Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Fresh thread.


Mits said...

Good morning everyone:)

Mits said...

Prayers for everyone...have a good one.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Mits and those of you yet to come over.
Those mockingbirds are vicious at times. They always attack the cats.

Getting an early start so I can head out for lunch. Need to check weather report - no sun right now.

Wanda - picture of GG says it all. Jayden is still soooooooo cute.

hedgie said...

THanks for call-over, Mits.
I have a doctor's apptmt. at 1....find out how strong my bones are. ALso did the over-night pulse ox test Monday night so will get those results, too, and see if I need oxygen yet!
Jo, possible severe storms around noonish---be safe!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Mornig Mits, Mema Jo and Hedgie and ALL that come in or over.

My morning started early I watched a small rabbit. From my window in the neighbors yard next door. I think it has been living under LIttle Man's ramps. Then a darn cat attacked it...rabbit got away. Not sure if injured.The cats already had a FULL STOMACH!!!

Hours later I went to let LIttle Man out and saw in my yard. TWO cats. There is a lady in the developement that says, "I can't let them starve to death". The County says cats can rome around because they can take care of themselves. THEN WHY IS SHE FEEDING THEM!!!! A letter was sent around you feed them they become yours.
So Little Man is out and I couldn't get him back. I had to remove stuff and make my way (very hard steps to do for me). I tried yelling and pistted (sp) at the cats they wouldn't run. As Little Man got closer one was ready to fight him. NOW I AM TRULY PEE'D O!!! The neighbors on both sides of me are tired of them dumping and spraying in there yards. Lady that feed lives around the circle on other side.
I guess I'm going to have to speak with her and owner of court. Don't get me wrong I like cats. Darn I'm allergeric to them but I care for my daughters changing the litter box for 8 years. Why can't they just keep them inside????
Thanks for letting me vent. I know some of you have outdoor cats and others of you feed the homeless cats.
I do have a fenced in yard but to a cat that makes no difference.

Then had this machine to try to bring up homepage. Start, shut down, start shut down and start and finally here.

Well one good thing between 8AM -7PM my laptop is coming today. I sure hope I can get it up and running with no problems.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow! A new thread early in the morning. Jack is already out and watering plants. Need to get out there, but wanted to finish my coffee first. AND, wanted to say good morning.

Have a good one, where ever you are and what ever you are doing today!

Today we get the trailer from storage. Yea! So ready to hit the road! In two months we leave for New England. Woopeee!

wvgal_dana said...

I don't have an email addy for Ragdoll???


wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Ragdoll Deb
Happy Birthday to you....and many morrrrre!♫♪♫

Lolly said...

I'm off.....out to water.

Morning, Dana! Hope your day improves!


hedgie said...

Dana.....chill!! If you get the puter back today, you'll be a happy camper!
Don't get me started on feral c-a-t-s....:(
WIll you see fine folks later this afternoon.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Lynn2 hope good thoughts that you get the job too. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I think you do have the address for Deb - It's on the July b-day list.

Incidentally I need to send out 6 names on the
August Birthday List
4th Barb Willard
6th Robyn Schonhans
18th Candy Norrell
25th Mary Margaret (snail mail cards)
27th Capt Gene Wright
30th Bobbi Schonhans

Let me know if you should be on the list!

wvgal_dana said...

WOWOWOWOWOWOW WOW Myrtle may have babies. Hedgie did you know you have a male turtle too? Ok when will she have them? What lay eggs when, in what type of area?

Mema Jo said...

I am headed out the door to lunch

Will not be long

wvgal_dana said...

:( I think the cats got my toad Hedgie I am sad :(

Costume Lady said...

I hope we do get those noon time rains...just don't want severe storm!

Planted Fall crop of green beans this morning...a little rain on them would give them a good start. In case you don't garden, Fall beans are the best...bugs don't chew on them or lay eggs on them like they do in early Summer, nor the heat of the Summer to dry them out. They are crisp and delicious:)

Hoping Dustin will mow for me today before we have to go into GG's...he is still asleep. Not like him to sleep this late!
I will fix Brunch now and the aroma should wake him up...he's my human garbage disposal:)

Have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

I don't think anything eats Toads, DANA. They have a poison or bitter taste that deters anything from eating them. Hope I'm right:)

wvgal_dana said...

Oh by the way Andy the "thumb print" works much better for me. ty ( :

wvgal_dana said...

WELL I'm not going to rub a turtle!! First comment couldn't figure out what you all was talking about. Moved down a few and
"Ashley got preggo". lol Have to read more than one comment...always look further to see if another comment in relation to one you read lmbo

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo have a great fun with gks and rest and enjoy the beach. No room for "person's hiding" is there? You sure will have plenty of company.

Lolly I heard the beach word with you too. Hope you and Jack and everyone has a wonderful time...then you'll be heading off again .... travel travel travel, get them campers rolling ..... (:

Drs and test want all my money. Soon won't be able to afford a small ice cream cone. I make $244.00 a year to much for any kind of help LOL..I'm just so rich. lmbo with light tears

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

Good news, Ajay is home!

Check back with ya'll later!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Paula. Happy for Ajay and for you!!

Mema Jo said...

Very nice lunch - I was on the other end of town and then when I came home it had rained on that side - road had puddles.

My feet are going up because I have another commitment at 7:30pm.

Anxious to hear Lynn's doc's report.

Dana - take care and I'll be back.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I was just watching a weather report. I hope you don't get a storm while you are on vacation.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Jo, I know you weren't over this a rain here.

Happy Birthday to Ragdoll Deb, hope she has fun on her camping and hiking trip.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I was at Ledo's and you're right no rain but when I got off 15South to Rt40 West ... It was really wet! I had just missed it. And then over the mountain to my valley there was nothing.

paula eagleholic said...

The rain has just been so spotty! I'm still watering everything at home....grass is sooo brown!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby mowed today but mainly because of the weeds. It's still green under the shade trees but out front it is like hay!

movin said...

You aLL ..
C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

Yeah, Mema Jo, please put me on the email list to receive the B-Days.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim You are and always have been on 'the list'. I was requesting that anyone that has an August b-day and not on that list to holler at me.
I guess my comment was easy to be

I'll send it out to you Jim on E_M
email with their email addresses.
I'd doing it early because of going to the beach and that computer is Dial Up!

movin said...

Oh, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Mema Jo.

Boy, I can barely remember dial-up already, and I suffered with IT most of the years I've been on-line.

I've got a VERY FAST service now, but I had to upgrade when they dropped their basic level at Time Warner, and the price went way up too.

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

It appears that Palmer has done flew the coop.

Liberty-Belle were lucky and great parents to produce such a great fledgling ... especially after that catastrophic beginning.

I'm glad it turned out so well in memory of Deb. It seems right to me.

C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

I'm home. Caught up on email.
Dana, sorry about your toadie. Bad cat!
Carolyn will KNOW tomorrow, but won't actually start until Monday---IF it happens!
Nope, Didn't know I had a male turtle before. From what I read, eggs are laid in late spring for late summer/early fall suspect there may not be eggs now. Heaven only knows where she would lay them.

hedgie said...

I sure get sick of having to give this stupid blogger cop my password two or three times. ARGH!

hedgie said...

No rain here......sun is bright.

Paula, so glad Ajay is home. Some one better sit on her to make her behave!!!

Jim, you are right.....after the beginning of Feb., we are truly lucky to have had Palmer grace us with her birth, growth, and ventures. She will be missed.....but I bet Belle and Lib are breathing a sigh of relief. What a demanding child she was! THEY need a trip to the beach!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, for all you know, there are baby turtles around there somewhere! Keep your eyes peeled.

Mema Jo said...

We are not at the beach house enough to get Verizon dsl and pay monthly.

A little hummer (of course they are all little) just visited my deck and found out that the flowers are very scarce - he headed out to the feeders.

Lynn - Myrtle may have dug up the ground and laid those eggs in the spot where you always find her.

hedgie said...

I have watched for baby turtles ever since Myrtle made her first appearance. Never seen any here. At our house in Annandale, we would find them every year around the chimney....they are SO cute!! I'd love to see some again, Wanda.

hedgie said...

Oops, meant Shirley! Wonder if Wanda's ears are burning?

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Oh, just had a Parker County peach. Better than you know what! They have had a fantastic crop this year. Need to buy more and make a cobbler. YUM!

Trailer is in the driveway and we bought groceries and now starting to load. We have plenty of time but since Larry and Sandy are coming wanted to get this much done.

Have a certain Wanda calendar in the trailer. It was still on May. Turned to July and there is a beautiful picture of Hidey. Yes, our miracle bird had been a pleasure this year. You're right Jim, it just seems right. I think our Palmer had her own guardian angel.

hedgie said...

Got an email from an unknown 4th cousin real cousin has been communicating with her about our genealogy records. Lives in Australia. Wanted a copy of my file, so had to make a couple of notes and email that to her.

Lolly said...

That is really neat, Lynn.

Yep, we are keeping an eye on the storm headed to the gulf. You might know!

hedgie said...

Time to rustle up some grub... this eagle dudette is getting hungry....have fasting blood work in the morning so probably won't get to eat again for 15 hrs. or so!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, do you have an alternative plan? I would certainly go SOMEWHERE and I'll bet you would too! Can't keep a good woman down;)

I haven't listened to or watched a weather forcast in ages, so I don't know about a pending storm.

Lolly said...

No, we have no other plans. Just keeping an eye on the weather. If we have a rainy day we will go to Corpus Christi to the aquarium. Just will have to wait and see. Have had the cabin at Pioneer reserved since last Oct. Very popular. But, if it is a BIG storm, we would have to get off the island.

Off to cook dinner.

TJ said...

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't stopped by for a while. Been extremely busy, but do try to skim through post on a somewhat regular basis. So I see that Palmer may have flown the coop? Have there been any reports of her still in the area?

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Had a long and frustrating day. Dinner is over and I am so tired. Walking is not a good thing -- pain is not a good thing.

Speaking of pain, Paula, so very happy Ajay is home. Hoping she will take care and mend quickly. I know her children are happy to have her home.

Looks like everyone has had a good day with no major mishaps.

Shirley, I vote for Wanda's options -- too hilarious to imagine.

Jo, please enjoy the b____ and Lolly, please enjoy your vacation.

Lynn, have good test results tomorrow.

I'm going to go read for a bit. I'll try to get back to say goodnight.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi TJ, it's been awhile! Hope you and family are doing well.

No ground reports, but Palmer was last seen in the nest on Thursday morning for a few minutes. Also, I believe Liberty ate a fish all by himselft in the nest on Saturday, so we think she has flown the coop. No sounds or sights of Palmer or parents since that last visit by Liberty.

TJ said...

Hi Paula. The family is doing very well. My oldest just turned 4 on the 15th. Had a big b-day party for him on Saturday. Things have been a little hectic lately, for our family is also expanding. Due to have our fifth child around mid September. They might induce about three weeks early, since my wife's blood pressure has been going up steadily with this pregnancy. If they do, that would put our twin boys and this newest addition not even 10 months apart. My head has been spinning lately...very stressful!

hedgie said...

TJ----so good to "see" you!! We were trying to think of your name, and all I could think of was Jamie....sorry!! How is everything in MO and how are all your little ones? NO sign of Palmer in nearly a week on cam....if anyone on campus has seen her, they haven't shared the word.

TJ said...

Hi Hedgie, the boys are doing great! I think they try their absolute best to wear me out every night, lol! My wife took them to their grandparents tonight. Been extremely hot here in MO. The humidity is aweful! As far as our eagles...empty nests. All except one have fledged, and that nest is due to start fledging any day now.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult our nest, snuck in on me..getting ready to fly out.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Wow, TJ, you and your wife are going to have your hands full! I know how busy those kids can keep you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody. We just had a parent in the nest! Beautiful to see! How are you?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will be going to Bluefield this weekend for my 30-year class reunion. Really excited about it.

TJ said...

Paula, you can say that again! This newest one wasn't exactly "planned". Don't get me wrong, my wife and I are EXTREMELY excited, it just took a little while to wrap our heads around it. We definitely planned to stop at four, lol!

hedgie said...

TJ, are you hoping for a little girl??
My mom and sis have also had your weather in St. L have we back east! Terrible year in the weather department.

hedgie said...

Paula, was it Lib or Belle---or too much Boris activity to tell?
Hey, your weekend will be lots of fun. My Carolyn had her 20th weekend before last and loved every minute----except for all the hard work she and only a handful of others put into it.

hedgie said...

TJ, Glo up in Quad Cities, has told us how much their population has decreased. And we've read some articles, too.....did you find that on your spring count?

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure which one Lynn...I sort of want to say Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope it's a healthy one, TJ.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

wow, where DOES all my time go anymore!

Put tonight's monarch pictures on my blog. Eating me out of milkweed, those little buggers!

Lynn, turtle at Irvine has laid a clutch! Very complicated reproductive system in the wild. The female can hold sperm for a long time before laying the eggs. Hard to tell when, after mating, the clutch might actually be laid! But I sure hope you get some babies!

Glad to hear Ajay is home! Hope she's feeling well!

TJ...hello and congrats!


Heading for the shower....

TJ said...

Hedgie, we were SO HOPING for a little girl, but we are having another little boy! I truely feel sorry for my wife! A house full of six males!!! My boys are EXACTLY like me when I was a child, and that is not always a goog thing, lol! FULL...OF...ENERGY!!! I am planning on sending her to Cancun for a vacation with her sisters and some girlfriends for a surprise new-year's vacation. I just hope she agrees to go, as our newest one will only be about 4 months old! Believe me, she DESERVES it and needs it!!!

hedgie said...

TJ, the most important thing is that the baby is healthy! But yeah, your wife is outnumbered big time! She deserves that trip---what a great hubby you are. Between you and the boys and her sisters and friends, she won't be able to say NO! Or....just don't take no for an answer! LOL---just make sure she comes home.

hedgie said...

Lynne, could she possibly NOT lay until spring from this mating??
Were you at Irvine today?

Costume Lady said...


Judie said...

Back again, briefly.

Hi TJ. Congratulations. What a nice surprise you have planned for your wife. Be sure to let us know when baby arrives, please.

I am ready to go in search of the sandperson. So, turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in, going back the hall, to the tub, shower, or just stumbling around in the dark. I'm sure Andy will set our alarm for us.

Sleep well, Ajay.

Prayers for Kaily, Chrissy, Delphia, Karen, Dana and all others in need.

hedgie said...

Hey,Soul Sister!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I got laptop working.

Getting ready to see what Sharon gets all excited about. TRAIN !!

TJ said...

Hedgie, we in my department are not involved in any counts, and I have not heard of any official numbers, as of yet. Ornithology isn't what I specialize in. I do, however, have a background in it and have an extreme appreciation for birds of prey, especially the bald eagle. My job involves many hours in the field, and I will go out of my way to gather any info I can with regards to our local pairs so I can pass that info along to those in our department who need it.

As to a declining number this year, I have heard reports of that, but like I said, nothing official. I would venture to say that out numbers here in mid-mo have increased, at least with breeding pairs. We don't have many, but of those, a few are not reported upon. Those few are in sucluded areas on private land, and we go out of our way to keep those hush hush! Large birds of prey quite often can be targeted by poachers, so we try to draw as little attention to these nests as possible!

wvgal_dana said...

I like them they are good.

magpie said...

Whoa had a time getting here

the chicks at Finney's are putting on a nice show...leg rings pretty visible and they are wingersizing around the nest a lot

Good Evening Eagle Pals..guess I better read backwards and see what's up !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love my fellers! LOL! And Jimmy does look a lot like Howie but Jimmy has the best smile!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie I'll have to talk to you about my ripe off of my laptop.
Received it this AM and been on with just about everyone. Fix it myself just awhile ago. THIS STILL IS NOT MY COMPUTER !!!!!

Next time I will go through Dell.

This one is warped! Not happy at all.

Hedgie if you can call me tomorrow please. ty

bye haven't eaten dinner yet

hedgie said...

TJ---sorry, I was confused. Thought that you had helped someone with a count along a river....oops, my bad as the kids today say!

hedgie said...

Judie---did you go to Lowe's? Is that the walking you did today, and did you find anything?

Dana, glad you got the laptop back in service! Know you are relieved.

magpie said...

reading a lot of activity here today....even though not so many comments...and wow, an adult eagle sighting....

Judie - you might be gone but maybe you will return....
sure hope, your pain disappears and you can get to like walking again....(( hugs )) for you

and very glad to hear your daughter-in-law is home now Paula - prayers for good healing and recovery

magpie said...

how neat to hear from you TJ... and what a lot of news ! Congratulations, and best wishes and prayers for no more complications during the last stages of the pregnancy

and what a totally neat idea about that winter vacation in CanCun

TJ said...

Gotta go all. The boys just came running in. Don't want to leave anyone hanging, but they need my undivided attention! Will try to log on at lunch tomorrow and make sure to reply to anyone who may have been posting while I was getting out of here. And yes, I will let you all know when the baby arrives. Have a good night!

magpie said...

you can't be old enough to be having a 30-year reunion! ☺

a little scrunched for time here..
want to say
my "usual" good to read of the good and happy news of my friends here...

and the troubles, hoping that they ease up by morning's light, if not before...

magpie said...

I really liked your comment that you posted at 3:56

and Lolly just WHAT is that Parker County Peach better than? LOL

TJ said...

O.K., one quick reply. Hedgie, I do help out with a local "count", but it's nothing official and it is done by plane, mostly checking on existing nests and looking for new ones. Two new nests this year that I know of!

Gotta go! Bye all!

magpie said...

Dana -
bummer about the computer and the animal drama around your place :(

Lynn....will you or Carolyn be able to sleep tonight? waiting on news on the 911 job?

Today, we had a call regarding an ugly confrontation between separated spouses (both in their
60's) and property and all that...I kept asking whoever was making the most noise in the background (which included adult males and adult stepchildren) to be put on the phone....just trying to defuse things...wanted to cry when it was all over....
when will people just stop bothering people???

magpie said...

Thank you ever so much for your careful attention to the Birthday notifications ! It is really a great service....

magpie said...

can't really venture to the Mockingbird links...still a little fragile electronically here, but i must say my neighborhood mockingbird/s
are very interesting songsters and I think they are pretty well-behaved
the variety of birds they imitate is awesome

Lolly and Jack
sure will be hoping and praying that the weather will be great for your vacation

hedgie said...

AHA!! TJ, I did remember right----just didn't realize that it wasn't part of your job!!! G'night. Get those boys tucked in!

hedgie said...

Margy---it's going to be a tense night and morning for sure. Being busy will help---blood work , get some breakfast, and then hair apptmt. at lunch time!
I just keep wondering how people let things escalate so badly. Guess because I never grew up around arguing....which of course didn;t help me much later in life. My ex literally beat me up with words cause I didn't know how to fight back.

hedgie said...

And I couldn't believe the way his father talked to his mother, or the way his brothers talked to her. At least he respected her.

magpie said...

this one was particularly surprising because of the age of the participants, Lynn.....

I'm glad all that awfulness is behind you...I'm sorry to hear of it

Mom Finney in the nest with the chicks now

magpie said...

I talked with Wanda earlier...
about tomatoes!
She has given me the go ahead to test drive one of the tomatoes...until I can catch up with her...though I am saving a good one for her and Gene...
it will feed quite a few people!
Neighbor upstairs (the gardening gloves guy) got a tomato also

I better play it safe and say Good Night NOW to everyone...

really praying for wellness and physical and spiritual comfort and peace

and for good things to come tomorrow

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

OMG----was just watching an old MTV video of Air Supply---a gal in the audience looked just like Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

After eating dinner I then went over to my son's for the evening. Just got back and see I missed TJ and to think that we were just trying to remember him a few evenings ago.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm getting here quite late again. Am so very sleepy! Hubby is too--we're not sure why. Need to go back and read today's posts so I know what's happening, but too tired, really.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RAGDOLL/DEB!!!! Hope today has been really special for you!

Judie, I think your sandperson has been hanging out at my house today!

Dana, have had some critter drama at my place, too. Last night, while I was at school, one of the Cooper's Hawks swooped down into our back yard, and Hubby thinks they snagged a sparrow! Felt bad for the poor sparrow, but Cooper's Hawks need to eat, too. Just hope that if the hawk does catch something in the future, that I don't see it happen.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have been in the kitchen all evening. After dinner I had a sauce to make for our trip and then I got two loaves of banana nut bread into the oven. Glad to be sitting down.

Great to hear from TJ. Wow! 5 boys four and under. Can you imagine feeding that crew when they are teenagers. His wife should get a trip every year! LOL

We wish your famiy the best TJ! Wish I was getting a new one in the family...sigh. I think my three grandsons are it!

Lolly said...

Margy, bless you! Dealing with that drama today would have been draining.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, since I'm about to do a face plant on my keyboard, think I'll call it a night. Will hopefully be a bit perkier in the morning!

Prayers said for everyone, especially those in need of healing.
The night light is on, and so is the porch light. The eye scanner security is enabled, and so is your thumbprint security scanner, Dana!

Sleep well, with sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you guys! :o]

Lolly said...

I had my little tv on in the kitchen as I cooked. Saw Train and could not help but smile and think of Sharon. Choo! Choo!

hedgie said...

Good news on FB from Sissy. Little Kailey is doing so well that her Grandma (Dawn) FINALLY gets to hold her!!!! What a thrill for her....that baby NEEDS a grandma's arms!

Hope Shirley is winning her bridge game. Is that polite in your own house?? LOL!

Goodnight, Margy and Andy. Sleep well....z-z-z-z-z.

Lolly said...

Funny Annie story....

Annie was driving us up the wall with her crying. She wanted out!!!However, Jack sprayed the lawn for grubs this morning, so until it is washed off we did not want to let her out. Finally I suggested he get the vacuum cleaner, which she HATES, run it and park it by the back door. It worked! She ran off and have not seen or heard her since. Cruel!

hedgie said...

Wanda, who is Toot-Toot???

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, Shirley is doing the wine and shrimp thingy at bridge tonight...hope they all enjoy it!

Wow, TJ, 5 boys...sorry you didn't get your girl, but you will have lots of DIL's!! And what a sweetheart you are for sending your wife on a vacation!

Glad to hear your eagle count is up! Please stop by soon!

magpie said...

about to turn off the last machine here...

but found two ospreys at Finland....
been a long time

magpie said...

boat is whizzing by and both Os flew out

Lolly said...

Not much on the Lily and Hope update. They are still together and foraging.

magpie said...

That IS a funny story Lolly...
and that sounds like some good chow ....would have made my hungry BUT I had a tomato sandwich with one of the Big Brandywines...
I do have the first true Brandywine in cold storage for Wanda....ceremonially, the FIRST one...

Saying good night for real...
take care everyone...

love to all of you

Lolly said...

Hope and Lily

Mema Jo said...

I am very tired - no aches and pains - just tired. I hope Ajay gets a sound sleep tonight in her own bed!

Back the hallway I go.....
Off to beach tomorrow early afternoon..
Prayers for all - wish someone would contact us about Karen... Great news about Kailey... Hope Loretta's friend is better... I pray for all of you my friends!
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, you and Jack are such mean cat parents....NOT! LOL!

Lolly said...

Yeah, we are mean parents! Discussed what are we going to do at 6 in the morning when she starts crying. Think she is going into the garage! Sprinkler is running in the morning and that should wash off the grass.

Heading to bed. Up early in the morning to mow.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Jo. I'm sure you can't wait to get to the B____. Check the trunk---Megan might be there!!

Good conjecturing about Hope and her real answers since they have little to compare her to. She is 6 mos. old tomorrow! Where does the time go?

I bet Ajay will sleep like a baby in her own bed!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Hope is 6 months old...time sure does fly.

I hope Ajay sleeps well too...I have held off calling, I know they are busy...will try to call tomorrow.

Night all!

Hugs to all♥

stronghunter said...


Read back as far as I could. I see that you heard from TJ and they're having another little boy.

I thing George is mad at me. He was shut in my bedroom while the bridge ladies were here. He jumped up on the recliner beside me, but when I patted him, he bit me in his George way, which is not hard enough to break the skin, but hard enough. He is still frowning at me.

Some of my friends are cat lovers, but not all of them. George likes to find those who are not cat lovers and pester them.

Lots of other good reading on here.

I have shrimp and wine left over. Come on over tomorrow, and I will break it out!

I am going to say good night and join Judie in searching out the sandperson.

stronghunter said...

That's I think George is mad at me.

stronghunter said...

But he should not be; he got a treat after the ladies left.

No, I did not win, but didn't come in last, either.

hedgie said...

I will close for the night, and be back sometime tomorrow. Blood work in the AM, hair apptmt. at 12:30...not a leisurely day!
Prayers and peace.

Costume Lady said...

LYNN...Toot-Toot is our Birthday Girl, Jillian. When she was born, there was a rift between her two families and at that time Gene said he didn't want anyone messing with HIS granddaughter...then, along came the song: "Dont Mess with my Toot-Toot"...that is how Gene came to call her that:) He found a little train with Toot-Toot printed on it and bought it for her. It is still in our Nursery!

Costume Lady said...

GG STORY: She told me that after I left her Monday, she went out on her porch and sat on her glider. Eventually, fell asleep and didn't wake up until 10pm. She didn't realize where she was and had to use the bathroom...ended up in her yard. She said she saw a bright light shining on her and it was the moon...then, she realized where she was. She then went into the house, used the bathroom, made some toast with Denise's home-made apricot jam and went to bed...slept the rest of the night:)

Today, she got her new boobs...she is now a Happy Camper. She says she feels pretty:) She kept looking at her profile in the mirror and told the sales girl that she did a good job;)


wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning to ALl on this Thursday.

Sounds like many will not be on blog...right leave me just as I get things working lol

Everyone going to a place of rest, fun and WATER...B and vacations have FUN and ENJOY.
I'll get there again one day.

Not happy with my uneven keyboard on my very short time NEW someone else's. Found out they were told I DROPPED the laptop. Which I DID NOT!

Anyhow what else is
happens and I guess it is just my turn.

Really like the thumb printer sure helps cause my eyes are never right anymore.

Oh yes I have to call comcast and tell them I fixed the computers. Don't send out the technician.

Prayers for Ajay, Kailey (glad grandma gets to hold her), Carolyn good results for those going to drs.and others.

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day and for all good things to come your way today, Eagle Pals...and for all your families and friends too

time to scram...already !

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Have been watering plants this morning. I've set the timer for tree watering. My recently planted butterfly bush is next. It looks very thirsty.

Judie, I hope you have a better day today and are able to walk pain-free.

Dana, I love mockingbirds, too. They are feisty little things aren't they? As the book says, "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird." That's because they do not do anything to harm us, but they do put on a wonderful performance if they think we're threatening their homes or children.

I don't think anyone has been seriously injured in a mockingbird attack. Not unless you fall over your feet while running away!

stronghunter said...

The house next door just went up for sale. I did not know they were planning to move, but there are 5 children in what is probably a 3-bedroom house, so it has to be crowded. It's a nice family I've enjoyed, and I will hate to see them go. The children have been good playmates for Hunter when he is visiting.

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed your funny Annie story, Lolly. Most animals are terrified of the vacuum cleaner. The first dog we had, a German shepherd called Ingrid, thought she should attack the vacuum, though. My husband thought it was funny. I did not and cured it by turning around and chasing her with the vacuum. That instilled the proper fear.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sitting here giggling, Shirley, thinking of you chasing the dog with the vacuum cleaner. ☺

Your shutting up George last night made me think of another cat story.

We were members of an aquarium society. Jack got into aquariums big time, once upon a time. Anyway, we were having a meeting at our house and I had put coats on a bed in the front bedroom. Time to go, I gathered the coats, and there was Ah So, our Siamese cat asleep on a fur coat. Yikes! To make matters worse, that lady claimed to be allergic to cats! She never knew about Ah So on her coat and Jack and I giggled about it, as we did NOT like that lady. Shame on us!!

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday to Hope, our favorite little black bear cub! Six months old today!

Lolly said...

I am off to mow. Need to go wake Jack first. lol Annie woke me, meowing in my face. Jack was sleeping on his good ear and slept right through it. Grrrr!

Have a great day!

Mits said...


Mits said...

It's July 22, 2010........

HAPPY 12TH BIRTHDAY, GIANT PANDA, MEI XIANG:), who lives at the Smithsonian National Zoo.

Mits said...

from BWO's site

Photographer Bob Quinn just posted some beautiful new photos from the Refuge, including this amazing close-up of our three cam chicks.

Mits said...

awesome pictures, Bob, as usual.

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning! I see Lisa beat me to the punch. Photos are here:

BW Photos

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Mits!

Mits said...

Bob, I always look forward to your pictures, every year when I am here at the beach, keep saying I will swing by there, but every year the heat...just keeps me here...if the weather breaks might swing by next week, would like to see the o's before they start their long journey

Costume Lady said...

Does BOB ever take anything but GREAT pictures?:)

stronghunter said...

Box Turtles

Interesting information, though whoever wrote this doesn't get an A in spelling!

Costume Lady said...

BOB, you have to get up pretty early to beat LISA and MITS to the punch;)

stronghunter said...

Other critters as well. I tried to limit it to the turtle part, but it did not work out that way. Hope you aren't too freaked out by baby pythons.

stronghunter said...

Love the pictures, Bob. Thank you for sharing them.

NatureNut said...

A quick Good Morning to all.
Couldn't get on last night---worked late, ate something late, and chilled!
Good news that Ajay came home and nice to see TJ paid a visit w/baby news!!!!
Guess from what I've read, no Palmer--I'm so glad we got to see her in June. I will cherish those pictures ☺
Lolly, as your trip approaches, are you towing the submarine?????You could check for oil.
Don't know much new news about our WV friend, Nita. Today they will do a "dye" test to check blood vessels. She may have a narrowing somewhere. Her hubby is bad on relaying med stuff, so we'll just have to wait & pray.She feels good & is ready to come home & he's a wreck!
Well, it's day off, so you know what that means~~~~an aannual Dr. appt!!!Gotta get ready----BBL

stronghunter said...

Your kitty probably felt kinship with the fur coat, Lolly. Funny story.

paula eagleholic said...








Judie said...

Looks like a new thread. Come on over, y'all.

hedgie said...

Good morning all.
THis has been a messed up one for me. Overslept---til after 8! Rarely dream but had a bad one last night that woke me up and had a hard time getting back to sleep---I killed a kid on a sled in the snow....and I DON'T DRIVE in snow anymore!!! Rushed to the blood test center. Got home to find that stoopid neighbor has moved dogs 30 ft. closer to my property line and back far enough that my fence doesn't hide guess I'll have to add more fence. Hair apptmt. in a little over an hour. I'm TIRED!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...