but did see on in a park at the university. No clue about why. Thought perhaps the squirrel had been attacked and injured. Now think maybe not?

Does anyone know where the lion cubs are? Why they were moved?

Shirley, do hope you can take a cruise. I suspect you need a little time away in a change of scenery.

Darth is so silly. Told him the woman who put acid on her face has Munchausen syndrome. How do you know THAT? I've only spent the past 15 years studying sickos, that's why.

Wanda, glad GG is okay and apparently making her wishes known in a not-too-subtle way. lol

Was going to help Darth pull weeds this afternoon but, oh so sad, he decided not to do that. Soooooo disappointed, you know.

Think I may be a snack, no lunch, and watch some t.v. Lazy!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gotta go vacuum the house and dust.
Have one last load of laundry to do, too. Will be back in a little while. Have a great Saturday, you guys! BTW, it's really overcast here today. Supposed to clear up later, and get up to about 82.

Judie said...

Duh, thanks Andy. Meant to say foal not colt.

Hope Paula is having a good day at work and can enjoy the gkids tonight.

Hi Dana. Hi Jim.

Lynne2 said...

hi all, beautiful day, just trying to read back...
Lorretta, those lumps are likey from bot flies. They lay eggs and the animals brush up against them and get them on their skin, eggs hatch, the larvae burrows in and grows and when it gets large enough it will emerge. The dark circle you see is probably the air hole. Nasty business. Saw them while working at vet.

BEagle said...

Hi again everyone.

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...