Wednesday, July 28, 2010


New thread.  We are working on another cam update package.  This time to HD resolution.  More on this as it develops.



Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Steve...look forward to more news on the cam update!

hedgie said...

That sounds encouraging.

Thanks for call over, Wanda.

Andy, what a WONDERFUL surprise....don't kill yourself getting ready!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, we are so lucky to have our girls living so near, aren't we?
Happy for Andrea and Ken? to be having this visit!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread.
Have a good day!

Thanks, Wanda, for the call over.

Lynn, you have NO idea! We haven't seen them for maybe 2-1/2 years!!!
Hubby has today off, so will be helping me. I know the kids don't care what the house looks like, they just want to see us. Not TOO much to do--just need to get some things ready for Friday night--a surprise Birthday party for our SIL, (a month early, just 'cause he'll be here!). Gotta run now--need coffee fortification! BBL.. :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Thanks for the call-over, Wanda. And thanks for the new thread Steve. Do tell us about the new cam plans. Sounds interesting!

Great news, Andy. Don't overdo getting ready. You will be too tired to enjoy their visit.

Judie, thanks for the potato recipe. I will try that one. It looks really good.

Sorry about the insurance issue, Lynn. I worry about my children and their insurance.

Will works for the state, but they keep him at part time (just barely), so he can't get insurance coverage.

Kathryn and her family had to do without insurance when Tom changed jobs. They had two emergency room visits during that time.

Health care coverage is a mess. I was really upset when I found out Kathryn had stopped taking her blood pressure medication because of the cost. She almost ended up getting hospitalized because of it.

I know all of the health care measures have not taken effect yet. They are needed.

I feel so fortunate to have my children living nearby. It is a blessing. We take care of each other.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Need to take care of a few things. I'm still in my pajamas.

hedgie said...

Well, time to get ready to get going. Lunch with friends and then truck inspection. CYAL.

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE...CALABRIA CHILI, is a dish which Capt. Gene made up: Chili with a bit of Italian seasoning and pasta (shells, elbow or ditalini). Dustin wants it for breakfast:)
I'm going to try your "Healthy Potatoes" receipe...sounds good.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to read back to see what Andy is up to. Will be heading to the beach soon.

Had a great evening last night. After a dinner of bacon pasta we sat around in Laurel's cabin visiting with Jane and Herbert.

Lolly said...

lol Joseph had bacon pasta for breakfast.

Lolly said...

Time to eat breakfast.

Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

That would be wonderful and most welcome, Steve!

BEagle said...

Thank you Steve.

WOW. A cam update. I will keep checking in to see the progress on

paula eagleholic said... were talking about insurance cost for Carolyn...yes insurance is expensive! Our annual deduction is between $6000 and $9500 per year for a family, depending upon which plan you choose...not to mention copays and deductible. And, it is expected to go up significantly this year.

paula eagleholic said...

And not only is that expensive for the employee, it is expensive for the employer!!

Judie said...

Hi Steve. Thank you for the new thread and everyone is going to be very excited about the cam update.

Thank you Wanda for the holler. Heard you all the way across the State line.

Lynn, I am so sorry about Carolyn's situation with health insurance coverage. Don't have a solution but do think this is a terrible shame.

Andy, so pleased your daughter is coming to visit. Don't worry about too much cleanup. I doubt she will. Just enjoy being together.

Shirley, somehow I could not have imagined any of my high school teachers still in pajamas at 10.30am.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL

iN eagLE LanD..


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

New thread, new tech..."new day in the mornin..."

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Does anyone else have a "black out" at BWO??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...


Just ran by the laptop on my way to the washing machine.

Judie, promise I won't worry about cleaning the entire house from top to bottom--have started on that long ago, in anticipation! DO need to clean up new bird poop, though. (!) Those crazy birds do nothing but eat and POOP!

On my way to the washer & dryer--will be back later, after lunch. :o]

BEagle said...


It's been about a half hour since you asked.

My BWO is not blacked out.

movin said...

yES, Beagle. I see my BWO pic is back now too.

Looks like most of the family is on the nest too. Maybe feeding.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Oboy--here's another prayer project for you guys! A fellow who lives nearby in a condo came walking down the street asking if we had a missing dog--he was carrying a cute little black & tan chihuahua/min pin(?) mix. Young adult dog, male, not fixed yet, no collar. The poor thing had been wandering around in the middle of our cross-street--4 lanes, and a 40 mph speed limit! Cute as a button, and VERY friendly, but likes women better than men. Gave the guy a print-up of local no-kill shelters and small dog rescues, and sent him on his way. Killed me to do so--would've liked to KEEP the little guy, but Hubby was having kittens about it!
No place to keep the critter--yard not an option (coyotes, red-tailed hawks & raccoons!), and no crate. Pray that the owner comes forward, or that he finds a GOOD forever home! (Oh, this is KILLING me! I want a small dog SOOOOOOOO bad! :o{

movin said...

In fact, I think Dad just delivered a nice fish.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Jim, will check out BWO real quickly.

Judie said...

Hi Jim and BEagle.

Andy, will send a doggy prayer that the lost one will be found or will find a good loving home.

hedgie said...

Hi again. Haven't caught up here yet.but wanted to advise that A-M's son is due to go home from hospital this afternoon. Rainee is doing well---the kidney is working FINE!

Lynne2 said...

WOW a new cam package WOO HOO!! Let's say a prayer that it will be up and running by Nestoration Season!

Andy, exciting news! And go get that little dog! Well, hopefully someone who loves him will get him :)

Don't even get me started on Health Care in this country. It's a crying shame. Discussed via email with Chrissy about how it works in the UK. Not a bad plan at all, and not really extensive waits like rumor always has it. They'll stop it from changing here because too many people fear change and think they'll loose out. As a matter of fact...UGH, I am not going to get started. OOPS, almost too late!

Wanda, just a word about box turtles...they are VERY slow. By that I mean, they live in a very small territory because it takes them a long time to find the things they need to survive within a territory. They also have a very strong homing instinct, and while moving them far away from an area doesn't mean they'll get back, they will try, at the expense, often, of passing up a good alternate territory. AND, disease and parasites from an outsider could adversely affect a new population who may not have those issues. Sorry for rambling, but I sure have learned way more that anyone wants to know about box turtles this summer! Maybe you could put some netting over the plants and put some unsavory for human consumption tomatoes in a nearby spot?

And I am very, very sad to report that one of our box turtles at Irvine is indeed GONE. It's one of the small ones who loved to swim in the pond in the exhibit. Last Thursday, after I left, Tracey went back upstairs to where the exhibits are (it was after the 5pm closing time) to find a woman with 3 kids around age 10 in the hall. They had a tub, with a box turtle in it. Tracey talked to them, and she asked where they got the turtle. The kid said he found it. Of course she thought it was very strange that they brought it inside with them. She couldn't come right out and accuse them of taking it from the exhibit, and because it was after 5, there was no one there but her that she could go to with her concerns. She tried to convince them to give it to her by explaining the difficulty of caring for a wild turtle, but the woman said the kid would be fine with caring for it. She casually went over to count the turtles in the exhibit, but they often bury themselves and while she could only account for 4 meaning one was not visible, she couldn't be sure it wasn't buried, and with no one else there...well, she felt she didn't have any grounds to start an issue. She couldn't be sure if it was OUR turtle by looking because they look so similar and ours are not marked in any way. She'd have had to leave the hall to get to her notebook with the ID pictures of all of the animals but by that time they were out the door.

We hoped our turtle was hiding. She checked thoroughly when they left, we both checked again on Friday. No turtle. Today, we actually dug out the entire exhibit to change the substrate and clean, and still no turtle. He is gone.

stronghunter said...

Have been busy proofing a paper for Suzi.

She is taking a course on Terrorism and had to write a paper about the movie Divine Intervention. I think it's unusual that this is an English class. She says it gets depressing.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, do you have any kind of video cam on the exhibits? It sounds like you need to--or a fake one at least. How awful.

Lynne2 said...

You'd have to see the exhibit to know understand why it was not possible for her to check with the people there. But because it is locked, and up higher off the ground, it would have been hard for someone to climb up and reach over to get one of them. But not impossible, especially for 3 10ish year olds. And with not another soul in the hall....well. And it would be IMPOSSIBLE for a turtle to escape because of the steepness of the back rock wall, and the glass all around it.

In fact, when Tracey contacted her bosses, they felt sure it would turn up because they figured no one could get in. But as each day came and went with no luck in searching, we know for sure now with having removed the old materials and going through them with a fine toothed comb that it has apparently been stolen.

We are not sure why anyone was left in the building after closing.

Lynne2 said...

No Shirley, there are no security cams in the place. There was a private party on the grounds that afternoon/evening, but Tracey is not aware that the exhibit hall would have been accessible to those folks. But they didn't appear to have been with the party group.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like Tracy had grounds, but I would have felt the same way.

stronghunter said...

If that mom is helping her children steal museum exhibits, I wonder what else she is doing? Too bad they weren't with the group, it that is actually the case. You might be able to identify them if you could talk to someone with the group.

stronghunter said...

if that is actually the case. . .

Lynne2 said...

I think she did the only thing she COULD do, given that there was no one else there for her to get any help or guidance from. To make a stink about it only to have the turtle resurface would have probably cost her her job. IF there had been a faster way for her to check the exhibit, or if she had been able to get to the ID picture before they high tailed it out, maybe a different story. That's why she tried so hard to convince them to leave the turtle they had with her instead of taking it home.

I think it's just a bad circumstance...I'm not sure what the policy is at closing time but it seems the building should have a once over to make sure everyone is out. But again, we don't know if it was left open for the party. Guess there will be a little "revamping" of procedure now.

stronghunter said...

Maybe it is worth asking someone from that group. It just makes me angry that someone would do this.

I remember when we first moved here, a boy stole a poisonous snake from the National Zoo and hid it under his shirt. As I recall, he was bitten while riding a bus later on.

We went to the zoo not long after that and saw where he had broken into the cage. I guess that people who are determined (and stupid) enough can get into almost anything.

Lynne2 said...

Well, we don't even know if it WAS a mom and her children. And that's another touchy subject...Tracey felt a bit intimidated by the fact that the woman was white, and the children were black. While she wouldn't have pursued issue with them no matter the race of any involved without absolute proof of theft, she felt a small part of her almost afraid to say anything at all to them.

BEagle said...

Lynne, that is awful about the turtle.
What can you do even if there was an adult around.

If the mom was lied to about finding the turtle or if she is teaching her children improper behavior is an issue we all have to deal with.

Hate to say it, but if the principle of honesty was not in place, I doubt that good care for the turtle will follow.

Can turtles be tagged?

Shirley...makes me curious about Divine Intervention.

Judie, I am with you on the doggie prayer. All little doggies need someone to love them.

As far as insurance, health, car or otherwise, I won't go there. It's awful.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, it is dangerous to go around making accusations.

I would think that you might make a rule that people are not to bring critters into the exhibit area. After all, they may spread disease that way.

BEagle said...

I agree, accusations can become problematic.

stronghunter said...

I haven't seen the movie. She gave me a link to a review.

Divine Intervention

She likes to bounce ideas off me when we have time to discuss her papers. Sometimes she knows a lot more about the subject than I do. And she's gotten compliments from her profs about her writing--even the papers she doesn't discuss with me. That makes me feel good.

Lynne2 said...

GOOD, he deserved to get bitten, the dork!

Tracey told her bosses what happened and I hope THEY have the sense to try to determine if those folks were at the party. Even so, too much time has passed at this point. I personally, in her bosses position, would call the police. But with no security and the time passed...well probably too late for that. I would still call. And I would ask on of the local TV stations to do a report on the missing turtle to stir people up. And the only POSSIBLE reason to do that would be that the only good to come out of it would be to raise awareness about Irvine. And you never know.....someone may rat someone out!

In her bosses position, I think I'd have ORDERED an immediate cleaning and thorough search that very next day. Which except for removing everything, Tracey and I's not that deep to where we would have missed the turtle because we dug and moved everything. But they decided not to pursue anything else pending the cleaning out today.

Meanwhile, both of us are heartbroken over our loss. It's just hard to imagine that someone who would steal a turtle in the first place would actually take good care of it at all.

Lynne2 said...

BEagle, we could possibly put notches in the outer shells of the turtle. But that will be up to the "brass". But I surely hope SOMETHING will be done....

stronghunter said...

A little publicity sounds like a good idea. Maybe even an offer of no questions asked for a return of the turtle.

stronghunter said...

I don't remember all of the details, but I think it was an especially poisonous snake. Probably created a problem on the bus. Snakes on a bus--not good.

Lynne2 said...

Animals are NOT allowed to be brought in...but if no one was there because they slipped in after 5, no one would have been at the front desk anyway.

stronghunter said...

Even a little dab of paint with a number on it. Something that would be proof positive.

stronghunter said...

It sounds premeditated doesn't it? They slipped in after hours with a container.

Lynne2 said...

oh my goodness, I can't imagine the chaos of a snake on the bus, let alone a poisonous one!!

I think you are right about the publicity with the "no questions asked" stipulation. Just leave it at the door and walk away. Maybe they would if they found they couldn't care for it. Or maybe they'd just let it go in the woods, which would be better than having it die from ill treatment.

Lynne2 said...

YES! Not only premeditated, but maybe an inside job.....I hate to say it, but there are a LOT of volunteers, over 400, I think. Many people in and out with kids for camp, etc. Volunteer camp counselors, etc. Lots of possibilities there....

Lynne2 said...

Don't get me wrong, it's NOT a disorganized place. Very professional from what I have seen. But you just never know when a bad seed will show up. That would REALLY break my heart. Rather a complete outsider than someone there.

Lynne2 said...

Found this article about the NZ snake theft..long time ago!
NZ Snake Theft

stronghunter said...

Yes, that has to be it. I had forgotten some of the details. It was almost 30 years ago. The kid was fortunate to survive. He broke the glass on the front of the exhibit. I expect there are plenty of cameras at the NZ now, but would not have been back then.

Good searching, Lynne. I couldn't find it. I did learn that there have been lots of other snake thefts and snakes that have strangled their owners.

stronghunter said...

Would not have been as easy for him to say he "just found" those snakes as it was for your turtle thieves to say they just found that turtle.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, I am livid about the turtle theft. Can't believe the audacity of some people. I, too, say a public plea for return is warranted.......and a police report!

stronghunter said...

Judie, you probably could not have even imagined your teachers in pajamas at all!!

Some people think we spend the night at our desks grading papers. In summers, we are supposed to be reading books and writing lesson plans, but never in pajamas!!

hedgie said...

Sure don't remember the snake theft.......wonder if the snakes DID survive??

stronghunter said...

My parents were teachers, so I did see them in pajamas, but I guess I would have still had problems imagining any of the other teachers in pj's.

I remember that when I was a freshman in college, we saw our housemother buying a bottle of wine. Yikes! (Yes, we had housemothers.)

hedgie said...

Sure would never know that we had that downpour Sunday......poor Megan. :(

Lolly said...

I lived and slept at school. I thought all teachers did! LOL

Can not believe the turtle story. Wow! And, now we know why we have idiots in this world. A big shame the idiots are allowed to have children.

Found a turtle today. He is living in the swampy birding area behind Laurel's cabin. The boys were excited and you will not believe what we did!!!! We took his picture. ☺

Have gone shopping and the boys are back at the beach. Now the old folks are going to go join them.


stronghunter said...

Went looking on the Internet for more stories about the snakes. The snakes did survive. They were found on the street.

More About the Snakes

stronghunter said...

I did find another article that said that the boy went back later to admire the snakes and said he still loved them, but it was a teaser to get me to subscribe to something. It said it was free, but it was one of those "opt out" kinds of free things that can end up costing a lot of money. I opted not to give my credit card information, so I will not know how that story ends unless I find it elsewhere.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, you slept?? Did you eat, too?

stronghunter said...

And, did you wear PAJAMAS??

stronghunter said...

I also found an article that said the boy said he found the snakes already in the bag. So, there you are. He did make that claim.

stronghunter said...

Best way to capture a turtle, Lolly.

hedgie said...

Carolyn met our Margy today!

stronghunter said...

Yay! I would have liked to have seen that meeting.

stronghunter said...

Insurance frustration continues. . . Kathryn filled out the insurance paperwork because their three-month waiting period is now up. She was told that it will take another month to process the paperwork. Hubby's office is trying to expedite things.

This is not encouraging, though. She needs more treatment for her shoulder.

stronghunter said...

George is asking for supper.

Lynne2 said...

Interesting article Shirley!

Wow, how cool for Carolyn to meet Margy today!

OK, that SUCKS about Kathryn's insurance situation......

hedgie said...

Geesh, Shirley...sounds like the kid was treated like a hero rather than a criminal.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it would have been awful if someone else had gotten bitten because of his stupidity and had died because he got all of the antivenin.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is supposed to get an MRI. How much do they cost?

stronghunter said...

I think Kathryn needs a cortisone shot. That can't be too expensive. I think I'll encourage her to go ahead and do that. She should at least see the doctor and ask. She said something on Facebook about wearing her arm in a sling. That means she is still in pain. She feels that she can't take the pain pills and work.

stronghunter said...

Don't tell anyone, but I still have on my pj's. They are comfortable. Just what I need around the house.

hedgie said...

Shirley, MRI probably around $600. Cortisone would help give relief---and if tear is small, may allow it to heal if she doesn't overuse it.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. I think she needs to stop lifting heavy car parts, too.

Lynne2 said...

wow Shirley...I sure hope Kathryn can get a cortisone shot. She DOES need to stop lifting parts (they are in the glass business, right?). Poor Steve is having really bad hip pain in one side. And his hands are hurting. He lifts windshields all day long. He doesn't complain, but I have seen the Tylenol disappearing at an alarming rate, and he is now taking Aleve everyday too.

Anyway, I sure hope they can expedite the insurance for her. I totally agree with Lynn....with rest and hopefully just a small tear, she should be OK. But continuing to do the same repetitive motions will result in further damage. Much prayer for her!

magpie said...

Well Howdy Y'all!

stronghunter said...

Called Kathryn and told her to go ahead and make an appointment ASAP. Mom insurance is a possibility for the small stuff. My kids have commented for years about the "Bank of Mom." It isn't a wealthy bank, but it is there.

Her boss has been telling her the same thing. Make an appointment.

She is not lifting heavy parts. I thought she would not be doing that, but I was not sure. She works as an office manager at a body shop and sometimes moves parts around when they come in, but there are plenty of strong men working there who can do the lifting. They get things like hoods, bumpers, etc., that have to be checked in and put away.

Her husband works at the glass place. He lifts windshields, too.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy,

BBL. Need to cook some supper for Will.

magpie said...

Every time I read that turtles are taking a bite out of ALL Wanda's tomatoes, I have this curiosity about the one I took to her on Sunday

paula eagleholic said...

I guess Kathryn's insurance is thru hubby? Maybe he can call HR or insurance person and ask them to expedite the application...I know I have asked that for our employees.

magpie said...

That is a disturbing turtle story, Lynne and the one about the snake theft is not any better....
I sure hope the turtle is returned to the Center... or if lost, finds it way back home

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
good to "see " you.

wonder what Jo and Mits are having for dinner

Loved the dinner for breakfast stories

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, so sorry to hear about the vehicle pooping out on you...I guess you're lucky it wasn't any further away than that.

magpie said...

yeah, insurance...expensive especially for family members...
heard this year that what our employer pays towards insurance (it is county government) might have to be claimed on our taxes next year as "income."

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, sorry about the turtle raiding your tomatoes!

And Lynne, unbelievable about the turtle story. Sure seems like those folks took bad is that!

magpie said...

sure hope that Kathryn gets the physical relief and financial relief also!

magpie said...

How exciting for Andrea and Ken...with the upcoming family visit with her daughter...
Enjoy !

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of maters...going to have my first on a BLT tonight, if I have any L...picked it last week and let it ripen inside.

The ants got to the second one, but I picked a third one tonight. The ants also seemed to destroy my zucchini...ate through the stem on each plant :(

magpie said...

Thanks Paula and all other sympathizers here...
many fortunate aspects to the breakdown situation....was 66 mi from home, tow truck driver/mechanic was very nice....(just too bad I didn't wait to take that potty break until closer to home !! ) and mechanics today cut me a super sized break on the repair of the fuel pump....they are a family business, and truly like family to me !!

magpie said...

Oh yes...meeting Lynn's Carolyn today...
she is a beauty! And sure seemed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about being there....we exchanged an embrace....told her how super I think her Mom is.....
then we got busy!

magpie said...

I saw some nice hawks while driving through Pennsylvania, one nice one (Red-Shouldered I think) perched on a fence post near the interstate, and a few smaller ones flying, maybe a kestrel,and a merlin

And crossing over the Susquehanna in Harrisburg, wow, those bridges with the arches, stunning! Wish someone else had been driving so I could have taken it all in

magpie said...

Oh I hope you can have that BLT Paula...
the ones I have had have been soooo good...
when I have one, I seem to have to have two....
thanks for the reminder, almost time for some chow here !!

magpie said...

what a great word...
wonder who invented it

maybe Shirley did...

ttfn back later

magpie said...

two cute typoes on our call sheets at work today:

"Grandma Seizures (Grand Mal)"

and a "Fire Fire (firefighter) was on the scene "

magpie said...

we do that kind of stuff all the time
makes for some great laughs !

paula eagleholic said...

Cicadas really singing at the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I got wax! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to hear you have a great mechanic, Margy!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Kathryn's insurance is through her husband's work. Her work has insurance, but it is not a good plan. The person at his office who takes care of insurance issues is Kathryn's Facebook friend, and she has already said she would try to expedite things. I read that on Facebook.

Kathryn is upset because they told Tom that he would have insurance after 90 days. If it is going to take 30 days to get the paperwork through, they should have started that a month ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like some sort of vehicle near the nest...all the cicadas shut up...then start up again.

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy....we all sure know here what fun typos can start!!

Christie is mad----she asked how I made the ♥♥♥'s on an email......her laptop won't do it!!

Lynne, tell Steve to ease up on that Tylenol! NOT good on the liver!

Need some frozen limeade for a recipe.....Food Lion no longer has ANY frozen juices....argh! Guess I'll have to check Weis'.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is going to spend tomorrow with me. I have been lazy this summer about having him here. I said that I have some work for him to help me with. I think he has been bored at the sitter's.

Hey, I have a tomato starting to ripen. The plant is sitting on a table on the porch. Out of reach of turtles, but I hope birds and squirrels stay away.

Kathryn missed time from work today because of her pain. She really needs to get to the doctor. Gotta keep bugging her.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, if there is a 90 day waiting period, you can't even submit paperwork most times until after the 90 days.

stronghunter said...

Pajamas. Didn't invent the word, but it is a good one.

paula eagleholic said...

Or right before/at the 90 day mark.

hedgie said...

Local gals: Royce is having their sock sale tomorrow, Fri. and Sat. at the old GM building! 8-5 T&F, 7:30-12:30 Sat. $1-$2/pair.

stronghunter said...

I think the 30-day processing time is for the company Tom works for, though. If they are going to take 30 days to process things, they need to take that into consideration.

paula eagleholic said...

clunk our cam

stronghunter said...

Hey, if you missed the Jack Hanna appearance regarding the grizzly bear incident, he is going to be on Larry King tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

They thought Brensin had strep...he doesn't have that, he has hand foot mouth. Anyone ever heard of it? I had to look it up.

stronghunter said...

I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it, Paula. I think it happens to small children.

hedgie said...

Poor Brensin, Paula. Haven't heard of that one in quite a while. It's a coxsackie virus, and is very contagious.
Hand, foot and mouth

paula eagleholic said...

Ended up with 1 1/2 lettuce...had to use up the mater and bacon!

Lynne2 said...

aw, poor Brensin. Hope he feels better soon.

Jack Hanna on FB...said they are very sobered after their encounter...last night, 3 people in different camping areas of the same campground in Yellowstone were attacked between, I think, midnight and 2am. On man was killed.

Cicadas at the nest, that means there are likely Cicada Killer Wasps there too. Megan can't be far behind. She says she has now become a Cicada Killer Hunter.

We had BLTs for dinner too! Just not "REAL" tomatoes. Ours are still small.

stronghunter said...

I've done the same thing, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

My tomatoes are small too, but tasty.

Bet all the kids will get it :(

Was it a grizzly at yellowstone?

hedgie said...

Hanna's encounter was with grizzlies, PAula. But he said there were black bears up there, too....hadn't heard about the attacks.

stronghunter said...

Hanna used pepper spray.

I saw the interview this morning.

Just missed most of the one on Larry King. Susan called to tell me that she may be coming down tonight because her boyfriend's mother is in the hospital in emergency surgery. She thinks he shouldn't drive down here alone as upset as he is.

stronghunter said...

I prefer small tomatoes because they're the right size for one person. Usually I am the only one eating them. My children don't like raw tomatoes. I suppose maybe Rus does, but the others won't eat them.

stronghunter said...

Gotta go tidy up the extra bedrooms. I may have guests tonight.

hedgie said...

Prayers for Suzi's boyfriends' mother, Shirley.
My girls won't eat raw tomatoes, either. Don't know what in the world is wrong with them!!! EVERY relative they have LOVES tomatoes!

Judie said...

Lynn, so sorry about the baby turtle. I cannot imagine anyone allowing or even encouraging such behavior, if that is what happened. Sure wish the best for baby turtle.

You are correct, Shirley. Old Mrs. Boggs is a good example. Nasty woman. I suspect she slept in her funeral black swishy dress, dense support hose, and orthopedic shoes.

I hope Kathryn will make an appointment asap and make sure to give her shoulder time to heal. Wish the insurance situation were more positive for her.

Margy, so glad you got to meet Carolyn. Bet she's as sweet as her mom.

Sorry about Brensin's infection, Paula. Hoping for quick healing.

Speaking of healing, anyone heard from Dana today?

Shirley, are you going to get out of your pajamas tomorrow when Hunter visits?

Okay, tomorrow is another day of workshops on online teaching so early morning for me.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams everyone and prayers for all those in need.

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed...but I just posted the pics of the caterpillars changing from yesterday. Tried to post the video but keep getting error message.

Prayers for all, especially Kathryn tonight.

magpie said...

Good Night Judie xox

Shirley, this is your best avatar ever!

magpie said...

and hoping that things will be okay for Suzi's boyf's mother....

sorry about the hand foot mouth ailment for Brensin Paula...
so tough when kids are sick!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks you all, will pass along the healing thoughts...hate it when the little ones are sick, too!

Heading to bed early tonight...catch ya'll tomorrow.

Love and Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy. I like that picture of Hunter and Flash. I took it on the way home from Maggie Valley.

Susan called to say she and James are on the way down, but don't know if they will come here. James's mother is in a room now. Surgery is over.

Yes, Judie, I will get out of my pajamas tomorrow. I had an outfit laid out to wear today, but I never did put it on. Of course, Hunter will probably arrive in his pajamas. That's one of the advantages of coming to Grandma's for the day. All you have to do is wake up and get in the car.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Paula, healing wishes for Brensin. I hope the other children are spared.

magpie said...

looks like Mom Finney is practically sitting ON the chicks
wondering if there is something she's protecting them from

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. I am about to drop. Also, my right eye is giving me fits tonight. It is burning. Do not know the problem. Maybe too much salt water! Laurel and I have so much fun riding the waves and we spilled several times. We come up laughing! The boys are having fun with their boogie boards. Jack just body surfs! Anyway, we are having fun. More of the same tomorrow.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! I am putting it to bed!!!

magpie said...

Good night, Paula, Lynne, Lolly, and
everyone else

signing off for now too at this roost

love that thought about Hunter just showing up in the pajamas...glad you will have some kid fun Thursday Shirley

Hope sleep is good, restorative
Prayers for wellness
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

well one of the chicks is up and moving around now at Finney's - showing off its beautiful colors

magpie said...

man oh man what a show at Finney's - mom flew out, kids are playing...

one just went STRAIGHT UP IN THE AIR and then came back down !

magpie said...

happened again, disappeared altogether for a few seconds from the cam view...this is some good watching, maybe I am not going to bed yet

stronghunter said...

Finney kids are having a time for themselves.

stronghunter said...

I am very tired. I am not going to get much done tonight.

stronghunter said...

Haven't watched Finney much this summer. Those birds do have a way of looking at the camera as if they are speaking to us.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful view of some beautiful birds.

magpie said...

glad you're having a peek too Shirley....
really some find wing moves on there and their colors are so wonderful....when they preeen and wingersize you can see so much about them

okay now going to bed....just becauase, I have to!


stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

PA Nana said...

Good evening to those still here. I finally had a chance to get on here.

I made a discovery tonight. M&Ms DO melt in your hands. I had a bag in the frig and got them out to put into a container and of course I had to taste a few. Well, my fingers were all sticky with different colors.
HA! But they were good. Hot fingers

Paula, sorry about the illness for Brensin. It's terrible when kids get sick. Prayers for a quick recovery.

Margy, Margy, Margy! You were in my neck of the woods and I didn't know it. You crossed the mighty Susquehanna River that is just a 1/4 mile from my house. Glad you had a good time but sorry to hear of the breakdown of your vehicle. There are a lot of good eating places outside Lancaster. Next time you come this way, let me know. Maybe I can catch up with you.

Lynne2, poor Steve with his hip hurting. Maybe bursitis? Try an ice pack. That's what I've been doing and it's slowly helping. Prayers for his healing.

Sorry to hear of Kathryn's shoulder. Prayers that she gets a diagnosis soon and take care of it.

ANyone hear from Dana?

hedgie said...

G'night, Judie, Lynne, Lolly, Paula, Margy. Shirley, are you ready? I am. See all y'all tomorrow. Pleasant dreams, and prayers for all needs.

hedgie said...

Hi, Di! ALmost missed you. The reason the M&M's "ran" is because they were sweating from being in the fridge!!!!
Nope, no word from Dana yet.
Talk to you tomorrow!!!

PA Nana said...

I hope you will help me with a prayer request. My brother in law had a hip replacement the end of April which was to replace his old one. He was 37when he had the first and he's now 57.

The problems he's having is the joint is not staying in place. My sister called to night to tell me she was taking him back to the hospital for the 4th time. They hope to place a cup or something over the joint to keep things in place. He's been in terrible pain and is terribly depressed.

Help me pray that this will be the end of his torture and that healing will take place and my sister, Judy, will have some peace.

PA Nana said...

Maybe Jack Hanna could learn a few things from Lynn and Sue about bears.
I know MN bears are black and Jack encounter was with a grizzly, but surely they aren't that much different.

ANyway, I've seen Hanna with animals on different shows and I don't have much confidence in his handling the ones he shows. I could be wrong .....

stronghunter said...

Diann, prayers for you brother-in-law. Hope he is well and home very soon.

PA Nana said...

Well, meds are kicking in and I'm getting sleepy.

Have PT again tomorrow if I can drive myself there. The ice pack has help some and so has Vicodin.

Dana, hope you're okay and getting some relief from your pain. If I remember right, you and I have the same diagnosis - old age. ;>)

Goodnight dear friends. Prayers for wants/needs.

stronghunter said...

Diann, I kind of think grizzly bears are different from black bears. One person was killed near where Hanna was. I don't have details, though.

stronghunter said...

Headed upstairs. Good night and God bless.

See you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Trying to read back through the blog to see what I missed today...nearly did a face plant on the keyboard:) I'd better make this quick!
Just wanted to let Margy know that I finally got around to eating her, tomato today. We had cheeseburgers for lunch and I can't begin to tell you how GOOD that tomato was. Still have half of it left. I took some photos, but haven't put them on here yet...tomorrow. You will drool, for sure.
I'm hearing a Coyote just now! How eerie it sounds!
Going out on the porch to hear it better.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's later than late, but I'm finally finished with house cleaning! Hubby (bless his heart!) took me out to dinner. After we got home, I got my second wind, and finished up the vacuuming and got the last of the wash done. THEN I tried the Oreck Steam Cleaner on the bathroom tile floor, and had the most fun in ages! The cleaner has languished in the box for a long time, but tried it because I was too tired to scrub the floor on my hands and knees. Boy, that thing kicks butt, and takes names later! Only took 5 minutes to get that floor cleaner than it's been in years! Simply amazing!

Prayers for Brensin, Kathryn, Dana,
Diann's brother-in-law and sister, and Lynne, not to mention everyone else here! Leaving the porch light and the night light on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep really well, everyone, and I'll talk to you, hopefully, some time tomorrow. We pick the kids up at Long Beach Airport at 9:02 a.m. tomorrow! They are flying in on a US Airways 25-passenger plane! Please agree with me in prayer for their complete safety! Thanks in advance!
God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Hunter and I are hanging out in our pajamas, eating jellybeans, playing with George, and watching television.

Kathryn has an appointment with the nurse practitioner tomorrow morning. She told them she was in need of pain management.

Her boss has had the same problem, and he is most sympathetic. He had surgery on both shoulders.

stronghunter said...

Coyotes, Wanda! That would send chills down my spine.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your kids on their journey, Andy. I know you will enjoy the visit.

Glad the steam cleaner worked so well for you. I've reached the point that I don't try to get down on the floor to clean anymore. It is not easy to get down there, and getting up is a major challenge.

Don't know if I have told this story before, but writing about not being able to get up reminded me.

I was teaching a summer class for students preparing for a re-take on the SOL test. We'd been assigned to a classroom I had never taught in before, and the teacher's chair was jacked way up high. Rather than mess with changing it, I just sat a little higher than usual.

That worked fine until I leaned over to pick something up off the floor which caused the chair turn over and dump me on the floor.

I looked up to see the astonished faces of my students. They were not moving. They were glued to their seats with their mouths hanging open. I said, "I can use a little help here." Two boys jumped up and rushed over. One picked up the chair and the other offered his hand to help me up. I thanked them, lowered the chair to a reasonable height, and the class continued.

That image should blow Judie's mind completely!!

stronghunter said...

We've watched everything from National Geographic's Blue Earth to Sponge Bob Squarepants this morning. There's nothing like a grandchild to keep you in touch with current kid's television.

stronghunter said...

Hope you are well this morning, Dana. Would like to hear from you soon.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Could not post of fb, let's see if I can post here!

Eye is much better this morning. Thank goodness.

Just read about the bear attacks in Yellowstone. It was there that years ago Jack and I retreated to our car. Bear came to our campsite, sniffed boiling water on the campstove and left. We have it on video. Scary! But it was not a grizzly.

Back to the beach shortly.

stronghunter said...

I'm hoping to hear from Susan today. She and James did not make it here last night. I thought they probably would not. James's father is elderly and not in good health himself. He probably needed them to stay with him. It's a brand new hospital and probably had a reasonable place for them to get comfortable there.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly. I trust that there are no grizzlies where you are now!

Costume Lady said...

That image blew MY mind, Shirley!
I still say that you and Judie should collaborate on a book. You both have so many unbelievable stories and situation to tell:)

stronghunter said...

Glad your eye is better, Lolly.

Lolly said...

Yep, no grizzlies here!

Lolly said...

Laurel is already in mourning. She goes back to school the 13th. And, on the 12th is 6th grade orientation and she will be there for that, too.

Ah, thank goodness for retirement!!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter, the child who never eats, is on his 4th bowl of frosted Cheerios. I will need to go to the grocery story soon.

stronghunter said...

I go back the 16th. It marks the end of summer. That is sad.

stronghunter said...

Grocery store . . . as an English teacher, I always automatically type "story."

Lolly said...

Joseph and Jacob eat continuously! They are now going through a gallon of milk a day. Yikes! It will only get worse.

Asked Joseph a minute ago what he had for breakfast....cold Bacon Pasta! And he is the skinniest thing!

stronghunter said...

The prospect of retirement looks better than ever, Lolly. I have already been asked if I would like to teach part time at the community college. One class a semester would not be bad. I could also help with Hunter. Wouldn't be complete retirement, but a lot less stressful than teaching high school.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is a skinny kid, too.

I had part of a gallon of milk in the refrigerator. I don't usually buy that much, but that's the smallest amount they had at Costco. Hunter is taking good care of that.

stronghunter said...

Would be really wonderful if I could get a literature class, but adjuncts usually get to teach the freshman composition classes.

I have a friend who did manage to develop her own course and taught it for years; then they gave it so someone else. She was furious. It's tough world out there. Adjuncts are the bottom of the bottom of the pecking order.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Time for a shower and street clothes, as Jo says.

Lolly said...

Laurel just arrived and we chatted. Now to eat breakfast and head to the beach.

Hope you can retired and get a part time job at a jr college. Sounds ideal!

See you all later!

Have a great day! I am!

Lolly said...

retire....not retired!

NatureNut said...

Happy TH, Everyone!
Have been reading past posts.
Andrea---happy you'rre getting family visit! Don't worry about cleaning. My daughter always tells me that---they don't really notice any problem you know about & don't care!☺ And prayer for little doggy!At least someone is taking him around and he isn't running loose.
Margy, car trouble on trip?? Good you weren't too far from home & have reliable mechanics.
Lynne, so sorry about the little turtle. Sounds like an investigation for Judie!!
And Lolly's at the beach---must mean no oil. Yeah!!
Waiting for phone call--Fubby took a car to paint shop. If they're not busy & can keep it, he'll call me to fetch him.
Have a great day!!!

stronghunter said...

Yes, one advantage of being retired is that you don't worry so much about the pecking order. You just take things as they come. You aren't trying to get ahead.

hedgie said...

Good LATE morning all.
Slept in a wee bit, but then had to hussle to get decks blown off from continued debris-fall before the rain comes. Has gotten very cloudy....weatherman said between 10 & noon, so...get he's right.
Day off, Loretta?? You need to take a vacation trip!
Sounds like everyone is having fun with grandkids...the last hurrah before the next school year begins. Don't know why, but I haven't seen mine in weeks......everyone just too busy, I guess. Of course, the older they get, the less they need grandma...and get BORED quickly!

Costume Lady said...

STEVE has given us a new thread...come over and join me!!!!

hedgie said...

Christie is having another interview right now about the job she applied for. She and Shannon are also getting final preps made for their vacation Sunday---going back to CanCun again. Sure hope she doesn't get sick this time.

hedgie said...

Oh, Pelosi......Oblama is on The View....oops, that's Obama, isn't it?

hedgie said...

RAINING! Hope it makes it to Megan's.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...